Video 92
88. Shanti Gita - Class 88 - Review - Swami Sarvadevananda
foreign [Music] foreign [Music] oh Lord lead us from the unreal to the real lead us from Darkness to light lead us from death to immortality whenever more shine in our hearts with your resplendent face on peace peace peace be unto us all so we were studying the santikita recapitulating the verses so it is chapter one where started the other day when this this shantikita started the first chapter of it and so I will not repeat again but the what we read is this that in the observing of Georgian overwhelmed because he has lost his son Bobby Manu he was killed in the war on the 13th day of the war a woman was killed and as a result it was a disaster in the that original felt so despondent he lost all interest so that time he came to Krishna again and Krishna advised the spiritual wisdom and bhagavan started with this in the verse number one was that with grief the son of women was killed then Lord comforted him with such Awakening words but they said bhagavan said Kings you are lamenting oh my dear friend partho I have told you we have forgotten all that what I taught you see you it is surprising that you have been you are stripped into the ocean of pain and suffering and bereavement you have forgotten all the lesson I have given to you know all our delusion all our suffering comes because that which is Maya you think it to be real my came you know you are the awakened Soul diroshi you are all intelligent person right understanding man of right understanding be happy by giving up your bereavement the lamentation foreign thinking that to be true they are to be permanent there to be unchanging and mamata but but your to your mind your heart is now Bound in the bound of mamata me and mine affection attachment why it is happening because you think you are the body and that's why it is this all these relationship and that's why you are suffering so much you should not suffer you should be always free because you are the ever free Soul so you should not be like that which he read last time what he did how far I think from 50 will start foreign [Music] who are you tongue who are you and cotton jatam jata but you are where are you born because who is your child who is your son and who is your relative how you have been entangled yourself in this identification of this attachment law of affection in the Name of Love and Affection you are thinking the outside body of the child body of the son but it is not you have to understand he's talking to original not like us Ordinary People you will say it is what you do do what no my son is dead and he is giving me this advice suppose if Ordinary People listens to this they will say what type of teacher is that no sympathy for me no and he's just brushing out all these things your son is Maya why are you reading this what type of advice where is the consideration for anyone suffering and pain no vedanta is established on the truth it doesn't it doesn't it just presents the truth in direct sense so he says as a consequence of your identifying the cell Capital with this small body as this is the body you have become a deluded and entangled with the idea of me and mine and then not only me and mind and taking the objects of this terrible illusory world to be real so you think these are all real real real and thinking that real thinking you are real this body is real your mind is real and this relationship everything relationship is where in the mind people can connect with other person with mind people this is disassociate with the other person in the mind you know day to day life look at that where our mind is that we get attached when the mind is not that you are not not so therefore think bit seriously that just analyze only for a moment who are you just this eternal question who are you just Analyze That how are you born and who is your own son or your family how did you get entangled in their love and affection how many lifetimes we have borne and we have some relationship and we have always cried and we've looked at the whole world world what is the picture of our past and present today's life as I am leading is my life but I can see this all through the life we only yesterday seeing the life of the dolphins huh so that they have life and they lived a life and they also cry they also weep so how many times you whipped and cried lost and lost we thought we have lost our friend primarily and then we thought no no no no again we get entangled into another relationship then we get again Life After Life display this drama is going on and why it is happening not your fault but is it because of the impact impact of art again foreign he says that Maya Obama because you identification of your Devo I am the body fundamental mistake is I am the body I am the body then he is mine is not mine I love him he is not my favorite his favorite is not favorite his be good he's bad all me who resonates with my mind he's my friend who does not resonate with me he's an enemy all related to me and mine my house my building my room my money my priest is my name my education my equality I Me Mine foreign abasa we have no we are helplessly we are drawn into the Maya sucked into the Maya and because of under the influence the impact of Maya sarvang Jiva all these jivas individual though they are all Brahman they are all free we are all free but we think we are bound again being identified with this body naturally mind is also another body subtle body causal body three bodies this gross body anything happens pinches in the body I feel suffering anyone says a strong word I have heart I wounded how can I say like that this is a destroyed my peace all day he said such a rap god to man who is sitting in the back I wire sitting I cannot see your face meditating move another seat okay that's also me and mine Karima you're letting somebody move another side I like to see your face yeah understand so after such a long day okay this is because identification what is the net result we are experiencing varied types of suffering emotional suffering intellectual suffering ego egocentric suffering physical suffering look at that our in every level in the five level of our existence no we are suffering suffering suffering suffering but I don't suffer for you your your body is also body it happens to me then we glorify you know I suffer so much there is nobody in the world suffers like me I have this disease that disease no one suffers like but you go the whole world how many people are suffering in how many ways but I am not concerned about that when I am little headache then I say my suffering is so big but other suffering there on the death bed no some some are suffering so much so physical suffering in the physical body emotional suffering intellectual suffering intellectual suffering two intellectual people they suffer very much they are very jealous of each other he what what he says he does not understand that's I understand more or I try to refute that argument with this and that there's a conflict that's why Buddha said give up okay if I go to details then I will not finish the book okay no so all according to bhagavan Krishna in the shanti-gita says foreign but it brings pain it brings suffering so don't be a test but love everyone but don't be attached that's a very strong word you love will be profound but there will be no attachment that's the example of the lotus sleep and the water sleep but it does not stick there in the upanishad there is there is like you know they they when when the horses they roll their body in the sand no so much sand in the body no but when this tent stood up and shake their body all the things drop away you know so live in the world like that but it let it not stick into the identification level so this is the in the net teaching of bhagavad-gita also foreign [Music] is not real what this wrong cell is not real just I felt hunger and I ate and just I feel angry somebody didn't miss me already song all songs are osara you are thinking it is to be true in reality it is all false and you are feeling your happiness that is also a feeling it's not real when you get favorable and unfavorable condition happiness misery comes but it's not real how can I accept it logically we should accept it logically true now when you are awake all the experience Awakening experience suffering and joy you are really feeling joy and suffering but thoroughly we are feeling suffering and joy someone is sleeping now he's not feeling the suffering and joy Suppose there is a earthquake or something but one is in a go to a hospital and then operation and he has been put to anesthesia and anesthesia still in the anesthesia mood he will not feel the world where this earthquake or fire or rain or anything has happened is this real then to him no it's not real he may be dreaming he may be in dream world or maybe sleeping in his sleep world see if it is real it should be real for everyone all the time 24 hours but who is who is identity waking state to dream state dream state to sleep State sleep state to dream state dream state to quaking state so what is true that's why janaka said if you accept this is true that is also true if you feel this is true then dream also true but how can we do true to two things cannot be truth is only one so it does not stand the argument time space condition it is everything is happening in time space and condition at night 12 o'clock I am sleeping this world is gone for me and and I may be dreaming I may be in another level I may go to dakshineswar I can go to or where I can go to hell also mentally Mental Health see someone is chasing you us how many you are running for life and someone has got a very violent picture may come in your dream or a noble picture it can come in your dream so this is all pictures how can you say it is real but how much do you say I know that I am this how much you say but I know I am the body yeah so that's why this book to read we have to background check is very necessary background checking whether it's go for a job they do your background check but in vedanta one does the background check background check is that those who are purified by long spiritual practice with prayer selfless work charity loving others sacrificing for others make the mind pure and this truth will be revealed in the pure heart so that background is necessary it is to hear about this truth is always useful but more importantly it will be useful if we can at the background work devotion selfless work and other things now it was [Music] it is not one day it is not you today this song is going on thousands and thousands billions of years history stars galaxies coming going destroying into black hole coming out this is happening all the time this whole Cosmos is going on and for time immemorial this this type of happening is going on immemorial not in this life now I am thinking this is real from births and births and births in the past we always thought this world is real the survival skill fight a survival of defeated survival of the loudest survival of the so all these philosophy have come and you look at the life animal world that survival of the loudest fittest strong strong Will Survive weak will go away but this identification I want to protect myself and that started from there itself and now still I want to protect but I which I not our eternal life we are not careful about or eternal life we are thinking of the more of this material eye so this is the problem is in the uh captured by this snare of self-love from the beginning last time in Jiva individual soul the individual soul captured by the snare of self-love small self this this monster not a big cell big self you are free from bondage when he loved fall in love with big self capital is then you are free that's called Atman that's called God that's called Divine but we are not concerned about we are concerned about this protecting this five feet four inches height and this how much body weight and two eyes and these years this personality we are concerned about that and and a mind residing in that the mental condition of that intellectual condition of that so from the beginning let's time Jiva the individual soul captured by the snare of Love is deluded thinking everything is real in this confusing ordeal of our worldly existence so same principle giving old garment throw away and take a new garment so a person restores to Delight new home abandoning the old one so one person dead means that body is whole body okay get a fresh body who does not like that to you get a good car fresh new car from the shop and and you have to abandon your old car should not cry for that because I am not losing the body but I am getting another another body this body is old 80 years old engine is running wrong so it should be discarded and you get a new engine and its plan that's the planning I will get one Mercedes Benz or I'll get one electric car I'll get one this whatever is your planning no so and that that is joyful because you know this has become old so you are getting a new exchange so new exchange when you know then you should not cry so he says a person restored resorts to Delight new home abandoning the old one in a similar manner an individual soul takes up a delightful new body giving up the own out old body so you are thinking your son is lost he has given up his whole body if he wants to have another body he will have impress new body start new start but if he does not become one with God then not to come back again will be turned so no loss in both ways nothing is lost in either way not lost he's the old engine new engine you get and you can write that car very well because you're freshen you and otherwise if you don't want any engineer and you are tuned to God concerned absolute to yourself then you need not to believe you are born again so leaving the body is not a big issue the attitude behind that is this very very philosophical questions with the change of the condition of the body absence of the earlier or previous state also becomes absent therefore there remains no trace of the earlier state of the body in the matured state so this body in the mature state does not stay [Music] as because you achieve one state to the another state so now this is the childhood State the child personality of all of us we don't find it here now but we are all child one time the childhood state of our is not seen in the advanced Advent of the youth youth has become now what in our present taste where is the youth find out the youth in it they're gone they are gone so what we are talking about is a flow of change we are taking it to be a a reality a real existence I I therefore I think I'm the same guy I am not the same guy every body of every age every year every second we are changing that we cannot understand but if we look back five years before you take a picture of your say five years before and now 10 years before and now you're young when 20 years and now see what the difference where that body go are you crying for that body where is my childhood no one cries for that so why are you crying now this body is gone it's going all the time it is going away understand this point that is shaking that we cry for our physical death of this body but which death you are not crying why are you not crying when your childhood day's body is gone your youthful body they that body is no more available so why don't you cry then is talking all those things but bring the body we are talking about what we are thinking of the body level we don't where we think that we are lost when the body goes that's the point so why don't you cry every day my yesterday's body was good buddy today is a little drowsy body so you should cry for that and when I was very young and I was looking beautiful now you see my wrinkle has come why are you done crying for that cry try to make it make up all these things but back everybody so that's the point the childhood state of the body is not seen with the advancement of the youth because the body must undergo change that is the rule of the body when a new state is attained so it is always changing so we should not then cry for the when the this physical body goes away because my earlier body has gone away that time I didn't cry 20 years party 21 years buddy 22 years every year here you counted if that's it someplace in the internet you find that they so they from childhood to the death the picture of a baby born how he's crawling and then he's standing half then he's moving he's becoming young and then moving moving moving moving and then he'll become old and he's dead so this change happened with me every day of all of us but we are not crying because those states are gone so similarly this day this present state will also go why to cry rationally but rationality one thing the emotion is another thing head and heart so hate can understand but hard not but the heart is to be purified so that hidden heart will work simultaneously and then they will be the they'll be happy then some implementation and he used to talk about is to say ah this body I everyday meditate you know he meditates what he meditates he meditation is when the body will go and I meditate that this body will be in the pile and it will be in the fire and this body then will turn into ashes this body begin the old days he's to say body is becoming too much burdened too much trouble so it will have its punishment and I'll be happy to see this body is burning for him he's not a fear death is his joy to him because he thinks it's the right perspective I told you before he was the Swami of Sacramento he is called the scent of sage of Sacramento people devotees of sacrament to say like that he just says of sacrament so before his death is when his body is failing he prepared one stretcher measuring his height length this is that and called a carpenter and and he went to prepare so he is thinking he said that when I'll die put this body on that so imagine how how much will be the length bread people will fight him to think that I'll die and I am cladding for that and he made that stretcher and kept in his closet every day he will get up as a mind that is the thing waiting for you that will be the last your your journey will end in the stretcher they will take it into the cremation gown so so this is the question this is the physical thing it has come from the physical five elements it remained into the five elements a way to cry but who is the person inside who is enjoying this he comes and goes and that is the Jiva so you don't lose anything so you should not cry that's at that point 12 verse just looking at a person who has known previously cannot be recognized only through the subtle belief of the intellect one will be able to resolve that this person is very busy that person no when you see many years passed just looking at a person who I know before suddenly you see so much changes you cannot recognize even something suppose you are reading after 50 years you see somebody who has changed and become so much physically different no it happens some becomes very thin maybe sick or somebody who has added weight and this and that so be really you cannot be recognized but you can recognize it only to settle the belief of the intellect you don't even believe your intellect oh the picture looks like that and it is this with the understanding from the intellectual level and your previous Impressions then you can resolve that this person is barely the same old person no foreign therefore you give up your lamentation because with Advent of the Youth of the body one does not see the Boyhood state his son's father neither lemons or wish because of the change in a similar manner oh dear friend Arjuna this tries migration that means the attainment of another body is like that therefore thinking deeply conquer your grip it is just how to get out of the grip attachment is saying that you take live in the life be an observer do your duties wholeheartedly at the same time knowing that it is a changing face it moves on and on you go to the bridge and under the bridge there is a river you see the same river but it is not the same river the same water it is has gone when when you see one minute before that river water has moved to another place by our ignorance we can say oh this is the same ganga the same or any other river in the world no so apparently the flow goes on the person sees the same but everything is changing so what is not changing focus on that and what is changing is inevitable there's a plan of creation inevitable if no one can stop this this change is a part of our existence see we have started our class at seven uh 30 at least 40 minutes almost is coming we have changed do we know everything is changed the hair has become little bigger you don't understand how big micro the sales how many sales was replaced and died and so so many things are happening but we don't understand that see that we think that I am the same guy who started the class and class is ending I am going we are all changing so why to focus on the change why not do the unchanging so that is the call of vedanta and that is the teaching of Krishna here foreign if it is unchanging Focus that changing it will die what's the fear however my ego identification with this changing thing automatically otherwise you cannot do that just thinking that this body is changeless that will not do focus should be on the unchanging aspect of the self what is the muhammadam that idea I am this body not I am not the body I am the Atman so not the body so let it go I don't care for it and this going every moment I don't care for it so this focus is automatic this is the end result of this many long time analytical process falling follow-up of the analytical process whatever you are observing the world that you are seeing is existing in the appearance only it appears everything appears no very very realistic we live in Daily in delusion we are sitting in the temple now or head straight we are straight people okay and this is my favorite example you take the think of the Earth globe and you put Hollywood there how you are sitting are you sitting straight think of the American map of America and put Hollywood and there which angle you are sitting someone is sitting like that all the time and thinking that I am straight we are walking like this I think I am straight so all delusion looking at the sun sun rising sun does not rise Earth is rotating everything is confusion but people say it is all real I am seeing this Stars Sun so big undoubtedly and see the whole day is clouded the cloud is only little this much sun is covered sun is called some is small so cloud is covered all opposite all delusion even forget about vedantic delusion if you analyze everything I see this is nothing this is a piece of piece of wood my micro level say it is a very small piece of wood break it break it break it go to the subatomic particle oh my God of it is it science is it true are you saying so or science is saying so is it delusion or is it not delusion where will you go we think this is big and this is small 50 says this is no small there it's all infinite with the Hicks boson particle go there and try to see what the scientists are saying where is that smallness then you create a small idea of small tiny and big this but in the big that's why vedantic realization comes Swami Vivekananda had that Vision experience and that but that is the imminent and the Transcendent is the same reality he was in The Institute what what he was in going in kakrihat kakrihat in mayawati Indian Himalayas he sat under the tree and started meditating and then he came out with an experience and understood he said that a great mystery was revealed before me today the diet is in the course macrocosm that is the microcosm micro and macro are the same there's only one reality what again the idea no so but for us there is small and big distinction right and wrong distinction so right and wrong is our own View light and darkness where is it is our conception where is darkness is there any darkness in the world lightweight maybe my eyes cannot catch that my range is this much beyond that I cannot see beyond this below that I cannot see so all the night animals they have that search for their food the whole night how to do if they don't see anything if there is no light always live in a world of Confusion And we take it to be so real it is everything I see I saw it before my eyes what you saw is every time you are seeing wrong so this is the different ways of looking at the truth so let me say Almighty arm the world that you see is existing in appearance only it is due to the latent impressions of previously acquired conviction of the intelligence your pre-pass stronger past Impressions that is the lens that's the Mind length of the mind and through that mind lens you are seeing that see in the same world we all look differently we all feel differently because we see through the lens of our mind everyone's mind is created because of the impact of my all past thoughts and karmas and everything that is mind is a built up thing and mind changes every day because of those past background or we are acquiring something new information with it and in 15 and 16 verses [Music] so one person is going in a street and found there is a stone and seeing that it's been a it is Jewel or it is a valuable and it's a good thing let me grab it and then he came back and found that is not the rajata it is not the gold it's not the precious thing but it is the only some appearance of that this is the way due to Greed one attempted to take the vaster cell that appears like silver no there's the old example they give is oyster cell and silver they look alike shining nature thereafter before his ignorance was destroyed he went to a different place upon his return there itself he saw the oyster cell as silver he was delighted with joy thinking that what had been seen before was silver it is due to the latent impression of the farm believe that has already formed in his mind from the previous experience but there is no silver in all the three years of time so like that you know the all the three times of the darkness when you are thinking that snake bite touching the Rope Rope snake examples are very standard example huh when you are crying process next next snake snake has beaten me see here here I feel the touch and people are going to hospital and then taking injection all these things and some intelligent man says why did it happen let us go and check it and they bring a flashlight and found what you find a rope is lying down the Rope was there rope is there rope was there and will be there but in between your mental frame mental ideas created a snake there and snake bite you got the snake bite and all the consequences you suffer only to know there is no snake was in your mind only that's why this whole world is in the mind this vedanta says therefore the body wife well children understands Orchard full of trees residence Orchard full of trees and garden house and house with a pathway lined with the trees on both sides all are imaginary like silver seen in the Oyster there is no trace of reality in them therefore therefore during deep sleep divisible Infinity Universe with all the objects stored in the mind are not there in the Susan no when you go to Deep Sleep state so you don't even you don't dream so where goes all your impression of this this universe or dream universe or your past experience all as you've lost it is not lost it has been just went into the dormant State into the mind so during the Deep Sleep State susupti the visibility Infinity University all the objects stored in the mind are we don't experience that it's not there the universe moving and non-moving objects appear in that mind when one wakes up in the same mind when it wakes up all the concept of the past is there Inside the Mind embedded and he experienced the world so it is said that is your mind is showing all these things that's why the theory of equals one Jiva one Jiva they say that there is no no one else but I it's very very difficult very high level ideas but we can think this way is it not you create your whole dream the dream in the dream who creates your dream you or somebody goes to create your dream no one goes to create your dream and in dream what you create you create yourself you create so many people you create the drama what will be enacted that dream you are the director you are the producer and then you then you play there and you caught into the trap a drama is such you are falling into trouble a tiger is attacking you who created your tiger how the tiger comes to attack you you are there and this attacking plan who has done that plan your mind has done the plan if you see everything your mind has the power to create the dream world so real and people come what is the meaning of the dream don't go to think about the meaning of the dream dream is your mind's projection so it is your mind has created in there don't try to find the meaning and spend your time for going into delving into the details this is not real so dream is also not real if you say this is real dream is also real so if this is real dream is real sleep is real God is real so every so many hundred reals no there is no 100 years therefore it is just discarded in the analytical path we discard everything that is only reality they are all fake so this is the concept during the day sleep susupti visible Universe infinite Universe with all the objects stored in the mind are not there this universe moving and non-moving objects appears in the mind when one wakes up and from the sleep no this universe perceived through the mind is not real existence alone 19 verse was there there was no other pretext or pretense before creation there is neither space nor even time neither five elements nor any product of these elements [Music] so there's nothing other than that reality reality foreign so like the snake appearing on a garden Maya appears as the world in that Brahman reality by the influence of Maya this existence appears in the form of this universe we see this world it is all Brahman and I see it as a world that is Maya so I thought that I'll finish it but it is nothing only 21 verse so now it is we can end here next day we'll read from the verse 21. um so we'll be tomorrow Wednesday my class no I will be here to read the gospel of Sri ramakrishna at 7 30 7 30 to 8 30. one question is coming a question is here my girlfriend is going to daksinessa Temple complex today which place you recommend she made it immediately at the temples yeah he asked her to there are not many places that they don't allow nowadays because it has been very restricted as I heard I didn't go last several years so people used to go to meditate on in the room where ramakrishna is to live people used to sit for if they allowed in the room meditating and then coming out as long as you like but they because too many people are going so they have now stopped allowing anybody to enter into his room but you can view the room through the door the same Arrangement is made where ramakrishna is the bigger Court smaller court so I do not know where they will allow you but if it not at least they will allow in front of the Mother kali's Temple it is a the temple has an annexed Hall so in the front of the hall you can sit there and can see the mother Kali and do Japan meditation they also I do not know whether they will allow the bell tree where ramakrishna did that sadhana of Tantra so that is another place of meditation is so pure you can meditate anywhere so it takes a while to actually go no in the mind the rule of ramakrishna they don't tell us no no that is not he's trying to meditate we have to meditate there will be that not only will be there big all in front of the temple oh yeah another question is it possible to learn and understand through reading books and listening to lectures it's possible to learn because it is intellectual knowledge but you need to practice this is good clearing in the mind from trying to understand but it will not stay it is only in the intellect so to make it a reality we should have to practice spirituality every day meditate pray all these other yogas we have to take the help of other yogas so that this understanding we can catch it intellectually we can sometimes say it is it makes sense but it makes sense does not mean I can do that no so it is to be practiced and the spiritual life is nothing but purification of the Mind if the purification mind is not purified so this this talk will be an intellectual talk that's why Sankara juices is the highest man of analytical philosophical everything to be analyzed analyze analyzer critical discrimination this is you can say in Flowery language explain this vedanta principle you can talk you can understand now your flow of words vocabulary is so beautiful that you can hear razi flowers are flowing like that in your speech people will be Charmed with your pitch it's not all okay you can quote is that that Pancho to see the airport and Western philosopher Eastern Village you can do everything where this will be up to if this is one type of fun and enjoyment people Ordinary People I get good ice cream I can enjoy in my turn they are philosophical people they find joy in intellectual debate and discussion that's that much is good Sankara says it is for Vogue it's for enjoyment intellectual enjoyment I did one hour intellectual debate with someone and I defeated them there is a story that when in our early days in as when your brahmachary is in near belur mat so there's a great scholar and he used to teach us with very great scholar all over India he's famous he's a professor of India in Calcutta University and he come and then he said I love to I will not be able to come to the class next time because I'll have to go to benarus then he says why are you going no I'll I'll I'm going there they have invited me to to have a debate philosophy and I am to speak on in the favor of Sanko and I see you are you are reading all the time teaching vedanta and your expert in vedanta and you are going for arguing in favor of sanku and defeating vedanta then he said smile and say wait let us see how it happens and actually wait and he established sanku is the highest philosophy see he's a he gives such agreement like the lawyers in the high court no it's a powerful lawyer they can give argument in such a way that you know there is a story that one lawyer was arguing and he's giving points just all the points on the side of the opponent opponent's point he says justifying and then the the client said Sam these are all going and opposite they are they will win the case and high will be ruined then he said oh if these are the opposite of opposite parties opinion then these are the arguments with nullifying one two three four five six that means that intellectually they're very so bright and intellectual they can really put argument to prove that this is the truth but here is the question yes spirituality is all practice day and night and there is also space for no you cannot do by your own effort God's grace is necessary love for God is necessary meditation is necessary selfless work is necessary all to purify the heart more and more and more then it will resonate when you read this it will resonate in your heart you'll feel that oh my God what a joy I I I know of some sadhus they used to live like that they take one verse and meditate on this type of bus take one verse you can spend one hour what is the problem in that just take one verse so practice is more important and then it will be a revealed truth and this is sages have experienced and it is again and again that's why it's called scientific vedanta is called very scientific because it is verified and verifiable it is verifiable I can verify but you have to follow the procedure you cannot take your own procedure and say this is the path will lead you to God if that may take you but it's not verified that's why it's called garana in the Musical musical tradition in Indian traditional skull they call gharana means there is a tradition you follow that that path is with have many people have traveled traveled in that path and many people got the same experience and they revalided ramakrishna is a revalidation of all the experiences of the upanishads no this is not only past upanishad is the past history no he lived that life without reading any book and he said I saw this I saw this he said in his meditation there is a verse that when you have your elimination you will find that you are always in different states of your mind you will see different things you'll Farm to inside the fireflies in the Deep darks open space all around fireflies had that experience and he says I saw this and we can find in the upanishad he's talking about he said it is like a flex you'll feel that the whole world is filled with that Flex it is not the cold don't talk about the cold but the experience that like Flex snowflakes all infinite number of you are surrounded by that type of atmosphere but he said these are the experience I have done it proves that is validated what upanishad is said that is valid and it can be well follow his path it will lead us to the absolute experience undoubtedly okay we end here today um Shanti Shanti Shanti thank you all