Video 313
314. Panchama Veda 314 - “Enjoyments: Divine and Worldly”
namaskar dear devotees and friends the wednesday evening we'll be studying the panchama veda the gospel of krishna so let us begin with that mantra now we were discussing the gospel from the page 7 752 the english at the 752 and we'll be reading from also the 756 and in bengali 807 these are the pages now 752 we are reading then pul2 has come to sriram krishna pulled to that young boy and by seeing that pultu siram krishna is so happy apollo is a pure heart because he has no connection with the worldly things and he doesn't like any worldly things any name fame physical comfort nothing he's a very pure and god loved them this is the devotee so pull two is arriving who is this ah it is paltu the god is telling like see the how much love he shows not that he was a rich family boy not that he was having some influence not that he was going to get any benefit out of it the pure heart what is that pure heart he was not having any attachment to the worldly things by seeing this by listening this by hearing this we can understand purity means the completely forgetting the worldly attachment and worldly attractions that is purity well other things are external practices but that this is purity and how that is possible bhagavan siddha krishna goes to the root and he says ego if you can eradicate if you can remove the ego the i sense then everything is possible because when i have the i attached to this body and mind and naturally that ego takes me i want that i don't want these so this kama krodha all these it comes so this is the way we have to understand the to realize god we have to purify our mind and purification of the mind means no attraction no feeling of attraction for the worldly things now we are surviving it is necessary of course it is and for that what we need we need a home we need clothing we need money we need food we need company we need everything that is nothing wrong but not attached to that without that i am going to suffer no that is nothing some people are appreciating some some people are clapping and for that the people are doing so peculiar things just to be on the page of the newspaper some people are doing very peculiar thing why the i am going to be popular people will know about me my picture will be there that much they'll go and see the library them so many hundreds of years paper newspapers and all this are there lying over there who goes and sees that only a few contemporary people will see discuss about you and that is for that we'll go stoop down so much so this is the way we have to understand we have to judge and we have to withdraw the mind and then what will happen the god will call you and when he will see that devotee will be so happy we read the story of sudama and sri krishna sudama the poor man he was not having anything and of course in you know the different stories they will be making why sudama he was a little selfish so the suffering begins i don't so somewhere from the this type of stories they like to tell some those who are exposing expounding their stories yes for qatar they'll be telling all this when they go to the villages to the people they will perform the stories the sudama was a very poor person but he has great love for god and that is why because of the love for god the god also used to love him and when sudama came and forgetting about all other people who were rich who were influential god was so happy to see that poor man because he is friend because he is guileless because he loves god he doesn't bother about anything of the world so this thing we have to keep in mind those who like to realize god friends before we that we will read this passage and go back to some of the qualities of a devotees so which actually the god they like those qualities now here purna another young devotee also arrived this is paul two another is purna so those who are not very much familiar with the indian names they may be confused naturally so get confused one is pul2 you know when that this is not a real name maybe at the nickname so pull two they are talking and then very lovingly they call pul2 and another young man has coming another devotee he is purna and we have those who are connected with the gospel of sirama krishna the students of krishna biography and life they know this purna salaam krishna loved him very much it was this great difficulty that sudama krishna had managed to have him come his relatives strongly objected to his visiting the master purna was a student of the fifth grade of the school where aim taught in those days the children used to get admission at the six uh six plus suppose seven years so they will be in the grade one grade two grade three like that this is a very young boy but this fifth grade is a little senior maybe we can understand the 12 13 14 years young boy the boy prostrated before himself before sri ramakrishna the master seated him by his side and was talking to him in low voice aim alone was sitting near them so aim could hear that the other devotees were talking about the various things giddy sitting on the other side of the room was reading the life of kesha so they were having that now he is asking do you dream the master is asking purna do you dream do you dream of a flame a lighted torch a married oman a cremation ground it is good to dream of these things we are i am not an expert in explaining the dreams but bhagavan sri ramakrishna he knew all this we all usually know when we are thinking about something then the dream comes so that formulates and then come in the dream when a person is thinking about the divine life he is dreaming like this so there is have some meaning of it because bhagavan srama krishna mentioning like this and he's saying the purnu i dreamt of you suramar krishna was asking do you see the lighted torch and this this light and this thing that thing but puna said i dreamt of you you were seated and were telling me something where some instructions to tell me some of it you know then master you know not where it is what some instructions tell me some of it so when the master he he was so happy that the devotee saw him in a dream again we dream those things which we love to see and we always think about that so those things come in our mind so obviously when the dream means ramakrishna's dream means purna was constantly meditating thinking pondering over bhagavan si rama krishna so he saw him in a dream and sudama krishna the god himself so when the purna was dreaming about the god and he came to that the god in human form the sirama krishna the god was so happy and he's asking the achieve what some instructions tell me some of it the purnu i don't remember now master never mind but it is very good you will make progress you feel attracted to me don't you who is rama krishna not having any ego at all the moment you don't have the ego any attachment he could not see even these he was not attached with the body mind also otherwise how to explain who can be god so look at this some people always think about the miraculous thing something miraculous happened this is the purest of the pure the manifestation of the purest of the pure that is love and that love for each and every one and in that human form when we see that that is the greatest manifestation of the god the god is love and that's why he is pure and that that love is completely unselfish when he's loving someone he's not thinking of getting any benefit out of that that is unselfish love so that is why the cerama krishna is mentioned do you feel attracted to me that is very important friends i will just quote from some of the ideas that we get from the bhagavad-gita this bhagavad-gita is the 12th chapter from 13 verse 13 sloka the lord krishna bhagavan krishna he goes on telling he who hates no creature advaishtal the devisha dwisha means hatred why hatred because i don't love so love and hatred goes hand in hand that together always so if i don't love i hate so that is the thing so he says there is no hatred why there is no jealousy there is no craving there is no expectation that's why it is that sometimes some people and of the same profession they become jealous of each other even the two brothers also become jealous if the parents are loving some son the one and the other son feel jealous why i am not getting the love from my parents so we have to understand this is so natural prakriti and you have to go beyond those prakritis those nature and lower nature so i don't hate anyone that means you are taking you above all those things and you are fighting against the nature nature is provoking you to do behave all those and your that is called spirituality that is called sadhana when you talk about the sadhana when you talk about the spiritual practices what is that practice what do we do we do these constantly telling ourselves that you should not hate you should not feel jealous you should try to love and those wonderful good qualities slowly slowly transform a human being to god and god is l-o-o-v-e and there is no selfishness so here it says he who hates no creature friendly and compassionate towards all maybe other people are jealous of him maybe other people are criticizing him it doesn't matter i don't hate anyone i don't criticize anyone i am friendly with everyone why i see the manifestation of god in everything so when what are the practices a person should do to become a devotee hundreds and thousands and millions of people they are really really groping in the turk to know what is true religion they're visiting temples visiting churches they're visiting mosque and they're listening to the so-called holy people reading scriptures but even then the idea is not clear and lord sri krishna is so very clear in the bhagavad-gita in the 16th chapter also he has given the list of the very good qualities 16th chapter of the bhagavad-gita first three verses and here in the 12th chapter from 13 to 19 all those qualities and even i have shortlisted only 15 qualities what are those he who hates no creature second friendly and compassionate towards all third free from the feeling of i and mine this is i and mind because of this feeling everything comes now the question is who are in the household what they will do if i don't say i and mine of course you can do minimize that and slowly slowly you have to understand if i have to realize god if i have to get the blessings of god if i have to get the attraction the god will be attracted to the devotee then i have to give up all those i and mine and that's become when mentally you can give up that you become sannyasi in bhagavad-gita again they know that it is a always a sannyasi what is the sannyasa sometimes people they love to wear like the gheruba dress and like to depict themselves as a sannyasi it is not the dress it's not the place it's not the way you are talking it is the thought that you are thinking is the manner that how you are leaving and you should be clear to yourself you need not to go and broadcast to the world that i am a sannyasi i am a holy person i am a renouncer it is not necessary only inside is from the feeling of i and mine no feeling of that i was doing this because the opportunity came to do i did when that is over my task is done okay no problem who else will do let them do whether good or bad i don't care what goes in this this way sometimes it goes up sometimes it goes down what they're doing let them do before me the world came the world was there after me the world will be there so why should i break my head thinking what is going to happen to this world and when i am not there how they will survive no so i and mine should not be there even-minded in pain and pleasure when some people they are praising and some people they are criticizing and the physical pain of course it is physical reaction will be there so sometimes some people think the the hmong should not have any physical being wrong physical that is completely the nature and it has his own action reaction thing no one can help anybody even the great yogi like total purity he was a great vedantin but when the stomach pain was his stomach pain he was so opposite he wanted to go and drown himself in the water genji's water stomach pain physical pain but mentally he was free there's some people this to go to meet the diden president of the ramakrishna order or the direct disciple of bhagavan sirama krishna shivananda ji a very famous soul and shivananda ji the when they will be all the monks they will go in the morning and some some will ask swamiji how are you now today morning you will say my body is suffering but i am all right his answer was unique body naturally i cannot control that body will suffer body is the combination of the nature so obviously the five different things combined together is the body but inside that i that consciousness i have detached myself from the body so i am fine so when it says even-minded in pain and pleasure it is about that mind free from egotism the ego means when we get access to this body and mind we think this is me but when we analyze we find the body is nothing but a some matter is constantly changing mind is also matter but subtle but it is also changing i cannot be that how can i be that so obviously that egotism who is unnecessarily superimposing falsely wrongly that i am this body and mind and from here begins the bondage because of these we suffer because of these everything happens in the world because of these again and again we are taking birth friends this is called spirituality the clear understanding of these things that this is the matter so this matter constantly changing it is the combination of five different things pancha bhuta they say in sanskrit pancha bhuta five different matters combined together then three guna satya raja tama three different type of qualities again so all this mixture but they're all different naturally when they came and they become one and then one day time will come when they all will be separated it will break but i am not that i am eternal i am continuous i am always so that egotism that if you can give up then ever contained is always happy ever contained how it is possible because he knows the i'm not the changes the when some appreciation is coming it is okay when some criticism is coming that's also okay those of people appreciated me so many people are there they like me so much i'm so happy and some people they don't like me that's okay i'm no i'm not suffering so that contained contended mentality what is a spiritual life monks and devotees the householders holy people and unholy people what is all these just thoughts just thoughts the when we are thinking pure way properly unselfish way detached way detached from the worldly thing you are pure for that you need not to grow the beard for that you have need not to wear some special thing nothing like that it is only the mental attitude so contained it steady in contemplation contemplation means meditation contemplation concentration that means you can control your mind you can control your senses you can withdraw the mind from the sense of objects you can detest yourself from the thoughts and that is not the easy thing you have to have the practice constantly or to practice yourself i am not the body i am not the mind i am that supreme shiva i am shiva shivoham many people will be singing with their very devotionally very emotionally i am the shiva shiva and when you say like that particularly if you are hindu the word shiva the krishna sri rama and a different thought comes i am detached from the world i am that pure soul so this is the way we have to think the content contemplation steady in contemplation when he is thinking he's steady all around different sounds are going on nothing can disturb him so that's why bhagavan srirama krishna he gave the example of a person who was fishing a procession that was going there's so much of music dances people that they're shouting and they're enjoying nothing he heard he was only looking at that the how to catch that fish because his attention was there they're giving the example of that the fishing rod he was holding and then was looking at it a full concentration on that that is contemplation and when his mind is in that way when he goes to god he sees god the light inside he forgets his own existence that contemplation self-control automatically unless you are controlling the self what is that self here the self means the mind the self means atman but here the self means the mind control of the mind how you can control the mind mind means different thoughts and so many different thoughts will go on arising when you are sitting for meditation immediately you will remember oh these are the tasks i have to finish today and i have to talk to that person this person i should contact these are the things that are going to come today so all those lists will come because from your store all that will flow to disturb you because your mind is attached to those things and it is active and you are very happy with that but when you can slowly withdraw the mind that is practice you see it and then every time every time and if you practice for three months continuously then it is it becomes easy for you and mind also understand oh this man is not going to listen to me he's a very stubborn type of fellow he won't be disturbed so slowly slowly mind will be tamed it's like taming a wild horse it needs lot of patience the wild horse so powerful it wants to break and even then the trainer will go on giving the training slowly slowly it will come to and control the mind is just like that tremendous powerful but you have to control by through the practice and through understanding what are the things that it minds are getting disturbed with so these are the temptations these are the things the mind is going and getting access to that and all those thoughts are coming and disturbing my mind so i have to withdraw that i will do the work but at the time of contemplation no connection with those work let the world go to hell i am not bothered that way they will see it i am concerned for the world i am working for the world i am thinking for the world but when i am withdrawing the mind like the lord siva he sits and then he forgave the whole world where he goes to the consciousness majority of us we don't have that experience of that consciousness so we don't understand that our consciousness means mind the mind when is thinking oh this is the consciousness it is this one also a matter but subtle matter shukshma is subtle but it is a matter it can it's not consciousness the consciousness is completely different it is a subjective thing the almost all the advaithic talks is based on this consciousness the self-control having form conviction also another quality either i am the atman from the point of view of the gyani those who are following the path of knowledge they say i am that consciousness and others that same consciousness they give the name and form because it is easy for them to concentrate and they say i am sure the god is there god is listening my prayer god can be seen i can talk to god form conviction and some of the times when your prayer has been answered a conviction become very strong yes those times the god saved me when i was a little baby completely depending on the mercy of others i never knew how to protect myself but the god gave the love and affection in the hearts of the people the mother father grandmother grandfather all these people even unknown people oh little child is crying they're suffering they will come and pick the child and help wherefrom that affection came god gave them if the god is helping me or in that way when i was completely depending on others health protection now why should i try myself i'll be always like depending on god that is the conviction so having form conviction friends we are talking whom god love and these these are the qualities depending on god conviction the god is there for those who are dualistic the dualistic also going to the same goal but they say ishwara they say bhagavan why it helps them to understand and how they they think a name and they form they give the name and they also imagine the form and they will say shankar chakra padma dhari there this is the vishnu we thought in that way the rishi saw god in that way so it is coming down whether he is only having those four hands we don't know it becomes easy for us then this is my god and my guru i love i respect them no problem so by concentrating on them i slowly slowly go beyond that and see the true consciousness whom i was calling as god and whom i was calling as me a devotee and the process that i was following that i should go to god everything become one that's called triputi veda gyata gyaana the object and the subject and the process of the knowing all become one so that is the ultimate then there is no god then the radha in the in the bhagavata also it says the radha started feeling i am the krishna in the life of ma sharadamani devi those who know and she sometimes used to feel that i am sudama krishna so that is the way the devotee become god himself in the life of suramar krishna we have seen that openly demonstrated so many people they observed that the kali and sudama krishna are the same there's a great incident that proves this the kali is the power of god and god is that consciousness the same consciousness when working is the kali the sudama krishna was the worship of a kali there's nothing separate different some people ignorant people not much of idea about the spiritual life they think god is kali separate and the worshiper says of course naturally but when that become one suramar krishna proved in this life the one day he was sitting in one of the that time he from the shinaisha he came to calcutta and for treatment he was staying in one house and it was kali puja day sram krishna wanted to have the kali puja he was sick but still devotees to organize that puja all these things the flower the sweets and the type of leaves all those things ingredients are necessary to do the worship all were there but no images what will happen then the girish ghost came and he told hey what you are doing why you are waiting the exact that particular moment is passing when you have to offer to that goddess kali but there is no image and tsunami isn't meditation is in deep samadhi who will give us the instruction what to do girish ghosh was having that wonderful faith then he said oh my god can't you see this is kali sitting in the form of suramar krishna he took all the flowers in his hand jaima kali the glory to god is kali glory to goddess kali he offered that and salam krishna went into deep samadhi it's not the form it is the conception it is the idea it is the knowledge friends this is religion the religion is realization swami vivekananda said religion is realization so this he said that conviction that having formed convictions devoted to supreme ideal what is that i am that brahman i'm the pure consciousness by mistake only i'm thinking i'm a man i'm a oh man i am old i am young i am rich and poor and in different way i am thinking by mistake but in reality i am the pure consciousness the that is called vedanta anubhuti vedanta bichara that is the ideal i have to reach to that goal when i can say like the lord jesus i and my father in heaven are one why should i have to go and cry that i am a sinner sinner sinner who said this who said let him do like that but i am not a sinner i made different mistakes yeah i did some mystic i committed some bad things i'm sorry i was not knowing i was not hurting them i was hurting in in fact myself by doing those things i'm sorry now and from now onwards i am trying to reach to my father who is full of love who is full of unselfishness who is not differentiating anything who has manifested in different names and forms in different times in different situations in different countries when i think in that way then like the lord jesus you can say i and my father in heaven are one all like the rishis of the world at the vedantic rishi will say ahamra mahashmi i am that pure consciousness and which is that i not this body but the consciousness which is within me and the consciousness that is ex outside it is all same so that is called the devoted to the supreme ideal and we should not bring down the ideal if i can't reach to that i should say i tried my best but i couldn't reach over there that's okay but someday i will reach over there but just to satisfy myself and two i sometimes some people they self-hypnotized they think oh they are very and they say i am that whatever i am telling that is true and that creates another problem they stop over there and those who are following him are har they also stop over there and that in the vedanta they say in the punisher it says is a blind one leading another blind and both of them what they will they will go they will fall in the ditch because they don't know where they are going both of them are blind so if you take a blind person to lead you you will reach nowhere so of course you have to understand this never agitate or afflict anyone agitate or afflict anyone sometimes uh the we are also human being but the people considered the swami means he's not having jokes he's never fun and all that so sometimes they misunderstand that when bhagavan aswamy vivekandar was in new york he used to give the talk then one lady is to come from the other part of the new york she used to complete her household duties responsibilities and take a tram and come to the east and then she will just serve the swami the food she'll cook food for swami clean the place arrange for the meeting take the notes of the lecture that the swami is to give and then arrange that those lectures also collecting the font the in those days they used to stand before the door when the people are going out they used to put some money into that hat the hat collections for the maintenance of course so all these sheets to do all alone but swami vivekananda will be constantly rebuking heart the one day she told swami what is it i do everything for you and you are all the time scolding me you're giving so much hard time for me why then swami didn't give the answer she was he was going back as the description is there in the book of mary louis burke long ago i read so there that lady was no no today you must give me the answer why you behave like that to me who alone is doing so much for you and also other people they're coming that just listening to you and then leaving you don't say anything to them then the ultimately xiaomi vivekananda turned to that lady and said because i like to see you perfect i like to see you perfect so that is the idea when the lord they'll love me and give different type of problems then put us differently in different situations so that we can go and cry to god cry to lord so our faith should be more form when there are challenges faith should be more form god is there he wants to see me whether i can really do it or not but he is just at my back when i won't be you'll surely pick me up and give me all this help what is necessary the conf that conviction should be there god is putting me into trouble doesn't mean that god is not liking me if you read that poem of swami vivekananda he wrote in english the cop and has been translated into bengali by a famous bengali poet beautifully that that cop swami vivekananda is writing that i have put you into that road with every step will give you trouble but don't stop don't lose heart don't give up continue your journey to come to me because i like to see you successful and when every step when you are suffering and you are crying to god mind is becoming pure all your attachment all your associations will go away only like a little baby you will be putting your both hands up and cry lift me my mother on your lap i can't walk and the mother will bend and lift you so that is the way we have to never agitate or afflict anyone other people they are giving me trouble no not at all so i was just having another i remember the one lady she is very active very good organizer and then i was just making some jokes with her hey why you have not written this why you have not done this and she thought that i am crossed with her then she told why you are giving me hard times then i smile i didn't reply i remember swamiji is that thing i wanted just to make her perfect so that is the thing nothing no other so just to see that you are perfect the way i do this i do this in this way so this is the way we have to understand that sometimes the seniors sometimes our the swamis these scolders rebukers and we think oh he's angry with me no not at all it's for our good he is doing we have to understand that and never agitate and never afflict so sometimes some problem will come he will just turn from there agitation will go and think it's the god's will okay let it go we tried to make it as perfect as possible okay it is not happening no problem that is and free from dependence why if i am depending on some human being the god will say okay okay then depend on him no problem when you call me then only i will come as mash aradha money devi she promised when you have no one around my child and you feel that you are completely helpless just turn to me and call me as mother and know it for sure i am there to help you like your own mother not that that i am your guru's wife so i am mother no i am your real original mother only have that faith and call me with that faith mother i want your help because there is no one in this world to look at me please do what is good for me help will come so that is he's telling and then god loves those people no dependents one of the direct disciples of bhagavan sirama krishna he was very fond of taking tea he was a rich man's son naturally in those days in bengal in india the tea coffee it was not that famous but the rich people is to have those being a the son of a rich man he developed that habit of taking tea and that's called very famous koka maharaja as a child xiaomi they used to call him swami subhudhanandaji afterwards sanya's name swami subhadhananda he was practicing austerity in some remote part not getting food properly not getting the tea org again we will serve tpt there then one day he became angry with bhagavan's ramakrishna his guru his ideal his ishta devata so he was praying and and complaining what is it that you can't even organize a cup of tea for me you're a god your supreme god so powerful god you can do anything but at least a cup of tea in them in the morning i like that so much can't you give that when he was thinking and praying like that krishna appeared before him and he said hey you want rich people who will serve you give you tea give you food i can send many rich people to you but i will go away i won't be here choose you want those people the rich people they'll be appreciating you helping you serving you or me immediately he jumped up from his seat and said oh lord i'm a fool the please forgive me i want you only so that is the faith that is the dependence on god not depending on anyone but the extreme thing will happen i will die that's all i am going to die anyway but i am not going to depend on any human being or anyone the when a monk is depending on the rich people the the kings he lose everything so that is why bhagavan's very strong term he used if a monk is becoming the fan of a rich man because he will give him something this thing that thing the worst thing is that don't depend on those so that only dependence is god in hindi there's a beautiful song is there data a qram the ram the gods the supreme he is the only giver with to whom he were going for begging and the story bhagavan si ramakrishna said he said that a holy person in the muslim tradition the sufi tradition he went to the the i think the the king akbar this akbar the emperor akbar and effort to bake something but when he entered he saw the akbar is praying to god or give me more strength give me more money give me these give me that then the faqir and the holy man got up and he was leaving completing his prayer that the emperor he got up and hey why you are going away you came to here to ask me for something then he said i don't bake from a beggar why should i you were also a beggar i found you are begging to god for all those i will also beg from god right from you i don't break from a beggar so this is no dependence to become a devotee friends to become a devotee these are the qualities i'm a whole devotee some people they say think of it are you so are you truly devotee so these are the qualities we have to develop then only sirama krishna will look at us and say okay who is this paltu look at it who is coming to the god is so happy seeing the devotee the puna the very pure-hearted that young boy god is so happy asking him to sit by his side and whispering are you all right can you come can you think about me do you love me like this and who can be these are the qualities bhagavan's sri krishna in bhagavad-gita he listed all this in the 12th chapter and pure prompt unconcerned look at it pure he is not attached so pure prompt but performing the duty very perfectly and then thirdly unconcerned whether the people are praising for that or not it doesn't matter it's not it doesn't matter anything because he has completed that for the happiness of blessings of god not for anyone pure means unattest to those worldly things that he is performing he is trying to construct a temple he will go to see that plot of land he will go to the houses and collect the fund then he will construct for the construction he needs so many help he's so busy with doing that but i'm totally unattached and when that house of god is there and what he did and he'll be prompt you have to do this you could must be perfect there should not be any mistake and when everything is done then he withdraws himself unconcerned then 14th untroubled and renounce everything untroubled and renounce everything there was a swami i know him i met him once only so he thought that he should work for the the poor people who were leaving by the side of the sea you know in west bengal that's called sundarban sundar means beauty born means the forest this is truly a beautiful forest you're sharing the bangladesh in india and the naturally very dangerous place because the tigers are there then and crocodiles are also there in the river very deep difficult life over there so he thought the xiaomi thought this poor people there is no one to help them let me go and try see he went over there he was in ramakrishna mission then he asked the authority can you please give me the permission to go and start that work over there you know in an organization some rules are there you cannot as an individual monk you should not choose whatever the authority is asking you should do that if we give that opportunity to every individual so you can imagine the commotion and all the chaos will be in the organization organization means you have to follow the rules whether you like it or not they said no wherever we send you you should go and work over there and what is that work only purifying my own mind by trying to help the living gods and goddesses do you think only those people that you should do no i was connected with those people i cannot forget for forget them please give me the permission so they allowed him to go and he left the order all alone developed the huge asthma with the help of different people all servicing people and then afterwards when everything was done the young swamis came joined and they took up the responsibilities he went to an island i don't know i think that swami has passed away he went to an island and there he constructed a cottage i have not seen i heard and you have to take a boat to reach over there nobody could go all alone only some people will go and give them the food and water drinking water he's all alone last few years i think 10 to 12 years he was completely dedicated to god so pure prompt and unconcerned untroubled and renounce everything that are the qualities of a true devotee not having place to call his own aniketa not having place to call his own that is the beauty bhagavan sirama krishna bhagavan god himself and he who once said if i knew this world a permanent then i would have covered the whole birthplace of mine kamar phuket with gold the kamarpukur is that place where he was born as a village still there a little away from the calcutta reliable i could have covered that with gold but i know it is temporary nothing is there and lord jesus now if you go and see the wealth of that different churches and the dresses the beauty of those those who are claiming that they are following the jesus and what was jesus a little cloth was there on his body that much and he himself said the son of god has no place to lay his head the fox as a whole a god has the nest but the man of god had no place to lay his head not that the jesus couldn't do he could but he never wanted so who is a devotee all renouncer what is that renouncement ego an ego can go when i am sure that there is god friends sudama krishna is showing his love salam krishna the god himself he is showing love means this pultu and this purna they must must be having all the qualities that i am i just read from the bhagavad-gita a few minutes later sadama krishna said to the boy won't you come there he meant dakshinesha i can't promise answered the boy the master why don't want to one of your relatives live there the poor know yes sir but it won't be very convenient for me to go this is the conversation then the master master he is giving us the description of that that particular what the people who are doing was reading a life of kesha written by trilock of the brahma-samaj triloka was a very good singer treylock composed songs then he was a member of the brahma samaj he wrote a book on keshav chandrashin and girish was reading that initial said that at first sri ramakrishna had been very much opposed to the world but that after meeting keshav he had changed his mind and had come to believe that one could lead a spiritual life in the world as well several devotees had told the master about this they wanted to discuss it with those passages in the book had been read to the master noticing the book in girish hand sadama krishna said to girish aim ram and other devotees those people are busy with the world that is why they set such high value on worldly life they are drowned in lust and gold one doesn't talk that way after realizing god after enjoying the divine please one looks on the world as crowd dropping crow droppings at the very outset i utterly renounced everything not only did i renounce the company of the worldly people but now and then the company of the devotees as well i noticed that the devotees were dropping dead one by one and that made me my heart writ with pain but now i keep one or two of them with me girish left for home saying you'd come back the tree looker that man who wrote so they had a misconception trilok was very close to sriram krishna but he misunderstood and sometimes some people they are educated but at the same time you don't understand the subtlety of the spirituality so they write and comment in this way the three lookers said in that the master ah you sang that day about the blissful mother see sudama krishna didn't criticize or rebuke or ask pray luck to rectify no that doesn't matter at all trilock wrote siram krishna in the beginning was thinking that people living in the world won't be able to realize god he changed that idea after mixing with coming in contact with keshav chandrashin salam krishna what is it what is this world this world is nothing but maya he was a vedanthin he knew it very well the world is constantly changing so obviously he never supported that but he didn't say anything treylock wrote let it but he said why he wrote like that because triloka thought and loved this world so much and then when trilok came he asked him to sing three lookers sang one after another different song salaam krsna was very happy and then ultimately he said if a man enjoys the bliss of god he doesn't enjoy the world friends we should stop over here because these are the two things are there the god and this world the world also came from the god every religion every philosophy they say and they explain it in different way but this is not god god is completely different so we are getting little joy little happiness little satisfaction because of our ego in this world and we think oh this is great but think of the god himself who is the embodiment of joy the pleas the happiness the eternity so sirama krishna said those who have already realized god will they like the world they won't thank you friends we'll stop over here and we will continue from here okay devashi is asking doing any work without expectation following this process can we detach ourselves from all things worldly things the devas actually this is the practice you know uh just thinking that we are detaching it's very difficult though so from the beginning itself you have to practice whatever the responsibility has come before me let me complete it and then let me say it is okay i have tried my best and i offer it to god every time you will notice after doing something and then we conclude ramakrishna arpanamasthu that means we give it to the at the feet of the bhagavan sirama krishna so if we truly do that then we are free the same way whatever the work you are doing in the beginning of the work if you pray to god god this responsibility has come before me and as a householder i must do it please see that i don't get attached to it please see that i become completely successful in this and please see that i can give it up immediately after that i don't get attached to this so this way if you pray of course you will be successful thank you friends let us join this mantra and we conclude niranjanam nityam anantha [Music] is [Music] [Music] foreign