Video 60
61: Panchama Veda 61: Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
let us begin today tava Kadam rhythm topped achieve annum Kobe be rewritten Calma shop 'him Shravana Mangalam srimad artem booby green and de bourree dodging ah today we'll be discussing a very important and interesting topic but the last week we were all busy observing different type of programs we had the Kali Puja was a special retreat the fall banquet special lecture by Xiaomi Gautam Ananda G so everything is over again back to see Ramakrishna and here we get the topic free will and we find that see Ramakrishna he was talking with some people and he said a house without light indicates poverty so one must light the lamp of knowledge in one's heart and then he was singing bring all his song and he said one must pray to God O God be gracious and turned the light of knowledge on thyself that I may see Divus that this is we cannot realize God we cannot see God unless and until God is gracious God is giving his darshan so this point we stopped last time and we thought that we will discuss about the free will there is always a question about is the good there is any free will or everything is predestined do human have a free will the question has been asked again and again and we find in the old Chinese philosophy there is a word Ming am i ng being Ming means fate in human life everything is fixed by heaven including our of depth that is the belief of the Chinese philosophy and the long back decision of heaven they believe is unalterable it cannot be changed everything predestined when a person is born everything is predestined and when he will die how he will die everything is predestined it cannot be changed that is the idea of the Chinese philosophy rocky site America in Hindi meta say in Bengali they say rocky hurry Marika if the hurry the God is protecting you no one can kill you hurt you if you diss back there was a news that a family was travelling there was an accident all the four senior people did they were killed in that accident except one few months old baby unscratched in that fatal accident now you can say it is an accident and some will say previously child actually it is not not having any power in the physic body to sustain that type of George and accident but it survived nicely even a few days back again there was a news that a mother wanted to commit suicide because of the poverty another problem and she threw herself with her newborn babe on the track of a running train her body it was cut into pieces but the child under her body small child saved without any crack over that child so many trains passed all through the night three four or five trains they passed through that or the track and it was lying in between the track by the side of the body of dead mother morning one person was coming to that way hard the cry of a baby went to death there and found the child and he took it and add all this to the pollution all now the question is how you could survive because of the train crossing over the babies tremendous sound and jolt jerking and all through the night there were animals were also there the dogs and the jackals but the baby survived so that is the reason one is forced to believe there is something when it is protecting you you are protected and in our lives also if you are all of us if we look back and we see some of the things some of the times something happened which could be so fatal for me nothing has happened so that way one is always saved so that all Chinese philosophy they say Ming the predestine that is very very important the Greek philosophy they said two words one is fortune another is fate just like will come afterwards in the philosophy the fortune can be changed by action this is a fortune and fate but fate cannot be changed the word fortune means is also the result in the one's life that fortune it can be changed by good work or bad work it effects but the fate cannot be changed because it is predestined unchangeable everyone Buddha did not believe in God or heaven so no question of this faith or predestination he always stressed on Karma but Buddhism and Jainism based on karma and here the Buddha says through good work you can get good result so obviously if you do bad work there will be bad result so he said to on under his very favorite disciple Ananda strive for your liberation by your own effort do not believe on anything do not depend on anything have faith on yourself so that is the idea of the Buddhism that there is no question of free will or predestination is the question of Karma and if you are strongly believing that you can do good karma you can do good karma so that if that way to some extent believing in the free will we can say but based on karma and karma the result of action in the Christianity man is conditioned by original sin and God only can save man and nothing else so that is completely a different view the man was in the beginning totally pure as God but because of the original scene that you know the story because of that scene now they cannot go to God unless and until God is giving the placings and there are some people very strongly believe that before the soul was even created by God predestined whether it would be saved or damned so that type of another group of Christianity they strongly believe in these so no question of good work or bad work he is already fixed and there are so many question can be raised obviously but that is not the thing here here I am giving you the idea of a group of people where he strongly believe that no matter the man do whatever they do after their birth good or evil the steamed has already fixed his destination Islam there is a conception of kismet kismet we always in hindi also the word kismet is used is an RB water for she word the kismet means fate and they also said God forces Sam to do good and Sam to do bad almost like the Christians that is predestine and little answer why I am getting the bad result and he is getting the good result because God breathes steamed and he's forcing you to do something good and some people are forced to do bad John amid her mom Nachum irritability they do do you Donna was telling I know what is bad what is wrong what is sinful and I know what is good Jana made her mom not jammy probability but don't feel your hearts to do a good work what am I shall I do John ami order mom not you mean the birthday I know what is bad but I cannot restrain myself I cannot hold myself almost I am forced to do that and then the Lord is sitting in the heart of everyone and forcing them to do so this type of Geeta parties are also there almost supper supporting this idea that God is forcing someone to do good and someone to do bad this is the idea of Hinduism also we are all acting which has been as just a drama is going on and we are on this stage a huge stage of this universe of this world we are all actors and actresses whatever the part has been given to us we are only acting that part they are playing that part and nothing else and that is also the idea of the Semitic religion but in Hinduism both are very much important one the Karma the self effort another is crippled the Karma and Kripa the karma the self effort and the creeper is the blessings of God now when we go to a holy person who here something good so obviously you are supposed to practice something good that's why they say holy company the holy company sadhu sanga satsanga why always it is good because when you are going over there hearing the good words listening the advices seeing the good people that impresses your mind to do something good and the moment you are doing good then the grace of God flow but if you are not doing the grace of God cannot come so that way both are essential in the bhagavad-gita we find the sloka like would the read at mana art Muharram na Atma Abu sada 8 art neva Atman ovando art Weber report mana ha he say one should uplift one lower self by the higher self would the rate at mana mana here the mind the lower self by what the same mind the higher self sometime my mind is telling I don't like to do anything today today the Japanese not possible meditation is not possible visiting the holy places is not possible somehow or other we do so many things but when the question of good thing comes immediately there'll be some excuses why because of the past Karma but if you strive then the past karma will go away Masaru Domini Devi is telling unless and until you are forcing your mind to get up early morning sit for meditation so obviously a day will come when you never can get up because it will go on the mind will add up that but if you are really getting up every time at night 3:30 or 4 o clock early morning maybe that you are coming back from some work some day and going to be there 2 o'clock you can get that arts to get up at least I will go practice for some time keep my routine and then we'll see so that way always it helps so you have to force your mind ask your mind you must have to do it and would do it art wanna art ma-na-ma-na Atma a Posada ate at my beau at Manoa bundle art Weber ripu at Manor so this is very very important in our society you always find that some people they cannot do anything good and some people do very good but certainly when they go to university or colleges get a company the friends and they come in contact with some ideologies they think in their young age it's a very good ideology I have to save my country save my the nation and save my people they leave their actual Dharma that is study and they'll be engaged in something in like politics ruin themselves we have seen so many waves after ultra leftist movements came so many good boys and girls educated qualified but someone as they forced them why they were inspired by some wrong ideology that is the problem and here the question of fate the question of heaven the question of blessings of God the question of good faith work result of good work comes he was growing up nicely certainly something happened and that person though her educated but somehow his thinking capacity could not take the proper decision once I was invited to speak before the inmates of the jail in Bombay and the before introduction the superintendent of the jail she told seasoned lady she told sharmaji the for the front line all these people with the white dress they have already got there that they'll be hanged within a month or two the verdict has been given they are trying to apply to the President of India for forgiveness exit Exeter and the next they are waiting and they will also be hanged or they will kill themselves among fighting among themselves or someday maybe we will shoot them because they are doing something wrong but they are also going to die the date is distained they cannot come out of the jail because of their bad karma they are not ordinary thieves or pickpocketers now you tell what you like to say so in that condition I was thinking what to say then just to encourage them I told say life do not stop over here it is eternal life after life we are going on passing in this life you made a wrong decision and now whatever the days are left in your life go on repeating I am NOT going to make any mistake in my next life oh god please help me so when you are going on repeating this way slowly slowly a strong willpower will generate within your mind and the moment that generates the grace will come the blessing the grace is waiting to come to you only you have to open the door that's all how can you open so these the both are necessary again in the same bhagavad-gita we find of Shri Krishna is telling the see Krishna told you to read at monarch mana the same Krishna is telling Sarah Bannerman parroted Jia mam ekam saranam vraja home to our server papi bia moksha Yami Maharaja you need not to think you need not to doubt only thing that you have to do take total refuge in means you need not to depend on anyone total surrender total refuge the moment you come to me Oh God I have no one except you I will protect you I will give you all freedom from your sins or bad karma that means creeper will come grace will come but before the grace comes one thing I have to do what decision to take refuge that is my karma I have to decide that I will accept God as my only refuse I have to go at his feet when I do the decision take the decision and act accordingly then the grace come so both are connected I have to strive and the grace will come there's a story funny story Narada was going on making fun god he always leaves it God he is rooming with God he's a great devotee of God but even sometimes when you are making some fun and God he is not in a good mood he became angry and told you are talking with me like this go to hell not he became afraid oh my god the moment the world has come out from the mouth of God I must have to do that but Green Hell then immediately he was very clever he said God I am from my childhood days I'm with you I grew up here in the heaven with you and now I do not know where is the hill please show me us because you have already said I will surely have to go there I'll obey you but the thing is I don't know where to go then the story goes like this that God drew a map on that the street itself see this is the way you have to go and this is called hell when he was putting his finger on that particular place and told this is hell immediately not other rolled over that particular portion and got a versed bus I am free from the hell because you asked me to go to hell and I have visited hell God told we're here with me but being a God when you have pointed out some place and said this is the hell that became hell and I rolled my self-worth that now I am free the God loved and forgave him so that lead that a for at least we must have to do there are stories also both things we have to combine and it says there is a small little bird they hatched an egg by the side of the sea and one did the sea when they saw that these two little birds and they are making the home it is on that bank he send a big wave and took away the two little eggs now that these two birds they were so furious and they were sorry but then they decided both of them father and the mother that we will suck all water first they prayed to God that someone that ocean ocean you were too weak for us you should not play like this with us but wooshin was having fun so he didn't listen then they decided that we are doing to suck the whole water they started taking out little water and then putting it somewhere else and going on flying up and down coming coming back going then other birds they watched and asked them what you were doing we are going to set the whole water from the ocean have you in mind it is impossible but that impossibly will make possible because we have to save our eggs there are children and being a parents this is our duties to save our children then all birds also understood that this is true they also came and requested that ocean and ocean told why you call all birds and go on sucking the water I won't give back the eggs and all birds also join and the king of all birds is Garuda he is the carrier of Raghavan Vishnu the King also received that information what happened well though you are a king of birds now there is someone torturing us but you are not helping us but anyway we will try our best so all birds in thousands they were trying to because that work then the Garuda also joined now the vagabond vishnu wanted to go somewhere he called Garuda Garuda told I am busy I have to look after my own subjects they are suffering in the hand of the ocean so oh god please forgive me I cannot serve you this moment then God Himself came hard that story and then he ordered the ocean give back the eggs and the ocean came this is the story and two little words got back their eggs how effort and grace they started another grace came so sarva-dharman parityajya bar Queen I have to give away all my ego at least that I have to do then only grace of God will come and that's why we find the last sloka of the bhagavad-gita in the 18 chapter 78 sloka 74 slogan also Indira Gandhi here the Sanjay is telling yatra Yogeshwara krishna yatra parted on of Dhara part means the person of the human being with self afford the note the report is a a Kshatriya Veda is the hero so obviously his main thing is his bow and arrow that means with our own effort whatever the quality we are having people are having human are having with that effort that quality when the striving to do something good at this Dame the krishna's blessing sullivan who is that krishna Yogeshwara that a potato Krishna a Yogeshwara Krishna and he has the capacity not as a human being but as a God so here yet yoga Shri Krishna yet reported on Uttara Tatra dr3 Vijaya booty drew Bonnie Dima till mama this Sangha is a very learned person so he is giving the decision see I think this is the final what is that wherever there is Krishna the Lord of yoga accompanied by the Juna there rain the good fortune victory prosperity and sound policy everything so the both things are necessary so when the question comes is there any free will then the answer is this free will means that much we can do and beyond that we cannot reach that is up to God then the ceramic ISNA they have so many other stories also here in the beautifully in one store trade says young community Tom Tom Graham no t they be sucked I'd sees another slokas is Tammy burr Sardu karma karoti young woodham Nimisha t whom you like to bless through that particular person you do good work so the inspiration to do good works also come from the blessings of God we think that we are very pure we are holy the Swami Vivekananda again and again denouncing the attitude holier-than-thou attitude I am holier-than-thou it's a very wrong attitude do not touch me do not enter into my temple do not come to me because I am only at them down very wrong attitude because the person over there whom I am thinking unholy that is also through God and that's why I suppose the God becomes angry I gave you this attitude to do something good to be in the temple as a Poojari as a priest and now he have become so egoistic okay from now onwards I take out what will happen to us where that holy person will go no we're so here in the sloka it says whom you want to place you give attitude to do something good and whom you want to put down all that thoughts come in him you'll be going on arguing all wrong argument will be there and he will be thinking that whatever he thinks that is the perfect that is God and that is good and everything and that way constantly he will go down so we had to pray to God for good thoughts also that is why long back the Brahma challenge is to pray but drunk our Navy sinew our Madiba but Rama she moksha very Electra oh god please bless us be gracious on us so that we can hear good words and see good things many many people millions of people they do not hear a good word also words of inspiration they don't see the good things all through their life how Richard is their life so when some people like us have got an opportunity so instead of being happy that I have done this and I am doing this I am so pure and I am so holy rather one should be very very humble so that is why they say like this it is the will of God that everything is done now see Ramakrishna he is this is the Monday January 1st 1883 and here he is meeting is the eight o'clock morning ceramic is now was seated on a mat spread on the floor of his room at Dakshin Isha master Masha is all the time describing so that the people can meditate and meditate means when we are reading this type of description then the whole picture comes before our mind so Lila the animal they call Lila means the activities actions of God dianna means concentrating on those activities when we are meditating that is a first January the natural we can feel the weather of India though particularly Calcutta the eastern region and there by the bank of the river in that small room of ceramic isne and that is why one should visit this holy places at least once in their life so that they can imagine that particular place and that particular bathe the God everything is kept like that nothing has been changed so people can go can see and then when they are reading the scripture the gospel they can imagine they can meditate and cinema Krishna is sitting induction Esser since it is a cold day he had wrapped his body in his mollusk in shawl prana Krishna and him him means the person who is noting down writing prana Krishna is a person they have come they were sitting in his front Rock Hall to was in the room Rakhal means afterwards he became Shami brahmananda prana Krishna was a high government official and lived in Calcutta since he had no offspring by his first wife with her permission he had married a second time where the second wife he had his son because he was rather stout the master addressed him now as the fat Brahmin the master Ramakrishna is to sometimes make jokes with his own devotees and disciples that was the habit of our Swami ji also even the mother is to cut jokes don't make me it dries and nasi Taku see Rama Krishna is to pray to goddess Kali sannyasin means in all the time very rigid and not doing anything not like that very normal person just like any other but at the same time totally detached with the worldly things that we find the a devotee had brought a basket of jalabiya dilib is a special type of sweets for the master which the latter kept by his side then you see I chant the name of God divine model so I get all these good things to eat he was telling his devotees he kept that plate of jalabiya by his side and eating from there and then he was telling the devotees if you take the name of God you will also get the good things he was just making a farm but he was telling the correct things if one takes the name of God God protects him everywhere even in about this very humble life we have seen it is so true once in in a part of Assam we went on a relief work you know the Ramakrishna mission they do the relief work and they alerted us a bungalow government bungalow to stay but there was nothing to eat and the market was very far away only a small little tea shop was there we for to buy materials and to monks we had nothing to eat and lot of work early mornings to get and go to distant villages through the water knee-deep sometimes the heavy water the current is there was there so like with that just terrible terrible thing but no food used to come back after the whole taking the record of the people and then what are the things that they need all those things collecting and then no food we wished wish to go to that tisha used to purchase a cup of tea and some of the biscuits and that was our two days food and I was wondering what to do we cannot survive like that we have to be there for a month and suddenly one gentleman came and he told see that story coming in it's not the stories the fact that happened in my life and their gentleman told the lady of the other house is calling you she liked it she wants to meet you that's a village and they do not come out mainly the ladies do not come out in that way so I was wondering how come we'd not know her just like the America they're also the houses are inside outside is covered with the tree and plants you can just see the particularly the house inside so when I cross the road with that gentleman I reach to that house I found one young lady and her father-in-law and mother-in-law mother-in-law mother look couldn't speak in Hindi or in Bengali or in English they only know the Assamese and it was difficult for me to understand because I was I was not from that part so that lady she was an educated lady from karate she knew some bring oli in broken Bengali she told we are observing that you have come to serve our people but you are not eating anything so we have decided as long as you'll be here please come to our home and take food I told mother we are four and we'll be here almost a month do you think you'll be able to feed us or I'll be glad to do that and you know in that house and the early morning days to st. their male members to bring the breakfast and tea and all that and the noon time wish to return back at 3:00 4:00 without taking food the ladies of that family this to wait for us if this is not the grace of God and what is that good and these two cook so many varieties and slowly slowly they came to know that someone is from Gujarat someone is from South India our Bromwich Aryans - one from Gujarat one from Andhra Pradesh another from Bengal so they were trying to prepare that type of dishes so that we get our own taste so that was the service is an accident no we were totally unknown but the grace is coming through them this is the God's grace mother's grace mara the money they'd be promised promised means see actually ecstatic owed to promise the ramakrishna whoever will come out leaving the heart and home at the back in your name should you must promise should gate at least square meal and protection and the clothings everything that is necessary to survive you have to promise so to all the moms and Brahma cherien's and whoever works for tat cool ceramic isne there are so many other incidents in different lives so that here say Ramakrishna though jokingly he is telling you see I turned the name of the Divine Mother so I get all these good things to eat but she doesn't give such fruits as a palm kena so that she won't give she bestows the fruit of omelet immortality knowledge love discrimination renunciation and so forth see here we were studying that in the scripture it says whom you like to bless all good thoughts you pour how that he feels like going to the holy company feels like listening to the holy words feels like practicing those things there are so many people out there dedicating only like this unthinkable I know a family three sisters and a brother all the four decided to become renounce the world become nuns and monk but their mother with your mother said whom you where I will leave if all of all the four of you go away brother wait I'm so elderly rather wait for my death then you can go they waited and then the son was telling son means now he's a very elderly person he is a professor of any college he was telling we never knew the mother will do the batting like show Chien Tendulkar the mother didn't die before 93 and in the meantime we became sixteen so there is no chance for us to become wrong so we decided that the three sisters they will be living in the downstair I live we go to that our shrines nearby us trauma and then this pain and all the four will go to different Ramakrishna mission Osterman pilgrimage reading books inviting Swami's that way leaving a very holy life and I told what is sannyasa is in the mind only so you have got the sannyasa mental sannyas guinness earn it doesn't Niazi you know this team know kong city who is not angry with things which is not liking or is not craving to get something so you people are so that way so many families are there like this so ceramic is not gave this instruction if you are taking the name of God you get everything so by this also he is telling a fault and grace free will means your effort and the moment your effort for doing something good will be there then the grace of God will also come and suddenly the master went into Samadhi and sad does a long time now this is the speciality of ceramic is nur for him going back to Samadhi and coming to his normal life was so common so natural it is very difficult for people to understand is it in Samadhi because in the Samadhi means no our guru day will go into Samadhi so now you should not disturb and Gurudev goes and he is practicing there then after one month he comes this type of stories we read in the life of great people here is a person he is cutting jokes making fun talking with people suddenly goes into Samadhi so there was a doctor in 19th century the doctors they always is to think that there is no God mostly there is to believe in that way even Sadananda ji maharaj sharp Mirage he was a medical student and he came and told Raghavan see Ramakrishna I don't believe in God because in our laboratory we can do anything we like and when we see the ailing people we know what to give and how to make him all right is all in our hands Sudama Krishna told is it okay practice that and he practiced and practiced and slowly slowly understood something is missing they cannot really help the patients in between they wanted to hell whatever the knowledge they were having they applied but the patient died same type of medicine same type of things they tried to practice in one that worked another it didn't work so that way one day he came back and told now I realized that I cannot do in my own way there is something some power that is also behind ceramic is not old now you are believing so suddenly some people they may go on arguing and see Ramakrishna when he was in meditation in Samadhi not meditation and just he was talking suddenly in Samadhi this doctor he didn't believe it she went and put his finger on the eyeball of Serano Krishna we all know if anything is coming near the hour I immediately will blink will cover our eyes just by sheer our impulse we can say but this man is going and putting his finger keeping over there on the eyeball no reaction and he told it is something beyond our conception we cannot explain it so cinema Krishna who was just making fun suddenly went into Samadhi and if this person we worship as God is wrong who is God then having all power this moment in this world next moment in the world of their spirituality higher realms circling the master went into Samadhi and said does a long time his body was transfixed his eyes wide open and on winking how long can you open like that like that he's breathing hardly perceptible after a long time he drew a deep breath indicating his return to the world of senses then he said my divine mother is not only formless she has forms as well one can see her forms one can behold hard incomparable beauty through feeling and love the mother reveals herself to hard devotees in different forms he was talking about goddess Kali the form and formless there are many people in those time and even now they do not accept goddess Kali there'll be lot of criticism in the name of so many other things but the goddess Kali is the symbol of knowledge goddess Kali in form and we don't form these are the special theme of Hinduism the ceramic is not practiced in his life showed in his life expressed in his life I saw her yesterday she was clad in a seamless ochre colored garment and she talked with me we can simply brush aside oh this is all just ordinary things nothing Salaam o Krishna is just telling stories you see if we see the whole life of this person who never altered a single false why should he select that unless and until he realized we'll never say in the bhagavad-gita also Arjuna he is telling her - Krishna I have understood that you were Avatara why because this this this this person is talking about you there eight people when they are telling that your avatar must be and then so I am je Bob Robbie she may you have spoken about yourself that is the greatest the proof for me when Saddam o Krishna speaks he speaks the truth when C Ramakrishna speaks he speaks the realization so he went into Samadhi came back and telling like this it's nothing false those who have no conception of concentration those who have no consent conception of meditation how they can understand what is Samadhi how they can understand what one can realize from Samadhi so this is the thing I saw her yesterday she came to me another day as a Muslim girl six or seven years old she had a tea lock on her forehead and was naked she worked with me joking and frisking like a child surround Krishna's talking about the ho ma Kali and she appeared as a Muslim girl now the so-called very rigid individual say no no no no he removed this language dearly removed this part from the book the Muslims should not be here this is something very peculiar God can take any form because all-powerful God God can take any shape so that is the spirituality of the ramakrishna mission that we believe that divinity in every individual self without any discrimination what language is speaking all the religion is practicing out the geographical boundaries or the culture nothing God can be anywhere everywhere and that is why see Ramakrishna said that many people do not know Shami Vivekananda worship a Muslim girl is a Kumari puja in the Hindu they have a Kumari which are particularly in the Durga Puja time you can see and Swami Vivekananda himself worshiped a Muslim girl child as a Kumari so no discrimination is a human is human and in every human that his divinity this broadness is the speciality of Hinduism the moment will be away from that we will destroy the Hinduism distort the Hinduism the ceramic isne stealing at widows home I had a vision of gauranga he all a black border cloth he was talking about Kali Kali is as we all know from the Tantra and now next sentence is telling about gauranga from the bush Nava and this bush Nava and the tantric SAR lager it they will labor the wish Nawaz will labor look at the Kali temple and the disciples and the followers of Khaliq and neighbor will never utter the bush numbers they will never visit them then go on fighting and here ceramic is nur from his vision he said the same God came as Kali was a small little girl sometimes as a Hindu girl sometime as a Muslim girl and I saw the gauranga altar where in he Dora's house if you visit the birthplace of see Ramakrishna a little away is this house if he dies house hallowed are you used to say that God is beyond both being and non-being I told the mother about it an actor I was a very learned person he used to read lot of Scripture so from dear from the intellectual he said his being and non-being see Ramakrishna neighbor studied in his Scripture so he is only source of knowledge was mother Kali he went straight to the mother Kali Anzacs Dean is the divine form a illusion mother look at it that's why see Ramakrishna say the experiences of these that means the go see Ramakrishna he surpassed all the experiences our Veda and Vedanta so I have given the name Pancham Aveda in the Veda we don't find like this but here the ceramic isne he is talking with God and directly getting the answer from the God what is that death man was quoting from the scripture the God is like this then if you don't have the image the form then this form that I worship illusion the form that I see illusion tell me see he is asking the mother then is the divine form an illusion the Divine Mother appeared to me in the form of rotis mother rotis mother means a lady is to live in that neighborhood and her character was not good almost like a prostitute lady and mother came in that form even in that form that means even those whom the society is putting down do not care about them I hate them mother is thin that too so she came appeared to me in the form of rotis mother and said do thou remain in Baba I repeated these two holiday re now and then I forget her command and suffer once I broke my teeth because I didn't remain in the power the mother told you remain in the baba baba means the realization that you have God what the others are telling you did not to bother about but sometimes I Ramakrishna is telling sometimes I forget that then when the others very learn that person he having the knowledge of Scripture is telling something I am confused because such a learned man is telling like these and when I forget the command of mother listen to this man I made some accident I broke my teeth because of that mother gave me this management so I shall remain in baba unless I received a revelation from the Haven or habit direct experience to the contrary I shall follow the path of love then he is asking what do you say and next day we will read from here the life of ceramic isne is a life of religion the history of religion in practice so that is why he is the God in this modern age he's in the human form and very ordinary human form not like Rama not like Krishna very very ordinary and most of the people do not understand that those by some luck has come near this philosophy ideology not for sure it is his blessings once he said whoever will call on God at least for once with a open heart will come to this this means in the philosophy of sadhana Krishna and what is that philosophy God is in everything in form without form and he can do anything and everything now let us offer offer pranaam to see ramakrishna needand genom nityam an entire bomb doctor compa drita Bikram by Aisha wat arum per Amish a medium dama ramakrishna sheet asana mama Oh shanti shanti shanti he hurry he owned that's it three dharma krishna are apana must do