Video 68
65. Shanti Gita - Class 65 - chapter 6 - verse 17 - 30
[Music] oh lord lead us from the unreal to the real lead us from darkness to light lead us from death to immortality and even more shine in our hearts with your resplendent face from peace peace peace be on plus all so we are on the reading of the shanti gita verse number 16 we read what we read we read that the question was that there is no creation there is no jiva there is no god it's all you are seeing in the maya that is the primacy premises it is like the infinite ocean calm and serene in that ocean of calmness as the cool bridge creates a ripple so in similarly in the ocean of consciousness in that fullness in that absolute ocean of consciousness and bliss this jagat this world is being absorbed like that that means whatever is seeing we are seeing the name and form the waves like the ocean in the in the ocean comes waves small big powerful weak so similarly in this creation we find dynamic thing spot strong weak illumination ignorance all are played in this duality so that was the premises of our last reading years here that in the ocean of consciousness similarly this thing we see that it is absolute consciousness only by the illusory forces of the maya so that is the we see now we have read the other day that in the consciousness appears in the form the consciousness appears in the form of the universe why due to maya the cosmic ignorance it is like the dream activity caused by sleep there is no not the not even the slightest truth in it as we see in the dream entire world of reality and that world is really frightening sometimes sometimes joyful sometimes pleasing sometimes painful and they are real but actually it is not it is the mind when you wake up now where are those pain suffering anxieties what is in the dream similarly this is also to be understood this is a dream it has no reality so it says the consciousness appears in the form of the universe consciousness the ocean appears like a wave that wave you see you are seeing the wave it is nothing but the water of the ocean same ocean only in the wave form you don't know if you say it is brahman when the wave comes this universe so what you are seeing the wave you are seeing you are seeing the ocean vedanta is very simple only one point to understand what i am seeing you as a human being is my mistaken identity my mind is showing this wrong interpretation but in reality it is that truth the reality such as consciousness in this wave form or that wave form in the sun form in the moon form even the tiny creature form amoeba form wherever you go it is you are seeing the same ocean and nothing else and how long you see this dream dream exists so long you are asleep you are sleeping in ignorance so long you are streaming so this world also appearing due to ignorance and as soon as the this dream will break the proper dawn of knowledge then neither the maya exists nor there is anybody who is holding the maya everything is like a magic show and only a person of narrow vision perceives everything as real so as we go and see something which is unreal as real similarly when the knowledge will dawn the ignorance will drop up and when the ignorance drops up then you are free you are free from all bondage all the anxieties is like a dream dream breaks in a dream people say why is having a terrible dream ah i was horrified i was lost into the fire i was getting burnt into the fire everything what you say is only mere words there is nothing nothing happened it is happening in your mind only but we cannot feel this way here now but this becomes meaningless when you are going to sleep or into dream so if it is true true it will be true all the times but once perception changes as soon as the mind becomes awake or in a half sleep or total sleep condition of the mind is changing and our perspective is changing this is the mind your mind is very meditative one day peaceful joyful you are very happy one day mind is irritated even the good thing appears very bad that his whole world is mind and our perception or that's why so much emphasis is given how to tame the mind how to guide the mind to go to his own rhythm and last time we read 14 and 15 there we got that it seems it appears that the upanishads have mentioned about creation we see that in the upanishad in our scriptures the creation theory is given the world is created and that creation as if it is true as they have said why the rishis are talking about the creation how half of the element of earth plus one eighth of the elements of other fire water space etc etc makes the gross materials like that so these are all formulation and then you find that the description of the creation theory is in different upanishads and different places are different why it is different that question came because it is not true organization the people who are in ignorant to drive away their ignorance they create one imaginary idea about this reality of this world and when the knowledge dawns all this imaginary thing appears disappears so it seems apparent that the upanishads have mentioned about the creation why for instructing the ignorant people why because like a mass mother a patterning with imaginary stories for the pleasing of the child pleasure of the child in the same manner this place krishna says i shall tell you about the creation please listen so creation is not fundamentally krishna is giving a clear idea the creation is not there but you are in ignorance you are thinking this creation and me and mine and you are getting very much affected by all these feelings and emotions therefore i am telling you how the creation has come it is an imaginary thing fundamentally it is not there but appear because of your mind that ignorance by its own splitting power is transformed into two one takes the form of the cosmic ignorance and another takes the form of individual ignorance how that organum that organo that ignorance it is holding ignorance we are all that's why it's called we are ignorant and that's why it is the sadhus or the brahma ghani they are called the the realized souls their ignorance is gone so to the ignorance that ignorance has is it it splits into two direction one is the cosmic ignorance one is the individual ignorance that's a very important point cosmic ignorance because the cosmic god the absolute brahman when he thought i'll be many he thought your mind in the night you do not know but your mind thought and in thinking something he created the entire dream you're only one mind creating yourself creating all the people in the dream who even you're frightened the man who is going to kill you that man is created by your mind there is no reality there is really real man has not come over there or who is giving you a good feast that person is also not there it is also your mind has created so your mind has created 100 people so many cars down road travel food all these things what you are seeing in the dream your mind has created similarly cosmic mind think of your mind my mind all mind put together that mind is the cosmic mind god's mind we call god's mind that mind has created it is aakasha bayou bayou radhaba advertibi they said from there came the akka shot bio he created from the space infinity no sadasi in the nashville you'll find these verses there is neither you cannot say there is there is not that was the state a perfect state where there you cannot say it is there where you can see it is not there from there came the creation and they said they are from aakash akasu is the first creation space infinite space no other thing then can bayou here adva jal precipi like that so is it came in another upanishad you'll say no no no first came another item and they permutation and combination created this material one actually it is a creation first put into our mind to understand that this is the real as you are seeing but it is not real to prove that they will bring this knowledge aspect of vedanta so what is this that it is only that one consciousness you are seeing the cosmic mind is only brahman and that that when it creates it becomes split into ignorance maya maya is the cosmic ignorance and your ignorance because individual ignorance is called abidya true spirit which makes the world so tangible and real in us god has created this entire universe that's the cosmic mind cosmic mind thought i'll be many he has sun moon stars galaxies all these things my mind brings the awareness i like it i dislike it see the point if we are having no our ignorance individual ignorance so it's called orbit if that was not there then there is no problem for us because if we see the god's creation only if i have no attachment to that or repulsion to that then i am free but that is a point we are not because we are in the spell of ignorance it is like a double the one is god's ignorance another is my ignorance is superimposed so dual my mind is creating further on that huh so we gave the example the other day you see the same object but we react so many differently god signals god saw it the maya that's the ignorance god's ignorance means god's power though it is ignorance ignorance means seeing the he is alone why he will be many is he incomplete no it is for fun and he has the power and that power is called maya maya is ignorance and in that sense god's that's a cosmic ignorance we call cosmic ignorance because being who's that's god's god's mind your mind and my mind and god's mind what is the difference god's mind is the sum total of all minds and your mind my mind is a part of it now that ignorance by its splitting power it has transformed into two one takes the form of the cosmic ignorance called the maya and maya is a power maya ignorance is for our it does not allow us to see the right thing ignorance has bailed it but god is the maya with his sorrow the lord of maya so it is his power though but he has the control but we have no control i am forced to see what my mind says you become a yogi then you have got control over your mind and gradually when the mind will be pure fully controlled then you are brahmana so all this problem is coming mind mind minds whole spiritual life is mine that's why jivan mukti bibek three points let's see one point is the nirvana [Music] the three things destroy your mind whole vedanta his foundation is on that point destroy the mind whose mind this mind which is suing his soul diversity the mono naso means what total killing there will be no trace of mind as soon as that will be done manora bashana the astronomy is desire these are is the where these are not in the tip of the finger these are in your mind so the mind is gone so desire is also gone and desire is gone as holy mother said you become nirvana now you are there you reach god now and here if you are near vasana then that's why you see the brahman they live in the state of nirvana nirvana means perfect peace they have because their mind is like that's a ramakrishna like a child child's mind they have no attachment to anything they love they say cry for one thing in this moment and forget the next moment so they have no attachment to anything so they are pure mind manonas and tata again simultaneously the truth will be revealed so if we practice mananas bashan akshay that together we do three every day by meditation we try to disturb mind to bring it forecast when the mind gets this dissolved we try to pray every day by analytical the things seeing things thing that is not permanent is not permanent so the mind is getting training not to desire for things because these are all temporary these are all temporary so and as there is a thing i am that atman i am that one the three way attack to remove the ignorance that is the jivan mukti vivec teaches so that is that therefore two power of ignorance is sure becoming multiple one is the cosmic level another is the individual level we read up to that 17. [Music] is [Music] ignorance my ignorance your ignorance made of the three gunas satyr rajas ignorant we are all ignorant but my ignorance and ignorance of say almost getting to illumination one sadhu one monk or one devotee is not the same he's his mind has become more subtle so that's why it says god's maya that's the cosmic maya how is shara became his sharok how god came into picture it is brahman that says no no no the maya shakti the power the cosmic power which was inherent in brahman and it has three-pronged expression one is sattika one is rajasika one is namaskar with the satya pradhana predominance preponderance of sato quality and rajas and tamas is also there from that [Music] enlightened by the consciousness of brahman being lighted by the light of consciousness suppose there is a mirror and there is a light the deflection will be the best if it is subtle it is clean you may have a mirror which has not not become with shoot something has gathered around the light you will do then this light will be the same reflection will be less and if it is totally dark that means layers of two layers of dust and darts assemble thomas covered by thomas reflection will not be there there will be material that's why you call matter in the cosmic reality that sata rajas and tamas maya has three aspects by this satu maya where maya quality more in god's creation that lighted by the light of that consciousness brahman is always light it is always giving illumination so that light is always falling on the mirrors but that mirror when it is sattha pradhan almost transparent the reflection becomes great therefore cheetah superimposition of the consciousness on the mirror cheetah abhasu the reflection that comes his name becomes isharaw so ishara is who saccidananda by his own maya when that maya becomes full of satiko quality that means clear and distinct like the glass mirror then that reflection becomes so powerful and so tangible that reflection is called the ishwara it's just the sun give the example sun sun can be reflected on any place no morning sun rises and the sun reflects on everything but suppose you keep a very nice belgian glass and the sun comes sun's light falls on the glass mirror and you see a reflection this reflection is very bright very clean and clear that is called the ishwar understand point when the mind is mind not my mind but god's mind as i am saying god's mind what is that maya and maya has three shaktarajas and thomas when sattv quality pre is very much preponderance of sotto quality comes and in that sort of quality the sachidan on this reflection falls and we see the image a reflected sun we see that reflected sun is called ishwara so so the translation goes in maya where saktika quality predominant predominates or preponderance of the subtitle quality the reflection of consciousness is illuminia no when that light pulse it shines forth that consciousness is because of the superimposition of the consciousness upon maya the reflected consciousness becomes sister by its own power of maya so god is not created by somebody else understand in this material world everything is created by somebody else but god who if you put that question is a silly question someone say as you are talking about god who has created god no there is no creator god he himself by his own inherent potential capacity you are a singer singing you are not singing but when you really throw your voice out you say wow he's a good singer so god has the power of manifesting himself or hiding himself that the maya power and this maya power is the three gunas together is called maya when that gets predominance of the satiko quality clear side and the reflection of the consciousness falls up it appears is sure that's why it is called sacha bhagavan isharu swacha bhagavan who is the bhutana mishara he's the creator of the whole universe ajo means birthless stainless absolute that becomes samaya worshiper they say it is brahma shakti abed brahman and its power are the same you cannot separate out you cannot keep the mom person here and his music talent here okay you have you know music i say give out your music talent i keep it here and you see it's there it is not possible it is totally mingled together so similarly that is the sattica quality which have made preponderance of saturn the same consciousness reflects in the cosmic mind and cosmic mind that's why god's mind is said as in the body is here mind is inside so as a cosmic body and there is a cosmic mind so that is [Music] similarly in cosmic mind it has also three qualities and then can you give the example that how can i say this is the subject manifestation see that that's why they say in horror and mirror in horror and in terror in destruction and in creation you see the whole lord's play going on they don't see the distinction we see what is going on in the war for us is serious and for krishna in in the cosmic form this world warriors are coming and going like like a little tiny um what you call tiny insects in the cosmic body of the lord no bishop so creation is for something for you is very serious for him it is nothing it is like a chair be sure was it that nose rule song is there [Music] that's why taku says mother's play who are you to say good and bad he said why god is saying why so much suffering who are you to say like that there is nothing but god see tama manifestation satigue manifestation they are adjusting manifestation this is within the realm of individual ignorance also in the level of the cosmic ignorance cosmic ignorance ishara is kind compassionate history is also with the sword another rajasik that's why in the chundi mother chandi saraswati and mahalakshmi and mahakali three aspects are worshipped no and their satiko aspect why the mother is not tamasik to deal with the tamil so you should have to hit deal damasic power suppose someone is coming with a gun to attack you so you need another gun double gun right be careful get out so tam also to deal with tamasa rajasthan to deal with al-jazeera sattva so these are both individual case and cosmic place same thing happens and for us because we are ignorant we don't see what is going on but it is all god's play going on in the eyes of a brahmagani they don't only merely say this but they in their life also we find the demonstration of that when that sadhu was beaten and he has died almost and somebody that the monks took them into their monastery and when he was almost coming to almost gone coming back to little senses and opened eyes the first question was asked who has done this nasty thing to you and the sadhu said who is feeding me the milk he has done this thing so the feeding milk is a sattica quality someone is sick out of compassion you are fanning you are bringing him into consciousness what is haptic equality love compassion holiness is there and another person unnecessarily a holy monk was moving and they go and beat him and put him to almost unconscious and dead this is thomas activity raja's activity no but in the eyes of the holy man he didn't say oh he's the culprit go and catch him i saw that guy are you coming this way this is the description i don't know the name go and catch him ordinary people will do that but the holy pants eyes who are clear in their vision were shaktiko and crossing satrika they go they don't see the world the same way as i see so god that's why god also has three forms one supersad they call predominance of satiko quality predominance of rajasthan quality predominance of thomas equality that does not mean only sattha there is other parts of their percentage they sought to quality for ramakrishna look at that rama krishna krampus knows if we think 99.9 percent may be sattha and point one they divide into thomas and rajas i don't understand just to understand i'm saying like that who knows but the question is that but and another aspect of that there are many uh realize so many suppose the buddhist try and others then what was the angry god vishwamitra he's angry angry he says anytime he gets mad then he can curse you and it will happen but we say different meaning is there that's but is also a brahmanagani but how he can do that but that word will not come out from the mouth of holy mother never you find in the whole life you read you cannot find one place mother has used such abusive word or strong word whereas we hear of these sages and they are getting mad and they are cursing somebody and having that so that is the expression in the rajasan tamil so preponderance of that but illumination has come inner inner idea has come it is all god but the outer activity of the mind has not stopped that's right and mononas should be practiced simultaneously that is the very important factor so in maya where sato quality predominates then the reflection of the consciousness consciousness reflects you know you even in a lake you stand on the michigan lake when it's calm look at the whole sky is reflected there you know good photographers sometimes take pictures no that you see the sky reflected sky what so that is the reflected sky so that's why that consciousness reflected and because of the superimposition of the consciousness so consciousness we are not looking it is superimposed by what by by maya the reflected consciousness becomes sister you see a reflected sound there bright brilliant and that is called the reflected sun as the maya power by the maya and we call him ishara got this vedantic idea what is called god and god is created by whom god is created by his own power maya power he when he is absolute does not create does not desire that i shall be many he is called brahman when he plans okay i'll be many just one thought and that magic power manifests and then it manifests this how by his maya shakti this creation happens and this consciousness then gets reflected in the cosmic mind as a lake example and patanjali's yoga that you will see mind is always made made parallel with the idea of a lake chitto lake the mine lake why because the reflection comes and you see the reflected sun there and with the color of the water your reflected sun will be colored if it is crystal clear water no ripple it is one type when it is rippled you see the moonlight night you can find the how the moon is breaking under the water no one moon but is breaking under the water but it's all illusion but it's happening in the where in the mind and that mind your mind and such cosmic mind cosmic mind god creates individual mind you come out of that then comes the verse 18 and 19. my the covering power of maya maya abram by covering covered by maya covered by maya bhavit isha god is god when maya is covering the consciousness that is the maya isha what is god god is brahman covered with maya simple sentence understand when cosmic consciousness is covered by maya though is maya his own power but he covers himself you know magicians example old days they used to give magician comes with a dress and also he plays his hand tricks and that trick creates so much of impossible thing possible so this is also saccidananda covered by the maya trick ki isha maya brittya by the covering power of maya maya has two power no it is very fundamental two powers of ignorance ah tell me i can see the person outside maya has two power one is abram another is big sheba one covers the real nature another creates projects new ideas new thoughts so maya brittya by the britti of the maya bhavit ishaq god comes into existence you call god so long there is no maya there is no god when maya comes into picture maya covers the vision that is called ishwar sarvaga and all knowing we call him he knows everything because he is the root from which whole creation is coming so he is the knower of everything sarvabhaga sarvashaktiman is all powerful it chadi sarvakortitam his lives in a position of being performer of everything starting from desire so he desired that's why many has come so he's the from the beginning i am the doer i will do i will do this all this power is coming from him maya by the modification of the maya thus in god so that that means that what is happening by the covering power of maya god becomes all-knowing and all powerful brahman does not know anything no there is no question of his knowing and becoming powerful if brahman alone is there how will you say he is powerful powerful means you have to always have something less power and more power so he is more powerful than this that how you say powerful there is no concept of power success reality so all knowing you cannot say brahman knows everything brahman does not know brahman is neither the noah known he is the one absolute when it becomes mandara maya then he becomes the knower of all these things understand the point when the creation starts he is behind the creation then he knows the creation but when the no creation the question does not arise that he is the knower all-knowing all-powerful we say god is all all-knowing powerful we don't say brahman is all-knowing and all-powerful understand this fine distinction it's very technical area we are reading now we can say god knows everything god is the indweller you can say all these things but you're gonna say brahman is the on dweller brahman is the noah brahman doesn't have the question of knowing it is that's why we put saguna is sarah first god personal god that is the concept of monotheistic god so that that god is all knowing we say even christianity and islam and hinduism god knows everything he knows your past present future honey if he is brahman who will know how he will know but when he comes down one step down the avatars are also same avatars are all knowing all powerful because they come with that power ramakrishna says raja the king is visiting his kingdom in disguise he is visiting his kingdom disguise his power of king kingship is gone she has the total power in him so when avotado comes they don't show that because they don't show that people think that and people ignore me that i am the bhutan i am the master of the mahaysha i'm does not understand that he is talking about his standpoint he is not talking about brahman's standpoint we must always get confused in this pine area what is brahman what is his shara brahman your lips should stop no description anything you say you are not talking about brahman but when you say he he knows everything he knows our suffering he knows our future that we are talking about ishwara saguna brahma and that is the reflection of the infinite brahman consciousness on the cosmic mind maya and there when satiku quality there is this powers are more dominant so maya brittya bhavit being covered by maya bhavit isha he is called brahman is called isha when abrid when covered not covered it is brahmana but when it is covered then it becomes bhaved isha and that time we call him sarvanga he knows everything every creation because everything he is the conscious entity which gives sustenance to all creation so he is servant and his all power behind power of this electric light the same power behind you behind me behind a particle subatomic particle the same power it is he supplies that power sarbo shaktimal and then it shady and also icha is a means desire i wish to do this i will do sarba-kurtita and the kurdistan control of everything sarva-kurtitam maya britia being covered by maya as in the isha that is ishara does all these things not brahman isha tata sa resolution what resolution i am alone only one that saccidana on the consciousness sankalpan being making a resolution taught brittya by that britti that when you desire something as if you are raising a wave in the mine lake now with that brittya satchwaya by his own volition says spontaneously it is not compulsion somebody is goading him you have to do this you have to do there is no controller of that he is the origin of everything there came the desire uttitude means arose there are arose in the cosmic mind that one sankalpu resolution without any concept of two by his own volition by spontaneity then sankalpa and isha that is the isha there is the isha means the god the creator they came and that is the way this universe has been manifold manifold manifested so so 19 running translation will be like this by the covering power of maya god becomes all-knowing and all-powerful thus the position of being the performer of everything starting from desire etc comes upon god by maya's covering power so it is only god's power and it is comes starting from the desire the very fundamental is wish that i shall be many therefore from god the decision maker who is the decision maker who decides all these things god and who is god maya will be functioning later on to make this gross thing solid thing damn which is more a brighter thing in the creation you see there are beautiful flowers there are poison oaks the poison there are flowers we smell you can die so all types of creation variety of creation came [Music] [Music] there is no distinction in name and form from there rises the wave of god and the of causal force [Music] holding a desire aj what is sankalpa that i shall be many [Music] [Music] who will count how many forms how many names how much infinite number of creation rises from that is is unique my god how he has expressed this the entire feeling see we are reading now shanti gita and vivekananda is singing the song this is how from one the many has come it's exactly the same so therefore from god the decision maker he is the decision maker there are spontaneously no one has requested him under the compulsion of someone or some pressure no we do all these things we do want to do or not to do our compulsion of our mind compulsion of other people complacent of the environment we do things but god is not like that is swata by his own volition spontaneously by his own will a mental modification in the form of resolution came i am the only one and shall become many. i shall be boho many so 19 verse is wired okay and in that creation came time concept of time 20th verse maya [Music] when the maya came that came started the timing click click click click click started before there is no time beyond time beyond space beyond position but when maya came into the picture instantly click click click click the concept of time starts and that is called the great time that's a lot shiva is called mahakala mahakali so the maya then maya would gotta rise in from that maya time mahakali great time it is suta these are all we hear from the scriptures suti mahakar the power of that great time is mahakali when mahakalo came then kali should come shakti see you can get there in vedanta the root of tantra mahakala what is mahakali will do alone if there is no shakti in it that's why maha shiva you see the shiva snow white but he's a form he's samadhi almost super satis but the shakti should come and that's what he will create the universe mahakali so that's why they said that time that has risen from maya is known as the great time mahakala and the power of that great time is called mahakali and she is the primordial and she springs up at the very beginning she comes up that's right shiva the mother kali comes and the chest of it why chest where comes your thought you may brain or your mind here to manifest it emotion so i will be many manifest and that's the mother stands up in the chest it's very that's why people don't understand why she ma kali is standing on the chest of shiva it's very odd but the shakti coming out from where all our emotions start over here action goes into hand and feet later on so that is the expression that maha shakti that maha brahman that absolute brahman when maya gets into the position the shakti manifests from it and the beginning of all the activity in the world and so maya it says that everything is born due to time and remain in time time that has risen from maya is known as the great time mahakala and the power of that great time is mahakali and she is primordial as it springs up at the very beginning no that is the way the creator so we'll read the other verses 21 next time kaal you know jayate sarvam and now time has come and nothing to do time will automatically go on create no you are you controlling the world time is controlling the world in time people are meeting each other time people are going away time people are dying time people becoming king time people becoming killed no bombardment is going on fire is going on in time time time time nobody has to do anything god's clock starts automatic and see how we are time con under the compulsion of time our every day is not time what is going on time time time time time so mahakala mahakali time period of 24 hours you are talking about i have no time but i cannot do this work that's why time our consideration i have no time means i cannot give time for this thing that is our normal sense of when you say something oh i want to do it now and i have no time now i have no time means when in this time frame click click click click i cannot accommodate this work so i have no time but timeless is a different thing when samadhi we go to the timeless mood when you go to sleep [Music] it's a part of time time concept how will you think that you are saying the space but we do but we divide but but for all practical purposes you see we say my house my land hollywood my territory ukraine border why are you saying it space no space for mutilate utilitarian purpose we all use this terminology uh time no to one time but we are without dividing the time you cannot have your daily transaction transactional universe unreal then no discussion don't discuss anything and you'll see it and say i am atman boss but when you are not talking then you are in the duality then even in time vedanti is very clear no ambiguity there if you go to timeless that's a different zone before you are as soon as you come into time zone you are bound by the root routine of this life so rama comes sama comes krishna comes everything is controlled time is the best they can say time is kalo that's a mahakala right when you take all of time you become parameter you are the creator see this step what we are talking about supreme isharo you become ishiro call out yes and we go to be on time in this when you sleep no but we do not know but when you wake up you know the time but when you are deep sleep are you not going beyond time but you are just dropping into the ignorance that says time is going on but you are not aware but when my knowledge will dawn then we'll see it is the maya's place this tick tick tick going on i am the unchanging witness absolute unchanging truth so then what happens to the time not me i have nothing to do with it anything happening to the body what is that what am i to do with it i am not that if anything happens to that man who is moving in the street i am nothing to do it it is his affair so this body is also like somebody's i don't care they are very very otherwise they are not a knower of truth they have this conviction and experience correct or not now vedanta at least gives us clarity of understanding the confusion is not there hospice is not there he put any question in vedanta you will be finding that she's always standing on the same ground without confusion time as soon as you say time you are under maya he went under rabitha so you are bound by these rules as as everyone is bound by time call a chakra will of time like dharma chakra the wheel of time and you see now one days um many good people put something in the internet they say so that one baby is born and then he starts cycling the life is going on and the boy the small boy becoming adult adult becoming see time is going on life is going on time and the changes are coming we don't notice ourselves but if we can put ourselves in that picture how things are going on we are bound by the rule of time and in time everything comes in time everything goes and when we go beyond time nothing to go nothing to come that we are that we are. no israel is the master yeah he can win evil as if he is born like us he also has christ did not jason and my krishna had the play did not have the same thing with the ram krishna in the command sure they are born they are following but they know i am not bound by it this body is bound by it always go back to the vedanta it is body and mind if you you cannot think of anything beyond body and mind everything happening in your life in body and in mind so whenever you are talking anything are you talking in the level of these two then you are in maya don't talk about brahman your brother is always separate or affected by anything no one can mind it how would one be able to function in this world with no mind no if it is no mind he need not have to function why he will function what is the function for function for fun and joy what fun is there in the world more than suffering and if they want to join they live in the noma and mean pure mind they see god everywhere and enjoy someone beating him it's fun okay the ramakrishna saw that some one brahma ganesha has come and he is just walking in the road and some children are throwing some peoples and pits and he's bleeding here and there and brahma ghani sadhu is saying haha these boys don't know what they are doing like is there nothing has happened bleeding they are throwing stones and things and is it like a children's play but he's unaffected by that ramakrishna said hey this to sridhara it is this he's become he's a brahmanagani and then he said that but sridharam tried to follow him and he is not looking at him and going away and they say please tell me you had a brahmagani what what is the last word then ultimately he said when the water of the ganga and the drainage in indian drainage water you can understand how nice is that both will be same then you are in brahmagani gangajal are you not the one the rain water you will see the same thing so because it is not they are not seeing they are experiencing that the being in time not within the time so being in mind within my no mind so no mind state is a mind of you can say sudden otherwise will be like our dream state every sleep state every day we sleep so no mind state that means put someone to sleep every time so he'll be non-functional and he'll be crazy afterwards after some time if you put him so much injection to put him always in the sleep so no mind state with vedanta means it is a pure mind state that pure mind will show the presence of the divine everywhere inside and outside and then they are called brahma ghanis they are called jivan muktas but otherwise no mind state is a disease we are no mind state why i do something and i don't do it perfectly you are in no mind state it is it is a disqualification in the society for the question of spiritual life spiritual life it should be your sharp eye you will be looking everything it that very critical sharp and pin pointed eyes you can see everything but how will you react that's yours they don't react but the question is that it falls in their eyes sattagoon that is the quality of the sattical quality and pure mind no mind state vedanta says pure mind it is mind but you cannot say mind why mind gives up its own function okay thank you very hello any question anymore no okay no question [Music] you cannot be ishwara because israel is the cosmic it's just too hard cosmic mind cosmic consciousness you have no cosmic you cannot attend to cosmic consonant you can be you can you know you can remove your ignorance and merge one small wave can it be tsunami never but once drop of water even one bubble can be the ocean when merges into ocean no one can be shuro an elephant made of swami vivekananda gave the example made of clay claim elephant and clay ant clay ant can be elephant no that much volume he has not he has not that big capacity but it is mud it is clay you grind it it becomes clay and the elephant grind it is clay manifestation much difference om shanti shanti shanti peace peace peace tomorrow will be having gospel class 7 30 jaime you