Video 311
312. Panchama Veda 312 - “To Realize God, Cultivate Intense Dispassion”
namaskar dear devotees and friends this wednesday we'll be learning from bhagavan si ramakrishna how to realize god the last wednesday we were discussing about that bhagavan sram krishna was mentioning about the high spiritual practice that is truthfulness and truthfulness in speech and is a great tapasha also about the isharkati and jeevakati the truthfulness is really really very difficult why because of fear because of temptation because of desire because of many other malices we can never express our thought and proper way so let us begin with this mantra and we will discuss [Music] [Music] so this is the main our uh the focus is on bhagavan si ramakrishna's teaching what is that teaching he said in the last time he was telling that janaka was a gyani he attained knowledge by means of his sadhana but sukudeva was knowledge itself many of you must have heard this and who have attended this class now it was 750 at the page number 750 of the gospel of sirama krishna though we were reading in the beginning itself the bhagavatam krishna is mentioning the janaka and sukadeva both are brahmagyanis but for the janaka he practiced it and then he realized that that is the one type of grade that is called the jiva and another is shukhadeva from the birth itself he was having that brahmagyana these are the two the ishwarakati means those who are having the qualities of the god the the ishvara they are from the beginning itself they are having this realization this knowledge and why they are having the body why they are going to different places only to teach others but who is the janaka he was a king he had other responsibilities but the greatness he was having a strong desire to realize god and he focused on that he realized that but never give up his responsibilities also so he became rajarshi raja and rishi but janaka was he is not a rishi even he was the god himself he was the god himself the one is shukhadeva ishwarakati janaka is the jeevakati the koti means in the grade of that now hearing that girish chandra he just said ah he because of the great the joy to listen to this he expressed like that when sometimes we feel joy after listening the the divine discourse the obviously that shows our mind is becoming purified without the purification of the mind we can never enjoy this there are two things again and again as i say one is god another is this world this world is nothing but the creation of god and the creation from the point there are different point of views are there about the creation but from the advertising point of view is nothing but a maya that is a short of a the magic that is going on it is not really there but at the same time we are thinking that it is there so that type of there's a vedantic point of view so this maya this world it is temporary that we can all understand is constantly changing we can understand that and we know we will never get permanent joy out of this so when we are eating these we find joy when you are visiting a friend we find you all temporary but eternally in place but our goal is to get the joy no one wants to get the misery no one wants to suffer the majority of the people they go to the holy places the this temple the mosque and the churches the synagogue why only to get this protection so that we are free from the difficulties that oh we are not having any misery we want to be happy so that is bad that but those who really want to get that ultimate joy so we will come to that bhagavatama krishna is talking about the realization so what happened after the realization is the eternal bleach and there'll be no break of that a little joy that we get from the worldly things we are so happy when we visit some of the places and recently i was visiting some of the places in america and i was so happy going on clicking that nowadays a camera is there always with the phone you can do anything so and then afterwards we were just going back to those pictures so i was there this is that then slowly slowly all the memories they fade they go away again another place so all temporary excitement and little bit of joy that's all we all know these this is our daily experiences but still we go on thinking next time i am going to get more joy and that is called maya that is called illusion that is the effect of illusion now bhagavan is did not attain knowledge through sadhana sadhana that means the spiritual practices like did not attain knowledge through sadhana like sukadeva naruto also had the knowledge of brahman but he retained bhakti in order to teach people so the two types one is the sukhadeva by birth it is there he is not trying to get that it is already there another is janaka a great soul but he is also having the brahmagyana but he strived for that he wanted to achieve that realize that that is another now he is bringing another personality that is narada this narada he is also brahma gyani like shukhadeva narada so this is like shukhadeva narada is inferior or something not like that just like sukadeva he was also from his birth he was brahmagyani but he retained bhakti the duality why in order to teach people this is another type of some person these they are having that knowledge but they don't bother about others what they will happen to other no they don't just they meditate and one day they give up the body and they go away one type of one class of people but sirama krishna is appreciating the another type of people so those by birth they are brahmanyani you don't need to do anything that knowledge is right from the birth but they move to different places to different people and they inspire people to understand this spirituality and strive to reach over there this is another class suramar krishna appreciating narada narada also had the knowledge of brahman but he retained bhakti in order to teach people why bhakti bhakti means duality the god is there i am here i can see those people in the world because duality but this is not binding because the pure knowledge is there but still i know those people they are thinking they are imagining so in this world these that i should go and tell them that this is not when swami vivekananda brahma gyani right from his birth he was the shiva bhatara he was the incarnation of lord siva but even then when he was practicing the meditation and all that his only goal was how to reach out to people and help them so ultimately at the end of his life of course he lived not more than 40 the that time he said my philosophy can be said in two sentences to make people aware about their divine life and to help them to manifest it so that is a great mind unselfish mind so he is again and again trying to reach out to people and this is great suffering of though the when you are going to reach out to people to serve them to help them they misunderstand they criticize and in a human body naturally the reactions comes but swami vivekananda it is okay but let me go out and help them and he inspires all of us to do that bhagavan sirama krishna here mentioning about the sukadeva and narada sugar deva also the venis father a very intell those who have read the uh our bhagavatam i have i also said in many places well while giving the class on the bhagavatam that he was in deep meditation in a cave then his father composed the wonderful life of sri krishna the bhagavatam then he asked some of the people that cowherd boys they go near that in the jungle father never knew where he is but he knew somewhere here in the jungle so you oh boys you are going in different places taking your uh with the cows over there so go on singing these that's all and then suddenly some person may come don't be afraid looking at him he may be the long gear matted here like if he comes then and ask this question where from you have learned this song then tell him well come with us i will take you we will take you to that person and bring that gentleman to me he was his son bashar they were son sukadeva then shukra came to vyasha then the vaasha taught him the bhagavatam for the first time is a pure knowledge but manifested through devotion there is a unique thing pure knowledge manifesting through devotion that is bhagavata so if we don't understand that we misunderstand the bhagavata itself talk about this pure knowledge but manifesting through devotion as swami vivekananda said in one time one place that uh i will serve the the intricacy of the advaita vedanta soaked in the syrup of devotion and fried on the pan of karma and like that so this is the way we have to understand this great soul they always so he was also afterwards and the his father taught him the bhagavata he went to the randa and he near to the the place where the king parikshit was there he narrated that and all the stories in the bhagavata and we all know that he also did this narada did that sasha mentioning but he retained his bhakti in order to teach people pralhada sometimes assumed the attitude of i am he the prahlada is a famous as a devotee the he prahlada's life showed that he was not afraid at all because he was having the pure knowledge there is only god and god and god is all powerful and nothing is going to happen to him he knew everything so when his father hirana kashipu was trying to give him punishment prahlada was all happy no problem whatever he liked to do please try to do he was thrown from the hilltop and he was thrown inside the fire and all so many things happened was undisturbed because he knew the god is there and god will save me but that same prahlada apparently devotee used to take the attitude of i am ye pure vedanta so this is hinduism the hinduism it is not watertight compartment as they always say that this much and no further this much and nothing else no nothing like that the knowledge is there but that knowledge at the same time when you are thinking about these people the manifestation of the god then particularly the human being but because of the god's maya they are suffering and groping in the dark can't understand where to go and how to get out of this misery then god himself takes this form sometimes narada and sometimes pralhada and sometimes shukhadeva his power is manifesting through these the pure soul and he is demonstrating this is the way you should come so sometimes sukadeva completely merged in brahman he never practiced brahman he was by birth narada the same but naruto has a very compassionate heart so he was to go to different people to tell them to sing the beautiful name so when the people are listening to that name they're getting mesmerized and they're following him listening to him not inspiring others also to do that that is the one and prahlada is demonstrating through his life don't be afraid god will save you all the time but same pralhada used to merge into that god that supreme consciousness he said i am he sometimes that of a servant of god and sometimes that of his child hanumana also was like that hanumanas the a few days before we have celebrated jayanthi i was invited by some people some devotees it was a wonderful program so what is the what do you learn from hanumana and it's a faith complete faith and and that faith comes through humbleness and that faith gives me the complete knowledge it is not only pure knowledge only without a lot of people they like to talk about vedanta not knowing what is vedanta it's not the abstruse things just going on talking about and discussing and like the scientists and the uh the science students they always think about these it is nothing like that it is a very practical is that all that has been applied in the life of so many people that is true vedanta only thinking of calculation these that why these why that what is mind what is the and afterwards thoroughly confused they give up everything and go back to the square one from where they started they go back to them and achieve nothing it's a completely wastage of time and human life so precious so we have to understand and that is why the gospel of sirama krishna is the book in the present age it gives us clear idea only we have to understand because krishna as he was a very simple person a villager and he speaks in that way not not at all complicated sentences or statements but beautiful way he explains those who understand they understand that this is the total hinduism this moment i am god which others are afraid to even alter even to think the hinduism boldly say i am god not like only jesus who could say that i am the son of god here anyone can say not son i am the god that is hinduism but it's not proud that is the realization i am god but at the same time right this moment as because i have taken a human form i am in this in this present-day society so i behave sometimes like a son sometimes like a brother sometimes like the servant sometimes like friend so those approaches all may wish to such a lofty state but all cannot attain it so these are the lofty state the spirituality means going going and ultimately when they reach up to that it's called para in sanskrit para means ultimate above that no nothing is there that is ultimate and what is that ultimate no one can express it it's beyond time space and causation you cannot express this anyway and in almost all the scriptures in the hindu scriptures upanishads again and again they will be telling this beyond everything no manaha that i cannot see that tongue cannot express it even the mind cannot cognize cannot imagine it's so subtle but still we have realized that the rishi after the realization he's frustrated he couldn't express it then he is giving the hint but he said it is there us it is there it is there this is called is telling that this is the highest state after reading this we if we think the whole we will close our eyes and be like the shukhadeva it is not possible why there are so many layers and layers and layers are there on our mind and all those desires all those impressions we have to remove so bhagavan sinama krishna is coming to this he say devotee is telling you say that your spiritual experiences are for others to refer to tell us what we should do bhagavatam krishna himself was the lord vishnu he said though in the beginning he was hiding then afterwards he said well we who was the rama he who was krishna in this form and they are the lord visnu the vishnu to that his father saw the lord visnu wants to become his son so those who have read the biography of sudama krishna you all know he was the lord vishnu the devotees they understood it those who were coming for a long time and they said we can understand that your life is there you are the lord god you are whatever you are practicing is only to teach us but what we should do now he's asking a very good question tell us what we should do then the master is telling if you want to realize god then you must cultivate intense this passion is a very clear and no ambiguity the if you want to realize god if you don't no question but if you want to realize god intense dispassion and dispassion a little bit of dispassion no intense dispassion you must renounce immediately what you feel to be standing in your way the god realization is not a just the word no it is not is really really very difficult so why what we should do shall we give up that no we should try we should try and try in such a zil in this life itself we will realize god how by practicing shwa dharma anyone can realize god and what is this dispassion giving up that is ego if we give up the ego and perform everything you are just like a free person the ego is the bondage there's so much of ego that we are having so we will come to that he says you must renounce immediately what you feel to be standing in your way you should not put it off till the future the that someday we will do it let us do it now majority of the people they always think religion is only a practicing religion is only at the end of the life now you have to practice this you should earn money you should do these you should do that and then when everything is over then you practice religion no one can do that religion means a decision the decision to realize god and to give up the world all attachment it's not so easy that's why they say ashish those who are mentally physically very strong they only can take up the stand it is not so easy so here it is is mentioning you should not put it off till the future last and gold is the obstruction the mind must be withdrawn from it the last means desire and to satisfy the desire the goal the small little thing that we do it is okay for us we know that it is in our life these are the things we should do let us do but we should not be bound by that i must have to have those and this is mine i am not going to share it with anyone and when i die this should go down to only to my progeny to my uh this person and the son and daughter and no one else should get this is not donation this is not giving up as because you cannot enjoy yourself you are just giving it handing over to somebody else that too after death not before death that is not helping any way of course the dhanam the dhanam is the adana means the charity that purifies the mind how detaching yourself from your own property from your own wealth the cigarette is this that you have to detach yourself from your own wealth so when you are giving it for some good work and then you are giving because you are completely detached from that so dispassion so it goes in in this way and slowly we we know that the dispassion means giving up worldly things for god that means we must have the complete faith in the existence of god means the faith the bhagavad-gita is to say again and again in the gospel itself we have read so many times if you have faith in the existence of god then you are already successful that's all the moment you are having the faith in the existence of god you are successful in bengali is to say if you have faith then you have done you are successful but it is very difficult the moment there is some misery some problems some challenges then immediately all the doubts crowded our mind and say why we have worshipped god we have taken the name of god then why all these things should be to us like that even sometimes they say that the lord jesus when he was the people who were torturing him he said in one point of time oh lord why all these unto me why this is happening to me then immediately he realized oh no no no this is only to teach people even on at the standing in the mouth of the death one should not give up the faith in god so immediately he said i am sorry my father let whatever the die will be done whatever you want it to be so the faith is that not deviating an inch even so it should be completely going for the god god is there whether i am successful or failure whether i am enjoying or suffering it doesn't matter at all god is there now i am suffering or enjoying because of my karma i am not going to blame but the god is there how many of us can say like that so this is called the faith fast faith then only the shraddha the vishwasa then comes the bible then comes the dispassion is bhairagi the biblica a capacity to discriminate what is good and what is bad what is permanent and what is temporary if that capacity is not there then it is of no use the biblical again and again and again when you were listening and then we developed that capacity majority of us in all over the world in all different religions all we are going to god thinking of god just temporarily we are doing many other things along with that little that also but that is not the way we can realize god of course blessings of god will find god will protect us everything will happen it is question of god realization the god's realization means breaking the maya of god where all this world that we see all the birth and death that we are going on experiencing everything will vanish the truth will be standing just in front of you and the upanishad when the rishi is realizing that and he is mentioning hiran with a golden plate the face of the truth is covered then he is praying to the truth itself because it has no name it is not a man or a woman it has no name it has no form so the truth that is satya that is eternal you are there i know please remove these so that i can stand face to face with you i can see you and who am i i am also you sattva so that i am also you so i can see you i can know you only remove that carton that is hanging in between you and me so that is the prayer so this way the realization of god bhagavan si rama krishna he mentioned very clearly if you want to realize god then you must cultivate intense dispassion this dispassion that charama but before character comes fast and vishwash how it comes then sudama krishna advised sadhu sangha what is this sadhu-sanga today we are reading the gospel of sirama krishna then we are having the company of bhagavan sinama krishna this is called sadhu-sanga it doesn't mean that you have to go out here and they are finding sadhu no it is nothing like that sometimes some people they'll be telling though we are going out to in search of a guru a real good sadhu how you will know so you have to have that basic knowledge to understand that this person is really good otherwise how you will know doctor one doctor may say the another doctor yes he is really good in that particular thing he refers otherwise how we will know ordinary people a teacher can understand another teacher because he has that basic knowledge oh whatever he's telling this is really good so by that way if you don't have the basic thing how you will know who is good and who is bad the basic thing we have to develop so it is sadhu sangha instead of going for searching here and there if we read the gospel of sirama krishna because it is very clearly in a simple term explaining everything we can understand that then only go for other scripture and directly we go for the upanishads is it possible to understand punished in that way you can know the meaning of course that much in-depth understanding what is this you read just explain that meaning of it plain simple meaning and you think that i have completed the punishment no upanishad means that knowledge that we have to imbibe in the very fast loka of the ishopunisha it says ishavasarabam everything is pervaded by god and we begin with morality satyam buddha dharma etc this morality that's about the students at the beginners but after that hinduism never says that it is expected that you are practicing all those it is not a do's and don'ts list is not there it's not necessary because when a person is trying to realize god in hinduism we take it for granted he has already practicing those so then it comes for spirituality what is the spirituality realization of the truth what is that truth there is only one and nothing else and who is going to realize it i i am going to realize that is it not duality of course it is but when i try to realize then slowly i understand the i that i am thinking associated with this body and mind is a wrong it's a dream i am the consciousness and that consciousness is only everywhere and nothing else so this way only we have to understand that though apparently very simple in the teachings of bhagavan si rama krishna it has in-depth that the teachings are the other high philosophical teachings are there and this is called true spirituality for the realization we must have this dispassion understanding the futility the temporariness of these worldly things the name fame and all these things are very very temporary unless you understand this very clearly and not only understand oh yes nothing is going to when we take the some someone in the the the mortuary or just burning his body then the sashana bandhu they say that the last the friends they will be going and attending the hindus they burn the body dead bodies so they'll be sitting and they'll be discussing look at this everything is only one or two days the moment they come out again they forget immediately they will go for the business and the profit and these and that they forget all this so this is called maya it is not so easy so that discrimination understanding should be permanent though i am apparently working mixing with people doing these and that but the knowledge of the temporariness should be always always there then what will happen i'm not going to be entangled bound by those things i will do it as best as possible according to my capacity but at the same time i know this is only temporary it will go away so this is the way we should do now recently we have purchased a church it is almost 115 years 120 years old church those who constructed the church under 20 years before have they ever thought that this church will go in the hand of somebody else who are not christians they even thought they thought this is going to be permanent and those who were the members of the church perhaps they were having another among themselves the different type of competitions i should be the president i should be the secretary i should do this i should do that now where are they they were not having good relation with this person and that person because of that church so i am going to lead the mass where are those people not no one is there no we are going over there we are the hindus now we are developing that the coming 21st may we are going to inaugurate of course the platform will be used by all different faiths as bhagavan sirama krishna's teaching we are going to develop that home of harmony this is a platform for the unity all people can come and then they will the main the theme is know and love they will know each other and they will develop love for each other then naturally they will develop spirituality by that way and do i think that it should be permanent and never going to destroy no someday it will also go maybe in the hands of somebody else or it will go we don't know but when we are doing it we are doing it sincerely but at the same time if we can remember it is temporary so i am not attached to that whatever the god asked me to do and whatever i am doing is nothing but his work so appreciation and all these things don't wait for that then you are free that is called karma yoga again so it go goes on in this way the when the dispassion or as we call the discrimination all these things the basis is faith that there is god then understanding that this world is temporary third resolution that i am going to realize the truth the permanent one i am going to be eternally blissful and like to enter into that i am already that only there is a cover so i i have to remove that cover how i will do that by practicing the gyana karma bhakti and dhyana together these are the four paths we learned from sirama krishna the master continued that is called intense renunciation no sooner did the man discriminate than he renounced the discrimination understanding the futility temporariness then he renounced renounce means attachment he is renouncing he's not renouncing the whole his house or the job or the family no nothing like that only attachment anything may happen anytime so if we are ready with that then we are not suffering and obviously mind is not bound by that it will be completely free we will come to that another discussion bhagavat will pick up with another gentleman he who wants to renounce needs great strength of mind great strength of mind the people they will never look at him they will never talk about him who is renouncing and completely he will be completely lonely alone people all around they won't be able to understand him but if he thinks that hey see i have renounced you should appreciate you should remember you should write about me articles again desire is coming expectation is there if that is not fulfilled then the suffering that will be completely wrong so cerama krishna is very clear if you want to realize god then you must cultivate intense dispassion then we discussed that before this passion we need the faith how the faith will come from the lives of the great souls when you look at them they were not apparently having anything but they were so peaceful all kings and their kingdoms have gone but the jesus the buddha bhagavan chaitanya all they are surviving so that proves those who are realizing god they are eternal and then we take the decision what is the decision this world is temporary hence we should not get entangled into it but whatever is necessary we should perform and how it is possible constant discrimination and constantly availing myself then he is telling it needs a good strength he must have daredevil attitude either using the daredevil attitude this is very difficult the spiritual life is so difficult temptations are always in every step the more you make progress towards god the temptations will be much more much more hurdles are there those who are going to the school class 10 class 12 that like this exam and think of the the phd student and their exam they're so different the more you are going to realize god more it becomes difficult but you have to overcome that to being there cultivate devotion and love of god and so pass your days now suramar krishna is giving very clearly in the page 750 and the last para he is mentioning cultivate devotion and love of god and surpass your days in the beginning itself if we think oh i am that atman i am these i am that it will not help you if you have not preparation of course if you have already having that preparation it is okay otherwise you are just deceiving yourself cheating yourself you're hypnotizing yourself thinking i'm the pure god at the same time you were having the jealousy you were having the anger you were having the attachment you were having the other things also but at the same time sometimes before others you are saying oh i am that divine okay you can say that but you are not genuine and you are not going to reach anywhere so instead of telling others we should go and stand before a mirror and ask myself how far i have made the progress therefore the excellent practical the teaching of bhagavan srama krishna that you should devotion cultivate devotion and love of god and surpass your days what else can you do when krishna went away yashoda became insane with grief and visited radha so you are sure that the mother and radha the beloved of krishna and this radha who is this radha the mother is going to radha the radha was moved by her sorrow and appeared before her as ada shakti adaya means the primal the beginning shakti that is the primal power the power of god with the help of that primal power the god is manifesting and everything the rather apparently we read about radha the rather apparently a lady who was the wife of so-so and so and then she used to love krishna and so many stories and movies and songs are all there let it go okay people they under like it and they'll be their painters and the pictures and all they're doing as if that the husband why even that love of the human love that is nothing like that rather was the power of god and obviously as bhagavan krishna said the fire and its burning power cannot be separated it was krishna and the radha the krishna the god the supreme the knowledge and he used to do all functions due to work through power and that power took a human form and that was radha why a lady form why the mother form because creation she is doing creating and she is sustaining so all this this is a another discussion so god and its power krishna and radha radha is not crying because she knew krishna is always there with her but the mother is crying now we have to understand when sudama krishna in this small para is giving two character presenting two characters one is the mother and another is the beloved of krishna devotee of krishna intense love of radha now two now krishna has left the mother yahudah she has become almost like a man but rather not why because of the knowledge that this knowledge gives us the strength to go beyond the suffering why we suffer because we don't understand and when you understand we are beyond that so that is radha now radha appeared before har the mother yasuda as the adia she said my child ask a boon of me yashoda replied now we should be careful what the jasoda is praying ma jasoda is praying like this mother what else shall i ask of you bless me that i may serve krishna alone with my body mind and speech body mind and speech serve krishna alone who is this krishna the supreme lord and i am the devotee she is not telling i am the mother i am the devotee and how i will serve through three the kai mana and bakkya kaya means the body mana the mind and the bhaktya how we will do the through the kaya the kaya means with the body i will cook food for the lord i will visit the holy places of the lord i will do this i will do that through the shadier suruti's body mana constantly going on remembering god and bakya whatever i speak i talk i only do take the name of god so sirama krishna many times he said that you have to take the holy name of the lord at the same time thinking about him how it is possible that's why the krishna he performs so many leelas the divine plays why the people will pick up anything whatever they like according to their taste and will think about that when they are thinking about that the divine play then their mind will be purified because they are thinking about god and constantly taking the name of god holy name of god that purifies the mind now people don't have the patience that's why nowadays it has become a craze to practice learn meditation i really wonder because when we read the the yoga sastra all the sutras of the patanjali it is naturally for the very first sutra is that you have to control your mind yoga chitta niroda what is yoga what is the control of the mind chitta that is the repository of the mind or we can say in english mind briti are the thought waves nirodha stopping how can you stop the thought rapes without practicing before other things so you are just relaxing this is sort of a physical and mental exercise very good there's nothing wrong but when we think that that is the ultimate and i have practice meditation and i am having the samadhi the when you say that before that you should understand are you telling the correct thing what is this samadhi so this if you can't really reach up to samadhi excellent all congratulations but think of it are you to truly doing it or just deceiving yourself there's a group of people are there in the name of meditation they'll be teach these they'll be teach that you may get some benefit but what is that ultimate thing are you developing peace within the mind happiness within the mind broadness within the mind tranquility within the mind if not just sitting in one place and going into for some time and then when one whenever you are coming back you are again that old self suffering and these it is of no use are you really making progress how you will know you have started loving others appreciating others you will forget to criticize others that is called spiritual progress that is called true meditation or true yoga but for some time the turbulent mind i like to it's okay some of the methods are there the people they practice but here the mother the krsna's mother is telling so that i can serve bless me that i serve krishna alone with my body mind and speech the three when you work we worked with three things kaya mana and bakkya sometimes we use the very pungent words we are using some of the words in such a way that people really feel very rather disturbed maybe they will fight back maybe they are not they will go and cry but you are generating sin occurring sin just by using some words sitting over there you don't know anything you are not moving your hand not beating anyone but using some words that is making others mind polluted about him or her that is also terrible scene that's terrible sin so kahaya mona in the mind if you are going on constantly thinking about the worldly things you are living in the world physically you may be in himalaya maybe you were taking deep in the ganga maybe you were eating very very good the sattika food but constantly thinking of the worldly things you are polluting your mind so kaya mana that's why the mother the fast prayer the sharira with the body and ma when the people they watch they watch the body only where i am going with whom i am meeting talking they only know about that and they judge about that that is nothing what i am doing in the mind what i am actually saying so that these are then he said that i may behold his devotees with these eyes he's not she is not telling the yashoda is not telling i should see god no he she is telling devotee why the devotees means it is not ordinary people just going and visiting temple they are all devotees we are all great divorcees for last 20 years we are visiting the temple no that is not okay that is good that you are visiting temple but devotee means who loves god so these are the words if we understand then it gets clear that is why the gospel of krishna is the best scripture of the modern days the devotees when the mother is talking like this the devotees means it is the those who really love god and when i see someone who loves god then obviously i also get the inspiration they never talk about anything else but god whenever they sing sing about god whenever they work they work for god and their whole mind and body so when i talk to them when i meet them when i see them i get the inspiration that is the idea so he says that behold devotees with these eyes that means in this anam alive that i may go with these feet to the place where his divine sport is manifested that's called what is that means the holy places uh what are the holy places wherever the manifestation of the god is there that is the so i should go over there and remember those things if we go to jagannatha temple and take the photo and giving the pose before these and that oh beautiful architecture and that is not the the darshan means remembering what has happened to that holy place when you are remembering that is called teeth that when i go with this feet i may serve him and his devotees with these hands so with the feet i am going to the holy places visiting and with these eyes i am seeing the devotees who are constantly thinking about god and with these hands i am serving them so when i am doing that and that i may devote all my sense organs to his service alone what are the saints organs chakshu karna nashika jivatak the with the eyes i only see god with the nose i only smell the beautiful fragrance of god with the year i only listen about him that all these five sense organs are all engaged then what happened now this is the question this mother jason she is praying as very ordinary thing as if but that is the ultimate spiritual practices when bhagavan sirama krishna we started with that if you want to realize god you have to have the intense discrimination and dispassion this passion he said now we are concluding with the prayer of the mother yashoda and this is the beautiful way she is developing her spiritual life and that includes gyana what is that gana krishna the god manifested in the krishna form i am sure of it and that no doubt is there second bhakti and i am my love for the krishna third karma my feet should be used to visit the holy places wherever the krishna was my hand should be used to serve his devotees because he is manifesting through the devotees and dhyana i am talking about him i am thinking about him and every all my personality is nothing but he that is called the dhyana so gyana karma bhakti dhyana all the four practices together that is there in the prayer of the mother and this is called the pure vedanta the ultimate vedanta means only one and that one is krishna here i don't know anyone else thank you friends we will stop over here and then next day we will begin from this place so let us join this pranam mantra and we conclude niranjanam [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] namaste