Video 51

48. Shanti Gita - Class 48 - Chapter 5 - Verses 8-9

[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] lead us from the unreal to the real lead us from darkness to light lead us from death to immortality and ever more shine in our hearts with your resplendent face o peace peace peace be unto us all so we are back to our reading on the santi gita the song of peace bhagavan krishna is answering to the question of arjuna we are in the chapter 5 and we'll read today from verse number eight so this is the chapter started with the question by arjuna he was asking about the brahmagani's knowers of truth so what is the duty of an war of truth and what is do which they should perform what they should not do what is their special science to ask about that question and simply in the very first verse bhagavan krishna responded there is no quarterback duty to be performed or there is no prohibition that you cannot do this you can do that the actions and prohibitions nasty no for whom those who are realized soul we have known the truth that because they are karta there is no ego sense in them and they are always remaining in the brahman consciousness therefore they are freed from the what is called prohibition and near action and even the vedas which is the controller all our duties actions the ways of vedas suggested no the rishis have designed how the society will run but vedas have no authority on the knower of truth because noah of truth has gone beyond veda veda prabhu naivo and therefore there is no prohibition on assassin on them because sayang brahma brahmananda these people they live all the time in that blissful state in the peaceful absolute bliss state and in that supreme reality all the time they stay therefore they have no interest in your actions of the world which is tempting or they are not afraid to get out of the objects of the senses whereas it is auspicious or inauspicious because there is no duality no we do this is auspicious i will do it this is inauspicious no i won't do it but for brahman is there should not be any such rule because they don't see auspicious and inauspicious it's all one if it is one whom to reject whom to accept that question does not go therefore we see that they do some do some work but they don't have to suffer or enjoy the fruits of their action actionless egoless person doing anything the effect of karma does not bother them does not hit them does not touch them follow and follow there is the result and its experience result means i put my i did something bad karma i get a reaction and i suffer for that or i did something good i feel good i have done something because i have ego but these people because they are egoless and they are really floating in the swimming in the ocean of consciousness and joy so there is no such do's and don'ts for them it does not apply then what happens we see they they have the body they have the body they have the they also breathe like us prana they have the mono the mind also they talk they express something they have their buddhi intelligence chit memory they also say la tu manas we are reading new ring night time reading not wanted but he's talking about the memories of past memories oh ramakrishna's time this happened that happened so all these are there indium their sense organs also working eyes here hand feet and do ibo and vasana but but thereby by good luck things happen in life and desire is the prompting force for us for all these association karma is possible but because he is ganny he is servant he has given up discarded everything by analysis i am not the body not the prana not the mana not the intellect not the memory not the ego not the sense organs and i am not guided by any desire i have no desire i have nothing to attain i have nothing to gain no because of all these the karma is not possible karma to be possible for us we should have a body we should have the prana live breath should be there there should be mind functioning in that body no intelligence should be a buddhi intellect should be functioning a memory should be functioning ego should be functioning sense organs should be helping him to do the work and persona desire i want this that's why they will work if there is no desire who is going to work for anything no one goes to grocery shop unless they have the needs of some food to be prepared no one goes for eating unless he is hungry for every type of action there should be some desire but they have no desire because they are established in the self therefore karma is not somehow possible for them ghani servam gany had their body their mind their action their memory all are there but bhicharyano by analysis direction they have discarded them knowing that these are all matter these are matter they get animated by what by consciousness and they live in the swarupa in their eternal self which is sachida which is of the nature of consciousness and bliss and viscento and they get rested there advaitha in that boy of non-dual state now last part 7 we read last time [Music] it says last we read that verse number 7 there cannot be any trace of karma done by them because they are free from niskriyotaya they are niskrio they are they don't do anything their body does their mind does but they know i don't do its body is functioning no it's a physical anatomical structure it acts and reacts no so it is a spontaneous action of the action and reaction of the body but i am not involved into it just so if you follow hoga that's why there is is it's enjoyment of the fruits of action sat you know karma krita mohammed they only can enjoy who thinks i am doing this to have this effect no so he can enjoy or he can be frustrated if that result is not achieved no but if brahman kenny no he is not affected by that so we read up to this seven verse eighth verse today we are starting their eight verse so karma baba titi prapasasi [Music] then the naturally question comes who enjoys them who is the person who enjoys you say ah they live in that consciousness they don't experience any bad effect or good effect but they their body is doing the karma then who enjoys body enjoys the senses enjoy no it is the sabbahasa omkaro ego when reflected in the consciousness what happens in the ego atman is reflected in the water in a jar the water has no shining nature of its own but if the water the sun in the sky gets reflected you know the water becomes as a pull of light therefore ego is think that ego is like a reflecting media consciousness of the absolute reflects that honk or ego it has no power it cannot do anything it is jawa but it becomes active and you say i do i will do i will work i will attain this i will reject this i will fight out this all this is coming so who is the worker here om karo india honkara sabha so the abhasa the reflection reflection of consciousness which is in the eye ego there is the reflection that is called the light very important point to understand it is very fine level in the final level is this also but it is maybe fine but it is in the level of the matter it is not the consciousness it is that you take the sankho idea sankhya philosophy see you put a pot and then put water then pour some rice pour some potato pour some other items no now if the heat is here if the heat is not there there will be no action in the pot so first the pot gets heated is it not the pot gets heated and then it transmits that heat to the water and then water transmits that heat to the potato to the rice to the element and then you touch them and there you find that it is what is this one water oh what sit yeah okay so so but but heat is not the nature of the pot consciousness is like a heat you can think that that is reflected it is not reflected that this example does not say it is reflected but the transmitted and and if the pot is not heated your water will not be heated if your ego is not lighted by the consciousness then behind the ego pot then the water the example i have given so here is the ego buddhi intellect intellects get heated and then it transmits his heat to the mind mind transmits his heat to the breathing prana energy and that transmits to the body therefore you see body is shining body is moving but it is not it comes to the brain we call the just sit in the back was it here three four three four line before go behind behind yeah spread out little bit yeah so that is the point here the example is giving that the ego is the cause where the consciousness gets reflected so ramakrishna gave the example we are it is called the jivas who are the jews reflected consciousness reflected consciousness consciousness is consciousness the sun's sun is sun but this spot becomes shining there you find a reflected sun what is the body body is not only body we have look at that what are the things body is here the planet energy is there mind is there intellect is there ego is there all together is a human personality but these this appears shining that means active causes my eyes are eyes are blinking ears are hearing these are because not not of its intrinsic nature it has been borrowed it has been reflected it is reflected by as ramakrishna and ramakrishna's example 10 pot example and put water and you see 10 sun 11 sun you see no one sun in the sky a 10 reflected sun each pot you find one sun one sun one sun no but the sun that that reflected sun is not real sun it is reflected because you have a pot because you have a body because you are thinking you have a mind therefore the reflection is there but who has no idea i then that means it is the pot is broken part is broken that one reflection is gone they are called the brahman ghanis the roar noah of truth noah of truth there is no ego and there is no ego so body is body so so many bodies are there i know i am not concerned with that my body i am not concerned about it there is no body for me if that experience one can get then he has no karma karma is done by what by body mind emotions ego intellect we all do work in this level but if i someone is so blessed that he has no contact of the body and he does not feel i am the body i am the mind i am my intelligence so if that i is gone from him then he is no doer the the people who are crazy where brain is totally young what they do they do not know that's why they are not punished much because they do not know the children who have no ego sense developed what they do they are not punishable if the child really innocent child does not know anything and did something which may have harmed someone because he has the hand his hand works he is functional but he has no ego i sense so that's why it is said sorry sothijat karma in this body that karma that karma that actions bhavati it is happening in the body of a king of truth say christ is working buddha is working ramakrishna is working you see that they are working they are walking in the street they are giving sermon but they do not know that they are doing i when i say i am speaking i read this book i know that i mean i'm using my intellect but they have no sense of intellect or ego or pride or anything that's why god speaks to them people say god speaks to them so that is the message comes that even it says even islam they say quran it is allah's message it came through his mouth so that means if idea is that they have no ego like us and if there is ego that is not allah's message because it is filtered to your buddhi your intellect your ego it is getting diluted or miss what you call it is misconceived it gets clouded so that is not god's message see some will be began in 1893 the parliament of religions say he was in the old big gathering of 7000 people and in the first session his name was there vivekananda he said okay i will speak in the second session you are seeing my god what is happening and every speaker has prepared a long note pages after phases like this and they are giving sermon but everyone is sleeping in the lecture as we all do because there is no charm there is no light there is no spirit in that no and second time when he is he has been declared he then also has no note or preparation he just stood up and said i remembered mother saraswati the goddess of learning and saluted her and stood up and what he said what is i said i do not know that means someone is speaking to that instrument their ego is like a child's ego not childish but childlike so that is the point here if anyone can do that that person will be free from karma so he says surirey in the body satijat karma that karma what is happening bhavati it is you see that in the body of christ in the body of rama krishna in the body of buddha some they are doing so much activity hong kong you see it is only a reflection apparently you are seeing but he is internally he is disconnected and what is happening so their ego is performing their mind is performing their hand is performing but not he and what is ego it is a reflection of the same as i give the example just now in a jar there is a sun original sun and its reflection so that reflected ego says i am doing everything so it is called the theory of what is called the keyboard this is a philosophy in vedanta it is called the bimbo bimbo is the source the real sun only one sun is there and pratibha the reflection so we are all reflection here is one two three four five six seven eight nine ten we're all one one reflection and here we have consciousness i'm talking you are hearing you are sitting no so you have a body you are seeing to be some reality but these are all conscious because of the consciousness depicted from the original sun of knowledge and that is the atman so there ankaras so who does this karma who has the ego sense and it is reflected in that ego that consciousness that gives the relative consciousness we are aware of everything this is not the awareness of the hand hand hand is not a sensient being hand is perceived by some consciousness and that consciousness is the real conscious entity reflected into ego so you have to understand we have five layers of covering over the reality one is the this look at that this is the physical body and this physical body behind is that energy body energy you eat calorie this is that people say oh i am becoming weaker why you are becoming weaker your energy level is getting down so the energy that that is called the prana in sanskrit this is called the unknown body body has its energy behind then you know when at the point of death what happens all the energy level goes down now then the feet starts being cold why the energy which is kept it warm the bloodstream behind the bloodstream that is getting cold so on no prana and behind that is my mind functioning and mind has not mind is not self illumined it has no power of its own it borrows the light from his boss in in inside he is a higher boss this is buddhi intellect and intellect also borrows his light from ego i see i am the first person and then i have my buddhi intellect i have my mind i am my energy body i don't find energy now it is people say no that i is there his energy so it is reflected reflected reflected and goes down and down and down comes to the body so someone is walking it is the energy manifesting but this body dead body cannot walk why the dead body does not walk why the dead body does not see there is eyes there is here he does not hear why because the energy is withdrawn from there and where the energy came prana it came from mind mind is withdrawn people don't keep their body when they die mind is not in the body so going back back back ego that ego is also not acting here it goes into the subtle level so detachment automatically happens to the body always gets identified with something or other yeah yeah normally for us ego is always identified with mind sometimes with sometimes ego intelligence we say do you know i know this what do you say i no identifying with intellect it is my my it is my intuition that means you're talking in your mind your mind i remains and intuition remains it is as an expression of your mind then you say i am strong enough i can lift this weight that's we are talking about prana and i will walk this distance they are talking about the physical body is all percolated percolate i must be there whether without i they cannot function anywhere so karma bhavatiti prasasi so its translation will be sorry in the body of your being that karma all the actions you are doing and moving eyes seeing ear hearing you are drinking you are sitting you are sleeping whatever activity you do bhavati takes place it is as an observer you see it is antakarana ego sabha reflected consciousness there is no light in the water jar the sun rises sun's light reflected he find one reflected sun there inside and it's a bright sun but is the sun real no actually it's a reflection so ego is like water and in that it is reflected the sun the consciousness is reflected that's why our ego becomes alive so this is to be understood every you know that's called vedanta analysis who is conscious your ears are conscious no reflected consciousness a dead body if you touch his ear and pull like that look at that if the dead body you go and touch his ear and he will not say oh what are you doing but do it with me now i'll be reacting there is a consciousness but this consciousness is not limited in the ear it has been coming down down down into the body and a part of the body is this it is to be meditated it is this subject is a deep subject you have to concentrate and focus and think think what is happening in your own body that's why vedanta does not ask you to believe something and normally all the religion will say what is your faith what is your belief system it is no belief system it is a rational thinking you think and give me the response how you are breathing what is the cause of your breath your heart is beating why the heart is beating you know there is some prana what is the problem what is the energy how the energy i eat something and they eat something that why that even you can put something in their mouth of a dead body and there is some food why the why he does not see why he does not talk so question yourself the what is the reality behind that's why you have to move one step and deeper step is a very intellectual inquiry and so it is not to just say that i believe something but it is the analytical mind will find out that it is a rational thing you cannot deny it you cannot deny reflected consciousness gives us the validity of our activities my thinking my understanding my misunderstanding that's also given my misunderstanding is also a reflected consciousness water is white clean water dirty water then reflection will be different you take it yellow water put some yellow color in the water the reflection will be different blue it will be different but break it where is the reflected real sun is the sun these are all mental creation so that's why this ghani from though we see that they have a body and he is doing performing some action but they are not doing anything bhokta they are not the enjoyer or experiencer of the karma good or bad no earth utter karma of this action so running translation would be like this the actions you observe in a brahmagani are done by the ego what is the ego that ego illumined by consciousness think imagine a sun and this there is a pot and in that water and that water deflection is happening you you till the water the sun is moving so all activities are because of that if ego is gone then there is no reflection there is no action there is no good effect bad effect nothing so these are the kosher [Music] maya is the energy i was talking about is the mind understanding foreign conviction intellectually that is called the began and same five kusas we are talking about um we have drawn the diagram many times but people forget if i hey this is like this the inside is the consciousness no the center you may not see very well in internally if you think what is in me that consciousness that consciousness is not located only here it is everywhere but for example take it that in your heart there is consciousness that consciousness is covered by ego anandamaya kosha then next kosa is the intelligence buddhi began then next kosa is the mind mind gets lighted because of the inner light of consciousness going through going through going through and then comes your physical body prana energy body and then the physical body so this is the consciousness as if it is percolating till this it comes to the gross one to our finger my finger is moving it is conscious it as if it is conscious no it can move it is not like a stone but i can move it this way i can move it that way but how it is happening this reflected consciousness it is coming from there itself original conscious self reflected reflected reflected coming to the body and body you can say neuron you can talk differently also it comes to the neuron neuron then all the connection of nerve system and they are giving the instruction from there and it is coming finger moving mouth talking eyes seeing so it is it is transmitted to the brain if you say the physical science it comes to them nim brain and brain is the computer engine computer and set in such a way it dictates everything the order is coming from inside it happens so fast i i ask you one question you respond it how it happens it goes so quickly through your ear ear drum to the nervous system to the this brain and brain sending some message it goes to the mind mind goes to the buddhi buddhi goes to the ego and it comes back quickly quickly getting the order of the ego yes this is this say this do this it's come so fast like computer you ask for google search one and one million what is called search engine has already searched one million areas and give you the nutshell so this is nothing they have designed seeing this function here so this is the reaction actually the consciousness is playing such a vast thing and now it is a consciousness study is a very serious study in the universities people are doing but we can easily think very seriously it is it is meditation spiritualities meditation of the truth now i understand is my body the consciousness consciousness belongs to the body no it belongs somewhere else but it is borrowed you if some rich person has given you one thousand dollar loan that's why this loan continues for some days and loan when it is gone this body drops so these are called reflected consciousness and because it is reflected consciousness then we do karma then we this body suffers but if it is not this body is not there reflected consciousness is not there i don't brahma ghani does not feel i am the body ramakrishna i never felt i am the body swami turiyan never felt that i am the body no most of the time was beyond body idea you know the story one day he was making back and forth and there was a mirror big mirror and bibe canada standing there for some time looking in the reflection of his own body you know and then again coming back and again going and again standing so some of the devotees thought oh he talks so much but he see how he likes his own own features that's why he's standing before the mirror and to remove the doubt of that lady she said oh you know oh i was trying to remember my face but i could not as i turn i forget my face that means he is beyond ego leaving the body is functioning but he is not in the body he said i tried to remember that's when watching very clearly this is my eyebrow this is my face this is these features but as i turn i forget everything because they have no ego idea that is the spiritual people brahma ghanis live in that consciousness we see that they are doing something but there is no ego in them and no where there is no ego they are the best people in the world egoless people all struggle task starts my ego and your ego who will survive my ego of course if not i will give a feast i'll then fight i will go to court i'll do i i i i i'll change the world i will do this and see by doing iii they battered themselves but those are these look at christ look at buddha ego no ego zero ego that's why they did tremendous work the whole world is benefited thousands of years on so this is the egoless person's work so the translation is because of your being in the body the actions you observe in the gyani actually done by ego not ego ego cannot do anything you go illumined by the light of consciousness and is the doer and the enjoyer of all action that ego enjoys i enjoy it no i had a good sleep i got a good meal i had good ice cream oh today's meal is so bad so i is experiencing the joy or suffering who enjoys it i enjoy is it not i suffer that's when i is the enjoyer i is the sufferer but paribram mangani this i zero so there is no question of this enjoyment and fun or suffering of this world but they live in that eternal into eternal joy eternal sweetness eternal love this that's why even in cross they can bless others no so that is the point they are not touched by this now next verse you see we are in a very difficult area a very serious vedanta analysis people do this at this point it's very high vedanta now shakshina bhastrati sarvam shakshina mahashati [Music] [Music] that who is behind the ego who is behind ego consciousness that we term another way success means witness who is the witness i witness everything i slept well i ate i had the breakfast i had the supper i had the lunch i didn't have meal today i am suffering today i am in happiness that that is the shakti witness and that witness is with us all the time it started in the morning till now it is here we go to d sleep when you sleep i slept you are there sakshi witnesses someone in you is observing day and night 24 hours 365 days till you are born till you will die you always say i i in my when i was five years old i fell down and i broke my arm huh your eye you remember there is a eye it is different from today's eye the same eye you are carrying that eye all the time but you never know you think that but the body body has changed five years old body and now 70 years old body where is this me any any any parallel there it has become old it has become gray it has a ears where hearing less teeth has fallen so what is the similarity with the 5 years old 10 years old 20 years old 30 years old body is no correction but i i in my childhood i in my youth i in my school in my college in my workplace i i i i i is always what what witnessing everything going on and that i is always with you that's called the i as sakshi witness i witness consciousness sakshi namaste and that witness consciousness is the light behind us and that is reflected again again come to the point that sakshi reflecting on ego anunnakos and then it is reflecting on the buddhi intellectual concept in intellectual body then it is in the mental body then it is coming into prana energy body then it is coming to the physical body remember five push ups they say if you understand this five point then you understand vedanta we are a mixture of these five coverings over the conscious entity inside that conscious entity the in the burner in the heat in the oven that flame is all the time here and that is heating hitting the pot hitting the water hitting the potato heading the rice hitting any other item it is like similarly it is heating the ego ananda mayako so first behind that that i is making i know i saw i heard i did i didn't do it it's true you are blaming me i didn't do it so i consciousness is there that's called the sakshi witness and that never sleeps in deep sleep he is awake because you say i had a good sleep how can you say you have a good sleep unless you have observed it without experience you cannot say i have experience apparently when you are sleeping you are not aware of it you are not aware of it but somebody in you is witnessing that sleep also that's why you can say afterwards i slept last night very deeply how do you know you have slept unless it is it is it is a logical conclusion unless you have experience that you cannot have a memory come to the point you cannot have any memory unless you have experienced it i have not got this dinner yet huh the dinner i have not got it no that is your experience that's why you can remember my dinner normally i take at seven o'clock i have no dinner today how do you know you have no dinner you have experienced that no dinner at seven o'clock that's why you now say i have no dinner at that time so without experience you cannot say i was in the car at ten o'clock driving in this freeway how can you say now because you that time did that at ten o'clock and somebody in you have observed that story and that memory is being recalled afterwards similarly in this sleep also when you are sleeping who has who knows that you have slept how do you say i i slept well and you also say oh i could not sleep whole night i was tossing back and forth that means there is somebody observing your sleep so that is the sakshi no this terminology witness that we call witness consciousness and that witness is all the time awake 365 days every day 24 hours 365 days all through your life the day you are born they will die and beyond of course there i am not going to that we are talking about our present experience period therefore it says that because of your being in the body the actions you observe are actually done by the ego you leave me you mean by consciousness and is the doer and the enjoyer of all actions and now i read the first number nine on a question no no nine i have read the verse i studied the meaning also so everything nine verses everything in the world every experience is illumined by the witness consciousness i talked about so long the knower of truth himself is the self-effulgent witness those who have known i am that brahman they live in that identified with the consciousness they never mix with this side but because we are ignorant we identify with our body mind our good dream bad dream or good action bad action our love our hatred we are all get mixed up and we get the effect of those things so therefore for again he means the noir of truth like the sun there is no touch of attachment and contact with the worldly mundane activities though they do the mundane activities worldly activities but they are not at all contrasted by them are beyond that it's a great study just think about that there's a new thought we never think in this way no did you think did you ever thought that way that in me who is functioning who is observing all this phenomena of life's experience who who is that guy where is he sitting where is god who gives me the power to speak who makes me eat and digest all this thing happening who what is that that is this consciousness and that is the witness consciousness and when we identify with the witness consciousness nothing of this world will affect us because we cannot do that we come down to the intellect to the mind to the in your emotions to your energy body and physical body so we suffer because our identification goes this way down and they don't suffer because their identification goes to the consciousness instead that is me only i'm not all this okay so i end here today and have some question so we shall address them om shanti shanti shanti [Music] so two announcements tomorrow there will be a github and gospel class given by offer one of our nan shiva prana and next first of march 1st of march 28th is this month the 1st of march there will be shivo night here we will do the performance of worship so this class will be cancelled that day next next tuesday no class today is 22 no so see how fun 22 22. 0 2 22 22. nana you see today is all 20 to 22. also the tuesday monday tuesday huh oh okay so what is the question then i said first give the old questions so one question today does the same soul come back is there anything called individual soul since the soul is not fractional yes individual soul we are talking about individuals like me if i die i will come back again because i am my body mind identity not this physical body will not remain but like your dream body in your dream you have a body is it not in your dream when you deem in the night do you have a body in your dream so that is the body that will come and that will go so yes individual soul has individual back body back is the mind this physical body remains five koshas now you remember only the physical unknown the physical body remains your prana mana that will remain it will come back again and enter into a physical world and that will go on until we get liberated on my own this physical body you know remains here and we put into the fire cremation ground but who goes out that is the your dream body think what you have your dream you have a dream in your hand you have your dream in your eyes you eat there you see not the physical food but subtle food that's why you call the subtle body so subtle body remains all these four other that means your prana body remains energy body your mind remains your intellect remains your ego remains and brahman of course is there otherwise yes witness of course is there that's why even the some child born they can remember their past life many many in india we have seen they are talking about their past life they are asking their mom take me that side that said that's they didn't pay much attention but as they grew constantly the child is saying take me there take me there and they went there and as soon as he went there the child started telling there is a room on that i used to live in that room there is this side room there was my mom dad used to do this and this is a kitchen and you go exactly they find everything a child has not developed but we mostly forget but some people also remember okay second question is today's question if consciousness is the only reality then there cannot be anything other than it and that consciousness has manifested everything including the individual is the consciousness now wanting to realize you know the consciousness is consciousness even now when i know it when i do not know but i am now saying i my hand is working i am working he said i am giving not credit to the consciousness but i am taking my credit as i am doing but your eye has no power to do without consciousness again the example i have given the pot and pan and the food items inside cannot be heated unless there is a heat consciousness compare the heat with the uh with the consciousness and pot pan is the body is the pot pan but pot cannot be hot rice cannot be hot potato cannot be hot water cannot be hot even your spoon cannot be hot if there is no heat behind so this is the point yes we are conscious all the time but we do not know it and the gannies the knowers of two they know it difference between us is only that i am working i am talking by the power of that consciousness but i do not know but only the people who have realized the truth we are talking about they know they see they feel and therefore they manifest the consciousness everything is manifestation of consciousness even even a uh crawling worm is a manifestation of consciousness even the tree at the table is a manifestation of consciousness but where is greater manifestation and lesser manifestation zero wattle bulb and thousand wall bud all our bulbs 60 watt ball 100 watt ball 200 watt bulb 500 watt ball 1000 watt bulb all are bulbs but behind them the electricity same electricity being the same bulbs manifestation is different so this is the only this whole world is a manifestation and manifestation is different in different levels and therefore your question that if consciousness is the only reality then there cannot be anything other than it true there is nothing but consciousness that is the with the beating of the drama dance and sages of the upanishads all the saintly people are talking about that there is nothing but god they say different language there is nothing but christ christ in the front christ in the back christ in the left christ in the right christ below christ above atma is below atma is about says god is everywhere utman consciousness is everywhere but that consciousness has manifested everything again it has manifested because i don't see that consciousness i see i don't see the gold i look at the ornament design of the ornament golden ornament two side aspects is there one is the design side another is the gold aspect some see the design aspect forgetting the gold aspect but brahmagan is no it is the design and nothing both are same gold we have to realize that last wednesday stan moore has a question i could not i'm going to this three question last time is it so that even ramakrishna leaves only in my mind yes ramakrishna lives in your mind but in a pure mind but when your mind will be so pure then ramakrishna will be infinite all pervaded saccidananda understand this point please that yes rama krishna is in our mind at this present state because if we think and mind becomes pure you can meditate on him more and more and then as you meditate more you will understand ramakrishna's body will be effulgent and then it will be expanding into infinite ocean of consciousness so that mind in a purer mind state of mind this mind when it will be pure by every day meditating on christ or buddha rama ramakrishna your mind will be pure and pure and pure and pure and whenever you release the perfect purity you will see that it's everywhere is that what you're talking about in vedanta consciousness you term it consciousness you call it ramakrishna you call it christ consciousness you call it buddha consciousness whatever another question i read that everyone will be liberated some day or other are there a finite number of souls in this infinite creation how can you say finite number is infinite no you know if you go if i ask you how many ripples are there in the ocean limited number of ripples infinite number of peoples what it matters ripple comes from the ocean plays on the ripple and wave waves play under the ocean and after the play it merges into the ocean so what's the question of making a finite there is no finite because everything comes from brahman brahman is infinite and you look at the creation how many stars are there can you say it is limited how many billions trillions how many trillions are there you cannot count it even this material manifestation is countless so what you think of the g by individual soul there is no limited number you are thinking that there is a way one trillion souls okay if ten souls get liberated then rest of the people will be ignorant and gradually one day all will be full of knowledge no that will be this god's play goes on but all will be free means everyone will go through the experience and understand this life cannot give you joy this limited way of looking at life does not give you peace you have to find something else to go beyond and to find the truth within so this is the lesson when we learn that then we feel liberated means we become one with the ocean it matters little where part of the ocean you are dancing on the ocean or you merge into the ocean so that will happen there is no finite number of soul say something about began about point of view what is duality of vedanta there is no duality of vedanto uh vedanta is always unity but when one goes into samadhi getting out of this duality totally merges there and comes back what they see they see everything is saturated with consciousness there is nothing but god and god alone so duality vanishes there they see this open eyes as i give the example again for the ocean and the ocean waves they see it is ocean it is ocean water at the same time motion they see it is h2o as also a different shape other than another each wave is different no even the flex when the snow falls each flakes or each flake is different from the other that's the variety of creation but they are nothing but snow so the brahman ghani see that brahman everywhere when they come down that is the beginner began means being saturated ramakrishna gave the example what is ghana and began one who has heard about god like someone has heard about milk he is just knowing something hard now one saw that milk he is convinced there is milk but one has drunk the milk and absorbed the milk in his body what will happen he is called the saturated with the knowledge so began means getting absorbed in god consciousness and when that state comes the whole world changes its views it is all saturated there is there is no unhappiness there is no misery there is no loss there is no pain and death and decay is all permeated with one absolute consciousness like space again another question could you please discuss the difference between the unripe and ripe ego that we know we are all unripe ego you me now i'm talking all unlike ego because that's why we fight my ego here you go why i said this mine is right all the conflict in the world no go to your husband-wife relationship to the friend to friend relationship in the office to the country to country relationship ego i am the soviet in charge i will conquer this i am this so it's all fight you go you go fight that is the unripe ego and when this is ripe ripe ego is i am seeing god's play or in devotion organic i am that atman you also feel i am the athman where is the fight who will cry for whom who will fight for whom they are all unified so therefore on ripe ego is the mature ego right means mature ripe ego is mature ego this is immature ego immature ego things my muscle strength my bank balance my education my position my quality and right ego i belong to everything so what somebody what shall i fight with everything belongs to me i am that cosmic consciousness so i have nothing to lose nothing to gain i have nothing to compete with anyone i am greater than you that question does not come because it is matured state so that is the life in you is the rule of ethics and code of morality are eternal no no no code of morality varies even today in one society you go that is called code of conduct another society you go that is very unethical no so no no no these are dependent on the society's condition to make a society better society our law makers they create certain rules so that everyone is protected everyone feels more freedom like that so there is no eternal but eternal morality is this truthfulness this is eternal values it does not matter you are a person in islam religion or you are in a christian religion or a hindu religion or buddhist religion truthfulness that is the eternal values that should be kept honesty not stealing keeping the mind pure not to find fault with others these are eternal values but how you apply it in your life according to the social condition that will differ [Music] so the things which were outright immoral previously are gaining acceptance today and traditional values are being termed as outdated yes always it will happen society is always changing the values which we got when you are children with our parents if we look at the society we cannot think that is no more here that is gone but who will say the society is always changing it will again change today what they are talking about 1960s and 70s what was the trend in america is not the trend in town now today it will change in every country it is changing the society is a mobile thing and it will change accordingly but the eternal values the ethical values moral values these values will remain the same truthfulness honesty purity love for others sacrifice for the good of others this will remain the same i understand that with passing time values are bound to erode in society so do i look at the present scenario like that and stick to my own value and belief in spite of what others are doing that is the best thing what we you you keep your own values matching with the scriptures matching with the holy people what ramakrishna said what christ said what buddha said keep those as eternal values and that we have to practice another question just like we use a mirror to see a person standing behind us similarly can we say that when we have a vision of god to a purified mind it is a reflection of their need to harm yeah you can say that when mind becomes pure then we can like a mirror as we see in a mirror but that is not mirror it's a mind mirror to the mirror of the pure mind you see the reflection so when we have a vision of god through a purified mind when p mind becomes pure it is that it is the reflection of their nit to them yes that is the reflection of my eternal home yes another question we suffer when our identification goes down to the body mind we don't suffer when we identify as witness but when the body pain is intense how to remain as witness yeah that's a great question that is to be practiced maybe i will fail but truth does not change for that it is scientific reason is that my body is in acts and pains so if doctor give me some anesthesia i will see you for the hospice care people and doctors allow to reduce the pain they can adjust how you adjust the medicine you don't feel pain pain is going on in the body that means this is external means to control by medicine internal process is that withdraw the mind and put it in god if you intensely think of something else you you will not feel the body pain does it not happen that some your backache is there but you are intrigued in watching a tv and you're very interested in that by that time you forgot the pain so it is possible we have to practice spiritual discipline that we can we can then feel even the body will suffer but i will not another question the identification shifts to the body at that time what is the way to stay as witness to seek it to the witness it is going to the body but if if we can pray and not pray analyze my mind is going to the body therefore i can feel the pain here but we draw the mind and have the capacity on the mind and have the capacity to put it in god then it will not be here body will suffer but i will not suffer so how to do that in this rigorous practice day and i think i am the atman shift the identity to the inner consciousness day and night a part of the mind should be telling me this is outside here is my real home let me go back to my own home and feel that there is the infinite source of joy and bliss within you we are searching here and there but it is more here so practice that's why meditation do hours and hours of meditation sing some glories of god so that your mind gets tuned to the to the god consciousness read this type of book so that mind is involved into this type of thinking so this is a rigorous practice okay more practice more understanding will come okay so thank you all and we'll meet you again next week yes buddy a body to us but he is the expression of the infinite ramakrishna is not a man then there are so many ramakrishna you are i am the same body wise i am the same i have a body i have hand feet eyes and he also that we are not worshiping that man rama krishna but that man who has lost his manhood and entered into the divine and stayed in the divine consciousness all the time read the gospel every page you will find what was he god intoxicated he can touch you and give you illumination in now you can feel the presence of god so that is ramakrishna and like christ no do you mean the christ the physical body no that's why resurrection is the idea this action means is out of the body getting out of the body so we should think buddha christ rama whatever we think we'll have to think that they are not the physical but they came into the physical body out of compassion but they are the infinite spirit okay thank you you