Video 3
4. Panchama Veda 04: The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
we have the newspaper now we'll begin by offering Poonam Kotaku double cacao written cottage even GU BVD written calm aha aha ahaaa Mangala srimad artem see who be not de corredor Janna now we'll be discussing on the bunch of evader the gospel of the van Sri Ramakrishna this is the fourth class we from the beginning and we have discussed in our last class on sixteen that a conversation between Raghavan Zira Trishna and master Harshad and there we found sri sri ramakrishna in his words it is indeed about a very important topic of sanatana dharma in google and that is reincarnation theory owner journal Radha this reincarnation theory gives a specialty in for in tourism here we have found that the reincarnation theory that we take birth again in Hakeem no naturally there question become do we take the same body same family same place in every reincarnation in every birth no that depends on our Karma so along with the reincarnation karma God also comes result of action why should I be model otherwise we are going to suffer why should we help others why do you do good why should we think good to help me to help myself to help the cell not for others that is the answer so here along with the who not jumbo guava it comes Colorado through the reincarnation theory is a law of karma we mentioned that karma has been divided in three parts and last time as we were discussing this is very very easy thus patiently very certain way how our Rishi's our thinkers they have seen everything they have even in such a way now it is nothing we simply open the book and read and then discuss about it but think of the people who actually discovered this they observed regularly with thousands of people how it is happening then only they came in the conclusion what are the three karma trust his sanchita sensitive is accumulated whatever work that we have done in our different birds it has been accumulated essentially when you read the yatta girl that stories of Irwin Buddha again and again of the hood the hood remembered all the gods when he became a knower of Griffin he was Gautama then afterwards when he realized the truth he became Buddha hood means Gianna he became a Yami the Nora honey and then he would remember all the birds after one serum which names also hinting about them as I said last term are shadows nor internal to all them we were coming to him so dear we find that Collinwood in different birds he was accommodating good Gurgaon follow the result of good actions as a bar as an animal as a beast and then as a popular a person son like they thanked that in a Li light jothika and say unique stories not only study that is the teachings here is sanchita girl and no control over it it has it it has already been deposited so we cannot do anything and second comes product prowess over cost are up the accumulated and the sanchita from there there are so many bags appear so we have opened the beginning suppose if we give end that is so many where there now I have broken one from there I am spending that is Baraka all this that we are having is called product and this is the reason there only through these we can explain why that man is suffering why this person is enjoying because of the product but we do not know that is the beauty of the nature they want that we should play this is a game going on unless we understand it we have to go on playing like this so this is the reason we have to understand again and again then you must be careful about the thought work action and all this and from childhood days if we are trained in that way so that will be very good for us whether we understand or not whether we believe it or not accept it or not is going later because if the truth is going there so this way this is product er the arrow has already been shot now it is moving we cannot control it but of course to some extent we can reduce the effect but how then it says by doing some good action there are different type of actions again what are the actions they say cameo Carver cumbia guru means sometimes people will be doing observing the yoga and God foreknew the Jung Kyung and do these and there with an attitude what I will go to heaven so to go to him and many people are doing different type of religious work and they do not know what is heaven but still believing they are going doing like that they still come via carbon and then Nishida Colonel some of the work that has been categorically asked not to do either Scripture you should not do this don't harm others so that has been but there will be some people will be performing this type of rituals to kill others to make people unhappy there are so many in Calcutta there will be in the Sunday's the advertisement page in the newspaper and for almost the whole page visible diferente for people they are claiming if you come to me and dudes dysuria and whatever you want suppose you like to bushy karana you like to in a control that person and we help you to do that he liked to harm that person you can do that like these and then in one one person came that this type of mentality he came to me and insane from here I have understood from different sources that we were a very powerful sannyasi you have to help me you know how then he said my boss was happy with me and all action all the work and decisions here he has to come have to Emily he he was consulting with me and then performing I was very happy suddenly a new person has joined in the office now the he has done something but she cannot have something like that and how the pause is constantly depending on AIM consulting with him and I am not getting the responsibility and the attention from the boss so please know that there's a Hindi make ethic upon our this year if I sit with contingent but do something so that once again that person was simply joined he should go away from here and boss will take me in his good book I told him volume on an escalator Meriter bonamana practice nyan but there are some Aboriginal people at their Jawa you must have got the name journalist and they are very perfect in shooting in our at new hire someone from there so the whole thing will be completed boss and the person and you agree Nara Gabbar nobody masonic no problem sir i just jokingly and I was not very happy with that person also so this is the psychology of the people with very what they are going they are thinking that this type of thing we make it known but if you are doing this reciprocal wrong you are accumulating bad result and you have to suffer there's no other way you have to and then Nick the girl or whatever mo means there are some injunctions of their that you perform this work like those who have taken the initiation they are supposed to take the name of God it in the morning or the evening as the Guru has instructed them or they had locked with this guru similar that thing one must do and then afterwards it developed in such a way you you must depart in some good work so in the religious in the eastern part of India what there is to do there is to ask people that before you go out for work keep solo Anna sixteen Anna one rupee at the feet of the God remembering their God I cannot take part because I am busy in something but this money I will do it for some good work so that some good work is done you get the result and one rupee is nothing but he is remembering God every morning is not the money actually to make him remember then the lady of the house dish to keep away well no handful of rice or something what you better put blame she has taken out for cooking for that particular day from there one morsel of food a little food not from the store don't think there and then that will be that will be there and after two or three months they will go and give it to the astronomy right so this thing they will cook the food and distribute among the devotees and the poor and the Sonia seems like that the reality is this is an indica though it is not either that way but at least the people who cannot do anything they wear that we please to think they will never forget that at least one to keep and then you remember the God and we break for a second or so and the later you also remember I'm putting it out so that someone afterwards we'll get some food this is a good karma then I'm eating Karma this is some the people they'll be worshipping to give to achieve something like son ought to get some good to result in something in the household there are so many things out there the in between then another is price cipta some I if I feel that I have done something wrong then there is a conjunction is there what that the price jitter in the moonlit dare and holding on and the full moving on from there you start Jabba and then reduce one one one one like that like generator in Amaru Shah is there and then from watching again increase one one one like not 100 so like that so like these people they also take themselves they take it enough I will do use so this type of price trick that they do or they will be going to different places of pilgrimage or sometime we have seen our country the people they'll be bathing in the Ganga and from Ganga to the temple maybe two three kilometer they'll be lying down over there on the road and from there again it's called dundee just like her is I am just taking thinking myself as a curled up as a stick then I will lie on the road and then from there again again like this like this thing this is a very very painful but many people do it and there become very calm they think that here and that really happens if you are doing any another like the surprise cipta means there's a hobknocker he did the price today according to the injection of the Neruda and this the shoe replica was adequate became ball Magee afterwards so all these things are there in the kernel and when we were praying what happened that is in the life of Allah mother we find on person is coming and telling ma and doing the aunt of Jabba but still I got an injury in my leg and my finger is injured very heavily I am doing so much of Java meditating praying to God what this will happen to me in the hot Sun of the model she told Baba you were supposed to be amputated you live as because you are taking the name of God only this much happening is you can be a there's nothing so that is the thing if we are really believing and taking the name holy name of God we can reduce this product and the control of the harder' mean this our gamma gamma trustees and chief second is product third is egami future another means future in future whatever will be this Michael that's why show me Vivek on the same you are the maker of your own destiny and everything I am not harming anybody I'm not doing anything myself but inspire others to do is also in the same thing same thing you are doing not bring physic but mentally you were thinking something bad that also that soy one should be very very careful we have to control the thought also we have to control our words we have to control our action and that will be the total control and how we can do it slowly we'll see the Vagabond see ramakrishna is teaching us a very simple way it is thought only whatever good or bad whatever is a tart then if we are pouring the wood toward positive toward helping attitude always inside the mind to the batter's will go usually talk so that is the only way that's why why should we meditate every Sunday we are discussing and slowly slowly wait and go into the deep depth of that subject we find the thought is so powerful and that way we are doing now within two pages of the collaborative the Pancham of a de Provence in our Krishna we got the claims of the profound philosophy of the Samantha novella in Google what is that one is burner journal Nevada the reincarnation theory another is karma theory if you are doing good you were raping good getting good result if you are doing bad and then sometime people will be coming and asking I am doing all good work why then so much of pain to me and then when I stop doing all bad work but he is enjoying the life whities now you got the answer it's a product and now he was sent cheetah you are now keeping the could result in your where and he is a committing vet reserved in his account if you can remember by the grace of God then next slide you will see how he's occurs of that person suffers and how you I do so this is the thing we always go and complain no no no bill do all good people are suffering only and I have done so much a good now I have suffered there is a blue you know wrong so this is we must remember some cheetah then product and this agony and along with the Karma the genoise the to deal will be having another excellent idea that our sanatana hindu dharma is having in the realization surround ISNA in the first part of conversation between three more and say ramakrishna and we found that ceramic each day is asking are you married having any children these two questions he has asked and him replied yes and the reaction of the master reaction of Sri Ramakrishna was our Amla alas he is married I mean he even has children then he explained why it over like that because he could see that he was having in past like a very good action so he was thinking if he is feeling free from the responsibilities of the household then he could be utilized by now begin third questions asking tell me now what kind of person is your wife is she our Gani a wise person or she is ignoring in Bengali salon business asking a child Tamar for Eva camel is not white for Eva family if we translate the word for Eva into English is family how is your family in Tuesdays it is to say the wife has free bar why could Eva because centering harm only the whole household that's why the training of the girls must be perfect even long long back ma no morals she has also mentioned like that that training of the girls should be perfect so that they can vote so many things they asked to do in plum bag and another youth camp was there they are on swami asked one young girl so what if your mother is doing although she does nothing okay what is your father she is the marketing manager of such and such company then this Rami saying what is your mother is doing is it is she not do anyone know she does other folks like the household and she goes to market yes she is the person she goes to market she purchases the cooking yes he does the cooking cleaning she does the cooking giving relations and all the contact with the neighbors and the related this she mother does and then looking after your studying and all mother take care so many works he is doing and she's not doing anything she is also the marketing manager your father marketing original his work what she does what he is doing only purchasing some quality material or the product that the company is producing their shop and your mother is doing so anything I'm not only there she is ali also office you're keeping our relation with the neighbors the person may be and I'm behaving roughly and then they should be going and pacifying so many things she does that's why the only one lady one girl she can bring the whole family so things to call them as boniva HR well Tom are polygons Kevin how is your wife beater Shakti Nagar Shakti now the master were shy disdain was very confident in reply but he is an email username e and then he was a master teacher he thought he can handle this question easily he knows what is knowledge and what is not so he confidently he replied akka follow came to again in Bengali he said akka say another word how polite travel language was how to write the way we are answering is Indian person here I don't know why this but if the people they will be calling them even the very senior one just playing named ji also they don't say and sometimes when we are I be treated to add G to give the respect and these people will say don't mg you say only name it is certificate so for sometimes we can't so this is the respect the uncle Italian is a respectable person when he is answering Paulo's she is good Kim - again I'm afraid she's not literate and she is alright but I'm afraid she is ignored must emerge into again now - he surprised surround Tichenor he don't obey you and was evidently displaced and he said to me Jenny and you are there any you consider yourself as a kyani now this is the first time in any part I mean you know here they say graduate graduate miss Amy and then afterwards anyway if master did we have this master this English intimacy have completed mastering those days that was the highest afterwards there was nothing now they do so many things after even though the master degree there was no research and all those things that way easily so this person he was taking about what is given - what is wrong why in my answer she has never attended school she can't read and if she is not ignorant it ignorin them who is ignorant then afterwards Taku told why this is now before I go to the answer of ceramic resna here one thing you see first second third every time sadhana Krishna brie beauty is a totally new person he is not that well-known to talk or serum - none but he was taking him he was taken in a very light spirit that we must notice the master was going on thinking in had yet to learn the distinction between knowledge and ignorance up to this time he had taught one got knowledge from books and schools later on he given this false idea he was not that to know God is knowledge and not to know him ignorance when C Ramakrishna explained and you re eonni Eames yo was one Eames IVA was again badly shot this the line I will because due to him keeping mum his ego was in him badly shot so when we are coming to a religious place when you listen to the people were holy people the period like that sometimes why to taste that this person has he go or not UHT person can even learn I am so and so I'm such and such and then when they will come David st. previously there people will come secretary and all that suppose his coming said he's coming to that this will go on then after is when he comes and here will you be able to learn anything no so this is the point we must note in even coming to see Ramakrishna who has never went to the school once or twice on him got to the most significant and he is rebuking him aesthetically holder and who knows English Saskia and other things also but he is taking in a very good spirit this is the thing we must learn if we go on reading the pages of the kilometer just like the novel we read it in some new use is the vaillar bunch of Aveda the Veda means knowledge and what is the knowledge we must learn from the master magis behavior that we have to be humble afterwards seriousness a need you Jimmy T George or me you qu Jimmy they know in the higher land water cannot accumulate only as you call it Marshall and their water will accumulate that means if you are really very humble sir table on Lavater jeonnam touch Karami some here they in real so these are the things we must understand him was getting the review by C Ramakrishna again and again but he was not mining brother he was taking it in a positive way yes is true and whatever he says is correct see that is called poor virgin more samskara unless and until you have that you'll never bother oh here's what he can tell and then we'll go on comparing criticizing and all the telling our I use and years India's in finding out the force of that word couldn't pronounce properly here he number hailing this is good and now that is bad so this is wrong and this is the way we have to learn in beautifully once in couplet which is taking jock cappuccio's are talking mucho Bianchi but see grave doubt he was just a Muslim and we came he was a very very low caste person his we were by profession now he is telling a word of knowledge Jonna muchos are cooking the moment something someone rang me and he said Swamiji are you from God and what is that to you suppose I come from some other part do you think you won't talk to me oh no no no I just don't incredible that it doesn't matter anything and suppose I'm from there are you going to bring the jalabiya even if you bring I'm not going to eat them because they don't eat so that is the way I just jokingly I told so this is not the way one should be able to so these are the knowledge unless and until you are humble so mze go once again crash ceramic is now used to taste how masala domine day we came all the way from jaraguá team and that do along with our no mother Shema hungry and suppose the husband is behaving little roughly just privately that is ok but we all people there even the mother she is also present then what behavior ceramic fine he never allowed or safe come down she came travelling such a long distance and then when she was have allowed to get down from the board then the widow I he came and shouted this is not the perfect time that you came you have totally you go back see the whole behind in the proper time you should come out from the house go back slam Krishna was standing over there so master himself he was in command he didn't say anything no no herder it's okay Salaam peace means the God himself he could do anything he could notice nothing I am Telling let her come she has come from such a long way know this quietly as if he doesn't know anything you were standing over there observing model and what the mother deep she didn't shock she didn't reply there she into anything quietly she looked at the dog of the Kali temple and prayed with in her heart mother when you will call me that there will come not before so this is the wonderful way that we must learn we read from the lives but skip from there so these are the way through their lives to their behavior through their manners every time if we skip they're teaching us and the most important thing for an experiment those who want to get the blessings of the Lord door first and foremost thing that remove the ego and here master machine you remember how Swami Vivekananda gonna Linda was examined by the master same thing that in Donora learner and the every time is to say even without seeing the Narendra even for a day you will say my mind is ranging like the as you take out the water from the gum Chuck in Bengali they say tower that you are reaching like that they are doing my mind is enderwiggin the way he was expressing one can understand the tremendous pain that with everything he will go to calculator to see him all any good fruit or sweets is coming in result of narendra so much of labs or for so many days so many months sending me when Noreen who started coming what was the behavior of Salem Filter those who have rape the life of the Ramakrishna you can remember for bonds he was not talking with her a young young man 18 19 that time usually the people are different time if they are not getting the attention they don't like to come etcetera the retina is to come strong is not intentionally or talk with it when the regularly inside the ropes around business cry tricity no talking then when you end up is started talking with others to make you understand that I am not liking your presence over here when narendra gaming again is talk to make you understand that not understood never bother you just lying over there like this then one day after so many days he Arsenal in I don't talk with you I can look at you then why do you come that was the acceleration what was the imply of the Narinder he said in Bengali moshai APNIC in Kaluga she died oh she said I love you so I come whether you are liking me or not giving attention or not that doesn't matter if it's up to you but I like you I love you so I come so these are the things those who really want to get the blessings must learn this behavior and that is exactly what we are learning from here then as the master says here on Krishna is declined another point we will go Jonnie Jonnie he didn't explain but in our Shastra in our scripture we find the excellent way they are killing one show Naga as a person name is shown under and in Gunda Capricia they find this story this man he is a very rich webster blessed person not ordinary person why because those who are already will stop listing in the society now only they can go and learn about them in region why otherwise the hankering will be dear I am NOT getting this job I am NOT release job and then okay let me try I was trying so many other professions and occupation by faith in everything so let me try in the religious life not like that those who are satisfied in this life now they are coming up and asking this question that's why they say show the public Mahalo Mahalo means the winner is only result on terrorism is the Rishi name of the racy Bieber was a caricature with humbleness is going to you whenever one person is coming to a religious person because these people do not are so it is the responsibility of the householders we needed to go they should take daddy something for that person otherwise how he will suffer and if he is engaged in earning his money then you won't be able to develop this type of knowledge because it is time for meditation concentration pondering over the subject then only he will come out with that knowledge that he can give to you that's way the olden society our ancient society this was the thing that people is today will never know in a empty-handed you know in Assam the people particularly or this the penguinese who came from is think of their a very devoted very very devoted people and not only religion for any everything whatever they will take up they will do that and for religion they are very very devoted any money even a poor person also without giving ten rupees they won't touch the 50 children we also hear this 105 something they will give or they will bring some fruits etc so in some times previously our Swami's this to go to a shop to collect some pronominal with that prana me there's to go to get on arena all this thief because what to go to this holy place and you need money train fear and all this so who will give the money days to go and go round a shop and the decorate so this is the people there a lot of things when I came from there I got so many things it was it became difficult for me to even distribute so many bags so many clothes so many these things and because the hormone is one lady she is having nobody know her son who was kidnapped by dark underground people and she doesn't know whether Sunday's living or not that condition husband died with a shock she is alone doing little work but even then she is coming and meeting me from which you will be going to America you need lost of money and if this 500 rupees actually you need that money I don't need that keep it no no no please take me another present told the husband wife came and they are telling sahaja we do not know how much from India to America can we take the responsibility of that ticket I will and I have some lot of land I will say what is they see the love the respect that you are going to spread the message of Vedanta and the holy work that you are going to do I like to also to join in that I will do something there's nothing you should not give you give 101 rupees and go otherwise I will be very very aggravated so this is the type of people why - this show knuckle away in a harsh Allah Betina to possibly BT birth means according to the the scripture was Anna is coming with all the humbleness and really to learn and then he is coming is asking cuz we know ago home a PRP sarvam idam opportunity a hobo is giving the respect sir by knowing which I can know everything can you please tell me then he say Dewey with the a the B as Salam o Krishna were stealing up to me Kenny and do you think yourself as her knowledgeable person no to a week they waited appeal it is not smaller the movie do whatever I am NOT doing it has been already saved by those Nora Bremen to the humbleness and this undulation is a very highly respected person and he will be the one to whom our Shri Krishna lain on leadership he may be I not know in theory so this is the here again in operatic Karachi Ava of Raja one is para another is opera opera means this scientific knowledge knowledge of this world and what is he he is doing Ricky Veda Yajur Veda sama Veda utterly obey the Shiksha calcio the acronym Naruto chunda UT Sharma t all these subjects all those subject that were in vogue in those time and pretty if including the Vader look at it some people they were always thinking that the religious book if anything happened to the religious book go and kill hundred people okay spoke only it can be printed it can be copied what is there for that you are oh no here how very very religiously have you ever gone through that book he has never opened the book him and he claimed himself a religious person and in our place is also him crying that either are they wrapped in a red cloth and keep it in that very high grab and they will never read it but sometime only they will bring it down and then dusting and then do little puja they even go through the book that is wrong that's why here in the Veda Indonesian underboob Odisha very categorically he is mentioning all the four Vedas which is the basis of the Sinagua into that huh there's also opera why it was not only gently you have to realize that's all get the knowledge from there take out whatever they say they have dr. words what can he say what is for Vidya Yaya Todd Akshara mati komyatti by which you realize that unchangeable one all that you see in this world is changing the God is unchangeable he never changes it never changes so that is called for are weaker so here that's why I Ramakrishna didn't explain to master ma Jai moustache after has understood so what is then totally be telling what is God realization now cinema is not asking another question Kriya meant that opens another speciality of in drizzle see only in two pages through the questions and answer we are getting so many such a vast idea of embracing and surround Islam is the embodiment of sanatana-dharma as they even go in see here Salam peace they ask you well do you believe in God with form or formless why is Asti this shocked our nanaka because in that time we were under the British rule and the Christianity they naturally they believe that God has no form the Semitic religion they believe that God has no form and because they were the ruler because they know how to spray something good people they are true they know much more but as in their look when I present the language the packaging is not good that's why they cannot not getting involved now this term is going on packaging and marketing to do market the whole thing you should know how to package it inside there may be whatever I don't say crack it just be very good and he will go on opening the bracket and then it see it feels good to give to a gift together but there may be in a team another container and maybe little not properly maintained in the container the only pure team will be there people don't purchase no no no this is not proper and in a very nicely for the package there will be a bad thing you will purchase so that is why one must be very very clever saddam business stealing talk to homie though Bokke we can if you have to be a devotee it doesn't mean that you should be fool you must be very very clever and you should know how to choose things how to understand things and what should we accept then some people are coming and and good-looking people with properly trays and there will be not many people all these things and you are running out of that thinking that will be a very good religion and you are practicing that and after some time oh then so many years have already passed when you the otherwise that was wrong there is no time for you to come back so one must be very very clever that's why here see optician is asking now do you believe in God it for all without fault salem krishna mosque in this aim brother surprised save to himself how can one believe in God without form when one believes in God we'd form and if one believes in God we go for how can one believe in God as a form can these two contradictory ideas be true at the same time if you are believing God with form then not believing without form and if you are believing without fall eventually they snowball so can this be his contradictory ideas be true at the same time gain a white liquid like milk be black see mom he's arguing with an insult not not picking up the courage to tell it to Taco that very moment because already three times yes the review this term is careful he is first giving a reality himself then he will come out with the answer in us then he is asking said I like to think of God as formless the formless god this conception came why to make the people uniform normal even if we go back to the history the society that they are propagating that God is formless No that they have realized it but if you have the God in form wit form so naturally some people believe in different type of gods and goddesses there is a small small segregation so these people thought at the back of their mind you are thinking if there is formless God then all people who come together there will be no distinctions so that was the main thing it is true we also believe that God is formless but at the same time we believe God can t for what is the harm he is all-powerful God he's all-powerful he is having everyone power contradict the form he can if he cannot then at least he cannot do one thing and if he cannot do one thing he may not be able to do many other things then if he cannot do that then how can he accept it as God so this is the argument here ceramic roosters living aim is a sting tense now Tristan very good it is enough as the first time he is appreciating very good it is enough to have faith in either aspect aim is confused the either both the scripts how can it be but cinema business giving it is enough we have failed in either aspect you believe in God you don't work that is quite all right but never for a moment think this is very important never for a moment think that these alone is true and all else false this is the problem those people are thinking that God is with our form they'll be impossible they will come and break the temples to break the images just if all the things that is there why oh that is all everything is bad whatever you understood and everything is perfect Hussein this is the thing that's when Saddam Tichenor this time the God incarnated in the form of the Ramakrishna he is a clinic in telling more to our would think Corolla don't keep your mind if you were taught in a very small way and this is the only thing that is perfect and everything is wrong that's why Shami be wait understanding over here in the parliamentary later in Chicago he say the story of the frog in the world so that is the problem he feel thing that by doing these you will get to realize God that is for you when were forcing one premature he was there in along with me in the training center he was grown I think you'll be and there they grow up like this the U P people this Swami's must be in beer food and they should not eat properly they should lie on the floor or take off sacrifices they should do the only people who believe them and suppose they say a lie on the bed there no choice what is it so he joined in all these years he passed then after us when he came to ramakrishna mission balloon on there the Swami's are very very when I'm interested about the games particularly brigade and football there is a pastor in ramakrishna missions it is a lot then they will open the radio they will listen to it and they will not do that is the joy and in our library one TV came small screen and to undertake a little bit not thing can be seen from this dance only ever to be arranged iron-fisted yard so like that only and this guy he came to me see these people are coming to see the TV they are thinking about the game we are supposed to give maybe all those things will you give you need not to go to library for at the same the TV it is not necessary for you but when are there certainly where you are criticizing let them grow suppose you realize God that is to you and you don't realize goddess but them so you can think about it and then when you go to the kitchen we used to all keep our the food where's over there outside this is wrong he should not have the foot where's they should be all the time barefooted at will you don't use what is that to you not look at there again everything I should tell him whatever you like to do you do no harm here many of the shanties of our order they don't wear their Footwear didn't use it then they were not eating days are there it's up to them everybody is free only he left the order discussed it now no this is not the way then after I think 7 8 months we were going to offer product to Brazilian Mirage maybe those who have gone to deliver him don't know from training center to you have to cross the whole temple it not from one corner to another corner and suddenly someone was calling women my day so I was thinking who is calling here nobody knows me then suddenly jicama he said hey can you recognize me until I came down but so difficult why what is happened to you then he say you are right and I am really wrong say he went out he mixed with other Swami's in went to different decimals and he was not satisfied he said along with all these things or shawarma sandwich aliens are really practicing very high spiritual practices all these things have nothing that you see in the outside so one must be very very careful just facing the outside you can understand he is greater than those bridge cannot this one must be very very careful that here he is telling about this see if you are thinking that this is your way well go ahead but don't resize so he was thinking but he won't give a river him again Eastern Excel I like to think God in the from distance around Krishna saved like this then either the assertion that alter it really true and we amazed came and he had never learned this from his books das is ego received a third blow but since it was not yet completely crashed he came forward to argue with the master a little more in say suppose one believes in God weak form suddenly he is not the plain image he was thinking is a very strong argument is putting before cinema Krishna ceramic is not interrupting but white clay it is an image of spirit look at it very excellent Lee sin artist whenever I can hit school so school is not necessary to speak the truth because it comes from within he is God himself so he is telling why the image image is nothing but the spirit so many stories are there within the lives of ceramic Easter and his disciples one more lady was there a me you must be knowing about money baby you have made a life go poly mom afterwards it came to know you must read it like shall we be weakened to the Nevada tan other European ladies to her to show the real Indian ladies she was me do when I think six years or eight years very early age and from then onwards she was living alone in a small room whether side of the Ganges and she used to worship the baby Krishna thinking Krishna as her son and she used to dream she is to pray that Krishna will come as a son he will climb at his at her back she will do as the children to do and as a loving mother she will also behave with the Krishna and it happened afterwards when she makes Adamo Krishna and that is the gnudi that we nee now time is almost over when she came to know about the sadhana Krishna that a very high spiritual person is here she thought I must go and see and with empty hand one cannot go to a spiritual person so what she did she cooked some small thing and we then she went she was thinking the shop sannyasi the spiritual person may be under a tree sitting over there I will go and offer up the podium so Fe may be there three days he has going to get their food like that when she went to oxygen she found so many returns car parked over there so many rich people from the calculator they are all sitting with little serrano kishna all sitting on the floor and the ramakrishna alone is sitting on that god it is totally different as she was thinking and she rented so this thing and she was taken aback and she was thinking how can I offer this very hunger food to before everyone but she was covering it from their shoddy and immediately master Serrano distant looked at her and say what is there for me bring him to me I like to eat right now and he was going on insisting she told after or as I can't eat not right now English me just like a child he was going on insisting she was completely to give it was or turian before everyone he started eating and he was testing what this was good but if you had mixed this thing four kings it would have been more testing and then next time when you are coming cook like this and bring from being in which she was coming out she was thinking what is it - who's that I become this is the person only eating and talking about food not a single word about the religion then next year I won't come to this person which was all so these people then she came she said because it was evening and she thought and later complete the worship and all these years there was answered after meeting see Ramakrishna when she was closed eyes playing to God suddenly she heard some one small child laughing jumping playing at her bed and then he is coming and hugging her from the back holding two hands just on hard chairs and she was in a different divine world she forgot that this is the God she was praying for so so many years and this child will go and touch this one eat that and she is running disease but the God - although I have to offer don't need from here the God Himself was a things you forgot it really happens it's not only the picture is not only the image through the love God can come and whatever form you like to see it can take we will the next day we'll see a job is another yatra buddha hamesha robeson God see Shri Krishna is Dilip brick Athenians all of history somehow ha ha I come my manifest this my prakruti is my nature and though I am the master of all beings I collect them because it's my wish so next day we will discuss about this wonderful idea of the Hindu religion we'd form we don't form both are accepted letters and complete this with another the prayer mantra Needham media Ananta Akhtar compa Rita big runway Ayesha Vitara e para Misha media tomorrow Krishna she does sauna mama Oh sha Shan Shan digging her de anza sri ramakrishna her burn immersed the devotees are havin an ASP enter this coming forth mean there will be at six thirty six o'clock daily prayer and RT and then six thirteen they'll be from raising dinner a very famous musician is coming run bada Sam bodda will sing and then I will speak because the xiaomi was to come yeah because of his ill else he cannot come so I will speak about the Dhanam this is a wonderful topic over there then I'm sorry I may not be able to give classes on Sunday and Tuesday in the coming week the because keep them living for volume where I'll speak on Sri Ramakrishna the embodiment of Dharma then on six at Santa Barbara on sanatana dharma on seventh i will speak on open asia the knowledge that leads to reality on a that Rocco meditation the way to peace a nine some Diaw who spirituality our target and then from Yago I'll be back you can come along during technology