Video 49

46. Shanti Gita - Class 46 - Chapter 5 - Verses 1-4

lead us from the unreal to the real lead us from darkness to light lead us from death to immortality and even more shine in our hearts with your resplendent face oh peace peace peace be unto us all so we have just finished the chapter four where the arjuna put the question about what is this maya and if it is maya is not real then how it becomes so real to us and then in that course it has been said it is all superimposition and all you are seeing because of the karma and how many types of karma and how to get out of the karma by constant bichara and we are giving up every work to surrender to him and also saying surrender to him adding a book the test of bhakti in the vedanta book but here is clarifies what surrender to me me means what me not the person but that impersonal absolute that is the me so if that truth is thinking krishna to be that and one engages into it there will be no there will be no contrary effect of this karma karma you do but if you do for god you will never be wrong but when you do for you that means when we forget i am doing i am doing so we get burden and it is our task all the tensions and sufferings which comes because of the ego so ultimately it says that you get out of the ego and that is the grandest philosophy and it should be detachment is the keynote and karma should be continued till the end of life so long there is any desire karma should be continued so long there is a breath karma should be done and it should be renunciation of karma should be very much dependent on your very spiritual life and depend if you are doing karma you will have to do karma but you think oh i am a brahmanagani i don't do karma i'll meditate on the unknown seat for absolute idea of the divine no that's why it warned the bidhina karma santiago in the last verse towards the first end that you have to give up the karma by following a discipline automatically doing god's work your chittor will be pure suddha mind will be pure and sudda and when that purity of the heart will come naturally that will detach you from karma doing karma you will never be bound that's why it is said in our day-to-day life what we do if we think that i am doing for karma you know that that karma is not going to mind you but when you forget that and only do the karma obedient work that is not the direction of the scriptures so that will be the cause of condolence and therefore we will have to eternal you look upon the body don't look at the body body as the self that means does you misunderstand i am the atman this body that is to be given up and when they hear the word i mind etc always crooked-minded people will think that that is they are thinking of the body and that is worldiness and one should be free from that worldliness satan name and seeing the straight and what is play of consciousness everywhere that was the last chapter we read today we are going to start the fifth chapter of this what you call this santi gita so fifth chapter it starts with the characteristics of a yogi no one can be no no karma naman without starting the karma no one can be a yogi because mind will be so restless it is very difficult to stop the restlessness of the mind unless you engage yourself in good karma noble karma karma for god so the and then ultimately it will drop so this chapter is dedicated to the characteristics of a yogi now again here the arjuna is putting that question again and krishna will be responding bhagavan will responding as as is given in the bhagavad-gita so is in the shanti so arjuna said arjuna originally said [Music] [Music] [Music] you know [Music] so what it says original question what is the many duty what is the duty or responsibility of vidam birdang means those who have realized god though those who have the wisdom developed we are doing karma we know our quarterback is there cartwheel is duty we are all duty bound everyone has a duty and phase of life in our stage of life a teacher has a duty a mother has a dude mother has a duty a police has a duty doctor has a duty nurse has a duty a pilot has a duty an engineer is there he has his duty so in every position of life there is duty now he has his duty for his family even unemployed is thinking of how to feed my children how to take care of my family how to give them education so that is their duty duty does not come to a person who has no ego only we are ego we have ego that's why so long we have we have our duty but bidang means those who have realized soul what is that duty that's why you will hear that there is no duty for people of wisdom god realize people they will have no duty they can you that in the vehicle there are that yogi this type of you have attained the realization of the highest for them or god realization they have no duty but otherwise everyone has duty you cannot get out so king karta bang biran krishna king nishitam what is forbidden or forbidden karma or duty of whom of the knower of truth bedan is the question those who have realized soul what is their duty and what is their prohibition that they cannot do that we have we as as a human being we have our duty and something we should do something we should not do and please tell me vishesho lakshanam special science if a person of wisdom we find what sign i'll see what is this from outside how can he judge he's a knower of truth is there any sign that some horn grows holy mother said a god realized person means what to horn will grow i will understand his horn is growing he is a realized stone no it is a wisdom and knowledge will flow and there will be so what are the special signs of this knower of truth procrastinates tell me express to me manifest to me and unfold to me the secrets in detail mr reynolds much detail uh just tell me in detail what should be that so this question is first question and that starts this chapter fifth chapter so the question ultimately comes to o krishna please tell me tell me the duties of the knowers of truth and what is forbidden for them as as we always think that is my duty and it's not to be done monk monk has a duty a brahmacari has a duty brahmacharyani has a duty sannasi sannashin everyone have their duties so long they have their ego sense and the whole world is running by that you see even the birds in the sea when they give their small babies come their duty see how the beautifully may nurture the babies take care of them feed them nurture them protect them no that's the duty so and is what is the duty of an award of truth and what is forbidden for them reveal unto me elaborately they are special signs how i see a person and know that he has attained freedom so and the version of literature it talks differently he says that it is very easy to understand a spiritual person what is that if you are very close to a spiritual person your mind will be uplifted your mind unconsciously you see that your mind is thinking higher thoughts you're looking at that person you will remember god it's called zahara harilay by looking at whom by beholding whom ride in your heart krishna now the lord's name starts floating in your heart tahari janu know that person to be vaishnava pradhan he is great among the lovers of god vishnu bhaktas they are great people so they say that's a bhakti school says ghani's will say that you can go to them like raja maharaja what is the sign of a holy person you go in that environment you sit around you do not have to do anything your mind will be thinking of something so joyful when you come out then you compare what was that i am the same person my heart was so full of joy and i was totally forgetful about the world and worldliness so what is the impact it's the impact of the holy man that story is there for some ibrahim one monk came to know that in presence of a spiritual really genuine spiritual person you cannot bring any bad thought it will your bad thoughts will not come in your mind and so he wanted to test it so he went and sat before the chair when maharaj was sitting and he's talking to other people in the front others are there and he was sitting there and he is not listening to the thought or talk he was trying to bring vulgar thoughts in the mind how bad how negative thoughts go but how much he is struggling but he's failing to bring any negative thought so he tried and tried and tried and then maharaja turned his face back are you successful [Laughter] let me say failure that means impact impact of them is so tremendous their mind vibration vibrates in a such a level that all other lower thoughts and become dysfunctional that is called the sadhu that is called the holy man so bidam means those who have known or realized god in their presence will feel like that many uh we in your early days with sausage you go there you don't understand much but when you come out then you feel like that oh my god how where from the joy came where so much money cheerfulness came from inside because his cheerfulness is is coming into the heart of others as is our sin fearful our negative thinking affects the other people that's why you don't go to the bad association they say why they may be outside looking very nice people but if their mind is full of clumsy thoughts and ideas that will affect our mind because we are not that strong it will impact our mind and those who are very rigid and strong and firm rather they will create an impact on the others so that's the bidaan jana means the knower of truth so this is the question please tell me what are the duties of a knower of truth and what is the forbidden things for them and second point repeal unto me elaborately what are the signs how uh how they look whether gita second chapter street of prague the noir of truth how he speaks how he eats how he sits how he walks no that is the entire second chapter we read so here also same yes what is the question you have any question please keep this question so that we can finish little early if no question then we'll continue okay for all of you who are online no that's true for ordinary people it should be tuned but whenever if you go to such powerful people as i was talking about brahmana you go to rava krishna like people who went with their friends did not want to impact they didn't stay there within two minutes they are trying to get out so what you will do you have to get into there is a fan so you have to come and sit under the fan i am fan is here i am sitting there oh i don't get any impact no you have to sit there for some time so i think that is the reason they came but they didn't have the at all the good luck of being in that holy association for some time within two minutes they are restless as like fish basket ramakrishna story they like the fish smell bad smell so they don't enjoy holy companies here i have seen many families in bhaktas devotees their daughters their children they will turn their face and run away from you because they are not ready yet not they are bad people they are good people you talk to them they are very jolly and cheerful to their friends and things but i have seen myself hello how are you and ran away they don't like it that they are not ready for it so true that is true also there is ramakrishna said the the bamboo and grass accepting these two there is a breeze of malaya it will purify everything but they cannot do because there is no essential material there very basic materials should be there okay now shri krishna second verse shri [Music] [Music] again [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so what he says means the duty ba so duty and occur non-duties nasty there is nothing as such for those one wars of truth sake oh friend oh my friend arjuna listen there is no duty and there is no non-duty poor no worse of truth because they occur taru because they are not karta gatta means i am the doer they don't feel that i at all they have no i rama krishna could not find i ramakrishna used to say this this this this table this chair this is also like that not i you will never find many words in the whole gospel i always this eat like that so that's why they akarthar these brahmoganis this knowers of truth are all karta non-dual they are not performers they are not dual they their body mind does this body and the mind let them understand their suffering pain pleasure oh my mind you remain in bliss because you are not the mayan body the body spin let body understand why your mind you are adding with yourself so detach the mind so here the same way because they are beyond all duties and forbidden action because akarta they are no karta upanishad says these people become brahmaganis so they are brahmavid they know they become brahman brahma the brahma bhavati [Music] depending on the quality of the students udhikari competency of the student this gotha karma is all mentioned lower type of student so long they are to refine to that go to that higher level they will have to do the katakana until there is need because here it says so all the activities which has been mentioned in the scriptures duties of household duties of sannyasi duty of these that they have been for the com students who have not realized the truth it is not for them like we the ignorant people for us all duties but who till you reach need because this ignorant people most ignorant people may be little advanced maybe a little advanced but there is karma there is karma there is karma there is karma till you reach nirvikalpa where your ego is totally obliterated so that should be the idea that nirvikalpa after need because which has been mentioned in the vedas they are only purposes to make us ready to attend to the highest wisdom of brahman these are all preparation brahmachary grievous householder retired one of prasad sannasi monk this all these categories of people because of their ignorance in that situation therefore their sadhana their spiritual practice is also different brahmacharya's duty is one and greatest duty is another sannyasi's duty is another retired life people they have their duties different no so that's why in the sukhas talk there is a book it has been mentioned there that veda is [Music] but it is eight verses and the sukkah stakham there is a book which is different talks about the the shuka he's talking giving teachings of eight eight teachings of sugar is a bird so he says [Music] if the differentiation and non-differentiation idea melts away puno goes away dries out from the heart maya and moho this maya and the mohu delusion being destroyed being being wiped out when you go to nostra with the britty when your doubt of the mind goes away sabda edam then that truth which is beyond all sound trigono-rohitam where there is no play of sakta rajasthan thomas practio attaining that tattata buddha attaining that knowledge of the atman nistra egun nepati that person who is walking in the path where there is no three gunas what type of kobiti what is do do's and don't spot that person that means there is no do's and don't it's a beautiful verse mentioned in the sukkah astrakhan so there is no duty for a noir of truth that is the main point so that is the oh dear friend there is neither duty nor non-duty and if you say duty there is a non-duty but when a man is samadhi what is duty he has nobody in the idea ramakrishna in the samadhi state what is the duty for him he has no duty what he did out of compassion for the whole whole world that is no duty duty means you do if you don't do then you will you will get the consequences bad consequences so there is neither duty nor non-duty for the noaa truth they are of the nature of brahman and not the agents of action they are of the nature of brahman this people who are noah truth they are the they are they become brahmana they are the nature of brahman that's rupa they are like brahmana brahmo if you know brahma you become brahman that's why this knower of truth they are like brahman and not agents means not i the no ego in them they are bereft of prohibition and regulation of the vedas and scriptures that means scripture may have given some injunction everyone will have to follow but they are not bound anyway under this rule of do's and don'ts now the third verse third verse be the [Music] [Music] dictates us all but they are not cannot dictate this type of people then vedas have no jurisdiction there so baida prabhu nabui veda is not the lord there for us veda is the lord rules you do you don't do right you have to control this you have to check your senses control mind control detachment shama dhamma artistic all these principles these are the vedic injunction on us but to know our truth no injunction for them that's why veda prabhu navitasam in regard to what niujana being engaged in something and nishita no no no you cannot connect yourself with this type of thing neither you can add or detach so these regulations are not for them swayambram sadananda for them whom they means who who are shyam brahma they have almost themselves become brahman sadananda they're always floating in the bliss of infinite joy visvanta they are resting in that paramatmani in the supreme heartmen they're resting in that supreme argument so vedas have no control with us do not control them neither engaging them in nor prohibiting them from actions actions that'll be simple thing but brahman carries there is no karma if he does his will he does not do that's also his will he is not bound by any rules that means he is beyond all rules all prohibitions all engagement they are brahman themselves thinking of brahman they have become brahmana already reposing in the supreme cell the resting in that supreme self and always remaining blissful so why why they do do karma main purpose of karma is what to get something karma we do to have something but what karma if he is who is fulfilled by himself why karma he will do you you go to shopping because you need something if there is no need why will you go everyone you take a shower because you feel that you needs cleanly cleaning yourself if there is no need of cleaning why you will go to take a shower so that is that is also some desire very good desire that of brahmagani can go may not go therefore brahma ganesha you will find the different types of brahmaganism some member brahma ghanis are really just set and they are satisfied in some cave and some isolated places they don't talk to people they're absorbed in their samadhi comes out like some maybe we can understand i want to eat some little sometime and most of the time i want to be in samadhi but rahul didn't allow him so another type of brahmagan is oh yeah some sridharan when he came he gave this example that in a village suppose a group of people and village people are very simple they honor the sadhus when coming with gerva or yogi so they came and everyone assembled towards them but one sadhu does not speak anything he is a holy man but he does not communicate he does not like to talk he is withdrawn totally okay sudden devotees may come and salute but he does not respond so few days people will come because he's a holy man pranam and go away second sadhu came after some time they bought the same food for the old that sadhu also this second sadhu came he he was sitting and meditating and the devotees come then he said oh what when nodding the head and showing some sympathy like that and talking a little how are you how is your family is there any problem like that and addressing to their problem questioning the question answer is he's giving some answer third sadhu came here is that sadhu came he not only inquires and he sees that you are in trouble he goes out of the way to your home and helps them with whatever necessary even you need to go to doctor and this and that he goes and help them give them poop advice someone is dying or is a sick he goes and prays for them so this if suppose this type of thing happens so where you which sadhu you will like out of the tree the last one so ramakrishna mission is trained to do like that people many vedantos to study sometimes make them selfish some people say oh they are suffering they are suffering because they are bad karma maya maya it is okay don't do anything on the second grade you say oh there's a karma okay let them suffer there may say no no god suffering in the human body so what can i do go ahead and give one type of gift is material gift give some food give a glass of water copied is that higher gift spiritual counselling intellectual counseling to get a job how to go establish in life will be higher gift next gift will be spiritual gift so all should be done like a person of heart who has the great heart they will do this so that is the likiness of the good good sadhus so they but when one is in samadhi there is no duty so you cannot say he is not responding to my question this this this word you cannot use for them so the running transition so inclination thought was the vedas do not control them neither engage them in not prohibiting them from actions they are brahman themselves reposing in the spiritual self and always remaining blissful so that is their nature they always remain in joy in final peace in your fourth verse nibriti [Music] [Music] daughter [Music] hosts [Music] [Music] it is who have nobody no they are who have nobody no normans no de ho means body who have no body idea or their bhavit kushi follow bhuga there will be no enjoyment of the actions of their karma karma's actions will be meaningless to a person who has no idea i am the body yes if even you know when we go to a doctor and the doctors give us some anesthesia and does so many things my identification with the body goes i don't think that i am the body then see all the things go to the body they did tremendous operation cutting and chipping and this and that you know five hours six hours some operation goes for even seven eight nine ten hours you know so uh so many things are going on but what about the patient he is not in pain how it happens because he is not thinking i am the body his mind is sleeping that means not connected with the body neither the connectivity body neither the nervous system so reactions are not having there that's why he is free but even yogi can practice this like hari manas keeping the mind in god the same thing here withdrawing the mind by force doctors are doing my anesthesia and yogi can do by just shifting one day holy mother was cleaning the cancerous throat of rama krishna and is a with a cotton and it stuck somewhere and ceramics have got so much in pain and mother felt oh my god what am i to do then sriram again said don't worry now i am taking away my mind you do whatever you like and he took care of the mind and no pain so the very simple formula when the mind can be given to something else then this con the pain and suffering of the body will not be felt so that's why yogic practice is good we are trying to do that to keep the mind in god so if one can really put there then external thing will not touch you so here no prabhiti pravity means inclination inclination to do something it is not there no prohibition no nebrati non-inclination i will not do no no that's also ego i will do its ego i will not do that that's also ego so pravitti and nimitti vasube in pleasant auspicious act things by usual unpleasant or inauspiciousness it is auspicious i'll do normally what we do normal people do not understand what is auspicious inner species what should be done what not to be done there's one category next category it is good i will do it it's bad i will not do it as we are trying to do in our life but for brahmacari he will not say i'll do because it is good i won't do because it is bad no even that consideration is not there for abraham again because he knows that body mind does work i don't do anything so i have no inclination so what they do whatever comes before them they as it as as a as a natural reflex action they do that the hungry hunger comes latu going and meditating hunger comes because of the body he goes and grabs some money and goes to some shop but there's some lochie or something and eats it's finished so he has not the time to go to pots and pans and then boil rice wild dal boil this and that time no time but it is done why because body is there hunger is there and that he does but sometimes she is not doing so he is not bound by these rules of do's and don'ts again the synopsis is this he is not bound by so that he is explaining this way no pravity he has no inclination for suva is presenting and this inclination is inauspicious he has no such choice he does not choose like that there is therefore that type of people there is no following there is no hormone even we see that he is doing karma but that karma does not gather any result like a children children do whatever they do it does not karma result result of karma karma follow does not touch them whether they are hugging in the mother or whether beating the mother whether they're crying whether he's swalling the clock whether he's playing with a toy whatever he does there is no ego does everything that's a holy people become like a child and for that but i am talking about the babies those who have not grown even eye consciousness that is the point here is the question i consciousness maybe little was there that's why they have to suffer everyone we are all innocent like like god when we are babies nothing in the mind is not responding to anything good or bad in the world there is nothing as such child's world is a different world they do whatever they come at that time they play with the toy next moment they throw away the toy this time he's crying for one item and you and then he got it and then immediately after two seconds throws away that thing that means there is no attachment there is no detachment he is because no ego therefore if there will no no effect of their karma let's say i give the example suppose a child inadvertently there is a toy and there is with the toy there is a gun and he does not know and the baby was playing with it and triggers it and it's his mom is killed that the baby will not be say three years maybe two years baby should not be taken to the jail why they don't take to jail because he has no ego since developed so in a brahman also whatever you do they are not having any karma so no karma no no result and it's bhoga gogamis is suffering or pain you do some karma it gives you some suffering or some pleasure so those two you you are out of that you don't need karma no those who have no body identity they have not so the running meaning of the four inclination towards the present as well as the abstinence from the unpleasant do not exist for one who is beyond body consciousness thus there will never be action results of actions and enjoyment for them enjoyment are suffering also any karma good and bad they are not affected by anything okay so we have any question one question okay so we can end here four verse number four [Music] now the question can an enlightened person do harm to others that's why you are reading no they do not do harm they may appear to be doing harm sometimes we hear in the can an enlightened person do harm to others this is the question the response will be that no no they do not do harm to anyone because there is no ego there is no motive but sometimes it appears that he there is a sage which is called know the angry guy wherever he goes you become angry and curses you and then you will have to suffer so everyone is to avoid him but you know what they do even through their anger because there is no ego that is to wipe out our karma that curse has taken away by chunk of karma so little suffering to take away our chunk of bad corners so normally it is if he is a realized soul no harm can happen ultimately in the spiritual sense they rather take away our karma by that way in the yoga in a yoga system we have read that a spiritual person like who are enlightened gurus if they scold they take away your karma so it is by them there cannot be any harm because they are not like ordinary people motivated for some purpose there is no purpose accepting they want that we should be liberated from bondage so that is the guru's grace and that is the grace of the holy people so there is actually even if they do something that is all for the good of us sometimes scolding someone sometimes sweetly saying something whatever they do that is only good only was good means maybe materially we don't feel that good what is good we say i wanted one one on one thing if i get it i think god is very gracious no and if i don't get then i say it is bad but god is not like that what is good you are thinking that is not good ultimate good ultimate good but is spiritually uplifting but is spiritually benefiting that much should be taken into account will be good no that is a different thing what is it why do you get to a holy people is a good fortune you have getting a special discount sometimes special cell the holy people are like that when they do something that is extra special grace the same tag the tag was 100 you may be charged 10 10 10 that's right that's why he said the proud of the karma you have to prick there will be a big damage and like a pin prick you can feel the suffering of a pinprick so that is the grace of god that's why it's called holy company to have healing company is really a blessings because they don't think of anyone's any negative thing to happen become they are the friend to the whole world now this is done so any other question another question is it possible for worldly enjoyment for only and liberation to go hand and hand in hand can one have both yeah but a worldly enjoyment and god can it go side by side i think it is for the beginning it can go little further god realization and also my normal fun and joy of life dancing singing drinking as also god that may be starting point because mind is not ready but when the mind following the path of spirituality finds greater joy then automatically the other worldly fun the idea of getting fun from world this idea will drop because you are getting better joy here if one gets a higher job offer why you will go to the lower job so similarly when one gets a test of inner tranquility the practice of meditation practice of prayer holy company if they find joy and in compare the worldly joy and if they have the sense it takes time to develop you can get your same joy by eating good food yeah people enjoy that food no and aha food food food food warning long talk is going on but how long it lingers in our understanding in our feeling so it is the tip of the tongue and the throat but when you have good meditation good prayer good association holy association it lingers in your heart for a long time and not only that when you remember that you feel the same intensity of joy but in worldly joy it will make a depressed mind oh i hate such good food and today is this it is yeah we cannot eat it that is a good depression that is good that is also one type of depression arjuna was depressed and today also how many thousands and thousands of people are depressed you know has a good fortune to go to krishna with depression and that depression was raised into illumination but ordinary people when they get i am not getting i meditation my mind is not settling don't say that do more practice you got a glimpse one time one day if your meditation was good you felt like joy one day you got the test so rather than depression go on continuously doing that's called three things are necessary so maybe we can understand perseverance patience perseverance and purity so these are cardinal points so we will have to hold on to purity to patience and perseverance depression is no scope there is we should not bring depression there rather we should be steady in our practice because you are blessed in need god has given you a test of that there can be that joy you got it yourself by god's case that moment mind was very calm and serene but not now it is not no it is going like that but three point purity perseverance and patience continue your sadhana don't expect anything don't expectation is the cause of our suffering you are expecting i will have this joy today why are we expecting just do your duty that's called niskama karma nishkama meditation meditation or karma should be niskama meditation should be nishkama no i love you god i think of you whether i get joy or don't get dry that's not a little there is niska no desire there that do you make a mistake in meditation we have expectation i am doing i am doing japan so it will happen like this i will feel much good a little expectation should be there but that is not important i am blessed that i am repeating the name of god that's all end there chapters should be ending there i like i meditate that's enough i don't want anything much more that that itself is gratifying satisfying and you know all our suffering from anywhere is the only point don't blame anyone your expectation you expect me or i expect you that you should behave like this or you will talk like this if i if i don't talk then you feel hurt but what is the cause of your hearting you analyze your expectation some people say why he behaved with like that me why he was so unkind why say opposite way why not then you are free he is doing his job i am doing my job so this is the point bhagavat beautiful verse is there say asha param paramam asha whenever you have expectation in anything i am performing this what people will appreciate me i did this puja people will pray aha what i gave this lecture people say ah wherever expectation you will be battered battering from god it will not happen occasionally may happen other time you will not and then you'll cry why you cry don't blame anyone your expectation just don't expect you go on boldly you did your job okay people say good thank you people say bad thank you finish say this is we can keep our freedom also by this way and that is called even meditation why do i expect see ramakrishna and bibi norah ramakrishna was testing and he didn't talk several days one month he is coming and he stand as if he is sitting there talking not to look at him this type of rejection is possible for us one day two days there will be pain and cry and weep then one day after one month he said hey don't you see that i cannot look at you why do you come here okay i don't i don't expect anything i love you so that's why i come i cannot stay without you so i come and see you you like you dislike it is yours what's that to me see what that is called the no expectation but i love you if if we learn this no one can touch you and no one can give you suffering you are vulnerable whenever you expect he said these how many words are there in the air why are you paying attention to the one some few vocabulary coming out of some mouth no so it is your responsibility to withdraw anyhow our expectation is this suffering cause of suffering oh that example the crow and the hawk when hawk got a big meat he was trying to eat but he was floating and trying to sit in a tree and start to eat oh my god as soon as the meat was seen all the crows attacked maybe 50 60 crores and chasing him and then he again ran away to another another another and then ultimately oh my god this is the this is so much problem throw away so all the clothes go to the meat and he was relaxing he was hoping that he will eat that hope was rejected but he become free okay who will be giving the class tomorrow tomorrow my class okay so tomorrow we'll see you again in the gospel class okay at 7 30 p.m thank you mother bless you foreign you