Video 310
311. Panchama Veda 311 - “Sir, can all be like Sri Krishna”
namaskar their devotees and friends today this wednesday evening we'll be reading from the gospel of sirama krishna panchama veda let us begin as usual with this [Music] now last wednesday we have discussed how to stop the cravings of the for the last and gold because that is the greatest bondage we want liberation we want mukti some people they like to go to heaven but how it is possible we have to completely eradicate the desire for lost and goal that what bhagavan siddharam krishna says again and again and we discussed how to do that and we concluded with guru bashistas the teaching to his disciples sri ramachandra where he said it's a great teaching you should be always with the god with the thought of god so you should be always thinking about your actual original nature that is the brahman i am not this body i am not this mind i am not i don't belong to this uh the world of innomena so that way those who are following the path of the ghana they are those who are following the path of the bhakti different ways so constantly think on that tanmaya completely marched in that neighbor either that other thoughts should disturb your mind that we ended over there and sudama krishna he was mentioning while talking with the devotees i am reading from the page 749 of the english book 749 bengali 799 and it says truthfulness in speech is the tapasha of the kali yuga in speech and if we notice that whenever we are talking we are saying something we add or subtract the something that is the peculiar habit of each and every human being when you are reporting that that's why the camera report is accepted but sometimes people are saying something at the time of saying they say oh i think it was there that was there but that way it's a very difficult so this is the way it says the truthfulness exactly what has happened i am not adding any imagination thing with that or i am not forgetting to say what is that happen the truthfulness in speech is the tapasya of the kali yuga tapasya means austerity yoga is a time and in different time different type of thoughts wave it goes on in all over the world each and every human being to some extent greater or lesser they are influenced by that it is very difficult to go beyond that so of this is the time when people they don't mind telling lies many of the places and that's because that the kings were their subjugation was their tortures were there so people just to keep themselves safe from the rulers tyrant rulers they started telling the lies whatever they were thinking they never said that so that is the way it has become a habit majority of the asian and the european countries they were ruled by so many kings and the rulers sometimes good sometimes bad and people the subjects not citizens the subjects the what they will do whatever they are thinking they cannot express the moment you express you will be in difficulty so that is the way somehow it has come inside the psycho that it has become a habit of the people to still things in a different way but bhagavatam is telling truthfulness why straight forward this is this and i won't go beyond this so this is what the tapasha this is the austerity austerity is very difficult austerity spiritual austerity is very difficult so truthfulness is a tapasha it is difficult to practice other austerities in this cycle and other austerities is more more difficult in this cycle and by adhering to truth one attains god srirama krishna he is mentioning that if we stick to the truth but again friends we have to remember we have to keep in mind that truthfulness doesn't mean that you have to tell the harsh words to the people the as we quoted from the tulsidas jesus ramakrishna also quoted and satyavachan the truthfulness the bachan that should be truth so when we are telling something those who are practicing spirituality this is the master of them they should not deviate they should not say something think something do something neighbourable in the politics in society in others they don't bother about the religion for them only something to the prayer or giving some to the something to the churches that will be sufficient for them whatever they think let them think but those who was very sincere for the god realization for them truthfulness is a must but you should be careful am i hurting anyone by telling the truth that is also a question but there's a another discussion the truthfulness only by practicing telling the truth one connecting god that is exactly what bhagavatam krishna said and he quoted from the tulsidash keshav sin assumed his father's depths others would have repudiated them i visited devendra samaj at jurassic and found keshap meditating on the diocese he was then a young man i said to mathur babu of all who are meditating here this young man's float alone has sunk under water the fish is biting at the hook so this way sirama krishna recognized keshav chandrashin why when a person is telling the truth that means open mind that is he is not hiding anything so obviously his mind is completely free and a free mind where the other thoughts are not there it will meditate meditation means concentration on a particular object we can say suppose god suppose omkar suppose the cross suppose anything any object that we like on that if we are meditating says rama krishna said about the kesha there was a man whom i shall not name who for ten thousand rupees told a lie in court krishna never liked it he never wanted to take anything from them but as a simple person when that person came and asked him to offer the puja to god the mother kali he did and then he said look at it i couldn't understand and he asked me to offer this to mother i offered but afterwards i came to know that he's a liar that we can understand for the god those who are lying hiding cheating people hypocrites they were god never liked them so we can see the door of heaven is closed for them so that is why sirama krishna is teaching us must be truthful trusting him like a child i gave the offering that man came and requested this ramakrishna he was the priest at that time in kali mandir will you please offer this to mother and simple way he gave then afterwards when he came to know that that man actually offered so that is the reason in ramakrishna mission they are very very careful when they are accepting anything they are very careful is it for the proper purpose and they aren't in a proper way so that a way they all accept anyone from anywhere without any uh record they are giving the money donation ram krishna mission the vedanta society is never except that you have to give the complete the details where from you earn this money what is the background of it and or everything otherwise indirectly we are also suppose we are accepting those monies and using for some work the people may think goods for the good work this money is used but indirectly are you not appreciating or encouraging that person who earned that money in a wrong way maybe by cheating maybe by declarity maybe by other thing so why should he be involved into that so that is the reason without our help the world will go when we were not there in this world we were not born the world was there when we will die the world will be there if we remember this then when i have to do this without my help the world is going to break down who said you were thinking in that nothing is going to happen everything will be in its own way it will go so we should be very very careful by as maximum as possible we have to take the the caution that i am not going to support anyone who is wrong krishna mentioned like that but he had such faith in me that he believed the mother would grant his prayer if i but made the offering that he is appreciating his faith in surah krsna referring to lalith babu si ramakrishna said it is an easy matter to good get re is it and is it matter to get rid of pride there are very few who are without pride ahamkara in sanskrit you say ahamkara the pride it's not so easy to get rid of that and a very ordinary person will have also his pride even a beggar who is not having anything he's just begging money even then if you talk to him you'll find that how they are talking so what is spirituality spirituality is to understand these things i am proud why because i have money i have education i have some position in the society i am somebody in the society but who is this i the body the mind who so whom i am identifying is changing every day this changes which is known as the samsara the sanskrit word samsara constantly changing if we remember this then many problem can be solved our pride will be of course we are self-confident yes i can do it it is possible for me to do i will do it i will try to do it it's okay but the ahamkara the ego the pride is a completely different they don't allow anyone or anything to enter they will never adjust with anything but for how long after some time the as a nature the which anything that is created is going to be destroyed the the date of birth actually there is a date of death also obviously all of us we know it but we like to forget that we don't like to remember that it's okay but when we are traveling in and trying to realize the truth the god we have to understand this is the mystic that we are doing again and again by saying i am going to exist this i is that ego and sudama krishna again and again in every pages of this book he is teaching us be careful about your ego so he is telling referring to the lalith babu he was a in those days all babu's they called babu culture in bengali society there was a babu babu means the britishers used to call them babus and the respected person and honored person like that so people want it to be a babu they will be wearing the proper dress fashionable dresses and all that aristocratic way they used to live that's good but at the same time they became entangled into that i am so and so i have this influence i have this money i have this manpower by that way they used to boast and there's two core and there's to create problem for others are the bad actions any bad action the bad result will come the nowadays the world leaders before them there were so many world leaders where their kings where their queens were there but the present person whoever is there wherever he's thinking he's the only person there and he's going to be there and that clears the problem only this much that's why when we heard that the yoga bashist the guru is asking sri ramachandra bhabha sarvada be alert all the time and always merge with that thought that you are the supreme being never forget that that is the true religion always and every moment remembering that i am that god because god has created me created me out of his own and i am that god this world with its name fame beauty a taste smell but it's nothing to me and for a few days i have enjoyed enough of it forget about it now i don't need it so the more we can understand that quickly we can understand that it is more better for us so he is telling this rama krishna mentioning the lalith babu the balarama is one of them pointing to the devotee and here is another other people in their position would have swelled with pride they would have parted their hair and showed the other traits of thomas they would have been proud of their learning the fat brahmin referring to prana krishna still has a little of it mahima chakravati has read many books hasn't he he's analyzing his very close devotees now he referred here bhagavan sirama krishna referred here in this small para he is mentioning two person one is balaram bush those who are acquainted with this ramakrishna biography they know was a great person though he was a very rich person he was a landlord but still so humble after his death continuously not that for few days he was just showing up no he was continuously humble and so helpful his services he did very silently so that is the reason balarama bush was loved by bhagavan himself and we what do you want we want the attention of the god isn't there we want the god should like me love me be always with me and how we if we can behave like balor ambush rambos was a householder he had the family he had the land businesses used to earn money like other rich people he was an aristocrat but at the same time he was not pride at all he was very perfect in his own work but the excess money whatever he had after maintaining his own family he used to use that for the holy people and he used to listen to their talks and he used to be very humble standing at the corner it is he's it was his house the balarama mandi the present day they have given that donated that whole property to the ramakrishna mission and in that property you know that in that first may 1887 in that particular house swami vivekananda announced that he is going to start one organization the ramakrishna mission the ramakrishna mission started in their house it is in calcutta in the north side of the calcutta so it is a great place whenever we go if we can remember this history so many times the ramakrishna came mother came all the direct disciples they were here and the whole household they used to serve them and that is the reason sirama krishna appreciating before everyone the like the balarama he said it is so difficult to overcome this pride but there are few then he's pointing there are very few who are without pride then he named balarama is one of them and pointing to a devotee here in in this book they mentioned in italics who is this devotee sri more master mahashaya he is hiding this ramakrishna pointed to him master master devotee that many times he was trying to hide himself the never wanted to disclose so he mentioned him as a devotee as aim as money as master master in bengali as a teacher so here he mentioned a devotee and they have printed it pointing to a devotee in italics so it's completely special this is master masha can you imagine as long as there will be name of bhagavan sirama krishna in this world the master mahashaya will be there people will be reading from his book and they will always remember him this is called amrita this is called eternity he is living eternal the hanumanji is the eternal living eternal the people believe that physically he is there i don't know maybe but the eternity is this eternity means he is remembered by people by thousands of years hundreds of years and different people coming and reading this book and remembering him trying to know him memorizing his words and that is called eternity the master mahashaya has become immortal by that way balaram bosh has become immortal by that way and they are surviving with whom living with whom remembered with whom bhagavan's so this is the life one should strive once you try to and how it is possible just by becoming humble and just by devoted to the holy cause divine cause i always say the sudama krishna is an ideal and what is that ideal the ideality of sudama krishna that is love and unselfishness krishna is the embodiment of love and love is god so ramakrishna is the embodiment of unselfishness and unselfishness is god according to swami vivekananda so this we find the two person he is naming then he's mentioning about the prana krishna and he used to call him the fat brahman the this is prana krishna he he was a great learned person and he wanted to show to before others that he is a learned man and sadama krishna is thinking see he is still a little of it that much the if he could overcome that that will be surely by the grace of god he must have muhima chakravarti has read many books hasn't he yes sir he has read a great deal then the ramakrishna is smiling i wish he and girish could meet then we could enjoy a little discussion girish also is a welded person and he was very fond of discussing and i know these i know that the suramar krishna making the fun out of so these two devotees if they could meet and discuss we could hear something he's mentioning master the girish smiling does he say that by means of sadhana all people can be like krishna does he say that by means of sadhana all people can be like shri krishna girish is asking because he heard from someone that this trailer he must have mentioned in this way so he sudama he wanted to know about it sorry not the has he said like that girish is asking so when grisha asked krishna is mentioned not exactly that but something like that by sadhana by practicing spiritual austerity one can become like shri krishna maybe he said like that we will be god by that etc then a devotee is asking and that is the topic of the today's discussion sir can all be like shri krishna this is the question he is asking friends you know the sri krishna is the god himself and what is this god if we the here in the vishnu purana it says that yes god is endured with six supernatural power we can say the six powers what is that first is we share isharya means the power birya that when he's called about talk about the medium is strength without the strength nothing committed he has the all-capacity power the bearish yashesha also the fame then the street means the wealth guyana the knowledge and also the beauty the beauty and at the same time is completely dispassionate about all this the renunciation he's having everything at the same time any moment he can give it up now friends you know that when we are talking about the this god sri krishna who israel krishna the people say that he is the god himself and we can say he is an abutara and who is this abutara what is this god now we should not mistake by understanding in different way in the about the creation in hinduism there are three very strong views that their opinions are there bother by the means the theory or the opinion we can say first and foremost is the ajatabada the doctrine of non-origination the shankara's guru's guru he mentioned about the doctrine of non-origination and this world is not there he couldn't see it at all so he is just constantly meditating and by that way he is surviving and he said there is no war at all where from you see all the differences i can understand there is no the world here so no question of god no question of avatar incarnation nothing nothing is there only consciousness all pervading this is a type of realization which is very very difficult even to intellectually understand because our mind is not ready for that so this is called ajatabada sometimes when you listen to the vedantic talk and they discuss about this ajata bada from the point of view of the ajaya tabatha and then we talk about the god then the incarnation the devotee we make our we get confused and and we always quote that ajaya tabatha and while discussing about the dwita we should not do that very categorical the hindus are very broad-minded open so a group of people who realized the truth they were there and their intellect was so refined so fine they could not see any differences only one consciousness everywhere only one consciousness everywhere when you say this just think can you even imagine no why because the we are accustomed habituated to think as many plurality we can you know god is there god has created some sort of theory and we are happy with that but the realization is this there is no one anywhere only consciousness so that only after realization it is possible so that is called ajatabada then come bibarth theory of phenomenalism the phenomena how it came shankaracharya acharya shankara he understood it will be very difficult for the ordinary people to understand this the doctrine of non-origination because we are so much attest with our body so obviously it is not possible so we always think from me we start thinking from me i am seeing hearing talking so it becomes with i with me so obviously we should be careful the shankaracharya said now these people are there and they are thinking in this way for them how to explain this creation and he said it is phenomenalism how is what is this it means i see something but that is not the truth i see that but still it is not the truth i hear some sound i think i heard that but it is not the truth so this is the way we have to understand sometimes we make some mistake the today when i was attending a meeting at the chicago university so there's a chat but i'm not very much accustomed to the chat i just listened and and then someone wanted to know i wanted to try over there in the chat the i never knew that if the moment you push that bottom immediately it will go so you have to go on typing and ultimately you have to put so that total is good so so with the half a line one line by that way i was doing the some people were amused with that now that is now today i have learned it now next time i will never make the mistake but that way we learn but those who are amused they are thinking oh what is it going on so that is because they are thinking that everyone should know so that is the problem when the ultimate vedantic view they apply for all people that's a great mistake sarvamdhukam everything is nothing but the suffering for whom who has realized this why suffering because it is temporary either today or after 100 years i am going to die so that is true and for that if one start crying immediately after birth oh i am going to die no i don't like to die and they will be crying what is the the people can't think in that way it is not possible and one should not do that so shankaracharya understood that people will never be able to understand without the proper preparation so he brought down in the level of ours so that we can understand the truth and standing on something which is for us possible to understand and what is that he said bibartabada that is theory of phenomenalism what is this phenomena it's a birther what is this bibarta you see that but it is not true and he gave the classical example all the vedantis constantly they use that it is seeing the snake on a rope when a rope is lying on somewhere it is as if from the distance you see it's a snake it is not snake there is only a mere rope but because of the maybe it is a tree light because that it was not very clear maybe you have some problem in the eyes the situation and fear of the snake that has created snake on a rope so this is called bibartvada and here we have to understand there is something some substance on which i create something else but the substance is there rope is there if the rope was not there no question of snake so the vedantic point of view friends we are going back to the creations ramakrishna that were talking with the devotees they were asking whether through sadhana through spiritual practice whether everyone can become lord krishna we will read to this ramakrishna's reply no but why before we go to that let us just refresh our minds replace our thoughts about this creation and the creation is explained the from the same hindu will explain in three different ways they will say the doctrine of non-origination or jaata jaata means born it is never born so no nothing is there and second is the doctrine of phenomenalism whatever we see of course we see but that is not the truth when you see a person when you see an animal the bird of course it is there but at the same time it is not truth why because that particular thing that we see the name and form it is apparent what is real is the consciousness which is there inside if the consciousness is not there then it cannot survive so go for the consciousness not for the body or the mind or the name or the fame what is this jagat this manifested universe only two things is a it has a name and it has a form the different type of names are there different type of forms are there that much so this much we now another type of people are coming and they're telling no no no no it has already been completely transformed yeah god has created that's true but we are separated from god majority of the religious group group they support this the philosophy they support this that's called purina mobada what is that purinama it's a doctrine of transformation it is completely transformed like milk has become yogurt when the milk become yogurt of course from the milk but the yogurt cannot go back to milk to make form again no yogurt cannot become milk again milk has become yogurt and that's all there are many discussions are there we are not going to enter into that discussion but there are three theories are there three different theories are there now if we take the second one the vivartabada and what we find the same god the brahman the all-pervading brahman suppose we ask what is this brahman it's difficult to give the definition so they are giving some idea about it the maha nirvana tantra said yato bhisham samud bhutam from where this whole universe it was born or started created yato bisham from where this universe samud bhutam udbuda bhuta means created samud so it was created from that ina yatan and then it is actually surviving on that remaining on that otherwise it is not there so what is the support of the universe that consciousness that brahman if the rope is not there no question of snake the snake is surviving why because the rope is there so therefore we can conclude in this way as we see by mistake a completely imaginary snake on a rope similarly we see this world this phenomena this creation this jagat on consciousness from where this world was created from where the snake was created in my imagination but there was a substance what is that substance rope similarly from the consciousness this world this phenomena this whole name and form has been created where it is surviving on it yes mean sarvani lyanti now it goes back to that again as if i was thinking the snake now the moment someone comes with a flashlight and shows on that where is snake where snake goes it goes back to that rope there's a rope is there i thought that group as a snake so when the guru comes and tell us where is this world why you were crying why you are afraid you are not going to die you were not never born you were eternal only in a dream you are seeing all this thing get up from the dream and there will be no fear and moment we get up from the dream from our ignorance where goes this fear to that dream what actually we were imagining so that was just means he never said that is brahman it says and that is are the symbols of the brahman so this is the brahman and from that and in the different way it has been the shiva shanghita also said it has no time no space no causation it is always the same the consciousness etc and the katopani should also mention oh you cannot no your word cannot reach over the air you cannot i cannot see you over there forget about that your mind even cannot think about that your mind cannot think about that and forget about seeing it or explaining about it that is brahman but it is there consciousness is there so this is the brahmana now from there how the creation came the majority of the religion they say god created this universe god created the universe in six days and one day he took restroom majority of the religion they say like that buddhism never took that the problem they said there is no god there is no creation we forget about that but the vedanta in the hindu they understood that as i was telling the three steps one type of people they are very intelligent very cautious and having no desire so they said this world is not created at all second type they said it is created but in my imagination and third they said of course it is there because when i touch my body i can feel that i am existing so i am separate from god and this goes along with the semitic religion also god is the powerful all knower and he has created me but i am not a part of the god i am separate from god so how what i can do i can go on praying begging and trying to make god happy so that he bless me and never punish me so this is the conception if he punishes i go to hell and if he is happy he will take me to heaven that is very clear easy to understand now here again we will follow the middle path what is that middle part it is the doctrine of phenomenalism of course we feel all these things but at the same time it is not true keeping that if we go for the creation where from the creation came from that supreme brahman and what is that brahman we tried to give some idea by quoting the shiva sangeetha and others then what is that consciousness and from the consciousness it is impersonal naturally all pervading from that impersonal as if a personal god came and how for us we imagined the rishis the imagined so that it it becomes easy for us to reach to that impersonal so the personal it was imagined by the great minds by the rishis thinking as if that impersonal was thinking one day a kahambahu syamabi i am alone i like to be many and he became the fast one and that is called bhagavan and this bhagavan that is this personal god and from that slowly slowly it is come maha karana as the beginning is the maha karna then it is going upward from the up it is coming down if we think that the god is on the top so up is the maha karana that is the turya there is a supreme consciousness then come karna the cause that is called sushupti then comes sukshma that is subtle it is tijus and then comes thula the gross the fast is the cause that is absolute then a little down as if but that is also very subtle it is not possible to understand anything then come shukshma the subtle we understand that our mind is very subtle it has no form and where it remains we do not know but some the doctors will say the neurologist will say because of this because of that but still we know that it is very subtle but we feel the atman we feel that mind because it is thinking cognizing it is arguing debating all those are there and very certain and when that thought comes over there's some suppose i want to eat the thought begins very subtle then it comes and i go to the shop or somewhere to purchase some food to eat but the thought is subtle action is gross so the stool or the gross is coming and that is called bishop i say bisha means jagrat and taja the consciousness is so this is the way the creation i'm just giving just a little hint about and this then the whole thing comes down and what is god is having some qualities again you cannot say this is god it's giving some reason some cause and effect this is this so it is having like that one who knows the creation and also the dissolution the how many people will be able to know that that means that supreme being when he is creating the first is he himself but in a limited form the absolute all-pervading consciousness no action it at all when the moment is action is becoming limited and what is that limitation unthinkable for the ordinary people for the jibbers and it says uttaputim jabina shamsa it is this who knows the creation and the dissolution also bhutan agathem the team and all these being where they will be what will happen to them everything he knows also but biddy means that knowledge what is that knowledge knowledge of oneness and what is avidya knowledge of meaning he knows everything of it but at the never affected by that that is called god now the question was whether everyone can become sri krishna the girish chandra ghosh was wanted to know about the statement that someone made has he made like this so i can argue with him how it is possible so suramar krishna will give the answer but before that we like to clarify that this is the creation three different times then creation from the brahmana and brahman has two absolute and also a little lower we can say and it is vishnu the lord vishnu is that supreme bistari he is also everywhere but at the same time some limitation and what is that he said he knows everything he is the power of everything he has that power so this is called bhagavan and in the vishnu purana again the bhagavata it says that gyana is etc etc all it is there so this is bhagavan now what is this the krishna the god and the sudama krishna the sri ramachandra what this now the beautiful way it says as abutara what is this avatar he's giving an example suppose a cow it gives the milk that milk is there in every all power over the body of that cow but it comes through the order so it says in sanskrit gabang sarvangajam shiram shira means the milk the milk is present in the whole body of the cow gabang there's the cow sarvanga jam in the whole body anga anga means the body so sarvanga jam shiram milk srabits but that milk come out and it that from the order of the cow shraved its flow mukha yatha from the order of that tata like that sarva-gathu deva the all-pervading god serba gata sabbage all present everywhere present all pervading all-pervading god pratima rajati it gets manifested through the prathima is a symbol of the images of the representative in the christianity they said the son of god in the islam they say the messenger of god in hinduism it says abu tara the incarnation of god the god himself is coming so that is called pratima and this pratima the issue rajati it manifests through that particular form in the rama sri rama chandra sri krishna and present day we consider bhagavan si rama krishna they are the manifestation of the same god now we go back to that original question sad can all be like sri krishna and bhagavan sri ramakrishna giving the answer an incarnation of god or one born with some of the characteristics of an incarnation is called and ishara koti ishwara koti that koti means that it is a we can say uh he is having those qualities of what ishwara the qualities of ishwara and what is this just we quoted that the bhagavan at the ishwara he knows everything all powerful so that is having in them an ordinary man is called a jiva koti a jiva or the jibakarti by dint of sadhana a jeeba katie can realize god can realize god means can go and merge into it but after samadhi he cannot come back to the plane of relative consciousness this is called jiva kati means the individual soul those who separated from the god because of their desires and it has become very difficult for them to go beyond those desires now after a lot of southern art a lot of practices the spiritual practices when they eradicate all those desires from their mind then they go back to the souls and merge over there that is called ishwar love bhagavan love love means achieving the word achieving means going and merging of course the devotional the bhakti school will say there are different stages of mind they like to go near to god they like to have the quality of god or the image of god like that so whatever we can at this moment we can say it merges with god and giving an example a drop of water falling in the ocean or in the river becoming the river becoming the ocean then from there again maybe that because of the heat and that will be evaporated it will go back again coming into the cold that will become another drop of water but is the same drop of water that fell and became the river mixed with the river no so obviously we cannot say it is the same so that is called jeevakoti goes in that way they uh clean their mind what is the cleaning of the mind them it is only the worldly thoughts they are cleaning so no desire no desire for the name fame progeny nothing from there when they are completely free they go back to the source and that is full of joy and that is sufficient for them but is they god himself is deciding to take the form so he says no it is not possible so it come back so the ishwar koti is like the king's son he has the keys to all the rooms of the seven story palace he can climb to all the seven floors and come down but it is the g bucket is like a petty officer he can enter some of the rooms of the palace that is his limit the ishwar karti and jivagoti by saying this that there are the sadhakas who by and this practicer we cannot imagine how hard it is you have to eradicate all your ego all your desire and make your mind completely free from that the moment you can become completely free from ego and which is nothing but the desire so what is ego what is the mind desire different of your thoughts when that is gone then what remains that consciousness and that consciousness is called jibatma and that individual atman or the consciousness when goes and merges with the supreme consciousness they call it ishwar love or the realization of the god that is one but when the god himself is taking form why because it is his will that that is why he himself is taking that form and coming down so there is a great difference the when that they ask the question can anyone or all can become sri krishna answer is very clearly no but with the practices they can go near to that krishna and can merge with that divine personality thank you friends we will stop over here is there any question yes sadhika is asking we respectfully offer to holy places persons and god but if there is no separate god only the consciousness then to whom or whatever what are we offering is it that not confusing again i as i in the beginning itself i told don't mix up as long as we think that we have to offer and so long better choose a god or goddess and then concentrate your whole mind on that and offer food or visit that holy place talk about that think about that and then ultimately when you are completely your other thoughts are completely banished or cleared then your own mind will become your own guru and there will be no problem to understand where you are going there is no confusion at all so you have to understand the situation when a young child person is going to the school the he knows something and he is trying to understand something slowly slowly as per the age and the maturity his clarity comes then comes the realization he himself becomes the professor the one student a day one day and afterwards become the prophet some that it is something like that thank you raj is asking advaita says niruguna brahman only exists then where is maya also brahman is transcendental mind isn't that logically mind cannot channel or reflect the absolute then how is consciousness in mind it's a it's called the reflection it's a very good question how the mind is reflecting the consciousness only to explain so we are again and again mixing up that's why in the beginning itself i told there are three different views so pure advaithic view if we achieve then it will be difficult now at present we have to take it in this way the what is this jibatma who says i then to answer that our wishes they said it is the reflection not original reflection of the consciousness on the very subtle part of us that is the mind and that is called ego that is called i and that is jibatma holding on that from that there we start i though i am consciousness and now at this moment though it is a reflected consciousness but with the power of the reflected consciousness i can see have you noticed that sometimes in the villages in the dark rooms the people will be reflecting sunlight with the help of the mirror and they will hold in such a way so the mirror the sunlight will reflect and the light will go inside the dark room with the help of the reflected light they see things in that dirt room they don't have any other light so they are utilizing this the same way when the consciousness reflecting on an individual mind that is consciousness if that is so powerful so why not go for the original that is the journey begins so don't mix up start the journey holding that that reflected consciousness from there we begin and slowly we go to the original consciousness divas is asking why people behave in an odd way if we are not following their instructions which is incorrect although that person knows us very well how to handle such situations as we need to work with them this is really a practical question diversity that different type of people are there and different why different people because the ego the different type of ego is there one person so who is thinking he is the boss but he is also an employee he forgives that he also an employee a company a group of people a shareholder they have employed that person as a manager and he is the boss or is supposed to give answer for a group of people and he thinks he can misbehave with them so there is a long wrong leadership capacity you know wrong leadership capacity and it comes from the ego so you have to handle according to the situation thank you doctor alpona ghosh is asking sometimes i tell a lie for solving problems in family members what to do at that time oh that is not much another telling little lies another in hinduism they say there's some of the places that you can tell lies like at the time of uh giving marriage of your daughter and you were you like you are allowed to say a little lies like my daughter oh she's so beautiful and she can cook she can sing she can do these the parents they say like that that is allowed that much husband and wife when they are having the fun uh just each other they may sometimes they lie and when you are in great difficulty when your life is in danger then also you are allowed to tell lies so there are some things there so in the family sometimes when you are telling lies for the betterment of others it is okay then because you are not hurting anyone or cheating anyone by telling the lies is again asking taku never considered ishwara lower than nirguna he always said but advaita puts shaguna at a lower level he is advaita referring to something else as ishwara no sirama krishna in different time for the different people he said in different ways so that they can understand like that but one thing is very very clear as swami vivekananda said about krishna vivekananda wrote a beautiful stortra there he mentioned inside he was no dua no two it's only one he knew that but when he was teaching people according to their mental level he was telling them this he was telling them that and when ultimately we reach to that we see the same thing that only consciousness is there and which is expressed through love and unselfishness when you say consciousness it is very difficult oh consciousness means what the all-pervading consciousness means what the it's the electric uh the generator or no it is the expression will be with the love and unselfishness no one can express no one can say anything about it because bhagavatam krishna himself said as the brahma that no one could define through their tongue so it has never been defiled so it is always very pure so you have to understand suramar krsna's teaching according to the situation and the people that he was talking with sophomore is asking i try to chant the guru mantra all the time but i forget when we engage in other votes otherwise what to do no no no that is good there is no problems upon then as as young people you people are working so you have to give proper attention to your work also so that it becomes perfect so guru mantra that you are trying to do japa while you are free suppose you are walking suppose you were bathing suppose you're driving and that time that is sufficient that is sufficient and slowly slowly this habit will help you a lot and then when you retire then when you become completely free from all this responsibility at that time this practice will help you completely because that will be your eternal companion so thank you shapan it's a good habit akshay is saying it is said that sri krishna is a purnavatar with 16 colors what is the meaning of this and that color means the power so that power that you are talking about this is the 16 avatar 16 the power is there so this is you know that in in bhagavata they say like that and shiva purana they will be talking about the sheba and like this it goes so those who are following a particular form of god they obviously like to say that all power belongs to my god so those who are following sri krishna they will say that those who are following the the shiva they will also say like that those who are following the ramachandra they also say like that our ramachandra is all everything para brahma it is the ramachandra is the part of brahma should the brahma paratham he is the supreme god above him nothing no one is there so that is the ramachandra's devotees they are mentioning in that way so it is in the same way also krishna lots of people are asking when are you planning to visit india again thank you so uh actually if everything goes all right there's no new variant new problem then maybe a 2023 january february i'll be coming over there to india i'm missing india too i'm missing you too for a long period of time so friends come let us chant this mantra and conclude today [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] namaste [Music]