Video 54

55: Panchama Veda 55: Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna

it is we can meet we'll be reading and discussing the punja m'vy the gospel of sri ramakrishna this gospel before that will change this stotra tavo got homme rhythm topped achieve annum Kobe very rhythm calma shop ahom rahbani mangalam srimad otha thumb booby Goonan de bourrée da jana the previously we were discussing and vagabonds ramakrishna he was telling that is it possible to understand God's action and his moti is really very difficult to understand something happens and we feel that this is good something happens we feel that it is bad but everything is going in such a way when what will happen everything has already been decided and that's why we say it has been decided by the god many things are there in our own life when you look back we find from our childhood days so in the days we can remember so many things have happened now we cannot get the answer to it why it happened because it was happen it was so good so that's why Sri Ramakrishna is telling he is the preserver destroyer and can you even understand why he is doing all this then afterwards some of the devotees they were there with him and suddenly he got up in the midnight almost it was an early hour of the morning have two or three o clock and the room was dark ceramic rishni was seated on his bed now and then conversed with the devotees some of the devotees they were there resting in the Rue itself and he sat on his that bait on his cart and he was talking see even the moment he has got up from the bed immediately what he was telling only the words of gods and he is telling remember that and very very important for the spiritual life because he is giving the training to his disciples the young disciples the devotees they are staying with him and he got up at the two o'clock three o'clock and then talking to them and very high philosophy and which is very important for the spiritual life remember that daya compassion and Maya attachment are two different things the daya and Maya compassion and attachment two different things attachment means the feeling of minus towards one relatives and compassion is the love one feels for all beings of the world it's so categorically so clear so and that is the way we have to understand if we want to follow the path of spirituality again and again people will be asking question then she shall we not have the attachment with our own near and dear ones are you can are you not becoming dry it's not that tremendous love everything will be there only there is no attachment so that is the particular thing that we have to develop by discrimination and that we will hear from him afterwards compassion is the love one feels for all beings of the world and this is very important when a man becomes religious he becomes really all-embracing he cannot say that I cannot accept him I should not go the go there do these do that so all this decision of aversion and attachment is over for a religious person this is a trait and by that way we can understand how for his religious Maya keeps us in the ignorance and entangles us in the world whereas daya makes our hearts pure and gradually unites unties our bonds so what is the god realization that is the question that will be at length will discuss in our next day retreat what is God actually and how to realize God what happens after realization so how to prepare for that there is a way we will be discussing here we can only mention quoting see Ramakrishna the lonely two types of feelings in the mind one is only love for my near and dear ones only love for that another the same love the feeling that I am having in the mind for each and every one in the world the first one is binding me with this world that means i have to come again and again did the this body and i have to suffer this shara baqara janma and then asti j etais but that they be poxy niyati and maria t so this shara baqara the moment we are born soon we are here we are growing up then we are decaying and then one day we are passing away we are dying so this shara baqara will be there if you like you can follow those who are not liking this wants to get the riddim out of this circle for them then sri ramakrishna stealing god cannot be realized without purity of heart in our last class we have discussed from the bhakti sutra from the nara darshan dilla all these great followers of the bhakti card that God cannot be realized without purity of heart and this what is this purity of our one receives the grace of God by subduing the passions see the purity of heart then how to get the purity ceramic is nestling by eradicated or subduing the passions like last anger and greed last anger and greed these are the three things only and people even after getting so many things they go on craving to get much more much more and much more and different type of readings of the greediness is there different type sometimes the money the gold sometimes the position sometimes the name and fame so many different type of things are there and if I am not getting that I am angry so these are the three things then afterwards salam o Krishna is describing from about himself when I was 10 or 11 years old and leave dat kamar cuckoo I first experienced chomedey the sunday we were discussing the Samadhi and we were discussing how difficult it is and here see Ramakrishna he is talking about his own life only 10 11 years old boy he experienced Samadhi as I was passing through a paddy field I saw something and I was overwhelmed there are certain characteristics of God vision one sees light feels joy and experiences the absurd of great current in one's chest like the bursting of a rocket so these from his own experiences giving us if someone says that I have also had that experience of God realization so these are the things we had to get from him is it like these next day Babu rahaman rom they all returned to calcutta in spend the day and the night with the master the devotees is to come and this to stay with the master and the shin assure everyone this to get their Prashad whoever is to come this to get the pro shop even nowadays also there's a long the parantha is there and then rooms are also there people can come people can stay people can get the Prashad so these boys there's to come from Golgotha is to take the pro-shah from one leaf from the temple and this to stay with ceramic ISNA and it was december 1882 and it was afternoon master was sitting in his room at dictionary with aim and one or two other devotees sorry mom he has always mentioned him or master just to not to disclose him that it is a person so this is the humble he only wants to give whatever see Ramakrishna is telling he is only recording and presenting and when presenting sometimes some of the devotees are coming they are not very regular maybe once in a while they'll be coming he is not mentioning their name so these are the special things in the gospel we find he is not giving mentioning but those who are regular he is mentioning about them why their devotee and if anything that he is writing on that particular day when that devotee was present you can go and verify from that person he has written like this do you think it was there so this was very clear but that those who are coming only for a day or two not regular you cannot verify you do not know what they so he is not mentioning the name em he was there and one or two other devotees now several businessman from Kolkata arrived and saluted the master they inquired see Ramakrishna to give them spiritual instruction and surround christmas mind and that is the system of these people there entangled in their business they're all marchant's 99% whole mind in that worldly things but still sometimes they will feel and they will come and they will ask the holy man kuch bata yay please tell something about the God and when they are enquiring they are not very serious about that only they know that if you are coming and visiting the holy people and the temple listening to that then all your scenes a gun yesterday we went to a place and we saw that ricotta I this barwick guitar and he saw a tall people are dancing very elderly people that the ladies also they're all dancing is it exists they think if you are doing that by that way you are purified nothing wrong in the beginning it is all right but one should not stop over there and you have to take them slowly slowly upward nothing is wrong whatever you are thinking and doing in the name of God is good but you should not stop over there that is the thing that's wise Xiaomi be wakin on the ones mentioned it is better to born in a church not to die there again and again I quote then the master he is talking to them are those merchants you see the feeling of I and mine is a result of ignorance is so difficult for them to understand but still he is telling that hi philosophy truth unless and until you understand the truth it is impossible for you to realize God and when you are coming to a holy person a realized soul he's supposed to tell you the truth then you can go according to your own capacity know that much I cannot do this much I will do i'll try to do in this way but that is the goal i have to reach never lower down the ideal now sometimes people will lower down the ideal and they'll say oh this you can achieve like these in there that's not good whatever maybe these people they may not understand and they may not think of I and mine without this conception what remains that they cannot even think of without eye and mind there is no world for them but see Rama Krishna is telling you see the feeling of I and mine is the result of ignorance but to say o God thou are the do all these belong to D is the sign of knowledge one is ignorance another is knowledge so when sometimes if we say only those things to satisfy our devotees that is not good he may like it for some time but the truth should be told clearly that is the training of the Ramakrishna then some people may not like it many used to come there is to listen to him for once the words of God himself from the mouth of God in presence of God but still this to feel oh this is not then they will go away so here he is telling that God is the doer and you that knowledge should be there how can you say such a thing as mine then he is giving an example that is the speciality of Z Ramakrishna the moment he will say something immediately he will give an example so that he can remember it the superintendent of the garden says this is my garden but if he is dismissed because of some misconduct then he does not have the courage to take away even such a worthless thing as he is mango wood box the mango wood is the worst would the mango tree and that that wood is the worst tool so mango wood is the worst thing even that who made up that wood box he cannot take because the IMP liar his the boss he is angry but previously used to say this is my garden that was all right when he was working over there instead he could say it's our guard or it is masters garden that is the humbleness one must learn so without that one cannot proceed but if he is dismissed then see Rama Krishna is telling again anger and last cannot be destroyed many people they say how can I control my anger you can control your anger but you cannot totally destroy the angle it is so difficult the anger is always there turn them towards God is the special way see Ramakrishna's teaching eradicated those things it is impossible and now he is telling instead why don't you turn it more period over more free adore means you turned that as a Sunday those who have attended my class I was quoting from a small writer that if you are focusing a very ordinary light through a magnifying glass it can create fire so that focusing now this mind I have an anger if that anger goes towards God why everybody is getting the realization of God everybody having the joy why you should not give me the darshan so that type of anger towards God and you are fighting with God constantly like Ravana Ravana was a great devotee a group of people a group of a one school is there the Romano was a great devotee of Rama but he understood if you behave like this then you get the immediate action from the God so God will come and at least will kill you and you get the touch of God you see the God get the blessings and be and the moment you are killed you are free from because you are constantly thinking about the Rama so that way it can't the anger towards God anger and last cannot be destroyed turn them towards God if you must feel desire and temptation then desire to realize God the one excellent way he is teaching feel tempted by him if you have to be tempted why not for a better cause why not for a better thing why not fer God himself so that is the way discriminate and turned the passions away from the worldly objects here he is using the word discriminate bichara at her bichara kurta beer with this it starts one famous book and that Brahma Sutra Basha Shankar Acharya is writing utter Erica Tipton now we have to discriminate kurta beer is a duty to discriminate over that is a lot of explanation haha now bichara discrimination kurta beer is the duty and what is that bechari say a good devotee without bechari without discrimination why I am doing this just by doing like this am I going to realize God what is God realization am I proceeding towards that what are the things that I am I can understand that I am really preceding the moon more I am proceeding to a particular place as Salam o Krishna stealing the more you were going towards Ganga you will feel the cool breeze now the downtown when you go to the downtown more towards that Michigan lake we feel the cool breeze very kool breeze occur that means we are nearing to that so similarly we can understand the more you are going towards go solve the special feature will be within you if it is not that means you are not presenting towards that so here he is disc discriminate which are we are going to a temple we are working over there we are serving them we're doing all sorts of things why that is a very interesting thing when you go to the temple for what not to our money rather you donate money over there you're not getting anything from there rather you are giving but we forget why we are going over there after some time I have seen it so many places so that is the thing when i came to join in the order and one senior swami ji told me I was not disclosing that i am going to join but he could feel he could understand and he said i know that you will be joining as a brahmacari as amino acids very good most welcome but remember at this moment you are having everything and you were leaving it back all those thing at your back and coming and join without knowing whether you are going to achieve it or not the tremendous discrimination and by Rob give dispassion is there but when you were here slowly slowly people also forget for what they have joined in the Holy Order for what they have taken the good work but for what they have left their heart and home they become little bit of habituated and that prelab go comes down down down now your way love goes just like an elephant huge try to keep it at least in the size of a cow and don't make in in the size of a mosquito so that is a great teaching those who are do I become that monastic after that in the beginning we feel these that and slowly slowly slowly that we argue that is very very important the dispassion I have come for this particular purpose so many things are going on happening and particularly when you are in an organization like Ramakrishna mission that is also very small organization our organization is very small organization even then as so many things you get the Prime Minister of India coming and touching the feet this man is inviting you that person is giving you this thing so many things it happening in Calcutta and other places in India the moment you go into that and the flight you are going to get your ticket will be purchased by someone it will be booked by that people will be waiting and after that the officer we supposed to check you will say no sharmaji this is ok you please come you need not to go in a queue you are taken and then they will offer you the coffee slowly slowly you start feeling I am somebody and that is the problem you forget that you have a seal at your back that is Tucker they not do it for you by doing it for Tucker as because he were you belong to that so you get the moment you don't belong there was a very famous swami ji his personality even for him the plane is to wait he's saying the word I am coming 10 minutes and the whole aircraft with all the people waiting so much VIP he became then afterwards he somehow he couldn't understand for whom all these things he left the order lived outside nobody knew only a group of small group of people they'll be there that is okay so this is all the training the teaching way Rob Hawaii given angle one should not forget not only the devotees the monks and much more for the monks for the nonce for their announcers what for we have come that is very very important so this is he is telling discriminate and turn the passions away from worldly objects away from worldly objects that is the main feeling that you have to have you are merchants ceramic is next le you know how to improve your business gradually some of you start with a castor oil factory after making some money at that you open a clock shop in the same way one makes progress towards God so they can understand how they are progressing they start with a small capital small business the more capital more experience they start a big business then bigger biggest like that way as they are progressing in their professional in there that field of business similarly one should also make progress in spiritual life look at it so simply simple way he is explaining anyone can understand and should understand and seam of your the after making a jump in a Seaway one makes progress towards God it may be that you go into solitude now and then and develop more time to prayer that is very important more time to prayer so when you are making the progress the more time to prayer solitude we go then afterwards what we'll be reading some story books and living all alone mostly in America I find people mostly in solitude always all the time almost all people alone driving the car at the really alone constantly going on listening songs or chatting with someone or the they are not in solitude there in the company and sometimes some young people they will put that so another volume is so high even you can hear from your car also music is going on at the insula to dinner all alone but they are not in solitude what is solitude in the company of God how you can be in the company of God constantly going on chatting with the God that is the beauty today I am going to prepare these foods are you interested you are talking to God nobody is hearing you are only telling it within your own mind see these are the ingredients I am having I do not know but I am trying let me try if I can be good then when before you are alone you are preparing the food for yourself but before that as we do the Brahma poonam you only say God please take a little portion of it and then I will take close your eyes just see the God is coming your god or goddess or whom you like taking little food and sitting before you sharing with you all this and then you are eating that Prashad enjoy the company of gur constantly you can be so that is what is it but you must remember that nothing can be achieved except in spa / time the moment you are doing it and immediately you will get not like that it takes time sometimes we take the pill and immediately we feel oh where why you are not getting better another peel sometimes particularly those fields for sleeping pills and sometimes people they need appeal to sleep agitated mind but they take one out of five minutes own asleep is not coming another one then third one the sleep came and never broke as because they went on taking 10 15 sir so that is the problem so naturally one has to have the time you have to give some time the other day I was trying to open the computer in a sky then afterwards I realized I should have given a little time the computer was constantly giving telling me that I am updating and I was thinking what he's after everything is there what to update so it was green on pressure putting this every time it is poppy mark updating updating then the route came and he told me you go on talking over phone am so I observed that after two minutes everything was alright you have to give little time Sosa Ramakrishna is also telling but you must remember that nothing can be achieved achieved except in its proper time some person must pass through many experiences and perform manually duties before they can turn their attention to God so they had to wait a long time just now I just see a monk and I feel good and immediately I burned all my born my bridge and follow like that we do know I have some duties responsibilities I have to perform that well I have understood I have accepted that these are the pub that I should follow okay but I have the responsibility that I must also perform after that I will come and go on praying to God go on praying to God please please help me I like to go i like to do in that path so that i can reach you so that way when you are praying all those things will different places salam o Krishna will be narrative again after this this the stitching that you have to wait and the more and more and more you are praying to God and asking him to take away all this responsibility slowly slowly you will find one day you are ready and that will be the perfect time the weed out perfect time one should not do all this they say that Netaji Subash Chandra Bose the great our Patriot leaders he came to become a monk then our brahmananda gemara saw him and told this is not your way you have to come through different way you love show me BB Kananda but the spiritual way of Vivekananda is not your path you better go as a patriot love the country right for that he became a wonderful leader so this way and the present Prime Minister some some people this area he also approached and then our the present president of the ramakrishna mission at muslin and OG who was that time in gujarat he said young man this is not your path so that way they can understand and they say this is not the way you showed nothing wrong but only a little early a little afterwards have patience then the devotees they brought some offering fruits and candy and sweets and for the master see Ramakrishna could hardly eat them so this is that some people who try to gives Ramakrishna but right that moment he is not ready to accept it because that was not on in a proper way then he told to the master mahasaya they are their money by falsehood I can't eat their offering look at it many people the thing that i won't give are they they will be actually God do not accept they are thinking I am NOT giving because within their mind God is giving this type of thought their unfortunate so giving the offering to God and accepted by the god this is very very important a man should offer only pure things to only mean he shouldn't give them food earned by dishonest means God is realized by following the path of truth one should always chant his name even while one is performing wants duties the mind should be left with God now here he is talking about the discrimination that be vehicle and we find over here the B beaker in the bikochu Romany vivica teramo knee the highest form of the BB acre discrimination and it has been composed by Shankar Acharya sadhana trajectory catatonic Manish me Shankar Acharya stealing I am not telling it has been said by the great Souls there are four types of sadhana issue such sabres an Easter yet ah Bobby necessity these are the four types you must have to follow otherwise you won't get the success in spiritual life what is those four only for fast although in the beginning nithya anita was to be be a god this is vivek this is discrimination are though in the beginning the first thing is nita on e TI boost to vivica so one person he is writing in a very peculiar way and he said you know even the people the ultimate way they go to Vivekananda what we become the nones so he is thinking he knows everything and he is what he is thinking he doesn't know so these type of people can neighbor realize this truth the bus to be Baker this world is illusionary and God is unreal how you will know one of our choix me I told you used to live in the my avati him Allah and we ever used to give the preneur me as because he is a very recluse is to leave only within himself he had no connections and he never wanted to do even a charity work of charity because he knew again I have to go to some people feel for them give to them because he always wanted to meditate constantly on God people meeting and the India they have the habit of giving some money as a the mark of respect and he'll never seen no because they will feel bad he used to accept those and then afterwards they used to throw it out from his window the person who got the money he threw it out and below there was a sweeper he used to go in that corner and used to take rest some day he found that the money is coming floating from the sky you are so happy and then from onwards every day used to seat over there waiting for the money to come down from the sky two types of mind one is so high that he is not at all liking to accept the money another is so much a test so these are the differences and are those in the beginning if you want to realize God if you want to realize the Othman nita anita was to be vehicle then you have a mutt rapallo boga Baraga Belaga dispassion what is that even means in this world imatra means in the heaven many many people they will be observing all the spiritual of the disciplines only to go to heaven because ultimate goal is to go to heaven and here it says if you are really interested to realize God the ultimate form the Earthman even you should have to say I don't like to I don't care about heaven I don't like to go to heaven I want to realize my own self yeehaw here imatra means in the Haven Paulo hoga baraga no action and no result that is called dispassion tantrum then he says samadhi shitake sympathy shamma are the the six things that your shampoo tea is a that tracer that one should have what recluse what among what is an Aussie should have as a tracer the six things begins with cha maha the Shema d shattuck a sympathy moo moo shu tois it is for Tom though that is now if this way and he goes on giving then in the we find over that ceramic easton is telling that you must keep the mind always in God where while performing your duties here also we find the same thing in the abhi bhi Romany cerradas toponym booty should they Brahma nice arvada the constant concentration of the intellect on the Eva pure Brahmin and that is called this self settled nurse said self subtleness and that is very very important settled in what in the self in the Brahmin survey da star ponnam would they should they brahminy survey da and that way the pure Brahmin we have to keep our mind samad hana that is called samahan and cinema krishna is telling constantly try to put your mind in the thought of god and that is possible that's why ma is tell'em eyes not giving all these details but simply he is telling go on taking the name of God and everything will be solved and why you have got all these marks on the fingers order to keep the count go on counting no problem so that way in a very simple way seriously the same truth what Shankar Acharya is telling in the BBH Romany see Rama Krishna is also telling over here mother in a very simple how to go on keeping the mind on god go on repeating the name of sometimes we forget doesn't matter sometimes when you are discussing something we cannot remember God that very moment doesn't matter but the moment we are again getting some time gone repeating the name of God one should always chant his name's reebok is Natalie even while one is performing one's duties the mine should be left with God mom anoos mara jude toucha in the bhagavad-gita shri krishna is talia also saying mom Anoosh mara jude the jaw he go on constantly remembering me and follow my words and then fight and whom he is asking to do that or Juna the great warrior the next the it was the Thursday December 14 1882 it was afternoon ceramic rishni was sitting on his bed after a short nan de rest after the little rest after the launch a little rest and then he's sitting on his bed and talking with so this is the wonderful way the ministerial job constantly alert himself and constantly helping others to be aware about God that is the ministerial job we are all ministers over here in English they call it minister what is this this is the ministerial job and comforting people talking with them encouraging them to be good and all is to follow the path of righteousness goodness so this way we're encouraging people that is the job now sometimes people will come and say what do you do all alone what you are doing this is the thing that we do wherever we are in some places like India Bangladesh Napa they like our services so the same thing we are doing through service one young man a brahmacari and sannyasi after conducting the relief they came back to swami sahajanand the g.d danger neural circuitry and reporting and you were very happy that in those days you know it is very the poverty was so much even to give to three blankets was a big job big thing and these people they God they collected some many number so they were very jubilant they came and they were reporting to the schwa me this time we have distributed this many thing that many thing you then after all the report he quietly after what you have given he was not understanding we were given all the report is these are the things that you have given you have not given that that was given by someone donated by someone and you have deliberately those things to some people working as a poster fish carrier what is your contribution look at that and that is called Karma Yoga this Karma Yoga means constantly alert I am not doing anything here whenever we see that something unnecessarily more the light is on or the fan is moving or the the water tear or this thing that thing constantly and sometimes some places are not very clean dirty it is our job to see that it's all everything is all right why because the devotees of God are coming so I am he to see that they feel comfortable and the wastage of money should not be there because the money is coming from the devotees the more we are spending the more we are demanding from them more we are pressurizing on them look at it if that sense is not there you are not doing karma yoga so one sharmaji was there our 10th president his Chapel the the shoe that used to wear it becomes so old then someone took it away and kept a new one he told I thank you for giving the new one maybe that I will use it but as long as I can use that one allow me to do that why unnecessarily I should rest so that is the thing sometimes some of our Swami they will go on pressure pressing that tear and a toothpaste the ultimate thing the last drop something used to fill who I is doing like that throw it away and take another one no because at least once I can do that with with the small thing that that was slipped inside with that I can manage why not that and that is that is you to help the devotees because all that we are eating wearing everything that I am doing is only for by the money of the devotees so these are the constant thought should be there so that you are alert that is what the Ramakrishna is telling one must be alert now he is giving a another description that all devotees are coming he is talking to them and while he is talking he takes up different type of subjects and discuss about many different things because when the people they come if you are constantly talking about God it will be difficult for them to understand so different type of subjects different of topics they will be will be Dobbin discuss here one boy named Vishnu living in area daha had recently committed suicide by cutting his throat with a razor the top turned to him young boy used to come to see Rama busines he has committed suicide so many people came because of the sunday the weekdays satyr he came Master I felt very badly when I heart of the boys passing every ceramic richness telling he was a people in a school and he used to come here he would often say to me that he couldn't enjoy worldly life he had lived with some relatives in the western provinces and at that time used to meditate in Silesia in the meadows heels and forests he told me he had visions of many divine forms this young boy he already realized this thing perhaps this was his last bart ceramic business talking with about him he must have finished most of his duties in the in his previous birth the little that had been left undone was perhaps finished in this one also one must admit the existence of tendencies inherited from previous births there is a story about a man who practice practice the shava shava shava shava nuh means this is a very peculiar way of practicing tundra shabba means the dead body and this tantrics to get some miraculous power he will bring a dead body and sit on the chest of the dead body he will be performing and then going on chanting the mantra then one time the dead body will open the mouth and all the ablation says to get in the mouth of that dead body and then he will get some of the power so it is still there some people they follow it and ceramic is name is telling the story and he is telling one person he was practicing that another person he had nothing to do with any this type of sadhana he came to collect some fire roots but it became 90 dark so he climbed a tree and was waiting for the dawn and he saw that man lighted the fire and then doing the country sadhana and all these things he brought the dead body he bought the he lighted the fire he was going on chanting whole night past only maybe a little our one or two hours was lived suddenly one Tiger came and took him away this man he was thinking he remembered all the mantras that he was going on chanting he thought why not me also go and sit over there and change that name let me see what happens out of curiosity got down and he was sure once the tiger has got his food it won't come back so he went down inside over there once or twice he has given the offer to that in the name of Macaulay mother appear before him then he said mother before you give me the boon may I ask you one question the what I am curious to know I was not at all calling on you or remembering you or even thinking to do anything like this how to curiosity i sat on over this ashiana and the whole night I was going on listening to the chanting that he was going on doing I remember so I just chanted you have come here to bless me but the poor fellow who was sitting over he has been killed by dead tiger then the mother said you do not know you completed all these things in the previous birth and now only this much was left in your life you have completed now now I am giving you the boon so sometimes we think that this man has come and suddenly in a very young age he is doing all this now he has already done it previously also so this way then one devotee is telling I am afraid to hear the suicide and naturally everybody and see ramakrishna's a suicide is a genious seen undoubtably is a heinous in a man who kills himself must return again and again to this world and suffer its agony when a person is committing suicide not out of joy out of agony and the agony is we're not in the body in the mind and what he is destroying his body and what is remaining mine and the agony in the mind so it goes on you cannot complete your agony by just committing suicide but don't call it suicide if a person leaves his body after having the vision of God some of our very senior Swami's when they're very war and they are getting some help from the brahmacari and all recently one Swamiji he went to the mothers guard our Shami jiska day 11 the staircase here stairs going down inside the Ganga from the Shaam Aegis temple we call it Shami geez guard and another in front of the mothers temple mother's that one Swamiji was a very scholar highly scholar he went down into the Ganga and gave His life in the Xiaomi G Scott and here also this old choix me damodaran and the G he went down and gave his body why why should you leave taking the help of others the purpose of this body is over look at it the purpose of this body is to God realization now that purpose is over now I do not need this vehicle anymore and then to keep this body alive I have to go on taking the medicine and the help of so many people and they are unnecessary getting trouble for me they decided he went to the temple and you offered pranaam everything he did and then he went so this is not suicide see Rama Krishna is explaining then afterwards Sri Ramakrishna will be telling the stories about it now we will conclude today up to this next use the eye thing i would meet you again but i am scheduled to go to New Year on 11 sep tember and i will be coming back on 15 the monday and Sharona non the G of the chinmaya mission I have invited him he has agreed to come and all the devotees will be coming and they will be the Sherman's you will give a talk on Ganesha significance of Ganesha and the children nearly 15 16 they will be chanting about the Ganesha is a very good program but I will miss it maybe if it is recorded I can see the afterwards now let us conclude neden genom medium an entire bum popped on compa Drita be grumpy yavitt arum para Misha medium-term ramakrishna sheer asana mama home Shanti Shanti Shanti hurry on that sir sri ramakrishna her eponymous to