Video 46
43. Shanti Gita - Class 43 - Chapter 4 - Verses 41-42
[Music] lead us from the unreal to the real lead us from darkness to light and illumination lead us from death to immortality and even more shine in our hearts with your resplendent face on peace peace peace be unto us all right so we are talking about reading from the chapter 4 of the shanti gita the song of peace and we have read up to verse number 40. so last two verses we only ended up reading the last two verses last time so why what we read there it says that eco saccidananda stamastraio main main thing is that we do karma this is we are working on the karma theory and gita always emphasizes karma we cannot live for a second without karma and how to do the karma which is binding us we should do in a way that it will release us so that was the discussion in the verse number 38 we have read the bhagavan is saying sarva karma prithvi i have told in the bhagavad-gita that karma krita renouncing all types of activities mam evos take refuge in me alone so but you have to understand what i meant by me not me the man krishna you see not see the me the christ you see the man but the divine so next side says you have to watch at the mom what his mom means me not sangha to this title not a congregation of a physical body is a congregation of five elements don't look at me in the physical sense but when i say hi see me i am the paramatman i am the supreme self i am the cosmic consciousness look at me in that perspective you know people talk about so many philosophies that's okay but they they it is called text torturing when they explain this man and they will say krishna if you have no krishna then you are gone if you are not christ then you are gone to hell you have to only one way is christ what is this mean only way is krishna what is that no what is me krishna he said when i say me krishna don't think sangha touristy is a combination of food water air fire it's not a combination of that but it is that this that reality absolutely so whatever christ it is i and my father are one so that dusty people always forget this and make a cult of it and then start my god your god this god like child child like fight not understanding what they say so you have to understand this viranto is very clear on this point and it's not i am saying it is the shanti gita is saying that don't look at me don't misunderstand me thinking i'm a person made up like you like flesh and moon that man means powerful man no but i am talk to this treated i am that absolute truth and i have incarnated in the human body so no in that perspective and then he said continued on the verse number 39 he said first you understand the implication that saskia means implication you know the implication what is that i am one mom is absolute consciousness absolute reality absolute bliss know that that echo one without a second i am that absolute reality thomas right now you take refuge in that not the man so this is the mistake all the religion makes this mistake and then fight my religion higher of course my religion is iron if i have some gun in my hand of course i am higher i can kill you if i have a sword in my hand i can chop your head i am greater than you but what this actually this scripture this bhagavan who come down what they themselves are saying they are saying that don't take me wrongly don't look at my physical appearance only but know my real nature and you take refuge means you take refuge in sachitan that who am i in the krishna form that is saccidanando understanding this you would have take refuge in me and through this you will go to the sahaja yoga sadiq sultan and how why do you say it is only one because hindi is proof is there in the upanishads saud eko acidity only one is there that has been mentioned in the shrotam in the suti upanishad upanishad have declared echo i am alone i am only meaning that is the proof that saccidananda is one and he congratulates you then to look at me means look at krishna means you see krishna everywhere in every being looking at christ means christ in every being whoever in what class what gender what country what people what men women animal see christ everywhere that is the universal feeling inside all created beings the one who sees a kang mang one who sees me that me choppa shruti how can you see one how can you see christ in everyone unless you know that is all pervaded principle so again and again it is becoming becoming clear do we worship personal god but personal god is the representative of the impersonal aspect because impersonal is very difficult to gain gita says this impersonal aspect of me is very difficult to conceive we may think that i think i love brahman you don't love brahman you don't have any idea what is brahman you only make a map of brahman as i always suggest no even you cannot make a map of pacific ocean can you do that can you make any map of los angeles what is los angeles you see in your mind it is coming the map is coming and this is the bottom line there so what do you think of infinite one million light year away what do you mean by that it's a word you have no concept and i i i don't like the form i like the formless what formulas you like you are always making a form and you are telling i like the formless you don't like the formulas you cannot you have no idea about formless absolute so first start from this this beautiful form and gradually gradually penetrate into it and you see that it is becoming infinite and that will be the gradual growth otherwise uh it is it is misunderstanding more rather than understanding therefore last verse we read 40 sarva karma mahabahu so now you are engaged in activities server karma whatever you do main verse is very important as we say everything is doing pathakura didn't you know we always say hey you are making that cleaning the table it is for the lord you are sweeping the floor it is for the lord is it not so gita gives this idea because you act why not every act dedicated to me so to whom sweeping the floor how am i doing his work because he is here absolute idea is coming under the consideration if you sweep the floor here and i am doing ramakrishna's work what is ramakrishna unless ramadin is sitting there why it will be here no ramakrishna the absolute ram krishna is all pervaded no he is also here that's why it is a service to him whatever you're doing in your room that's also his he is there so in everywhere is he so with this concept you do your all karma and offer it to me and then how will you do by renunciation because you renounce the result of your action normally we do certain work and we want some praise no if if i do something and you don't give me thanks they say what is this guy here he does not know to give a thanks but in vedanta you don't give thanks why to thank you did for god rather you do much better because you are serving god that concept comes the not receiving a thank even what is very natural no you do something everyone should be thankful to them but no i did a tankless job every day you can do whatever good work you do you say i am doing thankless job because you don't care for anyone's tank you are doing serving god that is your reward that itself the reward of your karma therefore sarva-karma therefore all the activities and even the thought thinking giving off sannyasa yoghurt by taking the vows of sannas monk renounce everything that means everything renounced will be absorbed in it even the kormo is dropped ramakrishna was doing the priestly carmana in the temple and ramakrishna was karma ultimately his call for mother was so intense he could not perform the puja he does the first step of the puja and if some flower is to be put here for meditation bus and he is there for half an hour 45 minutes doing puja so karma work dropped from him because he's absorbed in god so you be like that first do karma thankless job as i said don't expect any thanks and think that you are doing for god god god after doing long time your mind will be pure then your your more love for god will generate so much your mind will just go to god not to anything that development when it happens your karma will drop your mind is not there you cannot do any karma but mind should be in love with god in love with your real nature so that is the first step that is sarva-karma tata all karma and also it's all the thoughts taktva giving up sannyasa yogurt by the process of sannyasu practice means renunciation practice janit ekamatmanam know that one atman that one atman one atman sada touch it to sanjita sada all the time you'll know there is only one by concentrating your mind in that reality and that is me so that we read so today 41 verse bitina karma sang yo [Music] [Music] [Music] you have to give up karma how by following the prescribed rules many people are idle people they don't want to do anything eat sleep and gossip so they are yogis because they don't want to do work yogis don't do work because they get absorbed in god and these people also so lazy don't do anything you bring the food in their mouth and they can sit and eat and sleep and gossip he is a yogi no that's why making a distinction it says bidhina karma-santago your karma will drop you do karma i am doing for god doing for god doing for god doing confrontationally so intense then god will come first then karma will drop remember the story of the mary and martha mary and martha christ went to their home with their request with his companions and when he went mary was seeing the lord he was so overwhelmed so she followed him and when christ sat down she fell at the feet of the lord and tears rolling down and did pranam and wiped out with the hair his feet and then looking at at the lord and just sat like that and the other martha she is busy she is busy to entertain so many guests and also christ has come here to give something some juice or some wine or something to do but sister is running along this way and this sister is sitting home huh so karma for martha mary karma has dropped her emphasis has gone to god and god alone so deep that she cannot do anything paralyzed as it were and martha is no less because she is doing for the lord entertaining christ and his companions means she is serving god so serving god is no less but serving god should be first started we are doing our work in my project i do this i like it i don't like it this is my project i project i i but when you do no no no i dao lord it is your project your project i am only performing it i am only doing so by that way martha what she was doing and went into deep now and when martha came and complained to christ see sir my sister is sitting here and i am i cannot manage all these things she should join me then christ appreciated whom mary because she has gone to a state this karma dropped understand that point karma drops but it cannot start without niskama karma without being a martha you cannot be merry work work work work we all work for our selfish motivation work for the lord work for the lord whatever is given that's why in the monastery or in any holy place we think every place in your home also you should think like that but it is much easier in the monastery another place because it is lord's place dedicate yourself don't be lazy look at everything because this lord's place lord syria there is some dirty thing pick up it is lord's place suppose christ walks here what will you do have you any idea suppose christ sits in the table where we eat he also is coming to join us could you feel how will you keep the table that's past question so love for christ should grow by thinking of him and offering every work at the feet of the lord what a big philosophy these are all given in the in the bible and everywhere but application is difficult understanding is difficult understanding is we make our own explanation and hospital out of that unless you are unselfish to the backbone unless you do let me die for god i cannot meditate i will serve him there are many sadhus they then don't they don't get much time for meditation or things their workload is so much i met one swami because of my con contemporary so one day he was running a big school he was the principal of his school so he came well remote and i met hey how are you what is going on because those days i just joined the monastery they said how it is going on so very very very good what's going on they said how about your meditation how is the morning how many hours you get time then what i am doing swamiji's work what meditation i don't need anything and huh that's not good like what you have no faith it is swamiji's work i said i have not that much faith but are you happy with that but yes i am free i feel very joyful doing some in this world day and night i do some in this world okay if you have that spirit i am doing for the god lord yes he was developed but a lazy guy coming in the name of avoiding work studying and doing something yeah well that story that story that permanent story we will find that a student have come to the teacher to know about to be a monk or to join the order no then he first inquired i said what is the duties what will be the duties of a student then they say you know in earlier days then you have to go to collect firewood from the forest and then bring and cut them chop them make it ready for fuel making fuel and make the dough roti paratha whatever you need cooking so you need to do and then serve your guru and so list is going on increasing then he said okay then what the guru does the guru sits and eats and gives some advice okay and that that oh why not make me guru fast and that means make me guru fast because there's nothing to do but guru has become guru going through these stages so here is the point gita says without starting your karma one cannot reach the state beyond karma so here is the same example is given that bina karma-santago you have to give up your karma action by for following a procedure step-by-step procedure i am doing for myself so long before before i joined here i have no idea so i did it for my course my career my position how much grade i will get i i i i i i now i come yes i do study i do cooking i do cleaning i do this but it is only for god only for god not me no lord for you for you for you for it so the transformation do do do and then through this i love i'm doing this karma for my beloved lord if that beloved lord comes into the picture then love for god will be so much intense then automatically he'll be more drawn there and your karma will drop gradual so the here suggestion is that you should have to do it with that type of attempt that gradually and following the prescription of the scripture there is a standard formula no to the thousands of years this formula has been set by the sages this is how we will be from karma to nishkarma so follow their footsteps you know by renouncing by detaching your karma karma you do but karma follow you did something people will say what did you do naturally i get upset but if you really did for the lord you say no no no whatever he said i don't care but i did it for god with my best so you will be happy inside this bibeko this discrimination should be there inside and it should be by detachment people say good or bad is not my look i did it for god and i sincerely tried and i'll try much more from tomorrow so this is sannyasa means detachment and vivekota means analysis or discrimination renunciation and detachment renunciation and analysis discrimination discernment with full discernment i have to so that is the way karma should be given up understand karma is if you do that otherwise you do know someone whimsically says oh i am a spiritual person i will not no work i don't like the work no so i will be just meditating day and night are you are not competent to meditate yes you be competent after doing this second stage is many meditative mood will come but at the beginning stage without performing the basic ground that state second stage will not come you cannot get admitted into the first you go and as we did in our kindergarten school we go and then we go to the next grade next year no you cannot go to the tenth grade fast okay make me a student of tenth grade then i will go to the grade one will it will it work like that so this is the same thing for karma yoga understand karma papi no lip he will indulge into sin if you give up the karma karma taktwa saw each other by your own whims which is not supported by the bidi the rules and dictates of the sages this is a standard path thousands and that's why we say it is a scientific path brahma with the research institute this vedanta society we call brahma-vidya research institute this is a research we are all researching one what on the knowledge of brahman how following the footsteps of the previous scientists in our tradition and 16 disciples of ramakrishna their disciples their disciples they built up their life and they manifested this through the karma they went beyond karma and get absorbed in samadhi absorbed in peace so abu dhan said if you do karma your whimsical wish and not following the dictates of the abode which means dictates of the scriptures you don't follow the instruction of your guru you don't follow the instruction of your scriptures what gita says upon says or bible you are following bible following that instruction or whatever scripture in buddhistic scripture you have to follow their scripture without following that if you give up the karma and we are not capable look at that if someone gives me whole day yeah it happened with many of our experiences upon many of our monks somebody went and told our authorities that i am doing too much work i cannot do any more i need some rest i need to okay what you need now i want to go to himalayas and i will be just out of work then that swami he was a senior swami in charge and authority he said okay why will you go to himalayas then you will have to bake food walk in five to three miles to get four pieces of bread and that will be hungry again so you will know bed you'll be uncomfortable okay you need not have to do anything from today just now you go to your room we will instruct your food will be supplied in your room your breakfast will be supplied in your room and everything and don't do anything just sit in your room and you do whatever meditation and prayer you do not to talk to anybody not to go anywhere because you want only meditation okay do that can you do that one day you'll be mad two days you're in your room you're getting food you are getting breakfast you are getting lunch you suffer okay and how much you have practiced how much have you practiced to be alone with yourself it needs long serious practice to get absorbed you can spend hours yes it's possible if one has practiced parallelly niskama karma selfless work offering to god and meditating balanced life meditation scriptural reading doing selfless work prayer all this gyano karma yoga bhakti is balanced way then when you get a chance more then you can utilize it much deeply little less work okay i'll do this one hour more today that should gradually be built up and then he took the challenge first after seven days he came back and said please please give me some work it is not possible we are not capable we are not fit for that type of state of totally being within yourself that means you should love god so much deeply that you can live alone and there is so much joy if we get a test of meditation five hours six hours will go away there's no problem rather your mind will say you need not you'll not feel like getting up but that mood to create you have to prepare yourself no so that don't make that mistake that's why it is rewarding it says the running translation bidhi means sanctioned by the scriptures karma santiaga giving up all the actions by sannyasi no man's renunciation viveka with discernment that it can be done giving up all activity one should be activities that should be done according to scriptural injunctions and with the spirit of renunciation and discernment that means we are to do this now understand what we are to do first step second step but not following the scriptural injunctions how to do selfless activity how to surrender ourselves to god if you don't take this advice but by whimsical renunciation of actions one will be tainted colored tainted with seam sin means negativity darkness ignorance he will go more towards ignorance then how much one day is good you may sleep very well second day sleep okay third day fourth day then sleep how long you will sleep you will not get satisfaction in sleep also though nothing to be done you have been given total freedom to spend your time how much you will read unless you are adept in reading no so this is the point very important is a practical application of vedanta not talking talking talking but putting into action and not doing action like a fool it is not to do work we call work what do you say or colleague we should not be workaholic it is not saying be workaholic it is saying do work whatever with the spirit that you are serving god and you have no interest in its result it is god's you have given it to god this practice should be rigorous practice should be practiced along with meditation and other thing as in our holistic life you see how our life goes on in the center morning meditation then some prayer then some little gap you can do exercise then you go breakfast then you do some work then you come back again meditation noon meditation if you don't build up your spiritual life why will you build up spiritual life what else is needed in spiritual life even again come for meditation evening prayer is there and then have some supper or like and use your time whole night you read all night you meditate do as best as you can and this is the way you were to build up our life and then this book what they are talking it will be revealed in our life so serious work is there it is not by ah when everyone wants what you want what we see that you know everyone wants something very easy i give one thousand dollar i go into retreat and going to the retreat bus i will see the kundalini is going up oh kundalini does not go up such you are hallucinating kundalini so this is the point to understand it is don't be be fooled by this type of statement or ah alluring talks i was meditating within three days i was maintaining a light i saw and kundalini is going up sorry pull down the kundalini it should not go up let it be there but build your mind and love for god so that it will be so much automatically over kundalini you do not know when it has awakened when it is coming up your joy in spiritual life your work every day you will work you will be cheerful or you will be grumbling person i am doing so much i am doing so much and beating the drum everywhere and dissatisfied all the time the spirituality is not dissatisfaction it is satisfaction more satisfaction more peace more joy this is vedanta understand ah now this next next verse 42. [Music] song [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] beautiful if you not have atmagana not the knowledge of the self the ios devotional language god unless you have nasang giving up everything i'm a monk i give away everything many people come maybe some relations if something has happened broken or something you get a muhirago renunciation i in this life i don't find any meaning in the world and i want to give up my job i want to give up my house i don't do that keep your job keep your house wait wait wait wait go slow go slow so if it is not grounded on the deep sense of love for god or quest for atman or the knowledge of the atman if knowledge of the earthmoon is not the focus on renunciation detachment these are words only it is a temporary ramakrishna gave the example this this is a renunciation no when the you know young people will understand more if they have any relationship so if the relationship breaks or something happens it breaks the heart and that we find what i love someone with so much intense simplicity and i am betrayed huh and i cry and weep the world is all worst rubbish that concept will come for a moment it will linger for few days and get a good friend again this will be forgotten again the mind will go the same way so that is not sannyasu that is not renunciation it is called the marcotto nassau marcotto sannyasa means momentary and the spiral moment renunciation comes like in a hot pan you put little water sprinkle little water what will happen in instantly it evaporates no but if it is a poor enough water sufficient water then it will boil and you get heated no so the point is that renunciation is very important thing in life detachment renunciation but that should come because of love for god you love the world same mind love god so it is a small magnet it is a big magnet the you you i was standing towards this and i am falling in love with the big magnet the source of all love source of all joy let me yield this side no when this side come it is already gone if i love god then the minor attachment which i have in the world will be lessened it is less value that's why to love god is more important ramakrishna that's why he said in any way any means by by any means love god and see god fast and then you will enjoy life in the world and whatever you want to do why because this is the great achievement of life so you have to analyze that what this little love human love can give me what this divine love can give me and practicing that and falling in the divine love you'll be so much close to it it will suck you as much it sucks you you are off from this world so that is the real renunciation that's why he says without your knowledge of the atman unless you know in me i am atman i am pure i am self so there is so much within me why i am searching outside why not inside that knowledge if it comes then your activities in the outside will reduce as we said giving up the work will be disastrous because it will make you mad without loving god to be a monk disastrous life where will you stand here is no other thing which the world can give you are avoiding everything of the world here unless you have that love for god that will not work for any day-to-day household life also unless we do work thinking that i am doing for god all these difficulties come and this mass us they disturb our my mental peace it actually takes away our whole energy it drained out that energy so karma brahma if we do that without knowledge of the atman without knowledge of god if anyone gives up the activity or work karma he loses karma principle he is not doing real karma so he is lost he loses karma or effect of karma and brahmo he's not attaining brahman by this type of work neither the result which karma could have given him kormo can give us a lift towards god first with our selfish motivation that transcend into unselfish motive unselfish motive to godliness if it can lead us this way but if it is those idea for god is gone out of equation or utman is gone beyond equation then it is only it is not it is a loss neither you will reach karma result of karma neither you will rest a brahma so it will be a prostitute losing both ends it will be like nadyang in this river neither you reach this this show or the other bank you cannot reach the this bank neither that bank neither you are going to the karma and making a successful life there and neither you are going to god and making your life meaningful why ahankaro because in this state if minus god minus atman minus brahman your ego ego is like a crocodile ego crocodile kills you i did it you don't understand who did this one you didn't give me any uh honor respect you do not know how much i work day and night i have not recognized that ego that ego i i i i you know it's like a great crocodile grass somano as if the crocodile eats you in the water so in their life your ego will kill you and you get destroyed is it does it make sense that's why vedanta is not pleasing to many people because it tells too cut and dry truth and no compromise because in daylight you analyze this way if you don't have love for you then you will be a good worker in the world and worker is good but that will be linked with the ego and so long we have our ego it's good to have bad ego to good ego okay that's also there is a process i think of myself myself myself my name my friend my power my body my mind my emotions my my joy my joy verses oh i also feel this is good i share with you i is expanding and then expanding to another realm and then another realm and then it goes to god who is everywhere that you see how that same ego can be expanded and made the life just meaningful and how the egos they say we go can be concentrated into this limited personality most selfies most on a they are really a burden to the society they create so much nuisance in the society because of their selfish so that selfishness is barrier and that is like a crocodile's bite so the translation goes without the knowledge of the self mere intellectual knowledge then what happens mere renunciation of the actions giving up what sets up the ground for degradation so mere renunciation i give up that does not solve the problem because the desire remains fulfillment my ego satisfaction of my inner wishes they don't leave me it is hunting here so action ground for it takes us to degradation thus fallen from both the results of action and the knowledge of brahman neither you get the result of action result of action is also good if anyone does selfishly at least he can earn good money he can be a person of name fame power position yes he has earned it by going to school by hard work in the job he has earned it at least something gained but who has no idea in this life and no idea for god see he is lost in both side and life is meaningless like cats dogs they come they born they grow they eat they sleep they die one day so this is the human life is not like that it has its purpose it has great implication and that's okay but that service element you train them no no that's also learning if a dog can be made a service dog how much training he has given no so why not i serve my dog ego dog a service dog same thing the whole karma theory is making you a service dog rather than ego dog we do for my ego ego iii rather you service yes i served her good i serve god god service and that's also satisfying but that i'm saying because this is in those life as they have no higher goal we should have a goal in life i may fail to reach that goal but i shall not pull that goal down to my level understand you should always have a higher goal and highest goal is knowing yourself seeing god everywhere okay i am in this level and is too high yes still this is the goal i am moving towards that following the dictate of the holy people sages and saints and the scriptures they are our mother these books are our mother how many times they are reminding us see from evening all these 45 means this gita is reminding us hey don't do work like that hey you do that then you lose both ends this is the love love for god is important this renunciation is not perfect unless you have love for god your renunciation is momentary see he's like a mother trying to help us always try to protect us with a care so that again and again the entire book we are reading this type of thing so we have to take that that training and make a good service dog of ourselves thus falling from both actions and the knowledge of brahman he loses both banks of the river being devoured by the great crocodile of ego and he perishes so that is the lost gate loss okay now we shall go to the question answer and you also have any question then get ready we'll talk about that hmm that's why this spiritual life is to do something no not talk not talk not talk philosophy is good to fix the idea but you have to act on this therefore karma yoga is very important and we cannot go to higher level unless we do karma yoga karma holy mother it is a very foundation of our spiritual life because we live with karma from morning till now you did so many karma is it not even thinking you are sitting just you are thinking some that's karma you are breathing that's a karma you are digesting something it's a karma but if all karma to be surrendered to god then you are something special and look at that from morning think about yourself or myself how many times we surrender our all karma tell me don't tell me openly but you can tell yourself we are all we're good people we all want to be spiritual but tell me how many times and from morning till now i have said oh lord it is your karma it is not mine is it's for you i am doing now see if you can remember 10 times a day then you are spiritual 20 times more spiritual 30 times 40 times as many times more and more so much spiritual you are and if you don't remember then becoming a monk i am a world when i am worse than a worldly person because i am doing like a slave without any meaning either knowing any purpose and not forgetting the goal of life here is a question how to pray for para vida and opera vida simultaneously oh this is not directly related to this but it has a question on the gospel class probably so it is how to pray for parable what is parabida it's a technical term paravida means supreme knowledge what is the supreme knowledge knowledge of brahman knowledge of atman we talked about that this is the knowledge and opera what is apravida no all the knowledge is secular knowledge physics chemistry art literature anything science whatever you're doing this is lower opera supreme not that supreme but it is a knowledge you know astronomy you know science you know the different branches of science so this is called operabidda but how to do simultaneously yes because we live in the realm of opera with the opera vietnamese in the lower plain we have science we have our we got to eat we are to sleep we have to build a house we have to have a car so we need to be efficient in our knowledge of the secular knowledge the secular knowledge you cannot ignore very important for us so long we are in the realm of this duality now the secular knowledge i am doing for my survival but this secular knowledge can be made spiritual how i am doing for god it becomes spiritual the same karma which is opera is taking to the material plane it can lift us to the spiritual plane that's one meaning and how we can do that we will parallelly do paravidda and opera with the chacha mani practice paravida yes every day morning you read the punishad gita as we are reading now this is your paravida knowledge you are trying to think about the supreme knowledge and when you are doing say you are cooking the cooking is parabhitar opera opera but opera with the can be transcended to paravida when you put that it's i'm doing for the lord it is no work it is service service this service will serve others in whom god is there the same brahmana will be satisfied through the physical body of some people so it is a service to brahman as you are thinking i am brahmana that's also thought and this is in action to the action you can defy so we can do that by making a live holistic life holistic life means think of the vedantic principle that's parabidda and whatever you are doing thing that you are doing for god opera when you are in the office you are a scientist you are doing in your lab work or you are a astronaut astronomical world so you are working in your level but you have to understand you are doing not for your ego satisfaction but for the wisdom or service to god in others so we can do two together by prayer by meditation by karma etcetera as we always say we can simultaneously do parabid then you know ramakrishna missions this monk sadhus of the vedanta society and other non-dual tradition what they are doing their whole day they are doing work this work is parabheda or avida it is opera but they are learning how to make the same apparabidda as paravida that art of performing is a lifelong practice and prayer study of dupunisha every day we should study upanishad to get the highest knowledge make the mind brain charged with some higher thought that is the parameter it will unfold unfold and poor okay now another question is here how do we work to see god in everyone even when the world causes such deep sorrows even when such monsters exist how do you personally handle it you know that's a very good question how can you see god in everyone even when the world is causing such deep sorrows suppose someone is killing someone how can you see god there yes we can see god in this way the god is there as consciousness but the consciousness is clouded by the mind which is clouded mind and that clouded mind is reflecting the inner light with a darker light no no no light outside is a dark that's why i can think god is in that person though he does not understand he cannot as we don't understand but our mind is little maybe little better that's why i don't act like a beast act like a very mean unkind and brute difference between brute and holy person is the what the difference the inner light is the same only the inner light is coming through a darker media or a clear clear media when it's clear media you see you call a holy man you call it a very charitable person you call it loving person honey when the unholiness covering is more there so in both the cases at least for practice in our spiritual discipline you'll have to think the same force is working in both places one place it is becoming like a cooler another person opposite of it it is a heater heater and cooler is supported by the same electricity supply energy is the same but one is acting in this heavy cold like in indian we make a joke of it when we go to indian train there are air condition compartments are there so you enter there and they give the a what you call cooler temperature in such a degree then you start shaking you ask for blanket and they give you one blanket why it is so so low because because it's a air conditioned so it is the fault of the electricity or the person who is operating it so it is the fault of the same engine no nowadays we have heating and cooling in the same same same device so you put it to the heat side it hits so when it is to tremendous heat and you put your heat high it is the problem of the machine or the electricity supply energy is the same same consciousness manifesting as cooler as heater so how i apply who is i my mind my emotion my ego they create this trouble so purify that level you are brahmana embrace there is no difference same electricity you charge you take your galvanometer or what you call ah ammeter you find the same voltage and same amp i am there and in this side and that side so god is here god is there we can as a spiritual person we should try to see there is god behind with this power a dead body cannot be bulgar he did what he cannot be mean he did god he cannot jump on you and stab you but a man can do that who is alive whose consciousness is the propelling force behind that person is propelling force so we will have to think in that way no yeah and they are causing so much deep sorrows too even such monsters they exist monster is the monster mind if the mind is pure the same monster will be a holy person is it not we hear the story of so many uh monsters who have transformed themselves into holy spiritual people isn't that valmiki in our hindu tradition he was a highway robber he was totally transformed into a what you called a holy man valmiki the writer of the rama's life and character oh yeah he used to kill and i used to snatch away their money and wealth and in it and then one day narada this nara the sutra we read he appeared before him and said hey what are you doing and as soon as he came he was going to beat him to get him something from his pocket but he said baba i am nothing so wait wait wait why why are you doing this type of bad things then he said what bad thing i need money and this easy way of collecting fun money so i get it and i what do you do i i with this money i serve my mom dad then daily food all these are managed by this food shelter everything so they are getting it but but you are committing sin why do you do take this path well you know why shall i be doing sin because they will share my mom dad her wife children all are fed from this money so i'm not eating myself i'm for them i am doing so they will take away my sin well no no that will not do well you know then he said okay you go and ask your wife your mom your dad your son that you are committing this type of sin and they will share your sin dad he went and told dad and mom they said ari baba i we have become old when i was young you are baby we raised you with my heart sweating of my blood i didn't claim you anything but i believe now i have become old you are my father like so you should serve me why shall i take your sin and the wife also said same thing i am your married wife it is your responsibility to maintain me so why shall i take your sin and everyone rejected rejected then he came back and told naruto oh what shall i do now no one is going to take my sin so he has piled up hip obscene because he has done so much killing or torturing their innocent people and snatching away their money then he said oh what shall i do well you take the name of lord rama but he was that it is said just a story that he said such so much bad karma the rama word is not coming through his mouth he is saying maura just opposite mara ramo so maura they and then chant on and on and on then rama rama rama by repeating the name of rama his all the sins were gun and then he became a sage valmiki so yes person can change by changing the mind another question was holy mother eating fish and meat i do not know meat but i probably mother may have had fish but i do not know about meat because she was mostly living in the village and mostly vegetarian food was in a mean family standard but fish was allowed and those days meat was not even the good society people don't like meat even today orthodox families don't like meat they can then mother is mother okay another another question how to develop the love love for god joppa not meditation cannot be performed as hate problem poses straight and i cry and fail miserably miserably way for me hope the question is that she's asking how to develop love for god that's one point as we have discussed many times japan not meditation and because she does meditation probably cannot be performed as head problem position maybe have headache headache or something i do not know and i cry when that pain starts meditation then it becomes miserable i fail so i understand your problem but you need in that case you can keep your eyes open and look at the picture of the divine what your guru has given to meditate about and do the job instead of closing the eyes if closing the eyes come make you deeply concentrated and that creates a pain in your head so you can avoid that but you can keep the eyes open in the fixing the eye on the photograph because photography is also pure ramakrishna's photograph is so pure if you look at that your mind will be pure you can sing kirtan sing songs that may be another way and jointly chant some mantras that may be money without making your pain in the head i do not know what is your problem but you can avoid that by doing for the time being do sing songs chant mantras talk about god do japan all the time moving walking every doing your work let your mind repeat the mantra and and and what else karma you do you are doing peru say oh lord i cannot meditate because of my health reason so i'm doing for you i'm doing for you the entire class we discussed about this karma can lead us to total freedom so we should practice that way okay and if you have any other further question you can send me an email do vedanta societies have astronomers and the vedanta society is astra yeah in we have here you can go to our website and see in u.s we have so many centers and india we call as ramakrishna mission or rama krishnamat so you can find we have about now 200 more than 200 centers all over india and you can find in every state one more than one many centers all are engaged in doing charitable activity school college hospital dispensaries as also temple prayer meditation retreat this type of activity so please go to the website our website and there you go the centers if you click the centers then you will find the world map and you can click in any part of the map and it will show which is the name of the center and where it is located what the phone number you can explore and go to their individual website and then you can know their activities yes there are many centers some places you can stay but not that all places have a facility but some places stay you have to contact them i do not know i i also may not be able to tell because such a huge organization i do not know much but you can inquire through email write to them and all the email address etc is available there okay so thank you all om shanti shanti shanti peace peace peace tomorrow is sami shuttle will be giving the class on the gospel of rava krishna at the 7 30 pm to 8 30 pm okay thank you all you