Video 67
64. Shanti Gita - Class 64 - chapter 6 - verse 14
[Music] you can all join it's very common practice um [Music] a he oh lord lead us from the unreal to the real lead us from darkness to light lead us from death to immortality and even more shine in our hearts with your resplendent face on peace peace peace be unto us all so we are back to reading the vishanti gita the song of peace this book is same bhagavan krishna is giving advice to arjuna who has lost his son on the 13th day of the war a woman who was killed and he got back to thought that he was totally upset and not planning to finding any meaning in fighting and that's that's why bhagavan krishna again gave him the advice is like bhagavad-gita but more of vedantic emphasis so in the sixth chapter we are reading we have read the other day only two verses what it said we read that [Music] is manifesting in the form of bishwa this world the world you see with name and form everything it is consciousness only appearing like that of the world so kinchit no bhavatina these are not real it is all misapprehension as satna karma evan when you go to nidra sleep then you shap shapna karma the activity in your in your dream becomes so real but it is not at all have any existence accepting in your mind so the world you see bhagavan krishna says arjuna you are seeing this universe but it is only appearance you see it you feel it as you fill in the dream no less than that in dream time you don't think that that is unreal anything unreal there similarly this is a reality appearing but reality is what saccidananda is the reality other than whatever you see it is only name and form so it is no sattam it is not truth truth is the definition of truth is that it is unchanging truth means which was yesterday which that same thing will be today same will be tomorrow one thousand year one millionaire time it will not change it will not get it distorted it's not possible then it is not truth so can you find this universe whatever we see around anything of that nature that it is permanent it is not changing you cannot find one single thing in the universe of creation therefore think about that then how do i see this universe then 13 months we read this [Music] you are in the sleep in your bed so long you are sleeping in your bed then the swapno the dream world the dream what you see is rhythm it is true you feel that truth you feel that it is so real even in the similar way the thought cannot because of your ignorance this jagat this world you see around it is because of the ignorance you say maya does all this creation maybe any vedantic way we say because of maya this world has come no maya maya does not do anything here you say another state higher state it is mayabi god created this universe no maya does not do he does not do anything god the absolute is unchanging eternal witness there is no action there is no doing so you are all imagining in your mind due to ignorance so see here the whole science of this predator has been put in this words that whatever you are seeing thinking doing is only a perception misperception misperception is possible every everywhere like the dream see this whole dream world goes up into void when when your mind is absent so long mind is there so long you are seeing the dream event now mind is here you are seeing the physical world also more active when it withdraws and the senses and other things it withdraws into the mind then in the sleep time on your bed you start dreaming who is showing the dream your mind withdrawn from the external these things and mind is creating a world itself but that world also is created by the mind mind goes to sleep put him to sleep when you go to deep sleep what happens your dream is also gone and this world has no reality it is already gone so is this world real no it is you are only seeing in your when your mind is allowed and mind is working so long mind is functioning so mind is pure mind will show you pure dream some peaceful dream will be if you see right nighttime if you see some bad movie too much horror and killing and this and that you will dream horror things if you go to bed thinking of the lord looking at divine picture meditating little bit on that you may see god godly dream your mind is getting colored with that color what we will come into the dream only god knows but there is potential that's why he says devotee has a devotee think of god before you go to bed last thought try to think and keep the mind in that thought so that even good dreams come good dream is not the goal seeing dream is not in spirituality but yes it is better than seeing horror dream and fearful dream and then suffering full of suffering yes [Music] yeah it's a good sign yeah seeing those things are very good because the mind its sign it shows that mind is thinking something go holy but that is not the end we have to go beyond that because there is also mind and mind is purified a little bit on that particular day or that particular moment so that's why you saw some divine dream you saw some pilgrimage you went to some holy place you see some holy people and this and that or holy conversation going on so you can see all this it is a sign that mind is in a different flight but still mind and then when mind will totally be totally pure ramakrishna said total pure mind will be you will see brahman alone that will be mind no more no mind mind pure means no mind what is mine who is a cook so long he's cooking he's called a cook other time you don't call him a cook so when the mind creates sustenance and does all these things then it is called the world when the mind is absent the world varies that means that is why swami vivekananda in his gano jaguar lecture says mind is maya he has defined maya very simply mind is maya whatever mind shows that we see this whole world we are all suffering because of our mental attachment mind what i think my mind shows me to the glass of mind we view the whole world that's right that holy mother said while honey mother said that my son my child don't see fault with others and in other places my people make their mind polluted fast and with that polluted mind they see the evil in outside a baby look at the baby a child baby has no sense of this pollution in the heart so he does not know who his enemy who is my friend what is who is our own who is our not own they are equally smiling maybe a person who is coming to kill him with a gun he will smile and hold that nozzle and put in his mouth it has no sense no so similarly when the mind that's why ramakrishna said be like a sorrow swallow means simple like a child not child this but child like full purity at the same time they behave like a child because no no no impression falls there yes there is no thought mind has given up his business he is no more cooking they calm down they come down when the pure mind dissolves everything done mind is not their world is gone everyday experience we go to ignorance every day and yogis can go to that level and illumine but when you come down again then the pure mind little color is coming in the pure mind otherwise you cannot see no pure gold you cannot have any uh what is called ornament you have to put something some what is called the what is called the draws or what what it called some yeah what is to alloy allah alloy you have to add some alloy so as pure you are in the samadhi but when you come you will have to have a little tint of this rajasthan ramakrishna even when he come down he is coming down he said i come down 10 keep it down to say i will drink water that means that is the desire literally there they will have today but that is not bothering anyone but for us to reach that flight one life to life five lives lifetimes [Music] there is no mind so question of pure impure does not come at all or if you want to say the mind has merged into the cosmic consciousness okay so that is the last time we read that the dream exists so long as the sleep is there so is the world that appears due to ignorance no this world appears so long ignorance is there neither does maya do anything nor the possessor of maya that is ishwara is doing the list people say why god has in god's world where is god so much injustice is going on the gita says i do not do anything who means the lord who created this universe no he was he does not give any money result good result or bad result to anyone it is all your own karma that is bringing if you believe that karma any ignorance god does not do anything sun does not do anything but at some particular time on 9 11 what time they will hit that was decided by somebody and to enter to attack that was decided by somebody but son didn't say oh you destroyed it winter you give your life for the good poor people son is not saying sun is setting light to everyone equally god is that that is the effort shining consciousness everywhere but we think because our mind is there and in that relative mind you say good bad all everything is there now we'll read the verse 14 verse on sixth chapter organo janaboodhar agyano janabudha [Music] [Music] so why didn't talking about my eye ignorance all these philosophical terms i had that okay last line i missed it [Music] means the people who are ignorant like us ignorant people not knowing about the ultimate truth you know to make them understand the upanishads and all the scriptures they say do this don't do that meditate this way atman is like that all this statement is given by great compassion by who by god or by the scriptures or the holy people they are talking about all these giving so many examples that do only organo organization again means those who are in in totally engrossed in organo ignorance and that type of people border them to make them understand basho district in external way if you look from the external vision then this scripture is giving this instruction like example the children yeah the babies like the babies they what they do their balance children for the satisfaction but as the foster mother daughter jalapati prattles imaginary thing no they bring this thing that thing to just to when i play with the child to keep the mind distracted of the child so it says this as the mother faster mother or mother whoever that balance for the pleasure of the children to keep them engaged in some other thing creates so many things like dolls and these and that now it is our com what you call a [Music] gadget in the phone or ipad every child needs a ipad and the game should be there so that is that type of thing has been created why to keep the children engaged so this to engage and to get knowledge ultimately they will be one day tired with one game they want another game huh so this for that that prakarang prabhaksami and and that are in various ways they explain the truth i am prabhaksami i am going to tell you listen so it seems apparent that the upanishads have mentioned about creation no why this creation there was one one become many why they talk about creation if you say there is creation in the mind then why this business of creating so many volumes of upanishads vedas you go so big volume this bhagavat this mahabharata in indian and spiritual literature indian world religion there are so many huge amount of book what's the purpose of this that's why it says it is it's it is it seems apparent that the upanishads the scriptures have mentioned about creation why for instructing ignorant people like us just to say as if and the one swami gave you an example a child got got some thing he got a frightened one day somebody said there is a ghost in this corner don't go there ah just to make the child does not go to that direction somebody has put some thought in the mind and anytime he goes that same runs away because the ghost is there the children easily takes it into brain so but ma is thinking everyday trouble if mom says go and bring something he will not go but there is ghost so one day my mother to destroy his fear of ghost he created a ghost she created a ghost picture money with some material and put it in the corner and they say go go go bring it and he said don't ghost the ghost is it so okay i'm going to kill the ghost and he went there she went there and put fire and it is burned and then ghosted now see ghost is gone so this child feels reverse ghost is gone so ghost was never before ghost was never after ghost when he was seeing there was no ghost ghost was never at any time it is created in the mind so we have created ghost in the world it is in my mind we say this some people are lunatic that's why they are in asylum but we are all lunatics one of us because we run according to our mind what our mind says we all do that the whole world may tell you the truth but you will do whatever your mind is dictating and we are so slave of mind we are so helpless to the mind because we have first given the mind the freedom mind told me to go this way i went that way mind says come here i will have some ice cream go get ice cream okay i want to go some movie okay go so we have always followed that mind without analyzing whether it is good or bad for me and now she has become powerful it exposed possession over me that's why our power of discrimination is lost our if and even if i know it is bad i cannot give up i know it is good i cannot go that direction that's why you practice long time practice spiritual discipline is necessary for the scriptures are telling all these instructions that it is the world is created way like a ghost was created and ghost was destroyed how putting a mastic here you put the gan of knowledge as the mastic with the knowledge that this is this is in reality the play of the mind and i am totally engrossed into the fun of that and i have lost my own understanding that truth is there but i am misunderstanding it in my way the mind is teaching me so again therefore it seems apparent that you punishers have mentioned about the creation why for instructing ignorant people as like an example as the foster mother or the mother battles with the imaginary stories for the pleasure of the child in the same manner tat prakaram in the same manner prabhaksami i shall tell you about the creation please listen listen osana guru dynasty now he will talk about how the creation has come the creation is not there but he is creating a creation theory and then saying creation is all imaginary all the play of your mind fifteen verse [Music] [Music] [Music] consciousness in choice in consciousness bhimali so eternal is consciousness is always pure stainless in the stainless consciousness purney and caitanya is always full not that saturn is here and satan is not there that consciousness permeates everything look at that all the energy anywhere you go what is the energy behind that energy ken opunishad said president the questioner student asked this question and the teacher said yes it is the mind of the mind is the ear of the ear is the eye of the eye that means the energy behind so if this is a table it is a solid material there is no matter you see you go to the subatomic particles see what is going on here you cannot believe that this this entire table is full of energy science is telling but i don't see that if i say it is permeated and pervaded with the calm with the energy tremendous energy but who will believe it because i don't see it this upanishad is saying it is similarly not the energy where the energy comes from behind that the cosmic energy which permits everything everything pulsating in the world in the non-inanimate or animate world it is all that satan consciousness and now the consciousness we are hearing all the time consciousness one consciousness absolute consciousness consciousness is all pure consciousness is all pervaded no yes it is in the solid it is in the space it is in the in in your body it is outside everywhere is permeated that consciousness is working behind our brain cell that consciousness is working behind our mind so that one consciousness which is all pure purne which is all full permeated and saturated kos mean they say kashmin means this woman is some space very microscopic limited very small organum [Music] in some limited space of the infinite consciousness the stainless absolute conscious field there arises ignorance in a small degree and taking refuge in the reality and manifestation of the consciousness how it takes support of the reality and manifests and manifest everything is manifesting how consciousness is manifesting but we don't see the consciousness behind we see the material thing in front because it is coming to the layer of the mind again so this is a very big philosophy in the consciousness in in the some limited space in the infinite consciousness infinite we cannot imagine how what is infinite but in that the limited space of this choitan of this consciousness which is permeated that's why it is called we see the world we think this is all this is nothing it's only uttar tishta dasangalam it is only permitted everywhere it's only limited place this manifestation of the world like actually think of the pacific ocean waves and ripples are bombarding no in one's soul but the whole thing of the whole pacific it's only in one part this rambling of the waves and dashing on the ground is happening there are vast dimensional butter still perfect that we can imagine what happens with the brahman the cosmic consciousness just imagine pacific ocean think from the surface all the rambling roughing all the dancing of the waves and ripples and bubbles and billows are happening on the surface no and this tremendous thing is going on what is the background ocean go down down down there is no movement still perfect silence that infinite ocean of consciousness only in a part this universe has come could you imagine this this this analogy can help us to feel little bit god has given thee all this beautiful way of camouflaging and also god has given some clue to find out just one example of pacific ocean or atlantic you know atlantic is on the surface so rough but you now go down down down down below ten thousand feet one mile go something little deeper and this is the perfect ocean is how big and what is the manifestation on the surface how much water is in that in the turmoil that how much is there unfathomable so the infinite consciousness is like that absolute stainless only in a one part one segment this type of rambling going on we call earth our star our galaxies our distant galaxies we are thinking we are overwhelmed with it in the infinite consciousness how big is that who will feel who will understand so that is the limited space of the stainless absolute conscious field there arises ignorance like the wave arises no how by the wind blowing over it so similarly the ignorance blows over the conscious self itself and in a little place some this universe of existence our sorrows our suffering our pain our agonies our achievements our failures all are happening only in this little part of that infinite expense ignorance in a small degree and how taking refuge in the reality to all the ripples and bubbles are standing on what on the ocean is it not if the ocean is not there will you imagine there are one way fighting with the other wave one wave dashing the other way the wave cannot stand without the ground of ocean so the world the appearance what is there it cannot be there unless there is the ground of consciousness such brahman consciousness so on the that means the ocean wave we are all taking refuge on the ocean on brahman on consciousness i am standing on consciousness i am speaking from that standpoint of consciousness i am seeing because of that consciousness ocean of consciousness and i am a small wave and i am expressing myself dancing singing feeling joy suffering all is happening on a very limited area of consciousness now if we take refuge take support and we understand that we are supported by that consciousness then our problem goes away but we say i i will do this i am doing that okay i i i i so i get better when there is i vanishes then it is the play of the lord so what is your business no problem of yours no problem of mine but when i say i they say are my problem and one can really surrender to that divine that consciousness refuse into infinite consciousness then you go you go away and when you go away there is no problem of yours neither joy neither is suffering or you [Music] therefore fight whether you are winning the case or you are losing that war whether happiness or misery comes so then you will be bold you are nothing to think because i am not doing it is all the divine will working that is a very high state to reduce our ego to that and think that ego is supported by that cosmic ocean of consciousness it's a very good meditation the way of meditation ocean is a great help for meditation of the absolute that's why in in our rastavakra sangeeta and other areas they have taken the help of the ocean examples of the ocean are given because how will you explain anything of the infinite if you don't go to the at least physically infinite idea of infinity of ours and manifestation and the taking refuge in reality and manifestation of the consciousness that in a small degree their arises ignorance because of that ignorance this whole universe is so 15 now the 16th verse that ignorance it is happening due to ignorance in one part that is the last verse they said in the infinite consciousness in a particular part there is some appearance happening this is ignorance not organic that ignorance puri natan that is transformed how it gets transformed ignorance gets transformed by its own sata sasya evils shakti veda by dividing the power that power is called maya rupa the form of maya and it becomes eka one and abid rupini eternal one become ign ignorant another becoming enlightening gano organo it becomes two that ignorance divides into two one is satico it takes two light and one takes to ignorant more ignorant [Music] i think that's the point this maya but this one takes to release us from mondays another takes towards the bondage one takes away from money freedom another takes towards freedom means that which takes us towards knowledge and abiding that takes us towards ignorance more ignorance so see that's why that organum that ignorance by its own this ignorance splits into two directions it's transmit form into two and one takes the form of cosmic ignorance maya and the other takes the form of individual ignorance of it that is also another idea this ignorance can be viewed from two aspect one individual aspect another cosmic aspect uh individual aspect and cosmic speed this is very important thing to understand in vedanta universal ignorance that's called maya big m-a-y-a an individual ignorance is called abiddha this is called maya this is called maya is happening in the cosmic mind big maya in maya we see the sun moon stars galaxies earth planet trees humans i also see you also see we are all viewing the same thing you are bound to see you to you you don't see the ocean and i see the ocean only ocean anyone will see the ocean physical creation i am a created being you will see it is not your mind you have you are helpless we are helpless it is happening in the mind of god in his mind he created the whole universe he said it is sun so you are all saying sound it is the stars but it stars it's a distant beam and galaxy it is a galaxy you didn't create galaxy i cannot create galaxy but you create your galaxy in dream that is the individual your ignorance is creating that within this creation you are creating another world and actually those who are mentally disturbed you know in the same family there are four five six people one is little off of the normal then he or she will be behaving totally different than all other four five people because that is the ignorance of the particular person avida is acting to the mind but his mind is little disturbed or something has happened emotionally or in some reason it has been damaged so this is the point that maya and avida you see maya if you go to the maya level then you don't suffer anymore but when you come to abid the level ignore an ignorance there we suffer let me explain it if the cosmic the god has created the sun moon we have nothing to say about that but when i come i am standing in the sun oh sun is so scorching that my existence is bringing this reaction but god is the sun is sun it has no partiality to give more light on you and not less light to the other person it is universally created sun's reflection fall on the wall equally reflected all the walls are equally reflected but you take a mirror and put a reflection of the same sun on the wall one particular spot will be highlighted brighter is it not double lighting so my ego is focused on the cosmic play and i feel attached i feel detached i feel angry i because my reaction my mirror of the mind that's the ignorance individual that's called abiddha is becoming functional there that's why the same world the same person one person is loved by so many people the same person is hated by so many people what will you say the example is given say there is a old example so you are walking in a darkness and there is a stump tree and in darkness you you have idea that is ghost so you are walking by you are alone in the darkness you say oh there is a ghost you get frightened seeing the same trump stomp no tristan someone is thinking oh my friend was to wait for me he is waiting seeing that same thing his reaction is different others reaction is becoming someone think oh there may be some bad guy waiting there i should have to not go that direction i'll go the other direction misconceptions are coming individual the stump remaining the treaters term remaining the same without changing anything so many reactions are happening a classical example a girl is going to the street a brother who has lost his sister recently looking at that girl she will be emotionally carried away oh my sister she's like my sister no the emotion of the sister will come someone is a fatherly figure may have a daughter like that he will feel a feral relationship like my child my daughter no and someone with another attitude the last fully will look at that girl but the girl remaining the same the reactions are becoming because of the individual ignorance of it but in vinca there was one example they said about uh two types of booker he said that they gave the example that two people were there and there are some went for some business and then i wake up so one died and another survived and made a lot of money so some of their neighbor went to that far away island and came back and by mistake the father whose son actually died told him that your son is coming back with lot of money and told another one that your son died so then whose son is actually alive and coming with money he cried cried and suffered and who lost actually the son he was so happy and joyful so then they come commented that it has nothing to do with the sun their imaginary sun died or alive not the real sun is this the same i think we can take into the same example in the same way really his son is dead but he thought his son is coming back with lots of money and he never thought that he is ever gone so he's rejoicing the same period till he finally knows that his his son is dead but other person whose son is still alive and in mentally this information they say organo many influenced the mind in such a way he started weeping my son is dead my son is gone what is the meaning of life if say that is a very natural thing if one sees that his own son is gone and he'll never be seen seeing that sun is dead no so actually nothing has happened but in the mind you see how people react no ramakrishnan also gave the example that one of those days village example ramadan used to live in the village the one lady was sweeping the courtyard and somebody told you know that this neighboring person and their home their son has passed away and and this lady doing the same sweeping work as we do in the newspaper we read 10 people died and some shooting went on we said ahaha 10 people were killed uh what a bad thing and we eat our lunch eat our breakfast i said just information i am not affected and the same few minutes afterwards somebody said your son has died and she just let loose the broomstick and fell down unconscious there itself so you see information right or wrong it does not depend on the fact it depends its reaction depend on the abit the ignorance how we are impacted by our mind and mind is influenced by the things so ishar srishta dwaita the world created by god it is called ishwara he created this duality no that is not binding that does not bind us if you see it is god's creation you can see it is god's so i am also created by god you are also created by god but my choice i like you i dislike you i i don't say food same food cook prepares some dishes no someone will be very happy with one dish another will not because the cook the food is the same food likes and dislikes are coming that's due to individual chew choice and that individual choice you may say karma or mahoja that's an explanation coming the root out of karma or about delusion but it is more mostly abhiddah maha so abhidya so it is ignorance so this verse is saying that the maya one takes the form of cosmic the ignorance splits as it were individual is called abhidta and cosmic is called the maya got it okay let us end here and then we will go for other things if you have any question you can prepare in your mind so we can talk 26 no um too you also prepare some question these are to be contemplated in our own mind then see how the object remaining the same our reactions become so different that is because not because of the object but because of my mind and my choice likes or dislikes or preference or and on preference so there is a question if there is no creation as we perceive it but god alone and our ultimate goal is to let go of the fascinations of this world and seek the creator god alone then whoever engages oneself in this world with passion instead of functioning dispassionately as prescribed in the karma yoga the only reinforces is identification with the world instead of transcending it we have to understand in whenever we talk about our problems you have to think that what way you are trying to solve the problem uh if you are going for you can take a measure of surgery you can take a measure of getting some strong dose medicine you may go for allopathy you can go for homeopathy you can go for naturopathy you can go for what you call prick so we can go for cure for any but don't mix up one path to the other that that should be always to keep clear here the question if there is no creation if there is no creation is for whom not for me i live in the creation world i live in ignorance i live in the doubt therefore i'll do to walk work to get out of the ignorance that's my problem is different but if you are really you are in that high mental state that this there is no creation then the problem is gone so creation as we perceive it but god alone and our ultimate goal is to let go our fascination our ultimate goal is not to go get the fascination our ultimate goal is to understand who we are we are not this we are that consciousness the unruffled consciousness which permeates everything there is nothing but that consciousness so we will have to go that this this world and seek the creator or god and seek the uh instead of functioning dispassionately so we if if i am in the level of this duality and accept this reality then i will have to work this fascinatingly let me learn how to work not get attached because i am attaching because it is creation and i am so much engrossed into it i know it is real me and mine therefore i get attached to it so i must have to turn my face from this attachment to the non-attachment side so that i live freely attachment is not good anywhere we get attached we are lost we should love but not attached that's a very fine word in vedanta you should love but not get attached but our love is attachment love means attachment it is glue because as if i love you means i am attached to you why i love you means i love the spirit in you and to look the at the person with a freedom with eye of freedom and seeing the consciousness permeating in someone loving in their dignity of real love no but when the attachment comes then we have to hold on we want to hold and whenever we want to hold anything that creates pain and suffering in the end most of the time you see we are suffering because you are holding on to something somebody has said something to us but my whole mind is disturbed i have why he said that why i am not like that and then you go on brooding over it putting over it and then but the moment you say what good what it matters this is simply some i also say something sometime okay ignore as soon as you ignore see how relaxed you feel you're free attachment versus relaxing this is to the art of detachment art of detachment yeah [Music] when you say when we can let go of thoughts that are not like when then it bothers you you can't let go of that kind of yeah but but some of us who are very advanced they can easily brush out they will not pay much attention okay there will be people who will bless them oh he's criticizing good god bless him he's taking away my bad condom [Music] right that's true so here let go the fascination of this world and seek the creator or god alone then whoever engages oneself in the world with passion yes we should be engaged in our world in the passion but passion for work only as soon as the work is over hands up when we work we should be passionately working because with full concentration full focus and that will make the success but as soon as i'm finished with your art of karma is hands off result will come to you you have done something people will appreciate that or something what is to come it will come but in crooked world sometimes people will take the credit of yours that's also possible but if you are detached then you are not suffering main point is that you are not suffering and they are getting the result of their karma they will get it later on not now later on they will get so we'll have to my point is that so long we are ignorant in the state of ignorance we will have to be dispassionate learn to be dispassionate and detached while we do our duties and feel the freedom here it's not for anyone's benefit for my own benefit you want to sleep nice nicely in evening night free of tension then you need to detach you have to give up okay whatever i did that's why we are trained to think every day before you go to sleep say oh lord whatever i have done whatever my duties i have done good or bad i do not know i tried my best i offer everything to you so you unload your things at the feet of the lord then you feel free then you are not burdened your pain what will happen what will happen tell your mind what will happen god will understand he will give me the guidance tomorrow i will do that tomorrow but what is now my business in night time now i have to sleep so we have to teach ourselves like that so we are too necessary and if one understands actually this world is all false then he has already solved the problem another question is man unhappy because he has desires or is he or is he unhappy because he does not have the ability or energy to accomplish his desires is the man unhappy because he has desire no desire is not bad because so long you are living you need to eat that desire should be that your need to money earn money but that is not the point ability or energy that we should increase in you know spirituality is in another level morality and ability to function in the world is the first criterion those who cannot do that they don't have to think about spirituality i am an able person i can manage my expenses i can do my things i can establish myself and then okay i don't care for it i am going something higher that's why it's called the beggars cannot be givers beggar is begging all the time he has no stock of his own so swami people cannot be a giver but how will you give unless you are not sufficient you will be spiritual how will you be spiritual unless you do solve the problems of your day-to-day life earn money have something enjoy something and say okay but it does not please me let me search for something higher so unhappy unhappiness is always even spiritual unhappiness no i am not meditating i have not fallen in love with god i am trying so much that also may be frustration unhappiness but unhappiness is not the factor factor is for what reason you are unhappy this is this is this unhappiness brings spiritual growth intensity ramakrishna is to cry every day when the sun is setting another day is gone oh mother i have not realized you please and he used to cry and then but rob his face on the bank of the ganga no but that unhappiness is a called divine restlessness no but we should not to be very emotional on that because we are not in that state let us be who we are in this plane let us have self-confidence first and with that ground of self-confidence dedication and other things will come and then naturally people will go move onward by god's grace it will go so unhappy because unhappiness because i have desires yes that is true in any place you go ultimately truth is unhappiness the cause of your desires unhappiness is desire there is a bhagavat statement bhagavad says that that the that is utmost happiness is that where you don't expect anything asha asha he paramam it is a quotation from the bhagavata bhagavata says asha means expectation or craving is the cause the paramedic all suffering comes because of this if you say i have nothing i don't care for anything then in the moment you are free okay another question is coming my best friend committed suicide she texted me right before she did it to let me know did i create her and her suicide in my dream reality too as she had included me into the heart dream for the end i inherited a lot from my friend is this dharma or karma this is very clear when a great question when she has committed the she said and has texted you how we are getting getting into connected with the karma i don't think that you are connected with any karma but that pain of separation may may be so deep in your mind that in the dream you can see her or see your friend but the karma will be connected with that is not the point point that we can pray for the person who has departed from the body but i don't think that there is any i inherit a lot from my friend is this dharma or karma i do not understand what that means yeah you can pray i think that is the point what can you do someone have lost so and or it is not a we can do anything you know that committing suicide is not a good thing at all because it is not doing any good to anyone neither you neither the person who are around you because karma we are bound by our karma so let the karma finish and but people do those things because of too much frustration and depression that's a different issue but we should not involve into that of karma because he she loved me i loved her heart or something that karma will inflict me rather you think pray for the passing away of that lady another question how can one be in awareness in dream state and deep sleep state as one is aware in the waking state oh that needs a tremendous practice you know question is how can one be in awareness in dream state and dislisted as one is aware in the waking state that is the awareness again we have to practice so much here that i am the consciousness i am aware that i am seeing i am aware that i am hearing i am aware that i am expressing my thought i am aware that you are talking to me when this one becomes aware in every moment that consciousness touch the base consciousness then it will percolate into dream dream time also you see that you can observe oh i am dreaming and then the sleep time also will come that is the state of samadhi when 24 hours it will run through the our mind then it will be a samadhi state but it needs rigorous practice always to see i am the witness i am the observer i am not the observed i am not connected with it i am only being in the light i am watching it i am detached so this consciousness vedantic understanding should be carried on whole day and night probably that will come as a result of that practice okay okay yeah you first know you start to mention the benefit of uh identifying more with a cosmic mental perspective instead of an individual mental perspective is that the best we can do to alleviate suffering if we can't think about or experience pure consciousness in and of itself is that broader cosmic mentally respected yeah that's why we do worship of the avatar of the incarnations christ buddhas rama's krsna's ramakrishnans they live in cosmic mind they don't live in the individual seals that's right ramakrishna feeling the pain of the grass someone is walking on the grass his identification of consciousness runs there someone is in the middle of the holy river ganga and one boatman beating another boatman and ramakrishna feeling and crying out feeling the same pain that was connected with the cosmic concert therefore what we are trained you cannot think of the absolute if you cannot think of these people who have tuned themselves to the absolute but thinking that way our mind gets colored in the coloring of their mindset and their their their attainment so our mind gets lifted lifted lifted and when we lose our mind into that reality then what happens our spiritual growth is speeding speed up that's why initiation we call about meditation of the form of god because cosmic mind i cannot think of but this much i can think that in christ mind in buddha mind rama mind ramakrishna mind their cosmic mind is playing there and that mind i i cannot reach that mind but i can love that personality first and to that personality their spiritual characteristics their love their infinite compassion holiness all will come as you think so you become as you color your mind with some object you become like that you think of holiness holiness your heart will be filled with holiness if you full fill our mind with garbage it will be filled with garbage after some time you will see all the garbage is coming out there so it is that that's why we can meditate on this holy divine incarnations thinking about the cosmic mind and the patch of ignorance or the ocean and the surface turbulence where you also yeah if you surrender to the divine will you know that there's the play going on the play of the divine is going on so we will not be able to we will not be suffering that much things will happen but will it will not bother us so much because you see a different thing and you see that you are less just like a the whole universe is running by a cosmic will what you are suppose in your dream you have any control over your dream but you see that you are also a person your mind has created you and also so many people all the activities going on what can you do it is the mind is showing that way the cosmic mind is throwing this thing so you have no control you play play in the role you are given and think oh lord it is your divine play going on i am an actor be an actor in the role you are given to play by the cosmic wheel and think of the cosmic reality as we said just now think of the incarnations rama krishna buddha sankara whatever you like christ because they are the cosmic mind working through their physical small body though they are very small in the human but they bring this that's why you call bhagavan they have their characteristics divine characteristics and thinking of them we become purer and purer in mind and then we can get automatically transcend our limitation of the and then truth will be revealed okay thank you all then tomorrow will be gospel class and the gospel class will be given by swami shiva prana tomorrow yeah yeah we have some meeting okay [Music] foreign you