Video 90

91: Panchama Veda 91 : Gospel Of Sri Ramakrishna

b'ham shravana mangalam srimad otha tom boo vegan on te borre dodgin are now in a new setup will discuss the same old gospel and today is a wonderful and we'll see xiaomi Vivekananda once said that just one sentence one word of ceramic r ich nur on the basis of that a people can write lot of philosophical books philosophical theories the people who are wondering how it is possible we will see he is mentioning one word and over that so much of discussion can be can be a bad now we the previously in the previous class we had this one thing over here that brahma and Shakti is speaking about the Brahma Shakti and not only that the ignorant are like people living in a house with clay walls there is very little light inside so what is the difference an ignorant person and a knowledgeable person it is not about the look the this thing that is that we are having only in this worldly education spiritual education we are having this body we are having this mind we are having different type of world in knowledge but we do not care about the art man which is so important so that is why here we find ramakrishna is mentioning and he was telling about the Guru the great devotion to Guru can take one to that higher knowledge and today the master is explaining one cannot see God unless Maya steps aside from the door he's using the word Maya one cannot see God unless Maya steps aside now all that we try to do is to realize God what is the spiritual life the spiritual life is nothing but this much to realize god what is this realization of God without Maya whatever remains whatever remains without Maya this is very we at a peculiar only one for laters word Maya and that is covering the whole knowledge one cannot see God unless Maya steps aside from the door now he is describing rama lakshmana schita were walking together rama was in front Sheeta worked in the middle and Lakshmana followed them Lakshmana could not see Rama because of Sita was in between them in like manner man cannot see God because Maya is between them between them means Maya is between God and the devotee this much only so only this much if we could understand then everything could be solved now what is this Maya here if we see in the Shankar Acharya in his wonderful book vivica to Romany he is explaining about this Maya a beaut nominee para Misha Shakti enardi a Bhatia trigga not makarpura kari jana mia su di ba Maya yah yah yah got sarvam idam pursue UT very simple task it is mentioning a beaut anonyme undifferentiated you cannot different it you cannot separate it that is called a burrata back tia objector that which is manifested and that which is not manifested let's call objector the bacta we know why because within the time within the cause within the effect that is called bacta but that which is not within this three frame how can we explain it so that is called a bit the nominee shankaracharya is trying very hard to give a definition of Maya para Misha Shakti but this is the power of God perama Aisha the Great God the Great Lord and this parameter is the power of that God and we know that almost all the gods are having their the wives we call them wives when are they truly power but why the power has been explained or depicted as mother figure goddess the Brahma brom ha is having suresh shetty as the is power why because Brahma is creating and for the creation knowledge is necessary so like that almost everyone is having that power but depicted projected or explained as mother god mother figure because creating sustaining and destroying all these things are done with this how then we will come a bit turn on me it has no a manifestation but it is undifferentiated para misha shakti then on RD it has no beginning less why because it is along with the god so tacos said we have to understand that Maya is creating this problem if the Maya is like this then if we can understand that then we can realize God because of Maya we can and what is that Maya Shankar Acharya is telling like this enardi without beginning Oba Diah ignorance raghunatha mica is a made up of three gunas para the superior carrion amenia inter infer through effect Garcia anomia we can understand through the work something somebody has already done then we can understand that he or she is here suppose somebody comes and cleans the floor and it was dirty and I came down and saw the everything is neat and tidy inferring though I cannot see the person I can infer that that particular person came is the inference and so many inferences are there we are just understanding just because of the influence carry on me Carriger on Umi car gia means the effect so we can infer we can understand but who can understand sudu ieva so the eva sudhi means who keen intellect so there are so many very very highly intellectual people at there but they are all inside that Maya Bogdan Maya the other soothie now the seuda means that person whose intellect is completely clear from this Maya about this Maya so no cloud is there so completely he is understanding what is happening outside so that is called su di Viva Maya yah yah yah got sarvam now sometimes even the highest spiritual souls they behave in such a way as if they are entangled in this worldly matter like mass or the money devi and win two of our brothers they were quarreling fighting and a plot of land she went and she was also a joint in that sometimes asking this brother no this is your fault asking another brother then now this is your fault and trying to and then she became so angry as if the other monks had to intervene and somehow they pacified those two brothers and brought the mother back ma come back mother came sat on that veranda and then she started laughing immediately why then she was telling soliloquizing as if look at these fools who is going to have this plot of land both of them won't be here after few years but now at present they are thinking this is the only thing in their life and they should process and this is called Maya so many of the things sometimes we but the mother when she is behaving in that way people from distance may think that she is also entangled now and that particular position it was necessary so this is also very difficult when you are understanding that Maya at the same time you have to powerfully perform your duty so that is why shri krishna he is asking arjuna mom Anu smara you Dodger you have to work you have to fight is a terrible work killing you have to kill people even then that work when you are performing you must go on remembering me Mom honest murah when you are constantly remembering me and you can perform your duty you'd the church so this is what we must have to understand one lady came and told mother we come to hear from you about how to cut asunder the Maya but when you come here we see you are constantly taking care of your household we will do these who are do this and out what to do what are we are going to cook every time you are thinking and you are talking about that are you not entangled in Maya as if then she said in a very low tone she said what to do I myself is maha maya and to understand this attachment and detachment the people those who have already reached over there like Raghavan see Ramakrishna no connection with this world no attachment at the same time used to take care because he was authorized to get some pressure from the kali temple after the puja they were supposed to send him some fruits and sweets that's all if it is not coming used to inquire has that come I am supposed to get that why that should not come go and tell them I am supposed to get that so if we explain it oh he was also in Maya though he was talking about that wrong because this is the duty that one should perform as long as I am here and in this position and this is my duty and I must perform it perfectly a hundred percent so this one should understand then there will be no problem shatter shatter upanishad also speaks about the Maya the Shankar Acharya said that Maya is undifferentiated a beaut an omni then it is the power of God paramecia Shakti then it is beginning less without any beginning so beginning less will be the wrong word without the beginning let's call enardi then it is ignorance a big dia about the aveda we have already discussed those who attended the yoga class with dr oz matar Agha deja of innovation again and again that a beat the word is coming and then three guna Mika what are the three gunas sattva Raja Tama when this actor ajith ama are in equilibrium in the same way then there is no creation the moment it is changing then there is creation that is the chancre and the Vedanta they speaks the next Sunday we will be discussing about that then the Vedanta how Vedanta is explaining about the creation we will discuss then the purim in superior then we can understand Maya that it is there through the effect and then who can understand it only those who are free from it su dia eva maya keen intellect can detect it part from these Maya from which this universe pro-soviet a created yah yah yah got sarvam idam pursue yeti almost all the vedanta student they will be memorizing this loca objected on me paramecia shakti enardi abadia trig not makarpura kari jana me soo do Eva Maya 'yeah yoga sarvam idam pursue Yeti now the jagged universe what is the characteristics of universe variety and what is the supreme god one what is the consciousness one without second and how come that one from which everything has been created has become so many that is the greatest mystery and the be daunting they solved that mystery by understanding these Maya the word Maya has been used in the shatter shatter upanishad also we find maĆ­am to procure theme with the earth bid means no you must understand this prakruthi this universe this multi various things is nothing but the maya and my enum to maheshwaram meinem and the one who is the master of the maya is the Great Lord maha ishaara and this is maya cheng criteria we today we will mostly give the importance on these Shankar Acharya he is trying to give the explanation again in the second verse he said sinapi a shinobi why out Makana son nah Opie asana Opie oh boy wat Meccano Binyah p avenia p 0 bharat meccano sangha p a Sangha p sangavi an anger p Viet meccano Mahad butta unease Virginia Rupa so somehow he is trying to explain Maya is neither existing nor non-existent very confusing word by the but the modern science the physicist they are also using the same word we will go to that son na a P asana appeal this is neither existent nor non-existent then veena p a banoffee it is partaking of both neither shame nor differing not both this is veena Windham is different and avena is one no and it is both are also not sir anga a pea and neither composed of parts nor an indivisible whole nor both sanghavi na anong copy uba yacht Makana it is total one num is then the parts no then what is it maha at buddha this is it can be most wonderful thing and accept that we cannot say anything so this is a very wonderful way explaining the whole situation in this universe and it cannot be described in words Shami Vivekananda in his complete works he's mentioning the i am quoting a small portion of it and wonderfully he is going on giving this is Maya this is Maya is giving a statement and then this is Maya a statement this is mine now he says my is not Maya is not a theory for the explanation of the world we cannot say that to explain the world Maya no Maya is not a theory for the explanation of the world it is simply a statement of facts as they exist that the very basis of our being is contradiction I repeat the very basis of our being is contradiction and then secondly that wherever there is good there must be also evil wherever there is evil there must be some good wherever there is life debt must follow as it is shadow as its shadow and everyone who smiles will have to weep and vice versa sometimes when they are taking the snaps photo they will say cheese so that people will try to say as if they are smiling now some of the great leaders there in problem because they perhaps say cheese holding the hand of another person and the photo was taken and that person now proved to be a very bad one now he smiled at that time now he is crying so it goes like this when one is smiling maybe that he has to cry why because it goes again together and that is Maya so what the how to overcome this and that is the whole of tapasya this religious life is nothing but understanding this truth that we are consciousness and we cannot have all this differentiation it is not possible and we should not bother about it as long as our duty as long as it comes before us that we should do we should perform perfectly and withdrawing our mind mom a new Samara you ditcher constantly repeating the name of God remembering his wonderful advices and then we are performing our duties day-to-day duties in our life so that is the only everything that is bound by the laws of time space and causation is within Maya so that is what Shami be bacon on the seeds and physicist Capra he is telling we can never say that an atomic particle exists at a certain place nor can we say it does not exist so is it not the same language at a Shankar Acharya used and now the professor Capra is using we can never say that an atomic particle exists at a certain place nor can you say it does not exist being a probability pattern the particle has tendencies to exist in various places and does manifest a strange kind of physical reality between existence and non-existence that is worth the professor fridge of Capra he is mentioning now sir james jeans he is also the fill physics and physicist and he mentioned in his book new background of science physical science sets out to study a world of matter and radiation the physical science is trying to understand the world of matter and radiation and is that it cannot describe our picture the nature of either so all this material that we see from where it has come is it true if it is true why it is getting destroyed and if it is destroyed where it goes bad is very very difficult even for the present-day modern science to understand and shooting guard he clearly said is nothing but the Indian Maya and shut Inga says consciousness is never experienced in plural only in singular I am just giving a very short quotation consciousness is always singular it can never be puerile now so many people are there so many beings are there naturally so many consciousness no consciousness is one so many bulbs are burning fans are moving microphones are working is the electricity are different now with one electricity to a very gross example now like this consciousness is never experienced in Perl only in singular there is only one thing and that what seems to be pearl in merely a series of different aspects of this one thing produced by a description and then he mentioned Indian Maya one thing and that is produced in 2 then 1 Roger King Saddam Krishna story again one team he was wondering whether there are two or one no one could give the proper answer and King was not satisfied listening to many of this then one person came and showed the king how many fingers am having he said two then that person started moving the hands so fast that the two became one in appearance and then he was telling king how many fingers he said one itsy two so that means when we see many it is actually one the moment we understand these what happens and for that you have to wait and attain the retreat that i will give step-by-step preparation for realization of brahman is a long title and that is called brahma gana so this is and he said this is mine Cottle benicia that is why it cut rope initial side Aisha servicio guru art- precocity drishya tita grey ah with the souk shmaya sucks mother she be suks mother she very certain way of understanding some people who are telling you know that we have great vedantam for last so many years we are reading Vedanta and that is ok but what is that Vedanta bhagwan see Ramakrishna said what is that with under so many thousands of books are there and Shankar Acharya said he himself wrote and then he explained and so many books 11 Upanishad Shankara explain and afterwards he said sloka ordeno provoke Shami sloka ordina in a half is loca I can tell you what is that what all these millions of scriptures are telling sloka or Dana baciami yet Optum grunta coty be granted a scripture million Scotty what is that brahma satyam jagan mithya and giba brahma bana opera and that is called suks mother she Sushma darshan is that and on the basis of this experience realization sami be weakened said each soul is potentially divine on the basis of this knowledge Vivekananda st. it is a scene to call a man sinner so this is the wonderful way even the katipunan said alas how unfathomable and strange is this Maya so this is the Maya is having in before conclusion of the about this Maya let us just a little OB DIA what is that Maya abadia many times it has been mentioned as a bit their signs nice ions are with their ignorance that is ceramic ISNA he asked master machine the gospel in the beginning we have already read he was asking the person who is a ma in those days what about your wife his bday shakti arabic deceptive and master mush I even of so much of Education he could not differentiate master Masha was having the scriptural knowledge also and he said she is good but ignorant immediately salam o Krishna rebuked him and you are ganging you know master Missouri when you was wondering ceramic is me explain to no one is knowledge to know many is ignorance this is the consciousness is one and by acknowledge through ignorance through Maya we are seeing it in different forms and because of the basis of this advaitha Vedanta the Hindus never fight with so many varieties of their gods and goddesses the white so many gods and goddesses among the Hindus because of this abida has to power of it there are the new science or the ignorance or the Maya it is having to power what is that one is over Anna and big shape again and again if you go to study the Vedanta these are the words that will come over and amines covering and big shaper is throwing something over that imagining something over that a Verona is covering what we they are covering the actual thing the reality is covering we can explain that there is a white wall over that or a scream over that something is projected when that is projected we do not see the wall or the screen we see the movements that is on the wall so that is called a Verona what it is covering the wall or the screen or the reality and then on that deity what is their big shaper is doing something so this is the Y it a Burana comes timati dama that is the quality that always covers and the Roger that is activity it rose Maya has no beginning but it has an end how the Maya can come to an end again the shank races should at the Brahma be Buddha na xie when the should pure Adria the one consciousness is brahma be both at that knowledge is persisting or coming or realizing then only maya through true knowledge Maya can be overcome and bhagwan shree krishna is they approach from the knowledge the guiana Marga that through the knowledge of Brahman one can overcome Maya and I am talking that is also Maya and I don't know why i am talking because that is also Maya and this is this Maya this mommy ma I prapadyante mayam etam taranta t their God is telling say Krishna stealing maybe not maybe it is truly if you are taking refuge in me one the approach from the knowledge another approach from bhakti devotion this book to your devotion if you are believing in the existence of God the supreme lord and he believed that the god is going to protect you there's no Maya that is how it is ceramic ish nuh was having two disciples very famous one is nog Marcia he was the representative of the householders and one of our Xiaomi vivekananda and these two say afterwards that BB Kananda his b baker his discriminative power he was so vast Maya could not die him and other one knock Messiah he was so humble always thinking of God always thinking of Bhagwan see Rama Krishna and 101 percent faith salam o Krishna touched me so Maya cannot bind me and that truly became so small Maya could not die here so Maya made them to TT Maya can be overcome by if we are taking the refuge of God so this is what the ceramic ISNA was telling in one word that Maya one cannot see God unless Maya steps aside from the door then second he says there are two schools of thought one on the Vedanta and piranha this is a wonderful knowledge almost in every stanza so that's why the gospel is full of knowledge those who are really interested to understand that is the gospel up ceramic ish nuh and there are two schools of thought the big antha and the Piranha some someone the Shah means that they are explained in different way sometimes they will be telling that first you study gospel and then you will understand other things but to understand gospel you need to have the background of the Vedantic knowledge and the Drita knowledge the tantric knowledge the yoga knowledge and also the history and sociology then only we can understand house Ramakrishna why suddenly he was using this word and that word he is telling there are two schools of thought but Indian philosophy they say there are six systems of Indian philosophy here he says two and he is using the word one is Vedanta another is piranha piranha means actually he meant one is Vedanta and the another is bhakti the devotion and here he says according to the banana this world is a framework of illusion she just a not even a complete sentence according to vedanta what is this world illusion as we were discussing because of the maya all this difference sations that we see so many manifestation of so many varieties are nothing but illusion Maya and what is the reality Brahman where the Maya is working on the Brahman so that is he said framework of illusion that is to say it is an illusionary like a dream but according to purana purana means the bhakti we the books of devotion God himself has become the 24 cosmic principles last Sunday we were discussing about the 24 cosmic principle and worship God both within and without we were describing about Maya and how Maya can be overcome then the Vedanta says if you can understand Maya the Vedic knowledge properly then only should add Thea Brahma BB with Eau de Narsha should add Thea Brahma be Buddha if you understand the true knowledge a true effect of Brahman that true knowledge of Brahman can only sees the illusion of Maya that is approachable anta and the next sentence in the bhagavad-gita shri krishna said mommy ba e prapadyante mayam etam taranta t he can overcome the same maya by taking refuge in me and ceramic ISNA said there are two schools one from the knowledge another from the devotion one says this illusory another says is nothing but the manifestation of God look at it but he has not read Gita he has not rid of all these things but from his own realization then he says the Vedanta this is and that piranha says God himself has become 24 cosmic principle worship God we Dean without outside also we have to worship God as long as God gives and this too as he is telling just as a reference we can tell there are many bada bada means theory bother means theory the fastest aurangabad our amba me is beginning now the theory is putting this question which is fast effect or the action now it is very difficult to answer whether the egg is the first of the hen is the first if there is no hen we're from the egg came and when there is no egg how the hen came so it goes like this this call arama bother and the cause is the first or effect they say because of our past action now we are what we are now the thing is before that birth I was not having any action and in that case why I have taken birth so that is very difficult to answer it goes another bother another theory is Pauline amo bother what is that purine ama the Brahman the God has become this universe the God has become these universe then where the God has gone it has become Inuit it is in the universe then do you think there is no God how can be because it a he has become this universe it's called paranormal like from the milk only the yogurt has come but where is the milk in the yogurt then if we search milk we have to find in the yogurt can the yoga turn into milk again no so the paranormal bother also cannot be accepted then come my abad who you were discussing the Maya bada then come by birth to bother is just changing and a tweet about finally a tweetable we won't describe or discuss about this bothered in details over here but look at it salam o Krishna he was aware of all this philosophical theory not that simply crying and seeing the image of God no his philosophic philosophical knowledge was also very clear and he said that is the unique thing as long as God keeps the awareness of I I consciousness so long do Saints objects exist we cannot simply deny the same subjects we cannot simply deny this world some people are trying to deny this world and that is the problem then how to survive how to leave many many hundreds of years the traditional Hindu monks they actually denied this world and they went into solitude and without caring for the society thousands of them they were taking every benefit from the society the whenever they are hungry they are coming down to the society and asking for the food for the shelter for the clothing all thing in exchange wat nothing and that is why sharma vivek under said if you can as ceramic is not taught him if you can see God by closing your eyes can't you see God by opening your eyes and that is the exactly fullest form of pedant the complete form of Vedanta is this and Saddam o Krishna said as long as I Saints is there I am hungry I need clothing I need shelter I need protection then so long the world is also leaving so you have to be concerned about the world to how without being attached without being a test you have to serve the world maybe by prayer maybe by constantly praying for the betterment of the people so that way we have to and Salam o Krishna is so specific and some people always think that holier-than-thou attitude I am higher not like that this I Saints is there within you and you are within this Maya so this as long as God keeps the awareness of I and in that case again we should not be confused the ego and that is called self faith the faith in oneself that is a different thing I am the servant of God what Maya can do I am the son of god what this illusion can do that is a different thing is a self confidence but it is not ego when we know we need not to explain what he go but you know the what is ego so as long as that I consciousness there is fire in the heart then he is telling therefore the rice and Paul's and potatoes and the other vegetables jumped about in the pot similarly as long as the I consciousness identified with the Saints says I am jumping about and shechita Nanda is the fire it goes so far sometimes some people they are nothing only they thought that they are an Osama thinking there is nothing actually few of them three all of them they are together thinking that we are and they won't allow anybody to organize anything anywhere because you have to go through us who are you this is the problem why this is coming if they had even an iota of knowledge of love of consciousness would have been very happy to think that other people are organizing this type of program they are also coming in the same fold they are also trying to understand the same philosophy instead they are criticizing them creating problem for them why because icon even not even your samsara not even the house whole thing in the life of the spirituality that is also there helping other that's why Shami be vague on the side the easiest way to realize God to help others to do that the selfishness some people they explain about the you have to be selfish to realize God you have to forgetful every everything but swami vivekanand is very clear and he is telling you have to forget yourself and then only you can realize God you have to forget yourself what we are doing while we are meditating when we are meditating what we are trying to do for getting ourselves when we are awake if we are constantly thinking about others what is the work unselfish work what is karma yoga that has been emphasized by vivekanandan Sri Ramakrishna choke Bujji ish shark attack Ajay if you can see God by closing your eyes choke who lead a cochina can't you see God opening your eyes so what is this unselfishness Sammy Vivekananda gave the definition of God as unselfishness is God and what is this unselfishness euphemism there is a prayer wonderful prayer one person is going to God and asking God can you please give me that power miraculous power supernatural power so that I can enter into the mind of those people were suffering what in misery I can enter into their mind and taking of it their misery on me and making them happy unselfishness in the highest form and that is God even to realize God one has to be unselfish I am sitting and meditating then somebody suffering somewhere shall I say I cannot break my meditation I cannot break my jaw / wrong Swami turian on the ji maharaj he was sitting in one kutia kutia mean small room made by the shadows and they're meditating and another person was suffering in the dates kutia turian energy neighbor went there swami vivekananda waned and rebuked him what is this even a person another monk he was not that we educated he was trying to study Gita and he was pronouncing very wrongly and the person like Torian on the G was listening without current correcting him Swami to Swamiji said why didn't you go and tell him affectionately brother can you pronounce in this way once or twice if you try then you can be all right easy not your brother he never belongs to that same car to Ramakrishna but this Colin selfishness complete dedication completely giving away without thinking about ourselves and how we can conclude that as because Sam is ceramic Eastern is telling that as long as I consciousness is there and the selfishness will come I and so long that is there we are bound and the famous story in the Mahabharata and that one small that is this they then the story goes like that when Mongoose went over there and there was a sacrifice Yun Jie what is the younger a poor man hungry man for few days they were all hungry the husband wife children and as because the food scarcity was there somehow he could arrange some food when they said and as the tradition when they remember God and was about to eat there another person came and he was crying I am so hungry give me something all of them the father the mother the children all they sacrificed their food and because of that hunger they all died and what he would the remnants that was leaving on the floor after that ott that guests eight this Mongoose rolled over that and how portion of it became golden and from then onwards he was going on searching is there any such type of sacrifices he came to the sacrifice of yudhistira and he told I am sorry even your sacrifice is not as great as the sacrifice of that unselfishness so this is sri ramakrishna is telling as long as God keeps the awareness of I inas so long do Saints objects exist and we have to understand constantly that all these I because something is there within us and that is consciousness afterwards the wonderful way you will be explaining what are the bondages in the next class we will try to explain what are the bondages eight type of bondages up there in our next class will discuss let us conclude niranjana medium on an to bum bak tonneau compa litterbug rom be ye chaahat arum para misha medium tamarama krishnam she Rosanna mama oh shanthi shanthi shanthi hurry he owned tat SAT Sri Ramakrishna our eponymous to