Video 333
334: “Everything is Chaitanya, Consciousness.” - Panchama Veda (334)
namaskar their devotees and Friends let us begin them [Music] we were reading the gospel of sirama Krishna translated by shami nikhilananda Ji and the page is 785 the sudama Krishna was visiting that our captain the in our last discourse we have elaborated the biography the life of this upadhya captain upadhai and they were from Nepal SRI ramakrishna visiting them and he mentioned the captain was not very happy with the local people the Calcutta people because they were not giving much attention to bhagavan's Krishna the as because the captain the he used to practice a lot of spirituality he was a devoted person so he after talking with sirama Krishna could understand is a genuine person the highly spiritual person so he was wondering why the local people are not understanding it so he commented you know these people are fools they are not understanding the sudama Krishna now and they are comparing with other people or going to other people but such a great highly uh the soul spiritual soul is here so close to us near to us that was his comment but present we can say as because the Lord himself himself he mentioned that someday the day will come when this particular picture the mostly you see the picture that we worship is sitting uh squatting on a floor and that was taken in the dakshinesia in the rather than the temple it was organized by Swami Vivekananda didn't not rain so he was mentioning it that way that this particular picture will be worshiped in every household and that is true now almost everyone bhagavan krishna's photo is there but in his people they understand and people now accept because all over the world and without the help of any government without the help of any business houses without the help of anyone outside only through the monks and the nuns and the humble devotees it is now all over the world that is the wave that the when the avatara is taking birth and that wave it takes some time ashwami Vivek on the said it will take the 1 500 years to understand sudama Krishna fully so naturally it is only 100 years under 50 years we can see so Captain was mentioning the why people can't understand is visiting their house and to aim now he he was talking with the master Masha he was telling Krishna Captain is engaged in worldly duties day and night day and night all the time what to do he was doing the job of the the Nepal King so obviously whenever I go to his house I see him surrounded by his wife and children besides his main bringing him their account books now and then and all these things expected that as because the captain and his father both were religious-minded people if they had given a little more attention to the spiritual practices to that was his idea he was not criticizing Captain but he was trying to see us because he used to love him try trying to see that he is giving more attention in developing the spirituality and then he said I said to Captain you are a ritualist Captain is to worship a Lord that we know his father was also and he said yes the captain is replying to see ramakrishna yes I feel very happy while performing worship and things like that worldly people have no other way there is the idea of the captain immediately mentioned that the whatever the practices that we are taking up doing it must give the result and he said I said to him but how MA but must one perform formal worship forever we are going on performing the worship and we think that is the that is not the goal that is the problem we don't understand when we are constructing the temple we are donating we are physically also working and then we are going over there and generations after generation we are going to the temple sitting offering and then coming back then what is the result why we go to the temple only to get some spiritual protection protection from the god that nothing the bad should harm to us is that the idea as the bhagavan Krishna in the bhagavad-gita he is mentioning that four types of people they usually come to God and one is this type of people that they want that it should be God should protect us that is okay when we are praying but at the same time as one goes to the school to get there to develop the learning the knowledge and then from the school to the college level college level to the university level that should be the goal knowledge spirituality should be the goal to visit the temple the mosque and churches Generations after generation we are going over there looking at the holy book or reading a few pages or memorizing few slokers are not transformation in the personal life so what is the Europe religion that we become a sort of you know addicted to read some holy books chanting from the stotras and gitigam in the morning and taking the name of an addicted just practicing but the result should come and how we will understand that person should transform completely and what should be the transformation in the second chapter at the end almost in the end that when the Arjuna is asking the question to Sri Krishna he is mentioning that these are the things they should see these great qualities and again in the at the 16th chapter also and 12th chapter in the the bhakti yoga in the bhagavad-gita again and again bhagavan SRI Krishna is mentioning about the result of it that that must come otherwise what is the use the God himself he has come in the form of a human form in sirama Krishna form and he is insisting wherever it is possible to whomever did you must be serious to get the result of it otherwise it is of no use so he is mentioning but must one perform formal worship forever so this is a great question most of us he gets satisfied with the process but not aware about the goal what is God realization we do not know we never inquired about that too we always think that practicing some of the rituals at the beginning the false state of spiritual life is the ritual but we end up with the ritual we begin with the ritual we end up with the ritual it is of no use so he is telling how long does it be Buzz about as long as it hasn't lighted on a flower while sipping honey it doesn't Buzz but he said can we like you give up worship and other rituals the captain was arguing and he said can we give up the rituals yet he doesn't always say the same thing noticed it he doesn't always say the same thing sometimes he says that all this is inert sometimes that all this is consciousness and I say what do you mean by inert everything is caitanya consciousness everything is chaitanya consciousness friends this is a great discovery of the the Human Society long long back almost 10 000 years before almost according to the modern the history the in the beginning at the dawn of the human civilization this truth was discovered by a few great Souls whom we call rishis and they discovered that everything has come from only one and that is consciousness he is mentioning about the Consciousness we all know that he was a dwellist we will know that he used to worship goddess Kali we will know that he used to pray used to cry he used to practice fasting meditation and all sorts of rituals that is there in the the uh in the vaishnava and the Tantra everything he practiced but then he is concluding as if after all that the ultimate goal is nothing but the Consciousness that we have to understand we have to realize and this according to Absolute philosophy this knowledge is pure consciousness you know that in Indian philosophy they always say that the four the excellent ways are there to reach to the ultimate goal what are the four ways individually you we can try and also collectively in the ramakrishna order as because Swami Vivekananda who is the founder and he instructed us for a holistic growth the four paths should be followed most of the people they come and they try to follow One path but it is not possible because we are by Nature it is already there the four paths are already there what type of mentalities are always always there so here the advaito philosophy it says the knowledge is pure consciousness knowledge it never say that God it is called knowledge the moment we understand the moment that knowledge Dawn then all fear goes away that is the word they use in the Sanskrit Fearless why because I'm eternal where from the fear comes fear of death that is the extreme fear of each and every being no one wants to die but why because our original is eternal we are also Eternal and we are not the body mind complex so we are Consciousness and Consciousness never changes never die in the second chapter in the bhagavad-gita when Arjuna was confused standing in the the war field he was going to fight with the enemies he prepared himself for long 12 years for that but exactly at that moment he was confused and the gods recrishna gave him that knowledge and that knowledge is everything is nothing but consciousness and whatever you see is a Mystic illusion Maya so that is a unique idea unique conception but to understand that preparation is necessary some people they come over here we like uh this advaita vedanta we like the Oneness but they are so egoistic they're so critic don't like to talk with others always negation and they think that they'll be going to the advaita knowledge the knowledge is one the Consciousness so this is the problem with us they are educated they are well established they have a lot of ego and they think that whatever they have thought are correct wrong the thinking but when you are starting the journey in the spiritual life you should begin the step by step to understand here when bhagavan's ramakrishna is talking about the Consciousness he's talking about that end of the journey and he was it was okay he was devoted but as because the captain upadhya was thinking the ritual Easter goal ritual is the process and ritual is the end ritual is the goal sirama Krishna rectifying here he said no how come you say that it is inner nothing is inert only manifestation of Consciousness the degree of manifestation varies in human being it is more and in that wood or in stone it is less that much manifestation degree of manifestation is less so it says in this way this Consciousness is prior every form of existence everything has been created out of this so naturally before the Consciousness nothing was there in the way that there is a beautiful nasadya sukta and those who have read they know that in a very political way they are mentioning but to understand that it preparation is necessary basic knowledge is necessary otherwise it's very difficult and that is the ego free mental condition and to some extent at least otherwise it is very difficult there was nothing in the beginning it says like that then what was their consciousness and that Consciousness was always there and it will be there it is there but the Consciousness when taking up another thing that is called these three qualities then it start manifesting after a few days in the 24th the whole world will celebrate the Kali Puja so and naturally with that we that is the way we always practice that is a Darkness everywhere it is dark and why Darkness because the ego is completely blinding us we don't see anything the real knowledge is completely absent the friends I would like to show you that today we are going to publish this particular reform and that is called Chicago calling you all know this Chicago calling this is our the magazine the e-magazine electronic magazine and from nine uh 2014 we are publishing every three month one issue and this issue will be discussing one the picture that you see that in a particularly the Buddhist they use this again and again and it's vedantin also it shows around fire the fire is round but in reality it is not when a torch we are rounding moving in a circle very fast the people will observe that it is a circle of light circle of Fire but in reality it is not the circle so that on the basis of that is a beautiful discussion you will find in this issue the issue of 30 50 issue of the Chicago calling it's a beautiful magazine if possible you can go online to read we will be putting it in our website maybe tomorrow or day after tomorrow and and you can pick up the the copies also from arastrama when you are coming on Sunday class or the Monday Kali Puja time if you are attending you will get these copies the beautiful discussion of the vedanta and then you will understand the way those rishis the thought it's not just emotional it's not that somebody is saying something nothing like that majority of the people that think that religion means some people they thought in emotional way and their oh all rubbish and some people are emotionally attached to religion they don't like to listen any criticism of the religion a God or the path that they are following so there are all sorts of things but religion is nothing but very scientifically analyzing the condition in which we are and slowly slowly taking us to the consciousness so in brief I can say that in advaita again again they say that the three conditions through which every day every one of us passing swapna susupti the wind the body mind and the Consciousness are there okay we understand that the awakened State Job group then in the dream the body is minus only two things are functioning the mind and the consciousness how because we see the dream and in the dream there is a complete the same type of world same type of society everything is the same as we see in a conscious State the same way it is there all of us it is our everyday experience but then every day we also experience but we don't remember that we go to a state where there is no mind also mind that shows us the dream the body is not there mind is not there but we go to that sleep state deep sleep State without the dream but when you come back we said well that was a wonderful time I've spent without any dream also that is the place or time of Ananda of Joy the Bliss no one ever till today came back from that condition and said why you are suffering no everyone get rephrased that is called susupti in Sanskrit but there is a fourth stage the yogis the the rishis they always mention that you have to go to turia at the time of sleep it through ignorance you were reaching over there but through meditation you have to reach over there forgetting your body forgetting your mind and forgetting all around things you go to that Ananda stage and that Anand that is the reality that is the Consciousness and the source of Joy there is no fear so it says it is no beginning no change no end it is eternal all-pervading it is the Ultimate Reality when you talk about the knowledge the Sometimes some people boastfully they will be telling I take the Path of Knowledge and what is that knowledge that Ultimate Reality it is the Supreme consciousness which is pervading everything how we will know that you are truly following The Path of Knowledge when you will see the transformation in your life in your character in your behavior hey what is the transformation the tremendous love will be manifesting why because you don't see two you see one you see only yourself in everything whom you are going to criticize obviously people may talk but they do not know what is the result of it that's why ramakrishna is telling is someone the captain the upadhya is a ritualist how long you will practice this thing won't you develop those qualities within you in the 12th chapter who is it real devotee bhagavan SRI Krishna giving the list and that those qualities should manifest in our life otherwise it is of no use so those who are really sincere must read the 16 chapter three Verses first three verses and the whole chapter whatever the Lord said it is already there in US foreign [Music] it manifests in so many different ways so forget about that it is already there we have to go beyond that above that we have to leave those things at our back and go to the lighted path and those are the 22 qualities that is listed in the first three slokas of the bhagavad-gita 16 chapter is religion we have to imbibe those wonderful qualities in the sixth twelfth chapter also they're also it says the same way I like those people who are having this this these qualities and that is called devotee and that is called the follower of God that is called the follower of knowledge is very clearly mentioning why you say this is inert it is on Consciousness the pure Consciousness when individualized is known as ego the eye sense highness the i i i that you say that is the actually the Consciousness manifesting through that an individual self-awareness is limited and direct and that is the proof of the consciousness I am surviving I am leaving this is me this is I who is this I miss body no it cannot be this mind no it cannot be bodies are nothing but the bones and the marrows and the blood and the flesh nothing of that did that I when I die why do they burn the body or bury the body because it has nothing to do with the consciousness so when the engine has been taken out the flame of that car has no value it'll go in a some people will be purchasing just for the material materials that is there so it is no value as a car engine is the main and that engine in our body in the human body is the consciousness and the Consciousness which is reflecting manifesting as I so that is vedanta they are not accepting anything they are step by step understanding the thing analyzing the whole phenomena at the air slowly proceeding and Swami Vivekananda said to just to explain this it is through the self that you know anything and everything through the self what is this self the consciousness which we call a different way the Atma or Prana like that sometimes people see when Dharma in the form of a crane you know in the Mahabharata is a beautiful the episode is there in the life of the Pancha pandava they were thirsty when they were in that Forest and they wanted to go and take the little water from a pond one after another all the five brothers from the nakula saudiva they started going and everyone was unconscious because of the the curse of one who called himself that I am the crane yaksha in between the God and the human being they are highly powerful very powerful so they told see don't drink it before giving the answer to my question but they were so thirsty that they were thinking who is this reaction you know they were physically powerful so a neighbor paid any heat to his questions wanted to drink the moment they took little water drank little water they got unconscious that is the story goes in that way then ultimately yudhisthida came he was also very thirsty but he restrained himself and told what is your question the many questions the very famous dialogue between that the crane it was not a crane actually it was the Dharma it took that form and he was talking and then at the judicial was giving the answer when he asked what manifest the Sun the Sun every morning it is rising what manifest that there must be someone some power that is more powerful than the Sun so that the sun is activated every time what is that what is the answer very clear answer the judicator gave only one word he said Brahman that is the unique discovery of our dishes the Brahman means all pervading consciousness the chaitanya the Consciousness which is all pervading is also known as the Brahman friends just as a reference I like to mention the method of knowledge one book is there by Swami sat prakashananda ji if you are interested and if you have that patience to read the how unique way the Hindus particularly they have analyzed everything and how to prove so they have taken the six different methods of knowledge so the methods of knowledge Shut by that book is also available with us and anywhere in the vedanta societies the dead if you go through he is mentioning six different modes different ways the first is prataksha prediction the Sanskrit word means that it is perception I see directly but again it has different way we have to I am not going in details to explain this the pratiksha the direct when I see something through my eyes when I hear through my ear when I smell directly when I touch and feel when I test and understand that is called protection I tested that food I know that is good very tasty the people get confident and they will say all oppositions may be there now I went over there I tested that food I know that is good at least meat is really good confidence comes how prataksha that is direct the perception direct knowledge by that way it is a proof I we went to Japan so there is a country like Japan and it is really beautiful and we the average things in the shops in the hotels in the public everything so beautiful and the flowers and the flower trees are so unique to win somebody after visiting they they say like that and then come on inference the inference means that I can compare we can understand it must be like this the the always they say without the fire there cannot be the smoke there must be some type of fire is there that's why the smoke is coming up so they always say in the olden days so they used to give this type of example wherever there is smoke there is fire so this is the way we understand so I am remembering when I was long back we got the sannyasa and we went to the our great the pilgrim center that is in the in the Kashmir in Himalaya the whole area was covered with the snow and we were going on the hot back to reach over there the great Shiva Temple but those who were the guides they were telling you know we won't be able to reach so let us go back and we had to go down that that particular place is called panchatna tarani the five rivers are there and there is a the plane so we have to come down from the hill the whole hill we have already climbed and it's so difficult of course on the horseback though and then we have to go down and he said see we cannot go the full of the snow the rivers are covered in the snow and we do not know how to go over there it will be difficult all these things because they wanted to say the time and money has already been paid to them so they wanted to go back this suddenly I noticed that from one of the hearts that was small small Hearts were there made by the government for this type of people and sometimes in the the summer time when people they visit they could go and take rest so these Hearts from one of the hearts smoke is coming out and immediately I told hey look at it where there is smoke there must be the human being animals never Start the Fire they are afraid of Fire that this must be the human being over there so let us go down so I insisted those people the ghost guides local guides that we must go so wherever there is smoke there is fire this conception means the anumana comparison when you were comparing a holy man he is completely free from ego and there is no craving and there is he doesn't want anything not name Fame The Wealth nothing when you compare the how this man is so happy muru was so attractive he is not having anything and he is not giving also anything so when you go to a rich man we expect that we will get some benefit or the influential person means some benefit but when you go to this man he's just like a child he is going over we are going to him rather we are carrying some gift for him and when he is talking about God we are feeling Joy oh this there must be something which without anything is full of joy there's a source that is the god the anumana if this person who is taking the name of God living and a life for God if they are so good that means the God must be very good so that is called the anumana the comparison then postulation this arthropathy the the meaning of it and then it goes non-apprehension that is also a pramana then we we are not the conception is there but we are not getting the realization so that is also a pramana that is also a proof and finally that is called verbal testimony shabda we have to believe the words of the Great Soul because they are not selfish people they were not having any Personal Agenda that we will tell like these and then we will do like this never ever so in every religion this is a basis on which the whole religion is developed in the words of the Lord Jesus Jesus said why we are believing Jesus who was it many they call it higher criticism a group of people will be always telling that there was no Jesus there's a earth just an idea of the Saint Paul and he developed that idea and he gave the name Jesus and all that whatever it may be but look at those words that is so encouraging and that that person how many times I am going to forgive my brother one person came that Jesus answered verse 70 times seven infinite time whatever he may be doing but you go on forgive because so many mistakes you are doing and God is forgiving you and when you do the mistake and all immediately you go to the god oh I made a mistake please forgive me and you are being forgiven why not you should practice that with others so this is the way the Human Society completely developed in such a way they became separated from the Animal Society animal beings we love animals birds reptiles but the differences with them why because this type of qualities this type of thinking so this is the way the human being the Human Society just leaving and eating and sleeping and this way our lives goes and what one day we die is that the human life no human lives on thought and that ideas and he they developed in such a way the tiny little being comparing with all others who were there in this world the gigantic the the very powerful animals comparing with them the human being were nothing but look at it because of their thinking capacity so it says those who have realized the god when they say something we must accept it that is called shabd shabd means the scripture the these people they have realized the truth and then they said it as we are years together reading the gospel of sudama Krishna it is called shabda pramana brahmana means the proof the proof God is there how because and why that's why whenever's people come to me and ask for the initiation I'll say you are going to accept the ideology of sudama Krishna initiation spiritual initiation means accepting the ideology what is the ideology of bhagavan you better read the biography and then you will understand it otherwise it will be difficult for you to understand SRI ramakrishna so this is the way we have to understand his life was nothing but complete dedication for the truth and he discovered that in his own life and then he said these are the processes you must practice then you will realize God and what will happen after realization well what you want everything he will get everything if you want the Mastery over this whole world you will get it if a Wonder success or the popularity everything you will get and if you want the Eternal peace joy happiness that will also so these are the two things the worldly prosperity and the spiritual Prosperity both can be achieved from this after the realization of God of course after the realization of God it becomes all fully and no one wants these worldly things they always understand oh all these things are happening I don't want it these are the wonderful way they explain the sudama Krishna asked aim about Purna you know the sirama Krishna he was always very much careful about the young people why because their mind was free from the last and gold their mind is pure as soon he was inquiring about he used to incorporate them and why he has not come what he is doing so so that whenever they come to see ramakrishna listen to this type of words they developed good thoughts in the modern days they always think many of the people of course not all the that younger generation need not to go for religion very wrong religion teaches how to get peace joy happiness religion doesn't mean as some of the methods or the rituals religion is a high moral values is a philosophy is a way that teaches how I can become happy while living with others do we should just by seeing someone doing some mistake in the name of religion if we shun it and if we see the elaborate things in the ritualistic way oh my God if I have to do all this it is not necessary maybe it is only for the girls ladies maybe only for this type of people elderly people after my retirement when there is nothing for me to do I will go and do you won't be able to do because by that time the whole mind will be imprinted with so many thoughts you can never collect those minds and concentrate it is better to know about God and religion particularly the way bhagavan sidama Krishna taught that's why he was very careful about the younger people and he was inquiring about the Purna those who are following this literature the gospel of ramakrishna you must already know with this Purna so this sirama Krishna was asking from the and he was a student in the school where our the srima the Mindanao Gupta was the Headmaster he is replying to see ramakrishna who asked about the Purna if I see Purna once more then my longing for him uh the sudama Krishna mentioned like this longing for real will diminish how intelligent he is his mind is much drawn to me he says I too feel a strange sensation in my heart for you so who is this ramakrishna he is the god is the Purity he is the love he is the unselfishness now longing for this particular personality means longing for God what is God is nothing but all this I always say the two qualities because all this is combined into two qualities one is love another unselfishness so when we love God we too should become unselfish and we should also become a lover of the beings each and every one because they had the manifestation of my God so this is the way srirama Krishna is explaining Master Masha is telling if bitter sugar tells me because the sudama Krishna is mentioning he's a student of the school of bidasagar with the Sagar also we know he was a great learned person a reformer social reformer but that way um almost you know the any this is the very we can see the unfortunate but though he was so learn it but he was not paying heed for the spiritual life or religious life so he was dedicated to his mother used to love the people those who are suffering for them is to do Lord but at the same time though I don't know whether God is there or not like that used to say so he will never allow the one of the students from school going and attending the uh the lectures or the talk the dialogue uh that ramakrishna is giving somewhere in their Calcutta so he may be angry with the Headmaster the Headmaster Mindanao Gupta the recorder of this gospel he is giving the if that the big Dasha is going to ask me to blame me what will be my answer to history I shall say that one thinks of God in holy company and that is no means bad further I shall tell him that the textbooks prescribed by the school authorities say that one should love God with all one's soul bhagavan sirama Krishna is laughing so how he is getting himself ready if this type of complaint comes against because he is allowing Purna to go and attain the company of sirama Krishna at Captain's House I sent for the younger naren another young boy is this notion is not shami Vivekananda younger naren so older norian younger same name so they are distinguishing in this way I say to him hey where is your house I want to see it please do come he said but he became nervous as we were going there least his father should know about it all started laughing you know we can understand and in our society till now the younger generation are not that way free to invite anyone to their houses without the permission of the father of the mother or the elders so when they are living with the family they cannot do it you have to take the permission of the father and in those days in the beginning of the 19th century it was so much so to win that young boy he couldn't say no I I won't be able to tell you uh or take you to our house but at the same time he was thinking what will happen if the father says not for himself maybe father will scold me that is okay but father should not insult bhagavan's Rama Krishna that was his concern to a visitor you haven't been here for a long time about seven or eight months visitor about a year said see how's ramakrishna notice these people and he always used to inquire about them why whoever is coming to a spiritual person truly spiritual person I'm using the word truly where there is nothing but love and unselfishness so that is spirituality and when a person is attracted to that that means for whatever may be the reason and we always consider as a Hindu that in his past birth he must have done very good work that's why he has got that attraction so he is coming and from here again he will his mind will be more purified in the company of the Holy people the god whose main mission is to guide people in the righteous path that we can see how selama Krishna is working in that way he is inquiring another gentleman is to come with you look at it this gentleman could not remember the name so he has not mentioned the sirama Krishna he could understand the seeing the face and he said you have not come for a long period of time another gentleman used to come with you yes sir Babu Babu foreign why doesn't he come anymore ask him to come sometime I want to see him who is this boy with you he comes from asham asham is a in a northeastern part of India is a beautiful state is one of the states of India and I had the opportunity to see this particular state and we are having lot many asthamas over there the devotee is maintaining the sasamas and we call it private centers you know because it is not directly under the ramakrishna mission order or there is no monk to take care of the activities the devotees they they do there are nearly more almost like 50 more than 50. so I I could I used to go to all this place a beautiful place as a Scenic Beauty excellent is all plain mostly plain some meals are there the beautiful place so this the person he's coming the boy he's coming from that particular place where is asham in which direction never traveled out of that so he was not understanding this mostly from the Bengal is that Bengal now divided into two one is called East Bengal another West Bengal then this East Bengal mostly has become Bangladesh is it totally freeze country and the West Bengal with that with all other things connected with the India so from this place people usually go towards the Southern India and the Northern India to the Western India to visit holy places in ashram also there is a great famous holy place is there belong to the mother Divine mother never visited that that was difficult although even today it is not that easy to go reach over there so sudama Krishna never visited so he could not identify which direction did we just spoke to The Master about our shoe ashu's father was arranging for his marriage but Ashu had no wish to marry see he doesn't want to marry they are forcing him the marriage means you are taking up a lot of responsibilities the more you are the moment you are into that if of course if you have a strong desire it's okay but suppose you are not then you will be in between your life will be in between and that will be very difficult so that is why sudama Krishna those young people those who are not ready or they are not liking to marry he was inspiring them to become monastics the hmong's life because they don't want to get married in any way the physical the Comfort or anything so they are ready their mind is ready to accept the higher thoughts higher ideologies higher ideas and they can consider concentrate on that sudama Krishna said to a devotee that he should show respect to his elder brother he said elder brother is like one's father respect him a Pandit was sitting with the devotees he came from upper India upper India means the up and those places there's a northern side of India so upper India the down south and this this way it goes then we will on the next day we will enter into the conversation as the sudama Krishna and um that Pandit Pandit means a scholarly person but their livelihood is to explain the different scriptures mainly the life of Sri Krishna that is in the bhagavata and they explain it and against that they earn some money will start a conversation now the end question is asking some people hide their spiritual life from others but that would be hypocritical correct see sometimes it is not hypocritical but it's not the because they like to be in a completely separative way because in the beginning whatever we are doing if we like to express it there are a lot of people will be criticizing they'll be giving advices they will comment on that by that way I may get confused So to avoid some people they like to hide their spiritual life cannot say it is critical where they are actually hypocritic rather they are sincere I think so so they like to quietly uh they're building up as bhagavan Krishna mentioned in the beginning of your spiritual life that you should put and then as as we started a planted tree and then give the fencing to protect it from the animals the similarly the our spiritual life Journey should also begin with that protection not exposing it to the society that way we can accept it thank you devashi is asking believe in God comes in one birth suddenly or is it from previous birth due to result of karma of course the verses is because the the other Hindus we believe that all these different birth in different situation and different condition and what different type of thoughts that is crossed in our mind actions that we have done so obviously slowly slowly it takes us to a higher and higher life the human life itself is very higher and moreover if you see he that there are humans in this world but comparing with them are we not in a much better so that we can learn many things hear many things opportunities there to practice those so this is also because of the past Good Karma now if we try to accept it in that way then it will lead us of course the love for God understanding God and practicing spiritual austerities it depends on the past Karma and also the good guide good Guru so thank you so thank you friends thank you for your attention thank you for your understanding let us chant this Mantra and conclude today [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]