Video 337
338. Panchama Veda (338) - The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
namaskar good evening dear devotees and Friends today this class in a very special place we are doing it is in Charlotte a vedanta study circle group I have come to visit them and this will be an hybrid class so all of them they are here as some some of them we can say the group and will be also telling about in in as we always do the online program that will be doing it so this is the Charlotte group and they have invited I'll be here at 16 17 and 18. and then I will go to the another place in the North Carolina itself um we will start with this mantra [Music] mangalam srimada [Music] those who were regularly listening to this class attending this class you know bhagavan sirama Krishna was visiting ram babu's house and that is the way the very unique way the Eternal message he was spreading the God himself in the form of the sriyama Krishna he came and he wanted to make people aware about the Divine divinity but the process the system that he was following was a very intimate system he used to visit different devotees house and then other devotees will be gathering over there and they will be discussing so this is the way used to do not that it was a lecture sort of thing but there will be conversation some people are coming and they were also commenting SRI ramakrishna rectifying them this is a very unique way very unique way you know friends almost more than 100 years the same system that ramakrishna mission is following the swamis are going to different places but of course uh the as because of the development of the technology we are utilizing this technology to reach out to maximum number of people and moreover we go to give the lectures in a big places the Swami is the visit in different places but the only purpose is to make them aware about the divine nature why we will come to this as bhagavan's ramakrishna is talking with uh of the the ambassador of Nepal the then he was there in Calcutta the he used to come to visit ramakrishna and sudama Krishna is to call him as Captain so Captain is visiting with his family and sirama Krishna as we usually do the when he has come the with the family then we are asking the children to go to visit different places and the temples the gardens the children they go because they won't understand the discussion so the when the captain came and sudama Krishna asked someone can you please take the children to go around these places then he was talking about the cap mentioning sudama Krishna appreciated him he was a man from Nepal and he was very devoted the sudama Krishna was appreciating him but the question came old a married person we are all the bound people because we have the family the wife children the sirama Krishna said no only the ego kind of ego one is able to love sachidananda what is that ego I am the Son of God I am the servant of God I am the disciple of God follower of God so different way the when the people are getting attached with God immediately they are becoming completely free and what is this freedom and bondage in Hinduism it is very clear they say if you are attracted to the created thing anything that has been created this whole universe is created anything of this universe if it attracts you you will be bound what is the by bound means you have to come again and again you have to take birth again and again and when we are taking birth it doesn't it is not sure that we will take birth as a human form in different form in different body in different place in different times we may take birth and accordingly we will be either enjoy or suffer it will go on so this is the main problem when you understand this we like to go out of this as I always say those who are liking it this life this enjoyment which is okay for them you need not to bother about hearing or listening or reading the gospel of sudama Krishna when that realization will come go out of it then it is for you then one I knew her for a long time now she is in a very difficult situation and she was telling enough Maharaj now I am going to go out all I will be living all alone like this the experience that she is thinking in that way the father passed away mother is almost going to be dead and the husband is going to go separation and going on so all these things after all the experience she is telling I like to live a life of Peace in a monastic life what is the monastic life sanyasa life going on giving lecture visiting people no it was only the part but the sannyasa life means constantly years of this war that is monasticism foreign that is called sannyasa in the Hindu system they always say brahmacharya garasta banaprastha and sannyas and this sannyasa means after the inner from the creation to the Creator what is this creation we all know this creation is made of only five things there is all details most of the students of the vedanta they know always they say the Hindus even the villagers even the children they'll be doing panchavata shity boom these are the five the ingredients out of which the whole universe has come and this also the power that the Maya has used to create all these are three Guna it's not the hundreds and thousands of things only the five and three so this is the way that they do and the vedantin will say they are also having is to power to cover the original thing and to superimpose something else on the original ah they always they give the example classical example as you always say that is a rope which is covered and we are superimposing a snake on the Rope Rope is nothing but we superimpose the snake on the Rope so this is the whole creation and we are thinking that this is original and we are going on ah binding into this so this is so much then today I was just discussing with one of our devotee so how thing goes first I have to become someone so they are going to school the school buses where a lot of school buses then we have to stop and in this country you cannot cross this Mass the great the care is given to that and that boy we could see that the mother is preparing him and the school was establating and all people are at the back of the school bus we are all waiting when that boy will come to finish and then come and board in the bus and only then you can go so now that life goes in this way then I have to become a doctor these there is so many things then the live husband wife then after that the children after the children grandchildren so one after another it goes on how the mind it Go all is gets some attraction and get attachment and then so this is called Maya in the beginning when we started our life we were thinking or this is the then after that we forget we go for the marriage oh the husband and wife then after that the children then we mostly fifty percent sixty percent that also goes to the children then all attach attachment affection after the children again it goes to grandchildren so this is the way it is going on and on so after that when we observe this again and again then the bhagavan cinema Krishna is mentioning that is called the bibeka when we are constantly judging things and then after bibeka the discrimination dispassion what happens after this passion peace all the happiness that we are going on thinking that we will go to gate and this this happiness comes when actually we are detached to this so this is the vishnama Krishna was talking and says if you can develop love like the gopis for Krishna the love for Krishna Love for Krishna and many people they are loving Christian No it should be like the gopis now friends those who have read the bhagavata are those who have heard about this Gopi sometimes in the in the people they don't understand and they will be depicting the picture in the movies and others the gopis is the the attachment you know it is not like that it's a one-sided love one flow I like God whether God likes me or not whether I am getting all my prayers are fulfilled or not answered or not it doesn't matter whether you look at me or not I like you the Prima Prima means only one way flow I like God and what type of that I should I should see that no nothing is disturbing the God whether the God is having lot of power and then if I worship God the God will bless me nothing like that so this is called the Prema so those who are trying to reach to the ultimate goal through the path of duality gopis gopinis of the vrindavan that they are the examples and the ultimate is the Radha Radha was not having any other qualities or gunas except the satwa that's why the Radha is white the color of satta is white radha's Love Goes one way to Krishna the two Gods ramakrishna was discussing about it and he was asking the others also why don't you talk about that the discussion it was going on and then someone raised that topic that the deed in a great personality and the great personality in India and he has written a life a bankim Chandra the bankim Chandra has written a life of Sri Krishna Krishna charit a very famous book and someone those who have read as usual they were discussing that there the bunkim is telling he is not accepting the gopis the and the coward boys and the girls who are very simple and that they are their love for the Krishna he he doesn't want that so the they were mentioning like this he doesn't accept the krsna's life with gopis ramakrishna said I also hear the bunkim says that one needs passions such as lust to understand the gopis and gopinis a devotee he has written in his magazine that the purpose of religion is to give expression to our various faculties physical mental spiritual the he was depicting that there's a beautiful book there's a great book but the thing is he was missing the right Point why because that is the time when the britishers were on our they were ruling India and the people the the educated people and age and everyone they wanted to come out of that so the bankim Chandra though he was a deputy magistrate he was a part of the administration but very through the books through his writings through his Publications he wanted to send the message that we want strong physic and courage to fight against like that because the Krishna is mentioning that go and fight to Arjuna so taking that he was mentioning that he should do so that was the background but sudama Krishna he was looking at from the point of view of spirituality there it is nothing like that so he was mentioning that but these things are not written in the newspaper how would he believed them there's a very nice way he was mentioning he didn't believe the gopinis and gopis and that why but jokingly sudama Krishna was telling it was not written in the newspaper majority of the people we always believe the newspaper and particularly sometimes they say the whole Bengali Community they actually go along with the news published in anandabazar this is a very popular and they will be all reading that they will get all information and they think that is the ultimate and whether that is correct or not the person who is reporting whether there is really true or not who is going to judge in that way so this is the way they all is thing the cinema Krishna making joke that someone came to his friend and said hey I was passing through that road and I saw that building suddenly crashed everything then immediately said wait wait let me check the newspaper today's newspaper he took out the newspaper and open no I don't see any news here no no I saw it right now when I was passing no I don't believe because it is not in the newspaper so this is the way sometimes we believe but in the most of the time there's a exaggerated thing so that that is the main problem so this is the way it goes the captain Krishna is God himself in describing him we have to use the such term as whole and part as Captain he was the Ambassador another he was naturally educated person and he was telling the Krishna when we are describing Krishna either the whole and the part is giving the indication is mentioning the whole and part alike fire and its Sparks on the basis of this conception there is a philosophy of the ramanuja many of you know in the advice in between it is also there when you mention advaitha this tree comes it's the philosophy what is the philosophy they explain they explain in such a way that whether what is this God what is the God's creation this universe and what is the relation between the God and its creation this three question must be answered all religion and all philosophy they have tried to give in this way in India six different views developed because they were free to express their views the six systems of Indian philosophy those who have read the philosophy they all know the six systems of Indian philosophy some of them they do not believe in the existence of God at all even then it is accepted as a philosophy why because they are giving the example an analysis and they are mentioning that this is the way the God has created and this is the creation and this is the ultimate this way the sudama Krishna is mentioning whole and part are like fire and Sparks the who are the jivas where from we have come from the fire and what is that fire that is God the word of Sparks is having all the properties of the fire bhatma that we are we like to go back to fire but if we are not having those properties in us we won't be able to do that so that is the reason it says that it is a part and the whole syrama Krishna is mentioning an incarnation of God is for the sake of the bhaktas and not for the gyanis the sirama krishna's words as Swami Vivekananda said even a single sentence you can develop philosophies apparently he looks like a very ordinary Village person and moreover he but in the philosophy he knew everything and he will never make any mistake and when we go through the pages of this book The Gospel of sudama Krishna we are starting from a 789 page of the Gospel of sirama Krishna they here we find how in one one sentences is giving the indication those who are following the path of gyana for them there is no incarnation for them there is no God Hindu but at the same time they will never follow that you know in billermont Swami vivekananda's disciple he was a great advaithin and when used to come I used to live in Himalaya in the mayawati he was given the this responsibility to develop the advaith ashram and when he used to come to belur Mart as because he was advaithin so dualist dualistic the prayer that ramakrishna the kandan of Abu Vandana the moment they will start he will go inside the room he'll close and he will never listen to it because the Duality May Come the God is separate I am separate when we listen to this when you hear that so we think oh my God how is it is not you are not worshiping sirama Krishna even they accept srama Krishna for his philosophy but The Duality the God is there I am here I should pray to God I should go to God that is absent this is also Hinduism so when you talk about Hinduism we have to understand this these gyanese those who are following the path of gyana they never visit any Temple they never meditate they never prayed they never offer any food but constantly they are thinking that I don't belong to this world I am not this body I am not the mind it is such a high philosophy a very so subtle and so difficult to practice the ordinary people should not listen to this they say should not because that will disturb their faith also another is there there is duality The Duality means god is there and I am and God is far away I have not seen God how can I believe God so the God himself is taking a human form and some different forms and he is coming and living with us growing with us and slowly showing the a Wonderful Life and we are we become attracted to that that is called Incarnation this is necessary for the devotees for the bhaktas so there are mainly there are gyana Marga bhakti Marga and Karma Marga the four parts four yogas those who are following the path of meditation there are many are there they're very strict about food they won't eat all places and whenever there is an opportunity they will close their eyes they will see it and they will withdraw their sins and they don't like to listen to all the problems of the society what is happening the war these that they don't like to disturb the mind so they control the food what is the food through the eyes we are getting lot of food it goes to our mind so naturally we are feeding the mind through the year we are listening the sound and it is that is also feeding the mind so this is the way it goes the chakshu karna nashika juva and Tak these are the five the constantly collecting food it is not only the tongue somehow it has come to the tongue then no it has all the five Saints organs so one should be very careful those who are following the path of meditation this top all those so they leave very alone and in a secluded places so they are not Disturbed and mostly controlling as a way if you go and tell them you know so many poor people that their children are there but let us go and collect some fun to help them no no no no don't talk about all these we don't know it is all God so so that is therefore so you should not criticize them but it's a mentality temperament they like to meditate they like to withdraw their senses this is one path what is their goal paramatma they don't say bhagavan they don't say ishwara they say paramahatma why the paramatma I am the Jiva Atma individual sir and parama Atma the bigger self the fire and the spark of the fire so jivatma and paramatma so this is the way it always goes mentioning the jibatma and paramatma here and for the Guyanese the Incarnation is not necessary for the bhakta's Incarnation is necessary why as Lord Jesus mentioned in one place those who have seen the son has seen the father it is a Jesus he said we accept Jesus but not the church Unity charity is this different system but the Jesus is very genuine it's all teachings that goes along with our vedantic teaching that Jesus is mentioning those who have seen the son has seen the father why the same qualities also mentioned if you have seen the Avatar an Incarnation you have seen the god same qualities then what is God the God is all good qualities sometimes we think that God means oh I should realize God I should realize God I should see God and I have seen God is Kali in my dream I see this is all good there's nothing wrong in it but the thing is when you realize God you are imbibing many good qualities and that the one of the that's why the Lord Jesus many times he said the God is forgiving you for your fault if that is so you can't you forgive your brothers don't person came to the Jesus and he was mentioning the how many times shall I forgive my brother because he is going on creating difficulty for me what was the answer answer was 70 times 7. how many times shall I forgive him 1710 that means all the time because the God is also forgiving you for all your faults that means the qualities we should develop now SRI ramakrishna is mentioning it is in the adhyatma ramayana that the Rama alone is both the pervading spirit and everything pervaded that is the path of gyana what is God the god is the Creator and how he has created out of himself and when he is creating out of himself the creation is also he the when we are uh a little half an hour one hour up to 9 30. so when when we are creating suppose I am creating from sugar the sugar balls or the Misty that we call the sweets will be sweet only the sugar only the don't eat sugar but you can eat the sweets that don't go I'll be so happy if it is there but no the if you are eating the sugar and all the sweets made of sugar are the same thing the the sweets that you are making out of sugar in a different form different sizes but it is sugar at the direct sugar when you are mixing in your tea it is also sugar so the God and this creation no differences on the basis of these Karma Yoga the wind I am helping a person or I am a rich man I have money so I am donating that is wrong I am helping the living gods and goddesses so that is the way if we so these are the very wonderful teachings that you find over here now why to be happy in this world you know the because we get attest and more what is the moha the all people should like me all people should appreciate me all people should know about me and now the mocha has spread it so much sometimes I see the even the the young girls and the boys they're taking very peculiar type of you know pictures and all that and posting it and the people they are going on seeing like that and he or she must be very happy ten thousand people have seen me and what they have seen they have seen a monkey that is why the living monkey is jumping and so this wave but the poor girls poor boys they don't understand this appreciation at no value at all no value at all so I went to give a talk long back in ashram's school and I found the sum of the senior students you know that mostly the young boys they're changing so they colored their hair in the class 11 12 boys the half is yellow half is very very peculiar color and they were sitting at the back bench and not on the bench on the high bench they were sitting so that people can look at them all the junior boys are turning to them and looking in the classroom big classroom they invited me to give the talk there in I told them so you want to get the attention of the people now I will give you an example one person he was taking two monkeys with the beautiful dresses the monkeys was gesturing Peri peculiarly with the human race and all that and a lot of people they came running to see those monkeys by the side of that road one person was walking that he was having Sharon head and round glasses and the stick when he was walking millions of people were standing both the sides and they were telling gandhiji is going so both they were attracting the attention of the people the one the monkey because of the peculiar dress they are also attracting the attention of the people but they don't appreciate people don't appreciate just a fun of it but when the gandhiji is going people appreciate so what do you like to be like the first one or second one so this is the main discrimination human being should be like this the this is the way we have to understand then we get the self-confidence I have the quality I I know I can do it and that is sufficient for me not that I have to have the clappings all the time I should be happy I should be happy that is the main mirabai never sang in the programs and other people are singing mirabai song in the programs to become happy but mirabai sang for God all alone closing the door now she is so much popular who never wanted to become popular so this is the way it always if you give up everything you I don't need appreciation you will get the appreciation and if you go running for appreciation people will never appreciate you so this is the way we have to understand and and that is the reason the religion why religion religion gives us very practical teaching and I become happy when I become happy I can make others happy also and how we can become happy because I understand the philosophy only a few days there sometimes you know in our monastic life also when you are brahmacharyans and all many of ours were there obviously there's way some a very good summer not that way good so I used to tell all the time to our friends don't bother about it why because we won't be here together all the time we have come over here to take their trainings then we will be scattered in ramakrishna Mission so many centers in so many places maybe in the whole life we won't be able to meet like the school friends where are they we don't know all they have scattered but in the school why you should sit in that bench why he is so much tension and after 10 years we do not know even if we want to offer my pain and pencil to my friend I won't get that my friend somewhere he has already gone this temporariness of the world if it is there in the mind bhagavan Cinema Krishna says that is called sannyasa the attachment is there love is there that is called samsari samyak sarathiya samsara constantly changing but I am thinking that is the permanent thing I am trying to grab that I will always miss it this little thing very simple and very correct I am taking a little water from the flowing river the water that I have taken out of the river and the next again when I am taking that is not the same water the water has already passed so that is like the life it goes you are the Supreme Lord distinguished as the Bichara the signifying the symbol then The Bachelor the two Sanskrit word they're using bachaka and the Bacha the object signified foreign the God is Kali now the Lord Shiva yeah Lord Shiva is sitting and his throat as if he drank the poison truly he drank the poison no he control his ego his control his anger the terrible ego that was what is that poison all Hinduism is full of simple talk in such a way as it was a great attraction the two brothers there's a devotar and they they were churning the ocean and then the the Rope was a big snake and then so beautiful things were coming up Suddenly all the Venom the poison started coming out the who will take the shiba went and drank and so many pictures and all that actually when we are meditating the back thought and the good thought is going constantly going on pulling up and down up and down that is called the snake meditation is the symbolized is a snake the yoga yoga is the snake why because the Kundalini Shakti moves like the snake wringling way this symbolism Shiva is not having any snake all the time hanging from the neck unnecessary but somehow people they think in that way just think in this way as because it moves like that the main power the Kundalini Shakti so this is the snake in the ramakrishna mission symbol also we will find a snake and now after 500 years all the ramakrishna mission disciples they will be painting one snake that that will be foolish we don't have anything to do with the snake actually the snake means the symbol of you well a great Yogi he can that is who I as if he drank the whole that poison which no one could do and that is the reason Shiva is the main when the whole creation is closing up it is the Shiva goes back to Shiva the word Shiva means the purity so this is how sudama Krishna is mentioning one who has created and the object then this object and the Creator they must be the same Captain is mentioning signifying symbol means the pervader and the object signified means the thing pervaded the bhagavan SI ramakrishna in this case is a finite form again those who have studied the vedanta they will understand it very well the moment you say that the God has created this universe that means you know about God and the moment you can understand that God God becomes finite and anything finite temporary and God cannot die God cannot be the temporary so that is the reason it says the sudama Krishna is mentioning the pervader in this case is a finite form that is called the God it is God incarnating himself as a human being is God incarnating so this is Hinduism again but Hinduism is not hurting to tell this slowly slowly takes our mind above the Swami Vivekananda said we are traveling from the lower truth to higher truth the lower truth is this world is good this world is we have to enjoy this world etcetera it's okay sure but you should control your senses and you should learn so that you can also give back something to the society otherwise you'll be constantly a problem for the society so the knowledge is necessary so brahmacharya will be and what are the goals Dharma Moksha see that how the Hindus they mold the whole human body human form the human life and it says in this way the first is the human life is divided into four parts first is first 25 years is a student second 25 years he is against the third 25 years is a retired and last 25 years sannyasa it goes in this way and the ramakrishna was talking thus to Captain and the devotees when Jai gopal and the trailer of the Brahma samaj arrived when the bhagavan sidama Krishna was talking like that the two Brahma samajis the way we are reading this book this type of word when you're mentioning we have to understand the social condition of that time if there's a great influence on the Bengali Society particularly and and all over the India and other places also the great influence of the Brahma samajis what these Brahma samajis this suddenly started telling and he started with Raja Ram Mohan Rai then the rabindranath's father then the kishap Chandra Shane there are Group after group they were going what actually say they say that to save Hinduism we should not worship the images why because a group of Christians they were going on telling how can you worship God in an image God is all pervading God is all big how can be in the the stone image or the wood image how it is the traditional Hindus they could not answer it properly and they said we should do it and we you are not here to question us so they closed their doors and windows they were not ready to argue to answer educated Hindus they were a little bit on education means the British education the influence of the britishers was too much they followed that so many of them they were getting converted into Christianity any group of people thought why not we develop something because the problem is with the images if we don't Worship in through images we can save our religion so that you will find that lot of samajis started coming the Brahma samajis and prarthana samaj and like this they were all samajis and their only thing was even those you have gone to Assam you will find over there the Shankar deep is the follower of Krishna they are all the devotee of the Krishna they are vaishnavs but they never worship the Krishna image they were so that is the way it developed because that time it was like that came not only worshiped the image he worshiped Kali because the great the complaint was against the Kali she is cutting wearing that as a girl and and all that so that sudama Krishna worshiped and he proved that it is completely different so these two persons they were Brahma samajis they were saying that Hindus should worship Veda and not the images so that was they have come jayega pal Shane and trailer of the Brahma samaj arrived they saluted the master and sat down sudama Krishna looked at tree look with a smile and continued the conversation the sudama Krishna it is on account of the ego that one is not able to see God in the front door of God there is a the lies a stump of ego bhagavan Cinema krishna's teaching is very simple if you can remove the ego you are God is there God all the challenging I don't believe in God is there God remove the ego and you see what that is the consciousness the vein I say I you are putting your finger on this body but you were not knowing where this body was before you were born what is this ego then not only that I always say like this suppose when I was lying on the lap of my mother like the little baby now suppose you take a picture only the baby picture and when he grows up to 20 years he showed whose picture is this and who is this oh nice baby well it is you nice baby means what I was not knowing me when I was very young and that I am telling i i i is it not that very first what is this I this body constantly changing growing and if I say the Mind mind is also changing then what is this I then we won't be able to say what is this I but the whole world is going on just because of this eye just because of this ego Russia Ukraine and all that I the moment they sit side by side the same food that they are eating same way they are talking same the dresses and same thing The Peculiar thing is they don't fight they ask other to go and fight for them and that is the way only the poor people from both side in the name of great patriotism they go and die people they will immediately go to London and from there they will give statements so this is the way what is this I then what is this ego the cinema Krishna is very simple the ego Ami mole Gucci veganjal what is religion to understand the truth how to realize the truth remove your ego now this how to remove the ego that is the main challenge that is the main challenge this is goes on in telling this in the occasion of the ego it up to there was once a man who had acquired a power to tame the ghost the one day at his summons a ghost appeared and the ghost said now tell me what you want me to do the moment you cannot give me any work I shall break your neck and we have and the man who was thinking oh I will ask so many things so many I think I want that ghost will be tired but the for the ghost it was so easy so it's going on that finishing the job then ultimately when all he said and everything was done then finally the ghosts say that I am going to kill you he went to his Guru and he said sir please save me how can I save my because the ghost will kill me the guru said Swami Vivekananda said it in a different way and he said give the curly tail of a dog and here the sudama Krishna says the kinky here if you straight the here it is goes back again you can never make it straight at the the same way the curly tail of a doll and if you leave immediately it goes back in that way so this is the way it goes when we talk about the ego it is just like that you can never make it straight somehow or other it comes up it can never stop it creates problem for the person and it creates problem for those who are living all around just because of the ego self-confidence is very good but the ego is really really dangerous likewise the ego sees to vanish the moment but it reappears the next unless one renounces ego one does not receive the grace of God this is very clearly mentioned unless one renounces the ego one cannot see the god those who have realized God they are very simple type of people why because they don't have the ego ego is that clashes but their personality is very difficult you can never overcome the world the personality is there but at the same time they don't have the ego whatever I have said that is the ultimate and more than that I am not going to listen to anything that is called ego ramakrishna mission the tapasya they say that sometimes the people they say we don't see you meditating for a long period of time our meditation is little different time so and one lady was telling the swamiji I saw you all the time in the office either over phone or a computer and all that I don't see you meditating in the in the straight tempo what will I do in the morning when you don't come but anyway if you like to see a monk meditating and you get encouraged by that just give me a call that I am reaching within five minutes I will be there so at least for you then you will see and see the meditating you will be satisfied what is meditation thinking for in one way right so when we are constantly thinking of course after the great training for a long long period of time is nothing but God when you are talking with people or wherever you are going constantly it is the God you are thinking so that is called The Meditation and what is the effect of meditation just living alone majority of the people in America they live only alone they can live with dogs but not with people the five dogs will be there they can care of them and all that so all they are doing but they cannot live with another single human being why because the ego clashes that is the main problem if somebody says now left door should be open in the right door so fine so go in the in between there should be so this way it all with the most of them I really wonder how come they are leaving because the dogs are not doing anything or the pets so this is the ego we have to renounce the ego who is a holy person having the complete confidence he knows this is this at the same time there is no ego so we if we go on analyzing the what is this ego suppose someone is telling something OK I accept that I can adjust that this is the way then what happens your life become happy and if you remove the ego completely what reveals consciousness pure consciousness and nothing else there I will conclude just giving that the example of the vedanta when we are all sitting over here we are jagrat right our body our mind and everything is ready body mind and all others and that is called jagrat and when you are sleeping their body is absent but we are still working in the sleep at the we see the dream and in the dream the whole world goes on and suppose you are dreaming the same thing the swamiji has come he is giving the talk we all came we all sat he was doing this he was doing that all you were repeating though the body is absent the mind is making his world and there the tension there the happiness they are the everything is there present only in mind that means without body there can be a world and another time when the that is also not there we go into deep sleep and we come back we remember without any dream it was a wonderful rest and that experience is always happy experience oh I was sleeping there is there was no dream I was suffering no no one will say like that everybody becomes happy after coming back from the deep sleep and that proves when your mind is not there the ego is not there body is nothing but the cage man is the mind when the mind is not there only Consciousness remain and the Consciousness is nothing but happiness um that is the goal our whole goal is the happiness the religion means happiness and in the name of religion if I am inspiring people to go and fight that is not religion if I'm inspiring people to hate others no that is not religion that is my ego I am presenting under the cover of religion the one must be very very careful that's why shankaracharya said that three things are very rare manuscript the guidance of a true real Guru is the rarest most of the people in the name of religion the package is the religion but inside it is ego he is ego he is understanding you should not talk to them you should not eat their Prasad you should not visit them what is that why so this is the way if we can understand religion is the best way to become friends because the mind become Broad and I can accept Swami vivekan the mate one of his direct Guru Bhai the direct disciple of sudama Krishna used to call him as haribhai I don't know whether I have realized God or not but my mind has become so broad I can accept even the devil if it is there so this is the self-confidence and the ego and when you can remove the ego we realize God thank you is there any question there the first question is from gaurav Roy he says my question is that what is the difference between the energy used for gross body and Kundalini energy vital energy um the see that the energy that you are we are using for this maintaining the body then you know that in the food from the food we are getting these and all that but the Kundalini Shakti is called the Primal energy but because they say but if you operate your own you may not find but the yogis they find it is end of our the spinal cord and the place that is a triangle the that is the place where it is there and when one is meditating that means coming down his mind is a tremendous energy is necessary to fight against the mind you have to withdraw the mind you have to calm it you know sometimes the naughty children how it is difficult to control them the same way you are controlling your own mind and slowly when it is going it is a completely different type of energy completely different energy is not from the food the yogis they are not eating that type of food but that energy is tremendous thank you the second question is from ananya Roy pranam swamiji is minimum ego also bad for some study people because if the other person goes on showing ego all the time should we not show them back some ego oh sure that you have to hiss there is a very practical question and bhagavan's ramakrishna he gave the answer he said you should hiss but you should not buy it but if you go on telling oh I am humble I am humble and people will go and walk on you no you cannot that you should not do but at the same time you are not going to do any harm to them so that is the way you know that not that all the time you have to adjust with people you just try to do that if it is not really working just forget about that completely differentiate and then take take out from that because you have many other other purposes to fulfill so don't waste your time and constantly wrapping up with all this so that is the way also you can think but you know ego that binds us but the self-confidence that gives us the freedom but the when you are showing the self-confidence sometimes it shows like ego but it is nothing like that then suppose someone and I I liked over here one person came he's a plumber in America the the plumber then the winds you know in our country always we try to tell the anyone coming even the engineer we give some suggestion then some of us that he wanted to say to the plumber see there must be this thing you should do like this you should do like that that boy young boy the hardly 22-25 years he said don't teach me my job I know my job just give it to me that is not ego that is the self-confidence I know my job I'll you have asked me to complete it and I will do it this is the problem I am trying to do it sir that is called that is the way we have to but your question you have to haste you have to show sometimes that you have the courage and the power to retaliate so that the others will not disturb you thank you the final question her asks if unknowingly ego comes sometimes without any proper cause how to understand it and how to overcome it you need not to be someone to tell you why you your ego is rising you there it's not necessary no alarm is necessary but this is the ego because the ego egoistic people they can never become friendly with others they can never become the close to others because the ego is such it will make you completely alone because what I say they don't understand so I won't talk to them like that like this slowly slowly you become completely lonely very alone so whenever this type of things are happening be very careful so that is the way we have to and ultimately our suggestion always goes in this way pray to God but who has given us the ego God only to pray to God tell God the I cannot control this so please help me because of your ego you have given me the gift but the gift is creating problem now take back your gift the I don't want this ego so that is the way if we are praying to God he will find one day either your self-confidence will be there you'll be somebody in the society people will appreciate you because the moment the ego is going about the Consciousness the Purity is entering into your mind and all people around will appreciate you because the God is manifesting within so naturally that is a wonderful and you will know that my ego is going out don't feel jealous whatever the you are having the quality that is your quality so if somebody else is having some more other qualities let them have that God has given them what I am going to do with that so this is the way we have to control thank you friends thank you for attending this session and thank you shekhar and his family for giving this opportunity and vedanta studies Circle over here in the they have organized a very nice way and when you talk alone just looking at the camera that is a very peculiar thing but and but at the same time if the people are there you can see the faces that is also another way so now let us repeat this mantra chant this Mantra and we conclude them is [Music] [Music] oh oh my Shanti Shanti Shanti huri ramakrishna [Music]