Video 292
293. Panchama Veda 293 - “It is extremely difficult to attain the Knowledge of Brahman"
your devotees and friends so today this wednesday evening will be a reading from the gospel of bhagavan si ramakrishna and discussing on that as usual this panchama veda class this we are giving the discourses is a purely on spirituality so now let us begin with the spiritual talk that has been given by bhagavan sir krishna which it has been mentioned as amrit amrit means nectar that gives us eternal life thy seen effacing utterances bring life and hope to those scorched by the misery they are extrolled by wise sages and the mayor listening to them should bestow auspiciousness just by listening the purity comes means the words and that amrit means the nectar that gives us the auspiciousness the purity they confer every prosperity those who spain them broadcast spread them broadcast are verily magnanimous they distribute what is completely satisfying to the hearers so this is the meaning of the verse and here we find the last time the when we are reading the page number 718 of the gospel of bhagavan's ramakrishna by it says bhagavan sirama krishna is mentioning there are women who come to the ganges for their birth and instead of thinking of god gossip about no end of things we have read that portion now why suddenly bhagavan is mentioning like this is it criticizing no the avatar the god when manifested in the human form the only purpose of the avatar is the god the incarnation of god is to establish the religion and what is that religion it says in this way that the god makes the human to develop the divinity and become god itself so that is the uniqueness that is the beauty that he mentions here the women are coming for the bathing in the holy river in the ganges but instead of thinking about the god they are constantly going on gossiping friends you know that we are we work in three different way karma the karma theory that the hindus believe that three different ways we are performing our karma mainly we think that physically whatever we are doing is the karma of course that is but at the same time there are two other things that are subtle and we don't take care of that the first thing is the kaaika in the sanskrit word kaika means physically the physically we are doing so we can understand i am going and fighting with someone or doing these doing that physically in the law of the land also will take care of why you are disturbing others physical action we can understand and we can point out oh this is a bad and this is the good work that you are doing to the physical that's called then comes the bachika bachika means the word the when we are talking saying something about others that is also very very important the watching so this is important friends we have to keep in mind the when we talk do we talk negating or criticizing someone the bad work is coming that is also to be taken care of because we are preparing our life for spirituality and whatever the good work that we are doing naturally obviously is bringing the good result and that is accumulated it goes into our credit but at the same time unknowingly when we are criticizing or just by saying someone something putting into his or her mind some negative thoughts about something or somebody that is also the bad work and that takes out all the result of the good work so constantly this going on as because we are not very much aware about the words that we are using that's why about swami vivekananda rabindranath said everything is positive in him and nothing negative in bhagavan srama krishna also those who have read the biography of sudama krishna have read the gospel of sirama krishna you will never find anything negative when he says like this there are women who come to the ganges and instead of thinking about god talking about the rabbis thing it's not criticizing it is making people aware about the condition we go for pilgrimage and we go on taking the picture and the making fun and this and there is tourism that is not the pilgrimage pilgrimage means you have to understand about the important spiritual importance of that particular place and then you have to ponder over that think over there that that will give you the positive the result of visiting the holy place and what is holy and what is unholy anything that is connected with the selfishness is unholy unselfishness is holy so if we go and think about god think about the unselfishness think about the great deed all those people over there they did naturally we will generate the good result spiritual result and we will advance towards the god those who are interested in developing the spiritual life otherwise it's okay when we discuss it is all the time it meant for those who are sincere to develop the spiritual life so what the ramakrishna is giving us the teaching don't gossip the friends you will be we will be announcing you'll all know those who are connected theaters the in the parliament of religion that will be in the next month uh in the 16 17 18 the we will be showing over there all the pilgrim center of india and some of our swamis they will be giving the some importance of that place and we will be narrating why spirituality the hinduism is all encompassing right from the gangotri it goes down for following the ganga we will reach to the ganga sagar and everywhere you will find the different type of gods and goddesses and people going over there thinking about the spirituality so that is the main idea so for one and a half an hour the people will be constantly remembering these are the places and the next time when the people are visiting those places they will be naturally if they think about that and they will be elevated into spiritual life so when we go for taking a holy deep we should be all the time praying to god god i am taking physically but please purify my mind purify my thought so constantly if we so do like that and another is mana seeker kaika the physical bacica through the words and manasika sometimes we don't encourage people maybe they have made some mistake maybe they are not capable to do at that particular moment it doesn't mean that we have to go on criticizing and breaking their self-confidence that is terrible that some of the people in the name of religion they'll be going on doing like that and sometimes some some teachers sometimes the guardians they'll be doing like that that is terrible the time encouraging oh you don't can't do this no problem you are good in this that is the spirituality that's why swami vivekananda said each soul is potentially divine each soul there is no differences whether it is an american it is an indian what is this or is that the language religion nothing can differentiate each soul potentially divine and how to manifest that xiaomi vivekananda said that is my philosophy he said my philosophy can be put into two words only simply two sentences to make people aware about the divinity and to help them to manifest it that's all only going on telling you can do it you can do it you can do it the self-confidence is not ego the self-confidence is growing well i can't do this but i can it is possible for me it will be i will do that some people can sing very well but some can do something else so that is the way the moment the self-confidence comes the freedom the freedom is the main condition the when i get that's why swamiji said freedom freedom freedom freedom is the song of the soul so once bhagavan sirama krishna is indicating that when you are going for a particular purpose that you are going over there to get some spiritual benefit don't waste it thinking about the worldly thing and gossiping and just passing time no when you are going to that particular place for that particular work concentrate on that so this is the main idea when he said like that you see they come to bathe in the holy river and yet they indulge in arts also worldly talks if they talk about the spirituality if they talk about god nothing wrong and that is the reason they go on chanting the saudra patha or reading from the holy book i can remember when we were the novices uh in the bellurmart it's called pptc pre-professional training center so our the one of the duty was to do the vegetable dressing in the morning other people who are there but only two and they crash the ego they said hey all this thing you you should do you know the euro of america there is no problem they do because the there's not much people population is less so each one doing everything in the they're they're cooking they're addressing the vegetables cleaning their bathrooms everything they're doing they don't mind but in our india it's because of the population and the tradition of the kings and the nababs and of course and the britishers so that those type of things the ordinary people should do no we we won't do that is the wrong conception slowly it is going away so when we joined over there they gave us that job and we used to naturally the young minds who used to do a lot of uh the chatting and then the swamiji in charge of that he introduced no you should read the gospel and when someone will be reading the gospel and others are doing they should listen and some of the senior swamis also came and said the whole the one and half an hour that used to work mostly one hour dressing the vegetable and that we are doing that work at the same time listening to the gospel the whole thing became like a the spiritual discourse class someone is asking the question and the others are answering the beautifully and wish to enjoy that the any mundane work we can transform it to spiritual work the spiritual third why is the mind only if we are changing the thought in that way so sudama krishna is saying that you must be careful and one does not seek bhakti of one's own accord without inborn tendencies the devotion then some very very few people they will be coming to seeking for god but those who are coming they are not aware that they are chosen for you and when you come for the god and afterwards we waste our time the salama krishna is telling this not easy previous birth we must have done something good that's why in this life we have taken birth in in some family from where we can start our journey again and that karma fella that result is forcing us to come to those places which are really good for our spiritual development and we should understand this religion nothing but understanding so when you study some subject the some are very good in the subject and they are ranked as fast second why because they understood their subject properly others are reading the same book others are listening the same professors talk they are noting down but why it is that they cannot become they can score the faster second because of this so that is the way we should understand do we have to in the spiritual life also suddenly why i have come over there why not my friend not my relatives then we have to understand there must be something in me i must have done something very good since i have done that so obviously i am not going to go back i have come up to this now i am not going back from there i should proceed the first thing i should have the respect for myself means the complete faith how i have come to a temple i am feeling drawn towards god so i am liking this holy life that means i have already advanced and how come why not my father why not my mother why not my brother and my sister they're so close that means something very special within me in my previous birth i must have done something good so i should not waste that opportunity let me start from here that's why it's ramakrishna is mentioned every word in the gospel is really so important so we can understand that the one does not seek bhakti in one's own accord and suddenly yo let me do some devotion it is not possible it comes from within and once it has come that means i have already traveled in this path and now the devotion has come devotion means the faith the belief in the words of the guru and the scripture and a relation about the with the god so let us develop that that it's called the prema bhaktis ramakrishna he is giving the definition first is the bhaiti bhakti when we come then we listen clean that shrine and clean the vessels then put the flower like this and burn the insulin sticks like this like that it goes on and slowly we develop but for that what we should not forget once we get the opportunity to work inside the shrine or in the temple i'm not going to talk about anything else but god that is the first condition and secondly i must go on encouraging myself that i have come a long way look at the back so many people are there but they are not coming over here they don't care to come never the thoughts are crossing in their mind that i should go have the diksa i should take the name of god why they are not feeling that means i am little advanced and that means from the last birth all these good works are coming i have a very good stock of that so i i will keep those i am not going to spend those out so from there i'll go on accumulating the good karma and i come there when i come if i have taken the initiation i should go on repeating the name of god if not at least whatever the name of god the god or goddess name i like i should go on taking and praying so by that way when i am working i should perform obviously and you know this is setting some very subtle way it works obviously i will get the benefit of that work otherwise just like coming and doing some cleaning helping the sama there is the social work that they do there's a social work nothing wrong in it that's good but if you are intelligent enough you should work always in such a way that you get the spiritual benefit sa chaturi chaturi in sanskrit they say that is the intelligence by which you get you are doing the mundane work but at the same time you are converting the mundane work into spiritual benefit you are just cleaning the vessels cleaning the the floor of the rooms and like that only but that you are doing in a dedicated way thinking i am doing it for god and god will be pleased by that way constantly when you are thinking automatically some people may doubt because they are only bound into the this thing that i should see i can touch i can taste and then only i can believe nothing like that there are some subtle things are there like the love slowly it generates in the human love as a man and the woman they come together they don't know each other then slowly slowly slowly that love generates in so much so they can't live without the company of each other how it generates the same way when we come to god we develop that association and the time comes when i cannot live without that god and that is called bhakti the sunama krishna is telling that in in a very static the condition he is almost in that supreme spiritual condition from there his mind is coming down and he is giving the talk you know this is the these are the words that we read but we don't understand when the mind is completely pure it merges with the god when we come down is a completely two different world but only the god who comes and takes the human form we call avatara incarnation they can only do it and very very rare so he is coming down to the normal plane and then talking as lord krishna he gave the gita bhagavad-gita to arjuna arjuna listened to him then now long afterwards when everything was over arjuna told hey krishna i have forgotten some of the things can you please repeat the krishna told what is it do you think i am just telling all those words just sitting over here and talking to you not like that i was yoga i was merged into that higher condition from there only i was telling sarva dharma and parity moment give up all your responsibilities and come to me i will take the responsibility do you think this krishna no that is the supreme lord who is all pervading all powerful so when i was in that condition i was talking with when the surama krishna is talking these he was also in that condition it was not the very ordinary condition so from there only he is telling that slowly slowly his mind is coming down and he is telling give up knowledge and reasoning accept bhakti bhakti alone is the essence so it is not the final sentence of bhagavan siram krishna we should not take it in that way when he is talking with some people who are not capable to follow the path of knowledge as because lord he could understand so for them only he is telling this not that only bhakti shirama krishna is the combination of all the four yogas gyana bhakti karma dhyana all the four yogas and most of the time he is giving the teaching because it's very rare to find the students of the gyana that's why he is telling it is better for you that you follow the bhakti most of us and it is easy for us so obviously we have to understand when he says give up knowledge and reasoning accept bhakti it doesn't mean the it is that is this the his teaching and we should not follow the knowledge now knowledge is those who can do you they must follow so he is telling bhakti alone is the essence this is the way we have to understand the gospel of srama krishna a different type of people are coming to him they have different tendencies different capacities so sirama krishna when talking to them and master masha is present over there he is noting the conversation only those things are coming down to us so why you will find almost all the asthmas they always they'll be studying the gospel of salaam krishna and they'll be giving discourses on that narrating on that explaining on that all that all through why because of this sometimes people they read and the wise ramakrishna is contradicting in the bhagavad-gita if you read there also the lord krishna sometimes he is telling that you better become a yogi you become a yogi yogi is the best he's inspiring to become a yogi again oh like the gyana the path of the knowledge nothing like that that is the purity he is inspiring so that is the true arjuna arjuna he is telling but it is for those people whom they can follow yeah this is the way i i understand it better this is the beauty of the sanatana dharma the beauty of the hinduism is not only one quote for everyone there are all options are there and only four different types of temperament we are having one is reasoning for them gyanamarg another contemplation for the dhyanamarga activity for the karma devotion so naturally you can take up one as seriously and you are supporting also practicing also all other three not that this is the only path that is the wrong thing many of our great teachers they like devotion their path and they say this is the only path the world only is the difficulty that is the problem that gives us the only one idea and bhagavan sirama krishna he is the parliamentary religion himself he not only followed all these four paths but also he followed so many other religions almost all the varieties of the the hindu religious ways the gyana karma bhakti tantra and everything and then he said all bets are leading to the same goal but only be sincere and don't criticize others if you are sincere in the path of bhakti it's for you you like it it's for you but don't criticize others don't say that it's not possible that is also possible this much only this little broadness country bring only for these all the fighting in the name of religion only for this the little broadness the this ramakrishna is the answer to the present day problem so here he is mentioning that have faith to that gentleman he came to him to him he is telling have faith depend on god mother kali will do everything for you so first have faith second you have to depend on god then the god will take care of you otherwise not sometimes rama krishna gave the example of the kitten and it's completely depending on the the mother the cat the cat will take it too and displace that place the kitten has nothing to say wherever the mother will take sometimes a very nice good place and sometimes a very dirty place but keaton is happy because the company of the mother it never depends on the place or the food but the company of the mother so the kitten is very happy but the monkey is very difficult the monkey they want to hug the mother to hold the mother mother is not taking the care of that baby monkey so there is a chance for falling there's a two so we have to take the position of the kitten completely different depending on the mother wherever the mother will take how it is possible two first faith faith and faith and what type of faith just somebody said something and i believe and i do like that nothing not like that i am judging it fast by following this path so many people they have been successful and when i read their biographies that's why it is all the time it is suggested that you must read the biography of the great souls they have followed this path and they have been successful they were so happy and when you go and see at the into the lives of the sages also the saints and the monks how they are leaving they're not having anything but at the same time they are so happy why they have complete faith in the the god the god is there god will take care of us so when that way we are having the 45 years 50 years when the week came out to become the monk we never care who is going to give us food who is going to take care of when we'll be sick we'll be looking after no nothing so that depending on god god is there god will take care of me so on that way if you can so have faith complete faith god is there and god will take care of me and if you go to a good place of course that is the main thing you have to understand what is good place and what is not what the good people and who are not in the name of religion they'll be always and always because these are all subtle things so naturally there will be always the people even in the time of mahabharata the there it is mentioned the mahabharata mentioned dharma by apari means the business and the jesus jesus is also the jesus has taken up a stick and going on beating the people and asking them to clear that synagogue and he was telling don't make my father's house a business place so all the time it is there the in the name of religion the people will be deceiving they'll be cheating though it is all there but it is we have to be very intelligent to understand what we should do to where we should go how it is possible when we are going to some people how we will understand they are good people are they are they unselfish do they love everything then it is no problem but if it is not then of course it is better to shun if they are constantly thinking about themselves and talking about themselves and telling that it is better you should not go there go there go there that means some narrowness is there they are afraid of their own thing god is everywhere if you feel good it is better if you can go of course in the beginning you can say be careful so that way so depend have faith and depend on god and when your faith has come the god is there so many people depending on god then go and pray pray to god so this is the problem has come what shall i do and if you really really pray in that way the god will take care of you maybe it will take some time maybe it will with without any delay you will get the response but it will come this is the way the bhagavatama krishna is promising that if you are praying and surely things will we will take care mother kali will do everything for you who is this mother kali the primordial energy that is the power of god the power of god will take care but you have to give time otherwise how it is possible if we don't give time so we have to develop devotion and ultimately the devotion how it will develop it is a beautiful and a verse is there everything is you and i depend on you how it is it says is the god of gods the you are my everything servant everything i don't have any other relation you are my father you are my mother you are my friend you are my beloved you are my knowledge you are my wealth and you are everything for me that is called depending on god so when we feel you are everything for me that is the depending dependings we are depending on god when we can depend on god by that way constantly feeling god is always there then there is no problem so this is the way that we are they teach our our gurus they are teaching us in this way that constantly think that god is your father god is your mother you need not to be afraid of god why the god is my father god is my mother i can go and i can always fight with my mother no you have to give me this we have done it most of the people the young people they will go and they will be fighting with their parents no no no you have to give this you i must do this then they will cry and the father will say no i won't give the mother will say it's okay somehow so they will pacify because i have complete demand i'm not going to the neighbor i'm not going to the parents of my friend do i no i go to my own parents i'd go to my father go to my mother and there i am not behaving when i go and meet the other father and mother other parents i am gentle i am cartius hello auntie how are you hello uncle how are you like that but my morn father and mother no and that is the unique relation you know the father is not going to say no to you you cannot father cannot say go out of my maybe on angrily you will say it doesn't mean anything ill again the father will go out to search you where you are like that take care whether you are hungry take care whether you are having the proper clothings or not that is the father that is the mother so that is the best relation if you can feel sometimes i feel that when i see a little boy and a girl they're sitting on the lap of the mother dangling their feet and very happy so there they don't care the world mother i'm sitting on the lap of my mother nothing is going to happen to me that faith complete faith mother may be a poor lady mother may be not having anything but the child do not care the same way if we can think that i am sitting on the lap of my mother tamiva servant devadeva so sometimes some people they say can we ask pray like this can we just suppose you are a monk suppose you have left your heart and home you don't have any other responsibility then you are not going to pray for anything but for the betterment of others that is a different thing or otherwise for my son for my daughter for the the success why not i'm a father i'm a mother i'm a householder you have kept me in this and i have that responsibility can i not go and pray to my divine mother of course i can when bhagavan sirama krishna said it is better to ask for these he meant completely different for those who have understood the spirituality for those who could shun all the responsibilities of the world for them it is there why you are going for the small little thing when you meet the god are you going to beg for a pumpkin the sirah krishna said of course not but at this moment oh lord i need a job badly i need a job to support my family please help me i can of course the mother what i am going to do if you are not helping me if you have faith he will pray like this and then afterwards you can say see this you are giving to me whatever but don't bind me i have understood that you are my serbaam you are my all all everything this world that i am leaving these are all temporary it will be changing but i like to go to you so this is called have faith first the existence of god in the form of father and mother bhagavan suramar krishna called the god as mother jesus called the father there's no difference and that way when we pray to the father or the mother there is no oh we need not to say any sanskrit word or no we have to chant some of the mantras those who like they can or simply talk to the mother of the father in whatever language you are having and whatever the only thing you have to have the faith the win i believe that the mother is there then why the mother is putting me into trouble i can always go and complain to her why you are putting me into trouble so please help me you know the swami vivekananda he went to kashmir in india the kashmir in the north and then afterwards there was a fakeer there's another person who was there he was having some miraculous power vivekananda is a very very popular you know that in those days he was very very popular in india and now also all over the world and you can understand the people when they came to know the biblical that's come the whole is to go to him this fakie he became annoyed because some of his disciples they also started visiting vivekananda vivekananda was not any narrow-minded only used to say about the religion that is true religion developing the the personality etc but this fakie became jealous and he used his power and told his devotees look at me i am going to curse him and he will develop the stomach pain and within three days he will go down from here it's a hill supposed to go down from here to his own place you won't be able to stay in the kashmir and that truly happened there's so much stomach pain swami vivekananda was suffering so he came down he also heard about that at the person like vivekananda couldn't stop it he had to come down then after reaching calcutta he went to meet the maharadamani devi and there as a son he was complaining to the mother about the father bhagavan si ramakrishna and he said mother bhagavan suramar krishna is not having any power look at it the ordinary fakeer he gave me so much of pain and your god sudama krishna couldn't stop it if you read the mother answer baba that means my child that power is also given by god to him because he did some austerity spiritual austerity he got that power and he wasted that power using it on you of course but anyway that power is power that given by god now mother immediately takes that to a very high spiritual level of advaitha don't you think that your body or when you are suffering sirama also suffering you are not separate from sirama krishna this is advaitha mother told who is suffering why you are separating yourself from your god son and the father are one as the jesus said i and my father in heaven are one so naturally when you are one with god that god is suffering and the same god gives some power to that particular person for his some good practices that he applied on you you are suffering the god is suffering think in that way so this is the conversation when you understand the eunuch i am suffering means my father is also not very happy if i go and pray please remove it but the spiritual level when you are completely free from the bondages of all the samsara when you are that's why they always say to moksha the when you are going to get the liberation you are completely free from the conception of samsara samsara means the temporary things constantly moving out and i am thinking that as permanent and i am trying to grab that that is completely different so we have to understand that when we are thinking in this way so what happens that is the spirituality see only two pages i am reading and that too the last time also we read these pages and now we are discussing isn't it sufficient for a spiritual life i should take up that particular path which shoots me so that is gyana or the bhakti now sirama krishna is suggesting bhakti for a person and when i am listening to dad reading that if i feel yeah that is good there is someone i can hold on to i can go and fight i can go and cry i can beg i can pray there is someone this shoots me it's good so that is the bhakti path rasulama krishna is telling develop that and how it will develop first we will go on practicing by dee bhakti and then slowly slowly that you that will mature into the prema bhakti this is the terminology but the condition mental condition will be the prema the devotion and i go to that particular level that's a unique level and that brima bhakti i take all responsibility on myself and i'll never give that to the god no no god should not be blamed i am suffering that is because of my karma and i am successful because god has blessed me so this is the way we should think that is the main thing and then he is telling that once vyasadeva was about to cross the jamuna this is the story he is mentioning about now he's taking us to the gyana the gopis also were there they wanted to go to the other side of the river and sell curd milk and cream but there was no ferry at the time they were all worried about how to cross the river when vyasha said bashar said to them i am very hungry the milkmaids fed him with milk and cream he finished almost all their food they were going to sell and the beast they took the whole thing condition if you feed me then only i will make something so that you can cross the river these ladies they gave you almost all the food then vyasa say to the river look at it o jamuna if i have not eaten anything then part and make a pathway i have not anything your water will part and we shall walk through how he's praying if i have not eaten anything after taking so much it so happen the river waters will part and sorry the it so happened the river parted and the patty was formed between the waters following the path the gopis and the vyasa crossed the river bashar had said if i have not eaten anything that means now the real man is pure atman friends surama krishna through a story introducing us with the pure advaitic knowledge the real man is the pure atman swami bibekananda a real and apparent man there's a beautiful lecture is there is and based on the advaita vedanta there's a real man is pure atman why is it pure atman because we have a conception of jibatma the jibatma is actually the reflection it's not the real or pure atma jivatma is the reflection of the pure atma on our intellect so that is the reason here bhagavan see ramakrishna using the word pure atman is unattest and beyond prakriti it has neither hunger nor thirst it knows neither birth nor death it does not age or nor does it die it is immutable so that is the atman bhagavan sirama krishna is introducing you know that in the vedanta it says everything is nothing but that atman how because it is a reflection of the same atman on each and every individual self now when we see so many different lamps are burning can't we say it is only the fire of course here the lamp that is burning the candle that is burning is separate from the main fire so we can say we are separate that is that is the idea of the duality they say we are separate from the main fire but when you talk about the fire everything is nothing but that fire but the vedanta will give you the example in that way this is suppose your house is burning and from distance you see the house only before it goes to the ashes becomes ashes it is only a house you see the window the door and the roof everything you can see it is burning so the house is burning but still it is having a form the guard for wheat no one's house should burn but for the example the suppose a tree is burning you can see the branches you can see the full tree and slowly slowly of course it will be ashes then it will break but when it is burning we see the full tree the and we feel the fire is the full tree as the fire has any form no so that means the atman which is reflected in me it is now i can introduce that atman as ishaak mananda and it is a male body and this is like this and that and everything so can i say about atman like that yes and that is not real atman that is only the reflection of the atman but the real atman bhagavan sirama krishna mentioned the real atman is completely different it has no form no name it is that pure fire so this we must understand this difference so one is the jivatma the individual self another is paramatma that real self real or true self now sudama krishna is mentioning like this and he says understand the atman he who has attained this knowledge of brahman is a jivan mukta so what is that knowledge the atman is completely different than the body and it has nothing to do with like the fire when it is into the fire or the tree maybe we can say that fire tree but the fire has no form it is taken the form of the tree at that very moment so if we understand the same way i have a body i have a name that means name and form but at the same time i am in reality i am not that name and form this particular is very difficult to understand i have a form i have a name i have relation at the same time i am not having so sirama krishna is giving the if those who can understand this they are jivana muktar jivana means they are not bound by anything the mukta means liberated and with that word liberated it is not only freedom but also joy happiness well no one is going to control me i am the master so that way the jibana mukta the word has been used the mukta means liberated when when surviving when leaving what's the specialty majority of us while surviving we are bound by the maya and we think oh this is mine that is his that is our it's all separation and if somebody is coming and trying to take something that i feel it is mine immediately i will be angry i'll be fighting so all these changes are coming and most of the time i'm suffering i earned some money i kept it in the bank and then the bank fell or some something happened i lost the money then terrible thing will happen oh my money has gone so my association with that money property person so all that is there when all that i am thinking as real so obviously either a little joy or suffering is there most of the time in the whole life we can feel so much of tension so much of suffering every time we sit for example that at the time of the result tension is there we are going and praying every time right from the grade one it will be constantly and even in the job services also the tension is there constantly why we want it why we want it because we think that is real and that only will give me the joy and after having that again i feel it is not not giving the joy again i change again i find find out something and i think oh that will give me the joy it goes on and ultimately one day i stop and start thinking why how come whatever i wanted i got but i am not happy till now the desires are there then i take the turn now i don't want because i have understood that these all the satisfaction of the desires are not going to give me the ultimate joy and that is called the path of knowledge and the path of knowledge when i understand that then slowly slowly i started giving up that's called tiaga and giving up and when am giving up that is called sannyasa samyak nyasa samyang means completely nyasa means destroyed what ego the moment you don't have the ego the eye is not there there's no association so that way bhagavan siddharama krishna he never could say i to this body so look at it the unique personality and very modern and he is giving us the so broad idea any path you can follow only have the faith the god is there develop a relation with the god as a son as a friend any relation you like and slowly slowly withdraw your mind from the objects of this world and put it to that how it is possible whatever work we are doing think that i am doing it for the happiness of my god i am sweeping i am cleaning i am cooking i am talking everything for god then a time will come there'll be no difference between the god and you constantly you are going on thinking god that means you are in god in the bhagavad-gita again the lord krishna is saying like that the he is with me all the time because he is thinking me all the time so this is the way again in the knowledge i am not these i am not this and what happens suraman krishna is giving a beautiful uh the example he said that that they are too separate the body and the soul are two separate like the kernel and the shell of the coconut those who have seen that dry coconut when the milk inside dried up the shell and the kernel inside they get separated and when you move it there will be sound you can understand now it is completely dry coconut but same coconut which was attached with the outer shell when it was green that was the coconut also but slowly slowly the inside the water that also dry up and the milk in that kernel that is also dry up then it becomes completely separate and that is called jibanamukti when a person his soul and the body gets separated that is called jivana mukti condition but sirama krishna said but it is extremely difficult to attain the knowledge of the brahman it never says that is impossible he says extremely difficult in the again in the bhagavad-gita lord shri krishna said which is not manifested one is bacter another is object the hindus they accept both with form without form without form it is very difficult though philosophically very perfect but for the sake of the the beginners for the sake of the spiritual growth and understanding the psychology of the human being the students who are trying to develop the spirituality duality is very easy and good not easy is good thank you friends in the next day again we will discuss about why this path bhagavan sram krsna said extremely difficult and krishna said claisha adikatara so that you will discuss in our next discourse and if there is any question we will discuss about that so devashis has a question he's saying how to stop ourselves when we criticize others instead remaining silent even if they have done something wrong to us debash is that is actually the sadhana as they call spiritual practices that is in sanskrit it is sadhana and a spiritual practice you have to tell your mind oh i should be alert no i am not going to criticize anyone rather i will pray to god who is the father of all the father he is disturbing me he is creating problem for me please change his mind he should be at the friendly with me so that is the prayer that that way we can always pray and when we are praying both the things are happening by the grace of god that man's mind will change and you are also free from the problem but if we go on criticizing and mainly criticizing means unnecessarily when we criticize someone and damage him in the society that is the great scene so we should be careful thank you akshay akshay is asking how to know whether god is pleased or displeased with us and this is a very good question akshay when everything will be favorable the god is pleased when things are not favorable that means he is not that way pleased when god is pleased everything is favorable everything is available everything becomes so easy that is the way we can understand whether god is happy with me or unhappy thank you kamal is asking the next question does a jivan mukta experience pain and pleasure this is also a very good question jivan mukta apparently he is experiencing pain apparently but in reality he is not i will again give the example of bhagavan si ramakrishna he is a jivan mukta condition but when he was suffering in cancer throat cancer it was in those days you can understand 1885-86 no medicine people who are not aware very much about that particular disease and he couldn't swallow he couldn't eat that was the condition all his disciples they were praying and they were trying to serve him doctors went one day he got up the person who the two people used to turn him and the other side in the bed itself we were so weak that person that sudama krishna was so weak one day maha sharadamani devi noticed he got up ran down crossed the whole field then afterwards came back and again lied down no one was there only ma sharda manidevi when the mother came and told you because she was not under also you're doubting that did i see you that you got down the sudama krishna said did you see that don't tell others there was a danger and the young boys my my disciples they are planning to visit that particular jungle there was a poisonous snake i asked the snake to go away and then that is the so how can you explain this the jiban mukta he is not suffering at all apparently but not actually any other so thank you friends so for beautiful wonderful questions let us offer our pranam to bhagavan srirama krishna niranjanam nityam anantharupam is [Music] [Music] namaste so friends i have a announcement that you know that every three months we uh publish our ease in e-magazine chicago calling and i'm happy to announce that the 31 number 31 issue that has been already published and this is the issue and you can get it online and you can download and read it is there in our website and those who are nearby you can come and pick up the the copies also and three dollar and you will get the wonderful idea of friendship the friendship that you are talking about there's a beautiful article and this picture that you see the suramar krishna and swami vivekananda sadama krishna as if keeping his hand on swamiji of course you know that's a photoshopping we have done to give this picture as if they are both friends they were friends and the god can be the best friend of people the beautiful article you'll find thank you thank you very much