Video 10
10. Shanti Gita - Class 10 - Chapter 1, Verse 21 - 24
m he oh lord lead us from the unreal to the real lead us from darkness to light and illumination lead us from death to immortality and never more shine in our hearts with your resplendent face on peace peace peace be unto us so we are back to our study of shanti gita shri krishna's teachings given to arjuna second time at the point of his son being dead in the war on the 13th day of the war so this is like bhagavad-gita this is called shanti gita arjuna received god shanty or peace by having this teachings from bhagavan krishna so we have read we will be studying verse number 21 but just to recap we have read that verse number 18 taught us that during the deep sleep when you go to susti this visible universe all objects that are stored in the mind they are no more visible they are no more there the universe which is moving and unmoving non-moving all the objects appear in the mind when you are waking state so this universe perceived to the mind is not real because it is not real it is perceived now and it is perceived not the other time so the point is that it is to be understood that it is unreal because what is the sign of reality reality is that when you it is here now and after sometime it is not there real means which was in the time past what was in the present but in the future will remain the same that's called the real everything that is changing now i see i'm working straight i'm here and is seeing this room and everything but when i go to dream another world that is the reality and this is forgotten totally it has no place and then i go to sleep then this world under sleep dream all vanish but all are stored where in the mind that's why when you wake up again we come back to the waking experience so it is said vedanto brings a very great idea here so what you see is not real had it been real it would be with your experience now in your dream in your sleep and in your transcendental level but does not these things don't remain it is in time only therefore what is in the mind for a temp temporary period of time so that is only real for that period of time and not for the other period so therefore this is not real it is in your mind only therefore the universe is created by your mind very logical conclusion very step-by-step idea because it is in only mind when mind is in the working state we are seeing this so it is in the mind when you go to sleep then dream a dream state dream mind shows something that is real sleep when that it everything is absorbed in the mind itself withdrawn in the mind nothing is there and i don't perceive the world neither my friend neither my enemy neither i love one i never hate anyone neither in hollywood neither in india neither in america neither any part of the world i have no it is nothing all gone therefore where does it stay then it stays in your mind that's why it's called manakalpitam this world is your imagination of your mind therefore 19 verse also suggested that also it is such as supported by the sages and saints who have realized this truth she stayed before this creation only sought that reality absolute reality which is not dependent on past present or future was there and that is the statement of dupunisha so existence alone was there there is no other pretext or pretense before creation there was neither space nor even time neither five elements nor any product of these elements so so this is the experience experience of the seers of truth say the state of nirvana buddhism it said nirvana a state why they call it state though is a stateless state you cannot say is a state but it is an experience but they experience something so that experience transcends all this impermanent something and it is not definable so it is not said anything but it is an experience so here it is said that this that is the experience of the sages that there is sachidananda maybe buddhism will say in a different language but any avedante will say it is saccidananda and that is the experience of the sages they say that there was no other reason of this creation before creation there are only one thing there is no space no time neither five elements air water fire all this we see neither any product of these elements that means whole universe of diversity then where did it come from then she krishna said in verse number 20 what we read the other day maya bhijimbi tasmin it is maya has created cosmic ignorance has created this means cosmic ignorance as is the example eboot like shrak means the garland is misunderstood to be phony means the snake a garland in darkness is superimposed on the garland the concept of your snake the snake was in your mind snake was not in the rope in the garland garden was garland but your com mind was thinking of snake and that snake is projected on that pure garland and you got totally afraid and strong and you're fearful and cried and whipped and everything so this world is like that so it says like that snake appearing on a garland maya that's a cosmic ignorance as the world appears on the world as world but what is the substratum upon which this misconception come like there was a garland their snake came by my ignorant mind but the cosmic mind that's called the god's mind his mind imagined there is the world but the world is coming on what the ground like garland is brahman sachidan that eternal reality which is experienced in transcendental state the sages which they cannot express to the language but they only say yes [Music] chandragupta says it there was such only existence reality was there only before this creation creation of this name and form creation but who created is maya the cosmic ignorance has created this drama and by the influence of maya that existence appears in the form of this varied universe all these changes how many varieties of plants animals human beings trees and endless creation has been created by the cosmic ignorance as your individual ignorance is creating your dream you create the dream you create all the people in the dream you curate all the cars and road and sun and the moon no one does but your mind creates all this so if your mind has such power that power comes from individual ignorance so now you think cosmic ignorance what he can do he can do the cosmic stars and nebulas and necks galaxies and everything whatever you see it is created in the cosmic mind so this is the this far we read no no opposite way because our individual ignorance is a part of the cosmic ignorance a bubble is a part of the ocean ocean is not a part of the bubble so that's why the issue has created ishar mind is a cosmic mind god's mind is called cosmic mind so cosmic mind my mind is a part of that that's why cosmic mind created the stars and galaxies i as an individual mind i also see this star certainly you also part of the cosmic mind you also see the tree as deep crow as crow that at a tiger as tiger lion has land and plant as planned so i all we all see the same thing because we are a part of that cosmic imagination but this cosmic imagination is imagined by this individual that you are just you are trying to understand this situation these are all logic at the experience everything will vanish so don't talk about that if you are in that level you will not put this question because you are questioning that means you are in the mind level so your mind then what from your mind comes that is the suggestion that is coming from the cosmic mind and if really one goes beyond the mind state of absolute oneness where is mind where is god that's why this is there is no god there is no demon there is no animal there neither the sun is there neither the moon is there is nothing only that the reality exists no so that is the point that so long we are in the realm of our own mind to understand how i am seeing if you say all is ignorance how you are saying it is the bulb chandelier you are saying it is a clock and i am also seeing the clock everyone is saying it is clock why everyone billions of people in the world say the sun is rising why because cosmic mind think that way and i being a part of that cosmic mind i am bound to think in the line right things just imagine just imagine what happens when you are working uh so in your dream when you are you are dreaming what happens you whatever you demand you dream you are the person you are the person you dream all the people in the dream is created by you they are directed they are fighting with you they are killing you even by your plan not the plan of the individual who is there because your mind has created all of them so if your mind can control all the people in the all the animals plant people everything is there controlled by your mind the cosmic mind controls all of our minds this is logical it is a logical thing now 21st verse says [Music] [Music] [Music] so now in this created universe in this ignorance everything is three three things are coming bhokta i am the enjoyer bhoga object of enjoyment tata bhogam it is done through some gentry instrument there is a tongue there is a food and there is me and then when they assimilate then my eating is complete so bhokta bhook hugong bhoga and bhogam bhuktam is the enjoyer of the person hi i am enjoying the food the object is the booga food and bhoga this action this three similarly corta i have created one cooking dish so i is the person how did you do with your corona instruments and action produced that object so this is the salad due to the impact of maya cortaca and gyatta ganum tata all the three three three gata mr noah i know the noir game the objective knowledge and ganum the knowledge we derive through this there is an object i am the observer so i am i know there is a piece of say furniture so i know i am the knower the furniture is the subject of my knowledge and my senses are helping the corona to connect with that and then gives a complete knowledge so therefore this gata ganum tata game all these is so real for you but all these are something about bhati it is like dream appearing before you servasa from all direction it science both like everything so running transition will be due to the impact of maya that very sought after why it is appearing not due to the impact of maya that very thought comes from from this world and therefore the enjoyer the object of knowledge enjoyment and the act of enjoying this tree or the actor action and the act and the knowledge no r and the known it's called triputi this whole world experience goes on because of the tree noah i know i'm the subject object and instrumentality to connect again and even even meditation also they say then data means the person who is meditating dhyano is the action action of meditation and he or object of meditation object may be different some may be putting nirakaru neerguno someone's putting nirakara saguna some may put sakara saguna like some put rama some put like god is infinite but with some knowledge that a god idea of the christianity and vedantic idea he has no form no quality so so three things are necessary on that real absolute truth only there is one substratum and all these imagination is coming three ways and they are they are defined like this so all this manifest in the reality the objects appear during the dream imagination so it is very interesting it is subnauti it is shining bhati shining like as you see your in your dream dream is shines before you know you are lying down in the bed and the night and whole night you are not dreaming but a particular time it shines it pops off from you no so where from pops up your mind from your mind it pops up but mind cannot do anything behind the consciousness is there so consciousness is the guiding force that allows you semi cosmic consciousness with the maya here is the mind individual ignorance cosmic ignorance cosmic mind and there it pops up so it's giving a concrete idea about how this universe is perceived by us now 22nd verse [Music] swapna [Music] this due to the impact of maya and maya individual look we are all sleeping sleeping in our sleeping in which sleeping in our we are not aware that we are divine we are divine we are pure we forgot that we are infinite i am sleeping as a result this is a maya ignorance so nidra so in like a dream this entire universe is appearing that only cause of this for everything is due to maya so maya nidra because of the maya nidra due to the influence of the maya sleep maya is like sleep cosmic sleep shop now like dream it they are all dream sangsaa this world the moving movement of the individuals is happening undoubtedly karanam the cause being the atman organ i do not know myself that's why i am deluded that's why i am seeing these mistaken objects but sangsaras the samsara appearance is happening over you know so what does it mean it means due to the impact of the maya sleep the dream like changeable world and the created individuals all manifest in it ignorance rest on the self alone and is the only cause of this world appearance so again the what is the ground on which you know to make a mistake you must have to some background sometimes we see someone from a distance and we say oh oh i thought that from a distance i didn't sorry sorry i didn't understand that you are not mr such and such sometimes but that is the ignorance always you say sorry it is my mistake no in mistake only we don't recognize the truth so due to the impact of maya this whole universe is sleeping what the name of the sleep maya sleep as i saw maya sleep and we are sleeping in individually it is called the individual ignorance sleep of the individual ignorance so that is maya and individually we will say abita so due to the impact of the maya sleep because god wanted to sleep the brahman wanted to sleep that's why as it were there is no sleep for brahman there is no there is no such thing at all but where to understand they are giving the example that it is like a maya sleep then when the maya sleep this world of dream as as is our experience we see our dream so the cosmic world was came out upanishad says that i am alone then i will be many as soon as he said i will be many must this whole universe was created so this is the maya sleep it is like dream like situation of ours this changeable world and the created individual etc manifest in it as in us night time in our dream experience all these appear suddenly in our from our mind so in this maya impact of maya sleep this cosmic world which is barrier creation has sprung so where that is rested where the maya rests maya rests on brahmana where our sleep our dream rests on what rest on my mind but the mind rests on what our individual self what we call atman so that is brahman this is atman now they will make these two together my dream is sin in my mind what is his background mind is there because i am here that's why my mind similarly the whole universe is the maya slip what is the ground on which the maya is maya sleep maya is sleeping it is from the like makkali's image just imagine makkali's image on shiva shiva is the white snow white pure absolute sachida and he is sleeping no we see that shiva is sleeping and because of that sleep mother comes up my asakti and in that maya shakti she creates he sustains he maintains everything is coming over there as i am here a conscious entity i go to sleep and my maya is my ignorance it springs from my mind and it creates my dream world but the dream is impossible if there is no mind and mind will not be there if the atman is not there so this huffman and the cosmic consciousness are one that will be without the conclusion i am that so it is this it is a wonderful way of looking at that will be vedanta student will move in the world work everything but they will think this is cosmic play of the cosmic drama of god and he is making us move around no as you as you in your dream you make all your participants in the dream act what your my your mind dictates all the sub those minds are created by your mind 20 people you see in your dream or five people all the five people's mind have been created by your mind to act in different roles it is like a producer a creates an acting with actors and actors will have to say whatever they like they that will not do actors will actors actresses will have to memorize the producers wish the dick whatever is written there they will have to say and act accordingly so in sen in a sense the acting is producers minds acting or the writers playwright playwright whatever way he has what she has written and producer accepted is okay i do i'll do a film and then on that he is actually everyone is saying something everyone someone is fighting someone is loving someone is dancing someone is all clan of the producer so this is the producer is we call god here and god's planning we are all puppets in the hand you know even you can bring very wonderful spiritual ideal of bhakti yoga everything is controlled by you think that you are doing everything yeah this is a hallucination this is called you do nothing if you look back to all our incidents and happenings actually we have very little power to do anything to change anything to do anything as if it has to happen happen but we sometimes think i went that's why it happened that you are thinking but why you're thinking you're going is happening that day why not the other day it says all situations are linked together by cosmic mind so we are all so if you think that way then we have no responsibility we are free why i am burdened with my karma what is my karma our karma comes because i become the boss in the dream one of the participant in the dream thing i am the boss but he's a fool his mind is dictated by my mind if i am dreaming it is your mind one mind wanted to play all the people there according to your wish so this is the idea to think now maya need to draw us up that's why the reason not knowing our atman not knowing ourselves it is only cause of our worldly appearance so it is said that the dream like changeable world and the created individuals like all of us manifest in it in the maya sleep so ignorance rests on the self alone our ignorance individual ignorance what we are feeling because what we are work was we are all human beings it is because of the small our individual self and is the only cause of this world appearance if that ignorance is gone lifted that veil is different from us now at this moment then this world appearance will dissolve it will be all brahman that's why sankara buddha at the height of their experience they so transformed instantly they see that this world is vanished it's only an appearance appearance appearance appearance has no reality in the movie when it is cast on the what you call the screen it is an appearance it has no reality but it appears sometimes it is so real people cry and weep or anything happening on the screen we are being affected by that though we know there is not a reality real person is working there it's a false image it's called imaginary thing it is a projection that's a projection lamp is necessary to project the film no and film is a film no no no man is there entered into it but it appears like that so this is the idea now 23rd verses [Music] because of the distinctive nature of the trigunas and their difference in ignorance and they are the product of ignorance three gunas are where three gurus come out of ignorance no maya you also get cosmic ignorance also they are satorajas and thomas manifest so again ignorance due to different in the qualities and also sakti vedano there are different manifestation of power also some where more power manifested somewhere less power manifested no in the sea in the external world one big leader and be fooling the whole country just shakti power his power is so overwhelming that so many millions of people are have no voice as it were you know we are all different why somebody we can understand we are all brahman but we are all different in our manifestation of that brahman somewhere we give the example all our electricity in the background in your computer that was tiny light when you in the night time you see that one tiny light and behind thousand more thousand watt lamp in the same electricity but it's a question of manifestation here is big here is less so we are all manifestations of shakti different diverse sakti and diverse quality some may be satto quality manifesting some rajas some tamas but these three gunas are not independent not that only shatto is there shatner is associated with rajas and thomas three are all called the decoys they are all burglars the three gunas they take away our spiritual wisdom and knowledge but satyagan knowledge is good because it takes us closer to god rajasthan is ego pride haughtiness arrogance huh says rajas and thomas will be dullness callousness ignorant all this so because of the trigunas and the three powers manifesting to them the varied universe with varied capacity has been created so maya maya and avida they are all underground they are the same ignorance maya is also ignorance cosmic and aveda is also indeed individual ignorance so individual ignorance and cosmic ignorance now wipe out cosmic and individual what remains ignorance ignorance into cosmic ignorance one good thing is that cosmic ignorance there is majority is sattha quality shaktiko quality that's why god creates he knows that he has created he is not bound and we are thomas more as a result we know we don't know even we are reading still we don't know but amongst us who have developed this thomas to rajasthan sattva for those satiko jivas they are close to the truth they see they experience the truth closely but as we are now we are cosmic ignorance or individual ignorance and individual ignorance is a part of the cosmic ignorance so the ignorance really is due to the difference in attributes and powers we are all ignorant but ignorance is different in different person in a classroom there are 50 students each is a student they are not past the examination but there are some bright student a plus a b c downgrade anything is there if so these are all manifestation of the power no but everyone is a student everyone has capacity that that's why they are entered into the school but according to the power different and also nature someone is very sweet loving someone is very naughty and disturbing so these are the way the creation is continuing so ignorance really is due to the difference in attributes satya rajasan thomas and in the manifestation of the powers the illusory force that is the maya which actually has overwhelmed us the cosmic ignorance is the same as abhidha there is no difference both the same one in the cosmic level one at the individual level individual ignorance both being illumined by the reflected consciousness why i am here my ignorance is there but behind the sun reflection the consciousness is here mere ignorance will not be able to do anything unless there is consciousness mere reflecting media is there suppose reflecting media is a lake but there is no light sun there is no sun to reflect on then it is all dark so behind it there should be conscious light in the conscious light is called brahman an individual case we call it atman but now what is this man it is a reflected consciousness because you see the same sun if it is reflected in ten pots it looks ten different depending on the color of the water in the jar or the size of the jar this same sun will appear so many pots so many jiva individual soul that's why it is said you we are called cheetah bhasa chidaws is a technical term chit means consciousness avaso is reflected in the lake of mind consciousness reflected in my mind that is making me consciousness reflected in your mind it is you and that reflection overwhelms us it acts to our emotions to our memory through our intelligence to our ego so that is the on karuna they say in that the reflection of the consciousness false chit of that sun is called the chit consciousness consciousness reflected on individual and consciousness is also there in the cosmic so reflected consciousness makes it is sure or makes it jiva that is the distinction so i will ask for some questions i am going for another something next verse and then 25 24 i'll read and then afterwards we'll go for some question answer if you have anything to think of the question and then you can put it 24th verse say so 23rd what's what we learned no again you know it is ignorance really is due to the difference in ignorance it is difference between the attributes and the powers subterra thomas or what power how much power is manifested 0 to 1 000 100 the illusory force that is the maya that is the cosmic ignorance is the same as individual ignorance both being both are illumined by the consciousness supreme that is the reflected consciousness why it's called maya because it is a cosmic level and what is called individual also now 24th birth my [Music] [Music] reflection on the maya it is making jiva isho jiva money who is god who is being it is only the manifestation of totality or individual cosmic level of ignorance there the sun reflex it's a brighter sun luminous sun big one and in individual one bubble we we are all one one small bubble the same sun's rays are falling it is reflected it shines also remember in the early morning if you look at the grasses when the dew drop falls no and sun rises and sun's reflection sparkles on all and also think now sun reflects on the pacific ocean so it is a question of same sun reflected in me is called sarvadevan it's not dead it's acting that's called jiba i am an individual being you are an individual being all individual being or individual being because the reflection of that sun to consciousness is in my one drop of water in me and that has his power satya rajas and thomas what is preponderance it is more of the sakta or more of rajas and more or thomas depending on and the power to manifest that is me different from you you different from another so these are the difference but this reflection is due to jiva and in the cosmic level when it signs big sun reflected in the big pool of water it even they go down you see the calm motion what we'll see light light light as you drive you'll find the reflected light penetrating there so that is called ishara his power is infinite he creates sustains destroys all the power is gone and also there is a saktika quality more but there is also rajas and thomas three gunas will be always together but who will be dominating that's a different thing if shuttle dominates then rajas and thomas will hide their power and rajas dominates then you see when when someone become arrogant anything you don't see him a noble person sweet person that they all are gone as it is no they are hiding there and thomas a very brutal person very very very dull idiot that when that grows up his subtle quality his active quality all gone when you feel very tired and sleep where goes your wisdom where goes your capability did work you are nothing you are just lying now no so when thomas takes place other two subsides they don't say anything when rajas takes up then satya and thomas will be subsiding they have contract yeah we are all all thieves we should have to cooperate with each other there's a good agreement so similarly even in the when reflection comes the cosmic ignorance that's why we call ishara ishara the god has created the world and in the nishara there are also different gods some may be sattha supersato some may be little rajasmur little thomas more among them there is also that's why there is jealousy in the god's world also is it not god's also fight with each other they don't they fight yeah they are looking there what is that that she want the worship of behula so there is story there is a story that one deity she wants the puja of of a merchant manosha devi but that guy is a devotee of shiva so see i am worshiping shiva why shall i go to your you but no you have to other if you don't worship me no one will never worship me so anyhow so she was to take him into his fold so much trouble came in his life he was lost his husband lost this lord and husband did this so anyhow but ultimately their love conquered that's a different issue but it shows that there is some jealousy among them why they are the hindu is the boss of them is the prime minister others are ministers all in the heavenly world they are all ministers they have jurisdiction to rule this department that department but there is a boss among them he is called indra indra is the boss that means he has a greater power and also story we hear that when in the upanishad can open when they were proud about their conquering the demons there was a conference going on kenya punisher says and then there appeared something in which cannot be recognized it's called jaksa jaksha appeared and then all the gods went there to recognize who is this jaksa no one could uh understand then all came back and then indra went there the king of all the gods and then he meditated and because sattika more subtle so the mother appeared in his vision and said oh my child did you not understand it is the lord himself eh it is the c is the consciousness behind all brahman he is called brahman could you not recognize by his power only you have conquered everything so he's giving the knowledge of final knowledge of brahma ghana now so indra got that knowledge first so is among god but there is some difference so it is duality main thing is there is duality so in this duality reflected consciousness is there reflected consciousness here everywhere of us so this translation will go that maya has you know because of the abbas reflection on maya and individual ignorance jivo individual soul and isha god karoti prithak they are separated because of this maya maya bhavati so when maya reflection happens in the maya cosmic ignorance then it is called isha the lord god and abhiddha padhys when it is in a small dot of water or a small pool of water then that is called jiva as we are we are all jiva individual soul so due to its reflection on maya it makes two different entities that individual soul jiva and the cosmic soul ishwara when shining through maya brahman appears as god and by imposition of abiddha ignorance individual ignorance it is it creates jiva i think it is easy to understand when it is cosmic level it is called ishara the creator god by whose will the whole universe has come galaxies are stars and nebulas and to the micros microcosmic to the macrocosmic everything is going on it is ishara and that's why we cannot be sharon swami vivekananda well speaking he has mentioned this many of the western people misunderstand this we also wrongly say the word when you say god when you say god it is not the same concept as the christians are thinking god is nirakar but our god is the creator god so that god is not the same idea what is carried in vedantic god vedanti god is that cosmic ignorance appears like that and that the capability of the universe come this is all unreal but god is not like that god has created yes this is true or everything is like real individual soul is also real no here comes that distinction that god is shara and jiva so jiva is you are jiva so long that ignorance still guides me controls me if i can conquer that the ignorance then my jib hood will go what will remain my shiva hood will remain is the example ramakrishna gave 10 jars filled with water so how many sun you see now 10 reflected sun and one original sun you break one one jiba is gone because you cannot find reflection anymore there are nine pots so nine reflected an original one break one by one one by one one by one so you see jiva are almost gone gone everything can go when the last breaking is done how many sun who will say one no you cannot say no one no two if you say one there is two so there is nobody to say because all the jews are gone jeeves say it is i am one you are two you are three you are see four when jiva goes away that's why those who see god they see god everywhere only in different costumes so there they are they are free from all entanglements and bondage so this is the very good idea to think on this line it makes us clear now we are having your questions i will end it here my reading to up to this verse so 25 will start next day 25 okay oh [Music] too okay so ananda reddy i'll be grateful if you could tell me where i can get this shanti gita in mahabharata reference chapters loko numbers probably you have not ananda you have not started listen to my earlier talk if you can go to our vedanta org and watch my previous beginning talks there we have mentioned and discussed on this it is actually not incorporated into mahabharata it is not there in mahalarata like gita is there in the mahabharata because it it has happened the the time period and other things we have discussed for so many reasons and it was told not during his lifetime of krishna it has oral tradition and it came down from what is called this the king parikshi parikshit had it and then come down to like that it is serious and santa and then satanica and he told to the king anyhow there's a after long after that it is the oral tradition and in some period of time it has recorded it is a very old text we don't find much but i we can find it our on our giveaway here what we say you are please see the link there you will find uh past two three classes please go and you will find it but you can get the text as i am supplying the text online you can get it there and i am translating it for that reason because it has never been translated into english and also long back there was one edition in bengali and that may be available but not no english translation and that is also not literal translation it is bhabha nuwat it is more explanatory and it's not available maybe only online it is available anyhow so it is not a part of muhammad oral tradition but it is there you can get it in this and there will be transliteration and and devanagari will be given online in this dream go i do not know who the name is not given in this dream like existence why are things this way what is the reason for the human form why is it not the dream something else dreamer has previous information about the human form yes that's true but you know this question your question is very pertinent that why this play this dream is like so bad no why it is copied why people are misbehaving with others why people are becoming so mean unkind and why not love why not that should be their way of doing but that question does not happen realistically in our dream dream is dream when you are out of the dream you know that it was a dream it has no reality but when you are in the dream then it is so real that is the play of the dream maya so swami vivekananda said that when you are dreaming and in the dream you found that someone has a one tiger is chasing you and in that dream are you running running running to save your life and suddenly your dream backs then what happens why why the dream tiger came if you put in the dream time you don't get any response it makes sense yes dream was to come tiger was coming is true now you wake up then you so know that it is only it's the imagination of the mind so this is the imagination of this world why this way why that way in the imagination where is right or wrong everything is imagination everything is the play of the mind it is cosmic minds play so because of that it is happening so yeah we cannot question this that why it is happening because this question will be irrelevant when will be awakened that's why you look at that sankhara sartre he said sankara says that you know i was watching this universe but why at this point of experience why did it vanish everything is gone gatham where did it banish kenoba anitam who has stolen away as if to add this universe before my knowledge dawn i was watching so real and it's all gone nasty kim nothing is there mountain buddha what is strange thing so we will also say the same thing what a strange thing i was so much worried i was so much tense i could not sleep days and nights why this dream why this bad dream no dream it's dream is dream there is no meaning in it it's a mad guy's dream and that's why you call maya that's what i call ignorance okay thank you acreage i do not know [Music] another question why did god create a need for creation can the reason only be realized by each individual yes why god create and need for creation normally we do not know why god creates i who am i to say why god creates but god as ramakrishna said god is like a child he creates plays is a play play of the lord lord plays in varied ways why he plays why he plays there is no meaning if you look at the children why they play why they go to the beach and create so much castle and this and that with so much sincerity and love and very busy he's always collecting this water from the ocean and mom is relaxing and the children are i saw in the beach and they're ready are busy very busy very serious they are making all the designs of the thought and this and that and then mommy said let's go and kick that and run away yes so why creation why this seriousness why nothing it cannot be said that's why it is called ignorance that is the maya it cannot be explained definition of maya is what you know maya universe it cannot be ascertained or near virginia and is it sought for the submarine it is there but when knowledge comes it disappears so it is there it is not there its characteristic cannot be defined on irbachenya durgya you cannot understand through your intellect because your intellect is a part of that maya when maya will go your intellect will also go so you there is nobody to understand that so these are the reasons so god created why we cannot say it is his maya or it may be in another language is god's play god wants to play who is playing with whom in vedanta he is the only player and he is playing with him most examples favorite example i always give what is that example suppose you enter into a room where millions of glasses are there reflecting glasses of different curvature convex concave d is that this that all over you stand one person in the middle and you see what million reflected you but all the reflected you is true or you are true all reflected things are because of the glass that's the maya that's the organo that's the mirror in which the same pure person looks like so deformed you know there's a convex lens your face will look like that the concave lens it will look like this no so it's not you that's why this universe looks like that but it is you are nothing you are unchanged nothing has happened is maya's play going on so there is it is very difficult why but this is a fun for fun people do so many things no they go for skiing my common example ah cross country skiing or some skiing and break their arm and leg and then are baba why did you go there you could have enjoyed your home and see they watch the television and months something and eat and sleep and observe something but no people go for why do you play soccer and then get injured why is pound why people go for boxing it's a fun why did you do that ready you have to break your neck and that's a competition big competition and and people are interested see how many people watch that why this fun that's why we cannot explain only can the reason only be realized by each in yeah reason cannot be understood but we can reach the truth when the truth will be experienced then this world will vanish automatically then you will faint like sankara will say where is this universe i saw just now everything is disappeared what a miraculous thing marvelous thing okay so it is god's play we can say or it is due to maya we see like this we cannot understand this ramakrishna said we cannot understand god's play why he does why he does not there is ramakrishna said one thing that what is god is doing what he said god is pushing one elephant into the eye of a needle and bringing out out of that so it's pushing and pulling pushing and pulling an elephant to the eye of a needle what does it mean this is impossible possible this maya is impossible possible this is not possible but he made it possible by his magic power so it is for that realization can only solve this problem and then rani garira could you please re-explain vedanta god oh and break down to god made unto god is that actually many places we began to god what we use for brahman in the in the flow of language we sometimes misuse here god is shogun normally in in one sense when we say god the creator sustainer god means sometimes people think there is in the heaven someone is sitting he is the god he has created the all the time you see god we put our finger like this meaning we have our conception that god is sitting in heaven he's like man very in tremendous intelligence by wish he can create there is a beautiful flower in the heaven and this and that that is the concept normally we carry but vedanta god is that where it is all transcending all time space condition and all the space time and all this duality is vanished he does not create he does not um but we are talking about creation with that because we are discussing this in reality god the absolute it has no no two no one e come evil adithyam there's one without a second that is the god normally we miss sometimes misuse the term god and so people think in their mind i am talking about the saguna god who controls who creates who is sitting there with the rod in hand if you do this mistake your sin will be punished so punished who will punish me there is a god god will come descend god will come and then judgment day you will be judged so this is the concept one side but vedanta says god who is god there is no such god god is brahman but sometimes we use the term god god god so it should be careful god is the absolute what is beyond time space and condition the need guna and then if you say saguna then yes he creates but he has no body he has no form he has not also but he can he can again take a body you cannot say he cannot do this if you say cannot do this then you are limiting his power but god can do that creation sustenance destruction that's why he called brahma vishnu maestro hindu trinity there are many concepts but vedantic god is that god it is not created nothing created no you no me no god that's why in vedanta sometimes yes said i am there is no god ner god has been dethroned swamiji used a language in vedanta god has been dethroned there is no god it's you consciousness you are that and you and the divine are one thank you hope it makes little sense and again is the waking state any more real than the dream state yes for us is the waking state question any more real than the dream state yes for us but in reality you look at that if we analyze this point really this waking state is less or more no now waking state is the only reality for me is it not and now you think you are in the dream where you are dreaming dream is the only reality to me is it not what is the trace of this working state though it is hidden in the mind but for me dream is as real as this i am hungry in the dream really i'm hungry i'm perspiring for breath really i'm prospering for breath in the in the dream as it here no so people see so many experiences there is no difference of these experiences that's why your response will be it is as real as waking state is as real so the dream is that much rare but that will come to our experience when we are free from our ignorance king janaka he could see as in the drift that was his doubt jonathan's great story jonathan saw that in the dream that another king has attacked him and and and he was defeated and then that the other king has declared his head and he's running away from the country to another country to save their life with the queen and children princess and if that force is changing changing staging they and ultimately they almost was going to be caught and in the terrible situation he has lost his wife he has lost his children and at that terrible time he just did break and the dream break it was in the morning time he was the king janaka and the flute the musicians were playing the wake of the kings there is a tradition the musicians will start playing flute and music beautiful music which is good for morning time mood to create morning mood and he saw that morning mood he could not believe am i am i dreaming the king chased me and i was killed it became so impressed so he was overwhelmed and then he could not understand what is real this is real or that real and then comes the question then he came to the court his wife the queen he's asking is this real or that here the queen said huh what are you talking but he couldn't she could not understand then he went to the court the ministers is this real or that real they don't understand what is that real what is this real and then actually he became so serious then the ostrava crook came and said austral appeared and suddenly and said he asked austral is this real or that real because ostomaker is a ghani for excellence so he said oh king this is as real as that is real that means when you dream dream is the real and reality there is nothing the world is not there so it is real and now it is real because dream is unreal now in the dream time this world is unreal this experience is unreal and at the time of dream this becomes unreal so these are both real in the eyes of a noir of truth and for us everything is real in ignorance another question are we all born in three gunas is that the carried over from prior birth not birth from the very beginning birth happens in the three gunas the world is created in the three gunas and the gita it says this whole vedas the creation etc and the vedic wisdom and the vedas means this what vedas talk about it is within the range of three gunas and we are all born of trigonas and where that guna is creating our character and we are moving from one life to the other life that's a continuous path until and unless we become tamaso we overcome thomas by rajas and rajas by shaktwa and sattvia the knowledge until then this coming and going will remain and our slavery under the three gunas will remain okay thank you all more is there baba today all the questions are coming one by one when one gets liberation then is he or she away from three yes of course when three gunas dominate so long we are ignorant as soon as knowledge dawns the gunas cannot stay there and they have their knowledge and three gunas the three gunas are called ignorance these three gunas are called maya also trigonate maya is defined made of the three gunas so satya rajasthanis are the trigonos and they are under the spell of maya if when one gets liberation or one gets the knowledge and wisdom then maya his darkness goes his quality also goes away rajasthan like ramakrishna into samadhi three gunas beyond the three gunas but when he comes down he's super sad thick super satin that's why he cannot get the touch of everyone he cannot eat the food offered by anyone if it is not that pure so because it is coming into the body and when he is beyond the body the world does not exist for him there is no question of any goonas there okay yes so we should try that when when the three gunas we can overcome that that is our spiritual practice okay thank you all jaima om shanti shanti shantihi harihim that's be you