Video 75
76: Panchama Veda 76: Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
Kobe very little calm Oshawa home surana mangalam swim Agatha thong movie villain de bourrée garjana the very interesting discussion that we will listen today in the last time we were listening from bhagavati ramakrishna she where he was discussion about the abortion are the different type of warships and here we find that in the yoga vashishtha broker on etc we have coated he is constantly asking us to go to oly company get the guidance from the holy and to get inspiration from that and then he is telling about that lighting the lamp of knowledge in the chamber of your heart behold the face of the mother the embodiment of the brahman and this is very special and afterwards today he is talking about everyone can attain knowledge now see Ramakrishna he is to worship goddess Kali but at the same time this same see Rama Krishna is talking about is above top is a devotee but at the same time he is talking about the highest knowledge everyone can attain knowledge and there are two entities very simple the moment we talk about the knowledge the Vedanta and the reader and we are confused do you think of something very very special something not all people can understand and here's ceramic esna makes it so simple he says everyone can attain knowledge so this everyone this word we must understand there is no discrepancy there is a brahmana kshatriya of Asia or the Hindu or the Christian or Islam nothing like that Ely one trying any human being trying to know and he can attain that knowledge and why only two entities what are the two entities one is individual soul jai bharat MA and then Paramatma the supreme soul only these are the 2g Batma and Paramatma through prayer now this is very special where we are going to the knowledge what we are going to achieve the goal of the gaana maaga the path of knowledge what is that unity of Paramatma and Jabbar ma unity of everything and the knowledge of advaitha true navi says clear through prayer all individual souls can be united to the supreme soul this is the speciality above and Sonam tishnar he is combining the path of love bhakti and the path of knowledge at the same time why because the result is the same how could you know because he has practice both and all the paths and that's why category is simply explained but most of the people we only talk about our past but not about the void and then we are very much eager to spread about the path that I have chosen and that's called canada season that's called the narrowness so here it says everyone connecting knowledge there are 20 tease G batma the individual soul Paramatma the supreme soul and the true prayer all individual soul can be united to the supreme soul but what we need is a zeal zeal for God the Lord and that Zille when we are eager to know God what happens in the words of the Quran see Ramakrishna that it's eat up the last and anger the last in anger last is what is the glass is a craving and when that craving is not satisfied what happens anger so we need reads Ramakrishna's words they are so simple but if the same types of profound and the true seekers of spirituality must know this must read these and must try to understand these and then only it is possible zeal for God the Lord each of the last anger and other passions the moment passions when there is all these things are absent what remain a purified mind what is the purified mind only longing for God love for God desire to know God and nothing else and what other things are there the worldly things in the worldly things in the worldly matter there are so many varieties of things are there but they are all temporary so this is called knowledge if the temporary and only the God is permanent when the God is permanent why not go for that it is they say that in all being that love trust it begins with all it begins with liking so when I read the gospel of ceramic kishna I start liking those the words that the first age of love the liking so that liking begins and then it comes the love then ultimately this is anurag ah what is that anagha one-pointed love every moment of thought our site our taste or smell or sound touch everything reminds the beloved that condition of mind is called anuradha bhakti the San ski racer anuraga raga and anuradha rava means attachment and anurag amines attachment but for God that olahraga that loved one pointed love and love which doesn't doesn't understand anything else but the god or the object of love and that is called on raga the site taste smell sound touch every time these are the five organs and whatever these five organs are doing is coming down coming back to the mind but bringing only one pointed thing and that is called God and this is anurag above T true owner haga comes gianna or the knowledge knowledge of advaitha oneness so this point you must remember and this is so important is so very important only once we understand these all the differences between different type of groups of thoughts goes away so that is called anuradha bhakti and through anuraga comes the knowledge knowledge that do not differentiate Jeeva yogurt and Brahma knowledge that do not differentiate Jeep jagged Brahma individual soul the world and the Brahman this condition of mind is known as akhanda Chaitanya restream a condo Chaitanya Drishti no Conda Conda means thoughts or kunda there is no parts chaitanya consciousness a Drishti that is the site sister nivedita said about sharmaji to him there was no secular or sacred sometimes we always think that this is the secular and is the sacred and this place is the sacred place and is the secular plays worldly things but Xiaomi Vivekananda everything it became the secret why because that akhanda Chaitanya HD the site the feeling the understanding it all became only one and that is why bhagavan sri ramakrishna in his wonderful bengali song he sang ghana deep jelly gori brahma muy rube da cunha ghana dpj Liguori that deep means that's the light light of what ghana the knowledge and you have to see the Brahma my who is that brahmana me the full of nothing but Brahman complete Brahman rupa da cunha mucho de cuna you have to see the face of that Brahman in the form of Mahakali so that is what see ramakrishna is telling lighting the lamp of knowledge behold the face of divine mother the same thing has been excellent way in a beautiful way it has been explained in the Sheba samhita the shiva samhita it says jaton yard sarvam whooping am very simple sanskrit jayton yacht sarvam whoop anjum jagat Edith chara chara meeeeee the smart sorry bumper integer tightness to samarth right astra eight you must hold on Astra Astra means taking the refuge samaa straight completely taking the refuge in what chaitanya why because from Chaitanya from that consciousness sarvam everything whooping um created what have those everything jagged the whole universe this ated a that means this and Chara achara sentient in sentient leaving and at the same time non living so that the life without life everything has been created projected from the consciousness the smart serve imperat Edgar therefore renouncing everything why the Shiva samhita it's all the time asking us to do this why because ultimate thing is the peace the police and unless and until we go for that we get that and this life is in vain again and again the desire will come different type of desires and to fulfill that desire you have to take the bird and then we have to suffer to all the six changes of our life jast but the day before you know Matt the beep akshitha Maria they all the six different changes we have to take birth and then decay and the ultimate death we have to go to the drowned once you understand this seriously then it says renounce please give up and in the first loca of the Isha we show pony sure it says Yabusame Dom sarvam yet kimchi yagatama yogurt teen attack Tina when Jetta Mark Dacascos it Dunham to wonderful thing and this is called spirituality it's not a religion religion only the process is the culmination it is the ultimate and there's call it is spirituality at the art mikata but then again raghavan see Rama Krishna is the early explain but before that another verse from the Shiva samhita it says to impress on the mind of the people jayton yacht sorry bong whooping um it's a already sir bomb everything put burnham created from where from chaitanya again it says assure adi jagat sarvam Atma be a pure samanta taaha eco st sachidananda porn advaita be Birgitta through the bhakti we are going to the highest knowledge dwai de beber cheated wait amines there is no to that's why xiaomi be waken the said when he realized this truth he said my god the poor my god the downtrodden my god the illiterate my god the oppressed and thereby special objective warship can you imagine the words the river Lucien Airy words nobody could alter like that in any Scripture we do not find this because that is called practical Vedanta thousands and thousands of years we are only going on coating from Scripture not Eva trying to understand and realize understanding and realization then only this Vedanta we constantly read so many scriptures without understanding here it says assure Adi right from the issue era right from the god jagat sarvam down to everything of this universe Atma baptism on data is nothing but the art Minh and then again it says same thing in a different language eco Asti only one remains porna to add way to be Birgitta pornoid is full doing to be Birgitta and it is not having to and what is that just to give some idea such eat Ananda right from God down to everything of this universe is saturated by artman which is one without a second complete in every sense and it is existence knowledge please absolute so from where to where he was talking about the worship he was talking about the other things and suddenly he is taking us our mind to the highest realm of religion is lame realm of the spirituality and this is called spiritually do we talk about religion and spirituality but spirituality is only the path only that course we are following but when we reach over there we get this idea this knowledge and then vagabond see Ramakrishna in his we unique way explains the different stages of human mind and this is very interesting though the human looks same but they are different why they are different because of their thought what are the thoughts this call they say they are indeed bound souls who constantly dwell with last and greed they are the bound souls in Bengali and also in Sanskrit it's called beta Jeeva bound Souls worldly people alike silkworms Sri Ramakrishna is explaining the worms can cut through their cocoons if they want but some people they are constantly afraid when they read like this swami ji then we are all bound people now that you read then only you will understand not that those who are in the samsara or in the house of life they're all but the jiva know is wrong see ramakrishna's so many greatest the disciples are householders and used to go to the one person and he was a householder but ceramic ish needs to go and more than hundred times he has visited is to stay in that house is to take food from that house and that is balarama bush and also so many other people then what that means it says about these people who then salam o Krishna is explaining like the silk worms the worms can cut through their cocoons if they want but having open the cocoons themselves they are too much attached to them to leave them this is the condition of the but the jiva they create a situation in this world and then they are bound in that they cannot come out of that that is called cagiva then the second stage it's called free Souls under not on the control of last and greed this free Souls they are not under the control of lust and greed what these free Souls that there are some silk worms that cut through the cocoons they are also from the same place but they have understood that if I am going to live in these whatever I have created I must have believed it that is why in the ancient time they gave us the Chouteau thus four stages of life brahm Macharia gar hasta vanaprastha and samsung sannyasa this Brahma charia means is getting the knowledge what is the knowledge dharma first is dharma first is the duty what we should do and where we should not why we should do and why we should not that is the training there's called fast and second applying those knowledge to enjoy your life whatever you are thinking in that way but with restrain and then third stage slowly slowly withdrawing the mind not at a time slowly slowly withdrawing the mind and then finally it goes to sannyasa then some muck niassa giving up everything and that skull mokta though all of us we were there then slowly slowly we are coming up and trying to understand this thing and this is called mockba Jeeva then he says there are two classes of perfect souls that is cydia so fast is but they're bound second is muktha free tardis cydia Siddha means perfect Souls and this perfect souls are two types there are two classes of perfect Souls those who attain perfection through spiritual practice and those who attain it through the grace of God see how so clearly see Ramakrishna is explaining so if this is not the knowledge of spirituality then what unless and until we know our condition after reading this after listening to these if we sit in one corner and ponder and try to understand Dean slowly we can understand what is our condition we need not to disclose it but at the same time if you are sincere if we want to understand spirituality then these are the only paths and no no other way but in the name of religion we like to pass time there's so many other things are there we're just passing time and we are so engaged we are so doing so many things and there we are thinking that we are very happy you are happy no problem there majority maximum people did do it why we will come to that point also in the bhagavad-gita and here ceramic ishness mentioning why can't you understand this and when we are listening even we cannot understand and we don't like to listen to these also because so that's why they started in the beginning it was not there but afterwards is started all ritual is dictum and too much of ritual stick thing and constantly ritual stick thing again bound without knowing we are going on doing and we are thinking these are the only thing we should do but actually bound we're in our mind sometimes we are thinking that we should purchase the land we should do these would you do that rascal bag najiba at the same time we are thinking that we will purchase the land and make a temple and then do these again we are fighting in the election and so many things are going on what is that samsara in one place we are doing a social structure another place we are doing a spiritual religious structure but what type of action we are doing the same thing what happens bound but we think that we are doing religious things we have to understand this clearly then only the religion can help us otherwise not this but de mokta and Siddha is perfect Souls and this perfect soul means they are attained perfection through spiritual practices there are many just attending the perfection what is the perfection what is the Muktha again and again we have to remember it otherwise there may be some misunderstanding perfection means that knowledge that everything is nothing but God perfection means that knowledge constantly within us that all that we see is different manifestation manifestation of the same God so that it comes through practices the moment we hate the moment we criticize the moment we try to bring back names for the others or creating problem for others who are others there are also the manifestation of the same God the moment you understand these the police will come not only in the individual mind but also in the whole society and this is from what Swami be back on the side this is the answer to stop the conflicts in the name of religion politics economy and society language conflicts and conflicts and conflicts everywhere and we are cutting the throat of each other why because do not know both of us are ignorant and both of us we are fighting in the name of religion or something else but we are both are ignorant these are the knowledge the moment one can and that's why it is so very few and it says that through the grace of God some farmers then explaining some farmers irrigate their fields with great labor and but there are some who do not have to irrigate at all their fields are flooded by rain we what we need water and some people are working very hard to bring water from different from a distance and some places are there where it is raining so didn't they need not to do any take any trouble to irrigate their field so this that means some people they are very lucky but is there really very lucky no again karma valla so we can explain it in this way that God's grace may come God can do anything suddenly he wants to do just as a very sinful person he wants to give them up t give him up t it can is all-powerful but at the same time if we see the rule then this karma phala today one person is having enjoying the great benefit without much effort that means he has done it in the past and so it is coming down in the last time in our Sunday codes we were studying these that this karma phala is not lost it is always there and it comes back again and again to ask a nun listen until we exhaust that it goes along with us so the creeper are sick there the grace that they are getting from the God is also to some extent it may be just great or the karma phala of the past life so these are called Siddha then another type of people then there is the class of the aver perfect this ever perfect they are born in each life with their spiritual consciousness already awakened this like that all the Apostles all the direct disciples of the avatara's they are nicta signior though apparently they are doing so many austerity so much of austerities they are practicing that doing so many things as Eve but it is only two teachers but actually there Nick the Cynthia that's why when these young people started coming to serum kishna salaam krishna's to tell his householder devotees feed them and you will get the blessings as he feeding the team brahmanas or hundred brahmanas like the Narendra Bob Arum Rakhal all this apparently very simple but they are the apostles of the god and they are neat to cydia of course see ramakrishna mentioned some of them as the need to cydia but most of them are need to sit there for hours because this grace came to them and the perfection can him in real life so easily and they give God the blessings of God see Ramakrishna here friends we find why we are bound and it says the but the jiva muktar Jeeva we're from the Mukti we're from the liberation from the bondage what is the bondage desire desire for what for these worldly things for I want these I want that all this constantly and why it comes in our mind then it says my arm div Isha guna my mo no mo mamaya dirtier mami ba e prapadyante mayam etam sir entity the Maya afterwards we'll see the definition of the Maya and it says DB Asia guna muy is a divine power so this is a here comes actually the main mystery why we are suffering why we are bound because of the Maya we're from the Maya is coming from God and we is helping us to go out of that Maya God now if you ask question why God is playing like this and we are suffering see Ramakrishna said that is the will of God so this is here the wonderful way is explaining what we have to go to God so that he gives us the freedom from his own power of Maya three ve shall guna marine the divine power Maya constituted of the three gunas what are the gunas sattva Raja and Tomas mommy bah i prefer DNT it is difficult to overcome but whoever takes refusing me alone in devotion overcoming samaya it is permanent it is carbon in the Saints is beginning with the god so we do not know when it began but we know when it gains the moment we can understand that this is the power of God that is deluding and that's called the Maya immediately ceases to work so this is the power of God and according to the needle umbopa nishith Maya is Brahman saka saka na na be the jagath bichito nirvana sana da booty Rupa Brahma Shakti Reba pragati I read it again slowly brahmanas Sokka shot it is a test with the brahmana this Maya this is uniquely Shankaracharya explained again Dominus Akasha it is attached with the god or the brahman becomes is creating vichitra nirvana samartha it can create many many things but the rupar its intelligence and again Brahma Shakti Reba and this is the power of Brahman Brahma Shakti Ava look at it this Maya is nothing but the power of Brahman and this power of Brahman has the knowledge it can give us the knowledge it can bind as also so here we have to understand it very clearly that there are two things given by our Creator one is a temptation temptation of the temporary things another permanent it's just like that story in the Mahabharata where Arjuna and the limbs call Duryodhana both of them they went to see Krishna now see Krishna in the middle and then Arjuna and Duryodhana shri krishna is giving them offer them two things one God and with the promise that I won't take part in the war and we're going to fight and second another the thousands of trained soldiers so the temptation obviously I have gone gone to invite say Krishna forward to help me in my war so obviously the temptation is to get the thousands trained soldiers who is giving through tishner in another hand he is telling I am alone if you like me you can accept me also so just like this the Brahman is giving this way the both the things but now here we have to utilize our brain and that is why to utilize the brain we need to know the clear picture clear identity of these things who can tell us sadhu sanga only the realized soul can tell us that's why bhagavan sri ramakrishna and all the scriptures of the hindus again and again they are telling holy company holy company early company satsang satsang satsang why otherwise this so these again and again if we read the newspapers if we get the information from the world what we hear all these things were there but people are suffering everywhere in different places somewhere for little time there's some joy and we think oh I am going to enjoy but again this darkness come so this goes on and on and on we are not to be afraid of only thing we have to understand it properly that's all and then what happens our minds become free from the attachment the moment of mind is free from attachment what happens we are perfect personality we can enjoy we can leave with others without affecting by people and also without creating problem for others there's a wonderful stage of mind and that is called jeevan mukta condition his when he is leaving his free free from what the bondage bondage of what the Maya what is the Maya it says it is the brahmana Shakti brahmanas sucker is the power of brahman nana betta jagath different type of jagged geographies the universe etre varieties near ghana samartha creating how just projecting it but actually we is projecting again in the Maya they are having to power what covering the original thing and then over that super imposing something else so that is the power of Maya why we are explaining these the moment we understand that is covering the original thing there is a classical explanation everywhere in the Vedanta it says a rope was there on the road and one person saw it and thought is a snake the Rope is the original the when the person saw the rope what is so snake why because the original was covered and then superimpose something which is not there at all then snake and the reaction fear but the moment someone came with the light with a torch and then showed it and then immediately with the light he saw that it is nothing but a simple row what happened joy the fear gun for anything changed nothing then why I was afraid why I suffered because of my ignorance so this is called Maya we're from the ignorance game then it says it is Brahma Shakti Reba Masha radama need a bee he came and see Rama Krishna is telling that do you think his utter she's ordinary she is my shakti and we see Rama Krishna God himself and what is the Shakti this knowledge Maya what Maya can do it can bind it can get the liberation so we have to understand this again and again see Ramakrishna so nicely introducing the mother Masara the Mona Devi very simple but about it about this Shakti in the Jandy it says Tom bushna be shocked team ananta birria you have tremendous power here also we find near alambagh punish it very clearly it says it can create na na v the jagged be Chitra Nirvana summer thaw why it is intelligent but the rhubarb ceramic esna introducing mass or the money Debbie she is shiraz shetty the surety never read anything she was not having any simple idea about what is the knowledge book book knowledge she never attended any school but see Rama Krishna is telling see Star City and shiraz shotty gives what knowledge what type of knowledge Pura Vida an opera Vidya the both the knowledge are coming from the same Saraswathi and it can create it can destroy and in this life in this time now see Rama Krishna is telling ma Swami Vivekananda it has become so easy for people to get liberation previously the door was closed it was locked but now it is only adds are just go and push it and it will be open unto you so that is why it has become so simple because that Maya which is usually binds serum kishna has made that Maya as mother i am going to that because to understand the same thing that abstract idea is taking the life leaving and see ramakrishna again and again asking in different places one lady came to see ramakrishnan told i am coming i will be leaving for a pilgrimage to such in such place i have come to get your blessing immediately ceramic Krishna told did you say these in from mother mashallah domina TV or no go please go tell her if she is pleased then only all your this thing will be beneficial otherwise simply visiting so who is actually changing our mind our attitude this Mahamaya who is this Mahama mahamaya in the form of mass hora de Mona Devi that's why I ramakrishna introducing in different way sometimes some people whose to live along with mother they saw mother's so many times even then doubt came in their minds that is the power of ma Maya leaving with them even misunderstanding and she was thinking sitting by the side of the donga Sri Ramakrishna was highly spiritual man and see Ramakrishna constantly talking about God and he used to live in this way but the mother's life is not like that she is constantly working thinking for others and talking just like any ordinary woman talking about the household life and then see Ramakrishna appeared and told do you think that she is contaminated touched by all these things look at the Ganga so many things are flowing but the Ganga the pavani Shakti the power to give ol eNOS still there so like this it is not only some of the verses that i am quoting the same thing has been manifested demonstrated in the life only thing we have to understand here again the near alamo pony shot says brahmana Sokka shot right from brahmana nana be jagged vichitra nelvana samartha booty rupa Brahma Shakti Riva prakruti this is the prakruti this is the nature and then again vedanta's r gives another definition of Maya what is that aghanim to said Assad vom O'Neill bachan young tree gounod mahkum ghana Brody babalu bomb jetking gdt but aunty previously in the near alamo Kenisha it was giving in a more simple way here in the Vedanta char it gives only the hints what is that hint it says said Assad Byong Sun means it is there again it is not there so this is very peculiar to understand it is there and again it is not there why are Ghanem tu sada sada be armed I need Virginia you cannot explain it what is Maya this is Maya know the illusion delusion you cannot explain it but you can feel it to some people when they are very thirsty when they are going in the desert to see the mirage and they think there is a water there is real easy water they see the people they see all the palm trees the sea camels they see the teams every thing to see and then when they go over there the scene nothing nobody's round only the dry desert to wear from the side imposed on what they imposed that which was not there so when you see the whole universe in this way either friendly or not friendly these and that who sees it I how I mean I can see that because I have imposed it he is bad she is bad he is good she is good this is good this is bad all these things are nothing but my position I am thinking in that way so what I have to do I should do I must rectify my mind and how can I do that aneel virginia arm you cannot explain but you can feel feeling we're in the mind and since i am feeling all those things and getting attracted and i saw the water over there and ran over there exhausting my all my power all my energy when it is too were there i saw it's nothing that dry sands only so in that way how can I protect myself again we have to go back to those people who have already crossed this and they are showing us the part who are those actors realized Souls and they have been mentioned by the van see Ramakrishna as the Tsar do you must have to go back again and again so sadhu sanga sadhu sanga what is that only company and in one place he is telling somehow you must have the holy company and you must again and again go to that holy company unless and until you are going over there talking with those people see in their lives you cannot understand many people are reading books every day thousands of rupees of this type of books are sold all over the Ramakrishna mission is having so many centers and from so many centers thousands of books a sword why then there is no effect in the society we all know we have read because you have to understand it properly who can give you that explanation only person who is leaving that life then only you can understand otherwise not and it remains just some instructions as we read from the books the first we have to now today before conclusion let us summarize what's Ramakrishna is telling he is telling that in a different way that God can be realized by anyone anyone can realize God how true knowledge the why that how that knowledge will come true devotion this is very speciality no one will say they speak like that those who are the followers of the path of knowledge they will only speak about the knowledge and they will go on stressing on that no no no no there is no other way only up to follow this and those who are the followers of the bhakti-yoga they'd only speak about bhakti and they don't like to listen anything about the path of knowledge which are gianna Brahman nothing then what remains see Ramakrishna said true bhakti we can go to knowledge what we need sincerity this is the first thing and true anuraga anuraga means 1.8 devotion and today i am going to displace today i am going to that place then i am going over there everywhere i am going and trying to get some thing now anurag amines this is my first you have to go see oh these are the things that is why frost liking I started feeling liking these are the things i liked second love and third total concentration on the object of love that is called on raga and that you know raga brings knowledge what is that knowledge God is only everywhere every moment in different name and form but that is the whole thing the true devotion we reach to that one absolute which is named as Brahman Cartman or permit Mon sometimes God and secondly it says different conditions of mine that is bound soul free soul ever free that now we have to stand before a mirror and you have to judge with that meter our own mind and without telling it to others we have to understand what is our present position what is the condition unnecessarily show up the time a very holy person religious person no I have to understand myself and that is very very important that is but the Shiva bhakta Jeeva sadhana sit there and then creeper Asik de how do you mean the creeper sit there that is worth different thing if we had the need to sit there never bound different but we are not okay then shortlisted there were five now we come to three what is one is butta then mokta and sadhana sit there we are not but does why as because we are not feeling there is no God I don't believe in God I only leave in this life and I like to enjoy his life we are not like that but at the same time we are not conformed we are not complete CLE telling that I know there is God I only live for God now then in between this bug de and mokta let's calm amok ceuta and throng that no mikata I'm a student I am NOT a doctorate I have not got all the knowledge and I have no need no need to either I am not fully knowledgeable person I am NOT ignorant either I am NOT but the at the same time I am NOT muktha what is my condition then in between so what I should do now ceramic ishness words first go and listen see the life of a holy man how he leaves how his some other ah how he is considering everyone has the same how he is living the life he is in everything but without any attachment get the inspiration guidance guidance guidance and then come and try to impose all these things within you and then this momax shotta takes to the Mukti so this is our army began the say my plan of campaign campaign against what they say campaign the word is used in the war only the military army people they only use this work campaign is going marching to fight with somebody we are also going to fight show me become the same with what with ignorance what is that ignorance our desires and then this is our condition I don't know if you are already siddha i don't know but i consider myself in the condition of these but the and mook the in between and in between is nothing wrong it's very good position and here slowly slowly if we can understand that these are the things going to make us make me suffer I won't go there and these are the things if I continue then i am going to be liberated getting free because i have understood this worldly life is nothing but sufferings this thing is nothing with all this multi various thing ultimately it brings only sufferings if you can understand this then we will go for the truth and for that the beginning is we have to start liking the life of spirituality and after liking develop the love for it and after the lab intense love for that one object thank you very much in the next day again you will discuss there is a forever pranaam to the vagabond see Ramakrishna whose wonderful words we were reading and discussing needin genom nityam on antelope um Bob tano comes off with a big tomboy Keisha vitara for amisha medium some ramakrishna meeeee she a sauna mama oh shanthi shanthi shanthi hoodie hume tats it