Video 77

78: Panchama Veda 78: Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna

kobe v item calm o Shah Baba home shravana mangalam srimad artem booby Goonan te borre garjana this gospel is a record of the conversation of ceramic ISNA but not the complete thing because wherever the teacher the master marsha used to go is to attain those motion only he used to note down so do is a very wonderful book but it is not complete we do not know how serrano krishna topped with his direct disciples the monastic disciples afterwards and he used to always he had their that wonderful Saenz that one should not feel the being a householder and the life of an householder is totally different from a monk and those who like to become monk their lives are totally different their teachings are different Sosa ramakrishnan is to talk with them in a different way and in the household in a different way used to visit to different people and they're used to invite others so that they can be there and listening and also can become friendly knowing each other here we know that and the last time we were reading see Ramakrishna he is talking with some devotees and one he said God is engaged in three activity creation preservation and destruction so look at it all the three activities are done with the goddesses sometimes some people will be telling that this is the faith of religious faith only the creation has other scientific explanations whatever if you feel that that is the way you like to think you can think but here the those who believe in God they think God as the rama krishna bhagwan himself is dling god is creating is preserving and at the same time he is also destroying and then we find that he is telling this world is our field of activity this is very important the field of activity the Hindus always believed the karma theory and the karma theory comes along with the birth and rebirth that circle of birth and death and rebirth it goes on and this ceramic ISNA is giving the hint this world is our field of activity we are born here to perform certain duties certain duties and different people have different type of duties and the duty is also according to the social condition the duties are different now we will see that in a different way duty means we know what is it our responsibility and accordingly we have to perform and that is the reason the Hindus they made a nest a wonderful way the for as they call it a caste system and all the time people are putting their finger on Hindus criticizing because of the caste system Brahmin then why should the Kshatriya all this gas system but everybody has this duty everyone according to his capacity they have their own duties in the society here not in this particular page but in somewhere I have just given this reference over here mahima charron a very famous devotee of vagabond see ramakrishna he is asking a very interesting question one must have to come to this world to perform his duty and in that duty that is also in the human form human body and in the human body again there are so many different varieties of birth according to the Karma according to the mental attitude and more immature and acts bhagawan sri ramakrishna what type of work by performing what type of work one can realize God usually always we think that reading the scripture or sitting in the temple and going to the different pilgrimage centres and we consider the holy work and a specious thing so what if we do that we get the merit now the answer above on himself and he says there is no specific type of work performing which one will realize God look at it this is very important raghavan Sri Ramakrishna said that everyone has to come this world is our field of activity and every action has AIDS result and you have to either enjoy or suffer whatever in that work is going on now this is the place where one has to perform his duty once again and the moment we are doing that once again it is creating the result again we are either enjoying all suffering and as we were discussing in our Sunday lecture and that patanjali yoga darshan the Pathan gel Mooney said that is not that all the actions that we have taken result if we cannot enjoy over here here is going to be nullified no is going to be carried every life it is going down and down and down with us in this life whatever possible we will enjoy and then we will take the bag full of that and then carrying so that there is no end of it and Saddam o Krishna said hinting that you can complete your this circle by working over here now my mature and asking what type of work we should do and he said no particular or specific type of work then what this is the question it has not been explained over here but in other places we have seen Bhagavad Shami Vivekananda Raghavan see Ramakrishna's the first disciple principal disciple whom he said I am he says that same Swami Vivekananda is telling any work for the betterment of the others and performing unselfishly with any unselfish motive will give you the same liberation and that is called his wonderful book over that he has a that karma yoga that karma yoga yet cruciate us nausea juicy da da cidade yet apostasy kaunteya that crucial mother bonham in the bhagavad-gita long long back Raghavan shri krishna is mentioning whatever yet karoshi whatever you were doing here or there also he is not mentioning this specific type of work if you do then only you give it to me know yet carucci yet ashe na see your Josie whatever you are taking and whatever you are performing the dahsyat when you were donating when you are giving a knobs whatever you are doing a thing you give it to me if you can do that that's called unselfish work and that is called dedicated work and that is the only way to believe give us the liberation it is not that constantly we have to see we have to go and sit in the before the temple image know so this is called see Ramakrishna and Shami we become the once again the pedant they are giving what the Bhagavad Gita said it once again they are repeating and in a modern way different way and show me become the sate unselfish work and then he said those who need your help they're also God because the from the god only everyone has been created they're also God and to make us impressed he said may God's a poor the illiterate the downtrodden depressed so if we can go and help them who need it sometimes some people they're suffering they like to they don't need anything else only they like to unburden their heart they like to come and tell you and quietly if you can listen to them there's also a service and some people who are not very much confident when you are inspiring them yes this type of weaknesses you are having but that doesn't matter but you will surely get the success the inspiration that is what Sean viva Kansas aid self confidence self confidence self confidence there's also the work and very good work well we are denouncing somebody and making his mind week that's not a good work so that's why we have to be always very very discriminative and ceramic ISNA giving us a wonderful assurance and at the same time hinting how to realize God and he said there is a great power in the seed of God's name the great power in the seed of God's name that is called mantra ma Nana try a te te munda if you are accepting receiving a mantra from a guru and what you are doing you're constantly you're good we'll ask you to go on repeating that mantra mana not what happens try a--they that small word simple thing not even a full sentence just to one or two words try a tea only thing you need faith faith in the words of Daru mana not riot a et mantra there is a great power in the seed of God's name it destroys ignorance in the Vagabond he is giving ignorance now again those who are attending or listening the yoga Sutra that we discuss what is ignorance abadia in Sanskrit it's called a bhatia wrong knowledge or we can say false knowledge abadia then asmita azmat is ego sings raga desire deja a version of innovation fear of death I am afraid of debt why because I have some desire to be fulfilled over here so avena Vasia so these are the ignorance I am eternal every moment I am there why do you think that I am not there why we are thinking that's why once iran sri krishna again in the bhagavad-gita asking arjuna in the second chapter itself in the beginning of the bhagavad-gita if you think that you are killing you are an ignorant and those who think that they are dying they're all so ignorant nothing happens what happens only changing the body just like the used garments we threw away and we put on new garments so the soul will go and have a new government but this is the knowledge it is not so easy when we are listening or reading or talking is ok but at the time of real is very very difficult so death is the fear so what is that abida what is the ignorance that is false knowledge or is it false knowledge whatever we see is changing but we think it is permanent that is the false knowledge oh you know I am here for 50 years there are also only 50 years and then everything will change again the before all these people came from outside some people is to leave over here before them some other like this it's going on when these things will be changed some else will come over here so constantly changing changing and changing but still we think is going to be permanent and that is called false knowledge everything is changing every moment it is changing every day when we see our face in the mirror it has been changed but we think the same old person that's all this is called false knowledge and then you go the moment there is a false knowledge we think we must get it we must do that so that is called the ego and ego as because I consciousness is there so desire is there I want these I want that so that is the desire and then if I don't get it or something which I don't like if it is gone coming a version of Asia I do not like it so raga and Asia and of course of innovation these are called this fight are called abadia ignorance how the signal we'll go in the yoga Sutra we find so many processes the Patanjali she is giving through these through these through this but in the gospel in Pavan see Ramakrishna said only by repeating the name of God but with faith and also the discrimination so when we are repeating the name of God lovingly with faith and also with the discrimination then that only name and then he said see the acd EastEnder he is giving the example a seed is standard and the sprout also very soft but still it pierces the hard ground the ground bricks and mixed the way for the sprout we see every day the small tiny seed so soft he's breaking the hard ground even and coming up and similarly he's giving the wonderful example by repeating the deme of God the very heart mind changes and we know ratnakar the rat knocker is a very hard mind used to kill people but afterwards when he started taking the name of Sri Rama slowly slowly only one seed the name of God the mantra broked that mind and he was transformed into a wonderful Rishi so this is called the example he gives and always keeps your mind fixed on God it says keep your mind fixed on God that is very important one person was among is to live in a town and he had his up is to go to the king and some time is to live in that palace also then the one day the king told your amount you are not supposed to be here with us how come that you were here see how the discrimination when the king was asking how come that you are with us here you should not be he said okay let me see after few days he came to King and told see I calculated and I found that he are going to die within seven days I am sorry to tell but it may happen and King was over seven days only I have so much to do seven days only then after seven days the monk came again and he told that King was asking the king how did you leave in the seven days enjoyed your life enjoying the king or shouting how can I you told that within seven days I am going to die and how can I so all the time the thought of death came so much a strong way in my mind I could not think anything else except the depth the then the mom told similarly I live in this world I live in this palace I will I live in this all absurd yrs life but my mind is always at the feet of God so we we are leaving this life and we can keep our mind at the feet of God Marshall other money Davey said what is austerity my children and nothing but keeping the mind at the feet of God how we can do that taking the name of Lord constantly fitting the name of the mantra whether you understand it or not so that is why Saddam o Krishna stealing this is very very important the mind becomes very distracted if one leaves long in the midst of first and gold therefore one must be very careful when constantly we are living in this worldly life without having having any other company then we think this is the normal life nothing like later those who are working with the later named they are so nothing like lay that sauce and the smell of the lay there and everything they start light so that's why sometimes some people should go in there and see the roses smell the roses then only even get the difference and hymns bhagavan sri ramakrishna suggesting have sadhu sanga have satsang we have time for everything except having the satu sangha the satsanga that's why in 1 hindi couplet it says dude Gallagher II fear a surah bite heavy card the milk to sell the milk the milkman has to carry it and go to house to house will you please take would you please stay people are not ready to take milk is so good but no surah the wine which is harmful that is sitting in some corner but people will find it out where it is then they will go and in a queue they will purchase it why or is the tendency to be in the worldly life why bad karma unfortunate but it is the truth and that is the reason one should go again and again to the holy company and what is the holy company Oh in our place there is no holy company someone was telling in some places in America no monks come here we do not get it's not necessary holy company is the book every day if we are reading 5 pages of a good book like the gospel of ceramic ISNA we get all these instructions and a wonderful way it has been presented those who have not yet rate the gospel must go through the book wonderful book excellent and it gives the answer to everything connected with the spirituality one must have stern determination then alone spiritual practice possible those who like to have the spirituality master and that is why in our society this to teach the Dharma in the beginning of their life at the time of brahmacarya at at MSP our students life they used to teach Darwin then artha then comma the in motion now his begins with the comma and ends with the comma what to do and the result is suffering suffering and suffering who is suffering the human souls why they are suffering because they are not looking at the this thing which can give you the eternal peace how much you have to do nothing maybe of 24 hours only 24 minutes if you if you are spending on that a dissipation only 24 minutes keep a good book in your office drag and sometimes take it out and read one or two pages just remember those words put some good music or discussion in there when you are driving the car sometime people are driving for three hours four hours listen to it there is sufficient your mind is going over there wherever their mind you are there physically you are not present but your mind your thought that is going on and how it is in the present-day society there are so many facilities so these we think we are so clever and we are adding lot of money we are doing these we are doing that cheating people telling lies we are earning money and we are so happy so happy but are you really no such a three HR 3 in Sanskrit it says and that is a real intellect intelligence is that which can help us to realize God such artery is charter V and also we are suffering only salam o Krishna said we must have to have the strong mind and open assured said in the beta it said nyah Mahatma balakan a la la bria bala inna the weak mind it cannot realize God the weak mind for all the time thinking these on that and thinking today I will go to the temple then again a phone call came from the frame oh we are there is a party is it then again he forgets and goes over there in the party like that it on determination I am going to do this at least once in a month I must go to your holy place I must stay there for a few hours read books listen to the discourses meditate ponder without any connections with anyone that type of determination is necessary when we are doing it at least once in a month after my earning the money the salary in the month a little portion of it i am going to donate for the good cause and one mA once in a month at least i should practice austerity maybe that i won't eat that particular day and constantly reading books maybe chanting the name of the God four thousand times let us do that that is the determination in every religion you will find all these things recently the Muslim brothers and sisters and they practice their one complete one month fasting why the same reason to develop a strong will I am doing it for the god maybe that my body is suffering let it suffer I will do it the people will be walking long distances to visit the temple but if the go just as a tourist and enjoying the scenario no that is a different thing but if they are going with as ill to realize God get the blessings of God and and here we find that another thing is coming always keep your mind fixed on God as ceramic ishness aid and then we find another picture that has been drawn by the right here three more the master Mahad he was the headmaster of a school it was Sunday every fifteen eighteen eighty-three surrender is these are the names those will be reading the biography of Sri Ramakrishna will come across again and again they were the disciples and the followers of sri ramakrishna a beloved lay disciple of the master had invited him to his house on the species occasion of the under pune puja so these are the things that we always do and different devotees are inviting we are also going same thing same tradition is going on it was about six o'clock Lindsey Ramakrishna arrived there with some of his devotees the image of the Divine Mother had been installed in the worship Hall at her feet lay he whiskers flowers and build the leaves this is the style of the master marche gives all the descriptions the mostly in the Indian Way they never write like this they'll be directly going to the conversation of the things that is happening why he gives like this details description it is six o'clock evening the people are following Sri Ramakrishna some people are already there and this is the image at the feet of the image that we can meditate there's a la verga van see ramakrishna this will like his philosophy if they like after reading only this paragraph they can close their eyes and can transport their mind at that time in the company of Sri Ramakrishna so this is the wonderful way that is why he is giving one all detailed descriptions the sum of the hibiscus and also the Builder ribs from an acre is hung a girl end of flowers see Ramakrishna entered the hall bowed down before the image then he went to the open court here where he sat on a carpet and then he is asking all devotees are sitting over there immediately he picked up the conversation you see it is very difficult to give up vanity anything any immediately he will pick up that they were asking him to take a pillow so that he can sit comfortably immediately said why because in those days the rich people days to sit in that fashion the ordinary people are sitting like this rich people used to sit in the half way so that was the fashion is the vanity only see Ramakrishna said you see this very difficult to give up vanity then one person that radar another devotee immediately he quoted from the chaitanya mahaprabhu and he said renardo p suny china tuyo Reba sash Nita a devotee with the devotee again n again cinema Krishna's telling asking us go to a devotee and sometimes we will be writing also he is a great devotee but who is the devotee just because we go to a temple and you donate something and is a devotee know what is the quality of a devotee through nod Opie Sunni lowly ER than a straw and the patient's like entry diary were tyo means the tree so he's not a very patient so these are the things one must be very very having strong mind to beer everything to you Reba sure he's not ah sir but then immediately the master see Ramakrishna God himself he said as for me I consider myself as a of the dust of the devotees feet look at it so humbleness when after the war was over and the pancha Pandavas they were organizing a huge function where they invited all the King's Own around then that duties where they allotted and in those days it was the custom now it is also in the villages if you go they will ask you to stand in one place and they will wash your feet with water but mostly slowly as things are changing people are having their shoes but in those days dust was the people is to do like that and you will notice you p bihar and mother pradesh all these people they never touched up two feet like the bengalis the bengalis they will bow down and touch the feet because a lot of water so these to wash their feet so the others could touch their feet also but in the ups and others punjab a lot of dust and if you are touching the field immediately you have to go somewhere to watch your hand and you will notice that most of the upd and Punjab they touch with the left hand not with the right hand not that they are ignoring you insulting you because if they are using the right and they won't be able to eat afterwards they need some water now it is what it is plenty every you are almost all facilities are there but the tradition we have to understand now these are the things slowly 30 tradition comes down to win the function every all departments all duties were alerted but when the gift will come somebody should be there to wash their feet who will do that nobody was agreed when chip aandava deter I say we have divided these people they're all below us are you going to wash it wash their feet no it's not you cannot imagine the beam is sitting lowly and then washing the feet of somebody else rather he will easy for him to break the lake so for the Vemma and you know who did it Krishna himself why no ego and that's why he's God the someone was asking though what is God who can be called as God can see Ramakrishna can will be called it god these are the points he is actually ego less that's why see Ramakrishna stealing and the he told the URI versa East not Athena Division II China you must be humble just like a blade of grass he said I am the speck of the dust of the feet of devotee not of God the devotee Xiaomi be vacant at old he declared i am the servant of servant of that person who has taken the name of god those who are very good people taking the name of God helping others there are so wonderful people I can be a servant to him there's the humbleness unless you are humble you cannot so then afterwards one person is entering bite the knot and then we find a wonderful conversation is going on but the knot he is coming here he is a well-educated man a lawyer of the high court of calcutta with folded hands he saluted the master and took his seat at one end and cylinder because Surendra is how ceramic is namaz visiting he introduced master he is one of my relatives master was happy seeing that person see the different type of people are there some people when they're going to God God also become happy because of the behavior their tendencies and some people are so egoistic they will come over here and looking here and they are not looking at the god that's why you have entered if you don't like to see don't enter but after coming over suppose someone comes into your house and enter your home where you are sitting and we ignoring you sitting over there he appreciates these and that how you will feel your similarly the same thing that God salam o Krishna like this person though he was a lawyer educated person he came with a very humble way and master yes I see he has a nice nature look at it blessings automatically why the junior should go and touch the feet of the seniors why we have been taught like that the teachers now it is the most of the students as because there I am I don't know not properly their thinking is a modern way insulting the professor's the teachers criticizing them and teachers have also forgotten what is their role in the society they are also thinking this is a job I go and I teach any earn money that's all know is a wonderful relation guru shisha and he is removing the ignorance then removing the darkness from the eyes of the student so wonderful thing that is called morality and that is called religion and when that is not there people will be educated they will get the certificate there will be very highly intelligent will be able to be successful in the world but according to our standard we cannot call them as human being because that things are absent that is the Indian culture sometimes we talk about the Indian culture what is the Indian culture these humbleness you are capable and you were confident but you are not egoistic and you are humble so that see Ramakrishna and then Shirin though he has come here because he wants to ask you a question or two so whenever the holy people they go people will be asking some question the master to that young man wait to not all that you see in the benefit is the manifestation of God's power before he asked any question immediately ceramic is Tina is telling him all that you see is a manifestation of God's power no one can do anything without his power see how would he know what question he is going to ask and when you come to his question you belong understand why salon Krishna has already made a ground to give the answer to him no one can do anything without this power power of God we think we are doing these we are doing that we are intelligent we are not intelligent but no it is all God's and then but you must remember that there is not an equal manifestation of God's power in all things sometimes we make the mistake is not with dasha girl once asked me whether God endured some with greater power than others I say to him if there is no this if there are no greater and lesser manifestations of his power then why have we taken the trouble to visit you with the shuttle was a very famous person he got the title with da saga the ocean of learning he was assured Chandra his name was issue agenda and he a very poor they say in his leg raphy he was a very poor person and used to study very and slowly slowly slowly he became a prominent personality in those days he had a very soft kind hearted mind used to help people so many ways so see Ramakrishna went there to see him when the big de chegar asked whether the god has given special power to someone then argument see Ramakrishna said then why we have come to you have you grown two horns this is referring to other devotees so it stands to reason that God exists in all beings as the all-pervasive power in sanskrit called boom aah boom ah means all pervasiveness but not with form without form how as jay tanya has consciousness everything is having the consciousness and sometimes some people are having the expression of consciousness like the human being but sometimes others are not cannot express that so this is called all pervasive power but the manifestations of his power are different in different beings why just example it gives when a sundry is coming and reflecting on the glasses it reflects but suppose that one glass is tinted or covered with dust reflection will be less but if the glass is just like a mirror reflection will be more Sun is giving the light reflection coming on that but the reflection is are not same similarly in the human mind also the human being also some they are reflecting in such a nice way there great people and we go and bow down before them the Buddha the Chaitanya the Jesus salam o Krishna and so so so many are there the Mojave so all these are there why because they are just like the mirror the gods reflection or much more so we also having the same capacity but not fully manifested we go and bow down to those people that salam o Krishna is giving the end that man is asking said I have a doubt people speak of free will they say that a man can do either good or evil according to his will is it true are we really free to do whatever we like the very important question and particularly in the Western world is a free will and a free person and a free country so i can do anything i like what is this freeness again see Rama Krishna is giving the answer everything depends on the will of God the world is his play he has created all these different things great and small strong and weak good and bad virtuous and vicious this is all his maya his sport so that no one can do anything actually it is all written that these will happen that will happen we never thought that these will have happen in our lives so many things we are doing our relatives our brothers and our friends so all of them that we all grew up together but what happened after we find that actually things have changed something is changing and we are traveling in a different way with those people with whom actually we grew up they know hair and then the other people whom we never knew they are all around why all these things are happening did we plan like this none of us so that is why when the ceramic ISNA is telling the see this is the world is his play he has created all these different things and these is difficult for us to understand and to believe but at the same time this is the truth this is his mayan this is a one word he used and we are not going to explain about the Maya over here many times in many different occasions this word calm and then we explain and here we will go along its see Ramakrishna as he says as long as a man has not realized God he thinks he is free it is God Himself who keeps this error in man I am free I can do all these things this is ego aye aye aye it's God who has kept it but when the realization comes it is he it is doubt his dau it is down when shaam it is not the question of ignorance just bab for our teaching our learning swami vivekananda he is a personality of the self confident person and he used to tell that we are doing it everything he was Abaddon thing but at the same time afterwards he said I have done nothing when you went back to India particularly to his own plays the Calcutta when people who are shouting and giving the glory to be vague then he said no no no don't say like that I am I have done nothing actually it is God who did through me this is the realization so we think that we are doing wrong and this wrong this conception this ego this error has been kept by God himself and when the god by his grace removes that then only we can understand but do you know the attitude of one who has realized God he feels i am the machine and thou Oh Lord our the operator and the house and thou art the indweller and the chariot and thou are the driver I moved as thou knewest me I speak as thou makest me speak this is a wonderful prayer every day one should play like this please hold my hand and so that every time every moment I can only think about you do your work and speak whatever I speak your words so that is the prayer and that way a human life slowly become so wonderful and they become successful he said the desire to argu disappears when a man attains wisdom this vision earth he is telling beta naught beta his name is beta naught when he said like that master was very happy and then a master Masha the writer he is jokingly nicely he is mentioning the master out of his talk of dozen English words said thank you in the most charming way and all laughed so he was never attended any schooling in those days English was not so prominent only educated people whose to go to the college's they used to learn salam o Krishna but he knew some of the words and that was thank you so the moment this bite the not saved that Saddam o Krishna was very happy because he has understood and not only cinema Krishna could read the mind so he's really understood the boy do not whatever he is telling is from the core of his heart and what is that the desire to argue disappears when a man attains wisdom that is the wonderful way the all this conversation goes in the next we find that ceramic is not looking at this bed ganar this young man his st. you will make spiritual progress the God Himself giving the certificate to the person you will make spiritual progress why humbleness and at the same time clear idea discrimination he will make spiritual progress now in the next we will see that the group of Hilton party has gone the singers they'll be singing the song and in our next class we will read this portion and discuss thank you for coming let us conclude with this offering of a pranaam to see Ramakrishna needin genom nityam anantapur bak tonneau compa Drita become boy ye chaahat arum para Misha medium tamarama krishnam she'd asana mama oh shanthi shanthi shanthi hurry he owned it sir sweet ama Krishna are bunim us too