Video 42
43: Panchama Veda 43: Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
so you let us begin today one foreign these words are just like the nectar and this helps in our life now last class in our last discourse on 20th may we have discussed what is purity of mind the blessing of those who are pure in heart as jesus said bhagavan sirama krishna again and again is telling if you have to realize god then you have to purify your mind what is the purification from the bhagavad-gita we quoted the purification means some of the divine qualities that have to develop and these qualities that is purity of heart whatever you are thinking that you must speak and that way you must work so these three should be equal i am thinking something telling something working in a different way that is not purity of heart the simplicity with the intelligence simplicity of a child and the intelligence of a wise person so that is called purity of heart then the knowledge about the reality of this world every moment the world is changing it is transitory that is the knowledge then the devotion devotion means faith in something which is the creator preserver and the destroyer of this whole and then steadfastness benevolence sense control unselfishness and steady in starting the scripture this is also very important so these are the goona swartz austerity controlling my mind and senses uprightness then ahimsha non-violence then comes truthfulness and free from anger the renunciation tranquility of mind and peace aversion to slander not criticizing others not finding fault with others gentleness modesty steadiness vigor patience fortitude harmlessness free from vanity these are all the divine qualities these are all divine qualities so what is divinity all these wonderful qualities if we can achieve in our life so always we make confusion about supernatural power some yogic power and the spirituality divinity the people who can walk on the water or can travel in the ear or can he listen or can study the minds of others and can tell the for the about what is going to happen in future these are not spirituality spirituality is these qualities and that is why in bhagavad-gita again it says shwathik gyana spiritual knowledge what is the spiritual knowledge knowledge of oneness among this diversity that's all knowledge of oneness among diversity that is spiritual knowledge sargo bhutishu by which one is able to use and see the unity in diversity server means different so many varieties of beings are there in this world how can we think that it is only one and that one is nothing but the god see if we can think about that if you can realize that that is called spiritual knowledge means the highest spiritual and that knowledge is called swathika gyana one who is having that knowledge satika the moment one things about the spirituality he stopped working doing something for the society that was practiced in india for many many years that was wrong that is exactly what they said long back in bhagavad-gita by sri krishna thousands and thousands of years before shri krishna said that you have to work you cannot stop without work we cannot see it without work but work with a secret what is that secret unattached without expecting the result that is called swathika karma but somehow or other the karma theory came in our mind and it was misinterpreted hinduism is a very old religion very old path to god realization more than six thousand seven and thousand years before six thousand seven thousand years before the obviously different type of loopholes different type of defects came and then at the same time a great soul like krishna came sirama krishna came and they modified they again they put that on the proper track krishna came and he one who is free from pride and self-importance endowed with steadiness and zeal again siddha asid the nirvikara who is unraffled in success and failure karta satika and he is the spiritual doer highest doer so this is very important when we are working working with detachment working understanding that i may be successful i may be failure the moment you have failure people will be criticizing you have to be tranquil again that very moment when you are successful all people will praise but that time also you have to be tranquil you know next moment i may fail so that equality of mind how it can come when one can understand everything is done by god not me so this way bhagavan is telling that swatiga gyana spiritual knowledge is the knowledge of oneness among different varieties there are many many things but how can you understand that that is each and every soul is having a prana that you can understand something when it is there in the body body has the value when that thing which we can explain we cannot explain what is that goes out of the body body has no value it will be either buried or burned that means body has no value then what is the more valuable things they call in the beginning prana then they call jivatma this jivatma is the reflection today morning one gentleman came he was asking me if so many pranas are there jibatmas are there then when one jibatma is free that means that way slowly it will be all number will come down and you need not to think about that but think of what is jivatma what is jivatma the reflection of the paramatma who am i i am the reflected same purity of the god and that is why the jesus said blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see god kingdom of heaven is within you what is that kingdom of heaven that knowledge that quality that understanding that i am also god because the purity is there within me and what is that purity unselfish love if we know the definitions properly if we are not confused with the only the about the words then it becomes so easy what is religion to understand myself and who am i god and who is god unselfish love that's all now the thing is where is the problem we why we can't understand because of selfishness where from the selfishness came i i i this ego we cannot go beyond this everyone right from a small child a small kid up to a very learned man all are talking about i i did without i we cannot express anything and what is that i when we are going on thinking about that the sun is there and it is reflected on so many millions of water bodies may be on the ocean it is reflected a river it is reflected pond water is reflected or a very small place muddy water there also it is reflected but the reflections are different on a tranquil huge water body the ocean the sun is completely you can see so he was telling he was asking his question was why there is a great personalities like the newton or the great leaders and why the same person if he is having also the same quality of godliness is behaving a very peculiar way why why one person is a door keeper another is the master same two people one is the king another is the door keeper girl why so because of the manifestation and here comes the theory of karma the person who has become successful who is now the king the leader the appreciated by the society a famous scientist a successful businessman he did something good in his past life that is what the hindus believe otherwise you cannot answer this question it cannot be just accident someone became very successful someone even if he has tried could not make any success why you cannot make give the answer just because accident it happens not like that everything at the back there is a reason there is a cause why when we see the effect there must be a cause what is the effect if it is that i am a very ordinary person that is the effect why i am ordinary person why i didn't get the intellect why i didn't get the success like the other person just accident just it happened no the cause is my past karma that is forcing me driving me taking me carrying me and that is the reason it is like this so this is the reason sometimes a huge water body like the ocean then the like the river then like a small pond all are because of like this us a great personality then a very ordinary person then a very ordinary person so this is the karma of allah reflection of the sun is coming on everyone only we cannot reflect it properly understand it properly because of our bad karma when everything is tranquil everything is clear i can see i am also the same god each is great swami became this telling each is potentially divine swami vivekananda is telling just this is a statement not like that is the truth each and everything now bhagavan srama krishna he is telling when one reaches in that condition what is that condition condition of a swathik karta is the doer with total unselfishness again and again everyone is telling about it but it's so difficult to practice even difficult to understand properly i will do i must do i will do it perfectly but without any attachment so that is the reason sometimes the traditional monks in the india they call they are not working the people are very happy appreciating him why there is no reaction when there is action there is reaction ramakrishna mission swamis are active they are trying to develop the society particularly those who are poorly literate downtrodden people masses and naturally the action has reaction so this is the problem so this way we have to understand the when we are working but without any attachment that is called shatthika mukta sangha without attachment mukta means free sangha means attachment without attachment and how i can become unattached anahambadi i don't have ego when i am not having that ego that pride that the i am doing i am doing then i am totally detached i am doing but at the same time the moment i think oh i don't belong to this world why should i do let it go to hell wrong tremendous energy every place everywhere he should go and try to convert people try to make people understand that you are making wrong so this way that's called missionary he has a mission what is that mission to take the message of god to every corner each and every corner without any attachment or waiting for the result nothing so siddhi asiddha siddha asid the nirvikara he same without success or with success and that is called and bhagavan si rama krishna when he is the person who reached in the satika condition he follow any form of religion any path that is leading to the god without hesitation why all paths are leading to the same goal and his mind is concentrated and he is reaching to that bhagavan srama krishna he is the embodiment they say a parliament of religions why parliament of religions is a place where all religions came together all religious paths came together all ideas came together and mingled in the life of bhagavan siram she is the only person in the whole spiritual history he is the only person who practiced this and he followed it in one place he is telling to his devotee i had to practice each religion for a time notice the word mark the world i practiced is not telling like that i had to practice someone instructed him as if someone compelled him as if i had to practice each religion for a time hinduism islam christianity these are the three famous religions and buddhism is a part of hinduism all the conception a little bit of mukti and nilvana etc otherwise everything is just nothing but so jainism buddhism shikhism is nothing but the parts of hinduism so he's sorry he says the christianity islam and hinduism then he says i followed the paths of vedante of the hinduism there are three great paths what is that first is shaktas shakti marga and then vishnava the worshipper of vishnu and again vedante who don't believe in the personal god these are all philosophy all thoughts but leading to the same goal those who have studied the life of sirama krishna all of you know then suramar krishna is telling i realize that there is only one god i realize that there is only one god toward whom all are traveling but the paths are different the paths are different what are the paths ritual again and again i tell you that only in the philosophy there should be a philosophy first in religion what are there first is a philosophy philosophy means an idea and after that philosophy comes mythology mythology that philosophy that abstract idea they try to make people understand through stories and that's called mythologies then comes ritual and what is that ritual you have seen that our swamiji is showing the light the water the flower like that every morning and evening we are doing offering fruits and all that then we are taking it back and who is eating we are ourselves eating but offering to god we do not know whether god is eating or not but we give with a faith that he is accepting our love but at the same time we are taking it back and as a prasada sacred food we are eating it right and thinking that by partaking that we are also becoming purified so these are all thoughts that's a ritual but along with the ritual comes morality as i was quoting from bhagavad-gita full of morality the moses the famous ten commandments of the old testament what is their morality the jesus most of his speeches most of his teachings are morality everywhere that is morality in the the famous words of the bhagavan buddha we we discussed bhagavan buddha last week the year before uh i think some week we discussed about the bhagavan buddha there also we found that it's nothing but morality teachings of buddhism nothing but morality so this morality is very very important the moment we are trying to practice the morality we have to be very strong then only we can practice morality in a small child he has taken a candy if the mother comes and asks the child i keep the candy over here now it is not who has taken immediately he will say nobody taught him i have not taken who teaches where from it comes because it is by birth it is already within us to tell the lies to decide people so slowly slowly we have to control all those things and that is called morality whatever i should do i must do and what i am not supposed to just do as a human being i will never do so that needs a tremendous mental strength so why morality to develop the mental strength and when there is a development of mental strength what comes purity so the spirituality comes afterwards after the morality comes spirituality where is the difference rituals christians are going to the churches church is totally different there you will never find this type of all gods and goddesses maybe a symbol maybe a cross or just a lamp is burning that's all in the mosque if you go in the prayer hall of the muslims different their language is different their way of expression is different just all rituals and we are observing some of the functions they are observing different functions but morality is same so the philosophy mythology in everyone then comes the ritual then come morality and after the morality is spirituality and this spirituality we do not reach mostly we stay over here in the morality and we think morality is sufficient religion a person who is not telling lies he feels that i am a religious man a person who is donating helping the others things i am a spiritual man no he is on the path of spirituality and what is spirituality then that ultimate knowledge what is that ultimate knowledge that we discussed seeing only one god in all different beings there is no difference of language cast creed color no difference so that is called spirituality bhagavansi ramakrishna is telling i had to practice why had to practice because that was his mission he has come to establish religion so he has come to establish religion most of the people will be asking before suramar krishna at the time of suramar krishna all religions were there why then swami vivekananda he has said that sirama krishna advented he came to establish religion this unity in diversity this is the specialty of bhagavan si ramakrishna jesus came he had a mission he gave that to the world now two thousand years people are practicing but majority of the people can't understand jesus even now after two thousand years in the beginning it was totally absurd when he said i and my father in heaven are one and the kingdom of god is within me he's the king of the jews they misunderstood they thought he is going to fight with the caesar maybe that he is trying to organize a movement against the king nothing was like that they must misunderstood him and similarly the bhagavan krishna came a different mission buddha came a different mission a different time different temperament of the people different society so the god is coming with a different mission in the present age what is that education is there intelligence is there people are very sharp they understand but why then they are calling their misunderstanding and that is the reason hundreds of years the christianity and islam they fought they call it jihad dharma yudha hundreds of years the king richard the great of great britain he went down to the middle east and had a fight and so many kings and the people they went and they thought going and fighting with those people are the religion now again the same thing so why then it is like this why can't we be friendly why can't we think that we are brothers and sisters just imagine the first words that swami vivekananda standing on the soil of chicago in 1893 he addressed sisters and brothers that was the message of bhagavan siram krishna what is that message we are though we are different having different religion different culture different language different social social values but at the same time we are one the moment people will understand it they need not to convert themselves from to one religion to another one faith to another but they can become very good people they can be friendly that's why suramar krishna this is in the kathamrita one here and there suddenly he is telling and one should understand the importance of these words i had to practice it is not that he was not knowing he's not just out of curiosity he was practicing different religion there are many people they'll be practicing buddhism one gentleman came he said i have practiced buddhism now i'm interested in hinduism and i told in future maybe that i will try to know islam i'm very good go on trying but what he is going to try only philosophy only he will be reading books only you will see the outer religion external religion but religion is not the external thing religion is within then i told it's a good try but try to understand what religion really is so this is very very important so here bhagavan is telling i had to practice not out of curiosity but to establish dharma the religion the idea for the modern people and he is stealing one undoubtedly finds inspiration in a holy place now he is telling the why one should go to different holy places inspiration if you go to a holy place and if you know about that holy place what happened over there then only you get the inspiration if you go as a tourist snapping photos and coming away you are a tourist only little bit of economical development of the locality maybe because of the tourism but your in spiritual development by visiting a holy place can be only if you know that his bhagavan is telling and he is talking about his visit to brindavan he went to bridal now think of it he was a worshiper of goddess kali according to that he was a shakta pujari so naturally people may ask why is visiting brindaban brindaban is the place for only bhnbas but suramar krishna is going over there in the dusk are you to walk on the bank of the jamuna when the cattle returned along the sandy banks from their pastures at the very sight of those cows the thought of krishna would flash in my mind i would run along like a madman crying oh where is krishna where is my krishna those who have read the life of krishna when he was a very young boy he used to take the cows for grazing and in the dusk he used to bring them along with his other friends remembering that sirama krishna is running towards those cows coming back and trying to find out the krishna he forgot the time the whole mind is going to krishna i went to shama kunda and radha kunda kunda means the pond the shamu kunda and the radha kunda in a pla palanquin and got out to visit the holy mount gobordhana this is the mount that the krishna lifted to show that spiritual power tremendous divine power with a little finger he lifted that whole gabardhana and seeing that govardhana the very side of the mount i was overpowered with divine emotion and ran to the top i lost all consciousness of the world around me when a person is spiritually so engrossed he never care for how people are thinking about him what people will comment about him what he is doing so that is the uniqueness he is not acting that we have to keep in mind he's not acting at all he's from within his mind he is becoming like that my clothes became wet with tears i said o krishna everything here is as it was in the olden days you alone are absent look at it seated inside the pelang queen i lost all power of speech ridhoy followed the palanquin he had warned the bearers to be careful about me gangamai one very elderly lady was there and nidhobana bana means a small forest and in that place krishna and radha they used to have fun they used to play over there so nidhovana is famous for that even today i have not seen myself but many of the people observe there's a small room and there's a bed the many other things like the mirror and the comb and the powder and these and that still they will keep like that very neat and tidy properly and in the evening all will go out and you will wonder even the monkeys whole day they will be there and the monkeys means not one or two maybe in hundreds all they are going out of that jungle outside the jungle now the township has come but no one will look into that in the evening they'll all close their windows no one will dare to go over there but in the morning when they go they find there are footprints steps here and there and if a person is sleeping on the bed as the bed become that thing it was very neat and tidy but next morning they will find as if somebody slept over there use those things drank the water all the every day it is there believe it or not but those people in the locality they believe it very much so nidubana still it is there one gangama elderly lady her name was ganga mai means mother in india the elderly ladies are called even all the ladies are called as mother so there's a respect the ganga mind the ganga mother this gangamai when she saw sudama krishna she was very much devoted to krishna all through her life she practiced when she saw sri ramakrishna she was so much attracted to sirama krishna and hold his hand and say i will never allow you to go away you are my krishna and then she said a very wonderful statement he is the embodiment of radha she the gangamai is commenting that sri ramakrishna a male of almost 40-45 years gangamai is telling she is the embodiment of radha how can that be radha is supposed to be a lady how srama krishna can see radha in him so this is the unique conception radha is not a lady radha is purity radha means purity and one more very important thing that i notice when you are walking through that in the daytime when you are passing through it is a jungle sort of thing and they are all free these monkeys sometimes you will be sitting on that path you are passing very narrow path unless they go away you cannot walk and if you are trying to heart it all in group will come and attack you but the moment you utter radhe radhe this beast this animals these monkeys they give the way immediately they will shift and they make a passage for you both the sides they are sitting but never harm you this happened to me too i was visiting that in the corner of the jungle there is still that gangama is cottage is there so i wanted to see that when i was traveling alone i found those monkeys are sitting on that so immediately i remembered i folded my hand and said radhe radhe i don't know whether they understand it or not maybe they are familiar with the sound they make the path and i could go though i was thinking the if they are attacking me or not but i didn't look behind what and from distance also one person was telling you go on chanting radhira nothing is going to happen to you it really happened at a time of returning back same thing so it has a tremendous in there in whole of brindavan the people when they are seeing each other radhe they will be greeting each other in those words and the person who are coming for begging they'll also utter radhe radhe so this way the whole area constantly going on reminding you be pure be pure be pure the moment you become pure like radha you can realize krishna over there krishna the god in human form even today and all over the brindavan it's a big area now it's a big township 24 hours someone or other will be going on chanting the name of krishna it can never stop it will be going on but in kashi from brindavan if you can come to benaras the kaashi no radha no krishna shiva shiva shiva there's a totally different atmosphere shiva shiva because knowledge there is devotion in kashi in banaras knowledge so devotion and knowledge side by side bhagavan si ramakrishna why people can't realize god maya because of the maya in hindu they call maya in the this buddhism this they call it tanha in christianity called temptation the when you are tempted you are deviated i am supposed to realize god and i am supposed to travel but temptation comes name fame and so many other things of the world so the temptation comes and that is the reason they call it this this maya is nothing but lost and greed kama aisha crow the isha rajo guna samud baba in bhagavan krishna long long back thousands of years back he said the problem of the human being is only two desire karma desire krodha the moment the desire is not fulfilled i am angry these are the two things when i am angry i am going to fight the last i think few months back i read in a newspaper a young two girls maybe only in their teens 13 16 like that they had a curling in the school and then the one girl she became so angry she rang to her uncle and told uncle i need your gun and look at the uncle also and he gave that gun to that girl and she was angry took the girl straight to that her friend called her shot her killed her now she is in jail why only one desire what is the desire something some court so both of them was trying to have only one thing and then as because the second one was not getting the access karma desire was not fulfilled she became so angry killed her friend so this is the tremendous terrible thing that happens in our mind that's why our children should be taught you have to control your passions your anger just think what is going to happen nothing nothing is going to happen if you are not getting that particular thing right this moment you may feel oh i am losing no nothing you are losing something else is waiting for you believe it have the faith and stand on your own feet be successful whatever you want everything will come to you this is the great thing now the prime minister of india 120 billion people over there now he has become prime minister he was a very ordinary person he used to he was a bender he used to sell tea in the station something like that from there he started started successful successful successful as a politician and this is the first time as a prime minister he is entering into the parliament before that he never entered entered into the parliament i went to see how his parliament how things goes because that is the place from where millions of people are ruled so how thing goes i went to see that so many people they go regularly when modi never entered and when he entered he is the king so this way when people are going on doing something or other he is going to get sure something or other when he applied to come over here in america he didn't get the visa for some reason the country to country it goes on like that now he was not sorry for that now he is capable to come anytime he likes and now he is telling i don't like to go because i don't need to go so when he was not getting the permission if he had killed himself or become a terrorist and coming to america and bombing and all these things what would have happened so this is the way one should be patient karma asia grow the asia when we are also children we had so many desires and when it was not fulfilled all the small little things we used to think oh we are lost we have not got it my friend has got it i am not getting now after so many years i think because i didn't get that it is good it seems like that when you grow you can understand that's why swami vivekananda is telling all the failures i bless all the failures in my life i bless because of them now i am here i have become more wise more wise more wise because of those so this is what krishna is telling the problem that we can can't realize god only two because last and greed and this in one word is called maya and then it was a friday lakshmi pujardi the very famous person keshav chandra shane he has come in a boat from calcutta to the auction asia and at this time the last time when i went to calcutta i was going from beluremod to the nation by boat then one lady she was the representative from san francisco american lady she was standing over there enjoying that river then when she saw me she told swamiji are you going anywhere i told yes is in the boat yes i also like to go by boat i said you come is that the whole boat was hired it can carry nearly 50 people and we are only five i can you can come she sat there going on chanting and meditating i don't see there's a beautiful building see these i don't like to see that i only want to imagine so american ladies naturally what she will see the good building over there she has seen so many good buildings here see the devotion she was imagining that she is traveling or sailing in a boat to dakshinesha as keshav chandrushen came to dakshinesha to tucker and she was telling as if i am also going to thakur by a boat along with you i was myself was not remembering those things at all and i was taken aback by the devotion and his knowledge about the scripture she was going on thinking about this and she was going the keshap came to dakshinesha and sirama krishna was sitting in his famous room alongside the ganganga temple etc he in that room he was talking with some people when the other people came the disciples are the followers of keshav chandrashin and told we have brought the vehicle keshav is waiting there please come now the big vehicle cannot i'm vessel cannot come near the store so the small boat suramar krishna went in that small boat went over there now he was telling brahma devotees he became famous because keshav chandrashan wrote about him and that's why he became famous among the educated people since all with curiosity looking at suramar krishna sirama krishna the moment he went over there he went into semi consciousness in the samadhi and then he was talking to himself these words are very important mother why have you brought me here they are aged around and not free can i free them so these are the words sirama krishna is going not as a tourist not to have the fun of sailing on the ganga and all that he is going with the mission what is that mission to make people aware that they are divine so sometimes some people they will be inviting me come and have some food i go sometime but i am not very happy why the food is not important important is to mix with people at least 10 12 15 people whoever comes if we can talk with them mix with them tell them about the god afterwards what happened that is up to them and god but my mission is fulfilled only by telling them that this is the cerama krishna himself is doing missionary work bhagavan himself is going and then he is telling mother why have you brought me here they are hazed around and not free can i free them one very senior swami told me now he has passed away recently he told me because we went to a devotee's house and we were sitting there for the breakfast they invited and after the breakfast when you were coming back then he said he was talking with them and i was a junior brahmacari i was not supposed to say anything i was quietly listening and before i am coming out he said hey wait have you given something to them i took something to them they invited i came then i thought i was supposed to bring some gift for them oh swamiji i was not knowing that i should bring any gift i could purchase some books for them or some items for them he said no not that have you given anything to them second time he asked that also i couldn't understand i told what do you mean what to give then he said prayer prayer prayer you have come over here and why they have invited you there are so many other people they have not ignited them they have invited you why thinking that you are a holy person you are a brahmachari and by serving you by feeding you they will get some blessings of god you have come you have taken the food but in exchange have you prayed for them i don't know then he said stand over here pray for them then you come out so this is the training this is the teaching you have to understand the life of a missionary constantly prayerful constantly praying to god oh almighty i am a very ordinary person i cannot do anything but you are almighty god you can do anything and everything these people are coming to me i am sometime invited to some people to speak about religion do i know anything about religion i don't know anything whatever they know it is available in the books anyone can read it and can explain it then what for i am here why they are paying my passage money keeping keeping me with great honor feeding me giving me gift why i can't give anything to them but i only can pray to you i know you can do anything and everything so please fulfill their prayers so this is only we can do what a missionary can do only pray to god day and night every moment please listen to their prayer and bless them bless them bless them so after this today now the rain is coming externally that all these things are changing and in our life also thing changes constantly but we you should always go on praying to god oh god bless me so that i can always think of you and that one who never changes god never changes brahman never changes and that is you within my heart my body is changing mind is changing my thoughts are changing my social behavior attachments are changing but you are the one unchangeable i believe you maybe i call you as god or bhagavan or brahman or atman but you are the same so please listen to my prayer and please help me so that i can understand you next day we will read what are the how suramar krishna is talking with this brahma-samaj people let us offer the pranam to suramar krishna again ananta is krishna peace peace peace peace everywhere