Video 92
93. Panchama Veda 93 : Gospel Of Sri Ramakrishna
let us begin the book at home written dr. G venom - vvd rhythm calm Asha pom Savannah Mangalam srimad Artem boo Bakunin ta buried Arjuna who you were discussing about the wonderful topic that Raghavan C Ramakrishna he was telling to the devotees and he was telling that true do t he is having some characteristics the first a real devotee develops the power of assimilating the instructions and this is so important to understand the instructions so this is when a person is telling something sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja you're giving away all your religion and please come and dip depend on me or you dedicate yourself to me like this now the moment the word has been used at Dharma many of the people they will be describing oh that means the other religion should not be here this not like that should understand this here the dharma means your responsibilities when you are in such a condition mental condition that there is nothing else but God the believers come faith has come you are completely depending on God just like a small little baby as the baby is depending on the God if you can depend on the God then you need not to bother about the other responsibilities and the reaction of the response other work will not come on you result of other work will not come on you this is what it meant now they are true and real devotee will understand this but if not then they will misinterpret and they will call themselves devotee then slowly the religion the wonderful religion religion with which makes a man perfect that becomes a source of torture for the human being because of misunderstanding misconception and misrepresentation so that's why a true devotee a real devotee the power of assimilating instruction brother one see Ramakrishna sometimes he is telling that you must follow some of the disciplines like practicing fasting in some special days whom he is telling to master Martha the person who is noting it down he is telling you must practice this fasting but the same cinema Krishna is asking nor endure not not to do that he doesn't bother he need not do the people should understand so to whom he is telling sometimes some of the instructions advices is meant only for that type of people whom that he thinks it is like this so this way one should understand otherwise it is always creating problem so the first and foremost the symbol of a devotee to understand the thing the instruction perfectly and true devotee develops true devotion to God that we claim though he is a very old devotee and he's a very what is a devotee one should understand what devotee means the devotee is this a true devotee means a true devotion to God and what is devotion devotion is complete faith understanding love association with god otherwise having a little faith having little argument having little doubts and all this combined I go to the temple and it no I am trying to become a devotee trying to become a devotee I am a just a student trying to become a devotee but the devotee means 100% faith complete faith that there's a one story that goes in the name of that famous devotee of Avanti Ramakrishna girish chandra Ghosh he was going to wait in the Ganga and it seems ammiji swami vivekananda jokingly told are you going to wait in the Ganga to wash away your sins immediately he stood and turned back and say no I am going to make Ganga purified by bathing why because Ganga has flown from the feet of Vishnu it has been created from the feet of Bishnu and that vishnu that bhagavan he came at this time in the modern age as shri ramakrishna and kept his hand on my head I'm more purified than the Ganga so now people may argue and all those things it is not like that is that confidence believe failed when no one was ready to accept Ramakrishna as God Girish goes he was going on telling he is God himself no Avatara so that is the confidence so low on abhi char 100% faith a devotee a true devotee should develop true devotion to God and the devotion the first phase of devotion is faith hundred percent faith the mother told the child you should not go over there because there is a ghost and child believes mother hundred percent and never doubts her words and the child says I won't go because mother told not to go whether all people are coming and telling and showing no mother told and I depend on mother I believe in mother that's called child's faith this child's faith that we should understand when I am completely dedicated to God that much and then the true devotee has control his senses subdued is lost the desire so many varieties of desire and that we have to control totally how we can do that totally dedicated to God God is taking care of everything why should I have to think of it so that way we have to understand the total dedication to God total faith in God so the what are the qualities of a devotee how we will know who is a true Deveaux these are the three sri ramakrishna is telling first understanding the instruction very clearly perfectly and actually second true devotion and there is no doubt about the existence of God and third he has already controlled his senses so that means a yogi the smart yogi of Arjuna the circus now asking that Arjuna become a yogi totally control all your senses and when I am controlling my mind withdrawing my mind where I am keeping it on God so that is now see ramakrishna is talking with the same devotees and there was a song a person came he was singing and after the budgin see Ramakrishna mentioned that his the song is related to yoga and he is telling there is much similarity between the seven planes described in the Vedanta and the six centers of yoga now ceramic is not didn't read the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and not he has gone through the the books of the gantt also but he knew everything so clearly from his own experience he is telling then he is telling that here a little while ago he sang a song describing the six centers these are dealt with in yoga there are two kinds of yoga after yoga and Raja Yoga there are two kinds of yoga hatha yoga and Raja yoga now all over the world in present day the UNESCO they have you know they have accepted the yoga and they have declared a yoga day and this yoga day mean this hotter you got a fiscal hata yoga what is the daughter yoga and what is Raja Yoga Serano krishna mentioning utter yoga and raja yoga and hata yoga practices physical exercises his goal is to acquire supernatural powers longevity and eight psychic powers that's called yoga their goal is fixed to get this three these are his aim but the aim of Raja Yoga is to attainment of devotion love knowledge and renunciation of this - Raja Yoga is the better now those who are observing from a distance places they requested to mention the page number of the book I forgot to tell in the beginning this is 244 and 245 of the gospel of Serrano Krishna by Xiaomi Nikhil Ananda G this here we find in the 245th page he is mentioning there is much similarity between the seven planes described in the Vedanta and six centers of yoga the first three planes of the Vedas may be compared to the first three yogic centers namely mooladhara swadishtana bonnie pura now we will see how it goes then the ordinary people the mind Wells the industry planes most of the people the mind do not go up from the navel planes so this is the observation of the Vedanta and the yoga that there are seven centers the Vedanta says and there are six centers the yoga says and this is the Raja yoga and what is Raja yoga what is the hata yoga and just before going into from the ceramic isne we can just see there are so many yoga's y ou G a you God means union union with what now fiscal hata yoga ha and to laters haw means breathing in through right nostrils and tar breathing in through left nostrils when we are breathing in from left breathing in from right fiscal ha and top right is the heart left is the tata yoga and how do you the consist of yama niyama asana pranayama and Preta Hara these are the five stage yama niyama asana pranayama pratyahara up to these is the hata yoga and Yama and niyama spiritual discipline there are again different disciplines there in the Yama and niyama din asana that's called sitting posture then pranayama breathing control and when we were reading why we should meditate in those lectures we are very clearly described and analyzed and discussed about this and then pratyahara withdrawing the mind from different objects the objects that is there externally so this is the problem because the mind of the human being that is most important mano IVA minutiae Anam Cara gnam but Bandhu moksha bandha and moksha when the means is the bondage bound bound in court in the circle of birth and death again and again why we are bound by mind why because the mind is consist of all these organs and their impressions and what are the organs are doing the eye the ear the nose the tongue and in this scheme these five organs are collecting information from five objects so the eye is going and seeing an object here the ear is hearing some words the nose is smelling tongue is testing skin is filling the touch all this information are going in the mind and the mind trying to assimilate it that is why our mind is not under our control and it goes on repeating again and again and in this life in our past life in future life the same thing is going on so that they have pinpointed what is that mind and we have to control mind how to control practicar at the last you have to withdraw how do we draw don't see hear taste listen rather you go deep and try to see the beauty of your own self listen to the Omkara and teach that to please like this you have to turn all the senses inward that is called pratyahara the hata yoga consists of this pipe and the moment you control your mind what happened you are in a situation to get the wonderful power miraculous power supernatural power that is the goal of tata yoga then comes Raja yoga this Raja yoga the five of hata yoga the five steps and then they take the mind beyond and their skull dharana dhyana samadhi the Salam Krishna mentioned only these two names are to you they are to yoga hatha yoga and Raja yoga now this Raja Yoga is the difference is having not only the five of the hata yoga but plus adding another three that's called Corona clear understanding and holding the mind in one place on one particular thought that's called dhaarana it's very very difficult and then the after the dhaarana when when one is master of dhaarana then only it becomes the honor but most of us we come and ask can you please teach us Dioner concentration but dianna comes after so many stages after so much of preparation yama niyama almost 5:15 that you have to practice fast the in asana pranayama pratyahara dharana after Donna then you are capable to concentrate practice meditation the meditation is a magic word nowadays everywhere everyone they are discussing about meditation and so many schools they are they have opened up teaching meditation but meditation means we must understand we have to pass through all these then only this concentration comes on a particular thought particular object one pointed mind the tremendous flow of mine strim end is powerful and that we are concentrating on one place and then when we are successful in that dianna then comes some are the ultimate this Samadhi means totally cessation of all other activities and marching in that thought or object that is called Samadhi and this call utter yoga in Raja yoga the hata yoga 5.then Raja yoga at 3:00 so eight steps and the Patanjali Rishi he mentioned these eight steps of yoga incomes mantra yoga very easy our purpose is to realize God our passports is to concentrate our purpose is to get joy bliss happiness our purpose is to reach to the goal which is God realization of self-realization and there is a very simple wonderful method that is called mantra yoga or Japan in the Bhagavad Gita of all the yoga's Jergens shri krishna said yep a yoga Shmi I the god I am the Yabba Yabba Yoga what is the Japanese the name of holy name of God when one is getting the initiation he is receiving the name of God from his guru now having the faith and believe on the words of guru one must go on repeating the name but that's all sometimes I received the letters from different disciples I want to practice these can you please advise me how to achieve these and that without understanding now in this present age the easiest Yoga is about yoga and that is why marsha the money debbie she is continuously asking the disciples people go on repeating the name of God don't bother about other things everything will be taken if you can repeat the name of God now this Durga Puja is coming from yesterday Tazz began baby puncture this Devi puja means a very holy period of 15 days now suppose one goes on increasing the number of yoga japa the first day that was yesterday 1000 then second day 2000 third day three thousand up to fifteen thousand if you is nothing one if one can practice that then automatically mind will be so controlled particularly those who are having time particularly after the retirement this is the only option for the devotees and you need not to bother about the company of others you need not to bother about going and mixing and socializing and all nothing just practice this fifteen thousand you will see the feeling of joy within and fast one or two demands maybe a little bit then up from the third or fourth or fifth if you can continue up to six months wonderful flow of joy constant joy and then if someone is coming and asking there's a great show is going on do you like to come no why because if I go to that show whatever joy that I will get from there much more joy by sitting alone that's so a marsh or other money they be he is telling she is telling Japan city apart cities about city the success system in success the success is in taking the holy name of God just go on repeating the name of God and what we need two things one the faith in the words of guru and second dedication this things scenes I have accepted the words of the guru and he has asked me to repeat the name let me and second whatever I will do I must do with sincerity when I am taking the name of God and then mother is telling we never in whatever way you are taking the name of God that will do sometimes I am NOT very concentrated sometime I cannot see it on that there are sana a particular seat where I really practice do practice meditation never bother wherever you are go on taking the name of God and the time will come that Dame will occupy your whole mind and what is the name name of God what is that God joy self-confidence and success and that is true and then the wonderful friend we will get whatever we like to tell we can tell to God so this is what is called mantra yoga then come layer yoga laiá laiá means totally cessation lie total cessation and the mind should march or totally mind should be in that complete form of what the sound of the are Oh mom this three the later were there are Oh this sound is going and one has to concentrate on that very very difficult very difficult but if one can do that keeping the mind on that that is called liar yoga concentrating on the oume and that's why Hindus they accept the word ohm as the most holy word holy later we can say and this our OMA that later ohm wherever there is a holy place holy thing the Hindus they will mark over there why they believe that that the whole place becomes purified because of that word just defeat no it has been practiced that's why the you knees they have said there is a yoga union with God union with the supreme the process is concentrating the mind on the sound of Oh ding comes Gianna yoga the knowledge and this also through discrimination also very difficult constantly describing and keeping your mind engaged alert now I am NOT IJ with every Sunday before studying that discussing on the saga of the soul the mantra that your chanting is an excellent now ha minutiae I am NOT the human being I am nothing more than what and the heart masseur uber what is that Atmos aruba constantly going on if somebody is coming and criticizing me without being reacted affected immediately we have to concentrate on discrimination Who am I who is he what is tailing and why I am reacting is it so easy but still that is a path that's called Ghana yoga in a very nice way in the bhagavad-gita the Gyana yoga has been described then comes the bhakti-yoga the 12th chapter of the bhagavad-gita is totally dedicated for the devotion bhakti yoga and this bhakti-yoga is also these are all combined the bhakti yoga Dhyana yoga this bhakti-yoga is a total devotion and we were reading just now as Bhagawan Sri Ramakrishna collegio ghee na Rodya bhakti he said Kali Yuga means this present age Nadia bhakti what is that Nara the eruptive but the Arpita akela Archer data that vish Moroni páramo the oculata ET only two lines Todd that means that God or pita offering Aquila complete Archer data action whatever I am doing I give it to God Aquila Archuleta that the Bhishma rainy and when I forgive the God of the self then páramo be oculata I am I feel that something I've lost how could I stay in that situation varam of oculata so that is called bhakti yoga then come karma yoga on this Raja yoga gana yoga bhakti yoga and karma yoga wonderful excellent books are there by Swami Vivekananda the four yugas that's the greatest contribution of Swami Vivekananda for the human society and this bhakti-yoga and karma yoga means there are some people who are very active time they cannot sit and concentrate they cannot discriminate they don't have the devotion but they can work and that work runs selfish work whenever they are working for others dedicating that work result of the work for God to God so this way then comes Kriya yoga there is a sama I went over there the name of the Kriya yoga what is the Kriya yoga this called tapasya swat the eye issue upon it on when these three actions come together is called Kriya yoga Kriya action Kriya the Sanskrit word Kriya means action yoga through that action you are united with the guard supreme Kriya yoga what are the actions first is tapasya austerity and this austerity just doesn't mean that when it is winter I am not wearing the any warm clothing when it is hard I am wearing a warm clothings and then suffering inside or I am NOT eating or doing these that that is only external tapasya in the bhagavad-gita again the different type of tapasya it has been described by the lord krishna himself the tapasya of the tongue basic tapasya ki ki tapasya monastic tapasya from the mind also here practicing austerity then the budget when we are talking that's also austerity restraining all my feelings and using the good best words so that the people are not hard that is Kalos charity and we are practicing so many other things and hurting people with over our words our behavior our taught there is no austerity at all so if we could understand the real part part the real meaning of the austerity and how many millions of our people all over India now they'll be frosting practicing so much of austerity and they'll be eating very little or giving away the food to someone so what did they do but the progress towards the spiritual life is very little why because the clear not having the clear understanding the clear understanding is tapasya tapa means the fire the world of what practicing this so one should go to open the Gita and then see how many tapas are there bar cheek monastic and sharukh physically we must have to control and then about the talk or the tongue control and thought control I should not even by mistake think wrong about somebody else or harming thoughts about somebody else even that too I should not do that is called tapasya so this is this austerity clear then SWOT the higher so entire reading the scripture so many other books we are reading in this country people of the habit of reading whenever I go I travel I see the people constantly going on reading because they don't like chatting or Indians they like chatting if they are alone they will be seeing anybody looking like Indian a we're from you're from India Casa are watching Hindi Celestine are they any the right ear so then they will have a long talk about immediately exchanging all the information so that way they are very friendly very open minded and they pass time with that but they don't do the swap die but here the people are reading reading the only novels that is the problem novels are good a different type of books are there there's good that also gives us inspiration but swathi amines with a dedicated mind concentrated mind we to study the scripture I have seen one Swamiji was there under whom I have to work for many years he was the manager of the Advaita Asuma and immediately after morning meditation and all that then we all come to take the breakfast after the breakfast immediately we'll go close his door and then he will open the bhagavad-gita he will read gita one sloka with all the varieties of explanation particularly Shankara Ramanuja and others are there teeka's our dear mother should ensure ashati all these he will read every day without fail that's called swadhyaya and he's - then afterwards he is ready is going and meeting people doing or other whatever the responsibility he was having but SWAT tire this is very important and before going to bed reading at least two pages from a holy book after getting up after practicing meditation then fresh yourself then sit and read a few pages then go to I have seen a father and mother of one of our monk and that very old person after having the sannyasa we are supposed to go and meet our parents so we win this is a ritual that we should go in so he told do you like to come to meet my parents that'll okay we were friends so we are friends still so we I went along with him and he told see they won't open the door till this time 3:30 early morning then they will open the door they will go for bathing the Ganga and even if the sea look at me and you they won't stop a talk they will go bed in the Ganga then come back and they will do little puja they will study the scripture then only they will talk to us please don't feel insulted he knew I really we were waiting at the that Ganges near the Ganges we saw that old man is coming and at the back that lady she is carrying some little small packet then they both the wind they took the deep in the Ganga then they were chanting they came up the the mother of course she was looking at the Sun after so many years the Sun has come but didn't stop she followed the steps of the that her husband the father then we also followed them we sat over there Nia we saw that they were worshiping that shiva linga and after the worship the gentleman the old person he took out a book he was reading and the mother was listening only this to nobody else then after that they took little Ganga water they drank the Ganga water then opened up oh when you have come how are you and that is called Satya with great devotion after seeing them the respect for the parents have really increased hundredfold and that is the traditional parents of India and that is the traditional people of India they will never do anything else without practicing the spiritual practice that they have taken up well never break that so that way and then slowly slowly continuous routine is there then after two-three hours again they said again the study then they took the Prashad puja offering in the room itself with the mother she prepared some simple food and there the puja was done it was offered to tackle the God the Shiva and then they took the Prashad they gave us Prasad also they afterwards they took little rest after the rest again study and then they call some of their nearby relatives friends named words to meet us oh there was a socializing thing and in the evening again again the oddity and night also they took only little drinking and little milk and maybe just in one braid or something on without braid but that's all again in early morning getting up because they should go to bed by 9:00 so that they will get up at 3:00 and getting ready then they will go to Ganga routine goes so then where is the time to think that I am lonely the retired people the problem is loneliness where is the time to think now time to think that I am lonely there's a wonderful routine and that's called Swat ayah so Kriya Yoga is tapasya austerity SWOT daya and then each share upon Adana see after seeing the routine of this - and is it not the Kriya yoga they were practicing the tapasya Swati is sharpen it on they were constantly remembering God of put doing puja to God worship to God and all this this is called the different type of yoga see Ramakrishna mentioned as because the song that were that the gentleman sang it referred about the raja yoga yoga - he mentioned mainly there are two yoga one is raja yoga and utter yoga he is very clear about it even today many people they are confused about yoga swami ji do teach yoga and this yoga means they always mean hata yoga so this artery ogre is a different type is a good but we take yoga that is larger yoga raja means king that is beyond everything so this short see ramakrishna is mentioning when the mine rises to the fifth plane he is mentioning about first second third then fourth then the plane first second third he's mentioned mooladhara swadishtana bonnie pura these are the names of the places we have a spinal cord yogi said in the beginning of the spinal cord mooladhara mula ah darth maul's mid the root adhara means the holding the energy of the human being of all being out there and from there for the human being slowly they have developed a wonderful system that's called meditation they take it up upwards and the first mooladhara then swadishtana and Manny Parra I will tell you the different places of this then see Rama Krishna is telling in that that the third planes with ordinary people the mind dwells in these three planes at the organs of Eva creation and generation and the navel when the mind ascends to the fourth plane the center designed in yoga as an errata that is the very very important plane place for every as parent their skull another it is inside the heart is it in knee of the place of heart it sees the individual soul as a flame the moment the minds goes over there that's why we teach that try to meditate on another and besides it it sees the light at these despairing cries Oh what is this ah what is the so this is that fourth plane when the mind rises to the fifth plane the aspiring wants to hear only about God and the fifth planes means in the throat this is the we should the center of yoga and sixth plane and the center nose at the yogi that is antia chakra this agya chakra I will describe it separately when the mind rises there thus parent sees God the celestial being the God it's not the simple words it's true if only one can carry the mind over there but still there is a barrier between God and the devotee it is like the barrier of glass in a lantern which keeps one from touching the light King Janaka used to give instruction about brahma ghana from the fifth plane sometimes he drilled on the fifth plane and sometimes on the sixth plane after passing the six centers the span arrives at the seventh plane reaching it the mind Marge's in brahman the individual soul and the supreme soul become one this parent goes into Samadhi the consciousness of the body disappear he loses the knowledge of the outer world he does not see the manifold anymore and his reasoning comes to a stop how wonderful description that he is giving over here Sri Lanka Swami a very famous yogi trail angusamy used to live in Kashi Banaras once said because that because a man reasons he is conscious of multiplicity of variety the Kashi is a seat of learning different type of philosophers this to come and then just to arrange a debate and is to try to place their own opinion and to conquer and to stablish his own opinion explanation trillion gachami was aware of it and he's telling these people as because they are reasoning though obviously they are aware of the multiple things many things the moment you see many of gianna when you see many things then you are ignorant only one thing that is Hartman are brahman or Shiva attaining Samadhi one gives up the body in 21 days spiritual consciousness is not possible without the awakening of Kundalini now here we find rascal mooladhara the different description at the base of spinal column and they say is a lotus the particular place there is a lotus like thing is there and the color of the lotus is Timson with four petals crimson color four petals that is the place where Kundalini is there then comes Rajasthan the mooladhara then comes swadisthana and this is the sacral plexus where vermilion color lotus with six petals then comes manapua at the navel level and Grace blue color ten petals so how clear description and that is why almost all the Yogi's successful Yogi's they have seen this and all they have accepted so naturally is an experimental truth the money pure the incomes de anata that is the level of the heart rate color twelve petals these twelve petals those who have seen the lotus of course those who are the real flower if not a real flower in the picture also we can see that is the Lotus when open inside there's this wonderful place and we have to imagine that our God or goddesses or our the personal the ideology the God sitting over there and all around it is twelve lotus petals are there the color is red color when we can see these that means mind is concentrated that's why the Guru's the Yogi's they always try to teach people that you must try to see the color if you can imagine the color in a very strong way that means you could you have been able to withdraw your mind from outside then comes we should watch Accra they call chakra we shoot the chakra at the region of the throat and here the smoky purple color sixteen petals and then argA chakra this agya chakra between the two eyebrows and it is white color only two petals then sahasrara at the top of the head sparkling sparkling li quite thousand petals sahasrara that's why the name is sha Hazara this is the center of the head one thousand petals a huge flower and the white color sparkling white color so this is the stages that then comes Kula Kundalini Kula mr. Kile Kula Kundalini coil it is the the energy is as if waiting there sitting there in a coiled form then comes three one is ela another is pingala and sushumna it is crossing like this again and again from the left and right crossing and reaching up to the 8th and the center of the spinal cord one straight way it goes that's called sushumna the sushumna through that the energy comes up how it comes up Yogi's again describing it sometimes like a monkey climbing as the monkeys they're hopping and climbing like that sometimes like a fish they're dirting about the fish sometime it goes up then come down they go left go to right so that way it goes there's called the like a fish same energy coming like that another like a bard hopping from one branch to another and going up and up and that is the feeling the wind energy is coming upward that is the feeling then like an and it's just going on creeping slowly slowly slowly but steadily continuously is coming up that is the feeling that's why the whole body start trembling and then finally like a snake ringling it goes like that the greatest yogi is Lord Shiva and that is why the symbol of yoga is snake it's not the real snake is a symbol only the symbol of yoga why because that Shakti when it is coming up from the Kundalini from the base to the top sahasrara it goes wrangling like nique all the time bending and going up so the snake has become the symbol of yoga so this is what a man who has realized God shows certain characteristics alga devotee characteristics just last time we have discussed this time see Ramakrishna is telling a man who has realized God shows certain characteristics what ad that he becomes like a child or a madman or an inner thing or like a ghoul father he is firmly convinced that he is he is the machine and God is its operator that God alone is the doer and all others are his instruments so that is the characteristics of a realized soul this is the reason is because the Ramakrishna the God himself he has come in the form of a human being to teach the modern people in their own language in the modern way the ancient yoga ancient knowledge and Shang karma theory and the faith that has been generated in the Veda in a very simple language he first practiced dost stablished those and then he propagated then he preformed in organization with his direct disciples who also realized those truths then only they came out and spreaded the Swami who has written down authentic biography of Bhagawan Sri Ramakrishna and he is mentioning in this book I am NOT writing or mentioning anything any idea spiritual idea which I have not realized myself that is soldered on and the G the great master there's a wonderful book he wrote the huge book every description and at the same time analytical description of what's on ceramic is not deep now this gospel that was recorded the conversation recorded by mind Renard Gupta but the biography was written by Swami soldered on and the G there's the great master so up to today we complete over here and the next day next Tuesday again we will study and we will see that ceramic is now in the - era time in kashira very luckily we have come to that position and we will study how the devotees are coming to him and what conversation is going on there is our prana and complete near Anjana medium on Bobtown come little Bikram by Aisha with our para mission medium Tom ramakrishna sheer asana Oh Shanti Shanti Shanti hurry you that said three Dharma Krishna are venomous to you