Video 57
54. Shanti Gita - Class 54 - Verses 25 - 28
[Music] oh lord lead us from the unreal to the real lead us from darkness to light lead us from death to immortality and ever more shine in our hearts with your resplendent face from peace peace peace be unto us all right so we are reading shanti gita the song of peace and say it is all the teachings of bhagavan krishna given to arjuna and we were in the chapter 5 and we read verses up to 24. what does it say this was this chapter has been being the question by arjuna that how you knower of truth behaves and moves and walks like that and there shri krishna says the knowers of truth have no specific particular way that we can recognize them they live in varied ways in variety forms malware costumes and their behavior also is very different so 21st first we said the yogis they move around be ripped off doubt free from doubt you know in different ways and also different wearing different dress or types of dress some maybe royal dress some may be a bigger stress or maybe without any dress at all smearing asses or something like that so no enough to do dhandrishtva you cannot recognize from outside by looking at them you may think that he is a mad guy he is a person totally impractical all these types of behavior can be outside you can so don't judge anyone kinchit chin no kit kimchi baja so they cannot be known even little by observing their external characteristics of the outside form now 22nd verses we read that only ordinary people due to their body identity they see whom we see see the external sign we judge a person by the external behavior only oh he is a very if a person is very outwardly very sweet and a little trickery they can make so many false appearances ordinary people may think oh he's a good guy he's so nice no but from outside you cannot judge so he says the ordinary people due to body identity because i have my body identity so i only see other person how he says how is luke how he walks how he talks like that by ordinary we say he is a cultured person he is not cultured he is very highly educated he is a he comes from an aristocratic favorite aristocracy seeing the outside dress and other things but ontario and the internal spirit of them is never to be understood from bohemia from the lakshana the signs which you see expresses outside no so 23rd verse also he read yojanati sajanathi who knows then he only knows who is a realized person realized person can understand another realized person they only know their inside uh their in our we saw in our beloved mother they saw this may be different temperament but they know each other who is a brahmagani they know because they like a jeweler understands another jewel no so they to understand his ul you should be a jeweler you cannot be a cloth merchant then cloth merchant you will give ten nine clothes clothings for the price of a jewel no so that's why it is not jojo he one who knows he knows those people who are only debating with each other and showing their intellectual knowledge they do not know what they do sastra namah brahmanti they only roam around in the forest of scriptural debate and teshan niskriti no they don't get liberated last verse we read that we are talking about that supreme truth atman brahman it is this prabhu it is very difficult to attain the supreme truth he is very difficult to attain and it can be achieved only by boho sadhana much spiritual practice only by prolonged spiritual practice and sincere practice one can this truth can be attained la bryan parang janmushati no to you only by extensive spiritual practice and practicing need to meet may not be in one lifetime hundreds of lifetimes that means why hundreds of lifetimes because so much dust and dirt has accumulated in the mind you have to clean that it takes longer and those who have little little covering you can quickly wash it out but if it's a very long time you have not used it and the mirror is old mirror did you see old very old old lord maybe 50 60 years old something and dart and dust has gathered and gathered you cannot see the face you cannot do anything but if you once plan to clean the surface how long how much pressure how much attention is to be given how much labor is necessary similarly the mind our mind is like a mirror in which god should reflect but it has been covered with dust and dirt world worldliness lost greed anger all this which we have enjoyed or experienced through not this life life life life life so those accumulated things to clear out this nes boho counter practice you know the kite when they we in the kite is being put into the air so this rope thread goes out out out no now you want to control that bring it back to your hand what to do the way you have released it the way you have to control it and it should be taken every inch everything should be like that so that's why this deep spiritual practice is only thing necessary the supreme truth then this prophet of them is hard to attain bhushan no no it can be achieved by extensive spiritual practice for param that param the supreme truth janma satyanath ego even it is to practice and don't be disheartened if it does not happen this lifetime but it can be done if you are very sincere and you work day and night to clean it no other ways like our cleaning is in morning ten minutes sweeping gone nothing has come out and again in the evening we are sitting little we know you dare night you rub rub rub rub and you rub not only rubbing will do no some water is necessary bhakti jal the tears of your eyes are necessary to put you need some detergent karma knowledge knowledge may be detergent which will expedite the cleaning process and then karma you have to rob rah-rah karma is not haphazard mind no hand is doing life full attention bhakti so gyano karma yoga bhakti so practice then they can quickly attain the same result depending swatu that's why they did go kalo naira nirantar khan continuously and satkara shebito with full attention with love i'm doing it with my devoted attention so this is the that too is possible only how bhagyan judy if you have good bhagava you have good fortune your mind cooperates your environment gives you the opportunity you know if you may be in a good environment your mind is not cooperating your mind is cooperating environment is not cooperating so if all come in one place together then by good luck it comes from accumulated virtues of and meritorious deeds so you have done so many good deeds maybe in other life in this life charitable you have served people with proper attitude because of those background that is your first good fortune and grace of spiritual teacher you can attend to that knowledge of the supreme knowledge today we start at the verse number 25 this is another way is talking about 25 and 26 all the means what i mentioned now they are also giving that means to attain to the supreme knowledge while here in the body it says [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] what does it say we need chitta shuddhi chitto means mind if does not mean mind chittu means all the faculties minds will be pure your understanding should be clear your memory should be clear always bad memory comes there's an obstacle to spiritual life mind is not cooperating mind thinks something rubbish buddhi your buddhi my name buddhi is not directing towards god i don't love to practice i don't want to go to holy company i will not study this scripture as in that your intellect should guide you we are actually guided by our intellect look at that everyone whatever he does or she does it is what their guide is guiding force is the intellect it is like a driver's wheel that will actually control the entire car because which direction to go so buddhi is very important intellect is very important because it guides our spiritual journey our downward journey our upward journey it makes us divine it makes us brute because in mind only intellect that's a buddhi buddhism yoga with this association with the buddhi only one can attain to right direction so that's why it is we have to take a direction from a buddhi means a guidance guidance from realized souls therefore here chitta why without the sudden of the cheetos it means the mind intellect ego and memory see accepting the body who we are we are you know we live in the mental level we live in our intellectual level and we live in our ego body i do you know who i am or i am humble or i am great whatever you say it is all related to i i i so and memory is the result of our activities which led an impression in our mind could you practice every day noble thoughts you see in the dream you'll find noble thoughts and your memory will be charged with positive thinking and those who keep their mind in dirty thoughts the mind will be always bringing out those memories so so the cheetah means that the four faculties all will be clean and chitra should be when the chitto should become suit or pure then god realization is immediate that's all the social activity all the charitable activity people do all the values people carry on in their life this is on based on this purification that's why we say spiritual life is nothing but purification uh what to purify you we are all pure so what to purify are you going to purify atman or god god is already pure but sometimes in the puja what we do we purify everything that's why you sprinkle ganja's water here and there and there but never purify the tulsi leave tulsi leaf makes other things pure tulsi is pure itself so god is pure itself you need not have to purify god you have to purify the mind which is dull which is disturbing the memory which is all bad memories so your ego which is bad ego unripe ego so these four faculties has to be taken care of and then your mind will be pure chitto will be pure and when chitra should be how you act in in god realization you need not have to worry people worry too much about the result but people don't pay attention to the means that's why swami vivekananda says in karma yoga one should give equal emphasis to the means as to the goal rather more for the practice you are sitting here and thinking when shall we reach santa barbara that will you can think days and nights and today tomorrow day after tomorrow one month two months three months but you really want to go don't imagine what is santa barbara then you take a car and drive drive drive don't look then forgets in santa barbara you go on driving driving driving as much you drive on so much you are closer to central so as much as the mind is purified day by day by day inch by inch inch by inch so ultimately when you reach you reach santa barbara so we are tours that means we have to be careful about our spiritual practice spiritual practice how do you do here we are talking about swami vivekananda brought this idea of gyano karma yoga bhakti here by santi gita is saying exactly in this four lines what they're saying [Music] judy means by chance jody servant everything but it means giving up renouncing everything judy that means that renouncing means how will you renounce you know it is unimportant it is changeful i want the changeless it is not bliss it is a just fake spark of bliss it runs away impermanent i don't want it so this idea should be clarified in the mind servant if you give up everything then bhakti means love bhakti means devotion love me we love everything but not god but if one practices love god means in me let your love flow in me bhagavan krishna says that is when the love flows for god first condition is servam purita it's a renunciation question renunciation question is important because as i said if i hang on here and i want to think of santa barbara it will not happen so what you have to do put it that job you have to give up give a part if one step you go that step you are given up second step you go two step you have given up so this is the point when giving up step by step you have to give up everything for god and maman cannot go together that's why we can start our spiritual life there is no problem we can start anywhere but when really we want god that time there cannot be any other thing to block that attention that's why it is said yo the servant if everything by serban everything but that you're renouncing bhakti parayana you become devoted in me in krishna embodiment of the do spiritual practice with one pointed mind that means meditation no sadhu eko chittani by one pointed mind now chitra is a very beautiful word again your minds will be focused in me your intellect understanding should be god is the only reality ekochitu one pointed a chitta means mind intellect ego memory everything again bring it back that clarifies more we always say the mind is distracted mind is distracted means what your memory is in somewhere you are going to your memory is it not if memory is pure then it will not go to others there also will go to god so sadhana [Music] my one point in mind one painted buddhi etc sadhana spiritual practices we have to do practice again and again and again and again as we fail for meditation the students would continuously make an effort one times fail second time second times third time like that is you cannot meditate all that day you're going to think that i am atmond day and night how much your other duties of the life is there so whole day you work so what do you work sad karma you do karma nishkama that type of karma which will not bind you that means there is no special karma which does not bind and which binds your attitude binds any karma any karma you do can release from bondage and any karma can bind us when i do the karma i just continuously analyze this point what is niskama karma no desire at the same time karma you do karma no kamuna very simple vadani kaama karma ni money no kamo means desire and karma means karma so you do karma come that is the major point normally what we do our mind is fascinated with the attainment of the name fame power position no well prosperity it will come why do you ask when you desire you do a good job you'll get its result but why do you hanker after that the problem of hankering is that you hanker after this but if you get then you'll be happy if you don't get in job situation always it happens you worked hard instead of you're getting the raise who has not done anything his money he gets a good raise and you cry and weave so you work hard and then cry and weave also so can you be steady in your knowledge and wisdom i did i tried my best and i give it to god whatever has come politics people say oh politics is going on in every workplace because here this content in teaching profession to the medical profession to i.t professional wherever you go competition competition competition means like this but the karma can be also a factor to release us from bondage you do karma by nishkamam why did you do karma more clear mata pritila what is the what is your intention i will for my priti my particular attention my favor to get my favor you are doing everything to receive my favor or to understand me or my love loving me to gain love for god that should be your intention i am doing to gain devotion so that i can gain devotion to god that should be the only objective and rest something will come up even if you don't want you do a good job the result will be good only your attitude you did it for the pleasure of the lord that releases you gives you freedom that is your you may not get the material reward by for politics and what is called the all competition in the realm of the activity level in life no so this is very important and not only that when you get at the end of the day when you do say oh lord i i am offering everything at your feet moi kritwa or panang servum so if you can do this then chitto shuddhi rabappaty then you attend to chittashuddhi the purity of the heart purity of the mind no i have i have something here [Laughter] reaction [Music] that's used as a result like if you don't have good suspicion background when you use the word karma to know that you are talking about action or deserve normally people understand karma action karma means action normal people understand that that is the colloquial language now and it has entered into the english language no karma karma is a word which is very much used in even in any many books and there is the activity so so got the point what sami ramakrishna said swami vivekananda i shall give you dry hard reasons softened in the sweetest syrup of love made spicy with karma and cooked in the kitchen of yoga so that even a baby can easily digest it so that is vivekananda's version of this current age and this is the merchant of krishna they're saying the same four lines four ideas you will attain perfection in your mind will be pure and perfect how by [Music] if you can do this after giving up everything renouncing everything and you practice being pinpointed that means devo meditation if you practice ekochi they one pointed focus upon me and puna puna meditation not in one day or one time punapuno whole day many times many times repeat it and not not only that you do karma with hay or karma you do the karma but this commonly karma then how can you do what will you do then what is the purpose purpose is not the material expectation of material part but the spiritual part to gain me mutt desiring my delight i will be happy so whatever i am doing i am for the pleasure of god not to that's the ideal that that even uh mass devotion if it does not come not matter at least it makes us free from expectation i am doing for god i am i don't care what people say good or bad no but i i'll i'll correct myself always i shall correct myself but i i am not doing for praise of other people or blame of other people but what i did sincerely wholeheartedly i did it for god so that should be the idea bidhayo karman is common and that karma should be done what pretty loud also for my [Music] this study this is also karma it is this study of the scripture this also karma you do cleaning of the room is karma cooking is a karma driving is a karma study is also a karma but why are you doing this you are doing for me as a result when whole study when you every day say o sri ramakrishna i offer everything to ramakrishna but that is the purpose no other purpose so if we can do for every action from morning till night whatever we do whether it is office work what is your astronomer or in your homework you even cleaning your bed bad seat you're making your bed nice bed it is for the lord for the lord for the lord if that continually goes on that much pretty man support the lord what the lord then cheat to shoot him then there will come the purification of the heart so the translation goes like this [Applause] purity of mind is obtained if one offers everything unto me and does spiritual practices again and again with a one-pointed mind renounces everything performs work without craving for result or wishes results but wishes my pleasure and remains devoted to me me and me alone so this is the very simple but it is a very serious practice and when your mind will be purified what will happen it should be it will just a spontaneous wisdom will come what is unreal what is real that that discrimination will flash very in a very practical way realistic way not to go for analytical uh discussion only but therefore biblical no no no the verse number 20 7 and 28 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so 27 and 20 together but what does it mean toto bibe gosam prabhu they are thereafter when they cheat to the mind is getting purified by practice of the gano karma yoga and bhakti these four means which are we are all carrying we all have the capacity we have these tendencies in us we have the active personalities within us meditative personality within us loving our personality also in us and also analytical mind saying dude go shall i go shall i not go shall i eat don't eat shall i sleep no sally wake up all these decisions i will be back that minor analytical mind is working for day to day living it can be utilized for spiritual analysis permanent impermanent and eternal non-eternal like that tattoo therefore some prophet attaining the faculty of this discrimination [Music] so so should undertake this sadhu no spiritual practices why why shall you take this practice of meditation and discrimination because it should atma i want to realize god i want to realize who am i for that reason with his own good impressions with his self desire to realize the self that should be i want to do this for realizing myself one strongly desires of knowing background also one with mind intent on it that means one should be focused i want to realize god i want to realize my divine self i want to know who am i with this intent intention that practice should continue and help him to separate out because mind is now clean mind mind can clearly see what is truth what is untruth so that development happens then what will happen sangsrit sadhgurum pragm sangsrit [Music] so what it says thereafter attaining the faculty of discrimination one should conduct spiritual practices endowed with desire to realize this self with a restless mind strongly caring for knowledge so that is the 27 verse now how will do then you have to take refuge in a wise holy person sadhguru sangsoi then you will have to by your own effort it will take a long time so you have to go to a teacher spiritual teacher you have to take refuge in a spiritual teacher sang's right guru and guru shiva song who is a noir of wisdom he is a man of wisdom and he is free from dhamma the dosa burjita because of his wisdom he's not proud i am a great guy no who am i that that that ego and pride is reduced in his character that type of what you call the ill evil tendencies are not found in him that means he is at least is a knower of wisdom because it is said the bidding when you really earn some knowledge you become humble and those who don't know anything they become very egotistic they can talk big talks if they go to the top scientists of their subject they will find that they are so humble as if they don't know anything a top neural neuroscientist not any in any field you go but you go to the great musical leaders no they say i'm learning only huh the whole world gets charmed by their play yeah singing or playing instrument they say i am learning only that makes everyone humble whenever it is said also said when the tree becomes full of fruits the tree beans with the weight of the fruits and and and other things i am so worthy ah yeah so ego comes up so that wise man should be dumbledore pride and other things say that type of guru you have to go to that guru and guru will you these days google can give you google guru now so you need not have to go to any guru now you want mantra you can find mantra you can find it in the google but that will not do then early days we are talking about all the wisdom is kept in the heart of the gurus they carry their wisdom themselves so you have to please them first why you give that treasure to you are you fit for that so you should be open to that means you have to show that you are sincere so do go and serve that's why earlier days in the vedic time there is a tradition you want to learn something from someone some teacher some gen some person so you carry a bundle of wood firewood and then put at the feet of the person then the teacher he's the teacher he will understand who he is he comes to learn something from me why in early days guru will be happy because he has to collect firewood if someone collects some firewood for him it is a service to him so because they do the hobonym so he says that guru shivaratha you have to serve the guru with proper attitude to get his authority to vote then what will happen to his guru you have to please your guru all the time by service and then guru will be very kind and poor his love and poor his wisdom say a gross example you know bill unmarked sami as one of the vice president event but he has sami brahman on the attendant ramananda was his guru and he used to go wherever maharaj goes brahmana he will be following him and attending to his needs and because of that whatever he didn't get much time for meditation spiritual practice anality analysis of the nittany that was to be vehicle there's no time for his life we never find that he has done anything as such but maharas before he's leaving the body he called him and blessed him my boy i bless you you attain brahma ghana then you get in brahmagana the whole order respects him for his knowledge of vedantic knowledge of wisdom no but how he attained guru siva with particular attitude that should be the attitude to others why guru will give you the inner feelings and that in in and that made him in that particular day so happy he blessed him also now this thing because uh smoking is is to help now he is making him happy his mind making happy but body making injuries no so how no no no that's a wrong idea no that's not a right thing your idea is wrong because it is not like they smoke cigarettes they smoke beady they are hubble bubble the hubble bubble is when it comes to the water the bubble that that all the toxic things 90 percent goes away so that's not bad taku used to have that in early days that was a tradition and that is not making him toxic as you are thinking you're making anyhow that is that is insignificant that is not at all important important do you think do you think he's smoking day and night 24 hours he's in a sanno day give me one chili meat after lunch or some mood so the whole day how long and that will not make you rather cigarettes make much worse because secondhand smoking and this for example or if it is sweet for example like that you are not to judge you are not to judge what he likes but you do serve him whatever he is pleased with body mind both you are not given the authority to control him so how i are i am given the authority to look after his health the doctors are there and then at the much uh friendly level mother one on the swami these that they are there to talk about that you have to please your guru by that way tata bhavitam then beyond all truth that truth which is beyond all other truth your prophet will become realizing the truth how by the grace of guru by the blessings depression oppression means very calm and please damn you can say please guru person what they have done by the grace of guru kurdish and prasad means grace courage so grace of guru so what does it mean they are after attaining the faculty of discrimination one should conduct spiritual practices endowed with desire to realize the self what is the purpose desire to realize the self and how with a restless mind restless mind means that means restless for god drama krishna gave the example a student asked the teacher when shall i realize god and how can i get it so the disciple and guru both went to a reservoir and pushed the head of the disciple guru puts the head of the disciple under the water and he's trying to come up but guru is pressing the head in the water and he's just you can see what is the condition is starving for breath and then released now how do you feel why i was almost going to die the record realization will happen when you feel like that for god you are breathing for your breath you are thinking that you are going to die for god you will feel like that so then that's why realizing the truth that should be the restlessness of the mind restless does not mean that unnecessarily mind make it disturbed but this disturbance is called for god realization rebecca another name is restlessness means biakul intensely arch arching our hearts to see god us to feel his presence as to experience him craving for its knowledge and free from defects of pride and life should take refuge in a wise holy teacher then one should always remain engaged in the service of the teacher please the teacher considering him as god himself through the grace of guru he will transcend even the truth after realizing the truth even the truth which is beyond the truth that means relative truth two types of truth is there this is is it true is the chair here table here is it so this is true but so textures of them what is the truth what makes it is like that because the brahman is god is so that's a truth of the truth so essential truth so one can attend to that so i can end here if there is some questions then i shall go for it otherwise we can end here on the verse number [Music] too you have any question from here also little louder is that's very simple why the desire for god realization is better than other desires you know see you desire for good food you go to a restaurant and spend twenty dollars fifty dollars and had a good meal and you are happy but that happiness remains how long again afternoon comes evening again hunger comes and in the evening food is now not that good you become sad so desire worldly desire sense8 experience though pleasing for the time being next time it may be displeasing because this created a good impression and next food is so low so dull so simple and it may create frustration it may create anger but now you desire god you find little joy in contemplation remember that joy next day it will boost your mind a little high it goes down and this push you up and it remains a good memory in your life many people see in the dream they see some dream many people say it's a dream but that dream they remember one month afterwards they feel elevated is it not godly dream so this is the point desire is desire but this desire because it is based on very little material depending on the material objects which are itself limited and transitory so the joy or the desired effect what we get it that also lingers for a short time and that brings some sort of when a sadness afterwards if i don't get it the same way that is the difference how may i achieve prasanthi that is the sign today's reading it says how prasanthi pro-shanti shanti means peace prashanti means absolute peace how can he that means how can i realize god that's the question and that we read today that you do their meditation ghana karma yoga bhakti beautifully explained by shanti gita today so of course one thing is also there if you you need not have to take the four paths separately but if you practice one if you are a devotional perfect person if your devotion is very deep all the other three will add together if you are totally devoted to god then what you will find you will find that your mind is becoming concentrated in god wherever someone is talking about god you feel interest and joy in that you find more peace into it so this and you are your meditation part is gone you if you are devoted meditation coming automatic and if you do have a good devotion then you are naturally you are devoting means you are rejecting other things so you are back practicing gyan yoga automatically is happening because you are engaging in love for god and praying and crying and whatever your devotional practice that means you are avoiding other worldly things that time automatic it is changing and you're all the karma but that is also karma doing some meditation is also mental karma and that karma is actually selflessly you are doing because it is becoming nishkama karma so if and also in the real actually action time you will feel much different so as we have discussed the how may i achieve prasanti means how can i achieve the knowledge of the self the gyano karma yoga is the path easier path because we have all the four tendencies and we can utilize it for our spiritual development another question could you talk about that aspect of innovation the incorrect identification of the true self with the temporary physical body and world as it relates to renunciation obinny vesuvini so as you said the incorrect identification of universe so when i'm incorrect identification comes with this i love this object then i get attached to it naturally that obinus actually is temporarily we get attached because of my body consciousness i get attached to things but renunciation is just opposite it just the obini base we never seen god if it goes then it should correct then you can free from the world but if our normal of universe is on the world and worldly things so many ways can be a bondage cause of one days but when it is deter of universe for attachment to god comes naturally detachment for the world will happen automatically okay anything more so you know tomorrow board meeting now is that tomorrow board meeting tomorrow i don't think tomorrow so tomorrow gospel class i will be there present here tomorrow at 7 30 for the gospel class okay thank you all jaima you