Video 330
331. Divine Incarnation. - Panchama Veda (331)
nourish God their devotees and Friends and this Wednesday we will be starting the Pancham Aveda the gospel of Sri ramakrishna so bhagavan he was discussing with the devotees and we were reading from the 782 pages of the Gospel of sudama Krishna translated by shami nikhilananda ji Maharaj so this book you must be having if you are interested you can open and you can see in the at the end the bhagavan sidhama Krishna he is mentioning next the master began to talk about Divine incarnation foreign do you know why God incarnates himself as a man it is because through a human body one can hear his words he Sports through it he tastes divine please through a human body but through his other devotees God manifests only a small part of himself a devotee is like something you get a little Jewish from after much sucking like a flower you get a drop of honey from after much sucking to master Mercier do you understand these now here when we are reading we find he mentioned about the Incarnation of God then second he mentioned God manifest his little power through some human being but they are also considered as a great Souls but even then he will get very little about God from this type of people so he is mentioning that after much sucking you may get a drop of honey from a flower so like that so the wonderful way he is trying to say that God's Incarnation you cannot compare with anything the human being when they are manifesting they are coming they are bound to come because of their karma Pala that that is exactly when we find in the bhagavad-gita this is the main thing that the in the Hindus it depends on this too the soul is eternal and rebirth Theory these are the two things that is very very special for the Hindus of course the other religion Buddhist religion they believe in this and the Christianity they believe in The Eternity of the soul but not the again rebirth their theory is different they after the completion of the whole circle then the God will judge and some will be will go to the heaven eternally and some will go to the hell eternally so that is a different way there will be lot of questions on that Etc but the Hindus they are main basis is on this even in the Veda in everywhere they are talking about this in the issue punishad also we find it says at the time of death their mind it says whatever you have done in the past in your life remember it so we may do so many things and we are thinking that we are hiding from the society people cannot catch us no nothing like that it is you keeping the account it is within your soul within your mind it is all recorded so that is the why that is reason that they always say be very very careful why should it be moral because of this otherwise because of your karma either you will be going up or going down that means the good birth or bad birth either you will enjoy or will suffer so this is exactly constantly is going on happening in the bhagavad-gita particularly in the second chapter we can find it says now the the mostly we we know that the great Mahabharat War where the to the huge army they are facing each other and going to fight and at that time the Lord Krishna was telling the truth to his disciple the Arjuna and a Time came in the second chapter it is the main chapter and it says about the atmagyana so you are thinking that you were going to kill these people no only you are slaying the bodies that is a very special idea very spatial knowledge the majority of the people may misunderstand and misuse it that's why very carefully it was given to only to those people who will truly understand this and will utilize the spiritual knowledge out of this knowledge what is that knowledge the knowledge that this body that we see is only the container it is only containing but inside there is the soul which is eternal which never changes body may change container may change but the contained foreign in Sanskrit they say so the body may change but inside that the soul is continuing so when Arjuna was having the doubt how it is possible in the second chapter 12 birds of the bhagavad-gita bhagavan krsna said not me or you ever was that this that in future also will be there not that you were not there I was not there no all these kings that you see that they were not there all of us we were there and at the same time in future also we will be there it is not that I you and all these Kings the assemble the where not there in the past we were there and again in the present we are in the future we will be all of us see when we read these and close our eyes and go into pondering on this particular idea everything we are whatever we are doing is a reputation it just really really it is a just reputation and we think that that we we belong to this particular uh the country and this is our nation so we we are the best we will go and Conquer other part of the nation of the world and we will torture people with in that way the history is nothing but the full of all these descriptions but from the point of view of the spirituality particularly the Hindu spirituality spirituality it is nothing you know that the the wonderful that incident that happened when Ma saradamani Devi the holy concert of bhagavan sudama Krishna she was traveling in the southern part of India and she was about to go inside a temple and she heard that some of the Europeans the white-skinned people they are appreciating the architectural thing of that Temple then she solilochized which was hard by the people who were very close to our and she was telling look at these people in their previous birth they were the architect and deconstructed this Temple now in this birth they have come from a foreign gland and appreciating their own creation this is the rebirth Theory so that is why those who can see they can see ramakrishna used to see the the person the moment he is entering a very humble person like the master Masha he was a teacher and when he was entering sirama Krishna saw him and he was asking inquiring about him whether he is already married or not etcetera then explain you know I saw you in the group of caitanya mahaprabhu almost 500 years before bhagwan said ramakrishna and in that group of caitanya mahaprabhu the close one of them was this our present Master Masha mindana Gupta Gupta himself couldn't understand that he was not knowing that sirama Krishna the God incarnate is saw and immediately understood oh this is the person who was there looking at the Young narendranath he immediately said oh he belongs to this and so many people whoever used to come see ramakrishna used to look to them and he knew where from they are coming and why they are coming what is the purpose of their life what they are going to do everything he knew it so this is the way we can say when the Arjuna was telling that we are going to kill so many people just for a plot of land so is it necessary then the Lord is telling three this is not just because you are thinking it is already planned why that we will come afterwards the main thing is after all this birth and all death and we are there eternally there what is this we body and it cannot be because the body is the mixture of the five Great elements that we know is and these five elements this Earth the water the fire The Ether and the air this is that the five elements that is making each and everything everything only these five elements they call it Buddha Buddha means the material the matter then they are preparing making the combination permutation and all that they have different type of things are coming up these are the five things naturally anything that is constructed created out of the mixture is going to break down someday the body is a mixture of these five elements and one day it is going to die and going back to the sources all the five elements that they will go back to the five elements so this is true but inside that there is consciousness that consciousness what is called Atman the Brahman it is there now individual consciousness and some total of all when the individual Consciousness we call it Jiva Atma when the sum total we call it param Atma param means the Supreme so it is like this so there are lot different type of ah the arguments are there whether the creation is a permanent change or it is just imaginary shankaracharya the great advaithin he always supported that this is nothing but imagination otherwise if it is permanent change then you cannot explain many things if it is a permanent change but shankaras is a very Advanced advice and it says the Consciousness is one which is always there it never changes but the reflection of that particular consciousness on the intellect of the individual people the jibatma that reacts like as we see the reflection of the sun on the water May keeping in the glasses maybe there are 50 glasses on all the glasses on the water Sun's Reflections are there and it it is warming the water also if you keep that in the the in our country you have seen the keeping a bucket full of water just to warm it people some people elderly people used to bathe in that the hot warm water and the poor country there is not much of all the system nowadays of course India is like an advanced country it is everywhere everything is there in advanced places but previously that was the norm that elderly people was to keep one or two bucket full of water there will be sun will be there and we wish to go and play with the sun and then the sun is breaking in the water but it is the sunlight that warm that water the same way the sun you can see on the reflected on the water you can feel the effect of the reflection that worm it is there but at the same time when you are pouring the water the full water on your head there is no sun that does it mean the sun has broken no the same way the Consciousness which is inside each and every one it is there and because of the Consciousness the reflection of the Consciousness it is consciousness so naturally we can think we can ponder we can decide so all these activities which are connected with the Consciousness it is present in every being but when a person is dead it doesn't mean the Consciousness is gone no so this is the understanding that it should be clear the is it the the soul is one or many it is one but at the same time it is many as long as it is reflecting as long as we are thinking as long as our realization is not perfect so long it is many so the Consciousness is known as means all pervasive everywhere so that is the reason you will find in the Hinduism they are worshiping so many varieties of gods and goddesses including the living being also all the other on the the stones and the water and the trees everything they worship why because in everything that Consciousness is their present sometimes it is manifested sometimes it is dormant it is not manifested but it is there so that is the reason we find in that way they do the it is there again from the bhagavad-gita it is the second chapter 13 verse I'm quoting Tata property in the body we find the changes means the body in this body asmind they komaram yuvanam Jara it is change is coming we can see that we were little kids and then we became young people then again we became the elderly people old people that is changes in the body I myself can see and when I I can imagine that I we wear that sometimes people they remember right from the three years or four years of age what they used to do how they were who were their friends where they grew up all this we remember and now when I am looking at a young boy jumping and frisking and running oh we used to do like that so all these memories are also there what has changed body and are we sad oh I was such a young small the why I have grown up no one cries like that I have not heard so this is not possible then we know that this is obviously it is going to change and one day this body we are going to give up because there is a something that we have given to us and it is going to destroy someday it is okay so that particular part of giving up this body that means the depth the when you talk about death we are all afraid we don't want it we think that is the stop of everything nothing only we are changing the body and who observed the changes not the body body is getting changed then something is there either inside or the outside of the body which is static which never changes so that it can record the changes of the body and that is I and this I is constantly observing the changes and then ultimately when it is truly Raha when he knows oh this is the truth and why I'm not going to be afraid then when I am going to die I say goodbye to the old friends all around me oh I was here for 60 years 70 years and all of you we got associated with this body I too was having a very good company with you now goodbye I will have some new friends somewhere new relatives new friends new environment new challenges and new enjoyments if we think in this way no one is afraid of death we're just going to somewhere else and sometimes some people who are coming from distance places they are coming to America they don't know where they are going so obviously they will search for someone who knows someone and then they'll be writing then they somehow they then slowly when they come over here they start working settling down purchasing a house then marriage and the children they become the part and personal of this country and they slowly slowly forget the Old Situation they're happy here so this is the way the whole life goes it says beautifully so political way the highest philosophy has been presented in the bhagavad-gita in the second chapter 13 verse the Lord Krishna is telling this truth the are you do you feel sorry that your body is changing then why you are afraid of death then this is also a change and a change if you have done something good you have thought always positively you have not done anything wrong with other people then all the good actions the results that you will get good result and it will take you to a horror plane and you are going to enjoy those whatever good that you have done you have faith the hungry you have given the clues to clothes to those people who needed it you have given the medicine those needed it and you have prayed for those who needed it so that way constantly you have thought about others who are nothing but the same God manifested into different ways so all the good actions that you have done and physically you have done good action mentally also you thought about the positive way and bar chica through words encouragement you have given to so many naturally the result will be good and you are going to enjoy the next life so why the hunter of prapti it is not mentioning mrityu the depth it says you are going to get another body means this body antara means another one so this car I was driving for last 15 20 years and when I was a student my father presented as a gift to this a car and I have enjoyed now I have grown up now I am purchasing now I am thinking I will purchase a new car then I say goodbye to this old car that some other people they take it and I get a new car do we cry for that oh the old car and the new car no sometimes some people those who can afford they keep those old cars as the memory that is okay and as they will be keep keeping that or my father was there used to drive this my mother used to drive this so let it be here under in our garage we can afford it so that is a different type of thinking but they will have another car so they haunted property the this body we are giving up over here and then we are going to take another body a new body and in that body we will enjoy this life so bhagavan is telling we are not worried about the changes in the body similarly wise people are not worried in death which is nothing but a change of the body so this is the way it goes you know that Naya foreign it says body is the container and soul is the content so this is the body and the Soul it goes in this way so we are discussing about The Reincarnation so each and every individual soul we are going on changing our body and if we are doing good work and we must keep in mind the work is of three types one is physical work another intellectual thought and third is the bachika through the words apparently I am very calm and composed and I never do any fighting with anyone never uses the abusive languages words but I write derogatory things and all false things and and that we are nowadays in in the particularly in the media it is so easy and the we just send it post it and then thousands of people they are reading it and getting influenced by this as a false statement nothing is there just imaginary but I thought oh this is good I don't like that person so for against that particular person him or her let me write in this way influence people against him or her that's also a bad work and the result will be bad though you are not caught by the police though you are not getting any ah the result out of that immediately in this life but it is recorded these three types of work the mostly we are controlled kaika because of the law is there so even if we want we can't do many things because of the law how out of fear of the law if I am go and fight with my neighbor the police will come against me and all these things will so I restrain from that but I can think bad and then I go on spreading the bad thing particularly the present-day world the people morality is going down because secretly they are doing anything wrong and they are thinking nobody can watch me nobody can catch me I am not going to be getting any a punishment for that no you will be punished so one should be very very careful particularly those who are careful about the spirituality must be very very careful and in the bhagavad-gita the fourth chapter it says in the verse 4 to 8 very clearly about that incarnation of God now the Incarnation of the individual soul and we are bound to Incarnate we are bound to take birth bound the word I am using because we are bound by our Karma and in that Karma the whatever we do in the three different way through our world through our thought and physically that is either good or bad binding us and as a good or bad effect we are going to take the birth in that particular situation and we are going to either enjoy or to suffer that is our condition but what about the God incarnation of God bhagavan Cinema Krishna mentioned about do you know why God incarnates why God incarnates himself as a man now there's a question why here bhagavan sirama Krishna mentioned it is because through a human body one can hear his words that is one it means he is as a human he is growing up with the human people others so they will take his words well he is with us and he is a very wonderful person whatever he says it is good and by that way they will accept him somebody coming down from the heaven suddenly and very peculiar type of dress peculiar type of feature particular type of language people will be afraid to listen to him or talk to him but just growing with ours we will accept him so easily so that is the one reason God comes as a human being then he Sports through it means god is nothing it is his own creation so again he is creating himself as a human being and he is very happy playing with other human being talking to them and all this particularly if we notice the life of Sri Krishna so many varieties way he was a coward boy he used to go along with those boys and then he will be taking care of the cows taking care of others at the same time like the village arching he'll be making prank with the others and stealing these going these doing this and so many ways so those who are reading that so happy they know all these all that he is doing it is nothing but his play Divine Play so that God himself also enjoy though he knew that it is nothing but that's why bhagavan's ramakrishna he is mentioning he Sports through it he tastes divine please through a human body Divine Bliss through a human body and why this because when the people they are coming to him surrendering him and sometimes they are behaving as his friend sometimes as this their servant or even different way because sometimes the mothers with the Compassionate Heart and they are coming and looking after the God as their their children so the naturally that is a different type so he is enjoying all these different tests the God himself but through his other devotee God manifests only a small part of himself so the God is manifesting that is called Avatar the Incarnation of God and the devotees are also manifesting the Divine Divinity within them by the grace of God and through all austerities that they practice but they can only give a little Joy about God so this is the difference now we have discussed that every individual that we are taking birth because of our Karma good or bad and then that way we are slowly slowly proceeding those who are having the good luck they can understand this and they think about it wandering over see the my grandfather he was also having like this my father also like that me also doing the same thing but why then they read the scripture in the oh in the past birth also we have done the same thing in future also we will do the same thing enough is enough I am done with all this now let me go back to the source and how I will go back to the source they need to turn to the spiritual path and here he gives the God himself as his guide and that is called the God himself is coming down as a human in a human form and guiding the human being that is called Avatar now Avatar is helping those who are not trying to become the spiritual and what is that spirituality going back to the root what is the root God himself so where from we came from God now why we are separated from God because of our ego now we like to go back to the same Source the God because we have understood as because of the ego again and again we are taking birth in different names different form different places different time and we are suffering only there is no joy we are searching for Joy lives after lives but no nothing is there now I have understood it I like to go back to the source in Hindi they always say they have to go back to my own abode and how I will go here God himself comes as a teacher as a guide and that is called incarnation of God now we can unders ask the how it is that if we are here because of our karmapala what about God whether God is also having some karmapala the result of his action if it is then the problem is the karma follow is Sometimes good sometimes bad sometimes mixture and accordingly all the results that we have in having God will also have that and if that is there how can he teach us no it is not possible he must be completely free from all that then only you'll be able to teach us yes he's completely free again if there is no Karma then how we get the birth to give the answer to this question the Lord is mentioning over here in the he says foreign the God is Unborn we are bound to born if you say no we don't like to take birth no that cannot be as long as we have the desire to enjoy these worldly things we'll have to come back the name Fame desire all these are there and but the God is not having any desire and that is the reason he is completely free so that's he says means unborn because he is not having any desire even then and then he says I'm changeless consciousness Atma the consciousness who am I am the Consciousness I am changeless and I am unborn though isan but I am the god I am the creator of all these beings so who am I he is in the first line he is giving the the definition or introduction about himself who is God the God is Unborn why because he is not having any desire but at the same time he has created this universe ishwara bhutana ishara means the master he's the master of the whole creation and what who is he then he can say that I am the abbaya Atma Abaya means changeless Atma the consciousness now in the second line he mentions prakritim swamya with the power of my own what is that power the Maya what is that Maya is having three qualities and then to power to covering the actual thing and super imposing something on that so with this Maya Maya Shakti means this three plus two and with that I am utilizing that power Samba Army Atma Maya sambhavami I'm not just manifesting I'm not taking birth manifesting and that is the reason when they say the Lord Jesus mother and she she's pure and that is the Jesus just manifested it was not born this manifestation we have to understand that God is all-powerful and when the God is all powerfully it can do anything some doubting Souls will be there doubting about it but there are so many things in this world how it manifested and this if we see the god manifested in that way he just thought I like to be like that in Hinduism Lord Vishnu again and again took birth and there are so many avataras are there in the bhagavata so many avataras and in the other puranas also in the Mahabharata there are then ultimately the Hindus they mainly they believe there are Dasa Avatar attain avataras are there and in different time at different form he came to help the humanity his own creation so here we find Aja p sya Atma bhutanam is the E clears out of his own will using his own power and any time any place any parents he can choose and he can just manifest over there who can dictate God is our supreme power but why now the second he gives the answer fourth chapter sixth words of the bhagavad-gita he says how he is manifested and second why giving the answer to that the Lord he says the righteousness that is breaking down why what is the righteousness the true knowledge what is the true knowledge then all these things that we see as a manifested world are all temporary this can never give us the permanent happiness and human goal is to reach the permanent happiness when we forget that and start believing that this world this body and all these materials things that we see around us is going to give us the permanent happiness and for that we start working that is called Dharma gyani and when it is in the minds of the Kings the rulers the obviously that comes down to the whole society is just coming down right from the King whatever the king he does he thinks that is percolating through all the subjects the people so that is why that is the Dharma the educated people the leaders of the society if they all start thinking you know this very peculiar way that this body and the being things that associated with this body are nothing but the truth the real that is called dharmaglani God has created this and he knows that this is completely temporary he knows that if we are giving too much of importance on this and constantly hankering to survive over here and expecting the permanent joy happiness out of this constantly flittering things we are going to suffer and God knows it because he has created it he has given a mind a beautiful gift of God is the mind that we can think we can judge we can cognize we can analysis we can analyze the things so that when we misuse those wonderful qualities Divine qualities that God has given to the human mind the god comes down and to protect these righteousness means the Arjuna and he says when this Dharma glany comes at the time of Sri Rama there was the great powerful the Deuter Clan it was not only the ravana ravana was the chief of that he was very influential very powerful but there were many were there they were powerful they were educated they were wealthy physically and mentally they were really good people I mean Successful People but unfortunately their mind goes back to the body we started thinking the body is the main thing we have to maintain the body we have to have physical physical enjoyment and that is why they became rakshasers Asura ah means negative Surah means the light of the knowledge they were ignorant in that way so SRI ramachandra came the Lord in the form of Sri ramachandra at the time of Sri Krishna all over the India we find that to name a few we can say and he was at the present day Bihar he was the king of that particular area and he was very powerful very influential person but very cruel and his thoughts were completely different time he thought that if I can sacrifice 108 Kings the kings are the best among the people so if I can sacrifice their heads at the altar of God then I will get the Supreme eternal power look at it eternal power in this world from these objects which are all temporary he wanted to get the Eternal Joy power this is and his son-in-law was kamsa and there was shishu pal those who were the know about the culture of India they know these names he was very close to Jara Sundar then there was a king in the kamrupa that is called naraka another thing in the same region he was born there was another pandro that is in Bengal basudeva is a North Bengal to nowadays they say and of course we know the duryodhana and all his brothers and friends and allies so these are all to name a few all over they were torturing people they were going on boasting about their physical power and the wealth and they started believing that they will enjoy this world permanently so the Lord Krishna came the Supreme God took the human form Lord Krishna then he took the help of a few human being those who were very good and righteous at the time of bhagavan Sri Rama Krishna we find the people they started thinking you know that particularly the colonization a some countries from particularly from the Western countries because they developed the very good the sum the arms and the Asian Africa they could not fight with them so slowly slowly they went over there and then captured them not all the time fighting but sometimes giving the you know by cheating them they went over there for the business then slowly slowly entered into the society they started using one against another by division and by that way slowly they colonized and slave trade human trade imposing religion and culture on others all these things happened and slowly slowly the millions and millions they started believing that they have nothing the whole idea went down to the body again because they started believing that enjoyment of the body the big palatial houses should be there and they should have the the cars and the servants and that is the life they started thinking that is the permanent thing they are going to give the joy in this war again the Lord came in the form of bhagwan Shri ramakrishna and this time he didn't kill anyone he didn't fight with anyone only he changed the thought waves that they started thinking in a completely different way or that is true and they became very much egoistic and that is the reason they started fighting in the name of religion and so many bloodbath because of the religion in the name of religion but religion is related with God and God is nothing but love how can God destroy his own Creation with his another creation the simple logic that each and every religion they are they believe that God has created this universe if it is so that God has created everyone and he has created the Asians the Europeans the Americans the Africans whom not he has created a different feature different thing culture who am I to judge but the people because of the great ego they started thinking that we are the best so they started torturing others so it was necessary but the god to come and teach them this it is your ego only creating problem see because of this tremendous ego what happened first world war Second World War previously a group of people going with the sword and fighting with another uh maybe of course that was also painful but the devastation was minimum now in the first world war and particularly second world war and after the applying of this the the the bones in the Hiroshima Nagasaki the people understood oh my God the human being can destroy the whole Humanity now the restrain restrained restraint came and people they started thinking is it possible for us to understand each other so here in Chicago in 1893 long before the first world war and second world war they all sat together all the 10 famous religious leaders they all sat they discussed they tried to understand each other so this is still We are continuing the same tradition inviting people to know each other why God incarnate only to teachers that if we are if you are not following the path of love and understanding then you are going to create problem for yourself not only here after birth also so that's why bhagavan's ramakrishna he is mentioning the do you know why God incarnates himself as a man then he gives this then a one person say the when he was asking the master Mercier do you understand these this means the god when manifest as an Incarnation that power and a good person is a religious person spiritual person his power and unmatch it is not possible said even if you suck maximum from a flower you may get one drop of honey the then he asked whether the master martial understood the the indication that the sirama Krishna was giving he said yes sir very well then sudama Krishna began to talk to DJ who was about 16 years old his father had married a second time dijo often accompanied aim to dakshination and sudama Krishna was fond of him the boy said that his father opposed his coming to dakshination and your brothers too do they speak sliding of me he'd never answered the sudama Krishna to master introduced dijio to Purna sometime he was also of the same age so they will like each other then the aim yes sir I shall and then the cinema Krishna is mentioning I am asking everyone to send people to panihati won't you go to aim to master Mercier panihati is a place not very far from Calcutta so sirama Krishna is to invite the devotees to different places to be again the regrouping and grouping over there and enjoying in the name of God and slowly when the devotees are coming and meeting in different places on different occasions they develop their own devotion one can learn from another also when he sees that that person is so much devoted and he's also learned and he's also practicing in a very sincere way that encourages another so this is the way bhagavan's ramakrishna is to introduce the devotees with each other and sudama Krishna intended to visit the religious festival at panihati so he was asking the devotee to go to Master Mercy yes sir I want to go see ramakrishna we shall engage a big boat they need toss about will Girish gosh be there how great organizer this sirama Krishna apparently we find that he is careless thinking about God only but he knows how to take all the devotees if we ask devotee to go to panihati and paneer in the other Bank of the ganga and it in those days it was costly for many people to spend money and to take a boat to go so he is hiring a big boat so that all people will come to dakshinesh and he will take them in that boat over there together so many will be together so it will be a great joy so we also sometimes try to do over here sometimes we will be having the retreat in the Ganges it is two hours two and half an hour drive from here in the Michigan State so sometimes we will be renting One bars so that 14 feet in 15 people together we can go individually it is difficult to drive such a long the particularly elderly people so these are the same thing the bhagavan sudama Krishna he showed the way we should go and then in one place will be together we'll be exchanging our views we will become friendly helping each other and unknown well known will become known the unknown will become friends and relatives in the name of God so that is exactly what bhagavan's ramakrishna he is planning and the sudama Krishna looked steadily at division because all people will be going over there the discussion is going on that young boy he won't be able to go because his father won't allow and in the Asian countries in our country the still now if the father says no their son cannot do anything so obviously his father was not at all a religious person and that as we were discussing and today the whole period we discussed about the Dharma glani the most of the time the people the thing that the wealth is the main thing and name Fame in the society is the main thing but they don't understand these are all so temporary it will change as our bodies are changing then the Ceramics novel there are so many youngsters in the city why does this boy come here he is asking the master Marshall tell me what you think certainly he has inherited some good Tendencies from his previous birth so even when a person is getting attracted to the spirituality it proves that in the previous life he did something good so now in this life he is attracted to God thank you friends you'll stop over here and we will continue in our next Wednesday from this so let us chant from these and we we conclude [Music] um foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]