Video 45
42. Shanti Gita - Class 42 - Chapter 4 - Verse 39
[Music] [Music] lead us from the unreal to the real lead us from darkness to light lead us from death to immortality and even more shine in our hearts with your resplendent face for peace peace peace be unto us all so we are reading santi gita the song of peace shri krishna's advice talking about karma very vital question because we all live in karma and we are to understand why we are here who has brought me here why i suffer why i experience some fun and joy we only blame others but veda karma theory will say it is you you are the cause of your own suffering you are the cause of your own freedom bondage liberation everything is yours you do because you desire your desire prompts your karma karma brings another desire one action you do and that in certain result the next day you think that i will do the other thing so that is the chain of activity called karma and this chain of activity is our life and we are is there any escape no escape karma bhasana and vasana to karma and this wheel goes on the chakra but is no but what what shall we do then yes we can do you can change your persona desire and your karma will be different bhakshana when it comes to selfishness for my sense pleasure for my earning my mind everything belonging to this little body mind complex and that karma what you do that brings bondage but the karma to which you can do thinking i am in everybody so i can do something for others suffering to remove the suffering of others is my suffering that's a karma you can earn money tons of money and you give away you aren't hard with heart level but only those who are holding the money for themselves they are creating a karma which is bound in the will of birth and death because that is no end and there is no desire any unending desire and no peace at the end but when it is done for all you are doing everything i don't do anything for myself i do it for others you are becoming free and freer and that is detachment coming and leading us to the path of perfection so that's why we did 36 we are on the 39th verse today we will read 39 verse but the chapter is what third chapter for so what chapter is this i forgot the chapter name it is the fourth chapter we are on the fourth chapter verse number 39 we will start today but you have read in the 36 verse the vasana of karma as i just said because of your desire you perform action and you perform action then you create some other personal desire i did this i got it but i'll have to get more i'll have to perfect this way i'll get the more name fame power position money there's nothing wrong but the attitude is that for what purpose you are doing i am doing for my purification of my mind i am all the karma i have done from morning till now then you are releasing and when you are thinking it is i am done for myself all the burden is coming on your head so eat up then brahmito jivo the individual soul is brahmita is rotating in a circle of birth and death sanctity no nivartati they cannot get out of the reed of this cycle of birth and death because vasana leading to karma karma leading to another desire desire leading to another karma another leading the endless chain goes on therefore why this karma you are saying that it is bad because verse number 37 this because this karma which is done for this body mind complex only my pleasure my enjoyment my fun my rest only me me me mama is the cause of all suffering because you look at the world who have done that where is there peace so it is the cause of suffering the kohetu and it is like a jibarang pada singh khalam we read these all these verses the other day it is like a chain in the is in someone's like a slave early days people used to put the chain in the leg of the slave so we are slaves this karma is like a slave there is nobody there is no outside person is disturbing me but my desire and my actions because of that desire that is causing me it is like a chain in my feet and keeping me bound to the world and worldliness and not giving me peace and happiness chinta bhusham or she should do kokaranam because it brings always chinta oh this money how can i save from income tax oh if this income tax will go away or people do so many ways of thinking and when it becomes a headache and obsessive thought of hoarding comes therefore endless suffering is the cause of endless suffering 38 months now i have told you what is the way out as i said unless you think you are not the body-mind complex you are doing for atman you are doing serving god then you are free this will not more mind you the same karma which is prado synchalam is the chain in your leg unseen chain where i am bound no one is binding my hand and leg into the chain and putting into some dungeon place but i am bound by my cravings bound by my desires and suffering because of that unfulfilled desire you try to solve that problem but again some other desire comes so that is the point of our problem that's why i have told you before shri krishna says the lord krishna says i have told you 38 verse sarbang karma parity i have told you that all karma whatever karma you do servo karma give up to me or give up the karma and your karma will be a kang bang sharon braja you only surrender to me your whole heart and soul to me that karma you do whatever you are doing offer it to god you karma did you cook something mentally said oh lord i did it i offer it to you the result of it people will say haha how good you have cooked someone say what is titan it will not hurt you when you keep that i am the cook i have done so people say good you will be elated and people say bad you will be depressed so say sudden but if you think that you have done for me say hold on i prepared for you best i can do i offer everything and then then people say good thank god people say bad thank god not nothing me i tried my best but it i offered everything to you so do karma at the same time get out of the karma so i have suggested that bhagavan krishna says sarva karma pariteja all karma giving up only you take refuge in me but people misunderstand among saranac means what take refuge in me means whatever that's also me a me me what me is krishnami the body mind complex of the krishna no mang subdastu dishtyatu you have to understand what i mean by me tattoo what is the tattoo that mess is the truth that's consciousness absolute infinite that from that perspective i am saying me offer you all karma all actions all thoughts and to me do every karma don't stop doing karma you will have to you cannot breathe that's a karma you are sleeping that's a karma you're walking you're say karma you're looking at someone it's a karma you're writing something it's a karma you're working on your computer it is a karma everything is karma but if you can give everything after or before to me but what may you mean me the man was born as krishna and died as a man like us it's a very technical term last time we discussed about this two types of vision what is that to distribute as i said thought thought that that does that is the only reality absolute reality of beyond time space causation all this you have to look at me you look at me at the same time thing it is that absolute how can i do that i give you an example suppose this suppose this is a solid wall and i cut a buddha form in the wall from a distance if you sit here it is a hollow place but from here what will you see it is a buddha as if buddha is sitting there you go close close close close and see the buddha go to the wall you are seeing the infinite space though it is appearing like a buddha statue but the whole suppose this is a rectangular window but what you are seeing we are seeing a rectangular window but what is rectangular window it is the same infinite space go close and touch your eyes on the glass you see the infinite space from distance it is a rectangular space so saguno this is to understood it's not contradictory but you have to understand i am not this human body with flesh and bone who was born as buddha who died by eating the pork offered by some devotee huh it is not christ the man who was born in flesh and bone was crucified and dead some say resurrection those who believe don't think that way but i am to that the infinite love infinite compassion infinite holiness manifested that sachidan on the manifested that is me taught to dristya but what is sangha to this tea it is a technical term sanghat means everything is constituted of some finer elements it is a mixture the table is made of what wood the skill of the carpenter glue pin all other tools were necessary to prepare it so this is a mixture of material things but not that don't think that i am a matter like made of the material food bone place i am not that i am saccidananda look at me so when you offer your karma think that i am offering to rama krishna but ramakrishna are not the man rama is the principle the sachida on the principle appearing to me as ramakrishna because i am not so developed to see him in the absolute sense i see i respect someone who is more knowledgeable someone is more charitable someone is whose heart is very pure so ramakrishna is the highest example of that that's why i love him and through that what you see you see the infinite sky so this is very important verse 38 verse this remember mang sabda i have said sarba karman paritta mang mang ekang sarang you only surrendered to me only that me what is that me monks of those two that mang in sanskrit what is in english me he is really tattoo destia you have to view it from the standpoint of absolutism absolute vedanta non-dual vedanta i am that i am sachidan i am that embodied in this ramakrishna body or in the christ body or in the buddha body so look at that and offer everything to me therefore 39 verse let us come to the today's reading you can get this script on your computer desk we are posted there 39 bus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] beautiful you have to surrender to me to who is me again continuing more explanation is given here i am one without a second only one and what is that one saccidananda i am sat eternal re-existence absolute reality consciousness and bliss shut cheat on them he come only one without a second that me mind it me equal to that's why we write me capital for god's me we write capital that me is equal to ananda ekaha i am saccidananda absolute please absolute consciousness absolute reality you know satchida and you are true you know you have to understand it implication you have to understand this implication and thomas for you you take refuge in that saccidananda don't think this human being that's why all this struggle goes away hinduism christianity islam my religion your religion it is also citadel why are you fighting with the external form bhagavan krishna says i am that ecom that one which is sachidan under absolute consciousness absolute bliss action there is no other duality there that i that i is allah that i is krsna that i is rama that i is buddha so without this background there is no solution of world problem in world religion all the fights and troubles comes because of this ignorance so here how clearly the spiritual teacher is teaching bhagavan himself training don't misunderstand this statement me don't think that is me means a man as you think he was born historically he did some work and he died he's a good guy no how many is a jesus are there in the world jesus no do you mean any other jesus or that jesus who was a manifested the entire divinity which can be remembered for thousands of years so he is sachidan on them see how what clarity but we don't understand even this simple thing that's you have to analyze it critically understand it and then take refuge in that sachitanon why do you say that well you know in the upanishad when he says the valid proof because upanishad is the experience of the sages what is said there it come what the meaning of mentioned independent [Music] only one is there without a second why they say double one and without a second why they say at least we find always our mind makes a mistake if you say ek one you have little concept of two so upanishad is very clear that one is without any competitor there is no second that means that absolute echo on that brahman is a come eva only a one and without any duality or two in it and nahuna now stick in china there is no multiplicity there is no no other thing here all the ripples always you are seeing ripple wave why do you say ripple wave you say it is ocean it is nothing but h2o look at that perspective so that is the direction given here there is no nothing other that brahman so when you say this what you are doing the sangha to drishti it is a made of some individual elements that vision is to be discarded logical conclusion is that it is not a mixed ism is a man-made thing or somebody has created it is not created by somebody this ramakrishna is not created by somebody christ is not created somebody that's why the idea you know we call immaculate birth do you know why they say it is not created by somebody we are born in one way but god is born in different way that is the conventional idea ramakrishna was born immaculate why go to the history of ramakrishna's birth do you know how he was born his father was in one place he had a divine vision and god says i will come to your home and be born as a child and mom was about 300 400 miles away and she experienced that one flood of light came from a shiva temple and entered into heart and she felt somebody entered in her room that's why it's called immaculate it is of course modern science we don't emphasize that much people who say it miracle mongering but point is that it does not happen like a congregate as we are we congregate our body mind etcetera it is not like that so not sangha to drishti has been discarded here so sajathi o bijatyou these are all if you go to very finer disc distinction if you differentiate there are three types of differentiation we are human beings those are plants plants are one category human beings are different category we understand this is a division you know anyone makes a mistake they plant as man no that's a totally different b o different sajathiya in the same category there are men maybe white skin having different other color height body weight men but different is it no and in the same person another differentiation we do eyes are different from my hand so in my same body there is difference so three types of differentiation it's called sahaja yoga and sagata there is no such different differentiation in that atmosphere it is one in such a sense that there is no distinction there so a it is said that there is salt only the earthman's shot is there only so they call us in the upanishad that is the proof which is expressed in this language one one it means like this what is one there is no distinction and not a congregation of atoms or molecules or splash and bone or cells it is not like that it appears like that a human body but they are all divine and ekang mang sarvu bhutesu now japati now he is a blessed person or she is a blessed person who can see ekong mang that one shoots at me he looks at krishna but he understands that type of one where there is no distinction there is no differentiation you cannot make any distinguish any distinction any differentiation you cannot think that it is made of some congregate items that type of uncompounded uncompounded unchangeable un non-distinct no distinction of duality trace of distinction is absent there this is the sound word one means that i am one sachida i am one of the means this you get it two points there is it is not made of any compound it is not compounded one second point there is no distinction it is only homogeneous one three types of distinction as you will see in the world that all these things are the cow versus human being versus trees whereas a tiger that is an ant is a cat it's a dog all are distinguishable this is separate from this is separate you cannot do that separation in brahman you can see in suppose one category say cows cows are black cows white cows different colored cows height healthy jersey cows or some other place cows so there are distinction you can distinguish this cow is this but you cannot distinguish in brahman like that and even in the cow body there's cow leg cow tail cow mouth this is individual there is some distinction you cannot make any distinction in brahman understand this very important point the three ways we distinguish things but there is no three nothing to distinguish it is not a congregate item or compounded material it is that one sachidan one means this he said that's why it is to meditate you know it is not so superficial this mantra can be meditated whole day whole night whole life for life you can meditate on you are meditating on ramakrishna you can think ramakrishnan is this when he he is echo what type of samadhi is that is there any differentiation distinction in that experience there is no distinction when you get to that experience this ego he dies and all this distinction of sagato three types of distinction void zero there is nothing as such therefore young man now he is blessed he is a sadhaka he's a spiritual aspirant who sarba bhutasu in all living being bhuta means anything created that's called bhuta it's a table chair human being trees plants anything diversified wherever you find anything he says that he come here is that satchi down on them that is sachirananda this is such this is who can see this see money with this eyes no third eye you are having a good lecture big eye third eye you say yes nod your head then i can get inspiration otherwise you are all silently sitting like that huh say yeah the third eye that i mean these two eyes are there we see two eyes they all distinction is it not but intuitive eye which is inside that i will give you it is made of the same element sachi dhan on there is no division there is no distinction but i am seeing it because i am seeing to the two eyes when the two eyes will be gone means you are not seeing through that only in the internal eye samadhi then then this experience will be more dominant but so long you are seeing we can say this view is saccidanando because you are living seeing through the eyes you're hearing some sound to the air so long you see it is sachidan so that should be your jaw posture if one can succeed in seeing the world in this way and me in this way then his vision his experience his seeing is a correct seeing correct vision and we are all wrong we the whole world how we see look at the world is wrong only those who see in this perspective their vision is the correct vision got it see this scriptures are so like mother tries to feed our inner queries even you need not ask they are pushing these ideas before us so that we can feel that what is god one what one means what the word when bhagavad-gita we read here we read the bhagavad-gita chapter i i i when bhagavan says i god says i what are i means when christ says i and my father are one what is that i that father oneness the father what is father there is saccidananda i am not going to the philosophy how the christians think it is my vedantic way of looking at so if we match with the bhagavad-gita idea then we can correct there therefore what does it mean the running translation of this first three line verse will be take refuge in me that truth with the understanding that i am that one existence consciousness bliss just this truth understand and you refuse take refuse your little ego let it take refuge in the big ego that i he says take refuge in me that me is the big big eye ramakrishna said ripe and die pure eye that's god's eye what is that i clarity next line it is i that one means existence consciousness bliss absolute and you find justified to justify his own point bhagavan krishna says the punishment statement what existence alone was there existence alone was there here the sanskrit says it sad only shot was there existence was there with this statement is the proof of the word one eka means one this upanishad confirms that one is meant by saccidananda and the person who sees me capital me alone in all created beings he only sees he are seeing not to be this eyes but the third eye or the intuitive eye or the experiential eye ramakrishna song mother divine mother everywhere so who is that christian saint saint said that christ in christ in the back christ in the front christ on the right christ on the left christ above christ belong so experience of sages are like that all the religion will talk about the same thing do you mean christ means one christ sitting here one other christ sitting here another christ sitting here or this sachidan on the me as we heard the explanation you can read bible through this light you'll see that there is no no confusion only its explanation we do from our own understanding misunderstanding now the first number 40 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so this work as you are talking about this work when you are doing with selfish motivation that is binding you but if you offer everything to sahaja yoga as we always say offer everything from morning onward whatever you do say o lord i offer it to you i offer it to you now what is that lord lord is actually saccidananda but i cannot think of sachin on the that way that's why we take a humanized manifestation of that infinite but that humanized manifestation here bhagavan gita says i am that humanized expression but i am not what you mean what you understand i am existence knowledge bless absolute that is only one truth and i am that so in that perspective offer your all actions so soon you know give up all karma how by tajed by the way of detachment by the way of renunciation that means you do work at detach detach from the result of the karma so give get out of that or sanna supurvakum also means another way in early days those used to go to take monastic life they used to give up all duties and just be wandering sadhus therefore they cannot perform the rituals which in the householder life they used to do indian style was that so long in our in the family life you will have to perform so many jagnas sacrificial fires every day you will have to do because you are in the home but when you take a monastic bow you become a wandering monk or a nun so you have no option where will you do when you get all these items needed for performing one sacrificial fire so the scripture says the monks need not have to perform these activities so you give up all activities then but you what will be your activity then mental activity on all journalists i am athman i am brahman whatever i see it is that one and that one is in diverse forms but form is not real it is a saccidananda like that go and do like that sarbo karma mahabaha you have to give up by sannyasa by detachment or by taking a monastic life okay now giving up all your actions and all your thoughts about action anxieties worries feeling elation depression forgetting everything by being renouncing everything johnny de kamath no only your atman which is only one that is your duty so what is the duty of every human being that has been given here very clearly john yet knowing your atmanum your only heartman the self you know yourself you are only one know that that should be your duty how it will not come in one day as you become restless it will not happen as he says see it is this response to our questions so constantly what to do why it is not happening you know the question we will have to do sadha all the time sangria means concentrate controlled taught in that in that reality satchida you focus your whole mind touch it controlling your mind focusing into that reality all the time sadha no morning i did i did two days i did i am doing for one year i will have done for time 10 years practice no time may sadha all the time that the dictation that's the dictate of the scripture practice practice and constant thinking that only one exists in the world and that is sachidan and that is my goal and i am offering everything to him and all this duality is my mental creation so i am working on that how by concentrating my whole focus into that one thought but it is but this is not easy task for ordinary people like us because we have to do so much work now we have our family we have our work we have our school we have our studies where we have our duties when shall we do that that's why i said hey you cannot do that 24 hours therefore work and offer it to me work offer unto me work and offer unto me what will happen ultimately your mind will be gradually gradually moving into that oneness so if you have questions get ready because i have talked so much you can have some question will be better so it ultimately ended in the question that you should take sannas you should be a monk huh or should we become a monk yes at the ultimate point he'll be a monk look at any scent householder or a so when they are totally absorbed in god where is their world they are no more in the world they live in the world but not of the world they eat like us but they don't eat like wheat we taste and likes and dislikes we see things with our taste i like this i don't like this but they don't see because they see the oneness only one and what is that one saccidananda absolute consciousness absolute bliss and absolute joy a reality swatch so that is to be practiced practice therefore the running translation of this verse number 40 it is like this or you know mighty armed one should give up all activities after taking formal sunnahs as i have said because a monk in wandering monk he will not have to do the sacrificial fire activity no he has transcended that so give up all actions but by giving up all activities and thoughts and following the path of renunciation now will be what is your duty one you have to restrain his mind in me in that me means in that reality that supreme reality self all the time at all times this is a job 24 hours job you know we say there is a vacation whole week we worked hard 40 hours i walked weekend comes i can relax but there is no vacation in spiritual life that's why many people does not come to be spiritual life it's a commitment too much commitment no every every work you do there is a resting time no but the spiritual life you do more no resting 24 hours every breath when you sleep when you wake up oh baba today is sunday let me let me get today i won't do the meditation and prayer no that will not do i worked last week two months i did meditation i did puja i did this so today i can realize no in spiritual life it does not work that's why our religion is not church religion church religion is what you do whatever you like and come into the sunday lecture sunday service 11 to 12 o'clock you become very highly spiritual and give some dollars in the church and wearing dress this is that and then the rest of the week yes because you go to the church you are spiritual but this really if you want to be spiritual you will have to be tuned to god your your radio should be always connected with god god message huh always high tension what is called this connection god you have to always get connected with him he's he's his hotline is always available and mind is to be connected there itself forgetting okay forgot now i do no repentance why did they forget why they no now do 24 hours woke up with the thought go to sleep with that thought when they're jogging think of that thought when they're cooking think of that thought when they're walking think of that one that one thought should be maddening thought day and night and there is no vacation and no tiring and if really we do it then it will not we need not have to you cannot have you don't have to think that when shall i have not to think more of this vedanta rather vedanta will enter into your bones very bones in your very throbbing of the heart so that should be the direction here said you know servo karma does it you have to give up all activities sannyasu become by taking this means detachment from this and sarvo karma tata chintam all your activities and your shinta thought tattwa sannyasa by taking sunnah's bows of sannas following the 24 hours serious intoxicated spiritual life like ramakrishna's disciples look at that ramakrishna passed away and then they started doing meditation and prayer he says even the ghosts will pass run away seeing that severe state of practice that means they are manned they are maddened into the intoxication of meditation and absorption and study and deepening their spiritual wisdom not for wisdom or anything but for experience so that should be the condition then janiath you can you can try to know that reality which is concentrating your mind focusing your mind emotion intellectually all concentrated in that reality such down on the reality then this experience will come okay i end here and then we'll be going to the question answer so we have dealt with 39 and 40 today and we'll start with 41 fourth chapter 41 verse is there any question or not [Music] what are your thoughts what have you already answered how do we pray already answered in 4 30 pm class who wrote oh you wrote asha yes yes this question what are your thoughts on iskcon i told you and then go to the question answer session of the last class 4 30 today it is all you can avail on youtube now what do we pray question two what constitutes what do we pray we pray what we want what do we pray this is the question what do we pray we pray what do we want you want money ask oh god give me money if you want a good job oh lord give me some job but no we are dealing with spirituality so you ask for god for give me devotion give me love give me unflinching one pointed focus so that my mind moves towards you help me to be established in that sachida brahmana or in god so pray whatever your heart simply traps for we can ask everything to god god is like our mother there is no problem in asking what i want and let mother sanction whatever she wants to give huh if real mother real mother will give good things even if you want something wrong you say no no no it is not good for you even if you cry sometimes you say no no it is not good for you i won't give you like somebody we do not know what is good what is bad we may ask our but if we ask and ultimately say oh mother whatever name you worship and say this is my desire please please do that but ultimately you know what is good so you do accordingly so your prayer may be there for asking for anything you like but you should not make god conditional that you will have to do that better to give the authority to god who knows my past present fusion how do we pray how do we pray man is what how means what i'm saying how do you do you do pray oh lord please help me that's how that should be mentioned again i don't think oh lord give me a good job oh lord give me good peace in my mind oh lord give her we can say another prayer and ramakrishna is to say oh mother give me devotion i do not ask for my worldly cravings and this and that give me love give me devotion at your holy feet like that anyhow we are all spiritual people so we should seek for spirituality but as we are in the life situation and we think god is our mother god is our father so god is everything so in that case we can ask anything we like with sincerity and thinking that he is my own your prayer will be successful when you feel that god is your own and you are not praying to somebody outside for asking for i am his child i am her child it's his responsibility to look after me so i am depending on my mom on my dad he is a divine mother divine father so father of all so he is my father also or my mother also so that should be the idea and the third question is what constitutes the mind body complex is spirit found in this idea what constitutes the mind body complex mind body is all consciousness must be there otherwise how they will be integrated so we see the in the body that's why we say what we see it is satchitananda plus name and form so there it constitutes mind because we function we function through the mind we function because of our intelligence so mind should be one factor intelligence one factor i ego will be another factor but who integrates them all together in one that is the consciousness so the consciousness is always there that idea that it is it cannot create out of its own only material thing cannot aggregate together until there is some conscious element behind it so what constitutes the mind body complex it is the same spirit but it appears to be constituting but not actually not like the example given it appears we appear to be human being but it is in ignorance i am thinking human being but it is the sachida like the example rope i am seeing the rope in darkness as snake but it has never become snake i may cry weep and whatever i do but truly it is the snake so whatever i feel this world as good bad wholly unholy it is nothing but saccidananda i see it in delusion misconception that we do and it happens all the time great examples you go walk in the desert area and you find that there are so much water everyone will have the same experience but you go and find the water there is no water but you saw it how do you see it because of your misconception or it is a refraction which the eyes are getting deluded and thinking there is water no say ramakrishna give the example you put a stick you put a stick in the ah in a water jar no in a in a bucket you put a water stick yeah it wouldn't stick you find it is broken you know bend is the stick bend no it is due to refraction of light your eyes are seeing that straight stick is bent at certain point so that's why it's called though you see it though we see the world the way it is not real because in the wisdom eye when people of wisdom they see this they see this this world not the way i see yes is a different aspect if don't bring it here because bipartisan is a buddhistic style to vacate the mind go to void void wide wide nothing nothing nothing nothing but pedantic meditation is thinking of consciousness as we start with some reality so anyhow take to the vedanta yes it depends on the temperament someone may be devotional perspective so they may benefit more by going through prayer and form of krishna form of rama form of ramakrishna mother kali durga whatever because they find more connectedness there some mind may be more inclined into formless aspect but you have to understand ramakrishna said you follow that formless aspect ultimately but you are also don't be proud that you are much higher than the others because when you think of uthman you think of a big ocean see close your eyes big i am like big ocean ocean ocean of light what do you think you are already limiting it's not horizon is it not so you are making a mental image so you are thinking the duality you are not thinking about infinity you cannot think so you are thinking why not think then in a pure form which resembles purity love dedication sacrifice inspires us so some people prefer still to think god in the in impersonal way and this is a personal way depending on the temperament i i don't think that's one is superior and inferior both are student sam is in the university who start his physics higher than chemistry yes physique says his own place chemistry has his own place but in both study you get a phd that's all so to go to that end but here phd in physics and chemistry has difference this example cannot be perfected but in brahmagana you go to this way you reach the same climate squad you go to this way you will list the same way anything more okay oh my gosh hey where did it go i didn't do anything where did it go now what is the way to surrender to the lord surrender to the lord what is there is no way it is a practice because you know that you are nobody if you know that you are nobody god is doing everything by god's will everything is happening look at life what is happening by your power i want this i want that i want are you successful in doing that or there is a cosmic power in which things are happening see we are here we few people are sitting here and did you plan that we you me all have contacted each other and make this point you are all here which time you want to go to restroom which time will be off which time you will be coming is that i decided you decided no there is a master plan behind it you do not know we don't recognize that there is a mastermind working behind that we call god to if we know it is the mastermind's plan to to surrender to the master mind and then you will be relaxed you do your things and then you will not be burdened with anything because you feel that you are surrendering to the cosmic mind the big mind a big god rather than your thinking i thought i thought so and also surrender comes when you know ramakrishna's example when you try to accomplish something and do your best and take all the means and then does not happen then you go to frustration ordinary people but you very lover of god you will surrender to god let thy will be done very simple ramakrishna give the example this a bird was the bird was sitting in the mast of a sheep and he was inadvertently not watching and the ship entered into the deep sea and then he said oh i am out of the my land where is the land then the bird started with the wings trying to go to the east to find the land could not find then again came back into the mast otherwise he will die into the ocean then he went to the west came back not finding land north no south no then he sat simply on the mast and then he become relaxed that's our life let us try this way to find joy that way to find joy this way to god realization that way brahma ghana all these philosophy go to go to this part that part that part then you say oh i am searching everywhere it is here all the time with me like a necklace it is hanging here i never looked at that i am saying we do this fifteen days new persona and that this then it's called surrender the surrender comes after experience and frustrations you don't find anywhere the solution you take refuge in god so it should be negative but you can practice you knowingly i can do that i know that cosmic mind is working anything happening i can say oh lord by your will everything is happening ramakrishna said if the leaf does not move without the will of god without the will of god even a leaf does not move my finger is nothing this time it is by his will we do not know so if we know this then i can easily practice oh lord let thy will be done let die will be done let die will be done and i can be free and enjoy my life so that is how to give up my all actions to him first start one action today you did whatever you did just now tell your mind oh my mind whatever i did from morning till now i offer it to you oh lord please accept it now do it and then in between now you go for eating and then that oh lord the offering i have eaten at that effect and all that that also i am surrendering to you you call a phone call to somebody and then good effect bad effect oh lord i offer the result to it so you try practice everything you do some office work your computer work after finishing the computer one you say oh lord this is your work i did i operate to you this practice everything needs practice surrender surrender surrender that is the practice give up all and all these all actions to him this way we are to give up we cannot stay without work but that work anything we do if we think that it is for the lord we are doing then you are free from the entanglements as we read in the book mind infinite no no no mind cannot be infinite god is infinite that god no god personal god but impersonal god that is the only infinite we have studied this verse number 40 and 39 today we have discussed that point mind is always finite mind but mind finite mind though mind has its as mind becomes purer it expands expands expands and when it becomes most pure it expands to such an extent it becomes almost like brahman ramakrishna said should the moon pure mind pure intelligence buddhism pure atman are all same that means you expand your mind purify your mind and expand let it go go go everyone's mind is my mind if you can think that way that expansion then ultimately it will be turning into mind will no more function mind is definition of mind is that mind has the tendency to vacillate shall i go or not go this is the mind function indecisiveness i shall eat or don't eat shall i go to sleep now or shall i not shall i uh drive now or no tomorrow i shall drive so i am not at a fix that's called mine this vacillating part of the my one part of my reality that is called the mind and when this mind becomes pure it does not vacillate that much it is a decisive mind that mind becomes intelligence and that intelligence when you think that i expanding the darkness and doubts of of the mind then mind becomes pure and then pure mind is equal to brahman that time we call infinite but normally as we are our mind is finite rather not only it finite it makes the infinites finite before me is all god but my mind is making no this is small here is god sitting before me the brahman is sitting in the name and form i am my mind saying no no no it is he it is she it is this good is bad my mind is teaching all these things so mind is impure mind is limited okay so thank you all and tomorrow we will have our gospel class kikurbi mind okay gospel class that means tomorrow tomorrow my class asia what's the question who who are the question tell me okay oh intelligence oh mind and intellect intellect is there you know as you are the same person when you cook in the home we call cook who is the cook today and i am the cook you are not the cook you are mr sachin such and mrs sanchez talay that and now you are driving who is driving i am the driving i am driving no so you become the driver the same person becomes one time cook one times driver another times you are maybe job in a teaching job you are a teacher another thing you go back to home you are the mother of some you are a mother so same person acting in four areas similarly mind functions in four areas one part when it cannot decide anything it's called vacillating that's called the mind when it determines no i'll go that's the same person same mind stuff that's why it is called chitta in sanskrit term is chitta so cheetah four functions same cheeto performing different function is named differently when it vacillates that's called mind when it confirms that's called intellect when it remembers all things called chitta and when i say ego i so the same chitta working in fort mano buddhi chitto ahankar and here mano is the mind fascinating buddhi is there which is determined fixed i will go i will do this and the i that's the one and the remembering faculty of the mind is called chitta understand so this and if you purify anyone all the four will be purified because there is a package that's why thinking of god meditating on god honey think with the mind i try to think on god what happens my mind is getting purified my buddhi intellect is i'm confirming more my ego is centered there it is becoming pure and my memory will be god memory so purify the mind all these will be purified and as much purity will come so much light of the self will be expressing itself thank you all jaima jaima you