Video 74

75: Panchama Veda 75: Gospel of SriRamakrsihna

that we will chant and then we study the gospel tabaka Tom rhythm dr. G venom kobe VIII rhythm Cal moshom urbana mangalam srimad artem Bobby Cronyn de bourrée garjana this the words of the God that is gives it giving a Zeta nectar the cool water like that to whom those who were suffering so that is taba khatam rhythm dr. G venom and that also stubborn among golem those who were reading understanding meditating for them and even those who are hearing listening for them too and those who are having lot of property even above them this Pathan Rita this gospel these words of God far better than those things and this we will read why they say like this look at this the last time we left with this question how can I develop love for God one devotee he is asking these two vagabonds Ramakrishna how can I develop love for God's is a wonderful question those who believe in God those who are trying to realize God their number is maximum maximum the pure atheist non-believers are very few in some form of our the people they are worshiping God they like to get the blessings of God here that this question how can I develop love for God this is the very important question we go to Temple Church mosque synagogue but not with love just maybe just by practice and as a tradition we go for many other reasons but real love for God this is a wonderful question we have to develop love longing desire to realize that is called Allah and when this person is asking this question how can I develop love for God before I read out the answer there is another question the same person asking how can I take delight in God's name that is also very important we are taking the name of God but the moment he asks how can I develop love for God see ramakrishna's reply was repeat his name very simple how can I develop love repeat his name so no other answer and so simple I need not to gain it anywhere I need you to spend anything I needed to practice the austerity only thing that I have to repeat God's name internally that's all even then with so simple thing that also we cannot do why we can think so many things all the time we are thinking about the political things or the social or many many other things but the gods name you try to repeat after repeating hundred times people are tired why that is the bondage if we can overcome that we are free so here the second question he is asking how can I take delight in God's name this is also very important you have said to repeat the Nick got his name okay but I tried I couldn't do it's not possible I have to develop delight in the name of God unless and until I like to repeat I like to know that name see that face how can I go on repeating it's not possible so here it says how can i take the delight in God's name being his ceramic richness answer pray to God pray to God with a yearning heart that you may take delight you may take delight in his name when a child is crying the mother is scolding the child the child goes to mother and she knows the mother only can help so that similarly when I cannot take the name of God knowing that we doubt that I cannot survive I cannot get mukthi I won't get the knowledge I won't get anything in this life and after that that is the only key in my hand only to take the name of God that the Guru has given to me now there is a question why guru comes in between because otherwise our mind deceives us many a times we take some name of name of God as a ceramic is named selfish Dahli any name of God but some few days i will like to take some named after few days some other name after few days some other name so there is no continuity it always breaks so the energy is lost the effort is futile and that is the reason we have to take the initiation from a guru because the precondition of that that I will follow strictly I will follow whatever you say that is the main thing then he is coming and accepting whatever you will say I will follow that means the good will ask will you be able to repeat the name of God yes said ok that's all and then continuously he will think i have given the word to guru I must repeat and that will force him to repeat and that will become a habit but to repeat the name of God is so difficult why because we are not getting delight and in any subject that we like we are ready to discuss this for a long long time this continuous questioned and questioned and questioned like that they will go on so here it says you have to go back to God and pray to God believe please bless me so that I can take delight in God in bhagavad-gita it says let me caught if few scriptures you will see the ceramic ISNA he is giving these methods as if so simple but in every scripture everywhere same thing they're telling they say T shaam Saturday yuck tanem baaja Tom pretty poor wacom Dada me would do gum Tom in imam abu entity these arms sata2 yuck tana one who is constantly attached with me saturday up da tashan to those who serve me with delight Bahji Tom tip or become pretty means delight lovingly now some people in the temple they get salary and they're worshiping is a Treasury for them when i am going to complete this puja then i will go out and we'll have my friends or I will go to my family constantly they are thinking it that way pooja is a duty for them and somehow they're completing without any large majority of us we do like that it's just a job is just a service so that I am earning some money but queen is sweet love with delight how in the life of an SI Ramakrishna and that is the reason I again and again I say one must read the life of a given see Ramakrishna then we will learn that how from these dueto guiana just ordinary worship and slowly slowly it is taking a wonderful knowledge the gianna is coming and this delight constantly I must feed my mother I must beat my father like that te Shan satara you can am continuously a test with me how by repeating the name that's all yup the victim in a test how can I be always with God through his name just by name I am going on repeating sreeram freedom and a test with God in everything everywhere in every condition constantly taking that name is called Saturday utana and then next life state comes how to take delight in his name budget Tom pretty poor welcome that is also the grace of God and then what happens afterwards that in the bhagavad-gita Sri Krishna mentions very clearly in the tenth chapter tints loca he says Dada me would do Gong and that is why bhagavan sri ramakrishna said that if you like to realize god you have to take the name of God and just ordinarily on tell you have to take with delight and how to take the name of God with delight by the blessings of God and how the blessings will come suppose I am taking the name of God how it is going to help me then he says he will come to me he will realize me he will see me all his prayers will be answered how would do gum dumb I will purify his senses he is understanding this is very very important because we are praying to God trying to realize God practicing fasting giving the donation going to different places but we do not know that our thinking capacity our conception about God should be purified clear how by the grace of God God army booty yogam I totally purify his thought process and then mom oh boo Yong t here in the pancetta she is a very famous book in the Vedanta it says are not know but d shieet liam in the bhagavad-gita is also the Vedanta book but here it says I give the body purified about thee and in pancetta she says or not mobile digital lung explaining that what is the Buddha yoga and he becomes totally free from the attachment of the temporary things atma anata what is Atma permanent what is an art Mobb temporary the moment we are keeping our mind on the temporary things thinking that this is permanent some people they were telling that religion cannot be practiced because it is impractical things we think impractical because we are thinking in that way what is impractical I must do everything and then I should not be attached with it expecting that this will give me barman and joy or peace or happiness and our experiences say that all through our life what we are experiencing the same thing it is impossible it's not just some utopian idea and the foolish idea don't put your whole mind and soul in the temporary things the things that is constantly changing so that's why it says or not mobile dish I till yer that by the ticking the name of God or oppa sauna constantly thinking of God what is the follow jonathan 18a and what is the result i get the concentration every day increase the concentration meditation diana dean aid in a day by day my concentration becomes very regular and then again we hear from pancha deshi donna diva it says oh parson hacia samurott beat doc patti abbott Tata ha OOP asana true VAR sana what is super sana austerity is austerity forcing the mind to be at the feet of God constantly that is austerity austerity doesn't mean only fasting fasting is necessary austerity doesn't mean that not talking he is Mona and we take great delight oh he's morning mono means he can't speak there are so many people can't speak are they're realizing God no unfortunately some people they can't speak but that doesn't mean they are no no no doesn't mean that they will realize God you have to keep your mind with the feet of God this is thing so that way we must understand everything here barsana seus armor thought through barsana through austerity bit uppity bhatia would party what is Vidya knowledge what is that knowledge Othman is only permanent and everything is important that is with there again and again everywhere in different languages the same thing they are telling babita taaha by that we can achieve sees the ramakrishna gave a small word he said take the name of God repeat the name of God we delight that solves all the problems but then we come to know this is uber sana this is austerity this is so hard then whom to go to God but I can't keep my mind you have to force your mind whether you believe it or not as because someone has said whom I respect their comes sadhu sanga sada means a person whose whole life is pure whose whole life is dedicated for the betterment of others whose whole life is a love unselfish love that Assad then when I go to him or hard and hear from that particular person i believe and i believe there is God whether right this moment my mind goes or not I put my mind over there forcefully and that is called austerity mass or the money they say what is austerity somehow to keep the mind at the feet of God somehow not that constantly I have to repeat the name I can't sing some budgets and that's time also my mind is there at the feet of God or thinking of God so any type of virgins or the stotra but simply uttering the stotra on do just to show people that I know the stotra by heart and you'll be repeating what is the meaning of it it's just showing off the year it means that you have to repeat or chant with the meaning and then only it is possible otherwise not when I am repeating the name of God remembering God keeping my mind at the feet of God how it is possible by his grace even here it says in the Jesus saved it is prayer prayer prayer every time the Jesus ate but then he said prayer is possible by the grace of God again look at it why i am quoting from different things because the only simple word of see Rama Krishna has so many references are there everywhere but he never read pancha Russia he never read Bible but the truth came within his mind within his realization so whatever is telling that is the truth and truth means the knowledge is Veda so the words of ceramic ISNA is Veda as because they are already for data so i gave the name Pancham aveda the fifth one fifth grader so here it says in the again in the Briard bishnupur on naman tosya job at shakti nom nom ami is the name us here java chip te hacía means the god in the name of God or the gods name yabut city is so much powerful Papa near honey really it removes it clear the papa the misdoings all the misdeeds or something as he called seems but curtain nashik no t-that much seen one cannot commit this just to encourage a person is telling you cannot commit so much obscene that the name of God can clear or remove so what do you think the name of God is so powerful debris Hut vishnu puran says tarbet khartoum nashik no te parta combat occasion e even the very very lowest person won't be able to commit so much obscene which cannot be removed or cleaned by the Holy Name of God try this and we have seen in the lives they are thats all proves that they're under lean all this all classical the our references are there he was a killer just he took the name of God and he became a saint afterwards and there are so so many so here again and again but the power to take the name of God comes only by his grace jesus also said to pray we need God's blessings if anyone repeat most of the times you will see when one is before puja starting the puja anyone if he simply utters most of us we do it a Pavitra petrova saga basta go to opie ba yah small a pun decoction saw by ha ab gandara shuchi one person he was a porter the ordinary man but very devoted person marsala Domini Davey saw him in a station and immediately she felt the arch to give the name of God to him and he was also very devoted and he said mother will you please initiate me he was working he was carrying the loads and we can understand in our the country like India he was perspiring he was not that we clean he didn't bathe perhaps mother told sit over here he SAT this mantra apivita petrova sarva vasta guitar eva yah s'more 800 cocksure when recapture means the god option is the i ponder remains all-pervading I is all the time present seeing everything so by her abdon Tara he is outside he is inside his mind and body purified just by taking the name of God so only one instruction of ceramic ish nuh I am stopping over here all these quotations because there are so many so almost all the Scriptures will be talking about this and in the scripture of the bhakti marga scripture of the ganimard everyone is speaking about the purity of this what is that name of God and that's why so much of in particularly at this age in the Kali Yuga as the same modern age when people don't have the time to practice austerity in previously almost all our people there's two seat in the morning for one hour or two hours doing worship and all that then they used to go out they had lot of time and here they are going to be it from monday to friday monday to at least thursday every time early so that they have to get up and get ready and to go out there is no time for them so we need to take the name of God when to worship so this thing was developed take their name of God even while you're driving no problem when you are driving you are repeating the name of God you are not meditating but consciously taking the name of God and if we practice you will see it is going on and on and on when you are going to bed when you are talking with people when you were traveling or just sightseeing every time you can do it anywhere why because it says sorry Bob hasta in any place anywhere in any moment wherever you are in whatever condition you are take the name of God and you are totally pure and some people then so don't come don't come here to do you must practice this and that you must be Eddie would must do these because they don't have the faith in the name of God and that is the reason if you take the name of God anywhere everywhere you have pure but that you should take with love otherwise not and afterwards see Rama Krishna is telling this that is why one should cultivate a taste for God's name and afterwards as is a man's feeling of love so is his game suppose you believe in these words then you get so many things the blessings of God the peace of mind happiness everything is there in the bhagavad-gita it says the happiness a three category one is suck thick rajasic and temasek temasek by giving pain to others insulting others cheating others then that is a that type of the joy that afterwards bring pain not only paying the lower lives also and rajasic by doing something and then boasting over that and shouting I did I did I did so that is a another and party sought thick is very difficult in the beginning totally tasteless but if you continue then at the end you are enjoying these in the bhagavad-gita it's a that's why bhagavad-gita is so important it teaches us how to survive and how to enjoy the life most of the people immediately after the retirement from the work majority of the people they are afraid Oh after the retirement what I will do and that is the time for you to enjoy that is the time and how to enjoy by keeping the mind engaged in something higher and what is that higher things name of God if you read the scripture and if you read the philosophy you cannot complete so many things to be known so many thing you can read so many thing you will know that is the way that's why I Ramakrishna is telling that is the game very real the Lord looks into man's heart and does not judge him by what he does or where he lives this is called religion hey are you a Brahmin and every deal is not necessary at all it's the heart by heart if you are pure you are good you are loving you have God's person and here it says it is looking at the heart that's why again and again I always whoever comes near me I also try and also try to tell people don't criticize others don't look at others for it whatever opportunity you have God you'll be happy with that today you have talking with some people that I was telling if you are expecting that he will be treated like a chance and it's impossible and constantly you will be suffering because you are comparing but you are happy because you have got so many other things and you should be grateful to God that we have got so many things yes you have given me misery you're the sorrow the insult but you have given me other things also like so many people they like me so many people are respecting me is it not sufficient so this way always positively if we are putting our mind then we are becoming purified the more we are purified by thought our deed will be purified action will be similar and that is a real religion transformation a person is transformed unless and until we are transform is of no use practicing religion see Ramakrishna says now everything depends on your mind mano a vimana see on karim bunda moksha is for the bondage is also your mind and the freedom your mind happiness your mind misery suffering your mind is not the body that's why in the Indian philosophy is a believer time they are very very particular about the mind not the body when you die the burn and some people will be criticizing also ruthless these people see they are burning well what we are going to do with that body so who is not necessary so that's why it is salam o Krishna say I am the servant of Rama I have repeated the holy name of Rama is there anything impossible for me see the self-confidence sorry new angie is telling i can do it no he is not a link that easily i am the servant of rama i have taken the name of brahma how come that I can't do it I will do it and it is possible for me I must do it is not for me for the salaries of God the moment you do that tremendous power comes because the main source is coming and connectivity the source is God this power is God ignorance last as long as one has ego is the words of ceramic ISNA what is the ignorance aye aye aye that is the ignorance are you if we think that actually Who am I I don't know we are my this body this name the social status connections a my dad if we really think deeply that will understand that is ignorance there can be no liberation so long as ego remains by being lowly one can rise high lowly means humble blessed are the meek jesus said that's why we love Jesus so much and every time we quote from Jesus will learn from Jesus why is a realized soul this is really son of God but the way the interpretation maybe we don't need we cannot be agreeing with that that is the different thing but the original person and his teachings the Christ we adore there's a beautiful book written by some farming the Christ we adore so these are the reason Blissett at the mink bhagawan sri ramakrishna without knowing the Bible without reading Bible he is telling the same thing because he has also reached to the same truth where Jesus wrist so when we reach to the top of the same place we see the same thing if someone is walking slowly and reaching to that other long hue which building of the Chicago and someone is traveling by the elevator they go to the same level and they say the same thing from out that window they see the same thing the Sears Tower you have if you go from outside by clumping something or walking some people they do walk it's sort of an exercise they'll be working 70 floors and all that they will do some people they'll say walking will do out some other places in the gene but here will go by elevator they going any better quickly they go over there this stand but when the rich seems thing the Jesus through prayer Buddha through knowledge so but after reaching over there is the same thing and see ramakrishna say one must take the trouble see one must take the trouble to see seek the company of holy person one must take the trouble to seek the company of holy person it is really very difficult so difficult to get the company and that is also Shankar Acharya is telling because of your good luck you will get the company of holy person there are so many persons with a caption and they are sailing that we are holy only come come come the businessman they're doing the business the holy person is he who is full of love and no business at all because lob knows no butter love knows no butter no differentiation so when people particularly the educated people will understand these whole society will change what is the actual cause of religion to transform a ordinary human being into divine being religion is a process that makes a brute unto man and man unto God unless and until it is fulfilled then its of no use for the religion why should he go and spend so much of money time and things the home is coming big llega then I was in credit the younger means you need ki the classified barter we're from you'll get the whole market is now empty and no shop if you go he would get everything they have purchased and they will be pouring in the Agni very good that is also necessary thousand people will be there chanting the name of holy name and pouring the gear and some satisfaction will come but after that are we a different person that is a question am i a different person after there if not what is the purpose of performing that this question I have to ask myself then what is the necessary if I cannot I studied and afterwards I forget everything I cannot apply that knowledge what is the use of it that is the main thing and ceramic ishness a that's why you have to go and seek the holy company here in the pool are nevah tantra tunturi you know the book for the Shakti so this thumb drive says satsanghis chaa BBA Koscheck near malam nya not the young two things one is satsanga holy company and not only holy company at the same time discrimination power of discrimination some people will say in this way some people they say it is very difficult to understand who either satsanga the first and foremost thing you will get joy within and you will learn to love others that is satsanga the moment they say you should not mix with them should not go over the air you should not help them that is not satsanga brother assets anger because they are narrowing down your name narrowing your mind you should not narrowing your thought you should not go that it cannot be such anger so sunday is always brought and purity is broadness and here satsanga and be weaker my bichara my discrimination discriminative Faculty that should be strong and these two when I am listening I am getting encouraged at the same time I have my own thinking capacity and discriminative capacity that are just like two eyes and with these eyes I can go much forward so that is he says yes you're nasty Nora so and aha if you are not having this to one is the company of the holy person and the discriminative Faculty be the new then you are just like a spiritually blind you do not know anything and then yoga Bosh's tip rocker on yoga vasistha it says yes not a cheater Sita yah suppose in the very summertime if you go and bathe in a cool water the freshness that comes the joy that comes that type of mentality that type of experience will come sadhu sanga thiyagam gaya bhai bring of course in this winter time if you go in this cold water of Ganga that is very very difficult to know but if you go in a summertime and bedding in the cool water of Ganga and the mind becomes so fresh similarly if you are going and spending some time with a holy person listening to him and discriminating and that joy calm is almost like that then if you have God that idea the good idea when you go to a holy person we go and argue and say oh why this why not these why not these or we pick up some other topic other subject and then we've discussed and spend one hour why the government is putting so much of taxes why this is not there why that is not there and then after we say I have made a sadhu summaries that other Sangha there it could be done anywhere by sitting in any tea shop you could do that sadhu sanga means learning something positive learning something which is elevating your mind and if you go and show your learning it is difficult that personnel immediately quiet okay okay okay and since you know everything so why I don't know that much the people in say like that so here it says you must have discriminative capacity and also the holy company holy company me is not the person that you were talking carrying or moving with no his words and then then it says Kim Tosca Donaghy Kim Dae Kim tapu hee kim a Dre this as Eve's when people they go and give many things in charity they get married and then they go to pilgrimage so many people they go and take so much up trouble to reach there the gate divided ago to get the married top o V austerity they will be practicing and artery he also this Yong Yong they are performing yah yah's what is the necessary because i have understood the truth it's not necessary colli colli colli bully oh joe foggia d4i gaya Ganga prob asadi Kashi can cheeky i as a wonderful song is a gaya Ganga pravara these are all very famous pure gaya means another place the beach new place very holy place most of the Hindus they will always think to go to Gaia Ganga the pure ganga river kashi the place of the Lord Shiva so like that Gaia ganga prasad akashi-kun cheeky I who will seek for that why you should visit there because constantly the name of God is within me why should I go over there and when I am going it is taking my time when I am going so many come other people they are talking other things the time is lost no I don't like to go purse within myself I am enjoying and that is the blessings of religion that's way from the beginning one should practice religion so that adapter retirement time when they are all alone when around there is no one we don't bother because they get their joy from within and that is the blessings of this God at this holy name and everyone can attain knowledge but once I ramakrishna stealing there are many other things but everyone can realize knowledge they get acknowledged they are indeed bound souls who constantly dwell with last and greed the desire is their last is there and naturally to fulfill that they need money money and money and after that what nothing there are many people did not know how much wealth actually they're happy the billion years they do not know how much money they are really having you have to ask his office how much I am having said in this bank number a you are having these bank number be bank number C and he is tired okay okay you just calculate total number amount say and total amount is so much is difficult to say that and with that money what he can do how much he will eat how much enjoyment he can do nothing but at the time of death he is suffering because the narrow mind oh I am leaving so much a property after me what will happen so much of all these things this is the reason are you really going to get it all these things with you when you are dying many of the other people will come and take it away and then you'll be tormenting the debt doesn't mean that you are not there you are very much there your mind will be their consciousness would be there you are very much there and you won't be able to do anything so that is the reason one should practice religion and the religion means the very simple way as big of an see Ramakrishna said you have to change your mind change your attitude and then only it will be possible for you to and here he says there are two classes of perfect Souls but I think in our next class we'll discuss it and I am very happy that you have come today and every time we meet we must try to understand it more clearly more clearly and more clearly and not only that we should practice it in our life too and as trauma Vivek unless it be and make and as more and more we are learning about it we have to go and tell our friends also otherwise I'm simply I am coming and then going away and not telling anybody that is also not good you must if you think that it is good then we must go and tell our friends yes it's a good thing that has come and today modern time there are so many ways we can get this book is available online and some groups are coming and now in different places small small groups are coming they are studying this gospel of ceramic ISNA once someone is reading others are listening after that they are discussing that's all and that way also they are trying to make their mind unless an otherwise so many people will be studying the scriptures but unless and otherwise you see that scriptural truth through the light of Z Ramakrishna because in his life he has practiced it manifested it so it is easy to understand Sri Ramakrishna then to understand that bhagavad-gita then to understand pancetta she don't understand other scriptures but we can say we have read that book and we are studying that book that's good nothing wrong but to really understand means following to really understand means practicing to really understand means transforming so that's why I Ramakrishna said okay Xiao cash up that famous case of gender Shane and he was one of the leaders top leaders of the brahma samaj can you please repeat with me bhagavad dr. vagabond Bhagavad is the book dr. is the student or the devotee who is reading it and AH gabon is the god the gold so when we are studying this book the scripture whatever scripted it may be and we must understand that and transform us in such a way so that we can also say someday like Jesus I am the son of god another Huck I have seen that God and one group of people are there they say on a lock I am that or like the be daunting they'll say hamra marsh me all like nah gwaan see Ramakrishna didn't say i have seen God talked with him more clearly than I am talking and seeing you and you can also see God you can also talk to God only thing we are to purify your mind how again we go back to God's name you have to go on repeating the gods that's odd je tako thank you now let us pray to see ramakrishna and conclude near engine omni tiem hunter rubem bak tonneau compa Drita Bikram by ye chaahat orem / Amish a medium Tom Ramakrishna Sheila sana mama oh shanthi shanthi shanthi hurry you that's it sri ramakrishna apana must do you you