Video 321
322. Panchama Veda (322) - “How does one receive God’s grace ?”
namaskar dear devotees and friends this wednesday evening we'll be reading from the gospel of srama krishna panchama veda let us begin with this mantra mangalam [Music] the last time we were reading and from the page 7 67 768 very interestingly bhagavan sirama krishna said that two words that's really worth remembering one is the ego of knowledge and ego of ignorance both are ego and when there is ego as we all know we won't realize our own self because this is the ego which separates us from the real self the self or the paramatma or the brahman or the god which is everywhere all pervading and we are the product of that but you cannot realize that we cannot understand that why because of ego and what is ego we don't know but it is very much there anyone telling something to this particular body immediately we are feeling happy our heart why because we are connected with this body and this body with a name and form so obviously we can understand when we do some uh try to understand it clearly that this body was not there before few years this body will not be there after few years then where from the eye came that is the ego when that eye the ego the me and mind is connected with this particular body and the mind that is called the ego of ignorance that means it is separating us now what is this i again because i belongs to the mind and when we are the mind we are thinking that this is the way we have to understand to what we should do that we can always do in this way that when we are mentioning that i am the son of god i am the child of god then what happens is that bhagavan's ramakrishna says it is the ego of knowledge knowledge means that everything has been created by god everything is belongs to that supreme being so the ego of knowledge so this is the way if we can understand as we always discuss the if we are understanding it very clearly then it becomes very easy for us to get completely free from the bondage of birth and death when the bondage of birth and death the circle of birth and death we are overcoming and we are going beyond this suffering the when we take birth when we take this body it becomes so painful so obviously we like to go beyond it again and again so how the bhagavatam krishna said it is better to have the ego of knowledge the ego of knowledge i am doing but i the son of god is doing i the children we are the children of god we are doing that much so this is the idea second he says and that is also very unique again he is mentioning gyana and bhakti are twin paths we always think that it is completely separate bhagavan sirama krishna says these are two paths but they are twin paths equal same the one is choosing a path either gyana or bhakti according to he's our heart temperament these are her likings so one when the emotional he thinks that or she thinks that i should cook for god i should do these i should do that that is okay for them for that is called the path of devotion the god is there and i am here the devotee i believe in the existence of god that is the main thing then to reach god what i do i apply everything my attachment my anger my emotion everything i give to god and i reach god and when i reach god whatever the effect i get the person who is going on negating this is not god that is not batman that is not brahman going on negating not this not this not this when he reaches to the ultimate the goal he experiences the same thing that is the idea bhagavan srama krishna says the path of ghana and the path of bhakti devotion caitanya mahaprabhu also says the same so sometimes people they always you know out of ego again it works oh we are ghani we are separate from the bhaktas bhakt is a lower category they don't understand the thing their intellect is a little less and we are very strong intellectually this type of that's all comes from the ego so that is why we should study the gospel of sirama krishna to make it very clear then we will come the first he said the ego of knowledge and ego of ignorance the ego of ignorance that binds us ego of knowledge that gives us liberation the what is the ego of ignorance me and mine name and form so that is connected with this particular body and mind and that naturally because of the desire the ego is remaining now when i burn my desire give up my desire i only depend on god the existence of god i completely accept the same ego helps me to realize god the ego of knowledge kachami pakami in the words of bhagavan's ramakrishna when i am completely dedicated to god i am doing but at the behest of god at the power of god i am not taking any credit as hanumanji did at swami vivekananda deed the great work they did but at the same time they were not taking any credit and gyana and bhakti according to the temperament now today let us start reading from the saturday may 9 1885 master mashay is noting it was about three o'clock in the afternoon sri ramakrishna sat in balarama's drawing room in a happy mood many devotees were present narendra aim babunath purna pultu the young naren girish rama binot dija and other sat around him the whole group they were there sirama krishna srama krishna's mission the god when he comes and takes the avatar of the incarnation he develops a mission for a particular purpose of a mission what is that mission this time bhagavan si ramakrishna's mission was as mother masharadamani devi very clearly mentioned to teach humbleness because this yuga is full of ego each and everyone is full of ego everyone is boasting everyone is trying to prove and that is the reason bhagavan sirama krishna came and he will find this effect the bad effect of the yuga no one can go beyond it very difficult even the sannyasins are also they're also showing up they're also it is very clear that they are so egoistic forget about the others the politicians the businessmen in the ordinary people everywhere it is so rampant the ego is so much that is the reason bhagavan came incarnated as sri ramakrishna only to tell us that be free from ego just sit in one place and judge what is this ego you will find there is no ego at all you are just imagining before your birth this world was there after your death this world will be there as long as you are living you are thinking without you this world cannot move it's a foolish thinking so obviously this is the main teaching and along with that he taught us the very ancient path that all are leading to the same goal the rishis of the old they discovered that and the declared and that is oft quoted it says it is only one that is the truth but the learned people they call it by various names in different names that's all now why we are fighting unnecessarily knowing the truth unknowing unknowingly we are committing all these problems so that is also the second teaching of bhagavatama krishna and in his own words it says jyoto moth tattoo path if we translate it in this way as many faiths so many paths joto moth tatopath has many faiths i like to go to the washington dc by flight and my grandfather also did the same my father also did the same my son will also do the same so if goes on like this so it is a tradition for us to go to that particular place by flight no problem but someone else will say but my family my tradition we always go by road someone will say we take the train and go different paths and that is the choice is theirs they like it and somebody will say no i'll just drive or i will take a bicycle and go it may take a month it doesn't matter i want to enjoy the ride i like to stay here there talk to the people understand people and i will reach there all are reaching to the same destination taking different routes different paths and what is the problem but when i say that my path is the only path we are flying from here and that is the only pair all pat are not good not at all there etc then clashes comes if we understand these the spiritual leaders the religious leaders educated people if they only understand this much i like to go by this way you are welcome to go no problem but don't say don't criticize others that is the only thing and nothing else so this is the way if we can understand there'll be no conflict that is exactly what bhagavan si ramakrishna taught but you know that worldly people they always try to understand it in a very complicated way the when sirama krishna practiced christianity he became a christian how can you consider him a hindu consider him as a human being that will do if he has taken this path so he has converted into this is a very crooked way of thinking things they will never understand this forget about them let them continue their life if they like to be living in this way let them continue god bless them but those who are sincere those who are genuine those who have understood the futility of this world the pages and pages of the history this teaching us is so temporary so and nothing is there today's rich man next after few years they are nowhere the so many business families came community came they were and then who where are these people the kings after kings came and so many powerful people came where are they nowhere so understanding these when some people say i like to go to a permanent condition where i will be eternally and i will get the eternal joy that person is called mumuksu i like to go beyond this temporariness that's called mumukshu and for those mumuksus all the scripture not for these people those who like to argue and create problem and they enjoy this type of nasty arguments and problems let them enjoy so this thing we have to understand the world is always like will be like this some darkness will be there some in between light and darkness and some will be lighted we like to be in the lighted camp those who are enlightened people we like to be there that's called sattva guna says master sirama krishna he has come to teach this and he said that if you understand the ego then try to apply the ego that's a force that's the power apply that to realize the truth and that ego will become the ego of knowledge if you can't if you don't understand then you will have to be in the ego of ignorance you have to continue your life don't think that every time you will be a human being different type of births will be there whether you believe it or not accept it or not it will be there and sometimes the birth will be reptile and the birds and the animals and maybe lower type of the human being so when we have got the opportunity the the best human being and we have understood this then don't waste time unnecessarily for these arguments so from here we start from here the journey for the spirituality begins and sirama krishna is developing that and all the group every time master masha is giving the names and we are familiar with these characters these people who are here today in balarama's house but you know next line master masha is mentioning balarama was not there he had gone to mungee for a change in here munger in bihar in india is a good place people used to go over there for uh sometimes the weak people the sikh people there's to go over there because of the very good weather for a change they used to go even though the balarama is not there the landlord is not there bhagavan sirama krishna has come and all the devotees are also coming he's not alone so that is the uniqueness of sudama krishna we never used to visit any devotee's house not alone always used to come along with many other devotees and one person who could provide to feed them or to accommodate them so they used to arrange this meeting suramar krishna is to go the family members and the others also used to join and suramar krishna is to teach them in a very wonderful way slowly slowly developing their minds their understanding their thoughts and this time balarama's elder daughter has invited sirama krishna has come he used to like that family so much and all other people have also come as the list mastermind has given and devotees are celebrating the occasion with a fist the master was resting after the mill again and again master asked aim am i liberate liberal minded so this is a christian liberal minded suramar krishna is asking master marsha because master masha was in the society was connected with many people so he will be able to understand what other people are thinking about krishna the he is mentioning these am i liberal minded or not now some people they are religious but they will make a sect sectarian they will say these are the things we should follow and nothing else this is the god we should believe and no one else and you should read only this book and no other books so the mind become very narrow and whereas the god is all pervading in the bhagavad-gita lord sri krishna is mentioning anyone anywhere in any form they are practicing the spirituality all their austerities are coming to me all their prayers are reaching me see the broadness but the followers of the same god will be so narrow-minded and they'll say unless and until you worship only these you are not going to be liberated you are not only that they will be talking in such a way as if they know everything and they will be saying that you are going to hell and you are going to have these and that or like this way so this is the very funny though the god himself is liber liberal broad-minded he is mentioning anyone anywhere if in a genuine way a sincere way praying to god but the followers of same god won't try accept that why because of the ego ego of ignorance i don't think so that is correct whether god says or not so they will interpret in completely different bhagavan sirama krishna that was the discussion people used to discuss about that everyone is giving his own path and everyone says this is the only path and those who are aware about the the end of 18th century beginning of the 19th century the condition of the indian society the turmoil was going on there was no political freedom no economical freedom and social freedom was also restricted but the people of india they are thinkers they are very liberal minded they want to think they wanted to have their own paths then what to do so they were going on thinking how to make this way very clear so when a group of people said that god cannot have the form so obviously they were some of them they were converting themselves to that religion and some they were thinking why not the traditional religion we practice without form the hindus they developed this path god with form and god without form now people were very confused the so-called educated people they were thinking what to do and different type of societies came up at that time the theosophical society came arya samaja came then brahma samaj came prathanasamaja came one after another all of them they were trying to save the traditional hinduism in their own way but in its narrow segregated path and not with the images sram krishna accepted both siddham kagawan sirama krishna was worshiping the images at the same time he was accepting the god can be worshipped without form that is also possible so naturally did discussions debates were going on the sudama krishna wanted to know from his very close person master maha master mashay he used to get lot of information and he was very educated and intelligent person and he was humble in such a way he will the as we can understand in the reading this gospel will never ever express his own views or add his own views so sudama krishna is to ask him that this time he is asking am i liberal-minded tell me the swami vivekananda's friend he was smiling why do you ask him he will only keep quiet master moshe are always keeping quiet he will never talk so he was very gentle and courteous type of person so bhavanath is mentioning he will never talk he'll remain quiet now a beggar entered the room he wanted to sing the devotees listen to a song or two narendra liked his singing and asked him to sing more though he was singing the hindi versions narendra liked that nando also swami vivekananda he was also a singer so he asked him sirama krishna stop stop we don't want any more songs where is the money to narendra you may order the music but who will pay now he's a beggar he's singing for money for every song you have to give some money now if you go on asking him to sing who is going to pay narendra was a very young boy of 18 19 years though he was a rich man son but he was not having money moreover they have come to a somebody's house the owner of the that family that the our braham babu or his family they are not asking the beggar to sing these people are asking who will be bhagavan's ramakrishna was very methodic this man is singing for money and if you ask him to sing you are supposed to give him money are you ready with that if not why unnecessarily you are asking him to sing and then after he will sing and he will say oh we don't have money thank you that won't do so sirama krishna asked him not to sing anymore a devotee is smiling sir the beggar may think you are an amir amir is a rich man a wealthy aristocrat the way you are leaning against a big pillow they are making the jokes with the ramakrishna he was lealing against a big pillow so they're mentioning maybe that seeing you the beggar will think and you are the rich man you will be they all started laughing master also enjoyed the joke and smiling he said he may also think that i am ill the surama krishna he is actually leading against a big pillow and that was in those days that was the system people used to seat on the floor not in the european way the chairs nowadays everywhere there are chairs but previously that was the tradition sitting on the floor uh on the soft mattresses and all and this to give the pillows big pillows so that people can keep their elbow over that and can see it comfortably krishna was sitting like that then his disciples they are also making fun and maybe you are they will think that you are a rich man he will and immediately replying he is telling that maybe he will think that i am a sick man that's so i am sitting like this so they were having a fun the conversation drifted to ajrah and his egoism the for some reason he had had to go away from dakshinesha narendra hazra now admits he was egoistic now because he was like that the dakshinesha is rani rashmani's property they are the rich people the jamindars the landlords so naturally you have to be when you are there in that property and taking their food you have to listen to their system also you have to follow that sometimes to break so they asked him to quit that place how that went away now he is keeping touch with narendra and narendra was always compassionate and he wanted to help the hajjara and he told sirama krishna they knew if the ramakrishna says a word immediately everything will be all right but sudama krishna will never say that because it is a decision of those people that jamindars they're they're office the sudama krishna will never say anything the sudama krishna says narendra is telling hajira now admits he was egoistic master don't believe him he says so in order to come back to dakshinesha and to the devotees narendra always insists that azra is a great person that's just having the fun the narendra the young boy he was not having that experience also but his mind was broad as always swami vivekananda so when he used to in favor of hazra used to argue suramar krishna is mentioning narendra even now i say so master why you have heard so much about him and still you think so narendra he has slight defects but many virtues those ramakrishna is arguing with narendra but sirama krishna liked these views of narendra the narendra is the lord shiva and sudama krishna knew it and for the lord shiva obviously everyone was accepted he could never see anything wrong in any way that's why they say traditionally the followers of lord siva are all this type of people in the society they will never get any opportunity to go but for the sheba they are all welcome shiva will ask them come and stay narendra's mind was very broad suramar krishna appreciated that but at the same time one should be very practical also this ramakrishna is slowly teaching him narendra he is arguing that hasra has slight defects but many virtues master i admit that he has devotion to his ideal so he is going on in this way now sirama krishna is mentioning one realizes god through sattva rajas and thomas take one away from him the god now hajj ramashay he used to read scripture he used to take the name of god he used to count the beads and he used to talk about god too even then the hazrah used to do all those only to impress people not for god realization but to impress people so that they will give him some donation and with that money collected he can pay back his loan salam krishna knew it so hazra apparently he is showing that he is a very religious person but at the back of the mind all those things only to collect some money so that he can pay back the loan salam krishna never liked it you are utilizing religion for this purpose so religion is a purely something else so some people they utilize religion for their name and fame some people for political power some people for thee some people for that but religion is a purely completely different thing to see ramakrishna is mentioning one realizes god through sattva now there are other two qualities are also there rajas and thomas what is the raja's egoistic and tama completely oppose it to sattva and goes completely negative it says the take away from him the scripture describes sattva as white rajas as raid and thomas as black once i asked hajra tell me what do you think of the people that come here how much sattva does each one possess suramar krishna is giving an idea about the person you know that most of the time we are impressed by the external appearance of the person they show in such a way the beautiful the face and the long beard and the armenian mark on the forehead and the long matted hair or something like that and the dress so we have most of the people they are impressed by the external thing but how that man is behaving bhagavan surama krishna is not hating or criticizing hajjira through hajjara he is trying to tell us teach us be careful when choosing an idol when you are going to a person thinking that he is a religious person thinking that he will get some benefit from him for as a spiritual guide how is he again and against rama krishna mentioned it that means you have to judge that man sometimes they go on boasting even the monks they in their pad they printed the pad they will mention m.a phd and all that why you are trying to impress people so what is that maps do by that you nothing is happening the god realization is completely different thing with that particular quality you can earn some money or respect in the world but the and the spiritual part for the god realization the only and the only quality that is necessary is satra pure satan what is never care for the worldly things because the ego that binds us that takes us away from god so we have to eradicate the ego and when the moment i'm mentioning that i belong i have started from subway and so university i was there in there and all those things the obviously you are expressing your ego and you like that people should appreciate you for these connections for this education for this background that means you are not genuine so hajra is to study scripture people will come and see and oh my god hazrat is studying the veda studying the bhagavata and they will be very much impressed then we'll be talking also very impressively and doing also jabba when the people will see that he is meditating obviously they are impressed but at the back of all these bhagavatam krishna knew it is only to impress people to collect some money to pay back his loan he could straightaway ask see i have some loan will you please help me nothing wrong in it but why this this hypocrisy that suramar krishna never liked so he wanted to save his beloved disciple narendra from there not that narendra is appreciating broad-minded everything is all right but if you make a wrong decision choosing a person and thinking wrong that he is a spiritual person and that is a wrong then your all your effort will be in vain the sirama krishna is genuinely trying to help shankaracharya also he mentioned the three quad things are very very rare manus this is a very very important manuscript that we have got human birth then mumuksuttwa by the grace of god by our past good deed some desire has come to realize god or to listen to the holy words of god to get liberation all this a little or more whatever mumus has come we have understood at least that this life won't give us anything permanent happiness so we have to go to god but the third thing the mahapurusa is very very important if we make mistake then this two quality cannot help us if we go and choose a wrong person and you will find that the way they always make the advertisement nowadays the the time of advertisement marketing is that guru so one must be very very careful so gospel of sudama krishna that helps us to understand all these very subtle things otherwise we will all our effort to realize god will be in vain we'll be nowhere so s mentioning for that he mentioned one realizes god through sattva raja and tamas takes away from him and what is this sattva this completely guileless completely simple and completely ego-free condition but when you see the he is giving the example of the uh hajjra here because they that narendra was supporting him he said look at it tell me what you think he is talking telling the what do you think of the people who come here here means to suramar krishna how much sattva does each one possess he said now this is telling narendra has 100 percent and i have 100 percent so why narendra because his father is a very influential person so he wanted to keep touch with narendra his father was a very influential person in that that society and narendra was a very bright young man so obviously if naren was there it will be great support and then he said i have hundred percent sattva then sirama krishna is asking what about me i asked and he said you still have trace of pink you have only 75 percent sattva i should say all started laughing bhagavan sirama krishna the greatest of the great avatara and hajjra's judgment that he has 75 percent satwa that means always looking at suramar krishna and in that way and not that krishna is hard because he knew who is but he wanted to show that be careful about this person hajra used to practice japan dakshinesha why while telling his beads he would also try to do a little brokerage business he has a debt in few thousand rupees which he must clear up about the brahmin cook of the temple he remarked do you think i talk with this type of people so the ego the brahman cook but hajira won't talk to him because he's a cook i don't talk with this type of people these are the ego the salamu krishna is not criticizing we should not misunderstand we should understand that he is showing us the people though apparently it looks religious spiritual person but one must be very careful about the truth is that you cannot attain god if you have even a trace of desire that is rama krishna this is the great statement subtle is the way of dharma if you are trying to trade a needle you will not succeed if the trade has been a slight fiber sticking out so this he said many times that means a little desire also won't allow us to realize god majority of the uh the our population measure it to the people they are they think are people they consider them spiritual religious people majority only a handful maybe a point zero zero one person they will say we don't believe in god so that is the difference but why then the world is like this why we can't the genuine people because we don't understand what true religion is the true religion means you have to eradicate the ego and what is the conflict in everything in this world it's the ego and because of these the all collisions are going on fightings are going on because the decisions are taken on the basis of the ego not out of compassion not out of love so this is the thing always a turmoil in the society every time everywhere now those who are luckily they have come to this path of religion they should study the gospel of krishna that's why i always say this is the veda this is giving us the knowledge knowledge of the eternity knowledge of the god and it says the truth is that you cannot attain god if you have even a trace of desire there are people who perform japa for 30 years and still do not attain any result why because they are doing apparently not genuinely no matter how much sadhana you practice you will not realize the goal as long as you have desire but this also is true now he is telling the second stand at the line that one can realize the goal in a moment through the grace of god that through the grace of god anything can happen so when we are trying hard we are practicing along with that if the grace of god is also joining then there is success in the last verse of the bhagavad-gita the 700th one it says 700 words it says the when the lord krishna the god supreme is helping and when the arjuna the embodiment of the humanity is trying when the both are joining together then there is success no doubt so as a human we should try try our best and then at the same time we should pray to god and god's grace should come on us and if these two are joining there is success now he is mentioning in this way suppose a poor man's son has fallen into the good grace of a rich man he marries his daughter immediately he gets clothes furniture house and many other things giving an example then if a poor person gets the blessings of a rich man and rich man some day most of the time at least in olden days they used to do they used to give the marriage to the poor person and then give him a lot of wealth immediately that poor man is to become rich similarly a humble devotee trying his best but at the same time going on praying to god that by god's grace immediately he can get everything now a devotee is asking sir how does one receive god's grace is mentioning and that is the unique answer he said grace and sometime in sanskrit he said kripa and some of the scholars they explained in this way kri pa kri means you have to perform cream means doing performing trying practicing the kri pa you have to perform you have to try you have to practice spirituality and then power you will get that is the way they explain kripa kripa means grace but at the same time it says the grace is like the flood usually the water is flowing in the river and it is not crossing the boat the soul and suddenly there is a the lot of water coming at a time then there is a flood and in that flood it goes everywhere water goes everywhere it's not only in inside the river it is also on both the banks and it reaches everywhere that is called the grace so when the water is flowing to that is only river that is natural normal but when it goes everywhere that is the grace the god's grace people don't understand when it will come and on whom it will come then cerama krishna is giving a wonderful example god has the nature of a child a child is sitting with james in the skirt of his cloth many a person passes by him along the road many of them pray to him for james but he hides the james with his hands and says turning away his face no i will not give away anything but another man comes along he doesn't ask for the james and yet the child runs after him and offers him the jam begging him to accept it so it is very difficult why that person the god's grace came on him who will explain so this is the way it goes so we have to do two things one understanding this world is futile whatever is necessary only for the survival that much we should keep for ourselves and then we will try to give away everything there is no should not be any attachment first second understanding that there is god there is some being the supreme being whom we can call as god or brahman or ishwara bhagavan whatever it is there why because the great personalities like bhagavan siddharama krishna masharadha mani swami vivekananda they're all saying the same so we believe then otherwise how things are happening so we believe in that at this moment we are believing and then basis on that we go on trying and that try is known as sadhana the spiritual sadhana atyatma the spiritual practices what is the spiritual practices regularly remembering god and taking his holy name praying to him every moment and working for him whatever we are doing offering to him so this way if it goes then slowly slowly this world will go away from our mind and the god's presence will be always inside one cannot realize god without renunciation bhagavan sirama krishna is mentioning and what is this renunciation tyaga giving away why because they are all temporary i was pursuing each and every one right from a child and up to the a knowledgeable elderly person a well-educated person is pursuing only happiness whatever we do only for happiness so we have to understand this if this happiness is our goal and in our life we have understood then whatever we have gained slowly it has gone away we tried to get a job a position in the society we got it we were happy but then because of the age i have to retire from my job then i am again alone slowly becoming lonely because all are engaged and i think oh i started my life alone now i was thinking i will have the family everyone should be with me i will get the happiness i really got that but so temporary the children became they grew so fast under 20 years 25 years all they are settled here and there again we are alone so this happened in our life of our the grand parents the fathers parents and now it is so obviously this is the truth of life so understanding these when we draw our mind from the objects enough is enough now we have done our whatever the duty the responsibility now let us concentrate on god how to taking initiation from a sad guru from a holy person and afterwards going on repeating the holy name trying to meditate the god's beautiful the form inside the mind and other time when i am reading the bhagavata and other books there's so many different ways gods are playing so i should try to remember that and that is called the leela dhyana and by that way most of my time will be engaged away from the worldly things sitting in the world living in the world but away from the world far away from the world that is called spiritual retreat the spiritual retreat you are we are pushing away giving up renouncing the worldly things which are so tempting we are giving up so bhagavan sirama krishna said unless you renounce your own and that was the truth discovered by our rishis thousands of years before they said they used the word the thing is like a drink it is a some liquid no nothing like that it is the joy it is the happiness it is the bliss which is eternal this is permanent that is called so amrita that happiness the eternal happiness which is bliss eternal cannot be achieved if unless we give up what we give up ego and associated with the ego is me and mine and this me and mine is associated with the worldly things around so when we give up all that who will accept my words i have been seeking a companion a sympathetic soul who will understand my feelings the sudama krishna is mentioning in a different way that very few people try to understand this all are coming to religion to holy people to temple to synagogue to mosque to churches only to get a special protection from god they never ever come to give away and to accept god they come and pray to god for some special protection there's developed countries they are having their social securities they are having many other securities the government is concerned about their people this citizens all are there insurances are also there everything is there along with that another extra coverage from god but how many of them they truly come to realize god that's why srama krishna is mentioning who will understand my words and will listen to my words and i am searching for my company no one is coming i don't find anyone all are going for the worldly things please bless me so that most of the people they will come and say and they are above 18. they came and said maraj please bless me so that i can live long 80 is a long period of time that you have survived all we have got then why bless me so that i can realize god no so that i can live long i can see the marriage of my granddaughter and my grandson and all this the worldly things we are all associated and that's why suramar krishna is telling who will accept my words i have been seeking a companion a sympathetic soul who will understand my feelings some of the people when the really the bad time comes they make jokes it thinks they're funny for them and they have the capacity to write or to speak or to make the statements they will go on making like that and they think this is they are very modern intellectual people by that way they are not only winning themselves they are also winning the society we have to understand the supreme goal is the happiness and happiness comes by giving away the ego and that is exactly what bhagavan krishna is teaching it is not so easy those who have understood we must try to realize it we must try to really really practice it at bhagavan si rama krishna is guiding thank you friends today up to this and in next class we will study from page seven seven zero any question vishwa priya misra is asking how to spiritualize our desires oh excellent question thank you the desires the spiritualization of the desire and there's an excellent question you are asking now if you are earning money and if you think that this money i am earning first i will help the holy people those who are trying to do good to the society and i will give it a portion of it and then i will give a portion for my family maintenance i will give a portion for the country they also need the taxes i have to give the society also needs that and the little portion i will also keep for the rainy day as they say if sometimes bad times come for that protection so you are doing that earning that completely with the planning and not for oh if i get this only i will enjoy even sometimes some people don't you reach people i heard i read in the newspaper they are not paying taxes how much taxes how much money why because they want to grab everything forget about donating forget about helping others they even don't give the government taxes so the society is becoming weak by that way so that is spiritualizing of your desire you must do that in our society it says brahmacharya goddess the brahmacharya is a time for learning then gaarastha utilizing that knowledge for your own fulfilling your own desire do it but in such a way so that you are also at the same time praying and thinking and helping others so all desires can be do it in this way spiritualized not for me but for thee oh god thank you the next question is how to purify our desires through bhakti-yoga almost the same type of question the desire if it is for the worldly objects and enjoyment that is binding us the moment you are desiring for the betterment of others who are nothing but the manifestation of the same god that is bhakti yoga like the i know one lady in bangladesh she is working so hard to help the oppressed people suffering people she is all alone highly educated lady and she is trying all alone to help them so that is the disaster she is trying to get some fun trying to get some money and whatever she can collect immediately she is going out to help i heard in bangladesh that one place called chattagram that was under water because of the sudden flood she with her lit small group went over there helped them and publishing the report with all pictures and not asking for money only sending that and the india that naturally the people are thinking if she's doing so much letters so she is begging money asking money praying for money and help also but not for herself for others ramakrishna we should also do that many other societies are doing that genuinely they are doing that so the desire to help others by that way when we are praying and asking and begging that desire gives us completely spiritual benefit and that is called bhakti thank you very much asking it is more easy for a procedure of leader but my problem is i forget dhana and start talking with shrima like a child how to correct and then you need not to correct it that is a very good system very good practice why should you correct it then it's that is lila dhana you are forgetting your surroundings you are forgetting that you are meditating and you are talking with the mother and that is a very good practice if you can genuinely do it the god bless you mother bless you that's a very good practice don't give it away that will that will purify your mind and mother will surely bless you shreema biswas is asking why is uh why is today that every family is breaking ah srimad that is really really sad though i should not say every family uh i just you know that today a family came to me not today they came two three days before they stayed in our guest rooms and i was so happy seeing and so close uh relations they are having the grandparents then the parents then the the new younger generation they're all together in a big band they came eight or nine of them and each is helping each other and then all together cooking and eating going out they are not breaking so it depends on the head of the family how uh he is actually behaving one thing second because of the economy because of the socio-economical condition it has become obvious now the son is going to study in a foreign country after finishing the study he got get a very good job so obviously staying back over there and you cannot say that it is breaking that is the need of the hour so this way also it is there we have to adjust along in this way so thank you okay so let us conclude with this [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] namaste you