Video 9
9. Shanti Gita - Class 9 - Chapter 1, Verse 17 - 20
peace on peace peace peace be unto us all so we are back to shanti gita the text is in the where text is in the description of the video text are in the description of the video you can find there so we are we'll start today reading from verse number 17 we have finished verse number 16 the other day so what we read is that in synopsis and the fourteen verse we read that is talking about omaha [Music] he is saying that you are mourning about your son what question of your own son is the whole universe you are seeing oh you know that you see it is only appearance it has no permanent reality so in verse number 14 omaha you know jagat it appears like that is not there like the mirage in the desert like the wrong vision which deludes us where the object is not there they have given the example of the shukti and rajata that means the oyster and the silver so oyster also shines silver also shines silver is very costly but oyster it's science but it has no material value earthly value money value much in comparison to the silver so it is like that you see the shining nature you think it is silver but it is not silver it is only it is only what is called oyster so similarly what you see yoga in that jagat this world it is only illusory it is not real and it is sangaskara because your past impressions in your mind you have seen something shining you think that that is the shining nature of brahman you have seen something oyster and you saw you thought that that is silver so this is the samaskar impression repeated experience of the past is giving you this type of conception but it is not there therefore that he said the world that you've seen is existing in appearance only it is due to the latent impression or samskara of the previously acquired conviction of your buddhi in your intelligence in your memory you have kept that conviction and then you get deluded by that and then 15 and 16 is a big two four line verses where he said this watching what is called shukti like rajata like oyster like a silver lobhat greater mud data one runs after oh it is valuable thing and goes there and runs to find only that it is only still an oyster so similarly but one time we tried but that sangaskaru remains oh there is some shining thing again we in our life it happening every day we find it is shining it is joyful we try to grab it and as you go close to it you see oh my god where is the joy it is all all suffering in disguise of joy then we forget again again we find something shining we run after that oh it will give me joy and then we find it is not why we run again and again because of the previous samaskhara that is called purba samaskara earlier memory in your brain and now what we do the person before his knowledge real knowledge dawns then he runs towards that subject anyway i am finishing my work and i will come and he'll take this silver then he went someplace and comes back but his memory haunts him oh i have lost it i could have got i could not get it so he turns back and comes afterwards to find the silver but mistakenly it is not silver so similarly punar agata first he saw got attracted but he thought okay i am going this business after finishing i will grab it when he comes back rajatan even he sees that it is a silver purple rajatanguar modita because he has seen from a distance i thought that it is silver he thought i will be rich i will grab it and then he will happy when he is coming back to grab that happy but buddha praterson [Music] when he gazed there and his knowledge dawns in him he said no all the time i am seeing this oyster and i was thinking it is the costly silver but no nasty ropam there is no silver at all recall okay when i saw past when i went back and then again came back past present and future all the time i find it is only oyster there is no rajata this is fatal condition of our life now from our child early childhood today we are always running to find the rajata find the costly jewel costly silver but we are getting only some oyster and then we get frustrated again and again and again ultimately then we be awakened one day hey this world everything i tried everything is smeared with emptiness it is all hollow because if we go and touch from distance it looks good but as soon as i go very close to it and catch it i find that is gone so this is the mistake i am doing therefore similarly now comes to this day due to greed the person number 15 and 16 where i'm just connecting for a few minutes so this is the previous verse to coming to 17 today so 15 and 16 we read so due to greed one attempted to take the oyster cell that appears like a silver thereafter before his ignorance was destroyed he went to a different place upon his return there itself he saw the same oyster cell and thought that it is silver he was delighted with joy thinking that what had been seen before was silver i thought it is silver and then it is due to the latent impression of the firm belief that that has already formed in the mind from the previous experience i was thinking it is silver but there is no silver at all the three periods of time past present or future no this world is you see in the lake the reflection of the full moon that reflected moon is not real moon it is not there it is only reflection you stand before the mirror you see your face the reflected face is not there at all if someone goes behind the suppose you are standing before a mirror and someone goes and hunts behind the mirror to find you your reflected face can they find any time no that is illusory so this search for the world is like that and this world is not true it does not give you the true past perspective of spirit truth therefore 17 says now come that was you know you are grieving for your son but look at it actually he's putting everything as you call the doctors put into the dissection table no and make a deception split and find out what is inside no so similarly vedanto is a desection table he always analyzes very brutally and it says that to point out before our eyes what is true so he says so you are probably finding this text on the computer so what it says they ho your own body you are thinking your wife or your husband dhanam wealth money putra your son all these what you are seeing your house beautiful house with rows of beautiful trees from the entrance to your home many beautifully decorated house all are these are it is like oyster a garden house which is very nicely decorated with full of trees and plants like that it is rajatabhat i have given the example krishna says before like shukti these are all oyster not rajata not silver so all these things appear only for moment of ignorance as soon as the ignorance is destroyed vanished there is no existence of it that is called opera sono bhuti direct experience only that can release someone from this bondage now kinchitsutamasti as much as i think as much as i cry it is only an appearance very they are talking from very high stand it is very difficult to take for us who live in the world of duality you know everything is so real for us that's true we will cry and weep also but to know this is not the eternal substance it is not the eternal form eternal form unchanging that is there this is delusive form and the delusion we are being attracted or we feel rejected we love we hate we have all all drama of whole life and so much things go on and we feel our life is gone no the life is every day waning little by little pasti pratidhinam we see that we are becoming old older laksmi tarang chapala money wealth today is there tomorrow it goes away no so this is the nature of changing world so but there is something unchanging you are not in a loss where not to cry and weep because everything changes but there is that unchanging truth sachidan on the truth so that is only the truth and what we see these are all play on the foundation of the truth so it says the body wife wealth children and residents orchard full of trees like a garden house or a house with a pathway lined with trees on both sides many it gives a good view of the house no decorated house flowers and fruits and everything charming all around all are imaginary true you are not ill imaginary close your eyes gone just now uh you wherever you are if you go to sleep what happens where it goes the value of all these beautiful uh things around you know someone goes to the palacial house and just that hahaha wonderful wonderful where is its existence in your mind as soon as mind sleeps bus the concept of your universe is gone and in split second it goes away no we go to either dream or to sleep if you go to dream that's another fantasy world and if you go to sleep nothing is there so this so real sorry and so real we experience every day let's see our yeah how we get deluded and attached it is not negative but from this we can get a courage that we are to see the thing in right perspective then everything is good i am serving for god god is everywhere whatever i am doing it has meaning it is purpose otherwise or necessarily i am working whole life i served my son my daughter my husband my no one cares for me and i'm lost this is that this is the frustration because we are looking at the oyster thinking that it is silver but there is the truth god is there everywhere to to feel that way to act on that and to bring into our awareness that should be sattem there is truth that is to behold we are to hold there is no trace of reality in all these things material thing what we see but behind this everything is permeated with consciousness now every water bubble ripple wave no it's permeated with h2o as the ocean is so to see things in that perspective if you see as a wave wave is this big now it rolls down it becomes small or bigger and bigger and then ultimately it drops at one point it will a ripple becomes more wave wave becomes below on a big wave and then ultimately rolling sometimes it drops so we should not pay attention to the ripples and waves but we have to pay attention to the h2o then you don't lose anything whether it was small bubble whether it is a big bubble but it is h2o what a money clear idea vedanta gives and here krishna is pointing out to that no yes at the point of grief sometimes good advice is good but it's very difficult to take it because we don't practice it now when there is no such calamity or difficulty in our life we forget to think this way if we train our thinking like that then when by chance if anything comes then we know nothing has happened success it was there in this form that form turned this way or become old become young become this but it is only h2o we see as name and form so that is the verse number 17 again i read this body this well children husband wife residents who is full of orchard full of trees and all you see in the world are imaginary imaginary like silver in the oyster there is no trace of reality at all you need to say how can you say at all i see it now that response response is in the next verse it says 18 from it says that three states of our being now we are jagrat we are a waking state shrapnel dream state sushupti sleep state so susupti kali at the time when our time for sleep comes we are in deep sleep this shaman this this swan this universe visible universe no he no who sees anything in your deep sleep you can testify i don't see when my mind is not there i don't see anything my mind sleeps that's called a sleep state deep sleep state now he does shaman this disrupt world i live in hollywood in my room or i am in india or i am in connecticut or i am in phoenix or i am in dallas i don't know anything and this all this existence of dallas phoenix this is that hollywood india america all goes away there's no trace of any existence there see they are reminding [Music] we don't need to prove this everyone's experience is this no hiroshima till where this remains this whole world sita it is all this rest in the mind when mind is awake these are half deserve have their validity when the mind sleeps none everything is gone manastritam everything manassas titan remain in the mind servant everything ananta vishwam this infinite universe not only your this small room your friends your donald bishop the infinite galaxy stars galaxies planets whatever you see everything remains in your mind when mind sleeps you lose everything or you don't know even their existence not question of losing you do not know at all there is such things mana see prabhati but samut but when you suppose next morning as you will sleep tonight and tomorrow morning we get up when you go to sleep we do not know in not a trace of existence of any of these subject objects but when you wake up again when you wake up in the early morning when you woke up next morning tan manasi in that mind you see what happens as soon as you wake up everything comes up you see oh this is my bed oh this is my room oh this is i'm go to the temple this is the road where was that if you say it was not you didn't feel anything when mind was sleeping and as soon as the mind came up and you see all these things so what will be the natural and a reasonable conclusion it is in your mind can you take it very very seriously think in this way when i am sleeping i have no concept of this visible universe as soon in prabhati in the next morning samut when i wake up from my dream or dream no sleep now we are talking sleep and waking state as soon as you wake up what do you see immediately you see your room your pictures on the wall your blanket your bed everything what you saw that comes up immediately so then where was it if it comes out when your mind comes that means mind is carrying everywhere that thing mind has the capacity to unfold it fold it unfold it big tents are folded and made a very small pack is it not similarly the big world canvas is folded in the mind in the sleep time it goes like that an extended time it expands so it is in the mind like i give the common example of your wristwatch a wristwatch has a spring in it no and when the spring you try to expand suppose you pull take out the spring and extend it you will see how big is that and release one hand then what will happen all the spirals it goes into the spiral and it becomes only one millimeter point some millimeter thick something that is the mind mind does not die in sleep mind remains but a very very thin way but when they wake up it expands and then comes our whole visible universe where we have started yesterday we can start from there i started reading in the last week verse number how much 16 now i started again from after so many days have come but i say oh i read it there who is telling that the mind is there if my mind was lost then i will not be able to say what i read other day and what i am talking now no that's why people care for the brain you can remind what your mind is dead you cannot do anything many people do that you know they call them memory fail or something like that anyhow so it is all in the mind see did you understand what a beautiful example they are giving to convince us how you do it's a big philosophy here is given in a simple way that's the beauty of bhagavan krishna that you need not have to be big philosopher you look at your own experience this whole universe is so important every tidbit thing is so touching and so reaction it creates so much reaction in us good bad feeling but you close your eyes and your mind goes to sleep boom everything is gone you wake up then suddenly you find the whole universe appeared so where was it tell me where can be this universe then it is here already it is a doubtful question but this this can be a really revealing thought that this world exists in our mind what is the scriptures are always talking all the vedanta scripture and how many times in this book we will find that one manakalpita your kalpana imagination of your mind mind is imagining if there is no outside world it is your mind oh my god it's very difficult very difficult to conceive but in one this ground of understanding our deep sleep state can give us little at least intellectual clarity that it is really in the mind if it is not in the mind then when mind is sleeping you will feel that you don't feel your mind is sleeping the world is disconnected but you are not disconnected you are experiencing that sleep you say i slept some consciousness is still there anyhow so the universe therefore samut and manasi prabhati we see this world with moving and non-moving universe no something are moving in the world something is not moving like the like what you call the mountains and stones and rocks they don't move though there is slight movement but apparently there is no movement but the animals plants everything is moving no growing moving so but these are actually and this universe through the mind is not real so that is to be understood that during the deep sleep susupti the visible universe infinite universe with all the objects stoned in the mind are not there restored in the mind when one wakes up this universe moving and non-moving objects appears in that mind when one wakes up from sleep this universe perceived through the mind is ultimately then you can say that when the mind is there it is here when the mind is not there it is gone so how can you say it is real what is the definition of reality reality means which was there which is there which will be there there it will be in three kalo abadita satyam truth is that which is there in the three periods of time past present and future so therefore we have to analyze this universe like that therefore attachment will not be there much will lose our attachment attachment and aversion those are the reason for our suffering if you are not attached who can give you suffering i am not attached to anything so many things are happening you open the newspaper how many people died today for kovidos how many accidents went on and how many road accidents how many other things are going on in you just you hear like that you have no attachment to that you take it as a observer and you see you may say aha so many people died haha what is that but it means nothing your heart is not being attached to anything but suppose something happens to my friend i know or it is more real more close to our relationship people will faint immediately if you ask that my god am i who he has died so you know so where is that it is in the attachment if they are happening death is a cause of suffering so everyone's death should cause suffering to us but no my mind connected with somebody more and my mind detached or all looker i have no connection i don't feel mental connection that is mind is creating this i suffering or joy if your own own boy or child or son or daughter or your father or mother something good comes everyone rejoices that no because that my father my mom my son my daughter but so many other children they are doing excellent the results are excellent they're good things praise what they think but we don't uh identify with that so that's the point to understand the all our sufferings and everything is connected in our mind detached mind free mind that is the mind of the sages saintly mind pure mind but we are not then and this because mind is such our mind is not pure so we have our attachment and attachment brings suffering and pleasure and pain both it means joy sometimes it brings suffering sometimes so and this whole world we keep it in our mind if the mind slips the world goes away mind wakes up the whole world gets up no in the morning time that's why the whole universe comes before us and when you go to sleep the few hours there is no world for me when i am in that sleep mood now 19 verse sadiva purana [Music] [Music] is [Music] there is only sat existence was there only and from that came in this whole universe means this this universe as we see before that iran agree before this creation of the world it was where sat evo only sat on the only the divine was there that divine consciousness that was there sorry it was it put us to stay no not there is nothing kin chit even the slightest king chit mishata there was not any pretext of any simple many anything of this universe no they so there is no space no time no not discrete being created created physical elements air water fire there is nothing so what was there it is that's why it's called sadashi so it is cannot be said what was there before the creation it was only that existence was there that satchitananda was there so they wash it so sativa aside before creation of this universe upanishad teaches us that there was only one consciousness one reality one existence one that is called full that is called joy that's called bliss that was there and there was kinchin nimisha so there was nothing not a trace of anything even in the pretext there is anything of this universe now the issue this whole creation is called as as we know modern science tells time space and causation creation means time space and causation where there is time it is created everyone we are born in a particular time date no time day so you know we need a space you're born here you are born there so the world is also born no in the infinite space this earth is rotating here the other planets are rotating the sun is another place so there is a space for everything kintu before this creation there is no space there is no time not the so no no no bhutam this created universe bhuta means all created things there is nothing means here it is product of that buddha's five elements air water fire space air water and fire air water space fire an earth so the pipe this five element comprises everything but there is nothing as such but what was there only there was sadivasi in the nation it says [Music] it says that before this creation there was only sought existence was there nothing else and when maya shakti the power of maya when it added with it then it manifested it appeared to be manifested no magic you know what is laser beam so now it is you go to the disneyland you find every evening they have some laser beams so no if you see the oh i am seeing these are all real ah no nothing you already seeing only it is a play in the space happening in a particular space particular time and you see you think because you see does not mean it is true so similarly that was only shot and by maya shakti that appears it is like given the example you see in darkness a snake where there is a only one piece of rope is lying down no or a garland a piece of garland is there and it is in floor in the darkness you misunderstood it is like that snake has never come there it is all the time the garland is all the time brahman sat all these names and forms you are imposing impact of maya what is maya ignorance as in the darkness as in the darkness we bring snake fear there darkness is ignorance i do not know we say oh i don't know that that means you are in darkness about that subject someone talking about say any neuroscience or talking about astrophysics i say oh i do not know that means i am ignorant my ignorance there is so much but i do not know anything so similarly there my ignorance is creating this misconception all all misconceptions in pre how many scientists were born to steak no for they're telling the truth what they understood moa scientists they saw earth is rotating no sun is rotating around the earth no and those who found out that what was their punishment see look at that so but we thousand million people we see the sun rises that side and goes that susan is moving here only why are you creating that nonsense idea but you know because millions can give a vote in favor of this judgment that the sun is rotating around earth but the scientists say no you are seeing wrongly scientists are truth so in spiritual science this upanishad chandragupta they are sages chandragupta sages the rhesus they saw this truth it is shock it is only existence it is only that consciousness nothing else but you see you are seeing wrongly in ignorance in maya so sadivasit so existence alone was there there was no other pretext or pretense before creation there was neither space nor even time neither five elements nor any product of these elements product everything is a product of five elements no our body is a product of five elements yeah no this body plays bone rice and dal which is the earth material product of the earth material calorie body heat so heat then earth water water of course we drink water if you don't drink water you will die so water air and i am my body is carrying some space i'm in the infinite space i have taken my body has taken a space so five elements are here it is a mixture of five elements is a product of the five elements so all are not they are neither space these are only then i see it but you see it you are seeing some illusion you are seeing which is not there i give the example on the other day somebody forwarded me one magic show and the magician was showing that one gentleman was standing and he cast a cloth over him and suddenly he disappeared where the man go and then again he cast something else and one lady came in the front then again he brought the other man on that side with a cloth throwing cloth only and then he changed that cloth to that side and that side to this side and then the lady went to the other side man went to the other side and then he cast again he disappeared he disappeared and he himself also disappeared will you see you see people are paying money to see this magic we are paying so much we are also paying money our cries and tears and weeps and we are paying those price seeing this magic going on lord's magic lord is the magician god's magic but we don't see god we only are overrun with the magic magicians magic but we don't pay attention to the magician that's why ramakrishna said if you hold on to the feet of the magician then you will not be deluded anymore he can tell you the tricks but we are we are overruling the magic and we pay our taxes for that so that is our life's journey goes on so and as i will put some questions you can put it but i will finish another another verse 20th verse then we end maya bhijirim [Music] [Music] so what does it mean maya biz when the maya manifests magician stands but when he casts this spell when the maya his magic starts functioning maya became a manifest in that brahman why does it happen that infinite ocean of calmness serenity joy blessing sachidan always there on that brahman maya's plague starts cast the spell there and the structure shock means garland phony means snake as i gave the example people mistake in darkness a piece of garland is in the floor and people cry out it is a snake not now because we live in the city but if you go to the such place where wooded place this mistake is more common and you can cry out and jump out and go to doctor even that i am beaten by the snake but when you come back with a flashlight and you see oh there's no saying if this row or this garland i hit on my feet and in darkness i thought that he strangled my feet and he hit me and bit me beaten me so all suffering only misunderstanding it is mala it is only garland if we know garland we would never been upset but because we do not know in darkness in ignorance we cry and weep so this is the play of fun going on so my ab is empty like that of a snake appearing on a garden maya appears where as the world maya this maya is takes the shape of this world it is brahman it is a unfathomable absolute blissful joyful sachidan on the brahmana but in that brahman the world phantasm comes with the influence of maya the existence appears in the form of this universe it is brahmana existence but it appears to us as this material universe and which brings us fear anxieties worries and tensions so so this is the point that maya is imitating his maya appears like that in the as jagat maya due to brahman play of maya we are looking at brahman but i am determining as jagat that world and its changes it's all in mental as i said it is going all in the mind when you wake up everything vanish similarly when you will be waking up in our consciousness that's called god realization vedanta says experience your own self that time you feel that there is nothing as such it is all brahman for the knower of truth this whole world is a place of joy mark of joy and for ignorant people like us it is all suffering suffering suffering because we are not seeing brahman we are seeing that play of the maya so okay so we end here 20 verse 20 we'll go for verse number 21 onward next time and 19 we read it you didn't get it right so oh oh yeah yeah i started on 19. we have all discussed okay so this is to be taught again and again these are very inspirational thoughts but we have to work on that this is so apparently contradictory you know if you say this world is not created it is a fully stock i am seeing this world i get so much depressed sometimes high and you are saying all this world i feel hunger i feel thirst and you are saying it is all appearance like a snake or like a rope snake what does mean to us but it is a deep thinking is necessary we have to think deeply and if we really think deeply then we will it will at least intellectually will be able to understand that that is okay so i'll go to the question answer now but before that i end here om shanti shanti [Music] now you have any question oh you have question okay what mind itself is imagined yeah mind is imagine but for us mind is itself maya mind is maya what is maya swami b we can understand what is maya it is difficult to describe swamiji in his lecture he said mind is maya because through the mind only you create your universe you create you your mind says it is good you feel good mind says it is bad you feel bad mind forces us to run for one thing we run for that thing mind says no no no no then you withdraw from that so the mind is the actually universe and mind itself is maya because mind creates the diversity mind creates the multiplicity mind creates the feeling of good and bad attraction repulsion everything in the mind therefore mind is very important that's a whole spiritual science deals with what mind and the vedanta says this mind is the cause of your freedom and mind is the cause of your bodies and enter raja yoga stands on what mana rather it's bubble ripple dancing mind is dancing making so many waves and ripples when you can calm down then there is no mind when it makes one resolution and runs for another thing and is not getting here it is called the mind mind is called fascinating mind vacillating my vacillates yet they are there to there when it does not that is called nirodha nirodha is the term of what of the yogis term yoga means union with our divine self is chitta the mind britty the ripples nirudha giving the example you think of a lake when there is no bridge it's perfectly calm full moon night the moon's reflection how it looks gorgeous no but as soon as some ripple comes this rays of moon splits into millions of little reflections so the same one beautiful powerful light is split into millions so they say you don't see the beauty of the full moon then so our full moon is inside because the mind is ripple it splits into millions and billions as a result we do not know what is the joy of unified light which is within us that's called nirodha that's called samadhi so yoga says you have to purify your mind bhakti says karma yoga says chitta sudhi you clean your mind purify your mind no how do selfless work good for others pray for others your mind will be clean clean clean bhakti yoga the name of the lord and his glory unceasingly that the mirror of the heart will be wiped clean so what they are talking clean the mind day and night by holy name holy mantra prayer so clean the mind all dust and dart is in the mind if the mind is clear then you are a brahmagani you are a spiritual person that's why it says for crooked people spirituality is far away if the mind is not clean mind always distorts things with that distorted mind you cannot realize god so that's the problem that's why it is to be clean mind is to be clean yes your question now yes so the question is you said everything is mine but also i heard you saying earlier that everything is the mind of god so it's true two ways of looking at the i am seeing you this room sun moon stars chandeliers you are also seeing them is it not so who what mind is showing all these things my mind your mind yeah that is the eko jibawa that's a big philosophy the whole universe is my mind i have created you you are talking that also my dictate you are doing that on my behalf i have split myself into so many like come to the example in deep sleep what happens now in dream what happens you are in the bed but you are dreaming and you dream who who created the dream your dream do i go to create your dream you my dream i create not you so everyone is creating their dream and what it creates see the power of the mind it creates tiger it creates road it creates car it creates hundreds of people it can create a bar it can create a dancing place it can create food or if you even see wise you are going in a cruise you can see everything is in there yeah that's a good thing if you see gods and goddesses that will be much better also but who sees who creates all these things anybody else but your own mind if your individual mind has so much great power to create the whole dream the galaxy stars and galaxies we saw call it is a cosmic mind god's mind and in your dream you watch you have created a tiger you have created your mind has created and that tiger is attacking you and and tiger is attacking and you are running that road is created by your mind you are running that's also created by your mind tiger is running after you that's also created by mind there is nobody but your mind only see these things are happening every day we experience but we never think in this way whom to blame it is your mind or anyone else but in our mind whatever in small scale it happens but when you see the billions and trillions of stars and galaxies black holes whatever we hear about astronomy it is mind-boggling even to the micro see in one pore in my eyebrows trillions of bacterias are there could you imagine what is that who has imagined this we call god who is god your mind my mind everyone's mind you add together it's a cosmic mind and that cosmic mind you are only one drop i am another drop so god's creation sun that's why i also see the sun you also see the sun every one of us see the sun but there comes my view and your view differs i like the sun aha it is good because i am feeling cold no you feel what temperature you know it depends on where you are born you are born in a cold climate it will be hot if you are born in a hot climate it will be different so everyone has a choice there is one person like you dislike then why are you disliking and liking object being the same no same object you go to the restaurant and when you go to the restaurant there are so many items you may like one type of food and i hate that type of food why why because of my mind my mind also acting there the item is the same if the item is good everyone will like that same way but no one likes that there will be variation little variation according to one's mind so our mind is also functioning it's called jiva stoiter the duality created by individual we have our individual responsibility or we responsibility you know we spontaneously put our imposition we impose upon a gross example one young girl is passing by an old man looking at that girl may be very affectionately thinking moho my daughter was like that i miss her and he feels the emotion of losing her daughter for some reason someone looks at brother or sister someone looks lustfully to her the girl is the same why so many reactions are happening regarding the girl those who are viewing they have their own perspective that's their mind individual mind and cosmic mind understand this now cosmic mind created equally all the things but individual mind creates their own likings dislikings love hatred all this so that's why our purification is necessary when i purify my mind i will see the girl as mother the divine and you purify you will also see the same mother or divine a saccidananda forget the god goddess don't bring that name that sought existence will see that existence so that is the way okay gone baba nobody has any questions what is the matter mind is quiet so all are in samadhi maybe thank you thank you of course anything anything which distracts our mind to stop it is a nirodha judgmental why judgmental means i am good you are bad you are not doing enough i do how much i know much than you so this is the cause of judgment that's mind my mind is telling i am nicely successful everyone minus four functions they are not separate same mind functions in four ways you are the cook when you cook we call who is the cook today then same person and then oh oh who is driving the car today see he becomes a driver the same person becomes a cook the same person may be lecturing in the hall same person may be a student in some place so these are different but the person remaining the same functions differently so mind functions in four ways mano mind buddhi intellect and memory and then ego this is the same functioning in separate way so whenever i am judgmental that means i am using my mind to judge others by our intellect by our ego by our jealousy so all these are here in the mind so to get out of this means to see sat brahman there only brahman brahman brahman brahman that's why we call only to japan only pray pray pray pray pray simple language practice as we have talked for one hour now it seems that oh ho this is maybe true no it gives an our mind gets trained to think like this what what we have read in the santi gita it makes sense now for us oh it makes sense what krishna said here that is true is it not really when you sleep my world goes away my concept about the world my love my affection my hatred whom i love whom i hate who is very close who am i not everything just buy it into the void and when you wake up oh my god everything comes up every day it is happening that's the point so we have to analyze this every day and to understand then don't trust on your mind until it becomes purified when the mind will be pure then you will see this world is full of joy everything is fun going on but to reach that purpose we will have to work and that is the sadhana the question means how to do that do all these practices what we have discussed but shri krishna has guided us for one hour thank you all om namada um [Music] now tomorrow is gospel reading my my i will be there to read gospel tomorrow at 7 30. you