Video 98
99: Panchama Veda 99: Gospel Of Sri Ramakrishna
this stotra turbo khatam rhythm dr. G venom kobe VI rhythm calm asha pom shravana mangalam srimad additem booby grinning de bourrée da jana again and again is a reminder those who are afflicted in this worldly life not that they are not having the money not that they are failure afflicted because they have understood the Foley the temporariness of this world that's why they are afflicted then only they come towards God for the total liberation for the peace absolute peace so that is the main thing that's why they say your word the words of God that gives the peace why that to tells the truth and what are those truths that this world whatever it may be to you it is temporary going to change and anything that is changing cannot give you permanent happiness it is impossible from a temporary thing how can you expect permanent happiness so obviously we have to understand this and then what to do we have to go to those people who have already crossed this achieved that eternal peace which is called God realization if we go to someone else who has not realized not experienced it is of no use you won't be able to tell maybe that he will be telling in a very wonderful language something very attractive but ultimately at the end of the day they'll be misery because of that misery we aren't to go beyond the misery we have to go to those people who have realized here is one the Bhagavad see Ramakrishna who is giving us through different conversation conversation with different people the wonderful teachings we have already studied that ceramic richness telling in different places what are the steps what are the things that one should do to realize God to reach to that permanent happiness the eternal peace what are the things eight steps we find what that first is holy company second is living in saluted then performing one's own duty fourth discrimination understanding the words that has been that hard from the holy person then practice fifth is the practice six comes the failed and then seven is the prayer and eight complete self-surrender these are the eight steps the begins with the holy company and we have again and again discussed who is the holy company God is the only holy company and those who are trying to realize God trying to reach God they also constantly trying to tell the same words repeat those words that has been uttered by The Messenger of God so these here we find raghavan see ramakrishna himself the god incarnate as human being and he is telling karma phala that is one of the main thing of the Hinduism whatever we do physically mentally intellectually all those things are karma the action anything any action has reaction anything that any reaction as the result that the reaction is the result now what is that result who is going to enjoy the result if it is good who is going to suffer for that the person who has committed that naturally the karma phala as they call it in sanskrit this is very very important why should we be moral because of this if I am secretly doing something wrong apparently no one could catch me no one could understand what I have done but ultimately it comes back to me either good or bad effect so that is called karma phala now the last discussion that we heard the ceramic ISNA was discussing with a tantric the person who is the follower of Shakti now he is telling that we have to maybe that we are trying to realize God maybe that we are concentrating meditating we are going to on pilgrim in a pilgrimage and giving donation everything good that we are doing but karma phala the action that we have already done the result is going to come on us isn't it he said it is true but for the devotees it is different and that is the assurance for the devotees it is different why because they are surrendering themselves to God because they are surrendering the natural it is the responsibility of the God himself to protect them and that is why he said that may be so but it is different with the devotees of God then he was expressing that thing through a song and it says afterwards anyone who dies in the banaras that is the belief faith he says then we find that dialogue continues and here he says when a man marches himself in God he can no longer retain wicked or sinful tendencies so look at it this wonderful thing when a man merges with God that is very important unless and until we are marching with God realizing God we are praying and all those things out there this is the beauty of the Hinduism they always inspire people to go and Marge it got to become God the neighbors say that you can never realize God they say you can and not only that you are part and parcel of the God you have to become God and that is the goal that so a vagabond see Ramakrishna said the goal of every human life is nothing but God realization and this is very important most of us we are practicing religion and we are doing so many things and also one is religion but we are not that with things here we are not that way 1.8 that we must realize God very very few that's why in one song it says the sadaqa is telling that there are millions of kites up there in the sky only one or two that gets totally free and it goes away in the air floating the t complete that freedom from the bondage is very difficult why ego an ego is so strong and ego is so subtle we do not understand when the ego is really acting and when it is acting even the religious people the holy people and sometimes they will think that I am holier I am very close to God and I have every right to dictate and direct the people towards God they go into that cocoon they go into that thought that I can do it but it is not possible that's why this is very difficult and Serrano Krishna is telling that when a man Marge's himself in God he can no longer retain wicked or sinful tendencies this is the test how I will know that he is a very holy man he may claim he may put on different dresses he may put on different signs he may be in a very good big and a religious organization but what is the test how will understand what is the gear stick to understand your holy man he says they will never remain weak head or sinful tendencies that is the main test why because he has must with God he has realized God what is the realization transformation into the god this is one thing one point every devotee every student of spirituality should keep in mind to whom I am going whom I am going to accept as my teacher as my guru this should be the person so that's why see Ramakrishna is very clear then the tan ricas said yes you have said rightly but that person keeps knowledge ego this man was going on talking with him he knew something so naturally he was out conversing with him ceramic is New Year's he keeps only the knowledge ego what is that knowledge I am God that God is everything God has created this universe God is the only one and nothing else remain that is called knowledge and that knowledge is constantly there if you call it a ego maybe it is a you go so that knowledge ego the ghana ghana obviously that ego that knowledge is not like the ego that i am having connected with the body connected with this emotion one every time whatever I say I is connected with this body and connected it might aughts and emotions and natural reactions everything it is not that it is the ego of God I am the son of god when I am Telling that I am feeling proud happy that's all so you can call it the ego but that ego is not wrong it's not binding so he said yes devotee ego servant ego good ego Ramakrishna trying to explain it giving that he has the knowledge ego at the devotee you go also I am a devotee of so-and-so such-and-such god of the thought so that devotion anyone can be a devotee devotee is totally dedicated to a thought to a philosophy to an ideology that is a devotee that devotion must be 100 person going and taking from here and there on do i go here i go there i accept these I accept all so that everything no it is not like that the devotee means one-pointed i only love God again and again I quote Mary to Grigori log this ocoee that is the great devotee he is telling yes there are all other gods and goddesses are there I know I accept I have every respect but my god he is only Krishna and nothing else an audience and dad what Krishna means then we have to understand is not the personality that is a different Krishna sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja leaving everything aside you come to me is it Krishna that person no it is that ideology so that is the when you can totally accept that ideology then only you will get the blessings of God and if you take that personal thing that mostly we do and they are the conflicts between the religions there is a mistake someone is calling the same God the same ideology same ideal as Allah someone is god someone G over someone paga bond issuer but the same ideology that comes to us for them so that we can understand through some images personalities symbols and if I only stick to that and say this is the only thing there is a mistake and that brings all conflict that is the problem so here Serrano Christian is telling ego you can retain but it is knowledge ego devotee ego good ego servant ego etcetera then the tantric is thanking see Rama Krishna is telling today you have destroyed many of our doubts this is the uniqueness of ceramic ish nuh whoever came went back with satisfaction fulfilled the stunt rigger came then many others also came one gentleman came use a Christian he came to see Ramakrishna he said I saw Jesus in you and you are my Jesus and other person came was a devotee of Krishna he said you are my Krishna the Tantra tan trika he is telling you have removed my all doubts everyone is accepting him why what is his ideology his ideology is each soul is potentially divine that same God is there presenting as so many hearts same God again and again in different way not only he realized the god in different through different paths at the same time he has propagated it and giving so many examples and that's why anyone came to him from any walks of life from any philosophy they found that the same thing in him this is the uniqueness of ceramic ISNA the speciality of ceramic ich nur and he said assume de temasek aspect and ceramic ISNA here he mentioned all doubts disappear when one realizes the cell and he said you have removed all our doubts we are satisfied then he is telling the answer is no doubt will be there it no doubt to remain if you have realized the self in another place cinema Krishna's giving the example you have to go to the terrace the top floor and you can approach another approaches are different you can go through the elevator you can climb the stair you can climb from the outside ladder you can go in different the other processes are there ways that their means are there whichever you like you can accept that but after reaching on the top the same floor all these people those who reached over there through different prof the paths what they will see same thing the one who is reaching over there through the elevator the other one through the stairs will the see different things now on the way they will see different things on the way when they are proceeding they will have different experiences but after reaching on the top they will find it is all same this is a unique idea for the unification of different sects and religions this idea only can bring peace you need not to change your path need not to change your religion need not to change your faith need not to change anything of that you like but only one thing you should have that sincerity to reach to the top to reach to that ideal fast secondly the broadness to accept others also these are the two things which can solve all the problems that is there in the present day world with these two things one confidence and sincerity that i am going to reach to that top without hearting others criticizing others disturbing others destroying others i am going to reach over there and when the others are approaching their through different parts i appreciate them okay please come let us go you proceed in your own way I'm also going there and that is ceramic ISNA and that is why he is telling when you gave that all doubts disappear when one realizes the self why he said self because here he mentioned from the point of view of the Ghani you know in Hinduism there are four major paths and the Gianni's they say it is brahman of the self then yogi also they say it is the self and then the rakta the devotion they say vagabond the god personal God impersonal God like that and the Kermie also goes to the same place in either through God or the self so this way he said self meaning God done the same eco we find in the the famous upanishad is called mundo upanishad in the Mundaka Upanishad I find the wonderful that again and again most of the monks they will be quoting this bit don t diagon t Chianti sarba Sam say aha chianti jacia karmani Tosh Mindy step or robbery para para very clearly that means realization perfect realization perfect understanding perfect feeling of that same truth para aburro touch min Drishti that does mean Drishti having citing that seeing that para aburro completely that means marching that was ramakrishna say not just from the distance as many of the people constantly they are reading different type of philosophies and then making the notes and they can speak nicely on that they can tell this is the main philosophy of this person that person they have the intellectual understanding maybe but that one hell is it in it is a complete understanding hundred percent realization then what happened it says that three things happen one is the knot of the heart gates untyped not of the heart it is in a political way they are expressing what is that not desire what is the knot of the heart desires and because the desires are there it cha trishna tan ha in different ways it has been saved the Buddhist they call it turn ha and in the Christian they say temptation or desires and in in the Sanskrit also they say trishna busana Krishna actually literally means the thirst thurs forward to a cure things maybe is a property maybe is a name of a mac and from the society always we want to get that what happens to things if we get we are happy if we don't get we are unhappy so obviously it is reacting on our mind and the mind is bound by that again it is taking the same ship or that year last year I couldn't get the success this year again I will try I must get it I must get it I must get it that is there constantly is going on in the mind ultimately what when I get it I find that it is also temporary I am going to lose it afterwards so all my effort all my energy all I spin for something which is temporary so that particular moment i'm feeling happy then afterwards again I go back to the room of misery again suffering giving again frustration and that is the main thing there's call not and in it says bit dirty rydia grunty retire here there means the mind there from there that desire comes so if we realize God what happens ceramic ishness is all doubts the vanishes not an iota of taos is there really God is there is there having these having that so it all those will go if there is some practices spiritual practices and then the realization most of the people they will go on doubting things asking inquiring trying to know that is the different thing then the Orang gonna thames he wanted to know from ceramic ish nuh every time he was asking is it this is it that how it is how it is like this he was going on asking that is the inquisitive pneus to know nothing wrong in it but when he is a doubt is there i don't believe and naturally i like to put you in trouble by asking different questions these people do not get any benefit from their questions and unnecessarily they are disturbing they're not only their own mind the minds of others too they're polluting the others mind too so this is the thing sue Ramakrishna is giving the caution and here we find bit the idiot granthi she'd NT server some say aha what is the sam sia doubts all doubts become solved chick dental service Sam say AHA all doubts become totally solved chianti jasek Armani then his work karma the result of the work it becomes very very thin because it goes away all action becomes dissipated it goes away and he's dinner election not that he's simply sitting quietly and eating and sleeping now he is very very active constantly working but at the same time not at all affected by that one some people give a clapping appreciating and giving him so much a presentation felicitations is not part some people miss Kong they may criticize that is also not affecting and that is called there's no problem when perfectly it happens after the realization we find it is not only a theory is also we have seen in the lives of swami vivekananda the young show me who came all the way from India only to propagate the Indian philosophy to make peep other the whole world know about India and he was being criticized by his own countrymen again and again not one day again and again every step but no reaction why because he knew what is going to happen the realization was there that's why he was not at all affected by that how yes he has sometimes written to his other friends followers why you people are not doing something is for the good constantly the bad flow is coming from some people you have to react you have to stop that so that the good thing that is going to happen it reaches to the each and every one so all those things are there in his biography in that history is there but personally he was totally free of all those when you go and ask him are you part up did all this nothing how come how it is possible because he realized God because he realized Brahman because they saw that art Minh and there was no doubt that whatever is happening happening because of the gods will so that is called with the day hridaya granthi this is a very great sloka and afterwards bhagavan sri ramakrishna is telling that and he is giving a beautiful way how one developed devotion to God he says temasek aspect of bhakti there are three aspects of their sattva Raja and tama subtle means very calm composed very good Raja is also demanding active and thamma is always angry he don't like to share anything with anybody here is the very selfish he wants everything to grab in his own furrow for his own and cinema his name is telling utilized that that Tama here as a work thing and that will be good go and tell god are you only one to you and you cannot go to anybody else you must beat with me I have called you I have taken your name and why you should not come like this is the devotee and when that devotion is there the God is very happy and he is he is killing like this assume the temasek aspect above the say with force what I have uttered the names of Rama uttered the names of Kali how can I be in bondage anymore that is Thomas sympathy the complete faith I have taken i have taken the name of God the ones you take the name of God mind is totally pure nothing wrong is going to happen that type of bhakti was we have seen in the person in the life of girish chandra gosh apparently his life was totally different but inside he had hundred percent faith in God and that faith how much faith once ceramic is not touched he is aid and that he naturally within himself he came to that conclusion I am totally completely pure why because God has touched me the ones only when ceramic he was passing vivekananda was giving a class to his disciples he saw that Greece gosia they were old acquaintances jokingly he said where you are going I am going to bed in the Ganga the Ganga is a holy river for the Hindus so when you go take a deep you are purified that is the believe so Vivekananda said oh you are going to wash your sins there immediately he turned and said with one hundred percent confidence no I am going to make ganga purified by bathing why because Ganga has come from the feet of God and the same God has touched my head and more pure than the Ganga so that is the contrary is just nothing but he is his confidence but this type of confidence if we are having nothing is going to happen to me in the life of Lord Buddha is also the stories there he was a son of adding a king and he went to his guru's house for study that was the norm system in those days he was from Benares either to test him or for some other reason the news came somebody sended news the your father is sick and he is going to die you better come quickly and that news was given to him you were a student you go back because your father immediately he said it can never be because my father never did anything wrong that he will die so young but is not possible my father year to the confidence that is that the in the life of buddha he said no nothing is going to happen in my family because of each and every one of us we practice everything good nothing bad can happen here the hundred percent confidence that guru was so happy because the confidence because the faith because the faith in the words of God if you are doing good good is going to happen to you and nothing never wrong so in that way only the ceramic ish nuh is telling if you want to realize God except the path of bhakti it is easy and secondly that the tea should be like the temasek Bertie now and here here and now I want to see you God here and now again in the life of bhagavan booth do we find the same thing he SAT and he said he declared i am going to realize the truth here and now if not i am ready to die I only the seat to that is called temasek bhakti and he were singing if only I can pass away repeating do God's name it is the belief in the Hindus among the Hindus at the time of death all thoughts come except God because all the desires that all come up and it covers the whole mind and in our third comes only desires and it is said that what all those desires if I am thinking and dying that very moment nobody can help me only I am left to myself when I am dying i am on the bed no one can help me neither the doctors not the guru only myself and my karma so when I am going on repeating to myself oh I want these I want that these are the all desires then what happens I go back to fulfill those desires I am compelled to so that is why in the bhagavad-gita it is telling that particular moment when your life is going out of this body if you can whatever you can you will think you will go to that at that particular moment if I can think of God God I will become ceramic ich nur to make this point very clear he is telling if you bathe an elephant and leave it again it will go and it because the elephant likes dust so it will go and again on the mod it will go on eating this thing he never cares for skin should be clean so the the people who are handling the elephant's after properly bathing they will die it so it cannot go out with children also the similarly the mothers they will clean them put them the good dresses and keep them in one place so that they cannot run again and make that soil that dress no so that is why similarly our mind also the time of passing away if I can if we can anyone can take the name of God remember God God to become whole life maybe that they are not practicing religion but the last moment unfortunately we cannot take that shortcut okay in this life let me enjoy whatever way at the time of death I will simply enjoy I take the name of God no you cannot do that that moment all your previous karma they will come and grab your throat so obviously you have to take the name of God all through your life and this holy practice that will help you at a time of your death and the belief is if you are taking the name of Durga at the time of death you're free because it is a commitment of goddess she will come and protect you that is why here in the song that is writing army daraga god durga le ma jodimarie akira adini Notaro kimoni jana javi goes on curry is giving the challenge to that goddess shankari Durga goddess Durga at the time of death i am going to repeat your name remember your name and I will see how that you are not coming to save meeeee you are bound to come that is the challenge so much confidence and that is called Thomas a cup of tea if only I can possibly repeating the gods name durga durga durga bully jodimarie how can't doubt then Oh bless at one madruga we told from me deliverance Richard doh I may be a demon a DNA means a humble am though Richard I am but still you have to come and help me and then see Rama Krishna is telling continuing the conversation he is repeating faith faith faith vishwas Bashar swishers if you have the one say have the faith then you are free but it is very difficult all the time doubts dropping they will come and then say something so this is the problem how to develop fait CE ramakrishna stilling faith faith faith faith in what in the existence of God faith in what in the words of the Holy people like Jesus likes Ramakrishna like Krishna like Buddha so in the words of those people now how the faith will come in two things the life's experience when you see so many things are happening in our life and the second is when I believe someone respectable and then whatever he says whether I understand or not simply follow that when we are suffering something happened to this particular physical body we go to a doctor and with complete faith we give it myself to the doctor and say these are the problem and whatever you suggest I will follow doctor will say take these these days this way every two hours you should take a medicine and then these dent in that if you are following that you are free from that disease so that is the faith in the the doctor that he knows everything well so naturally when you go to a teacher and ask how to learn and he is giving the process these are the books you must study and this way you must study and then only in the your exam will be successful if I follow that I am successful the first is a faith first is a belief and then second day's practice whatever the instructions has been given to me from that person I have to practice that here ceramic ich nur the Guru he is the preceptor he is the spiritual guide is the spiritual teacher when he is asking us to behave like these practice like this if we believe that and practice that we are going to get the result that is sure so here he says faith faith and faith what less people do not have any faith only those what less they cannot do anything neither these neither that and they go on doubting and in English they call doubting Thomas everything they are doubting can every these can be that they cannot live inside the house thinking that it may break down fall down they cannot leave on the open maybe that there is art quake that's what will happen all every time shouting doubting and doubting and making their own life miserable and also the people attached with that particular person are also suffering because of the doubts so this doubt should not be there why first I go I examine I check a person whatever he is telling is he following that is those things are reflected in his daily actions in his character yes then I accept him and after accepting I follow him so that is the way see Rama Krishna told when a man Marge's himself in God he can no longer retain wicked or sinful tendencies within him there will be no sinful tendencies what is the sinful tendencies what are those sinfulness selfishness egoistic work that is called selfishness and that is why again this is called sinful and weekend so if I find a person like that if I go to him listen to him and then follow the result is always good obviously good what less people do not have any faith they always doubt but doubts do not disappear completely till one realize there's the self again that also the practical aspect of faith is also easterling I have faith in my guru I have faith in the scripture I have faith in the lives of the Saints but still is little doubt it may be there is it really good is really i am on the right track am I really proceeding properly so all these doubts will remain remain till we realize God that's why I ramakrishna sterling it may remain but till that I realize is God they say in Hinduism Kali Yuga said to you guapa yoga etc and Kali Yuga this present age is a worst why all people are what is the Kali Yuga mean the thing in Kaliyuga is the body consciousness too much of body consciousness and naturally they only want to satisfy their the physical need and physical desires though and then this offer is obviously it goes on round and round and to fulfill their desire they create problem for others that is also the bad work that is the tenets of the Kali Yuga now in the bhagavata there's a beautiful sloka is there it says o king is addressing the King greeted each o maharaja khalaby Chanti some buti'm greeted e critter critter means that means the set to yoga Satya Yuga is called critter what is the sector yoga when all people who are good that is called sakta yoga there's the best age but even in that time also people who are having the ego and naturally we cannot say there was that particular hyuga each and every one was free from ego limitation was their numbers of egoistic people were less but they were there now they say you know say the Omaha Raja that's a wonderful thing subtle yoga people from satya yuga is praying so that they can take birth in the Kali Yuga why this is because Kali Yuga liberation is very easy shut tha Yuga liberation is very difficult dopper yuga treta yuga liberation is difficult comparing with Kali Yuga to why it says in the kali-yuga devotion is there in the other you girls that much was not there so in the Kali Yuga if you follow the path of devotion is very easy to get the blessings of God so criticism Aaradhya collab ashanti some who theme oking surprising thing is that people of the satya-yuga want to take birth in cali because Mukti is easy there that time through devotion the ceramic ISNA is asking why didn't you take the path of devotion he says in genuine love of God there is no desire in genuine love for God there is no desire only through such love does one speedily realize God now Callie you got is very easy if you have the devotion but what type of devotion I go with a list whenever I go to the temple I go with the list to give it to the god these are my demands please fulfill I am giving you the sweets the fruits incense sticks and flowers all best variety now you should also fulfill all my desires that is not devotion there's a business so that is the thing we have to understand there's a funny story in a classroom the father was asking the children whom you think the best personal spiritual personality then all we're raising the hand one boy also raised he was in the first bench then he whom do you think Jesus Christ and he said if you can tell the truth and perfectly satisfy me i will give you five dollars so the first boy is the hand and the won't do you think that the perfect person he said Jesus but you are a Jew well that is actually different thing but business is business so I don't believe in Jesus but now if i say jesus being a father you will be happy will give me five dollar so business is business the other things so that is a business I go to Temple I go to church I go and pray and keep a big list of the God please do these do these do these when the gods say you are demanding so many things do you or don't you like to take me with that I will think afterwards so that is no devotion the only love for God that's why I ramakrishna is very intelligent people may say you told and these are the things you know the why we have chosen the the gospel of ceramic esna in the Tuesday he promised say Ramakrishna told whatever you prey on the Tuesday and of course on saturday is going to be fulfilled if you go to goddess Kali the Kali Kali means the Shakti the knowledge and that is ceramic kishna we believe and if you pray on the tuesday and saturday these at the very good two days very holy day your prayers will be fulfilled so if we are in the gospel all the time he is talking about the devotion the knowledge and if we pray to God give us devotion we will surely get the devotion if we pray to Him we don't understand what is God I don't know how to call on God we don't know how to pray we don't have any faith you help me he will help sure and if we pray I want money I want wealth I want prosperity that also he will give but temporary after sometime it will be the term will be over again you will be back to square one so that is why we have to pray pop early and here ceramic ich nur is telling in genuine love of God there is no desire only through such a lab does one speedily realize God attainment of supernatural powers and so on are all desires sometimes some people they come on all the time you know they'll be coming asking us Shami gee you don't have the supernatural power I to go and ask him 40 years I am at his door he has not given me anything what to do I am with him for 40 years serving him trying to please him in every way it is possible he has not given me to what to do but the supernatural power is also a desire the moment you get that what will happen you will feel I should help that person these one that one were you to do that they say hi philosophical question Who am I and who am I to help the world I cannot do anything there is a different aspect different discussion but ultimate thing is I only want the complete God and nothing else Saddam occasion is giving the end suppose you go to a very rich person and if he says here I am and this is mine a few bucks few dollars are there what do you want shall we go and take up that those maybe it's a bag full of money maybe it is a belief billion dollars no because we should go to the rich man because he is having so much why to go for that only if I can go and love him and if he likes me i will get everything that he is having so one should be very clever when we are bargaining when you are choosing we should love God for God's sake then I will become God myself so that is what see Rama Krishna is telling attainment of supernatural powers and so on our desires then can't Rica is continuing it is Sir why don't the rituals of Tantra beer fruit nowadays very practical question the today's nominee is also we are doing the same way the many of the Hindus and particularly people Hindus are coming from the southern part of India very fond of doing the again they are prefer being again but result is not there as we usually read in the scriptures he is asking why the rituals of Tantra bear fruit nowadays don't be a fruit master it is because people cannot practice them with the absolute correctness and devotion correctness and devotion if these two things are their attention should be paid science also we are listening to the professor and then he is asking us to go and have the taste before not doing it properly as was taught and not with all attention we won't get the result so obviously this is the one lady came one year you she was here she came all the way from India to practice that and without success she went back and blaming H and everyone that this university didn't give me that man didn't help me their daughter was not at toefl so now everything is over but ask yourself whether you were sincere did you really follow all the instructions that your professor your guide was given to you and you sincerely practice those things with attention so don't blame others blame yourself why that is why cinema krishna is telling people cannot practice them with the absolute correctness and ocean and in conclusion of this dialogue ceramic ish nuh the master he said love of God is the one essential thing a true lover of God has nothing to fear nothing to worry about he is aware that the divine mother knows everything then he immediately as his own speciality he is giving an example the cat handles the mouse in one way but the same cat when taking a its own kitten in a very different way the cat is going and catching the mouth of the teeth but it is killing but in the same way it is holding the kitten it won't kill it knows so if you are a devotee God will handle you in that way if you are not suffering like the mouse is having by the same God so this is what see Ramakrishna said and we find over here ananta Stinton to mom yeh jaana para su paucity in bhagavad-gita 9 chapter Deshawn it dubuque tanem yoga Shaima Bahama home ananas cinta completely devoted to me and always in contemplation worship Me The God to those did first devotees I ensure the fulfillment of all their desires warns and preserve their assets so that is the assurance we get but we have to have the devotion and devotion comes from faith and faith comes from the words of holy people thank you for this evening let us conclude with this prayer need an journal neat IAM ananta rupam popped on compa Drita Big Columbia Shabbat arum para Misha medium Tom Ramakrishna she Rosanna mama oh shanthi shanthi shanthi hurry you that's it Saddam o Krishna our eponymous to