Video 79
74. Shanti Gita - Class 74 - chapter 7- verse 1
foreign [Music] [Music] foreign Shanti oh Lord lead us from the unreal to the real lead us from Darkness to light lead us from day three mortality and even more shine in our hearts with your resplendent face from peace peace peace be unto us all so we are today to start this chapter 7 of The Shanti Gita and that is the last chapter and of this book so here the other chapter we talked about the same knowledge of the self jivan mukta state what is the ultimate destination how to analyze this world similarly here also the same question is continued by SRI Arjuna the original here raises this question that the very first verse says King laksha King lakshma laksha SWAT marupi you know King lakshma SWAT marupi you know foreign [Music] all this discussion is going on what is the end point to be focused on what is the object of our Focus or Target what is the target that Atma what is that object what are the indicated indication of that reality that swathmaru Pena which can be experienced by his own divine nature on its own self that which is called also Brahma foreign by the people of Bida is the people of knowledge Renoir of Truth and judge you know judge get to annoying which as Brahman as this I am that Brahman swatmanam that means me as Brahma rupena with me shall I realize that I am Brahman please tell me that process but how can I reach that goal that means that which is indicated as myself and what is called Brahman by the people of wisdom and Nora Noir of Truth which is indicated by the word self and that which is indicated by the word Brahman by knowing which the identity of these two with me how shall I know that this Atman is Brahman and nothing else please teach me that science that I object so Arjun is saying what is the object of our Focus which is called the argument which the noise of Truth say that knowing that self as Atman United together that gives liberation as you bhagavan you are the ideal teacher so please tell me that do I have understood it I've heard it from you again before but still until now I am not established in that truth therefore teach me that how I shall understand this self as that infinite Brahman they are all equal that means how shall I know this aham this Atman is Brahman that is the question therefore please tell me I can attain to Eternal Peace by knowing that kindly guide me and teach me how can I analyze that and find what is happening and I think this is the essence of the all upanishadic truth that which is indicated by the artman ahang foreign that's called that's why it's called the mahavato it's called the Great dictum because we means the word we talk small words about the mundane World about this that that what is the Maha the great mahavato the grand expression of the truth he expressed to the language that's why a hum Is Not aham a Home has Consciousness and that which is behind this so-called eye and that which is behind that entire Cosmos that is the same Consciousness identified here and there running translation says that original is saying that which is indicated as my own self Capital self not the small cell what is in me the north of Truth described it as equal to Brahman now Krishna please tell me about this knowledge so that I can realize my own self knowing that as Brahman yeah this is the important thing knowing only here will not do what is here that is there to see this both side with eyes closed drama business to say right God is there when the eyes is closed and when he open God goes there is no such thing what is here that is there to see with eyes open or eyes closed now SRI bhagavan Krishna gives the response to this in the second verse purusho right now [Music] Consciousness is like that of a thumb that means in the heart is like the thumb that means that that is a not a physical read eye but it is that the shape of a thumb indicating that Consciousness resides and that we call Atman he is the witness now who is residing there in their Lotus of the heart like that of a thumb that purusha that consciousness when one knows he who knows beta that as Atma that is me that is the real me not the other body mind emotion ego not those and you cannot know by ordinary buddhi ya Buddha finest of the fine intelligence with this intelligence we can know all the things in the material object and many things we cannot comprehend even even with this gross buddhi and to what the question of understanding what is the transcendental truth therefore it is said it needs a very fine defined buddhi understanding and it says it should be very sharp very pinpointed one pointed buddhi so Gita also suggests that buddhi which is placed or situated Atman that self and the experiences of that with the Buddha and the intellect but extremely subtle buddhi though your very subtle intellect though you're very subtle intellect through your very subtle intellect know that the conscious entity of the size of a thumb is situated in the Lotus of the heart to be the self and the experiences foreign Guided by whom goaded by whom this eyes fall upon the objects of the senses here here's the sound all the sense activities going on because of what is what is that behind this that it flows like that it is alive no desired by whom that this speech expresses what is that behind so there they can open just said um he's the he's not the speech he is a real speech behind this speech this is not the Mind mind recognizes mind goes and takes the captures the image of that and between then brings back then all it happens but it is not the Mind behind that mind the real mind so that is the way they said that that is the Consciousness ultimately so this is this but where is that why it is why because it is the feeling Center normally we all we all experience our sorrows and suffering Joys and happiness all in the heart so that's why it is called the hit Padma and then it is very subtle that's why you understand I don't know why they call Long Gusto a thumb like because this shape of the heart is that but it is not the physical heart in any way so that Consciousness which is in the heart and the contribution is also there so so babies are Muslim baby's body in our own body then we focus in the heart to realize that and it is not even this is not a physical thing that you it is just a symbolic expression that's why it is said that who is existing to know that to experience that is knowing means experiencing but that experience will be coming when you go transcend the intellect buddhi but that Buddhist should be refined first our Buddhist gross buddhi like that you take a take a what you call a an ax and try to try to do dissect the heart with that ax it will have no effect will also go and everything will go but to do surgery in the heart you need a very fine and fine surgical instrument so similarly with this gross buddhi you want to penetrate the world it is impossible that tool is not sufficient and strong and instrumental so therefore it is very fine that suksma buddhi comes by spiritual practice by Prayer by meditation by selfless Karma so that buddhi generates and they cannot because in anything in the growth or in the subtle or in the causal level you are in the level of this ignorance and Maya so you are we are rotating in the same level of round and round of birth and death so to go that first grows to subtle and subtle to very fine that's why very subtle buddhi yeah that's why so much empathy is also given in food Buddha [Music] and also Sankara says Buddhism it is the necessity that that sudhi of the buddhi is necessary buddhir sudhi is important without that this fine things cannot be understood should do enough important but only that food is not the only food will you take on the on the tongue we always think that tongue is the only problem our eyes are problem our ears are problem our nose are problem so problem in many areas foreign s will be pure not that proud and arrogant it will be humbled and purified and so whatever we are in taking if that is purified means our understanding becomes little purer because food has so much connection we understand one food we eat it will all rash will come over the body if you're in physical level it happens another food you take it suits your system you can have a good sleep you can have you take some food it will be whole night it will be restless so there is even in the growth sense we can find understand that [Music] understanding is clear we are not concerned about that we are talking about us who are not clear how we can be clear in our understanding this text is for not that person who has already reached jivan mukti who has become purified is not we are reading for them no they don't need to read anything they themselves become the example of Brahman but we are talking about we people whose buddhi is not sharp yet should we be intelligent people are there in the world how to cheat others how to make money how to do all these how to trouble others and and so the face that I am very goody goodie I am the best person in the world that that is called the ramakrina said chaturi chaturi that type of cleverness it is clever then maybe clever people but Sasha to read that cleverness is called cleverness which gives pure mind and which shows us God and this worldly clever and cunning people there are people they are very shrewd they are very intelligent but that is not the intelligence we are talking about it pure intelligence which will show the Satya nature or something behind this material award to feel the presence of something else in both here and outside that is that upanishad says what is past present and future that is the conscious entity so that it is actually they are talking about the tatamasi analysis of mahabhaka vedanta analysis that is the real vedanta day and night that's a vedanta student think who am I in another way I am that Consciousness not anything else that Thomas and there are great people like boy very pure stainless so he listened from Guru together nine times and then he got the realization instantly and we are listening whole life it goes through this eye here and goes to the other ear how much we analyze it does not sink here so that is the pure pure intellectual catched it is like that it is given the example in a pure mirror the sun sunlight shines brightest same sunlight you can put in a darker substance you see you don't it does not reflect so as this surface chitta and the mind that buddhi becomes purer and purer then this The Shining nature of the Divine will be very much visible that's why we go to the holy people who have purified their heart if you go in proximity with them we feel so much joy because they are signs the reflection that what is the real nature reflects more because still when one is functioning a functions three is buddhi only hmm a reflection on the chitra so who can get deep inside so that is by the word the tongue and tat the two are that Tom Tom is this this means normally we see who am I identification comes with the body with the mind with our our bio data our vertical ID ID card says eyes this color here this color height this five port five inches width is this much this is called ID but not that we are not talking about that Tom does not mean that don't mean something which is much subtle and finer and behind so then we may think okay it is not the physical though I understand then what is that naturally then will be you are then go to one level and punch to the kosher bichar and the analysis of the five courses what is that oh my God foreign shoot them is purified and it's purified then the inner light will shine forth so I am not annamaya made of the rice Dal food item what to eat and consume and gets transformed into a flesh and Bone and all these things that is me no no no no no not that that we can understand from a gross analysis but to go deeper and deeper is much difficult and the pranic energy this this life force is functioning yes that is me body nothing if the life force stops then body will be dead but he says I cannot be that because we are studying the consciousness the Consciousness now body is moving eyes are seeing this is consciousness no no no go back one step back back back so actually it is time to analyze that way the Atman what is that Atman getting deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and touching that Consciousness and what is this universe behind that who is there what is that the gross the settled similarly to move in that direction ultimately to reach where that is the Consciousness system and that Consciousness and this consciousness are no different so that's why this second verse SRI bhagavan started with this though you are very subtle through your very subtle interact no that the conscious entity is of the size of a thumb it is situated in the Lotus of the heart and that will be to be the self and the experiencer so it is someone is sitting as it were in a personalized form we are saying it is now no one is actually sitting there but because of the five posters are there we are some entities inside we are talking in this vein starts with that inside outside but when he reaches the truth there is no inside and outside in and out all we come on so when was is observing The Insider in in going in or more more in and in into the our very being there we find that there is that Consciousness shining and also in the cosmos in the whole creation wherever we look you analyze it then there is that Consciousness and to find this identity that is called the knowledge so third verse says [Music] declare that purusha is of the nature of Mangusta the thumb Lotus of the heart in the shape of that size of that thumb doctor and they are staying there jovati who reveals everything he is as if he is everywhere that ramakrishna said the governor is everywhere but Governors can be found in Governor house foreign quarters mostly so God is everywhere but when you say tangible manifestation tangible manifestation in here in a person where is that even a finger is there hand is there it is manifested there more no it is only manifested in the heart so that's why it is said that foreign like ambarami like space matram of the size of a thumb purusham calls herself that is by that only the everything is permuted it is said by the preparations this is only assertion of the same word that the Consciousness is of the nature oh uh in the in in in the person if you want to find to try to find here that's why our gurus give us the meditation exceptional teachers gifts for medicine somewhere else but normally our Guru ultimately gives to meditate in the heart why it is the heart is so important because there is a greater manifestation so long we live in the level of Duality those who have raised their Consciousness in a higher level they can live in that this plane or this plane so say is can live in this plane they may move but between here and there but we Ordinary People We heart is the best and thakur said you see most announced pronounced place for the Lord's residence so that's why this is we are same this this is the idea you want to find God first don't try to find God first everywhere yeah this attempt should be done but more should be focused here unless it is here outside it is just futile attempt and there is risk of getting mixed up with our ignorance more foreign there exists that ramakrishna but what is he needs is beyond all modulation [Music] existence and non-existence our in the sensory Universe there is two ideas it's something is there something is not there you can say he is here or he is not here well no you cannot say he is there then you leave it if you can say no it does not exist that also means as if it is nothing so this Veda this Duality this distinction beyond that that see how is indicating what we are reading here the truth is they are residing there who is Lumen illumining my heart ex giving experiences of all the things what I see here understand experience so that is inside and that is the truth and that that is we are see we are meditating your ramakrishna but Mantra says this is that is of the nature of only one absolute one there is no two he comes Brahma and that is the state SRI ramakrishna all right they're pretty Glide property that ramakrishna is shunna is void of prokiti the 24th one prop Cosmic principles and his big crazy and his deformation variety types of changes in it because now you can think of Anand ramakrishna's Ananda see we think that we think that only the photograph is he but this this Ananda is an expression of that which prokity Sunnah Beyond everything Beyond understanding that parama Hansa the Supreme Swan which is bimolo many exclusively pure and there is not a trace of any ignorance there that I pajama I pray so every day you meditate so you see they say you know what a beautiful composition all this philosophy has been pushed it only we have to do something even every day meditating on ramakrishna WE Do's up why we don't think that this is something else is here as if I am in grouping in darkness and to see something someone is sitting I don't see him naturally mind finds joy in sleep or to run in subjects so but if he really feels a little bit unless you intellectually think these ideas the alertness comes more so so being there see see that's SRI ramakrishna as if it's the biography of ramakrishna we are reading this verse it is ramakrishna's biography yes let's say used to say upanishad Etc is the biography of ramakrishna you want to see we see that he is born on that day and did this did this this is the biography come along they are residing there who is revealing everything so [Music] that's why here some explanation is little given giving you or you know the advice of the Great dictums you have to understand what is the meaning of the Trump doubt that means that who does the caitanya which is limited by the buddhi and tatpad means Maya our Channel these are all technical terms that's Cosmic Consciousness which is covered by Maya that is we call brahmatat and thumb is the same Brahman covered with again on individual ignorance that is called you remove this ignorance and that ignorance Brahman does not become Brahman and you don't become Atman that is that you cannot say what is that therefore when you think that you are Brahman you need to understand that and if you have not established yourself there then how to know you know by you have to know that Reality by your one-pointedness and love for meditation best competing student out of three types you know to realize Brahman three types a excellent student mediocre and ordinary third class [Music] and this and that is established and he says after the touch second time a third time and he touched One Touch Is Enough To See God everywhere and he could not find any place where there is no consciousness he is hitting the his head on the what you call the railing railing of the headwa park still there and that was that those were at that time cast iron railing were there and he's hitting his head is it cast iron or it is consciousness for him cast iron is gone but his head is becoming swollen because physical is physical but he is not in the physical though seeing the physical so there are three types that's why this that's why the scripture have made different advices to different categories of student s and following the path of the Southern this is by following this path of spiritual practice of these four types what are the four types viveka to analyze whether this is real this is permanent this is consciousness or it is matter analyze analyze analyze only that will not do only analyzing this is good this is where this is permanent this is impermanent does not make any sense unless you have the determination I don't care for it I I say this is unreal that is real and I also get involved into the what is unreal and release that so that will not do so this passion Detachment renunciation should be followed in relative in in relation to the object which is permanent or impermanent and then somebody we need some coin this you want to go to a distant land you must have your pocket full of money otherwise your hotel charge travel expenses all these are to be exchanged with some pocket money there's six Treasures sama control control of the Mind Dharma senses restraint someone austerity austerity what Sankara is gives the big asterity foreign is endured whatever Trouble Comes okay let me endure but not agitated or not reactionary even I won't think of that lamentation oh I didn't say but I should have said this I didn't do but I should have done that that's the ideal condition that statistics as ideal conditions that is called the titiksha endurance withdrawing the Mind from all this troubled and distracting objects to focusing here inside or seeing God everywhere many faith and trust in yourself and also in God and I want to be liberated this is burned is for me [Music] in all that state some other so these are the sampathi and last the last one means measure why I am doing this I want to be liberated no other goal for me life so this this should be cultivated and and not just saying I am Atman you are Atman you are Brahman I am the witness not will not do it will be only go over your head that can give us good Pride that I know I have read this vedant to that vedanta that but to make it realistic these are the things necessary they say to purify our mind to purify our own intellect us one should be engaged in this four sadhana four sadhana sadhana means four so four types of sadhara viveka understanding what is permanent impermanent eternal non-eternal and then understanding that the courage and strength to give up throw away I don't like I I won't touch it because it is contrary to my spiritual growth that is the second Vivek Virago somebody six Treasures of mental Equanimity sense control and all this we discussed and why I want to be liberated I don't want to be involved in this life like this cats and dogs and animals to be born and dying and dying and born again and again again and again uh so I want to get out of it so that criminal these are the sadhana which will purify my heart and then purifying heart will show us the truth so to how to clean the Mind from all these draws all this confusion of ignorance or Maya that's a mirabai said foreign animals they live all the time in the water in the ganga Holi Ganga so they will be liberated so I also go take a deep and sprinkle ganja of Ganga water now and then so I am no no not known I I don't disturb anyone I don't hurt anyone okay I am president that's good but that merely that will not do follow me on the birds and many many birds they live only on the fruits they don't never taste any meat or any other thing goats and cows so they would have realized because they are eating all the time that thing if I have no sense of that is the Consciousness the Lord Shiva himself I could have gone to keep flowers and throw ganga water on the top of Himalayas then I realized God no so what is needed is that the Supreme that's right to stay this Force vedanta should be done and those who are very expert expert in the process of analyzing and in this pure form of this time they are the mukhorically they're the prime competent people they'll get earlier because their mind is ready by this practice they are detached they are have the proper understanding of the truth they have power to reject what is impermanent so they will be able to see the reality first and if they hear from the teacher's mouth only even happy slope or a slope they can immediately get a glimpse of that realization they are high class students it has been said that is foreign [Music] who resides there one who understand that Atman this is my Atman o maybe when one full sloka or happy happy couplet [Music] he does not need much to hear only one one word or two some happy sloka water is low that will make them feel really that's what he said you know when you hear that I am that thou art that Brahma I am Atma Brahma all this dictum foreign so this mind will be good like and in a gap the truth instantly so mukti Liberation is under this level of knowledge of the self that that Dr Gano ah is is under the spell of bakkatu Top Gun that means you analyze what is the meaning of the word from you have to analyze analyze DNA day and night it depends on that again that means when this meaning of the word which you are contemplating this Atman this is Brahman this is the Consciousness that is the indicated meaning of all word if that continuously goes on then that will give the wisdom in the heart of a person that's right therefore who is competent who is engaged in sadhana for sadhana become pure-hearted Bichara kushal who is adept in analyzing what the real meaning of it there they are the prime recipient of the truth when they hear from the guru's mouth and then it actually indicates that and they reach that point they like that they gained the knowledge of the akas or the space and this this body identity goes away when the body ID introduce this akaso which is contained inside where is the distinction great space and this space become one mahakashu okay okay so we end here today after verse 3 next time we'll read four why do next line is [Music] so he is giving the example what is called and mahakasu huh one devotee she was initiated by coming so he used to come here and he says that after a long time he listening to vedanta he asked him I don't understand all these things could you please tell me in a simple language what I can grab it then he said but don't do it so simple what is the problem foreign so where is the distinction only your body the pot made of Jar then picture is making me different from this spot and that pot and that pot and that part bit the pot I am not the body break it that's you feel instantly the barrier is gone said so he said that in one stroke I heard that but the intellectual clarity it is so spontaneously came I could not believe that reading so many texts it does not give that but instance sometimes sudden the words of some sadhus instantly give some idea about the truth oh okay Play Sitting now you are talking about that should not say it that photograph you are showing this morning or when yeah the peace when a meat eating you know anyway cannibals cannibal cannibal as many other words also the same what have so many meaning and they have no sense of purity um [Music] oh so you have one question has come and then we'll see and Tomorrow Will Be Our Gospel class [Music] about the spiritual progress of each other ah that we find sometimes you read the gospel at the end of The Gospel appendix you'll find that Swami Vivekananda talking to M and they're discussing about the spiritual progress of each other uh swamiji sometimes saying I did so much austerity I practice so much of things but what I see nothing I have seen the mantras in the right bright letters but what has happened nothing has happened like that so that probably they do any spiritual person what they will do suppose to politicians meet together they will talk about politics do businessmen will be talking about business so two spiritual people will talk about about the spiritualities and also comparing each other yeah not there is then here stick to measure by external comparison but they do probably the aim says something and swamiji says something swamiji is one letter writing to him foreign comment Chilean Guru you are a cow you have become a man and you will be a ballroom of the right Ballroom ballroom's disciple he was so humble all the time says he told swamiji that nothing has happened what has happened I I came in touch with ramakrishna paramang so what has happened nothing has happened that's why he said beautiful you had been a cow it had become a Chilean Guru manusa you have become Manus manhush and you will be devoted with God so you are like a cow cow does what like grazing the grazing and eating the grass and chewing the same card when sleeping day and night before I wish I world and worldliness world and worldliness in that state now we have been lifted to Manus I am aware of my man who am I we are called Consciousness study in different language now it is this awareness or even devotee we are going to be angels and gods and Angels so why do that so I think these indicate that they used to discuss among themselves the gossip is a word we have to understand the meaning gossip does not mean chit chatting Loosely but they sit together that everything you want to experiencing but just talking we do spiritual worship but when you experience and discuss but I'm all in the salon period they also go to do those stages though they are no words of Brahman were born here but they are to follow the process of spiritual sadhana also their frustration comes Dark Night of the Soul comes and not that they have all even thakuras touched them they got their experience does not mean that they are established in that that's the rajamans again struggling to get into establishment so yes they are holy mother even said ma do you remember your Divine self well no more no my child how can you work in the world know that they are also put some Veil they are will fully they pull the put the well but they behave like us sometimes so then that state they compare sometimes but anyhow this is he made me have so many meanings but I another question by continuously saturating our mind with thoughts of Brahman will we finally watch the taint of ignorance completely away yes that is the good good good uh key observation if we can continuously saturate our mind with the thoughts of Brahman then what remains if there is no place of worldliness into it then then ignorance is you are driving out the ignorance every day every moment because you're constantly saturating the mind in the thoughts of Brahman that's a very important point if we can walk and I forget one minute five minutes I forgot then I remember oh no no my real nature is divine and then again five minutes again two minutes second three minutes if we do that constantly the ignorance which was covering my mind and making me feel I am a worldly idiot person uh and only to come here to go through this softening and pain and pleasure and dictate of everyone when that condition changes I am Atman I belong to that reality then naturally the ignorance you are fighting with the ignorance ignorance is already driven out driven out driven out so I think that the if one can do probably ignorance will completely go away certainly that's why he said it is said that that and trying to wash it what is that so continuously engaged day and night engage yourself in thinking that I am Atman right ya there is a instruction till you go to sleep so I have done today and 10 days I can live on vacation in spiritual life there is notification I have done two years now I can get one month vacation or I can relax little bit busy with other things no till the breath stops the day and night every day 365 days years after years till we die what to do call a night we have to spend the time thought of this vedantic Spirit or devotee will practice the devotional practice whatever okay thank you all right yeah yes gospel class will be I'll be here to read the gospel tomorrow [Music]