Video 290

291. Panchama Veda 291 - Why should you be frightened! Hold fast Onto God

namaskar dear devotees and friends the wednesday evening we'll be studying the panchama veda the gospel of sri ramakrishna so let us begin with this we were discussing the chapter the master and narendra and page number 714 is the gospel of sirama krishna by shami nikhila nandaji the master to muhima why do you call the world a deep well or a trackless forest an asparant may think so in the beginning but how can he be frightened by the world if he holds fast to god then he finds that this very world is a mention of marth here i can eat hear drink and make merry why should you be frightened hold fast to god so here in this two three lines bhagavan srirama krishna is indicating about the two stages in the spiritual life the stage is one that is called gyana second is big gyan so when we are afraid of this world that means we have the gyana of the knowledge what is that knowledge the god is one and god is permanent never changing and he is the creator of this world and he creates this world through his maya which is completely temporary this is the general the hindu view of creation now naturally in the beginning those who are trying to realize god as parents what they will do they will ignore they will try to avoid the worldly things worldly objects the world itself that is the beginning then ultimately when they reach over there to the ultimate and realizes what they realize they see the god is everything even whatever he has created this universe is nothing but the god himself he is reflecting in everything that is called bigana in the the terminologies bhagavan sirama krishna used again and again the gyana and vikyana knowledge about god and realization of god the knowledge about god is gyana and after the realization when that devotee himself becomes the god it's called vikyana then he sees everything is nothing but he in the vedantic point of view or from the dualistic point of view he sees everything is nothing but god yet whatever i see wherever i look i see only the lord krishna that is the realization he can't see anything else except krishna so that is the beauty that is the uniqueness and when the agyani the he goes in the same track in the same path and he realizes the consciousness the brahman is everything there is nothing too the sudama krishna is mentioning about that and he says why this shanksar majaar khuti this is a this is a wonderful place i'm enjoying because everything is nothing but god knowing that i am not bound at all and i am playing with the god so gyana and vikyana after the realization that everything is nothing but god or everything is nothing but what happens according to the shankaracharya is the gibbon is the condition of the jivanamukta is a free while leaving why free because he is not bound at all his mind is completely free from that he's not at all bound the free from that that that is the reason he is enjoying this world free from all fear fear of losing fear of ending we have fear of death each and every one of us why because the end we think it is the end but when we will know that this is not the end it is the beginning of something else like when you complete our school year and we pass from the school and go to the college we are not afraid of course we feel we are going to lose our so many the teachers we became acquainted and the friends and the known environment and we are going to the college but we are not afraid of that why we know we are going to another institution we go to the college and after some days we become according to the same type of things and after we leave the college we go for the office again little fear but we're not afraid of joining the office so like that the life always which we know about that we are not afraid but we are afraid of death why because we do not know what is going to happen after that we see the body is burned or buried and there is nothing afterwards all his belongings are distributed or just thrown away and like that we think oh it is the end of it but the gyanis those who have realized those who have passed that they said no we're going to take another body only that's all so this is the way in the bhagavad-gita also it says in the second chapter when the arjuna was afraid so what will happen if i kill all people what the krishna said the same way he said mr atman it is eternal it is just going on changing as we change the old clothings we throw away those things and you never think about that so when the body is old and we throw away that there's so much of disease and all those things no let us change it like that so gyana and vigna gyana means the knowledge about all this but still the fear is there so they say i don't like to get entangled with these worldly things this is good when they're beginning but continuously even at the end of the life of the sadhana when we are practicing spirituality then even then if we are not realized then it may say like that but those who have realized they will say no we are enjoying so she said why should you go why should you be frightened why should you be frightened of the world because it is not going to bind do you know about it and he is suggesting hold fast to god what is that permanent hold fast to god if you are going on thinking about god there is no fear he gives a wonderful example he says what if the world is like a forest of thorns put on shoes and wonk walk on the thorns whom should you fear you won't have to play again the part of tip in the game of hide and seek once you touch the granny granule is that in the game most of us we don't know that game but it wasn't you know that the children used to play when we were very young we used to play two that someone all people will be in a blindfolded and you have to go and touch that granny granny is the master if you can somehow touch then they will he will open your the fold and you can see and you are free so same way we are blindfolded and we are going for the name for the fame for the money for the physical comfort for all these things then afterwards when the blindfold is open we see oh what is all this so just like that so this is the way this rama krishna in a very simple way he's taking us from gyana to bhikkhyan you must realize here and now if you can't then you do not know what is going to happen in future so that is the and how to realize and what to realize the eternity you realize if you can see bhutan in every being that eternal is there in different name different form the same eternal thing is there friends if you can understand these that is why the panchama veda i always call the gospel of krishna teaches the veda the knowledge what is that knowledge we spend all our life right from our childhood days we go with our the grandmother to the temple and then the mother then ourselves whole life we are going to the temple we are serving over there giving the the karseva as they say in india we are serving but without knowing actually what we are after there is this freedom we go and we entangled over there this is our asrama why they should come and i am not going to allow him to come and this that our family was there with the extended family another asthma and then fighting writing later no this should not be another thing is happening the unfortunate fellow he's spending all his time and then he's thinking oh i am serving the asrama what is asrama but for you went over there what you have achieved for that is the if idea is not clear then you don't know whether we are moving or not bhagavan si ramakrishna he gives the example of the the drunkard people they crossed the river and then drank a lot then they were they wanted to go back they were good boat men they were going on pulling whole night they did in the next morning when they became little sober they observe oh my god we are in the same place because the anchor was not lifted our life is like that we are going on pulling the board but moving nowhere why because the anger we have not lifted what is that anchor our ego if the ego is there then wherever you go whether it is himalaya or alps anywhere you go is the same thing the ego should be demolished and then the law will come feeling for others will come prayer will wailing within us for others and that is called the realization so guyana and bikiana bhagavan sirama krishna he wanted to teach this thing to the young naren his beloved disciple he said no everything is god oh that is blasphemous one should not believe that how everything can be god narendra swami vivekananda in his younger days he used to think like that but sudama krishna says why not you seeing that song what is that everything that we see is you you means that god yo the one who sees me in everything in every being and everything within me there is no two there is only one that is called vikyana what is religion religion is realization swami vivekananda gave the definition religion is realization realization of what realization of oneness now again with this one that we are fighting my god is one and he is the only god and your god is not my god so let us fight all over the world the people the misunderstood and then in the name of religion they are going on killing people and they're so happy i killed so many people tortured so many people because they don't believe in my oh my god human being behaving so peculiarly why because they don't understand what is religion if the god has created this universe has he created only you and your followers and your people and all others just to kill and now you go and kill them because i have not created them if that is the god it is better not to follow that god the god is love god is unselfishness god is only one he has made different paths that is the thing from different way the people are following and reaching to the same goal please just understand this whatever way you are calling on god is good for you as the some people they like to eat variety different type of dishes that's good for them may not be good for others and if that is not shooting game or hard and if you say go and die without food because this is the only food that is i call it a food and if you if you don't eat then you have to fast you have to die it's just like that my god is the only god so ghana god is there god has created this universe and god is everything and realizing that when we behave how you will behave with love so that bhagavan sirama krishna is telling king janaka used to feins with two swords one of knowledge another of action then those who are in the in the household and leaving a householder's life for them suramar krishna is giving the example of the janaka because you have to work you have to earn money you have to maintain the family you have to be a member of the society so there are so many responsibilities are there one must handle that and at the same time knowledge is also there what is that knowledge only god is there so i am doing everything but without any attachment so that is the way one should nothing can frighten an expert player this is ramakrishna to him my mind is still drawn to what he just recited the the previous day that we read the mahima charan was reciting so from that he is telling sudama krishna referred to the hymns chanted by mahima nawaii caitanya and the other devotees began to sing they were joined by the master he who danced drunk with divine love afterwards he said this is the one thing needful the chanting of god's name the name of god and the god are the same that is what suramar krishna said name of god and the god are not separate this is really unique so this is the if we have the faith the moment i'm just taking the name of god i'm thinking of god and that god in the beginning i'm taking the help of one person maybe a symbol maybe a book maybe any other thing but whatever that is the god and i am taking the name of that god the moment i am taking the name of god what reveals within my mind the picture of that god in the beginning then the qualities of that particular god and when i am thinking of the qualities of god what is the quality of bhagavan sirama krishna it is love and unselfishness and nothing else only love only love and only love so this love and unselfishness so that is exactly the god's name when i am thinking that and suramar krishna says that is the main important thing we are going on analyzing and debating and doing this that but if we can somehow develop the faith in the name of god and the god's name i take then nothing like that all else unreal love and devotion alone are real love and devotion is separating too using the two words the devotion means bhakti what is the bhakti love love for god but these here the love is very attached to god that one person who is so attached to god that becomes love love knows no barter astronomy can say there is no question that whether the god will love me or not why he is not revealing himself why he is doing this why so sometimes i'm angry with god that is a different way people they go i have nothing to say like that but the thing is love means i love you god whether you love me or not so that is the love complete attachment and then devotion this is the bhakti what is that devotion understanding the god and then trying to imbibe those wonderful qualities of god that is called devotion in different meaning it has said but the love and devotion alone are real and other things are of no consequence later suramar krishna went out in the direction of the panchobati he asked aim about binod a student in ames school who now and then experienced excessive while thinking of god the master loved him dearly so so many students are there but one is you know because of the previous birth the he was having the pure soul pure mind not having the attachment to the worldly things his mind was already concentrated to god so that he was having some experiences of the spiritual life and experience of spiritual life is what only joy so many things we see oh today i saw the huge elephants turning people okay so but if you have seen elephant there is nothing wrong but the thing is after that what so i saw the light i saw these i saw that it's okay okay okay but the only thing are you really enjoying that the most of the people they come and i don't know sometimes i i doubt whether they are under some drug or not because they're feeling they say and so easily they will be telling and we wonder that we are spending so many years in this spiritual pursuit and we are not having that that means what but we have to understand oh no it actually it is all imagination they superimposed on them or we can say self-hypnotized and they go on thinking this is happening that is happening and they enjoy that that is also hindrance in the spiritual path that is that don't they don't allow this type of thought to make the progress so one must be very careful so no nothing like that am i really having the great joy we doubt depending on anything any object or any person just the joy that is wailing within me and flowing like a fountain that is the thing am i really feeling for others no hatred no jealousy then i am proceeding towards god so this we have to keep in mind and slowly we have to proceed otherwise time will pass and we'll be self-hypnotized thinking we are great spiritual people and constantly reading books talking with the holy people but are you really making any forward i am are you really going to get the success in spiritual life so how do we know whenever we are having that type of joy that type of experience bhagavan si ramakrishna knew what his true experience so when he heard about that boy saw that boy talk to him he got interested rare souls so he wanted to know about him and master masha binod master masha is a student so master master giving is about him as he was returning to his room with aim he asked well some speak of me as an incarnation of god what do you think about it so the master master used to spend a lot of time in the company of bhagavan sirama krishna when you are in constant company of someone you will know about his nature so some people from outside they when they hear the talk they say oh the great soul we like to go and talk to him we like to meet him or her we like to spend at least five minutes with him or heart they are very much impressed but the people who are living with him do they consider like that that is the exam that's why master master if you are leaving then you will understand oh this man talks like that but his behavior is totally different his ideas are totally different so they will reserve they may not express or they may be expressing so the surama krishna asking master maha because of two things he was very intelligent his analysis was mostly perfect and without any emotion his analysis was without any emotion that sometimes some people with out of emotion they'll be going on telling something and they will exaggerate the things whatever has happened no no he was like these like that he'll be telling like that and they make something which is original thing become shrouded with so many stories and people are confused the moment he looked at me so many things i came to know and he could read my mind people will always they will say like that but if we believe them okay if they are satisfied no problem but if we believe in that way the judgment will be wrong so when sirama krishna is asking master mashay who was always in constant company with him living with him and taking him to the panchavati they are they are meditating again coming back and everything in and out of a person so if he says and not out of emotion out of pure judgment that's why sirama krishna is asking him what is his opinion not that his certificate carries anything to rama krishna but suramar krishna wanted to know about his idea because he was noting doubt down his all the conversation that has been published about the year of course it is a translation but the original bengali that was recorded by master is maha more so naturally what is his idea how he is going to depict it so sirama krishna is asking well some speak of me as an incarnation of god what do you think about it the master came back to his room sat on the small couch he repeated the question to him so he was serious about to know about the opinion of aim the master marsha the recorder the other devotees were seated at a distance and could not follow the conversation see how master mashay he when he asked that question he didn't reply immediately he was analyzing he was judging so he walked with him and came inside the room we can close our eyes can imagine he asks that in the panchavati and it is alma it takes nearly 10 minutes to to and then suramar krishna walking slowly maybe 10 to 15 minutes reaching his room and after sitting over there when the other devotees are there they are not noticing and they won't be able to understand what conversation is going on krishna asked us repeated the question to him to get the answer because he wanted to make it sure about and what he thinks the master what do you say um i think so too you are like sweet chaitanya master is it a full manifestation of god or a part tell me how much you know in those days the people they used to read and the caitanya mahaprabhu is also the 400 almost 500 years before bhagavan sirama krishna a very very popular and the spiritual personality in particularly in bengal and naturally the master mashay he compared with caitanya caitanya mahaprabhu they say sri chaitanya and sirama krishna is asking the do you think it is a complete full manifestation of god incarnation or a part of it the manifestation is there but at the same time it is not complete because the we don't see the the completion as we used to see in caitanya mahaprabhu he used to show all the examples that has been given in the uh the devotional book devotional scriptures about the joy of god the love of god everything was in the caitanya mahaprabhu's the eight different types have you noticed it in me do you think it is complete or is the part of it the man is loved god he sometimes goes into very deep meditation on god like that or the full see is asking that i don't know sir but it is true that there is in you an incarnation of divine power that is the kali divine power the manifestation the incarnation of the divine power shakti so that is that is true ah let me complete that there is no doubt that god alone dwells in you the master mahashaya said then the sudama krishna is telling that is true caitanya also wanted to realize shakti the divine power what is the difference in divine power the some people they realize the brahman and that much they don't work for the salvation or the emancipation of others they only realize that and quietly they sit in israel some people are coming near they will be listening to is and then little a bit of dialer and then writing down publishing in afterwards so like there are many but caitanya mahaprabhu himself went out to conv to save the religion and he said the people as a new thing take the name of god and with her with a tune kritana and dance with that come out each and all of you and in a very big group you should go move so the people all other people are also coming but that way he himself was very active that is the power realization and then quietly living the life and passing away some time passing at the time when time comes that is one thing but those who are very active trying to establish that like the sri krishna himself he was so active to establish the religion dharmastharpana to establish the righteousness he was going talking with people if necessary in those days it was necessaries of fighting with the other kings and chastising them guiding them that you should not behave with you go you because that is causing the trouble for the ordinary people so all the krishna we know in his own way he did he was active because the power was there manifested through him caitanya mahaprabhu power manifested through him bhagavan sudama krishna going to each and every place wherever the people are doing something for good to others like biddashagar mahashaya pithashagar was not meditating but biddashagar was helping the poor people he was teaching so many people he was helping the in those days that was the early marriage just so child the weedos that he was helping them also he was fighting so that salam krishna went to him he saw that the love for others unselfish way they are serving so the manifestation of the shakti the power the god sudama krishna going over there encouraging them guiding them and then the new group that they form they wanted to protect the hinduism from the conversion of the christianity and that is called brahma-samaj they were very intelligent people educated people and then they were thinking only attack is on the image worship well we should not do the image worship arya samaat prathana samaj brahma samaj all these they were coming up only to protect the hinduism in a different another and a packet and that is the brahma samaj we are not worshipping the god in form but we are pure brahman arya samaj only young that we are not worshiping the god in form so the sudama krishna is going to them and also talking with them and trying to guide them manifestation of the power so divine power that is true caitanya also wanted to realize shakti and the divine power narendra was engaged in a heated discussion rama who had recently recovered from illness joined him master to aim i don't like such discussion too wrong he didn't say to narendra he was a young boy he may not understand the ram he was a doctor and from recent illness is just recovering so why he should be so and excited in that debate so he is telling will you stop that you haven't been well all right go on softly don't get so excited and to master martial to him i don't like these discussions i used to weep and pray to the divine mother saying o mother one man says it is this while another says it is that do thou tell me o mother what is the truth so this is the way in the beginning one should go you know sometimes some people they will be reading different type of books and then whatever they can understand religion is a very very subtle thing so for that you have to purify your mind and the purification of mind means no attachment to the worldly objects but at the same time you are thinking that i am going in a debate i am going to defeat that person by saying that this is this this is that and i can show that i am so great that is the attachment to the worldly objects so why you are unnecessarily doing like that after when you have completed your sadhana like the shankaracharya and after finishing all that then he understood that a wrong conception in the name of religion is spreading in the society and the people will be confused people will be suffering so without a proper philosophy without the proper spiritual practice really then people cannot get joy soda shankaracharya he took up the cause of vedanta hinduism and fought against the buddhism and everywhere he went and he debated and not only that as because the buddhism they were talking about the without god without image worship and which was attracting the mind of the people shankaracharya gave the emphasis on the advaita vedant that is already there in the hinduism so he debated with the others also the dualist or the hindu path atv so that he was the the shankaracharya was doing why not that he was attached to all those things but it was his divine mission to establish the true religion true path then what is the that is the way he could do that but this time narendra the rama and maybe others they are debating just they wanted to prove how much they know so sudama krishna never liked it particularly narendra who was very young so srama krishna didn't say directly but indirectly he's telling ramachandra also dr ram the ramchandra datta he was also just practicing spirituality he was a doctor naturally intelligent and he was he read the books and he he could make the argument and greece chandra ghosh also used to do like that sometimes sirama krishna used to ask them you do the debate and let me listen then he will rectify but now as because they were fighting and they were doing that from the point of view of their own ego individual ego i know the best and salaam krishna didn't like it so what you learned from it is that the one thing our time is short human life how long we will survive so obviously we should try to go to realize god so knowledge about god is one thing realization of god is another thing and when it comes in a very easy way is the name of god divine name of god so the love and devotion if that two club together and with the help of the name of god that the guru give to us so if we can use that it is better for us for a second our the guide bhagavan sirama krishna is the god himself that there should not be any doubt about it and he himself is trying to establish the religion so if we listen to bhagavan si ramakrishna follow his instructions his guidance then surely we are going to realize god in this life wasting time in unnecessary debate is of no use next master mashay recording it was saturday march 7th 1885. at three o'clock in the afternoon sri ramakrishna was in his room at dakshinesha conversing happily with his devotee now whenever we see sudama krishna he is most of the time he is talking with the people because that is the missionary work that he he did dharma sthapana how he will establish the religion rama did in his own way sri krishna did in his own way sri ramakrishna is doing in the modern time by slowly slowly removing the ignorance about the religion so he used to talk a lot at the people he was not a king he was not a scholar he was not a rich man an ordinary priest even then whatever the chances used to go to the great personalities in those days diday in the great personalities like kishab chandrashin with darshan and he always talked to them and tried to give them the true knowledge at the same time equally he talked with ordinary people so this is the uniqueness not that used to talk to only educated people rich people no not at all sometimes we find that some swamis they will be or the shadows they are entrusted with the rich people why because the rich people they are my disciple and they listen to me as always they say busking in the reflected glory no sirama krishna was for all so that is why the surama krishna if you notice this thing for him no discrimination anyone interested at three o'clock suramar krishna is awake in no time and not taking the rest he that's why he became sick so early in his life even then he is not caring about his physical comfort he was no privacy also everything was inside his room only one room where he used to sleep and then sometimes you'll be sitting side by side two beds were there when used to talk to the people used to sit in one bed and when used to take rest is the other so that was the only no no privacy people sometimes will be leaving sleeping on the floor in the same room this is the way the god is trying to give us the best path that is the people can take that now here the three o'clock ramakrishna was in his room at dakshinesha conversing happily with his devotee baburam is younger baburam the younger noreen not our vibekananda young naren pul2 another boy he was very young and sudama krishna is to like him though he was so young but he had a great knowledge of spirituality haripatha mahini mohan and others were present young brahman who had been staying with the master a few days was also there sometimes some people used to come and stay with bhagavan's ram krishna of course the guest room were there because it was a very big still if the people if you when they go they can see the guest rooms were there people used to come over there food and everything was provided by the temple authority and this to come to get the company of bhagavatama krishna this young brahmin boy has come the holy mother suramar krishna's wife was living in the nahobhat now but just a little away there's a small little the two room house their mother is to stay occasionally she would come to sadama krishna's room to attain to his needs mahini mohan had brought his wife and nobin's mother with him to the temple garden from calcutta the ladies were with holy mother they were waiting for an opportunity to visit the master when the main devotees would leave the room in those days that was the norm the women will never come in front of the mill so because of the in the beginning in india it was nothing like that then afterwards because of the some foreign the invasion they ruled the country for a lot of time the long long period of time and they had a very peculiar culture to differentiate between the male and the female and they never wanted the female to come forward so obviously that was imposed on the hindu society too so because they were ruling so that hindu society had to follow that and slowly slowly this was practice that when the male devotees are there women should not come but sometimes srama krishna used to ask others also to come but anyway the so social norm ramakrishna followed the ladies also did come when the males were there so sirama krishna they came see ramakrishna was sitting on the small couch and as he looked at the young devotees his face beamed with joy rakal was not then leaving at the nation with the master since his return from brindavan he had been living at home and bindhavan the rakhal maharaja that is sirama krishna is to like him so much he became the first president of the ramakrishna order the very pure soul and he came back from vrindavan and he was living with his father the master smiling rakal is now enjoying the pension that means after the retirement the people they get some money like that so since is returned from vindavan he has been staying at home rakhal would lie down here and say to me that he didn't care even for my company she was then passing through such an exalted state see when they were so young so they because the company that the shanga that is also hindrance so those who are meditating they don't want any company anyone not even the guru so that was ramakrishna is very happy srama krishna god himself and the rakhal maharaj that young boy he is trying to realize god but he was trying to practice that within his own heart and not knowing srama krishna himself is there so but suramar krishna appreciated why that is the way one has to withdraw the whole mind in the that is the way the fourth chapter of the bhagavad-gita so if you read that you have to withdraw all the saints organs and you have to burn it in the fire of knowledge so in the fourth chapter beautifully it has been mentioned that when you are meditating forget about everything so suramar krishna liked it so he is mentioning bhavanath is married but he spends the whole night in spiritual conversation with his wife sudama krishna began to talk about narendra master to the devotee i haven't felt the same strong longing for the young norin that i failed for narendra so two different names the same name narend so young naren is a different boy and narendra who because the people is to short the name and this to narendra became naren the sudama krishna is saying i never felt that attraction for this young as uh naren as i feel for narendra haripatha do you go to grishkosh house harry potter yes i go there very often he's our neighbor master das narendra to go there harry yes i see him there occasionally and in the previous day we read the suramar krishna asking the same question to narendra himself do you go to greece gosh girish ghosh had a different type of life he used to drink a lot he had many other habits also he was a dramatist so in those days the prostitutes only they used to act the female characters in the drama no no no the good people sows their doctors never came so that was the condition so naturally the young minds when they are going to girish chandragosh and when they're talking maybe they'll be seeing these ladies over there and they will see the girishes drinking and then talking and people he was a very highly uh you know respected person in that society that they may be influenced by girish so sudama krishna was careful not that he was hating rishi loved giris very much but girish cannot guide a person to spiritual life that is the idea so shirama krishna was inquiring he is not that way very much interested about haripatha he's an elderly person he will know what to do but about naren he asked the same question to narendra and aksha narendra not to go super frequently to girish and narendra is a no no girish has given up all those habits now he speaks only about the spirituality they they answer he is inquiring and i we can understand how a guru a real guru constantly careful about the progress of the spiritual life of his students of his children of his disciples and particularly those he knew will be really really taking up seriously the spiritual life so he is inquiring what does he say in reply to girish there is a does narendra go to there yes i see him there occasionally what does he say in reply to girish that means girish mostly speak about sudama krishna as an incarnation of god that was the topic girish was debating every time everywhere so master ramakrishna is referring that haripatha narendra has been defeated in the argument then sudama krishna no narendra says girish gosh has such strong faith why should i contradict him so this is sirama krishna the dead gentleman haripatha he was witnessing the girish when he was putting the argument the sudama krishna is an incarnation narendra didn't reply anything that doesn't mean that narendra was defeated the same thing sadam krishna those who remember those who are attended that last class the same thing but sudama krishna knew why narendra didn't reply because he never wanted to hurt the faith of others this is the uniqueness and the character of a young narendra naboot in the bhagavad-gita sri krishna bhagavan krishna he is mentioning don't disturb the mind of the people those who are having a little faith and they are considering this is really very important and sometimes people will be talking about the food oh we don't use the onion we don't use these they are thinking that is very very important in spiritual life and some there will be some people they also say yes yes you should follow this you should follow that and the monday you should not eat and the thursday half day you can you should fast so many ways they say but the vedanta will say don't not don't disturb them at least they are trying to do something and they are feeling that is the great thing to let them continue with that when the girish was debating about sri ramakrishna girish was not having any idea about god about the incarnation just because he was an intelligent person and he liked sadama krishna he wanted to present him that way sudama krishna also was not giving much attention to his propaganda and this young narendra not afterwards swami vivekananda he never wanted to disturb the thought of the greedish at least he has accepted sirama krishna as an incarnation listening to his guidance and trying to come out from the old bad habits so narendra told it's good so he didn't give any answer this gentleman haribada he couldn't understand that so sadam krishna rectified then no narendra says girish gosh has such strong faith why should i contradict him the brother of judge onukul mukupata's son-in-law was in the room the master asked him do you know people narendra krishna used to introduce with narendra why because the narendra's conception was very clear so that these young people will also get inspired brother yes sir he is a very intelligent young man then now we will conclude with this the surama krishna when this person said yes sir is a very intelligent young man suramar krishna to the devotees he is telling he must be a good man because he speaks highly of narendra see look at it his love and confidence in narendra this narendra afterwards became swami vivekananda this narendra who received the power of bhagavan si ramakrishna and you know that suramar krishna was intently looking when he was in this death bed we can say he wasn't that and he was looking at this young boy and then slowly narendra was meditating at that time and narendra afterwards when he opened his eyes he saw sudama krishna is crying so what happened to you sir that today i gave everything that i had to you so what vivekananda over here that we see afterwards is nothing but krishna himself that is the reason we worship sirama krishna maha sharada and vivekananda on the same altar and whenever we say we always say these three names together they are physically different but in reality they are one in many places we will come across the suramar krishna many a times he is telling you o naren and me are not different so when this gentleman he appreciated naren sila was very happy so if we listen to swami vivekananda and if we follow the path of swami vivekananda the service to man is service to god who will be happy the lord god sri ramakrishna thank you friends we will begin our next class from this the first question is from biryandra majumdar he's saying by the grace of guru kripiya we know who sriram krishna is but my dehaatma buddhi is not going away i can cry to holy mother what else could i do oh they say i am really very happy that uh you are trying very hard see the buddhi uh going away the attachment to this body is the last step so whatever you are doing that is the right thing praying at the feet of the divine mother and she is the maha maya and she has the power to remove the bondage from your mind and if you are sincerely with tearful eyes praying to her of course she is the mother she will surely bless you you can have that faith thank you devashi saski is asking the next question during the time of meditation what we should think in order to concentrate on god and eliminating all the idea of worldly object from our mind i don't know uh divas whether you are initiated or not if you are initiated your guru must have given you the guidance how to meditate if you are initiated you must follow that if you are not then as a general method we can say that you try to meditate on omkar so the om is the representative you know that omkara that is the representative of the brahman om ithi brahma so you can meditate on the brahman thank you friends let us recite this pranam mantra and we conclude bhakthan [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] friends that the last sunday of this month will be the retreat the those who are receiving or our flyers you must be knowing that and those who are not receiving our flyers if you want to become the member of our this group google group you can send your email to me the ishatman and and i will include you and you will get the the link zoom link we do it in the zoom zoom just click over there and you will be added so that way you can listen to that it will be the the last sunday of this month for two hours i think from the morning time so if you are interested you can write to me and no charges donation whatever you like to give thank you very much