Video 67
68: Panchama Veda 68: Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
is akshay idea usually the Shankara Jaya team that is the I think in panchami a shoe clapping Jimmy that is in 21st it is coming twenty-third and today we are observing this is akshay idea this a very special day today first is tuesday because the ramakrishna toll on this particular day whatever you pray to mother he will get she will give you she will give you everything you asked on this particular day tuesday and moreover on this akshay TT a day vyasa started writing mahabharata and then Lord Shiva and Parvati got married on this day then bogeyed otha brought ganges Ganga on the earth from heaven on this day and imagining that great event of Ganga avatar on the Ganga is coming when the NARC of a guru of in the north he composed a beautiful song and he said when forgetting your own self oh not a Roger that is Sheba you dance the dance of destruction pralaya the tie of your mat adhere doke pralaya nachan naturally jokin upon a bully hinata raj ja ja vu d'en pulled oh cool eh then he say taking that opportunity as eve ganga the Jahnavi freed herself like a lunatic without care anything and the waves of Ganga began singing and dancing John knowbut I mukhtasar I una Medini de shahar i Xiang ji de tartare on Google hits verbally and on this Ganga shankaracharya has also composed an unique the sloka on Ganga and this on this particular day adi shankara performed a miracle composing and reciting at the same time the famous kanaka harassed otra rain of wealth came down on the roof of a poor couple who devotedly offered bhiksha of only thing that they were having the gooseberry to Shankar Acharya so these are all these is a very famous day today the Akshay TT and that's why today most of the people whenever the possible they will go to a holy place and donate something because that becomes akshaya permanent and today we'll be discussing about the Shankar Acharya and his contribution Margaret noble sister nivedita he wrote people can hardly imagine a personality like dat up Shankar Acharya when she came in contact with Sammy be vacant in London then afterwards he studied the Vedanta then she marveled like many others how it is possible one person only within 32 years he completed so many things and she is writing in course of a few years he found it tained great religious order there's an army some product then created a distinct philosophy advaita vedanta written poems whose Grangier makes them unmistakable even to the foreign and on learning years liked he lived with his disciples a simple sentra life and the devotion did lastly he said she said the devotion of Francis of Assisi the intellect of a broad the force and freedom of Martin Luther the political efficiency of Loyola united in one person and that is Shankara in the Shankaracharya we find that he was born in Shukla panchami and the indian mind is more concerned with truth than with the details relating to the personalities though it has not been possible to fix his date of birth but all accepted that he was born at kaladi in kerala state of india of a brahmin family that is number three in the kerala number of these are the brahmana when Shankara was born 18 opinions are there of which the three a very famous the swing remod in their guru tradition guru parampara the single mot was established by Shankaracharya himself in the Guru parampara they say the 44 years before Christ the Shankara had vented another person said no 6th century and I am NOT going going into details why they are telling it because there will be from a different people and comparing different scriptures where Shankara has mentioned those scriptures or those scriptures have mentioned about the Shankara & Schanker had a lot of dialogues and debates so all those things they recorded and they're coming and then the maximal ER coating another Indian author and the servant he said it's 788 after Christ to 6th or 7th century but most of the traditional people they don't accept it because Shankara was much earlier than the Jesus Christ because so many other incidents are there now here we find that it was the 14th bikram of AB de in those days in India they used to keep the calendar Vikram Vikram op de and 44th 44th year before Christ Shankara lost his father very early he completed his body education and sanskrit studies very early and an early age Shankara failed the call of sannyasa this is the arch to renounce everything and to go for the god realization and for the truth that's called sannyasa sameach niassa some yuck means complete niassa means giving up so that is called sannyasa and very early age he failed that urge it was almost seven or eight years when he was but naturally his widowed mother never gave the permission one day is a miracle happened Shankara and his mother went to bed in the nearby river per year now if you go that shankara's that place that just by the side adjacent the only one wall is our awesome eyes there khiladi and if you can go he can stay with the air and you can see the Shankar birthplace and just at the back of that ass trauma that period river is flowing full with Coco tiles now even an additional time of Shankara they say it may be that the crocodiles were there Shankara and his mother they were bathing suddenly one crocodile came and old Shankara then the Shankara told everybody naturally they left the river water and went up mother was crying than the Shankara told mother I am going to die at this moment if you give me the permission at least I can take our Torah sannyasa there is a system arturo means the last when a person is going to die he or she can take the sannyasi in those days at the time of Shankara of course Shenkarow was very traditionalist and he made it tradition he was accepting in that way the women the sannyasa after birth Shami be waken the ceramic ISNA they introduced it the Shankara are two rasanya he prayed for what to do the mother told ok now I give you the permission because she was seeing that the son is dying the moming the mother said my son I give you the permission for your sannyasa immediately the crowed I'll lose that hold of Shankara and left schenker akima mother was a peak for some time but then unhappy because she understood afterwards the Shangri is going to leave the o heart then home and the Shankara got the sannyasa and then he went out in search of guru from khiladi he started walking and on the bank of moda he found Govinda bother Govinda bother his guru his master but very peculiarly Shankara wrote so many things and the Govinda bothers guru the Guru father he was very famous because of his carica that sarika he wrote and go to bother the he said there is no world itself this world that you see is nothing but your illusion so that was his idea and he said like that it's a very famous the goal of father and his disciple Govinda father and this govender father was waiting for Shankara there's a lot many things are there the Govinda father he was inside what's called that inside the hill and then he was waiting and then Shankara wind and in that cave he found that person and he told i'm waiting only for you the moment i can give you the diksha i will leave but these go in the father afterwards it was found he was a chemist and he wrote a book on chemistry in those days but at the same time he was Abaddon thies also by 16 he completed his studies with the Guru and he started with the permission of the Guru to spread the message before 16 he completed his study and also writing many commentaries on it as we call in Hinduism that Upanishads then brahma sutra and gita this pressed on atreya try amines three Empress Tana means exit so when you going out out from where from the birth and death circle from this samsara because when you come and take birth in this life we are suffering suffering and suffering today morning I couldn't study because a phone call from far away India it came to three people they were ringing they're in trouble what is the trouble that one person he wants to adopt a girl child from a person another person so all these things are going on so I was telling there now this way but the person who is having only one son having trouble and the another one who is not having the children also having the trouble not because the children and with children trouble without children trouble and trouble is everywhere now we do not understand it as long as in that and always rethink it is so sweet and so good today we are discussing about the Shankar Acharya a very hard thing so this is pure of the rita and we have to understand this and this Shankara is telling why because of my arm and what is this Maya we are what we are Shankar very clearly sterling slow kar dena provoke Shami ya dukedom done to go to be the close and close the millions of the scriptures whatever they are telling I will tell you in a half a sloka what is that brahma satyam jagan mithya and that is the truth brahma satyam jagan mithya GEVO brom evo no para and you should not think that we are something else so what is God realization what we are going to get we are going to get God from outside now it is already there so that is what shankara says a tremendous strength is giving and he is only telling that you are creating your own world adasi and a dr oppa and we are covering something and imposing something of course i am just mentioning like this but we won't go into the discussion and details in the sixteenth years he completed all this and he came out and his first disciple was son undone this undone became afterwards furthermore bother his son undhan became very famous this is a story of course you know when a person become very great and naturally different type of stories people like to talk about that one gentleman came today and he was telling the when swami vivekananda he is I appreciate he loves Vivekananda but loves like this a different type of stories they like to tell he said when be waken under came to America and there was nobody and he was sitting as a strong inducer he was not liking when I mentioned that he was sitting on the staircase of a church here it is in the haight work and they and that he was telling no you don't know he was telling me you don't know listen from me it'll okay sir there's no problem I can listen and then he was telling the Vivekananda it was not sitting on any Church area stairs or anything because naturally another he was feeling insulted ybb Kananda should seat on the staircase of a church so obviously Vivekananda he brought the power over here and when the light was a man eating then a lady came and she accepted him as he are her guru etc Exeter almost true but little in an in-between that forcing the light coming over here and all that so that is the that is the thing we very much like to tell not that it cannot be we become the himself was a shiba so it is possible that he was showing like that but the true thing he lost the address and he was rocking you're trying to find out than you are frustrated is that over there and he was thinking what is going to happen he totally resigned to God and then you know that study just opposite the church the building the ladies saw swami vivekananda sitting over there she came and asked him are you a representative of the parliament of religion then story begins and they are mr. and mrs. hell yes can get now the center of disciples are saying all of them they ring on the other bank of the river and cantera was in there the other back then suddenly Shankara hideout ll come and help me all other disciples they were thinking how to get a boat to cross but each one is Samantha mean without thinking a second part is simply started running over the water and in mb stage a lotus Padma the Lotus it bloomed and supported and then he caught so if you can but no bother if you don't like you can give up that phone but but Baba there was a very famous disciple of Shankara and Shankara reestablished Hinduism what does it mean because the Buddhism came in between there was the Hinduism and then slowly slowly inducing when it was created nobody knows and some people they say it is 6000 years bc or the 10,000 years bc there's so many things that there but it is true most ancient the mother of all culture and religion and this Hinduism because it is it was a long tradition slowly slowly some people Krypton and they started giving so many twists in it and most of the cases some people Brahmin they started taking money from the kings in the name of religion and obviously they started telling that you have to perform yonkers this young girls the rituals dad became so much then Lord Buddha rebelled against it that he told why so much our religion teaches that you have to go back to your own self atma depot baba be your own lighted the Enlightenment should be within that is the Buddhist teaching and why so much of ritual it is not necessary of course now the Buddhist follower they are more ritualistically induce because without ritual people cannot stay they must do something so that was the Buddha who was trying to rectify to some extent and then some people told the Buddha do not believe in God he was telling what is Veda the villa is nothing the knowledge beta 0 beta bhavati this knowledge become nothing when you have realized the God you have realized the truth you know the truth then it is not necessary and nowadays when I go the some people they'll be putting the rascal the GPS isn't that GPS in the car and then when they are reaching over there from there the sound will come you have reached your destination they will put it off not necessary now I know it sometimes the road that we know over there we put it off so how long the maps are necessary when you do not know how long the scriptures in history when we like to know about the path that's all but the scripture the book that is not God raghavan see Ramakrishna also told that Bhagavad bhakta Bhagavad very simple words who is the what is that Bhagavad the scripture what is dr. the student and what is Bhagavad that knowledge if the student getting that knowledge understanding the truth and realizing the truth hidden himself then that bhagavata the scripture is not raised early so it may be kept for the next generation what that is what would the seed but people didn't understand then he went out and then slowly a different air a movement came and most of the Kings supported Buddha they say as because he was from the Kshatriya that naturally other kshatriyas the Kings the supported instead of the the Brahmins so that way Buddhism became so popular Shankara came he started refuting the philosophies of the Buddha's the Nagarjuna very famous at the philosophy that he so that Shankar did in a different places and not only the buddha buddhist but at the same time the traditional Hindus also he was refuting he went to Kumar real butter at the pre Agha there is a very famous place of India he went over there and he wanted to have the debate with the kumarila bhatta but that time comedy inverter he was just dying you know those days that strong mind of this people and he said that I have to model butter he was sitting on a fire slow burning fire to do the penance and to kill himself I never bothered about the life tremendous power mental power that's why shamim awaken the said you talk about heroes you talk about the people with courage look at these people because of the truth for the truth whatever they have understood for that they were ready to give their life but not to kill others they never harmed others only they wanted to tell them the truth whatever they have understood this kumar inverter he actually committed suicide and the then Shankara made him but could not had that conversation then came to Munden mistre the Magadha McGuirk means now Bihar and his wife because when the two people they are sitting for debate we need a judge because there will be quoting from the scriptures what is the D bit from the scriptures there will be quoting so obviously when you are quoting from different scriptures the judge must know all the scriptures and judge must be very very learned it and who was the judge between these two the Munden misra he debated in favor of Twitter and Drita means God is separate I am separate I can never become God because we are totally separate only if the God is somehow giving the blessings i can go near to God or i can reach to heaven that was the idea so Munden mr. was performing all ritualistically and believing in the Drita and Shankara advaitha so naturally she was seat here also the same Hindu the believers a dieta and advaitha but Shankara wanted to establish that advaitha he said yes it is possible but the real truth is this the truth is advaitha so here this Munden mr. gave that if I can defeat defeat you Shankara you have to marry enough to become a house older and if you can visit me i will give up the family and i will father you Tamia and the judge words that are a team goodbye Dorothy the wife of member mr. and we talked about that the indian ladies they were not educated whim so this proves in the history a time came because we were subjugated by some outsiders who were not liking the education and not liking the equality so because of that and here's so much of equality Shankara is sitting in one place and then Munden misra in between that lady is sitting and there are so many answers that gone Phillip like this lady then bharati declared that his husband this munden mistre is defeated but before declaring that he said to shankara shankara i am also the wife of this person so it is my I am they call it half the husband and the wife means total so why also is a hub or thong Guinea or the half oniony anger means the personality so I am the half of this person so you have to defeat me to to complete your success fiction gürtel okay then she knew that Shankara is a ball of Ramachari and she knew that he's a shiny ah she she knew that Shangri doesn't know anything about the sun's samsara and she asked the question I am a housewife I know about only household things I am going to ask you a question about the samsara and you have to answer me then Shankara told so give me some time let me have the knowledge about that experience about that then only I can give the answer it says shankar away into a very secluded place and he asked his disciple Padma bother to be over there and took out his self his body was left in that cave and he traveled and entered into that very moment one king was dying he was dead that very moment that is AMA Rooke this omar ook in that body dead body Shankara soul entered people are very happy the King has come to life again but it was Shankara this is just a mystery yes but it is possible we are studying the yoga and in the third chapter we do yoga it says it is possible to take out the soul and enter into other body musique Angeles and since I was a great yogi displeased so this Shankara he went into that body physick appear learns about the whole thing and then him that are good with that are a TV we visited heart and the visitors complete complete and the man denisa he became a sannyasi his numerous future Acharya now as it is time is very short we will speak about the how Shankara is wrote the commentaries the list of common trees in a very old book we find that he wrote on the open assured bass here the 11 Upanishads and we can say that some say the trail Governor shots he wrote the commentary there are a hundred and 80 finishes available but the Shankar Acharya wrote commentaries only on 11 ramkrishna missionary except 11 some people they add nourishing of poober top ania so but we don't accept that but anyway press nope anisha Mundaka Upanishad manduka phoenician materia treaty ria chandogya breed arnica and then shaker Shakira Keisha Tina cutter these are the key level of uninsured and happen and most of us st. tears you'd find our schwa means they are constantly given classes on these Upanishads the last time the one Xiaomi came he said with Evan and disease from holly's he did the our retreat on person very famous from the businesses having this are not three days with college leaders of actualities even half a week until but in that he gave a wonderful picture another storm is coming again this time he is from London and the Earthman on business he'll be speaking on that Tiffany to begin so these marshes PCC rather the vast is actually what is right here there is a Sutra shoot remains on the two lines local sutra music play now this the whole at this dress and what is actually is it all trades single Single trades it has been made in such a way it has become a beautiful dress now if you check out one way the whole thing will come up the Sutra is like that so to me the trade and through these three lines of phone lines they are giving you the idea profound idea and our Chinese they are explaining etat o Brahma Gaza small line aha otta Brahma jig Gaza doesn't know little Sanskrit or indeed II understand author now utter we will do Brahma this Brahmin jignesh shah discussion now y otra y after discussion Linda ether hospice center as the heroes of the commentary on guitar if anyone wants to learn the really the rugged vita-mix coming three his better to read shankara voucher he wrote Vishnu Shah Sonam Basha he wrote lolita shahe sanam also then he wrote BB kuchar rajamani the very famous scripture the what is b baker iturra means the top and the top so the b baker the discrimination who is capable to study with antha some people they will come and simply brush out oh this is nothing all bogus are you really capable to understand that we have to understand make not shaha that he was a very famous scientist he was a friend of one of our Swami's and he came to meet him and he told how come that a bright student like you a science student you are becoming sannyasis and essence are those the who cannot study and who do not know understand anything they don't get good jobs so they go in that why you have come here then he told see now you're a great scientist everybody knows about you they make nuts are there is a person who is tilting the field over there can you go and tell him what is science and what you were actually thinking what you were discovering then he said how can i if I go that to that person he is not having the basic knowledge of science how can i make then this Swami told you are asking me to explain your religion how can I because you don't have the basic things so that's why who is capable to study began to over that Shankar Acharya is telling that you must have to understand that the BVI Romany OOP Odisha sorry Appa Raksha new booty Shottas looky Duchess lucky shot amis 100 and dasha teen servo vedanta siddhanta Saracen graha baka Sudha and so many he went on writing in a physical way he goes and he gave the narrations to so this is what Shankar Acharya but what he did his main contribution to put Hinduism and a very strong we can say the pillars what is that the chat room at the four Mod he established the chatter means for that for what his tablish montmartre means this is the first time the Hindus and machines they're coming under some system and before that this to go out leaving the heart and home like the vagabond Buddha he was he left his home and then he went and took the diksha from a guru he SAT under his feet learned from him then afterwards guru told now you are ready go out so he went out so this way we had but Shankara now here is telling we will see he traveled the length and breadth of India he understood the pulse of Indian people he understood that I have eradicated the influence of Buddhism but to hold I need people and then he made this for mutter on the bank of the tungabhadra very famous rivers tungabhadra his tablish Saraswathi temple he was not do a thing but that he at the same time he understood that unless and until you give opportunity for the ordinary people to worship God in a data form they all be able to understand advaitha the Advaita the purest it is impossible and that is why he gave these on the bank of this bhadra he constructed swing 3 mod very famous mod and shree shrah acharya he became the in-charge acharya means the teacher the shree shrah Acharya so he became Shankar Acharya of that string theory mod ramakrishna mission comes under that single mod this I went to visit this finger de menthe because it is our we go ahead not that they control us it is nothing like that the Pope is controlling each and every the places under his control no it is not like that or all free but still we have the respect for this ring remod and when there will be a precision and in that come home Ella we will go under the string remot so this is the system so the tsunami sham predators in the Ramat fast then in the Puri almost the central place of India goverdhan mom and phut mo father charya he became in charge of that till in gujarat look at his how the crowd they in the east then in the West in Gujarat dwarka mod hasta melaka acharya he became in charge and in birth three in the north jetty mod they are total kesariya so they were in charge the fast in charge direct disciples of Shankar Acharya and they used to write and spread the Vedanta all over through their disciples then Shangri categorized all the sannyasins living in different places as the team glasses that's called the tsunami sampradaya the moment we talk about the somber guy immediately we think about having a very narrow Orthodox people know sampradaya means is the likings we like to do like stay like this we like to have like this this is the sampradaya Xiaomi vivekananda say the revolution in word he said I want that each and every individual should be offended I that there should not be any country lies about what is sampradaya that means your own idea and you are progressing you are marching forward towards that ultimate truth but sampradaya gotta i am only correct and all others are wrong so i must go and kill them so that is called sampradaya kappa and that is narrowness so here he made the teen this thing like the tilter the names see the theater pilgrimage center then asama inside that bonham then aranya baro means not much of trees and aranya means DeForest giri the small little hills and the pirata high heels sagar ocean shores shetty those who are given to the study bharati and puri sorry sativa hara t puri they come very close because they always discuss about on educate and puri means those who are living in the cities so you are finding me over here so we are puri sampradaya i am supposed to write swami sharkman on the puri but maybe that people will be confused and sami shot Monday itself is it so much of confusion so people cannot pronounce properly and they'll be asking do you have any short name because most of the year they go for short so do you have any short name I told only one name I am having and if you like to go then swami ji though swami ji in the ramakrishna tradition only call about chamois be bacon and also if you go to Google search if you type the sharmaji immediately be waken under everything about be bigger than the will come so swami ji is a short but Saraswathi baraati puri though we are the tsunami sampradaya we come over here and now here we find what is actually Shankara wants to tell to three things very simple he's telling that Brahman is the ultimate reality now we conclude Brahman is the ultimate reality what is that Brahman all-pervading consciousness it's not a he or she this is a male or female nothing personal no personal God consciousness each and everything is nothing but the consciousness now from that consciousness how come these universes come he's not denying the universe but he is telling it is like me Raj when you see a mirage in the desert it is true to you unless you go over there and see that it is not true and similarly as long as we think this world is true it is true to us so that Shankara accepting but why it is he is answering because of Maya and what is Maya unspeakable you cannot explain about it this is the difficulty but all are under it the moment we are thinking me and mine that is Maya and everything connected with the me and mine is Maya now to explain when a child is thinking that the doll is talking with heart or him for us that is Maya but for the child it is true so similarly another example when we see the dream the dream is true when we are dreaming do you think oh I am dreaming not to be afraid of no actually at the time of dream it is so true but at the in the dream we see so many things frames are their foes that their buildings are there so many things are going on happening isn't it then we're from it comes I create from my mind and create but a time comes when I get up break the dream then it is nothing but a mirage a false thing I realized that and then afterwards when this life comes we think it is very very true and we are not ready to accept that it is not true is very much true and because we are thinking that it is very much true what do you do we go to any extent to get me comfort we go and kill people we loot people we cheat people with their lives why because I think this is very much true and I want to achieve do we achieve really know a time comes when I go when I go then also I don't realize why it goes on daddy this air is subtle body what is that subtle body chips la salida all this thing Shankara is explaining and he's telling part please try to realize it billabong Miami later Dave are no go here to come mohnish up some money men of system maha bua japan australia the very famous Luca of the video beyond the very second later the three things are very very rare as a team syndra see his life committing suicide if you are not trying to realize God here is Sir and histamine he thinks a very real with that money spectra with even by many sixth was that desire to know the truth and of course the Tucker Tigers the heart beautiful to all these things comes to the blessings of God to DC important he's out there blessings of God is a world the chanterelles also using from somewhere something's coming and helping me yesterday I think known a sunday sunday one gentleman was asking he is now reading the tundra and he was asking what he shucked epatha I didn't know whether he's here or not I can remember it there he is and he was telling what is Shakti path he told that he will come and discuss with me Shakti path is nothing but the same thing the grace of God but when the grace will come when we are ready how we will become ready the Shankara says if you are doing work for the others but we doubt expecting any return which Vivekananda introduced as karma yoga and these ways you are praying for others thinking for others you are watching for the development and then to the other that's why our guinea when the disbelief the first philippine when you are sitting for meditation that you must say let everybody be happy from the cocktail when I am praying to god I'm you think about him afterwards but right this moment Oh God he has others give them good thoughts good knowledge and let them be happy exactly also Karma but it means that her mother seemed easier hey I praise for you she must in Ingary you nothing there's also work then physically you are coming forward and helping in a they say our Christian tradition orange is a wonderful thing they come and they they do voluntary work everything they do but without asking anything in return and what happens after that mind becomes purified and that is called unsub Cara Mady the blizzard of days you are pure in heart as a user listening again and again this miracle of heart comes to get that the moment you will think that I am your work there is empty so this is the difficulty you have to give even give constantly consciously then only it is possible so that is what Shankara is telling a BTR we have to destroy this what is big Tiana Victor becoming I and the puresole it is true now this moment I cannot understand i cannot even imagine doesn't matter just keep in mind i am pure on arabic alpha near our car rupa we would watch her but serve in Rihanna so that is the thing Shankara is telling again and again and he is telling that puncher the younger and wash onna he introduced for the householders and for the sannyasins also and there is a wonderful stotra I think you have got those and print out I may take another 15 minutes extra say it was composed by one of his famously father's face a car carrier and this total Acharya he wrote in this way BB the cleaner haha can I dumala me Karen haha me mother is nothing but the shiver when he's feeling the center of his the realize master be mine the beach that is always the last line of the taka charia who was a disciple of Shankara so please repeat after me vida tequila shastra she dodged a dirty mojito open assured goatee tartan Ed Reed oh i kawaii be malang sharanam Bubba Shankara d shika me shudder this Baba means be Shankara the ocean crotch area D shika one who has realized the truth sharanam I take refuge in you and mind read I become purified are taking this why because you are just love option of the omelet the nectar so you are purifying the hearts like this next sloka go to novel una lawyer follow your mom bubble sugar duka be doona reedom racha killer daughter Shauna d'Artois be done Bubba Shankara the sheikah me your heart is like the ocean of compassion this is the way he is a 7-11 me and you remove all the middle so you become my diffuse Harbor Todd janata suhee tabita ninja Buddha v tottenham RC Cola issue eligible BB kabhi dumb bhava Shankara dishy Commission shungo the sheikah me some Joetta cheetah see go to kita mama Barea muha muha gelid him all the time he is giving the example of the ocean he's the compassion his compassion is just like the ocean and his consciousness the curiosity he's just like the ocean like this and then he said Baba Shankara day she came-- Sharon um like this aight stotras the deer now we will repeat the first one again and we will compute this will be like our operation on to posh area Shankara visit our killer shastra shoot our journey mojito benicia cookie thought on Ed Reed I call a vimana cutter numb bava Shankara d shika me shudder Vava Shankara the sheikah me Shannon of a song chica me to the Shankaracharya picture someone drawn in those days Canada was not there but this is the only picture available and this conductor the picture is actually the young man sitting under a tree and he passed away in 32 years when he was only 32 he started it his mission in the at the age of 16 he passed away in 32 and and he was sitting under a tree and all his disciples are elderly people so that was the description LISC a young man is sitting and giving the knowledge to elderly people so knowledge you don't count the age whoever will get the knowledge is not the age but the knowledge that gets the respect that's why all these elderly devotees and disciples we in respect to Shankara drishyam Tohru taller moon Lee you are with the shisha jawad guru drishyam Tohru Hollow muli Tohru means the tree and under that tree has a wonderful picture that you can see the British shisha brick demeans the elderly she shud his disciple juba guru but a young guru guru stew ma numba kaanum the Guru is not telling anything just quietly sitting but he is giving everything describing everything be silenced gusto Mon Ami economy she's shifty Sheila son se llaman sunshine is all doubts vanish but Nicholas and what is this mrs. Dodd umbra marsh me that to arm the team is the evening thing that takes energy death in the face freedom freedom freedom vision is just song of the soul this is the song of the soul I'm not under anybody I'm facing God myself the tremendous the excellent feeling it comes and comes with the strength and that is Advaita Vedanta thank you friends thank you devotees today you have come in this akshay tritiya whatever we like to pray you please pray and then I pray to God so your prayers are answered pray to God also to answer my prayers could I am I record my beat so now we have developed in this way whatever program we do and then we give the report also because the people the right to me sharmaji you announce that program will be there did you perform that program what happened so they are so interested to know about and that's good so that's where we give and you'll be very happy hour the devotees young in Valencia they're mentioning the facebook it has been seen by 28,000 people they cemented actually like the life sentence one gentleman wrote from England he told i am connected with the ramifications from 1967 and then now as because i'm getting all your lectures for cheating me Perdita and the yoga sutra either youtube I all the kind soggy open the book and study them and getting the meaning clear tomorrow i think i will thank you for that for this feedback so at least our life only one mission dharma balan dharma shiksha this is the lights mission so practice religion and propagate religion what is the religion to propagate my path is the only path go and fight with others no only to say be a very good person way a very good person feeling for others compassionate prayerfully loving so when you die you will see the joy with the new he will say i am not inducted in any way jelly and whatever possible i have tried to done for the others Thank You frames and good night