Video 47
44. Shanti Gita - Class 44 - Chapter 4 - Verses 43-46
[Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] lord lead us from the unreal to the real lead us from darkness to light and illumination lead us from death to immortality and even more shine in our hearts with your resplendent face on peace peace peace be unto us all so we are on the santi gita again back to santi gita we are on the fourth chapter and we will be reading verse number 43 today but before that just to recapitulate talking about bhagavan said in this book in this shanti gita that every action in verse number 40 you read that o maha mahu great arm mighty arm or judah you are to give up all karma by following the path of renunciation sannyasa kulbakam and not only their karma but also the thought sarba karma tata chintang tectwa even the thinking that i am doing work giving up that sannyasu yoga by uniting in the process of renunciation only no only task of life should be to know janieth try to control your mind concentrate in your mind and that one up truth only that i am the self that was 48th person but how to take sannas how to take the path of renunciation not by your whimsical mood i liked it so i go and i take sannas no bidhina karma-santago you have to give up the karma following the injunctions of this scriptures how do you give up karma a lazy guy can say i am i have given up karma that is not the point point is that you do in tremendous work and you understand that this ayah body and mind is doing the karma not me the self that type of rigorous training should be there so bidhina karma santiago you have to give up the karma give up the actions by following the scriptural injunctions first selfless selfish work work prompted by motivation i will gain money i will get position people will adore me people will respect me okay do that then you understand that that path does not give you satisfaction and then you think okay i have done enough of that let me do something not thinking of me for others only selfless work and then also you can get a good name and fame even by that oh he's a good charitable person aha he is such a noble person but no your expectation same level should go even beyond that and rama krishna said will will you if god comes before you will you ask for some charitable activity uh to be done some hospital dispensary and he will ask for all for devotion so that should be the ultimate i am doing only for god and no other purpose so by that type of karma practicing that the bondage of karma will be shattered so bidhina karmasan nasha all the activities should be given up by bidhi by following the injunctions and this instructions and also your in discriminative mind should be sharp and always see why are you doing that because you know that there is no other way but to get out of the karma you do karma thinking that you are serving god think that it is all everywhere you see it is only ignorantly you are seeing the world but it is all divine so with that type of the renunciation is to be practiced and by that renunciation you give up your karma karma will fall off as in ramakrishna's example or ramakrishna's life itself karma the puja karma the puja activity worship activity what sriraman krishna was doing he could not do it anymore because he was absorbed in god when he gives a prayer mantra and think of that that there is a light in your heart and think that you are bringing that light down to the lower plexus and there is a kundalini shakti and as he goes on there bus his mind gets so absorbed into it for the next step to do it it will be an hour may pass but or if you are doing the puja entire puja we have to do 100 times of those various rituals so you cannot do that but when love for god comes or concentration develops you get so much joy in that absorption you don't your karma you cannot move further so that should be the mood of your karma tiago you need not have to worry about i try to give up my karma give up my karma huh when people give up the karma i am frustrated with this work i don't want it any out of frustration people give up the job i am tired with this to my co-workers my boss my thesis i cannot rather i will give up this job i will try for another job no when do you do that when you get frustrated there but it is not frustration it is so much absorption in god that your hand does not function your mind does not work you are totally incapable of doing anything in the outside world that's called the the rishta state of inner intoxication jara samadhi abu yang say karma suppose if you want to give up the karma avoidance not following the injunctions be the rules regulations of the scriptures or the holy people don't follow their instruction and you give up your karma then you will enter into sin because you are avoiding your duties first of all and you are bringing yourself into the dark deep dark ignorance therefore avoiding karma not following the scriptural injunction and your own whimsical mood you renounce the actions then that person will be not free but bound more into deeper darkness so that's why you isho punishable suggested that you do if you live hundred years go on doing karma even you know rama krishna after realization how much work he did we give lectures what is the impact of lecture three four people come and see here huh and ramakri you know what he did what he said see that become a treasure for all humanity so that's why that is the real karma they did the real karma because they have no ego and they have so much intoxication in god so that should be followed otherwise if anyone gives up karma that we will be entangled into bondage more and you have to understand if you have no knowledge of yourself knowledge of the atman if that is not there and nasham you have given up your karma or given it to your duties it is partition you are now we will have to understand that you are a fallen yogi you have fallen from your goal so don't think oh they are doing karma in in in in in some misunderstanding about spiritual life is there that ah those were some bellarmore or the swamis of the ramakrishna order when they are doing work for the poor for the hungry for the homeless for the people need in dire need of their health condition so they used to say it's a karambeh these people have lost themselves in work ram krishna mission we sadhus in the normal kitchen order day and night they are doing karma where is the chance of spirituality so it was understood that that is a very higher level but no it is not a higher level if you have atma gano you have the wisdom and knowledge of the self then you do beyond karma that's okay but you have your own desires unfulfilled and the mind is not clear and pure by selfless work if you give up what you are actually indulging into some deeper ignorance so if one gives up the karma without the knowledge of the self atma without knowing yourself without experiencing who you are if you give up the karma put it patita eva kalpati it is called a potita it's a fallen fallen state it is not a uplifted state karma then why because karma breast brah this beautiful word karma brahma ubayo brusto you are not neither you are you are falling from the karma and also you are falling from the knowledge of brahman because you become a lazy thomas a person thomas person has no position in spirituality raja is a person some has hope at unless he's active active active then he'll go to satta but tamasa being tamaso thinking i am a brahmagani you are killing yourself you are destroying your own spirituality so here it says you are karma bristol you are fallen from the karma ideal and also brahma presto you are from the knowledge of brahman you are fallen nadyang like a the river which which both the source but the banks are there is no bank on the side so you ca what is that that that um river it's called ocean that means you'll be drowned into the ocean if there is a bank you can swim and go and get up out of the waters so if you are not practicing karma and you think that you are doing something you are ruining yourself clear idea and if you do that what will happen that get crocodile in the form of ego a subtle ego you will not be able to catch them because these are the deepest complicated things which lurk in our heart so ego subtle way it will be like a kill you i am doing right thing those who are most ignorant people they talk so much they know everything and those who are no no or some knowledge they they don't speak whether that story is there the one father sent his two children to brahmagani for knowledge in the upanishad the story is there and after completion of the study two of them came back and then ask my son please tell me what did you learn from your teacher and he went on quoting the verses and this and that and veloco into things and flowery language and all this quotation of dupuni sadiq vs sanskrit this that and then he then okay understood then he said otherwise what did you understand then he said you have understood that means apparently a fool will also be silent like that and most intelligent person will be silent like that because they know they have realized something higher than that it is not intellectual it is more so ahamkar ego will be hiding inside and that will be like a crocodile and it will catch the neck and binashati will destroy you so that means very great warning don't be thomason be active and try to engage your mind in god god intoxication if you can keep your mind in god intoxication and grow in that knowledge then karma will release you from bondage rather karma binding you karma will never mind if it is done for god if it is done seeing it is service to god this great ideal great ideal it has been preached again and again and again now swami vivekananda has emphasized it so much that he has created this organization this ramakrishna movement this vedanta societies no it's a place for work those who want to only meditate meditate they will have to find some other place uh 24 hours meditation 14 days vipassana and coming to be a yogi out of that no yogi they have to practice long time and long years are necessary otherwise after first 14 days is good if you do there must be more then your head will start reeling and then you'll crack one day and then there will be no no one can help so the question is there is a progress there is nothing wrong but to do that bipartisan for 14 days you should have a previous practice to get the muscle strong and it should be done not by renouncing the world not by renouncing the work but by doing work in proper attitude so it is to be understood properly that it is not vivekananda started it is not ramakrishna has said on the but rama you know express this to dominantly it should be the culture of the present age how many time how many people has so much luxurious comforts of the house money wealth everything you sit in home and meditate day and night how many people are capable of doing that and meditation is not only the time when we should connect with god there is a higher state when you are working if you can keep your mind in god you are a higher state so this is the point that atma if you give up then it is not a development it is a fallen state but it partit it is to be understood realize that it is only a failure and you will fail from two from karma proper karma could have released you you are falling from that ideal and also you are not reaching brahman so it is falling from brahman also karma brahma ubayo brusto from this twin thing you fall and like like you cannot find a bank if it is no bank on the river that means you it is water everywhere so where to get a support and because you cannot get the support from the banks to hold to get out of the water the ego there will be crocodile will come and catch your ego and he will pull you down and kill you so this is the death of spiritual life so this is a very that's why they give this type of example where we can understand the seriousness of it now forty third verse is today's verse jatori bharani rakta jathari they are um in fulfilling the stomach jutter is here bharani means just put money engaging engaging the stomach all the time with good food luxurious food jathari bharani rakto and sangsaktu extremely attached for collection this my pocket this is my thing this is me this is that song see how they have analyzed the human characteristic it is it does not matter it is said thousands of years ago or it is said in the american society or indian society or russian society no french society no universal human characteristic jatore bharani rakto who is engaged in only eating eating eating and just to fill up the belly and how many dishes can be done and how much good food good food good food of course when you cook you should good good that will be final level yeah that will be final level but at least to gross those who are in the gross level what is the question of finer of course finer is there the truth and only not the physical food i am meeting but mind through the mind to so many things i am seeing fulfilling my senses hearing something which is unnecessary talking something whole day about forum in the parachute critical about this person endless extreme energy no stoppage of energy that time know how much energy we get when we talk about somebody something wow so that's the jatha de bharani those who are engaged in this type of fulfilling their stomach belly and also mean means all types of subtle mental amusements and fun and some shakta whatever they get they can bring it bring it into you know me mind this my position is my thing my thing and paran he's not interested in the talk of the of his own real nature so atmo the truth of the self who is not paranoid if there is god is this side it turns this way means ask it what if you want try to understand that means it is where there you talk about god he runs away from that place like the peace basket the story of ramakrishna that the lady was a fish shelling lady so she could not find her return because by that time selling from the market going home in a village and an evening dawn so she found some gardener friend lady so she said can i stay with you tonight well yes yes please come so she gave the shelter to that fish basket lady and then i paid well and then okay now you sleep and then given and the host saw that the lady could not sleep twisting turning this and that then she came and asked are you in discomfort what happened well i cannot bear this fragrance of the flowers can you bring my fish basket can you bring my fish basket okay so she brought the fish basket and sprinkled little water so that and then he said that ramakrishna said she slept very deeply snoring anyhow so this people will not be parang that mukha means face will be opposite if this side is god they go the opposite side if you talk about god he goes the other way ramakrishna is speaking about god calcutta babus have a come and they sit for few seconds and then he's asking hey friend why need to go out what is that let us go out so even unbearable the holy words of ramakrishna and the sextaci and samadhi all going on there he could not bear it then he ultimately said okay you people stay here i'm going to getting pray fresh that's also [Laughter] that's also true money mind is not here that's the point mind is not there opposite so you are thinking that your values are it is not the value this is taste you have to grow the taste no we grow taste always life is to change our habits no from one to the other good people falling in bad association they get some [Music] taste of certain things and get drowned into that gradually gradually even in someone in a good company come and they change gradually gradually it should be gradual progress but it should be turning towards the goal but those who have are opposite to atmo we're not interested in the self-knowledge sausage if it exists on us if we take say this cloth it is brahmana it is last just a fuss it is so sannyasi should be careful what what is the ideal of sannyasi is also given here that not just getting out of work many people say work is all problem let us get out of the work you cannot give up your work you go to a deep forest your mind will make you work if you don't do good work you will do bad work brooding over we brewed the world so we our mind does our mind rest any time whole even night time you are sleeping mind is engaged thinking and thinking and thinking why not you think good god godly thought why it brings this type of horror this fear i'm drowning i'm going away someone is chasing me why it is coming in my mind but i'll cherish those idea and that will stop and that comes out what you have stored it comes out so good karma will give good inspiration good feeling and that will transform the personality so jaat rei varuni rakta one who is a monk attached to the feeling filling the stomach and sanchoy sangsakto occupied with accumulating material objects and this inclined to the knowledge of the self what they become saw nasi biram he becomes a subject of ridicule should be ridiculed that is not sunnah's soundness is absorption in god this this idea is to be remember always as that is called sannyasi that's why it's maybe out and out sannyasi and those who you are in the home you may be surnasi you can make maybe a shannashini a renouncer how the agent is that these are the three point keep your mind in attached to god and avoid that which takes you away second not think that life's purpose is to eat sleep and drink and die only fulfilling the stomach is not the goal of life i do karma i earn money this body to feed this body only so that this body helps me in god realization not to just pamper it so jathare bharani rakto sang shakti yes money comes i earn money or something is came to me yes i'm the custodian okay it is god's money just detach mentally these are the attitudes then it is a sannyasi and out and out sannasi they are talking about they should be reaching this point by selfless work serving god engaging themselves in action and this detached from the objects of the senses and engaging their mind into the knowledge of the self then that sannyasi that monk or that renunciate is what a person who has fulfilled the mission so so that won't get us to feeling the stomach occupied with accumulating material objects and this incline to the knowledge of the self that becomes that monk becomes a an object of ridicule or fuss you know it is a fast like life is a showpiece some people say do you know who am i i'm a monk huh a monkey is not a high i monk is to zero i you cannot say i am such and such huh that that as much as you say that much you ridicule yourself and the ideal to the to the humanity no to the people so rather it should be nothing to whom ramakrishna's beautiful story not me not me or lord thou and thou and now to you too that is a different thing that is a showing that prestige so long you are in the body but internally vivekananda knows i am not the body you cannot just take the one side of the story but for the personality of vivekananda you're seeing his injustice i am a second-class train journey i purchased a ticket this is my seat because some white officer is coming you black people you get down from the train because we are indians who are black so the british people have the same they are purchased two tickets to get into the same plane but white person cannot go with a black person so so you will have to get out sorry i have purchased the ticket i am traveling with legitimate right and you are asking me so he protested that should be the selfless step so long you are acting you are driving you are going in a train but he internally know the abatman so that that should be the spirit that is for ideal to for the indian nation to be self-feel that i am i am not known i i cannot be treated like that so that's the dignity self dignity they come for the world teaching so their examples are to be understood in a different level now 44 verse so you have any question please prepare yourself now so last 10-15 minutes we can use it for that question answer [Music] [Music] [Music] all types of activities [Applause] by detachment you have to give up you have to give up the karma all types of karma by following the path of detachment biragh biraga renunciation that's spirit of renunciation sunnah say no how by giving up sunnah said busy buddha by following the disciplines how to get out of karma there is a discipline there is some process to how you will be a phd there is a process to be a phd student how we will do follow those courses do not say i will be a phd do don't go to any university door and say can you make me a phd it cannot be there is a procedure you follow that path similarly you want to be a renunciate so servo karma you give up all karma but that state will come to you but it is bidi pybaking it should be worked upon very rigorously regularly with following disciplinary methods step by step as dictated by holy people as dictated in the scriptures ottawa sangna said karma or continue one should give up all actions with dispassion according to this scriptural injunction you can give up all action how following the instruction and maturing in practice of that detachment or one should renounce in every respect the actions that are verily the cause of rebirth or you can do thing you don't want to know the scriptures or you have no access to that you think if i do this karma will it bring me again desire and if i get this fulfillment will it bring another desire so will it again and again bring in my life desire and desire will be desire to be born again to fulfill the unfulfilled desire if i cannot fulfill satisfy my desires what will happen that's why people live they don't get fulfillment of desire they go in a wrong way and you have to fulfill it therefore you have to take another birth if this birth is not sufficient then another of opportunity is necessary this birth this life is already we are so many years have passed to the body i have not realized it so if i have the desire to get that i will have to take another birth another another opportunity so therefore you can try that and analyze is this karma will bring me desire to be reborn again to do more karma oh no no no if it is so i won't do that so you can refrain from two ways one by the scriptural injunction follow whatever scripture has or if you are still not willing to satisfy yourself that way you can take this path simple formula i am doing this karma is it growing in me lost creed or desire more desire i'll get this i will get that i will get that i'll get that which is the cause of your rebirth you can do in india and say our organization we do karma we want this development that develops but it's not for you it's for the organization it's for ramakrishna it's called the god god's place you want to clean it you want to develop you want to build a house you want to do this yes that is something not you connect disconnect yourself and thank that i will not be involved into it i am doing lord's work so it is not bringing rebirth the desire to be born again to so much i desire i could not fill up in this in fulfill this life i will have to take an opportunity so sarbo karma biragino or you can do this way sannyasit karma give up that karma janmo haitung he sarvatham which is the cause of your rebirth which will bring you back again into the life and again to be born again to go to school and again go to kg school kindergarten school and then high school and then go to this society or where you will go god knows which society will go how much how much battering from this world will get how much kobe attack will come ah how much heart attack will come back back we come we would like to have another life another life i am doing this karma it will bring this i will bring this oh i won't do that i won't do that yes don't do that one that is the way you can refrain yourself from karma so two ideas have been given here you can be free from karma you can give up karma thinking this way this is a bad karma which will increase in me last greed and other things which will take me another life to come back again so i don't want that so don't do that karma or this is the path which this karma if i think in this way and meditate on this then i will move towards the liberation and i will know my real self which is defaulting i'm not to come back again so which type of karma how to give up karma can be solved in either of the two ways so sarva karma puri biragi renouncing all karma sarvo karma biragi no with the dispassion one should give up then one should give up all actions with dispassion according to scriptural injunctions that which is the cause of rebirth that type of karma san nasith give up because it is janmo haitu so renounce in every respect the actions that are verily the cause of rebirth it's a very simple formula either you follow this path or they follow other path now then how to i will try my karma day and night and that will do no you will also have to think god otherwise your karma you cannot do there should be some focus why are you doing karma if it is not for yourself you are doing for somebody look at that every work going on in the world for myself or my friend or my family or my country or something related very narrow a little wider so he command the devotee or a spiritual seeker should do support his god so he can [Music] you take refuge see how gana and bhakti is always connecting together karma see if you have the eye to look every verse is indicating you're saying don't do karma that's a karma theory okay don't do bad karma only that karma which will not be a cause for your rebirth okay do that karma other karma renounce that's the karma theory now kangmang samsonite you are to take refuge in me alone who is me saccidananda not me the man that is the foundation of vedante and here is the glory of vedanta is not making someone what is called very narrow-minded krishna i am saying krishna but he himself is saying mom why hari krishna people say that is all the other i i am sachin and i am everything whether rama whether krishna what is the difference but they will say no krishna is the only if you don't do the krishna allah is the only know allah the night it is the thing god is only a or there is he christ is the only way nothing and he clearly they are saying me that me which is essentially the absolute consciousness bliss absolute reality no another biome which imperishable imperishable absolute one i tell you very simply this karma one all these things will be easy if you take refuge in me and me means don't make me limited only krishna this much height and his valor is that he was a ruler of the king he has a good guy he has weak power no i am the essence of only creation sustenance and destruction sachidan and the brahman look at me as sachidan on the moon on the brahmana christ if that is taken okay think this way see then where is the difference between all these different religions find out the difference if that is the goal to reach allah to reach okay if it is saccidananda rama devotee says rama rama is too rich okay rama is saccidana so what is the difference between allah and rama there what is the difference between this path and that what their path may be different you end in the same reality so it's so simple and so true but people don't get get it so here bhagavan is saying directly mom only me alone shanksville you take refuge first part they take this first part only take refuge in krishna don't go to rama don't go to siva don't go to mahakali they're all demigods and they're going to hell but next time then they will stop the monk shanghai monk saccidananda that is nothing as if nothing that line is not here in this only firstly akong maang samsuite only me refuse take refuge in me only so this is called the sectarianism bigotry these are all these negativities of the statements in the bhagavad-gita bhagavad-gita also says that people misunderstand me seeing that i am born in a human body no they think that i am like ordinary person like them not understanding my divine glory i am the bhoot of my son i am the lord of the universe from me comes this whole universe grows subtle causal and beyond everything is me i am the only reality but they don't take that idea i say so and ahmpada lakshantam what is me krishna it is it is saying krishna's biography here this verse 45 is a biography of krishna in vedanta he said is it not i am brahman so what is the lux of the target in the vedantist you are reading what is laksha laksha means the end what is pointing you are pointing towards what aham hong is what ahong points out to what man with place and bone name and form aung indicates that brahman succeed that aham is succeed eternal witness niskalam who has no parts not limitation that infinite so that is ah see you think i takes refuge in me i am saccidananda abbaya brahman and i am the indicative uh indicative idea behind aham pradhasa a hong kong the by the by the word on this word the look of the target i am the target of that this all means analyze not devotee not the mind not this these these these i am that and that is the indicative force that is me what is your atman that is me and that is the sakshi eternal sakshi that is the nishkalam partless reality so 45 verse running translation maybe that oh pato take total refuge in me the imperishable existence knowledge bliss absolute which is the goal of the indicative word i and that i is the witness consciousness and undivided reality therefore 46 swath [Music] is brahman and knowing this way you become free you are bound because you are thinking that you are this tiny name person of name and form with this tiny mind with this limited buddhist limited intellect little limited failures and frustrations you think you you you no you are that atman and that atman is brahman know this and become free as if brahma can last words of brahma-garana that is the people are doing meditation for so long every day thinking who am i who am i who am i and reading this lecture that lecture just sit and think that this is me and that me the real me he is krishna and krishna he is sachin and i am that brahmana see how it links line in the line line of thought so i can end here because there will be remaining forty seven forty oh two verses shall i keep it another day i can keep it if there is any question otherwise what select otherwise what shall i do if i finish the book no only these two verses are there in this chapter we have seventh chapter this is the fourth chapter why say is there anything many questions give what is today [Music] okay we'll go for question answer now that tomorrow will be gospel class and it will be given by uh prabrajika prana mataji so 7 30. today we ended at 46 only we read how many two verses 43 44 45 46 4 4. why people don't read these books i don't know all the religious leaders should read this book but they will not accept it they may not like it because it is not supporting their ideas my faith my belief it is a going against belief so very difficult one question you said that work should be done in proper attitude can you tell us what does property should mean yeah we always i we are talking how many times i said that and we are to practice only that's what is the proper attitude you are doing karma for whose purpose you say i am doing for god very simple formula or you think that you are preparing a meal preparing for whom oh i am doing for my husband for my sister from my mother oh my god i am whole tired and i am doing so much work i cannot do yes that's the botheration but if you think that your rama has come your your mother kali has come or you you love shiva shiva has come or you think a christian bhakta the rhetoric jesus christ has come in this form what will you do you will do the same work with much zeal and you'll feel i am i am fortunate i am i could serve god so giving a glass of water as i say can make us free from bondage if i know i am giving this glass of water to god in him so this very simple thing we are what we are doing we will do the same thing it is only attitude will be that you are not giving to a man or woman you like or dislike but you are only serving god in that person that's your spiritual benefit otherwise what's the use of becoming a monk becoming a nun becoming a devotee so this can release us from bondage i think proper attitude is that everything god's the whole world belongs to god i have been brought to serve god so i this is an instrument through this instrument i am serving the lord and think of god and do whatever you like and any mature work we do from morning till night we can think that it is i am serving god it's god's house i am serving it is it is lord's bed i am making it nice because everything belongs you are given a shelter you are only a custodian temporary appointment you got a temporary job we all got temporary jobs and in our own field we become proud i am the this i am in charge of this i am this that but you are not in charge god is the boss you are only working for him he is his command to fulfill every work you do and connect oh lord did i do your work or i did my ego work like grudgingly doing angrily doing frustrated that is that is work that's that that is i'm not saying that should not come but that is work but that is not the work we are talking about now another question whereas in every sadhana mantra and hano is it why in case of devi sadhana one has to plunge in so much of your occult practices besides regular japan meditation why is tantra so peculiarly different oh dontre is not mandatory yeah the response has been given tantra is not mandatory if one has the power of a child towards divine mother then he can do sadhana that way ramakrishna gave his first vision got the divine mother banking on his devotion alone by ultimately he also had to do sadhana in a traditional tantric way under vahrehvah brahmani why did we have to do that when he already given us the vision of divine mother no you need not have to do ramakrishna did not say that you have to go to practice left-handed tantrum he said yes practice what tantra tantra is seeing mother in all just practice starts now i am seeing god mother is here mother is your mother is your mother is not to do that that is the tantra seeing god everywhere or seeing mother in a tantric way that is tantra counter that those left-handed tantrum what we hear that is a starting point a boy or a girl starting a higher education he goes to a school lower school because they are they cannot think higher than that so they pass through that and they go to the higher but for you me i need not have to do we shall not since we don't do that we try to see the mother in others so that should be the idea mother is not only in the man and not not only in the women but mother divine mother is everywhere in the heart of all the shakti which manifests the brahman manifest that is the sakti so i think this question is solved here answered at least solved will be so where is the every sadhana mantra nano it is why in case of devi sadhana one has to plunge into so much occult practices occur practice is not necessary ramakrishna came in this age and said you need not have to do such thing and koli it is the other he has forbidden don't do don't go to that path of tantra there is a chance of falling mother child is the best pure relationship i am the child no mother when you say mom then your feeling comes i am the baby so that is the purest relationship so we will have to take that attitude and that mother is saccidananda just come back to the same point that she is everywhere everywhere is the man when she does not manifest it is brahman when she manifests it is mother the ocean is brahman an ocean with ripples and waves these waves and ripples we see that is shakti that is all mother and but mother is all the ocean manifested in form of waves and ripples okay another question what is the most important quality for a spiritual seeker to cultivate for success in sadhana important quality is devotion important quality sincerity important quality is one pointed goal fixed i want this in life there is a song rabindra tagore used to sing a song that is kobuhinai i have made you the pole star of life [Music] oh lord i have made you the poster of my life [Music] i will not be drifted from this journey this route never ever again you are my polestar so that is the sincerity i want god this is the goal so many obstacles will come i will hold on i will pray i will not give up till i go somewhere we can understand arise awake and stop not till the goal is reached so that we have to do and sincerity sincerity of ideas sincerity of purpose that should be there why avoid rebirth if we have rebirth if born again i can take the name of sri ramakrishna and spread his name again can you please explain that's a great idea that rebirth is not talking we are not talking about that after brahma you know you do whatever you like you are not in problem sarah mohino said that saying by any means just realize god first and then do everything you want to come back come back no problem because you are already free soul you will not cry like us if you realize god and then come here like buddha came like swami vivekananda came christ came they don't they are not conditioned like us or karma bad karma i am too bound to come i am a slave police will whip me and put me into jail god has some jail and then they have their weeping person also in our life someone gives a whip this side with that side no so this arrangement you have to fall in but if you realize so no one will will whip you you come for the good of the world that's a bodhisattva state that is desired but have you done that if you have realized god and then come back but don't do that before because you will be again in the cage in the in the in the iron chain no maybe golden chin golden chain is not also chain if someone binds me with golden chain there's much difficult to give up i may like the gold itself though it is chain but i like oh it is gold it's gold no so that's much difficult the iron chain is better then you are you get disgusted so no no reward is not for them rebirth is joy for them they come for the good ramakrishna bought so many of his young children no they say that they are for the good of the world and they all came to serve the world and to do good to the world what is the difference between shanti gita and bhagavad-gita there is no difference this is the same bhagavan krishna said but here mostly i as i see it is emphasis on nondual vedanta and that is the difference but as i said just burst bill before this 46 we ended 43 or something we talked about the how ghana karma yoga bhakti is punched together because the speaker is the same krishna so the teaching will be almost the same and the listening person is arjuna so talking to arjuna means he has talked to the whole world but we can take whatever ideal suits our nature so there is not much difference it is the same lesson same path for god realization what is sonna's what is worldliness what is the bondage talking about the same problems of life and giving the solutions together this is attributed towards you know both are attributed towards you know the first one was when before war it is before war and santi gita is on the thirteenth day of the war before juno is very despondent and that's why the gita came out and this is the when arjuna's son of even was killed and he got totally so much frustrated that what is the use of living anymore and doing anything so that's the time to remove the grief and suffering of arjuna shri krishna responded to santi gita it is not that much famous yes yes not popular yeah indian spiritual tradition how many were there how many were lost because of the aggression of outside forces and destroying our culture and civilization in the form of these scriptures tons of scriptures are burned into assets and those days there is no printing there is no digital copy it's all handwritten copy if you put into the fire then it's gone and that was how many tons of books scriptures was lost that way that's another question what type of karma yoga can one do when one's body and mind are declining and not working as well as previously yes that's a good question karma yoga will be changing karma yoga will be even in old days we can have our good thought for others i cannot do physically to serve anyone but i can pray for others i can not think of anyone's any end nothing wrong happened to anyone that person that type of practice and karma yoga means even in old days if if if you take you in the help of others you can think that god in this form of the nurse god in the form of my daughter or my wife or my friend is helping me it is god is serving me so being that karma not your karma you are not doing that you are incapable as you are saying but others are doing for you can change the attitude that who is serving you that is how to connect our mind in a lofty level the karma yoga you are thinking think thinking is also karma but that thinking can be directed towards god we think we think mundane things we think about what is going on in the newspaper you read the newspaper one after another all the news one after another yes good we should know certain thing but how much what is that karma it is not leading to liberation or mumbai but to live in the world you know something but all this should be oriented to utilize your time in reading text spiritual text or listening to music voice or listening to holy talks and lectures that means whatever he uplifts you that type of karma mental karma will be much more in old age we cannot do physical karma but we can do mental karma that's also good the body and mind declining but we cannot do those we want but mental karma is a much higher karma mental card movies reading good books there's a mental one what you will hear just go and just reflect upon that is it true what we heard today that my what will be the real type of action we read just now who is krishna who is my ideal i meditate on krishna i meditate on rama i meditate on mother or i meditate on anya who is that don't misunderstand he says that i am the saccidananda i am not i am the target which vedanta student is trying to understand who am i who am i i am the end of that knowledge so if we think this way then our mind will be that is the carbon that's also karma monastic karma there are three types of karma kaik means which that karma done through the physical body that karma is done through mind mental karma intellectual karma intellectual thought and spiritual thought so turn everything to spiritual thought at the old days time has not much time is there for us we have done enough karma whole life that story that mad guy is collecting some pots and pans and with a big stick he's hitting it again and again and getting tired oh i am tired whole life we have done like that useless karma so if these few days are left this late these days may be utilized in the right way right thinking and holy people do that anyone thinking of your welfare that is your mind is giving service to us if some holy person thinks of someone means it is hitting the mind mind transferring the mind's energy that means and personally those who serve they get the best benefit because these holy people are so kind they thought oh i should not take any service from anyone but this boy this girl is doing so much for me so they bless more and that's a brahmana and the disciples before he's passing away he said they have let them have brahmagana and they got brahmagan another question what are the qualities of hijab or someone who has completed much of his spiritual sadhana in this previous birth and has very less to left to do i think it cannot be decided from outside what are the qualities you will find that these qualities of this type of people we find in the society from the childhood they are inclined for god they are inclined to meditation they are inclined to sadhu holy company they are inclined to search for isolated place for many and going into seclusion and to question who am i what am i this type of test coming disinterested in the world world at the same time interest for god so these are the qualities simplicity life is very simple they don't want to send spend time in gossip if you do that they feel in very angry they they will try to avoid that so these are the sign that you are constitutionally different there are some people who will be enthusiastically criticizing day and night and there will be some people who don't want to hear it so this indicates there is the what is the inner working of the mind so you know when the mind thinks of god more when the mind does not want to think of the worldly thing yes in the world it is there you have to do little know a little bit of it and handle that but beyond that engage your whole mind in god so that tendency will be there then we know that he is born with special quality but only individual person can understand what how much my mind is genuinely going to god or some or how much i am making a fake show i am a greater spiritual person than you so this may not be understood from outside only internally one can understand am i inclined to god more or really i am keeping this mind in the worldly thought match i release the worldly thought i i enjoy my talking about garbage so this is the that that do those will be the test and inner peace will happen that is the point the person will be mostly in inner peace and tranquility they will not be easily disturbed by things outside as we are okay thank you all okay that's all okay thank you all then we'll see you next week but tomorrow is there as i said tomorrow is the gospel ready by uh shiva prana mataji thank you 7 30. you