Video 61
58. Shanti Gita - Class 58 - Verse
pleasant thing which is which brings happiness which brings good to all so inclination towards the pleasant thing which good people always do as well as abstinence from the unpleasant this type of thought does not exist for one who is no audio who has gone beyond the body identity therefore following bhuga therefore there is no action to what is the question of follow result follow result comes for doing certain action but they don't do any action because they live in the paramatman they live in the supreme joy they have no desire and no thing to be done nothing to be abstained from so in this context so thus actions of enjoyment there is nothing as such that means that free soul point is that one word we are all bound souls if we do good then it is good if you don't do you incur sin every religion will say no if you don't follow the this scripture what it says then you are incurring sin you will go to hell there is no hell for a knower of truth there is no heaven for a knower of truth he lives in the absolute bliss all the time so this is the context so that inclination towards the present as well as abstinence from the unpleasant they do not exist for one who is beyond body consciousness thus there will never be any action or results of action for enjoyment so they will never have any sustenance who we are searching we've got to call every time check it you should keep it in your head i got the complaint before also people say you didn't hear much okay now the five parts verse number five [Music] action we do action right all of us do action so how it is possible to do action only actions are possible only they ho you need a body dead body cannot do any work prana you have some life force that is necessary so body is necessary life force is necessary mono your mind should be involved into it i'll do if your mind is somewhere you don't hear what i am talking about if you are doing anything your mind is absent you are eating but what did you eat you do not know if the mind is not there so you are too involved with gate body is necessary the vital energy the prana sakti the power of breathing that that energy is necessary then it is mind is necessary buddhi intellect is necessary to decide whether this right or that right and behind that angkaram you go i i will do this but i will do indriyam you need eyes ear nose throat all these five hand hand feet so ten action organ they are needed for performing any karma so action is possible only due to association of the body vital energy mind intellect remembering faculty ego the sense of organs faith desire and effort means god's grace you should have some desire and it should make some effort it is not that it because if you are a lion they there is a sanskrit verse because you are a lion the deers don't rush into your food mouth but you have to make an effort even the lion will have to make an effort to chase his prey so therefore these are the necessary condition action is possible analyze your everyday action how you are doing so we need a body you need the prana sakthi the prime vital energy you need a mind you need intellect you need ego and also you have to remember remembering faculty what you did yesterday you should know then you can start today and there you go and sense organs are there and that will not be enough god's grace is necessary faith and desire is necessary i will do it and effort is necessary different diverse effort that's in parallel to the guitars teaching that you need to perform in action you need all these parts now what happens for a person of wisdom they also have this all these things but ganny sharbo bicharina [Music] but it is for us body mind emotion intellect ego sense organs god's grace and your own effort and trying to accomplish it in various ways these are necessary but paragani means the knower of truth those who are the ghana who have the wisdom and knowledge for them he has discarded everything i am not the body i am not the prana i am not the mind i am not the ego i am not the senses she has discarded everything why this has jada they are all inanimate object they become lively how like the oven you put the pot in the pot you put water rice potato vegetables these that so many things you put they are all jada they cannot boil themselves they cannot make a cooking you have to put the heat it is consciousness so they know these are the whole mind body sense eyes ears this is all jara matter a dead body also have that those things so and they they discard them say i am not the body not the mind and vedanta studies all the time saying that i am not this why i am not this because these are jorah jerome is inaud it is like a stone there is no difference between this block a food and this body if the consciousness goes look at that what is the value of this body and what is this reality therefore sarupa sachidan and they rest they think these are jorah they give up and they rest in the sarupa in his own divine self in his own divine nature which is saccidananda which is of the nature of absolute consciousness absolute bliss and absolute joy and advaith tattoo in that absolute non-dual state so he discards this duality and rests in that absolute non-dual very very essential teaching of the whole vedanta has been given in a nutshell here so now therefore you are talking about the karma where will be karma karma seventh person is now the question is that karma is so so this person of wisdom where there will be any work for him see how logically they are testing you to do work you need a body you need a mind you need the sense organs need your hand feet you need your breathing prana the life force moving in your but gany has discarded everything they don't feel i am that they feel i am saccidana so when there will be any karma for him his body functions he thinks he's not me his body is functioning the how that's a very deep thing to understand intellectually it is difficult to understand it is not me suppose the example that's where they give the example of the chariot and the charioteer or better example today's example your uber car and not self-driving then you have to drive but suppose you are you are in a called a uber so you are sitting in the back seat are you doing anything no but anything happens to the car it belongs to the car the engine eyes headlight here horn this is that i'm just making a simile like that so all these are there and energy is there engine is going on but for what for the driver but who driver is driving for room the boss who is sitting behind so he sees this and anything happens to the car what the boss says he gets out is all the problem of the driver and the engine and the car say this car it's engine the heart lungs this is that and his boss is what intellect ego they are responsible really go he said i don't do anything he said the car the police comes if any accident happens he catches whom they do who has rented the uber no so it goes to the identity i my car i am driver no so that so this is just two example so there is no karma for the person who ever rented the uber car malaysia even this trace of karma is not with him so because niskriam he is beyond all kriya action and he is a renunciate he has given up everything not this not this not this jathi the shiva follower said follow bhuga the result of action will go for them who is performing i am doing work you come out of your whole day's work you say i did so much work and this is the net result today's work this is the net result so so these those who have the identity of body identity they can only perform the karma those who have body identity a child does any karma look at that some of you we cannot give the example a baby a baby in the house actually says the baby is the king or queen of the house everyone runs around baby is crying so everyone runs there baby is smiling everyone is happy but does baby actually dictate hey you want to do this he only is there that's the example brahman ghani only is there he does not do anywhere he eats baby does not eat yeah baby eats but baby has no identity i am eating whenever hunger comes he cries mom knows baby is hungry no so they are in action but baby is not doing anything but baby is only so brahma ghani is only they don't do have any action any reaction but he does that that's right bodies action the that hari maharaja turian on this to say de hojani let the body understand and this suffering or pleasure let him understand oh my mind moan to me oh my mind you stay in bliss that means your mind is the pure mind now so the karma is not for the brahmagani how they are establishing karma is done by the body etcetera the brahmagani like ramakrishna like vivekananda he went on the length and breadth of this country no speaking here revelation is in and arguing with people news people are news men are running after him and so much popular in this country you know so what about their work so karma that karma what you find in that their body is performing bhavati proposals as you see that brahma ghani is performing ankaras it is not he it is not the atman but is the reflection of that atman on their chitta or your mind you see that that is running because of the reflection and the reflected light suppose this and have you sometimes checked that in a big lake and there is moon in the sky no and you see the moon moves as it were actually reflection is moving reflection cannot move but because the moon is there most reflection so it is the real atman is reflected in the mind that's why you see here is an existence so brahmagan is because of your being in the body you are being in the body you see that brahmacari does not to perspective i see you and you see yourself no i mean i might judge you from my angle no good or bad but you as you are you are similarly we look at the brahmanagani as if they are working as if they are angry abuse as if they are eating as if they are enjoying luxury luxurious life or a life of art or austerity that you are saying but the knower of truth does not associate with anything he thinks is my body doing my mind is doing i am not in any way associated with it it's very high level uh normally if we apply it in our life sometimes we will make a mistake doing all nonsense things i say i do not do my mind i do not know my mind has done i i have not done my hand has done no that is that's a misuse of vedanta and that's that's a very possibility is there because unless it is experiential people may misuse it or misunderstand it and wrongly interpret that's why the bad name comes for vedanta oh he's a vedanta and he is doing like that see see what is this but they don't understand the real vedanta is this because they are so tuned to the higher consciousness consciousness everywhere why they will be running for anything in the world what joy is there in the world a penny a drop of joy is there and in brahmana you are the ocean of joy why you look carry for if you get one billion dollar will you carry for ten dollar oh there is ten dollar let me go and check it and grab it in my pocket and even a billionaire the brahmana is absolutely infinite having resist that joy inexpressible joy limitless joy why do people run for we do work for what we want to get something out of it and be happy but his happiness himself he is the embodiment of all happiness so why he will run for anything that's why because of your being in the body the actions you observe in the brahman are done by the ego you live in by concept your ego in the in the consciousness is reflected in your ego and that gives a re reflection the water in the lake gets disturbed you see the the moon is dancing moon is dancing moon dances but the water is ripple and water is rippled you see the spark of the light is flickering here and there so these are you are seeing because of your condition but the moon moon says i don't do anything i am so this is the point that they will expand the the impulse of the past life's action body body is fun functioning you know suppose car accident happened suppose imagine some axle is broken and the one who will one one will has is running which direction it will run anyone is controlling it is going because of the past momentum when the momentum will be zeroed it will drop so their body the axle has been broken from the atman to the body that axel is broken but it was moving in certain speed the body moves continuously that's why they behave differently otherwise they have no karma so everything sakshina mashati sarvam ghani shakshi shyam prabha sangaspur sutatu nastu everything is illumine by witness consciousness everything in the world we see it is the witness witness consciousness means behind you go go go go go back bend the eyes your mind behind the mind your intellect behind the intellect your ego behind that is the full consciousness so everything is illumined in the world by that consciousness and witness concern the knower of truth himself is the self-efficient witness those who have identified that i am the knower of truth they actually are identifying himself with the self effulgent i am the witness they don't think that i am the body i am the eyes i am seeing my mind is emotional i am happy today i am unhappy today no they don't identify there it happens to the mind even it happens it happens to the mind the identity by i am the witness consciousness and the back of everything that consciousness therefore pergani like like the sun there is no touch of attachment and contact with the world of the mundane activities when the sun is in the sky have no contact with the earth fart distance but the presence of the sun see so much reaction going on in the world so i'm doing nothing look at that but son says oh it is eight o'clock oh our class is to be finished soon who is dictating the sun but sun is doing anything telling us hey do this do that sun is there and things are rotated like so the brahma ghanis are there they know that their body and mind is doing they are totally off from them [Music] [Music] so manifesting in a human form in the body the knower of truth roams around in this world in his own self no he always roams around in his own divine ramakrishna look at that he's always roaming around in his own internal conscious self only bhagavan he's saying god is sharamakali whatever name renouncing his body identity he carries out household chores he is doing his hand is doing but he is not there people sometimes say absent minded doing no they are absent-minded their mind lives in god that's why they are absent in the active level they do but they don't do that's why they they can be detached we do little thing we cannot give up i did it my copyright my this and copyright we can go people go for court and how much money they earn and lawyers are very costly huh but they have no royalty they opponent sages what they have said that will do punishers there is no royalty there is no copyright anyone can quote those verses and use them even though men they don't know the name of the people so the people they renouncing his body identity he carries out household chores enjoys himself in the company of the people sometimes and jonathan ramakrishna going to a brahma so many people devotees sometimes confronting social customs they are adjusting to the social custom ramakrishna said do i look good i'm going to a good audience am i okay like a child no but they have no identity with themselves therefore being absorbed in his real nature he like the bridge sports around being free from passion attachment and similar such defects so they have no worldly passion attachment because they don't need it we need it to hold on to something but they are there they are identified with the infinite so what they need anymore so that's the brahman king 11. he says what shall i tell you about the science of a person who is who is by nature devoid of any specific characteristic brahmagyanis are beyond any characteristic what shall i talk you about their characteristics specific of the state but who has transcended all mental state and the characteristics of him who has no characteristic that means who is god beyond all mind emotion intellect what characteristic you are expecting from that there cannot be any characteristic because he has gone beyond that thirteen verse then now now how how they behave then there comes the idea to understand prayer of the karma this is the main theme of this chapter prayer of the karma proud of them is pro christian which has been perfectly started at certain point you throw a stone before you throw the stone you can decide which direction you want to throw no if you throw this way after it leaves your hand you have no control it will move automatic then the force you have applied and the direction you have given or you turn that side it will go that direction it will go this direction the trajectory will continue but you can take care before you throw it prarabdha before you start this life last life last thought that's why he said be careful think whole life for god of god as well as the point of death you will be thinking what your last thought was you'll be born like that you think of dog you'll be a dog you think of dear you'll be a dear you think of a cat you'll be a cat wall street there is a scripture say there is a story of king bharata king bharat he was a king his name was bharat and what happened he he loved a deer pet deer and this is so close then king escaped in in his royal court and dear he everywhere he moves with the tierra and when he dying his thought came of the dear thought so it is said in the scripture that next life he was born as a deer because whatever your mind gets saturated that you become and there you are anyhow so this person has no characteristics in 12 hours biharit the monk who have renounced everything like this that jyoti that bomb who is beyond all types of worldly customs and wonders and behaviors wanders around in various temperaments sometimes he may be like a happy guy sometimes he will be grumpy because the body mind is functioning they don't identify with that and be left of sentiments of feeling of intention and non-intention behaves in various ways so the ghanis may behave differently because their momentum whether that momentum remember in this journey when you throw it the stone is going into the direction or the bullet is going to that direction in between you may have realized god you understood that i am not the body not the mind what happens but the stone will move the stone the body and mind it will go on till it drops so that is called the problem during that time how will you behave as you are behaving before your body and mind will function the same way but it is said for yogis those who practice spiritual discipline their internal nature changes but externally he looks the same if he is blind in one eye because you got realized your eyes will not be visible no your hand is broken a broken hand it will remain ramakrishna fell down look at his left arm it is little broken and that remain being bhagavan god no so these the body's affair is not connected with the spirit so prarabdha it says the body is carried away by the actions of the past life as i told like a piece of cloth that is blown away by the wind the blood body in time is suitably fastened to experience suffering of the enjoyment based on the problem so we find that brahma-ganis also they suffer physically but they don't really suffer but their body undergoes suffering and pain and all this because that is the momentum momentum of the got this idea momentum idea this life is momentum that's why people say is my fate that's why people say i'm trying i'm a bright boy bright man and i don't get the job unless intelligent man he has no efficiency he got his job he's earning much more than me why he's proud of her you're proud of the your trajectory his trajectory so nothing can be done now but you can change your all thought process to build up your next life or to realize god here and now that is the beauty fourteen nanabe look like they dress up in variously right and take some various types of appearances sometimes he takes the form of a beggar like wandering monk ragged rugged dress with a begging bowl roaming in the world like a homeless person like a bigger at times they in the form of a naked one ramakrishna sometimes putting his clot in his armpit says do i look bad like a child he's saying no so this they don't they cannot be categorized with any other formula because they are not identifying with the body our problem is we identify with the body if baby has any sense of sex thought think that a baby is lying over there you go with a dagger in hand baby will be smiling probably grabbing that dagger go with the gun in hand maybe you'll be not doing anything there's no idea so brahman they live in the world they have no identification there therefore they behave sometimes like a beggar sometimes like naked one sometimes other times engrossed in worldly enjoyment ramakrishna in one place is sitting in albusta and like this royal person sitting there and somebody says as if he is a jamindar landlord no so you know these behaviors are for they cannot justify by that they are holy or unholy like an actor sometimes he lives takes very forms of putting on different apparels some yogi is always engaged in a beggar-like behavior some other behaves magnificently like a king someone being desirous and engaged in enjoyment someone is endowed with renunciation someone wears gorgeous dress someone is covered with torn cloth someone is without any clothing some one is clothed with a west band and girdle so you cannot just justify the brahma can you cannot charge any brahmacari it is the inner wisdom but there is a sign of course when you know when you go to a holy man you can understand he's a holy or not because going to them you will find that your mind becomes pure your mind becomes uplifted and i find little different type of peace and joy now 17 sometimes there someone some some annoying their body with perfume like a rich person or any societies elegant person some smear their body with ashes they go to the himalayas many sadhus are wearing ashes only someone enjoying roaming around with a young woman in a carriage chewing condiment wrapped in the beetle leaves no achieving that it is a pond in india people have you know pan pan is some bitter lip chewing it is digestive it makes your throat nice looking so that means they do whatever they do they don't do that they are doing themselves it's like a things happening in their life wrapped in bitterly tambula so sometimes 18 verse some appear like an insane per insane that means crazy or some behave like a goon in a forest some may be silent does not speak at all and some else may be an orator and by argumentative you go to vivekananda go to brahmana brahmananda is more silent rarely he will speak but when he speaks he speaks but some may be very talkative in that sense so in no category you can put them that their this their behaviors would be only this question some yogi speaks loving words you go they'll be very sweet and loving some will say is well behaved someone else is believed from those manners you go and you will be very angry hey why did you come here get out but because they are in different mood yeah that's why in the himalayas we find different types of sahajas yeah we where you find them but mostly you can find that so many variety temperament they carry someone or householder some live in the married life some others our first forest dweller barn of pristine third stage of life some are dull they have not gone to school or any studied any philosophy or anything whereas others are very intelligent so all types of people will be there 21 verse though these 20 those these various ways of noah's of truth move about this world these imperceptible yogis they have no delusion at all roam around by taking apparent identity upon themselves therefore 21st says the yogi is being totally free from all doubts and hesitations wander around with different moods and in diverse external appearances they cannot be known even a little by observing their external characteristics of outside you have to poke the honey if you go to a such a realized soul you have to touch them with their proper questioning sincere question and then you can say they are pouring the honey coming out of spiritual wisdom ordinary people due to body identity see only the external science certainly the internal spirit is never to be understood from the external science so all the signs which we want to see from a yogi or a brahmagani from outside you cannot judge them you may many times you will be misjudging them i swami brahman our great swami brahmana oh it's that sun so he was one day one big guy came from calcutta and he was engaged in playing card and he was so engrossed he said i have no time to see and that man got very upset he said i the president of this ramakrishna order highly spiritual person what type of he is he is playing card and one day he was preaching fishing with the rod in hand and that gentleman came and saw where i want to see your president then sami premananda said oh please wait please wait and then after some time he came so maharaja came and said oh i was fishing you know and seeing this innocence he thought i came to see the president will be in samadhi and this and and he's fishing and sitting with a rod fishing rod in hand so you cannot judge from outside but they became the greatest devotee afterwards seeing the spiritual life being in his presence so they sometimes do bring their mind down that's why they behave something anyhow that does not mean that if someone does fishing he's a broom again that doesn't mean that someone is playing card he's a brahmagani so the supreme truth is hard to attain it can be achieved only by extensive spiritual practice in hundreds of lifetimes that too is possible only if there is good luck that verily comes from accumulated virtues of the meritorious deeds the by the grace of spiritual teacher that means you must have some great spiritual background of the past or in this life from childhood now 25 and 26 says judy that joe is by giving up everything purity when the mind is obtained if one offers everything unto god and to me rama krishna says does spiritual practice again and again with one pointed mind renounces everything performs work without a craving for results wishes my pleasure and remains devoted to me alone so they are the people who can realize this 27 to 28 thereafter attaining the faculty of discrimination performing puja doing selfless work gradually gradually mind becomes pure so thereafter attaining the faculty of discrimination right and wrong idea will come one should conduct spiritual practice endowed with desire to realize the self spiritual practice can be done for many reasons but for realizing god i want to realize god that should be the impetus and strongly claiming for knowledge and free from the defects of pride and other should take refuge in a wise holy teacher they are suggesting how you will reach that go to a teacher follow strict discipline follow the path of renunciation detachment etc and then one should always remain engaged in the service of the teacher misinstruction the teacher gives and through the grace of the guru and he will transcend even the truth after realizing the truth therefore when the teacher is prophecied one attains the supreme truth thereafter one becomes accomplished and freed from worldly bondage that free unattended soul of the nature of supreme cell certainly will not enter in the ocean of worldly existence of the cycle of birth and death so get to reach this state you should have a teacher you should have to follow yourself sincerely and detach and live a life of purity and focus the mind now i am not the body not the mind and on the self like that by guru's grace by your own effort it will happen having abandoned the objects of enjoyment be raped of the expectations some men of wisdom are indifferent and withdrawn from the sense of some are well renowned as pleasure seekers being deeply attached to sense of enjoyment they move around the same subjects their actions of the past lives are the root cause why they do all these things because the actions of the past life prayer of the which creates various tendencies due to the actions performed previously the one who is destined to have enjoyments due to the results of his past actions make an effort to name nurture and live in luxury being dispassionate and be left of enjoyment so people of the different broomball galleries will have different types of behavior pattern because of that so therefore therefore that initiating power which is called the prarabdha which constitutes the body is forgiving worldly experiences this our body is now going on due to impetus of the past life's action so after attainment of the knowledge and after granting the semblance of your body it power gives him the experience of the pleasure so when that person even realizes the truth when the body goes on the body experiences those pleasure and pain but the brahman he does not [Applause] therefore last past the worldly experience happen to agani only in the body there are experiences happening in the body in the mind if the more mind and body is not there who will experience what all our experiences are the sensitive world to the eyes to the ears touch test etc with the help of mind with the help of intellect and ego so the world experience happen only in the body that appears fabricated by the actions of past life proud of them but the knower of truth in the state of knowledge becomes liberated and remains free from all worldly experiences do they live in the world they are free from all worldly experiences and they live in eternal bliss so this is the end of the chapter so we have done very quickly this is a big job but we have to learn out of it whatever the lesson that how to get out of the classes of this ignorance maya how we can become a knower of truth what what should be the practice all these ideas we got it from here brahma ghanis cannot be decided okay we end here [Music] so thank you for joining online and in person so we will start the next day chapter 6 from verse number 1 and now we will have some minutes for question answers also you have any question you can get ready says how we realize that we are going to him how we realize that we are going to him means god how will you understand yeah that's the question yes how you will know that you are really going towards god how very simple if you like anything wherever some performance you like music so whenever there is a good music performance what you do you keep an eye get an information and you make that slot of time to go there so what is your spiritual life if you are really thinking that you are going your tendency your heart will speak that let me go i'll go you will try to love god even or to listen to god's words people spend money and this these are given free of service free service but no one listens to that when you charge it thousand dollar there may be few people not not people many people will come the point is that your heart should crave for you will feel that you are feeling a craving for knowing the truth you will be feeling that the life i am leading is not enough it's not pleasing me i'm not satisfied with this i want to find peace more peace i want to get lingering joy prolonged joy that type of tendency that type of question will haunt the heart that and those are the signs love for god will come and this test for the objects of the world which can give us little joy followed by so much suffering so that type of thing mind will say i have done enough i don't like that let me search for this that tendency will come so ish ramakrishna's formula that attraction for our real self you call self or god and this test for the world in which we live it is not that you are to give up everything you have to eat you have to sleep you have to drive car you have to have a good dress but you lose the attachment to those things it is there but you are okay okay but you i i i am not craving for that i like that i for his normal life i should have to all this survival mode but attraction will come more for god for spirituality for prayer meditation holy company going to solitude this all this characteristic will simultaneously grow that is the thing anything more so many many questions from this planet here don't ask afterwards i have so many questions i will ask you this is the time he said intellect is behind ego i understand it's like yeah ego is the last one ego is there some some places people may talk like that but the conventional idea is that that ego comes at the end i my intellect don't you say i was confused that time that means you're confused in your mind or confidence during understanding you say oh i took a wrong decision yesterday your decision is the function of your intellect decision making mind is vacillating shall i go not go shall i eat not it mind cannot decide so decisive faculty is called the intellect and intellect is my intellect i was little yesterday i was confused so i could not give you the right response i am telling you now we say this practical day-to-day in our life we say like that but it matters little just to understand that we have this identities and we are not neither of the identities we are beyond that as a person so as a person is maybe having is more drawn to you know spiritual things and feeling less strong to the world like to whom are those experiences happening to whom to whom this is changing in that way who is changing that way every one of us are changing because you know those who are advanced soul they consciously move in that way those who are not developed they unconsciously go that way life experience no see very giving gross example a boy is falling in love with the girl and then emotional attachment comes there are happy days going on but suddenly some break comes and see what a blow comes and that time see then everyone whether they like or dislike mind will tell hey what is this i loved so dearly and this is the disaster why it is what is there in this relationship then relationship is so superficial see all these questions no one will have to teach that experience of life gives a blow to reveal the truth your relationship if it is not with god that is subject to break subject to damage subject to create cry tears but if you subject with god you love someone with god because god is in him or are you then your love becomes intensified intensified intensified and that becomes a divine love pure love so that is the way our focus goes in which direction and experience is the greatest teacher but sam has experienced early you do that's why you don't have to praise anybody saint has a past and sinner has a future and vedanta you don't say sinner but i am saying unexperienced people will come out to an experience and experience people see someone and learn don't have to praise anybody because someone is oh he's so sick good he saw this the world and he renounced there is no glory he was like us he got a blow once twice thrice then what happens these are the teachers our our sufferings our whatever happens in life if we take it positively they are great teachers in our life and that molds our character everyone will have to run for the sense objects your eyes are created for seeing the beauty your ears are created to hear sweet words your skin is created for touch you will run for that but running running running you see there is no joy ultimately so it is so superficial for so momentary and to pay so much for it and mark the purpose can i get this or more can you invest where is it 10 interest rate now bank don't give you any percentage even point one eight percent or seven percent or five percent no but if you get a suddenly yeah hedge fund you go 50 percent you invested 100 you got 150 wow no so can you find a hedge fund mind and soul and heart and soul that is god it it is but we learn by that and we don't have to decry anyone he's bad he's good he is now some has experienced that before some is going to experience some is ended the experience some has to start the experience but ultimately everyone will have to come to this conclusion that this or everything what we see glittering all that glitters are not gold everything glittering fake things mostly the glitter more all right you decide to become a sadhu before you met amulyan oh man we saw some swamis sadhus seeing them uh we thought that there's a wonderful life but yeah there some sadhus were gracious to guide us why do some people feel they are losing that sense of craving for god why do someone feel they are losing the sense of craving for god that means you know god is infinite and if we love god we it is very difficult to grasp higher joy no instant joy you can get you can get a job in mcdonald or in some fast food trip with little qualification and income is also little how much they give 10 now what is the rate 10 12 15 anyhow no but if you want per hour that to get a job which will pay you like lawyers 500 per hour or 1000 per hour no bhava then you have to prepare yourself for that so therefore when we are losing that sense of craving because we have some craving but sometimes it goes away because of our past karma past inclination they pull us back though i know though i know this this fast food is bad but my tongue likes and i go and grab it and eat this is the same thing though i know meditation prayer japa spiritual life is a blessed life there's no parallel to that but still my samskaras put me and i go and eat some fast food i am talking about no to create my cholesterol and all these problems but i do what can i say i know but i do that because the pool is there of the past actions so we have to practice more and more so that this this losing the sense of craving as if i was craving for god before many people say i got the initiation mantra that time i was very advanced and was advancing very joyfully and now i don't feel any attraction that means two things has happened you have become acclimatized you are coming from a very hot outside climatic condition and you enter into an air conditioned room huh how do you feel everyone feel great joy no wow and now stay for one hour two hours then it's not cold even if it is cold or not at least you don't feel that is any exciting it is not an excitement those who live in the air-conditioned room working some way hours and hours they don't praise the value of the air conditioning air conditioning is valued when you come out from a hot climatic condition and you are perspiring and this and that so when you first come into spiritual domain there is a shift and then you feel your mind feels the advancement but when you stay here and the light becomes natural then you think nothing happening but if one practices it is happening but you are acclimatized with that change so it will happen if higher realization comes so until the higher realization comes this type of feeling will remain in us craving as if i am no craving i thought it will be good but i am not feeling any urge anymore this these are the yes for the for the ramadan for the realized one kids still have the burgundy for us unrealized people who still have a craving but can they realize won't still have worldly selfless passion it's not coming from a place of a separate self or mind body process but from their knowing of oneness like like starting others giving lectures feeling passionate about that if they can where does that desire come from oh that because you practice when you practice spiritual discipline you think god is everywhere and you come to this level of purity by serving others so your new samaskar new con new character has been built up unconsciously in you any good person spirituality is for whom not only a good person good person noble person who is restrained in their senses and they love humanity love to see god in others these are all practices they are doing so so when these things go on so when these things go on your practice goes on so your mind becomes purified and if you your tendencies have a change in your tendency is that the hatred what we used to love was to do seeing somebody we become very angry because of his behavior this person will say no i am not to be angry i see who is there in him is the lord is there so naturally they feel compassionate those will be spontaneous behavior of a noah truth because trained yogi that's the major point we emphasize in vedanti emphasize you may have a one night good vision that is good you may see some light that's good but we are not satisfied there this is only a glimpse to give to you that there is something but you have to practice hard so that you get established and your whole internal mental structure will be reformed and it will be divinerized and then that divine pure mind you will see the oneness with all the feeling for others you will be compelled to serve others he will be loving even those those who abuse him or her they will be loving them so this will be spontaneous action by practicing yogi but if some unpacked non-practicing person suddenly may have illumination their characteristics are little different they're proud of though here we are changing our product though at least mentally i'm not attached i'm not attached if you don't get attached then your it matters little you have one thousand dollar and you have given away somebody you are not attached you give away and your mind is up but if you keep one penny and tell oh i gave him one penny but he has not smiled at me so you you carry it even you have given but you are not given so the character is changed this detachment internal detachment will come so naturally they will love others they will see good in others and try to see god in others okay okay so yes yeah but that you know we are hearing all these words but for us it is uh no meaning because we don't know what is god realization what is i do not know what is that joy of god no we are hearing like that but what has with the within human relations we find instant some joy no therefore that drags us down but when people mature and understands that this is merely a fake thing or a very little thing i am not satisfied with this little i want big that sense should generate because we don't get anything a beggar don't get anything whatever food it is is okay but when you are getting everyday food you want i don't like this food i like that food you have a choice then and choice goes on higher and higher and higher so similarly the food spiritual food is a food sensitive food is also a food sunset food immediately you eat something ice cream touch your tongue i say i like it so i take another scoop another scoop another school but meditation i close my eyes and i see nothing so one hour is gone hi what i did everyone is sitting i am also sitting no so therefore we get joy here instant but this joy to get you to make more effort because it's a big job you get good salary good salary job so this is this unless we practice this and we go through this as we as i given the example why we have tendency because we want joy what everyone is seeking for we are all seeking for joy peace happiness what joy and joy is joy no which is prolonged joy lingering joy peace abiding peace not momentary momentary happiness will come momentary peace will come but that goes away and it leaves us in darkness you have a good meal today and if tomorrow you don't get it that ordinary ordinary meal they say what is this food today is it can it be eaten like that yesterday was such good food so yesterday good food is becoming because of your suffering today but in spiritual life you have a good meditation yesterday today you think your mind will be uplifted so we have to go through this process to understand this and gradually gradually our attraction for the little thing to the bigger thing [Music] so tomorrow is the gospel class i will be giving the gospel class at 7 30 here okay thank you you