Video 97
98. Panchama Veda 98: Gospel Of Sri Ramakrishna
let us begin with this mantra tabu khatam rhythm dr. G venom Kobe be rewritten Calma shop ahom rahbani mangalam srimad artem boo bakunin te URI deyana now in our last discourse we have discussed the instruction bhagavan sri ramakrishna has given to purify our mind that was the first class and there we were discussing the word the Bhagavad see ramakrishna's speaking about because the purification of mind is very very important what is the purification thinking of God and not thinking of the worldly things what are the worldly things the temporary and also selfish a test with ego so whenever we talk about the world things r is always temporary and attached with ego these are the things so that if we can overcome immediately our mind is ready to receive the god this human mind which we are putting in this temporary things and at this that there we are reacting sometimes we are liking sometimes we are not liking sometimes we are happy sometimes we are sad morose and all these things are going on and that is the reason we cannot concentrate our mind on that particular thing that is God that is permanent so people are going and asking so what to do now everything is nothing but the mind if the mind is thinking positive way it is positive if you are thinking in a negative way it is negative so all depends on the mind whose mind my mind so I have to control my mind guide my mind channelize my mind and that only you will take me beyond these problems of birth and death again and again happiness and misery again and again and then you it will take to a wonderful place which is tranquil full of joy and that is permanent that is the conception sometimes some people to speak about the god so that is now what is this mind flow of thoughts last time we discussed and what are these thoughts they are the past impressions and the present experiences also they're all collected by our puncher andreas then when we go to Saddam occasion and ask him how to purify this mind go beyond this taught flow then he gives us the eight instructions first his only company and second living in solitude third performing swans own duty fourth discrimination fifth practice of spirituality sixth faith seventh prayer and eight completely surrender to God so completely surrendering the god these are the steps so last two steps that is called prayer and that complete surrender is very very difficult why prayer is so difficult constantly we're prairie but the further prayer we need the faith and for the faith we have to go to the first tape that is called holy company or in Sanskrit as they call it sadhu sanga the holy company and there when we see the holy people when we listen to them here to them read in the books then slowly we develop the faith God is there again and again Sri Ramakrishna is telling God is there anyone can see God anyone can talk to God so these are the words that if we believe then we we start and if we have that faith ultimately complete faith add in comes the prayer eternally perfect sages like prelada Sri Ramakrishna is telling eternally perfect sages like prahlada also practice meditation and prayer meditation and prayer means concentrating on that God and praying to him what to play then he is teaching oh god please reveal unto me we will die self unto me I do not know how you are it is not possible for me also to understand you because my conception is very very small so naturally you only can help me and another is complete selves are in there like a small baby the baby cannot do anything only the baby has complete faith and mother and she's always safe in the on the lap of mother so like that if we can surrender ourselves and we can understand at this age when there is so much of ego so we are completely separated from God sometimes we are thinking about him but completely surrendering in the hands of God if we try we can understand so difficult we had to completely eradicate remove that I am someone I can think i can do all those things should go away and then completes our in there in the end of the cast thy burden upon the Lord and he shall sustain d the Bible tells the same words same teaching in the Bible the Lord Jesus he is telling cast thy burden upon the lord if you can give your whole thing on the Lord believing God will protect me guide me then only and casting the Barden means my thoughts my problems my shortcomings everything I am giving to God and he shall sustain thee and it is assured if you can really believe him if you have complete faith on him and if you give it to him then he will sustain you in the bhagavad-gita we also find the same teaching in the 9th chapter 20 seconds low curve the bhagavad-gita it says an honest entiendo mom a Jana / you paucity a sham nity avi utinam yoga shame um bahama homme is a promise that the God is making that i will carry whom that it says meditating on me me the god as non separate understant iota here in the Bible we find that the God is separate I am separate I am giving my burden my problem myself at the feet of God but here it says feeling or having that idea of oneness meditating on me the god as non separate this is important I am not separated in God so naturally I am completely with God worship Me In all beings this is also another step everything that I see is nothing but the manifestation of God so I am worshipping God sometimes some people they go and serve others but if this thought is there why I am serving them because they are the manifest manifestation of God do it they may not know it though they may not know it but I know I believe I have the faith these are nothing but the manifestation of God so I go and serve them and with all devotion with all humbleness with all prayer that service pleases the god so it says meditating on me God as non separate worship Me In all beings to them does a ver jealously engaged I carry what they lack Yoga Yoga means Union so whatever the lag that I carried I give to them and preserve what they already have shayma Shaima the war Shaima means God protects suppose I am depending on God and I don't have much devotion much faith much you believe I don't have that austerity God will give all those things to me because I am depending on God and not only that after some time some people of the practicing austerity they start feeling a short of an ego that I have to go out and I should do this thing and that thing helping people if I don't do who will do everything that I must have to do all this ego comes subtly go almost unknowingly to this type of P but who have developed a little our spirituality and that is the bane of their life again they come back because ego the I have the power to go and transform people help people I will do this I will do that what he is thinking God will do it no you think I will do so that is why again it goes away so the prayer is the promise is the by the god if you are completely depending on me I will protect all those things that you are already having that means I am NOT taking away all those giving the template temptation of ego unmatched in Toronto mom continuously thinking about God chintia chintan means thinking ananya weed out any break continuously meditating or thinking about God and for them Sosa Ramakrishna he is the link complete surrender so these are the 8 steps if we remember then it is good for us but for any spiritualist parent now sometimes some people that think that it is only for the hindus or particularly is for the followers of the ramakrishna there's nothing like that this is to completely open the holy company SWAT Sangha is for anyone whoever he may be wherever he may be whatever may be the faith but holy company is a mast as a beginning then we will read from this particular passage here sunday june seventeen eighteen eighty-three see ramakrishna was resting in his room in the temple garden at dakshin asia it was afternoon odd her and aim aim is the writer that means mind even to give himself in the heart not disclosing who is he other and him sometimes he has mentioned a devotee sometimes another way arrived and saluted the master a tantric devotee also came in rachal Ezra and Ramlal was staying with ceramic ISNA hasta and Ramallah they were there with Ramakrishna now Rachal afterwards who became Shami brahmananda USD the master Mercia is giving all this description why it will be easy for us to meditate now if we read also the biographies and about these people the other Shane he was a deputy magistrate in those days deputy magistrate means a very high post for the Indians becoming a deputy magistrate in the regime of the Britishers it was a very high post ill he used to come he was very humble and he used to sub-zero me Krishna having complete faith in salam o Krishna aim of course a devotee and he never failed before anywhere there was an opportunity for him used to live in Calcutta and if you go turn tenia cali body that is the neighborhood as the place where is to stay and from there the sure is a far away place is to walk sometimes and cross the ganga by both all these people is to come and a tantric devotee m perhaps never were introduced with this gentleman but he could understand that he practices Tantra contra again is a path that leads to God and about the Tantra of course I am trying to give the retreat this time and the month of October the last retreating Ganges I will try to that is my retreat and I will try to give on tantra so then idea about the Tantra we'll come so this tantric devotee has come they are the worshippers of shakti and this master to the devotees see ramakrishna is continuing why shouldn't one be able to attain spirituality living in the life of a householder why shouldn't one that means previously also he said of course he can to sometimes some people the thing that they have to give up everything and then go it is not like that giving up attachment mentally not that all the time physically you have to give so that is why he is dealing but it is extremely difficult and he is explaining why it is difficult if you move about in a room filled with suit he will soil your body however slightly no matter how clever you may be so giving the example so naturally one has to be very very careful why because in the this external world in the family life you have to add just with many things which is not that to a model so obviously that these are the problems for the householders life fast secondly you have to be worried about many many things so naturally you cannot give the whole time for the devotion of God so these are all these things are there of course you have to have little ego otherwise you cannot retain your position in the household in the in the family in the society so these are the problems that the that is dragging a person and that you have to overcome but Saddam o Krishna is telling it is possible to develop the spirituality living in the householders life but it is extremely difficult and now he is selling observing the movement of the householder i have seen householder devotees filled with spiritual emotion while performing their daily worship many of the devotees they do it filled with spiritual emotion while performing their daily worship they maintain that attitude even until they take their refreshments after the worship so look at them very specifically he is mentioning and if you observe then we will find we are really doing that most of us are doing like that when we do some worship we are very attentive and performing that but after the refreshments immediately all those things go away my mind goes then he said they maintain that attitude even until they take their refreshments after the worship but afterwards they become their old selves again they display their rajasic and temasek nature's software baguettes of team even Mukti has three aspects sattva Raja and tama even the devotion is also having these three the Sutra abductee is pure satwa when a devotee occurs it he doesn't direct his mind to anything but God he pays only as much attention to his body as is absolutely necessary for his protection so this is very clear for how one will realize God that is one thing second who is going to realize god i am going to realize god then what should be the attitude that he is telling only unnecessarily people are bragging that I am devotee I am do these I do that I don't do that on hell this is the very very practical suggestions and indications and he is telling the shot to evoke T that means that must be complete devotion constantly being that much attention to the body as is absolutely necessary for its protection then he says but if paramahamsa is beyond the three gunas he is indicating himself because people in those days they are not aware about ceramic dish only at the last stage of his life he disclosed but some of the very good Souls they understood it and they were trying to tell it to the people but it was difficult contemporary people do not try to accept and they are not easy to accept para Hampshire is beyond the three gunas we know the three gunas almost all of us those who are attending regularly they began the classes sattva Raja and tama these are the three gunas and this three gunas is the basis of the Hindu philosophy and a human psychology if we observe we find this three different type of qualities at their gunas means qualities and because of the three different qualities the people are different and sometimes the same person behaving three different way that proves that there are three different types of qualities are there but paramahamsa is beyond these three gunas then he said though they exist in him yet they are practically non-existent and he is giving the example in different places that when a rope is burnt if you see from distant it's just like a row everything exactly just like that but it has it cannot bind you cannot use that row for anything else ever again he is telling if a touch-tone because of the touch-tone one still sold become hold it remains that same shape of a short but it cannot do any harm to anyone so that is the way he is giving the expression the paramahamsa he is having the three gunas sometimes he's showing his anger sometimes he is showing his attachment sumtin sometimes he is doing these and that showing only but in reality is not there when used to constantly think about the Narendra not the young boy who came and used to tell other people why don't you go and inquire about him why didn't you go and mix with him he's a very good boy except etc naturally as always the contemporary people these to think why so much were not in the north so one day one person told him as because his father is a rich man perhaps you are attracted to him only to impress his father to get some monetary benefit to get some help from him and naturally those who are rich they gets extra attention from this type of brahmanas and the priests and all so that's why he mentioned immediately he axed himself Ramakrishna am I i am at us to narendra not because of these i'm attracted to not internet because of these when he went to his coat all is the mom mother is that goddess Kali and she was so leaving all the time so he went to the goddess Kali and asked mother mother is it true that I am attracted to narendra not because of his father because of his family because of it he is reached then the he came back beaming with joy and told that person you are wrong because mother told i love these boys because i seen our iono within them and i can see the holiness in them sometimes some people they come you feel like talking with them mixing with them having their company constantly why just because they are from the rich family I'll know because the manifestation of the goodness is there so in the manifestation of that swathika all the goodness is their purity is their love for God is there to naturally particularly the holy people they love those people who are developed in this in English they say a man is known by his company that that is very true so suppose you find that all the time you are finding joy with some people who are not that we're good night for sure that you may think that oh no this is in the society I have to leave so obviously I have to keep contact with them I have to keep them in good you Mar it may be but if you feel joy and always feel attraction to go to that company that means you are that type ratio so that's way this English the proverb and the saying is correct a man is known by his company and in this pure Souls those who are really trying to be good when they find someone else is also purer and purer means unselfish pure means guide less pure means simple pure means devoted and naturally they feel friendship as a friendly attraction to this nor in the North was afterwards we all know who he was so naturally see Ramakrishna he knew who is coming this is all mystical thing many people may not believe but this is true and this Ramakrishna when he saw the Silla nor in the north is coming 16 17 years young boy he never saw her about the or thought about their family he saw the boy and then he was preparing him making him ready for the missionary work that was supposed to do in future and that's why we got saw me wake ananda the whole world they got so maybe we can this is a beautiful book a gift on open a gift was given my god to the humanity and that is trauma Vivekananda but we unfortunately could not open it could not get the benefit of the gift that was given to us a gift unopened so this is the ceramic isness telling but the paramahamsa is beyond three gunas though they exist in him yet they are practically non-existent this is wonderful in the bhagavad-gita again in the 14 chapter 26 look I'd says mom-jo of baby jerina bhakti yoga in a saber T sargunam Sumati tweet on Brahma booyah culbert a who subs me with unswerving devotion he going beyond the Gooners within paramahamsa as the Swan they called the great Swan why whenever i see these birds this once they come fly i think i heard that they come from the canada canada and and two of them they are living over here they constantly sweeping in our small pond i observe and see they're going inside the water coming out of it they're playing on the water floating on the water but not a drop of water on their body whenever they're flying or coming up not a stain of water that is para hamza the piranhas hamza para no means the supreme hamsa means the swan so they live in this society and exactly as we are they're behaving exactly as we are sometimes they are criticizing some tears on they're loving sometimes they are asking for these some time for that sometimes Sri Ramakrishna is to ask can you prepare that type of curry I like to eat that Korean then people whose to hear what type of holy man is this then he is to say I will go to your place I like to visit you I like to see him all these things used to do just like any ordinary person and suddenly he changed in the deep meditation master Marsha when he first came he saw the Salam o Krishna is talking he was excellent speaker and and whenever he is to speak people is to mesmerize yes to listen of course the god and then he is to sing and dance he's dancing also it is very very redeeming and people used to wonder how he learned that at this singing and dancing and talking making people very happy so master Masha was also very happy he felt attracted he again came back he went out everybody left salam o Krishna was alone the master mache thought let me go and get the next date when he is going to meet the devotees so that I will also come when you and he saw that Ramakrishna all alone he's pacing up and down if you have gone to the doc SHINee sure there's called not Mundy's there's a the cultural place a test with the 10 men temple garba mandira is that where the god or goddess is then he is a big one he is pacing up and down just like a lion the man who was laughing joking and mixing with any ordinary person now master Masha was very much as they tend to go near that person same person why suddenly his personality changed so that is there the paramahamsa all the three gunas are there satureja tama but at the same time he is beyond the in the bhagavad-gita it also says he who serves me with unswerving devotion he going beyond the three gunas in the bhagavad-gita also again it says in the second chapter I think 45 shloka so 50 45 sloka the three guna wish I evade on mr. Egan above Arjuna shri krishna stand this is the uniqueness of the Hinduism so broad so Catholic so wonderful understanding so they do not can never become narrow minded sometimes on people they talk about Hinduism comparing with others become narrow it is really very sad in the beta also our own gods request a stilling go beyond beta why even the bidder the basis of Hinduism they also come under the cetera gin tama three gunas beyond you have to go and ceramic ISNA is also giving the stories that in that story he is telling the last day quite three of them one wanted to kill that man after robbing him off and second one told don't kill bind him the temasek and Raja see the third one came back and then he asked him to go to his own village but he said I cannot go along with you to the village because I too am a dacoit so why that is the suck dick the SWAT hua dou very good but cannot go to God you have to go beyond this so you have to go beyond the beta beta is teaching you giving you all the guidance to go towards God but you have to go beyond para mom see is beyond and here we find in the Gita it says you have to go beyond this and some of the trait and Brahma booya yokel potty is filled with coming Brahman and then again see Ramakrishna says the tantric a devotee he is asking a question and there of course very very intelligent question is paramahamsa aware of virtue and vice is a very simple question apparently but very tricky questions the moment you know the virtue you know the wisel's if you know the vice of course you know the virtues also that with these two pairs the moment you have one in your mind the other is also of course there that is in the argument you cannot say no the moment you say I know all these things are what choose to what are the vices you must have the comparison you must know these are things not virtue and these are things were got you so if you say this you have to accept the other also so I told you perhaps in one of my top that one gentleman has raised the question a doubt when one of our Swamiji in Bombay i was there i was also attending that discourse he was talking about God and suddenly he stood up and said I don't believe in God I think there is no God then immediately very nicely the sharmaji answered I bow down to you because you are the only person who knows God otherwise how can you say there is no God if I don't have any conception about God I know about a cow and I can clearly say in this auditorium in this place no car because i am sure i know the cow i can say it is there is no cow and similarly you are telling no God that means you have complete conception about God you know what is God I bow down to you and then he became ashamed no I was thinking and it's okay okay because of the arguments sake so this is if you say that I know the virtue you know the vice is also and if you know the vices there's also the same thing so that's why very tricky questions the tantric is asking and serumaga schnoz answer very intelligent answer he is telling cash off Shane also asked that question and I said to him if I explained that to you then you won't be able to keep you society together Keisha Priyanka Shane all of you know he was having the society Brahmo Samaj he was the leader of the Brahmo Samaj and ceramic ISNA say if I explain it to you so obviously your society will break you cannot have the society they then cash up said in that case we had better stop here get upset because I hope on the society link then see Ramakrishna is explained do you know the significance of virtue and vice see the man sir if paramahamsa sees that it is God who gives us evil tendencies as well as good tendencies may most of the people they will come and they will tell what type of God is these so much of torturing so much of pain so much of these so much of that as because they don't have any idea that God is giving the good God is doing the bed and God is giving you the discrimination this community faculty also your boody and God is also coming in the form of a devoted person as a holy man giving you the company you're teaching of that God has spoken through the rishis the Veda the Upanishad the Bhagavad Gita all these things after all this knowing and reading if you still follow the path that God himself has given you were to suffer it is of course the teacher has given you the book teacher is teaching in the class and teacher is guiding and giving you the conscious again and again he is making you aware if you are not attentive in the class you are not going to pass in the exam be careful then the same teacher he prepares the question paper then he takes the exam and then he is not giving the mugs because you could not right now if you go and complain the teacher is bad it didn't give me the buffer not marks etc 18b because it is your karma phala so similarly he gives this answer if paramahamsa sees not only sees he is very much aware completely aware every moment he is aware that it is God who gives us evil tendencies as well as good tendencies haven't you noticed that there are both sweet and bitter fruits the god has given and there's some player some trees they are being very sweet fruits and some trees bearing very bitter fruits and that is why so you have to choose it you must be careful to choose it that is up to you and that is why God has given you intelligent brain a mind that's why the ceramic ich nur was the worshipper of Goddess Kali and Callie's a say that Kali is the goddess of power and immediately Tantra and then the fearful stories and all those things no goddess Kali is the goddess of knowledge and knowledge is power and that is why all that sometimes we have all I have already explained and some other time we may talk about that the goddess Kali is nothing but the goddess of learning knowledge and knowledge is power that's why ship today be and here what is that knowledge God has given good God has given bad I have to choose it paracha ebah upper Archer both are there the knowledge ease I have to choose properly and then he says and then tan rica is telling yes sad that is true since ramakrishna the poor mhmm she realizes that all these good and bad but chewin rise real and unreal are only the glories of God's my arm she is not affected so that is called beyond the three gunas going beyond three gunas then only this tranquility comes this clear-eyed idea comes knowledge comes what is that this good and bad virtue and vice real and unreal are only the glories of God's Maya the power of God it is remaining in God he's hidden within the god but it's not affecting God why again in some other place he said the venom that is there in the poison that is there in the snake but it is not doing any harm to the snake there similarly the God is having all these bad things and that clarifies the everything so clearly there's some other religion some other philosophy they always think about someone else apart from God who is bringing all the bad things and they talk about the site on they talk about the devil's all this but if the devil is there the Shaitaan is there then the god and devil are two existence two personalities two realities and whenever there are two they're clashes and any but they are clashes there cannot be the permanency is going to be destroyed so naturally the best way of answering this is this the God himself has given good and bad but you advise real and unreal and they are the glories of God's Maya that's power of God but these are very deep thoughts there's a ver antic thoughts we talked about Vedanta these are the vedantic thoughts one realizing this cannot keep an organization together or anything like that how can he do that once our Shami brahmananda ji maharaj he was there in the balloon what it was there and they're almost the beginning of the balloon wat time some new Swami's new bromwich errands new recruits they came and naturally they were not knowing what to do or not to do you know so many other things at the air when we come from different backgrounds different family backgrounds educational cultural backgrounds so also many other things are there so slowly slowly have to chastise and the training so the senior Swami is there they were not very happy one of them he went to the Rajah Maharaja was the president he told that you must rebuke these boys Brahma charians the new recruits and then be trying to become the Hmong dekalb Rama Charles so the he went and complained to the president the day in president there you must rebuke this punish these young people they have come to become a monk but they are not doing or practicing this properly the answer of the Rajah Mara's that time in that moment he was united with God most of the time used to remain like that his life was in that way only he said whom had to rebuke whom to give punishment I don't see anybody else except cinema Krishna where are others about whom you are talking these all brahma Turing's they're nothing but c Ramakrishna's see so that is called going beyond these three gunas and constantly remaining with God so paramahamsa knows that it is beyond this the God is constant one realizing these cannot keep an organization it's so difficult for that type of people so that then tantric is telling another topic is Ray but the law of karma exit doesn't it so here we find in the Utah Geeta he says with the ceramic ISNA is killing going beyond this good and bad etc going beyond means knowing that this is nothing but the power of God and I have nothing to do with the power of God I only want God I have nothing to do with the power of God my father is a king I want to go and sit on his lap as a small baby as a child I don't care about the power of my father the king how many soldiers he is having how many wealthy is having how many things he's having I don't care I only loved my father I go and pray to him please pick me up and put me on your lap that was the prayer pelada I drove up so obviously i am not taking any account of other things so similarly if I love god I love God for love's sake who should i why should I have to think about his power so these are all powers of God and it says in the utter Geeta or the accident the sloak are describing this mental condition of the highly perfected soul that is paramahamsa they say aakasam mana Sumitra Monica Toa nearest padam nice chillum Tom Bjarni art samad is the sheer luck shanem samadhi constantly Union United with God or the consciousness thus immodest amines is United constantly without any small break even and when they are explaining we have already read in our when you are discussing why should you meditate then even if you are pouring water there may be the air bubble in the water but if you are pouring the oil there cannot be the air bubble in debt so they are giving the description is like pouring constant pouring of the oil so constantly the mind is going and mixing with the god and remaining and taking the form of God Akash of monism katoa akashiya means the space it's so weak so vast everywhere so that is our thought my mind mohnish amritwani risperdal and the mana that mind that he called the sankalpa because padmakar mana and that faculty of the mind Nyriss padam is this chiller and not taking any shape nice chillum top bayani art then you know that particular niche allah is ever present and without moving so always remain in Samadhi so that is the description in the ether agita of the mind of this type of person the paramahamsa then the country curses but the law of karma exists doesn't it this is a very wonderful question law of karma this is also one of the special feature of the Hinduism law of karma why a person why a soul earth taking birth in a place and the family where right from the birth is tortured and another soul at the newborn baby again at the same time maybe taking birth in a very happy family and right from the birth he is happy enjoying the life getting everything is it all accident no to the Hindu do not believe in there it's all karma phala so obviously the tantric we can understand he was also a very intelligent person and he was asking these questions and very nicely and it was good for us also as because these people they came to see Ramakrishna and they were asking these questions and we are getting answered directly from 0 mach ich nur so the whole book the gospel of ceramic ich nur is nothing but the Veda nothing but the knowledge and in a question-answer form so when the tantric is asking then that is also then the law of karma exists doesn't it master is giving the answer that is also true God produces good and good produces good bat produces bad good produces good bad produces bad didn't you get the the hot test if you eat chillies but these are all God's Leela his play he is giving the example every time anything that he said immediately used to give the example and that was his speciality if you eat chili and it will burn your tongue so obviously the film you'll feel that so obviously it is like that then tongue three curses then what is the way for us because we are having so many karma voila now that wonderful thing that I ramakrishnan is telling we will just say that read that and we will conclude for this talk then what is the way for us how long it will take for us to all eradicate the past karma phala I do not know how many bundles are there no one knows how many bundles and we are going on accumulating also then what will happen to us we shall have to read the result of our past Karma shall we not in a frustration that tan rica is asking and the answer is excellent he is telling cinema Krishna's answer is let me speak the original others whatever he said darkly ba Taroc tier kata a Lada he said in original Bengali that may be so thought liebe that may be so yes we have done in the hour past something but what is there bah it is different with the devotees of God but if you are a devotee if you are praying to God all your parts past deeds past Karma everything will be taken care of God why he is the giver he can do anything the King gives the punishment and kink and also pardon and there is no problem for the king who is going to say ask the King you give the punishment to so and so and then he you pardon him another person you gave the punishment and you are not pardoning why this the one can ask the king is the supreme so like that if I am going to God God can see your kid okay whatever he did in the past forget about that now he's doing very good thing he is loving me caring me his mind is becoming pure so give him all the blessings so there is the main so it says afterwards ceramic ISNA he is singing some wonderful songs relating to these as he is a man's meditation show so is his feeling of love in the translation in Bengali Bobby Lee Bobby Roode oi when you are thinking what you are thinking so it has translated by Nicola and the G meditation if you are thinking whatever that is you're thinking and naturally your mind is taking that shape and if you think about God your mind is taking the shape of God German pop Taman love whatever you think whatever is your idea that you are achieving moon-shaped I at the but the root is your conviction but I means conviction and mold means the root root is the conviction I am pure because I am the son of god why should I ever think in so much only thing i will say i have forgotten the my address father come and please take me from here if I saw one movie at very scary movie of cross that in the New York the snowing I have forgotten the movie name and the artist also and the father told his son in the way or he was a scientist he told suppose there is lot of snow then it this happened that happened as the father always is a scientist on way of just talking he told his son the wind the snow is there inside there is always some oxygen and you should not do this you should not do that now this boy went along with the frame to the New York and then there was a terrible snow everything was covered and he's told his friends see these are the things my father told when there's lot of snow we should behave like this we are under a roof and snow is there so much we cannot go outside and it is freezing this dress is on savers so let us be here because oxygen is here but somehow we will put a flag or something so that they will recognize that we are here and they will done and we can continue for 78 days and many they didn't listen most of the people who went out they died etcetera etcetera but the Sun and few of his brief rains they were there waiting for the father naturally the father in yard and he was influential person he took the help of the government helicopter and all that went over there and he could see find that the son is here because he knew in that particular hotel they are leaving so he went over there found him then he said son how are you well I am waiting for you he said why I knew that you will come and how do you could you survive you taught me that you have to behave like this we also did like that constantly sleeping so that we are burning the oxygen very less like this but now we are very much hungry and thirsty see when we are listening to the good words of the Father that means our God and depending on the God having complete faith that he will save me we are saved that is what ceramic ISNA is tailing so that maybe so maybe that we have lot of karma phala at the past but it is different with the devotees of God that is the assurance thank you very much in the next day again we will discuss from here it is offer our pranaam to this God who is having a no stain and he is the embodiment of Ananda and he has taken the human form for the sake of the devotees and this paramahamsa this power of God who came as Avatara we offer our turn on to him niran janam nityam on entire bum abdon compa Drita Bikram by Yahveh Thorin para measham Edom tamarama krishnam sheer asana mama oh shanthi shanthi shanthi hurry you