Video 85

80. Shanti Gita - Class 80 - chapter 7- verse 27

after you start ready [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] lead us from Darkness to light lead us from death to immortality and even more shine in our hearts with your splendent face home peace peace peace be unto us for all so we are back to our reading of the santikita we read after verse number 26 of 7th chapter and what we read is that in this whole universe there is nothing but Brahman everything we see it is like dream and everything is the bivarta apparent Trust formation without any real change so we read the verse number passes like this that is only cable only absolutely Brahma Mantra Brahman alone is there and that is that is of the nature of Eternal Consciousness Bliss and absolute reality and it is absolutely non-dual or dwayam and then we read 26 verse sachidananda what do you mean by sachidananda these are words are the words by that word what we mean not the words but what is indicated by the word you say what cow is not enough cow is indicating certain animal of a certain characteristic so similarly sachidananda is not words only but it indicates that laksham that there is some reality and that is the point and that that is aksharam aksharam akshara titam it is not imperishable then there is no later you cannot any any more any later cannot compose that reality so akshara even you utter some sound it is beyond sound it is of the nature of absolute Purity absolute stainless that serum now what should be your duty you know that is your own real Nation that's swaru that is your essential nature that's swarupam and you have to know by yourself that means you can you understand it will not do any good to me you have to understand yourself you want have to eat himself to fulfill the test so that sarupa what is the essential nature and that is aksharam that is imperishable that is beyond all sound become all Expressions stainless and pure that is your own real nature and you have to know by yourself means by your own effort you to know and you to know in your every understanding every what you call uh operation is through their senses I see this table this is oh it is father offer is different is money identifying totally merged into that experience Duality remains that is production is saying to the senses of instrument when you see you see object subject and that so this is to be understood as operation then miss your own nature and then you reach a state when people say that one is a realized soul he is a Brahma gyani that identity also you discard that even you have experienced no when you are walking talking you are still in The Duality little trace of ignorance is necessary to function jivan mukta purus means does not mean that they are in samadhi if they are in somebody they will not walk talk and he have the transactional activity in the relative world so in so you have to understand that that identity even if you see that I am Brahma ghani that idea should be discarded they say that means the trace of I idea that I am in Noah Brahman if different can one raise the Consciousness to his life Saturn such a flight almost ego is going to dissolve at that point you may say I am Abram again no that Trish should also go there will be nothing no one say no one will have to say that word express how there is beyond all the expression of Duality and last is the least ego which was hanging making a separation that will also go so that we said that that should be practiced this is spiritual practice should be to identify oneself that I am that Brahman first and later on that identity that I am in one of Brahman even that identity is to be given up we don't understand this very fine level but an intellectual you can grasp like this that yes the identity that even I am I am experiencing the absolute real nature of mine that sense also will dissolve totally when ego is totally gone now 27 verse says what we are reading today foreign foreign Ty is the ego identity there are other identities I have the body identity is a gross level As you move internally more and more and then you know I mean all the time we talk about I'm not the body not the Mind etc etc so this identity is to be given up given up given up last is the ego identity and that is identity why it is it is also to be discarded because that is a place of great enjoyment that's why it is covering but is foreign separation of glass you can catch but cannot catch so that is the ego and in that level when one can that leave that Trace is gone ego identity one then swarupus City then you remember remain in your own Divine self that much we know here is sin what is obimano obiman is the ego sense that is the ability that covers Us mainly first I then my body so I is the first covering closest to the Brahman that which covers our deal said and by that by that only swarupa our real nature our divine nature our Blissful nature is covered first governing is the eye covering just imagine there is a infinite light self-privileged in life no and it's covered first covering is the covering of a very fine glass and you can see almost a light is coming but you cannot touch it you cannot feel this so this is a very high level that's why it goes to the tree nearby States and that's a cervical prostates they say by that only the swarupa my own Divine self or the pure Nature has been covered foreign [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] then what happens this whole universe of appearance this whole universe which is non-existing it evaporated into non-existence that means that was not there that disappeared which was appearing that disappeared then it is what it is sunno then what remains at what we are reading [Music] speech cannot describe that mind cannot be there that means mine intellect everything is gone what remains it is not void it can be experienced only they can who have gone to that state and lost their identity when they come back they can understand oh that is that we cannot understand anything and that is the exactly what we are reading now the aham panchakoshu among the five koshas this is outer covering like the jacket heavy jacket right a layer after layer after layer so we put two layers three layers when it is cold so that we have put many jackets here the body jacket the energy levels the jacket and then you go to the mine jacket mind jacket intellect jacket ego jacket and as you go internally as we use thinner thinner layers we use you know move outside is very thick and then his little light little light little light neither so similarly this Atman the self which is the Eternal substance you see it is [Music] and the swarupu our nature is covered by this identification I ego sins ego sense is the first trouble maker that created this what is ignorance you can say that's why it is a ramakrishna said in many places that when the ego will die they're all the trouble will go so this egoless state is that state so it says this identity mainly by that only nature of the self is Arboretum covered Pancho course is in the five sheets ego attitude of dwarship come because I is there that's why the idea of do our ship comes I do I want I go I think I I I I the whole world that's why Sankara has summed up foreign world came forgetting our real nature so the main covering upon the self is identification with ego but that alone one's own real nature is covered by that alone by that ignorance but by ego it is self-discovered the ego rules over the five seeds with the attitude of doership ego says I my I understand I when my mind is not con running here and there so I is the dominating factor of over all these other players uh who is the as you who is more powerful who remains close to the boss the first layer is the ego ego boss ego is a non-existing thing but when it raises its Hood the first layer is evil and that ego dominates everywhere in the world so individual Life Social Life Family Life the country the country to Country their identification my country your country I am Ukraine you are Russia I am America you are India I am China you are this so This identification even man is thinking I am in China and I can do whatever I like and what is this China says China does not say anything and this identification I is such a damaging thing it can be ever corrected that way this way it is pulling us the outward now now you turn this way and then that you have to reach that point then you will find inner Joy more and more and more and more and when you reach there it tremendous presence of the absolute Joy overwhelming joy and that's the breaking point of this ignorance so that is the 27 verse 28 verse now we are talking about that's the main greater bondage and swamiji said that iron chain iron chain is a bondage but gold chain is no less bonded so people get stuck there also the gods and goddesses they are stuck in certain area in this different level it's good Joy let me enjoy here and stay on so here's his Brahma with [Music] is concealed that pure self and unturnist nature of the Divine is concealed amole d means the stainless self nature of the cell is speed how and its nature as you have a person of ego ego will have its function his nature when he identifies with the Atman that's a different when he identifies the body that is different Dharma means the nature so the translation says uh suppose the I again person who have realized God no or he is in the Brahma which states and comes down then they leave if there is little trace of that abhiman identity that I am Abram again the ego identity that I am in Noah of Brahman yet which is there bhabit will be began that will be Heaven having in the next seed ah intellect brahmabit in that ego level it will not be you cannot say much but you can feel it that Ananda but you are separate but in began one step down when you come then you know I am a Brahma again you know so the ego and Dharma ego and its nature that conceals that self nature that means ego identity which brings the concept that I am the envira Brahman happens in the intellectual seat knowledge is always in the intellectuals you know I know I see I I hear I eat these are all in the knowledge in the intellectual level so this also I am a Brahma gyani if one says that that even to say that there is the intellectual level light identity in the intellectual level of course because they are all purified in all the levels their identification is going to the Brahma again and we because our intellect is not pure we identify with I am the body I am the master I am this boss Here I Am the rich person weak person all this knowledge are all related here so this is the nature of ego it is always the nature of ego that to conceal pure essential nature of the self so first of all that ego close to the Atman the last one and when after the experience they come down and they think they feel it here I am that because he was the last period And so transparent there the Inner Light inner Joy inner peace is all available example we always give this bun we can see the mouth is the gross part and you can see the light see the light from a distance no but there is Ananda the glass if you go to the glass then you can touch it then you feel the heat is here also Ananda is here also that heat but it is not perceivable because it's too far away and when it goes very close to that then you feel the iron on the more and more and when you touch that then you feel that there is as if you have trust the truth but there is a little separation and that is the separation of the ego and there is tremendous Joy but our ego is now God has created this everything in this way outside so no answer so we are not habitated to look what is inside and meditation makes us go inside vedantic analysis takes us what is inside but otherwise we are always engrossed in the growth outside that means identification is coming to the object outside but it has it in again layer comes again there another layer another all the five layers come so understanding even that I am a Brahma candidate High state but that is a obstacle for that type of people that's why when Raja Maharaja was asked that Maharaja ramakrishna gave you everything you have given every experience then why are you doing still in this type of austerities he said then we are making it our own establishly known that means that experience is a separation I want to establish myself in that level of experience but there is nothing that's a tremendous spiritual practice they don't need it their brahmanganis that is the distinction between others that's why they become World teachers their energy their capacity is so strong because they don't just think I am a brahmagani they know I am that making that breaking the last barrier of ego they want to be established in that says that level of uh that ego totally abolished there so this is talking in a very that's a here we are dealing with a very high level discussion you have to give up the Brahma Ghana and I am a Brahman can in that identity you have to give up it's not any level we can think about that so it's very high flight they are they are established but they have to make them established otherwise they cannot be World teacher foreign but this is what we say they are only limited because they have this bitter capacity to denounce all this identities or something but they leave when they live with a full awareness in our awareness it depends on this that's why [Music] all these categories they make but I don't understand much but intellectually we can say probably this is this probably this is this you are yes there is no nothing to separate you as paraksha is yeah as I see you it is well in a relative term we say I have seen you I am seeing you this is for Operation similarly I see that Atman like this ramakrishna said I see God more tangibly than I see you said that no somebody said the eyes open he says I see God I am more tangibly than I see you I am seeing you you see somebody says did you see a Nishan there yes I saw her no he didn't come no I saw it how many people you say no no I saw it so ramakrishna said the I saw I saw I see God and more tangibly than you see this relative experience that means it's a very high level that that absolute Consciousness is all the time with them normally we hear this much that Brahma Gyan is always remain in their inner awareness little bit a little bit of it but most of the time in the transactional universe they may not be so much tuned to that awareness sometimes their holy murderers ma do you remember your divine nature all the time and mothers simply those are the clue which you can understand this verses mother said how can that be my child and how why can how can I work that's why she kept that Maya of motherhood my half and then affectionate to their children who is suffering with that she kept her mind down there are extraordinary examples so here even anyone I realize it you can realize but that all made broke break for them for a moment and come back but to be established in that level that it would otherwise it will be in the ego and intellect are very close no so in the I am abramakani that knowledge will remain when he's interacting with the people but that ego should be totally young whenever Maharaja is sitting like this and talking he's having some Hubble bubble and talking and John Gunn you see that do you have a little Falls like this and he's seen samadhi that ego level is so quickly they can transcend that so the identity as I am abrahami does not remain that's why they become totally egoist sriram you know says that be like a child means child has no ego the sense is legalism so very we take it very simply oh Eagle is childlike oh so we see child so many child but in spiritual life to be childlike they say a very very high State you cannot you rewind it it will come I Know This Much I am a scholar I will lecture I will teach I will do I'll change the world all the young boys 2021 who come over us they have read all the philosophies all the books and I'll change the world and I started writing a book I'm writing a book I'll change the world they say right there and then this these these people who are established in Brahman this is oh my God I am nobody I am nobody I am nothing I am nothing so so much ignorance so much I will change the world and so much you become enriched in spirituality then you say oh my God I am I am nothing but they have the real power but they don't ever identify with that power they do not know even they have that power unless they have a touch of that experience they establish establishment is difficult establishment is a very high it that's why after the samadh is ramakrishna's passing away or Maharaja is the great one example we did learn about in the book that see he used to four five days you know that place in the temple he was staying in the same as we think he is going to bring his begging food for mahara street but maharaji and samadhi holding on night come next day come sometimes he eats sometimes he does not so there that is the intense even after that they are doing we are saying they are doing sadhana they are not doing sadhana if you get the little touch of that Joy he will not be able to release anything in the world we can release the fish we can release the Chutney so long this is inner Joy they get they don't care for chatty look at that and the highly realized soul and they remain in their own self no their way that they have any body cloth is in all the sadhus those who are highly established in that so they live in another how they live it because the mind is absorbed in something a joy which this world cannot give we know all this theoretically but they reach a flight and then they feel attracted to be more withdrawn and withdrawn and some ideologies used to want it to be in samadhi but when his mood is going to somebody something will happen and thakur will make a disturbance of that and then he will have to give up everything and run for doing this show that's your his work that is that is they're established all the time and still to bring them down for the good of the world they do but that this is a higher state to Brahma with them that knowledge that I am a Brahma with that knowledge also should be abundant they are talking in that level so the ego identity which brings the idea I am the Noir Brahman happens in the intellectual sheet or Street of intellect this is the nature of ego the ego nature of the ego is what to conceal pure essential nature of the self that is the nature and the ego ego means it will conceal cover and that covers whom it covers the real Divine self we followed himself which is here and we see how foolishly we are thinking I am this body anything happens in my mind how I am soft people say oh he has injured me I am terribly Disturbed I can't sleep all night all this how much identity in the body how much identity in the mind level and how much they are off from this those who are realized people look at them and how much beyond the identity of the body but identification of the body will not go unless we identify with something else mind cannot be vacant you cannot keep the Mind vacant unless the mind you fill the mind with good thoughts it will be filled with negative thoughts unless you feel it day and night and that's why you have become the body saying I am the body I am the body now say I am the Atman I am the Atman he will be Atman no so that that intense that I didn't I want to change up what you call this change of your vision and focus ing an example what is this like happen he says that other utter her song it is [Music] therefore Ottawa therefore what is our duty and of course he's talking to that state of higher state but still we can take lessons from here giving up totally renouncing that that attitude what is that attitude foreign yourself in your own self and when you can establish that way then it is yogis who have practiced it years after years old those who are established they are saying not only Yogi foreign don't contemplate on that even throw away that idea and you focus I give the example he was not concerned with anything else he could have been satisfied see I give you an example you know when Ram Babu and others were ramakrishna's disciples Ram Chandra doctor and they saw this all the young boys after ramakrishna passing away they are doing tremendous spiritual posterior practices and meditation and samadhi and they they rambabu and others were not happy with that they say that you see what fools they have seen ramakrishna these boys immature immature voice they have no sense they have seen God ramakrishna God then again they are trying to do meditation understand it is not meditation they are trying to re-establish establish this this state Brahma with that they have got it yes we have met ramakrishna Brahma who is not an ordinary guy how much he understood about ramakrishna how many a great association with SRI ramakrishna no but he is this what they are doing all the direct disciples particularly nor in my state Etc so much deep hurivananda all are engaged in studying deepest singing Bhajan whole night meditation Japan there is nothing in their life 24 hours rotating they thought that these boys have no faith man and he said these young boys have no faith in takur why these fools are doing this austerity he has seen God and he has given everything and still they are doing so that is the point he had to understand too attitude yes you have reached you have seen ramakrishna you have served ramakrishna you got the blessings yes you are free but you are not a world teacher and if you want to enjoy this way then you will have to this go beyond that I am Brahman I have known I have understood not that will not do a state will come he will perpetually established in that level let's say they could any devotee coming and when they are giving initiation no they can take away all their karmas and holy mother is an extraordinary example so Maharaja and others were of that category and then say one mahapurism yeah one gentleman was I told once he was a dasu Babu surname I forgot he used to work in our industrial School and he was a teacher in carpentry and he had he does not want to enter into the Family Life marriage life but it happened that he had to marry under condition he knows this child marriage and all this and then because they don't have no no child so they want another ma'am marriage so she has to marriage and by that time he got mahaprasma's Grace and one day coming to mahaprasma she feels that oh I am what will happen to me I have two wives and I live in the household life I have no no scope for Liberation or something like that but mahapushma said what nothing will happen to you you bring your wife here I will destroy all other ideas from the Mind itself so now nothing will be disturbed and really really here's his ordinary humble person and one day I was working with him to look after another department so she was working with me and he's saying sorry look at this look at this and I saw in Indian in the balloon balloon dream drain on the V8 College side or call it that there is a raw drain no it's all tart and dust and and there are flies and there's some insects and one fly is sitting and in a some filthy thing and he says see see it is the same consciousness I was surprised to hear the same Consciousness that ply enjoying there is Ananda why the Flies and enjoying that there is Ananda and who is enjoying that's Ananda he's talked of the highest vedantic just spontaneously without any and I was overwhelmed with this experience that is the touch of the mahapurrases they can get who knows who will study their life who will talk to them and we do not know they have many experiences maybe such and they can see with the eyes open it is God's play going on it is God is Ananda everywhere sitting on the field that is Anand they are enjoying the Ananda and he's looking at a different perspective very high spiritual perspective their mahaprasmas by his grace he attended that state so this is the question that it is therefore therefore giving up that idea and that I am Abrahim only you stay in your own spiritual nature if you can do that then it is called stay Stables you are established in in that level then that is called it is that state is called said by whom this yogis in the past we have practiced this thing and not only only they have experienced themselves that type of Yogi who are established they say this is called the real so that again means there will be no trace of ego even in there after that experience they will be such in level that that ego will do that's why it is said [Music] when their body drops up then that knowledge will be dominantly coming up there is no nothing to identify that's why we must totally free but become totally free from all entanglements of ignorance because that is the last time the ego also drops and they merge into the absolute suppose you have entered into a dark room a person is lying down shariram his body being tulika pritam by covered by a blanket or something like that and from the outward experience as you enter they hadithi there is nobody no no person this is a blanket is a blanket that is the blanket only not the person inside so that may be one idea when a person covered with a cotton quilt is resting in a dark room it appears as if nothing exists there neither the body nor the quilt the linked us with the certainty that your essential self alone is and nothing else exists so you think you think this way about yourself as it is you as someone thinks there is no one only the quilt is there so also you think that there is this economist in that because of Darkness but can you will see it is the reality is the only reality and nothing else exists so this is the vivah with certainty that foreign body Etc is nothing there only the Consciousness is there think in this way and there what will you see that the first verse question is coming 31st I just read out at least when you don't see anything that means not this material universe not it is covered or it is uncovered nothing you see then there shines what they are only the witness or the Consciousness will prevail the thought I am that witness the reality of my own self then we'll we'll alone shine within so when you do not see anything in the dark as the example given in a dark room you enter is some blanket is there and a person is there so when you enter in the deep dark you don't see anything neither you see the blanket neither you see the person similarly when this when you do not see anything in this world after your experience you come and issue nothing neither ignorance neither covered ignorance like the man and the blanket in the darkness you don't see anything that example to make it understandable similarly when you enter into this world as dark there is nothing this world is non-dark to you there is neither anything to be visible or experiencing so when you do not see anything then what science the witness Consciousness science and the thought even the thought that I am that witness the reality of my own self this type of thought even thought we'll go but it will shine only it will shine in its own Glory that that shining Consciousness will be the only reality while the ignorance is gone naturally the unit light will be the only thing all the clouds are done in the sky so we'll see the sun shining in its own Glory okay so I end here um so tomorrow is whose class my class okay so tomorrow will be gospel foreign Okay so she will when Krishna between the eyebrows so that he could go past the form of Kali is that similar to going beyond the Ananda Maya kosha from Noah of Kali to Union with Brahman maybe you have got the right Point yes I I super sweet appears to me also the same way that uh that this form dissolves you can think that way that when you trust and then focused in the eyebrows totapuri said then the form dissolves and melts into that which is and Beyond the anonymous yes I also think so it may be any question no that Darkness example is something that you don't see anything that means blanket and person means when you see normally you go if I go in the room I'll see that there is a blanket but I may not see the person in our condition I see all the blankets all people are true but the Consciousness I don't see but so you now go into deep dark room you don't see neither the blanket neither person you don't see even the blanket You Don't See that means a state of serialization will come when you will see neither Consciousness neither there is any covering that means if neither covering neither Consciousness means who will see that that that fear is collapsing yeah [Music] what is the causality yes you are right causal body means we have three bodies normally gross body subtle body and causal body what is the gross body as the causal body is the ego body what we are talking about today ego body the last covering subtle body is what minus the physical body Prana Mana buddhi all will be there that's called because you think what happens in your dream yeah your your body remains in a subtle body remains not this body but there is subtle body so body is not this gross body does not stay but your pronic body you move their energy is there pranamana is there mind functions your intellect is there your degree is also there of course Consciousness all the time there we are not talking about that so gross body then add this physical body so it is this physical body if it technically we say all are functioning now is the gross body we draw from this physical body or no higher body you get up in this dream now you think this body is there you are not here as if you are lifted from this body into another body so that but what is there Others May see that you have a body in the bed but you don't see that that is your body you see some thing is a subtle body no says how will you move so in the that is the subtle body which transmigrates and causal body is that when all other drops accepting ego that is the causal body and that thakur said the threshold of the bhava last state of merging into the Lord that is this last statement and we talked about the totapuris samadhi Etc so yes these are the three in general but we can think that also it can be understood this way what is my causal body puzzle bodies when you are in deep Sleep that is your causal body you live in the causal body what is your subtle body your dream body think about dream what happens what are there that is your dream body after death we dream we go to a dream world and that reward this dream breaks in a short time that dream continues for a longer time according to Karma say it is oh they go to hell they will get punishment and the thoughts are mental mentally they in dream don't you get tortured in dream don't you get joy so similarly you've done good job go to heaven and have some fun there in the mental world it's a physical body is not gone you see it's in burnt not not existing so that is the subtle body and subtle body we that's why we try to improve our social Body by meditation prayer we are doing so by doing all these things we are improving our subtle body my mind is beating purified intellect is getting purified no means whenever you are purifying the mind all three things are getting purified as soon as you think of God one Mantra drop a little pure and as soon as you feel your mind is pure your understanding is becoming pure your ego sense is this ego identity with the world is reducing one wrong see one drop you put there and it have effect in the all the areas and memory your memory is also changing if you thought a negative thought negative memory and you think God thought God memory so it's very good if you can put one drop that drop is useful and it works on the four levels that's why one who is very much doing job or prayer meditation along with the nishkama karma and offering to God and all these things their mind not only mind gets pure their intellect understanding gets pure their ego sense their humble people they become transformed and also ultimately each impact comes into the body their body becomes satthical body they cannot use the same way the earlier days how they used to use the body they cannot this body becomes you know we have seen our bodies of our president Maharaja birisha is very lean and thin but oh my God you touch his feet it will stop like a cotton as this whole shop becomes satigo body transforms that says people say hello comes that means it is all transformation happens in every level from the inner level to Outer level and the personality changes that's why spirituality swamiji says being and becoming is a change change should come and merely becoming a monk or the nun or a devotee nothing is Meaningful meaningful isn't whether it is changing inner transformation and that inner transformation is manifesting through my expressed a life function and activities another question are the Asana and breathing exercises of autological practice in vedanta yes we are vedanta so we take everything but only one thing is that we don't Focus too much on breathing exercise but it is it is supposed that you should have a good body otherwise you cannot meditate your back will be hurting your leg will be hitting so how do you meditate your meditate on your pain in a back pain or hand pain or leg pain then then you cannot do that that's why we need yogasana or any exercise which keeps your body fit very important that's why we follow patanjali's philosophy so pranayama is also good we do little pranavo sometime but we don't emphasize because ramakrishna said if you love God then automatically your mind will be cool and you will be happy feeling even kumbaka that state will come so we don't pay much attention but as in a subsidiary Health we we take advantage of everything good health so do exercise have good food balance sleep balance resting and balance everything and make a very Balanced Life and become gradually very natural a day many people have concept that to be spiritual you should be little abnormal a behavior behavior and abnormality is not a sign of spirituality rather rather to say that we be natural be normal be be rational and at the same time a practice that spirituality which transforms the inner personality and the outer personality could you kindly have the verse number 27-31 uh currently they are in the description section no so please see yeah no if you chat section why not put that in chat section every verse we read so that they can see when I am reading that verse that places and they can read it and then that will make it more sense to them when you chant it is very difficult to keep them in their brain from the next next time whenever here two days after we read 27 to 31 but it's all these verses should be in the chat section currently they are in the description section so please do that next time so that we can whichever verse I start that verse you put into the chat section but people will not remember that but it's good to send but it will be much more beneficial if the verse is going on and it comes up Asha another question has come when the humans are achieving illumination then the population should reduce because ultimately each one getting merged to parama Brahman then what is the reason new bodies too many then what is the reason new bodies too many as you know your question is very very good but you know if you say God is infinite his creation is infinite no so if you see acha in the Pacific Ocean just go and sit on the beach and see how many millions and billions and trillions of wave comes and zillions of waves Come dance and then go then what happens to the creation you see again millions billions trillions are coming so there is no end of this no and it is the in different aspective but the same old soul is not coming back here is the spirituality tells us that I as in which soul is now in this body is suffering getting angry getting mad getting happiness all this this Soul when it becomes purified and understands his real nature not to come back again but how many people first of all how many people in the world are getting illumination is nothing eight million people eight people got marched into samadhi now so it is really we are not to be worried about that and more and more and more of a moreover our Hindu philosophy is that creation Evolution and involution same thing he repeat it again and again but not the same Soul as I said look at the Pacific Ocean the waves and ripples are many millions millions trillions zillions no but it is some some is rising some is falling some is dying but is there any end of creation there is no end of creation as God is Infinite Creation is infinite but individual this then you may say what is going on why we are in suffering it is for fun it is fun fun of that it's it is God's fun he he he stays sometimes without any creation to himself no and sometimes she feels that okay let me be many suppose that's my favorite example I didn't give it for a long time suppose you are alone you are happy with yourself now you want what is what you want to see yourself many so you create a room full of billions of mirrors concave mirror convex mirror of different aperture different focus and just stand there what will happen you will see so many you but not distorted you your face is this and you will concave manner it will be one way convex it will be like this but this is the creation but you break one mirror then what will happen they take out the mirror from there what will happen trillions will remain zillions will remain so it is God once performed to see himself in many sometimes goes to that room my my room and entering into the Maya room he creates himself so many and playing sometimes there then you get tired okay let me go back that's why it is said all the seed is collected in the Noah's Ark principle and God collected all types of seeds no that means all the seeds whatever here it goes into seed form and then merges with the Lord and again emerges from like involution and evolution every what happens for us every day suppose we are working now when you go to bed what happens this whole universe of this which is all multivarious experiences everything it goes it is withdrawn as it were and goes into deep Darkness you have no concept no and you get up in the morning again the same Pew you'll find tomorrow here the same table you will find it tomorrow here because it is again as it was before so it remains like that it goes on in pollution and evolution involution and evolution that is the Hindu idea of creation is not one time creation that number if God has created you see it was say God has created first he created only four and some other guys and ask them to go multiply but some say no no no and some did and then in the increase but it is in the wish they create no so the creation goes on this way and evolution comes and involution comes it is that's the way it continues okay thank you so we'll see you tomorrow again Om Shanti Shanti Shanti peace peace peace