Video 44

45. Panchama Veda 45: Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna

today my throat is very bad and I'm sorry I may not be able to continue to the whole hour let us begin toluca Tom written topped achieve annum curvy be rewritten Calma shop aha Savannah mangalam srimad additem pavillon de bourrée dijanna last time we were discussing about the tower coshocton duchesne asking tacos Ramakrishna to speak about be a different aspect of Kali describers said in how many ways carly the Divine Mother sport in this world then the master the smile says oh she plays in different ways it is she alone who is known as mahakali nick de cali shamma cali raksha cali etc Shama Kali has a somewhat tainter aspect and his worshipped in the Hindu house or she is the dispenser of Boone's and the dispeller of fear people worship raksha Kali the protectress in the time of epidemic fame in earthquake flood etc shoshanna Connie is the embodiment of power of destruction p after the destruction of the universe at the end of a great cycle the Divine Mother Garner's the seeds for the next creation she's like the elderly mistress of the house who has a hodgepodge part in which she keeps the different articles for household use all or nothing here ceramic ich nur in a very simple manner describing how the world is created am i clear to you is it can understand because the the hot summer I went to India and came back and because maybe because of that then see Rama Krishna is telling it is like the housewives keeps in a part the seafoam blue peels small bundles of seeds of cucumber pumpkin etc they take them out when they want them in the same way after the destruction of the universe my Divine Mother the embodiment of Brahman gathers together the seeds for the next creation it is so easy as eve when the creation is going on it's just the will of the mother and she's keeping all the seeds that's why Shami be waken lee in one place he is telling we do not say that it is a creation we say it is a projection in before also it was there and when it was first created we cannot say hindus are bold enough to say we do not know so the creation and projection is already there in the mind of the Divine Mother of God or Brahman and he or she wishes and the whole creation comes that is the way we the Hindu believes the creation ekim bohus a movie he in the Vedanta they say the Brahman the art monk the all-pervading consciousness once a weird that he will become meaning just his wishes and so many things starts so this is the way the creation ceramic ISNA in a very friendly way in the only way he is describing as the house wives they keep different things and then when necessary they use those things particularly the kitchen garden they are the seeds they are keeping and the next time they utilizing those seeds similarly the God is keeping those ideas of seeds and the creation comes is Carly my divine mother of a black complexion the question Sri Ramakrishna himself is asking and he is describing Kali because the kali was the topic of discussion on those days and kali they used to criticize all the time is Kali my divine mother of a black complexion she appears black because she is viewed from distance she appears black because she is viewed from a distance but when intimately known she is no longer so sham amake amar calorie is a song and in that song bengali song they sing and asking the question to himself do you think the Shema the Kali is black no the sky appears blue at a distance but look at it close close by and you will find that it has no color this is the beauty of ceramic recien immediately giving the example and making the holes so complicated philosophy so simple the water of the ocean looks blue at a distance but when you go near and take it in your hand you find that it is colorless so that is the answer why the goddess Kali is black because we do not know how distance means we don't have the knowledge about the god of the goddess the moment we go near the moment we know how then it has no color at all is Kali my mother really black the naked one of blackest hue lights the Lotus of the heart wreath birth bone cali annually then the master continuing the song the divine mother is always playful this universe is ugly this is the sentence this is the statement this universe is Mother's play so we are thinking so many things so many things happen in our life and so many problems are coming every moment and we have part to have the joyful are very happy or we are in misery sorrow so many things goes on in this life but ultimately this is a sport which is a play for the mother and Brahma devotee asking the question Bart said if she likes she can give freedom to all why then she kept us bound to the world we are suffering and the mother if she wills he can get the freedom why she is not giving the master answering that is hard will she wants to continue playing with our created beings in a game of hide and seek the running about soon stops even the beginning all the players touch the granny physical as someone will sit in the center and then we rounds and the players they are supposed to come and touch the granny the center one but the other self there they will be protecting they won't allow to touch it goes on so similarly as he by giving that example he is telling as if the life is like that we are trying to go to God and our mind is distracted towards the world and in the worldly attachments the different things draw us to the worldly things we are anger and we are angry because we do not get satisfaction in something and we are happy because of the satisfaction we are sorry because of something so it goes on and on but if we sit quiet and look back so many things happened in our life when you were children and those days those things were so serious for us and now we love at it so why we were so serious it was nothing actually so similarly whole life is like that if we can look back and see and can understand so it will be so simple for us that is hard will and then he is telling that displease her displeases our harp laser is in continuing the game therefore the poet saved out of a hundred thousand kites at best but one or two break free look he acted ootori karti to me heche Adama hot chapati so one Swami at the particularly Bureau jaanam the ji maharaj the director circle of swami vivekananda he used to say like this and one of his disciple once asked him this committee in that case why should we try to get realization because only one or two will get liberation mukthi god realization and I do not know whether I am going to get them or not among so many millions then he saved how do you know that you are not that one among the million there is only one or two is going to get the liberation but how do you know that you are not that one so that with that hope that I am going to be liberated the moksha kangxi one who wants to get liberation from the bondage of birth and death this blazer and pain the circle it goes on that is the life what is light pleasure and pain sometimes plays or sometime pain in Hindi they say kabhi khushi kabhi gham so it goes on like these so naturally go and enjoy the world the mother says the mind it is as if the divine mother said to the human mind in confidence with a sign from a I go and enjoy the world how can one blame the mind salam o Krishna is referring to that famous upanishadic dictum branch Akane battery not swayambhu the smart barranca shitty nun tot ma our mind always wants to see something outside when you try to meditate when you try to concentrate when you try to control our mind Rhea tire we are sitting in a corner on a comfortable way and retired why because my mind is tired why the mind is tired because mind wants to go out but when we are watching the soccer game whole night we are not tired why because our mind is enjoying the external thing anything external we always enjoy but internal and that proves that it is so difficult to concentrate so difficult to get Mukti why salam o Krishna say mother the Creator don't want then what we'll do we will do will go on pursuing hard no I don't want to play I like to come to you I like to sit on your lap I am NOT in the game if we go on praying praying and praying then only she alone can give that freedom because she is the creator and she can give us freedom go and enjoy the world as he she said then the Brahma devotee again asking the question said can't we realize God without complete renunciation the gospel of ceramic kishna the conversation that the sea ramakrishna had the punch em aveda is the knowledge and this is the knowledge that we get when you go on reading the scripture one way or other they are describing the same thing and ceramic is neither through stories through examples and very simple way telling the same truth very attractive and that is why it touches our heart when this question is coming that whether we had to realize to realize God whether we had to renounce the whole world then master is laughing of course you can you can enjoy the the householders life he sees without complete renunciation you can realize God why should you realign renounce everything I tell you the truth there is nothing wrong in your being in the world but you must guide it to your mind-tours god this is the speciality of ceramic Asia show me Vivek under is telling that we are not traveling from the untruth to truth Falls to truth we are travelling from lower truth to higher truth when there is nothing from that nothing we cannot get something something cannot be achieved without nothing with nothing so that's why whatever we are doing it has some value but here's the Ramakrishna again just turning but you must direct your mind towards that's all whatever you were doing it is all right but always you dyed it that mind to his God otherwise you will not succeed see he is telling the same truth the aggie nike amrita tamannaah suku without a renunciation you cannot realize God or the Amrita the ultimate without renunciation the moment we hear that word we are afraid ceramic is not the great master and he knew how to teach the students those who are already there they used to tell them the game that you are playing is very good but at the same time keep your mind on god when you are keeping your mind on god you are not attached so this is the way he is dealing it is all a question of the mind and the Ramakrishna stealing do your duty with one hand and with the other hole to God after the duty is over you will hold to God with both hands so this is religion do we should know this otherwise whatever we do we do so many things we go to so many places we meet so many other people religious people spiritual people and we learn nothing we only spend our time we go over there and then to some extent we are satisfied as if then we come back the same people mano eva- Shawna Cardinal the more she wonder the bondage and the Moshe liberation because of the mind if your mind is pure is ready you are liberated this is the beauty of the teaching and how the mind is prepared I know that I need not to go all the places all the time to all the people because this is the ultimate that's where salam o Krishna is telling to so many people so many people are weighing around they are going to meet this man that man this person that person then when they come back to see Ramakrishna he said showing like this this time all this is here and that means all knowledge is only here and what is that knowledge your mind is the main if you think that you are in bondage you are in bondage if you think that you are feeling sorry you are sorry if you think that you are totally free free if you think that you are happy you are happy so that is the mana abomino sheeana the mind of a human being is the main to feel that he is bound offering so this year is the ultimate balanta so we are not blaming anyone we are not complaining against anything I am totally free that wonderful freedom the mental freedom the mind will take the color you dye it with the mind is everything so that is the reason we should be always in a positive thinking positive thinking if there is no positive thinking we are constantly harming ourselves though here spending so much of time in the temple and we are doing so many things but at the same time with that negative idea we are harming ourselves this positive thing is what I am free because I belong to God nothing no bad thing can happen to me I am the son of god and the daughter of god and the child of God nothing wrong can happen to me this is the only confidence and everything will continue here he says the mind is everything bondage is of the mind and freedom is also of the mind a man is free if he constantly things I'm every soul how can I be bound whether I live in the world or in the forest Shami Vivekananda also sometimes is telling like that he sees opiate sudra Charo budget Imam on an EVOC sod Reba Samantha hbu sued watch other one who has already committed very wrong thing bad things if he thinks from today this moment I am going to be good he becomes good that very moment whatever the past action he has already done harm etc for that he has to suffer but the resolution that he takes the promises that he is taking that i am going to be free and happy that makes him free and happy so mano a womano shanem karanam bundaberg shall not be not deluded by your religion teaching original scene for the same religion teaches original purity also when Adam fell he fell from the purity purity is our real nature and to regain that is the object of all Legion tion be wakened is telling and the atom he fail and fail from where fail from original purity and if it is original purity that means I can go back again does the option is there possibility is there and that is called the real judgment well I did something mr. but doesn't mean that I am doomed for evil I can regain that true I can regain that purity I can once again be as pure as God so this is what they say in Bengali they say Ackbar kareena me joto pahari gb shabd okie Toto pop golly if you are really are Turing sincerely wants only the name of the God all scenes will be burned down and you have no capacity to commit so much of scene which cannot be burned or removed by uttering the name of God once but with sincerity so that is the reason one person he say his son indeed son was telling reside the name of Rama tries and he reviewed to the Sun you don't have faith in drama once only we would after the name Rama that's all why we have to go on repeating the name of Rama tries so these are the stories they say that is so the power of God the power of purity is packed in the name of Rama that's why the mantra diksha they take yet bhagawan sri ramakrishna is telling the is the mind and one should be very very careful of it and some of the people are there like the Jonica the father of schita and genital was on the threshold of both yoga and hoga but that is very very difficult the one only one a person may be janneken at all the general was totally unattached but at the same time he was the king he was the ruler he was enjoying the whole the worldly things totally unattached so that's where see Ramakrishna stealing but one cannot be King Janaka all of a sudden janaka at first practice much austerity in solitude even if one leaves in the world one must go into solitude now and then that is again and against the Ramakrishna is advising us go to solitude be alone and look at your mind observe your mind judge your mind and then you will find that what are the defects of the air inside the mind try to remove remove those and then you'll be free it will be of great help to a man if he goes away from his family lives alone and weeps / God even for three days even if he thinks of God for one day in solitude when he has the relation that too will do him good so one has to go to a solitude to some place where other people don't know him so he may be in a society he may we allow so many people but all alone because other people don't know him and there in that solitude maybe in the jungle maybe in the place where people don't know him or in the corner of a room if he can cry for God and pray to God the disease of worldliness is like typhoid he is telling and the patient of it ever should not eat its pickles etc so if the that patient is leaving in that room and eating all those things he can never become cure one of our show me he had diabetes and he was very fond of eating rascal LA and all those things when in the ponga Punk that means when the monks the city together let's call hunger in the line when they are distributing sweets he will be claiming her give me so it's also as you are giving to others but if they say but you were diabetic you should not take then you will shout what do you know about that I am taking medicine medicine has the power circuit but by mistake if you make a little sugar in his tea he will shout you'll become really angry why you know the time a diabetic patient why you have mixed the sugar in the tea and when he is eating the sweets as he that is not sugar so that way sometimes we think that the people patience of the typhoid if they are going on eating the things that they are not supposed to that the medicine own work so that is why see Rama Krishna stealing us because our mind is constantly in this world unless and until you go away from this world away from all this some people they are moving all alone constantly going on listening to something maybe the music all going on texting and writing or reading they are not alone actually they think I am alone but they are not alone they are watching TV and they are going on used using the laptops and then talking over phone are they I don't know so you have to give away everything all alone and then only it is possible the master sang the song with tears in his eyes what that that the fluid has sounded in yonder wood that is now this time he is singing the song of Krishna and here bong Shivaji lieu OU AP ba ba ng shivaji low we beeping that means the call of the krishna the flute or Krishna is calling the human soul that is a symbol the gall God is always giving us the call but we don't listen to that we don't hear too dad mostly the conch shell the blow in the evening and the morning before the puja there's a call the Muslims they give a John a Hong and calling people to come in the Christians they will go on ringing the bell making the people the faithfuls that this is a time that you should come and visit God remember God so that sound is attracting our mind taking away from the worldly duties and things and concentrating at the feet of God Krishna's flute is the symbol of calling the human soul yes Rama Krishna is telling like that and and he is telling he's singing that song he was a very good singer ceramic ashna and when he used to sing his to sing with all emotion because all the words of the song and the meaning of that those things when it is coming out with the emotion then the song becomes a little real prayer when we pray over here con Donna prob on Donna the wonderful prayer the first line of the prayer in the morn evening that we do con Donna pavo vandana the bondage of the world baba means world bandhani bondage oh god please give me freedom from this bondage con Donna pavo bandana and that way every word its meaning if we know and seeing that gives a wonderful prayer power when you have plane we get power and power of purity salam o Krishna is crying gradually the ebb tide set and they're coming back they were talking with ceramic ISNA was in the company of the cash option and his friends then he is all are enjoying the Salam o Krishna's company then Saddam o Krishna is telling abroad he is quoting about the Kolkata people he is telling people have Calcutta lob sensations that's true you know anything they will be jumping about so the people somewhere they are playing Calcutta is all the time away shouting and who is supporting which team because Indian teams are taught no they're not there but we are going on supporting first we will support the Asian teams with the Japan and alls out then european teams like that it goes but we are so the sensation the lab sensation then he is telling you may see them digging a well at a certain place they say they want water but if the strike zone they give up that place they begin at another place and there perchance they find sand they give up the second place to next they begin at a third and so on it goes but it won't do if a man only imagines that he has God's command so this is what's a rama krishna is indicating you have to take the name of God from a guru you should have faith on that and go on repeating repeating repeating the name of God because it is not the person who has given of course all cannot become guru all cannot become the spiritual teacher they should have a very pure personal life then only the gods power comes within them and that power it transmitted to the disciples if the lamp is not burning how that lamp can help the other lamp to burn so that is the reason surround Krishna stealing if you people brahma samaj each and every one was becoming the guru the teacher that is why he is hinting first of all you have to realize God you have to get the light of God you have to develop the purity dispassion discrimination then only you can encourage others to do that so he is telling that if you are changing the places and thinking that from here I will get some benefit you will never get the water you have to go on digging in one place God does reveal himself to man and speak it's not that God cannot be seen in a God cannot be talked with it is possible then Brahmo Samaj devotee asking the question then said we must give up our activities until we realize God he says the Antillean unless you realize God it is of no use telling other people too because the brahma samajis is to go out to convert people into their ideology and used to criticize the traditional hinduism see ramakrishna a person coming out of the Hinduism with through that traditional way he is giving that real religion and now these people they are thinking that they're very modern they have understood religion they go on telling others and convert trying to converting others now he is a bit angry perhaps and he is asking then sad we must give up our activities until you realize God sayama Krishna is telling the Antillean unless-- unless you are realizing God the truth unless unless you are receiving the light yourself how can you give light to others then master is telling ceramic is nestling know why should you see how the way of telling know the when he is asking the question shall you stop all our duties so that first you'll realize God and then we will talk about God immediately he is doing no no whatever you are doing is good then you must engage in such activities as contemplation singing his praises and other daily devotion he is telling that the person I was asking shall you stop everything no Bart practice your own spiritual practices continue your own spiritual practices so that God will reveal to you and then you can get others why should you you must engage in such activities at contemplation sometimes they say Papa's tapasya I was there in the Himalaya for 12 years like this Thunder sannyasins they will say some people when they come to this waist and the places in the cities they will say I am coming down from the cave of Himalaya and I have done tapasya and what is tapesh actually this is collecting the mind from the world lit are sending things and then concentrating the mind on god that is called tapasya Marsha the Mona Devi this is the beauty of takuma ha Muji very complicated thing they say in such a simple way we think oh is it like this mother is telling what is the for sure my son only to keep the mind at the feet of God that's Pusha it the mind goes to this way and that way takes up these and dad keep the mind try to keep the mind constantly bring it back from other things and keep it at the feet of God that's all the Brahma devotee again arguing but what about our worldly duties duties associated with our gardening money and so on Serrano Krishna seed when he was asking the question we must give up our activities until you realize God is it and then he said no you continue your practices spiritual practices like contemplation then singing the pre God's name etc devotion then is it ok but what about our worldly duties because we have to maintain our household what about earning the money and so on then see Ramakrishna game is done yep yes you can perform them too but only as much as you'd need for your livelihood those who wants to realize God wants to devote his total attention for the god what they should do they should not go for earning lot of money that will never be in their temperament in their mentality whatever little is necessary to maintain that they will earn and then they will concentrate on God I think I should stop over here today then some next step from the time we will tomorrow I will go to Seattle and just before coming over here the Swami's phone came from Seattle and he was telling whether I have given my cell number correctly or not and he has seen this cell number etcetera etcetera and then from seattle i will go to San Francisco because the Seattle Schwalm is a very senior so after reaching over here in America I couldn't go to him and also the San Francisco Swamiji so i will go to san francisco also to affirm apron arm to him and from there to portland and there we have some lectures in portland come back on feet on field there's a very famous singer on classical hindi music the one person is coming he's almost a professional and he is reaching here on for fourth of july and fifty july he will perform in the hindu temple so if I possible I love try to go and reach in the hindu temple but you people can always go you can enjoy that the fifth did you like let us conclude need an janam medium on antelope um pop pop da no compa Drita Big gram by yavitt arum para Misha medium tamarama krishnam she Rosanna mama she Rosanna mama Shanti Shanti Shanti hurry Hugh