Video 287

288. Panchama Veda 288 : The Whole World is Theater

namaskar their devotees and friends let us begin the study of the panchama veda the gospel of krishna tava katha ritam [Music] krishna was talking with the devotees they were celebrating the bhagavatama krishna's birthday at dhakshinesha so in that chapter it is page number 703 the gospel of krishna and there we find the one person he is asking that realize god in one birth that this is a very a very interesting question in one birth so i came to know after analyzing after understanding oh yes that there can be god and who is all-powerful and he's merciful and all this whole world whatever i see is nothing but temporary so i concentrate on god but is it possible to realize god in one life we read in the life of bhagavan buddha that it took 500 births for him one after another life he took 500 times and then only in the last birth he became the buddha the noah brahman in that case is it possible to realize god in one birth master sirama krishna he is answering is anything impossible for the grace of god so when i am thinking about realization of the god i know what is god and when that god who is all-powerful can he not give me the liberation any moment they can give though it needs the preparation in the path of devotion in the path of knowledge in every path naturally it needs the preparation and the student should be ready then only it is possible to realize and sometimes people they don't have the idea what is god then when you think about god we think about some supernatural power that is revealing it is possible that god can give and at the same time god means as we are reading in the scriptures the development of wonderful qualities and which we can summarize by saying it is love and unselfishness what is god unselfishness is god we are born because of our selfishness i i i and i am associating this i the conception of i is associating in different bodies it's not only this body previously also afterwards also again and again that hindu believes that any that your karma your desire is constantly taking you life after life as buddha as also the buddhism also accept that the reincarnation theory rebirth so this why it is happening because of the tanha the lord buddha said it is desire desire for work these worldly things and the more we are grabbing to these things and it is going away because it is all temporary again i am thinking there's something else i should have like this it is going on but suppose i have the faith in the existence of god and who is all-powerful all merciful everything he can do then what he will do in one click i can get the liberation there's a beautiful there's again and again the shadows they'll be repeating in india and they will say uh this the hindi couplet they say the maiko kaha dudu theraposmo the person actually is addressing where you are searching me me the god where you are searching i am just so near to you within you then he said if you can't properly search you can get me you can i'm there within you abhi if you search really if you know how to search within a flash of an eye then you can see that just a second you will immediately realize and what is that it is not i am going to get something which is outside it is me only i only but i was not knowing that it is like as a young man he was a prince of that state but he forgot that for some reason and he was going on writing here and there asking people do you know who am i where am i then suddenly someone told hey you were the king son immediately he revealed i am the prince of this country i am the son of the god that much it doesn't need time that flesh so he it says the then but how it is then he is telling one should pray to god with sincere longing this is very very important so when we are going on praying to god are it truly sincere that is the question we pray to god for so many reason and we cry and many of the ladies they they say swamiji we are crying i was crying for god that's good you're crying for god but truly ask yourself are you really crying for god no maybe that you were not getting something which you wanted and that was already there that emotion was already there then when you go to god and praying to god then that comes out the emotion comes out as a tear and cry but it is not for god actually it is for the thing that you didn't get maybe recognition maybe love maybe some attention maybe some of the objects so many it is hidden desire there in the mind but when we can really really love god and cry for god that is completely different that satisfy the mind then completely a change calm the what is god realization santushti completely satisfied and there is no other desire so that we have to understand one should pray to god with sincere longing god cannot but listen to prayer if it is sincere cannot but he's bound to who is this god our consciousness and what happens the way we are sincerely praying to that consciousness praying to whom the consciousness i like to see the truth please reveal thy self now here comes the from the hindu point of view they will say if you want to see god in form well the god will reveal that in that form in whatever form you want the krishna the rama the ganesha the shiva the kali durga any any form that's why in hinduism so many gods and goddesses in any form if you are sincere in that form the god will reveal for you only because you want to see but if you want to know the truth what is the truth who are you immediately you will find is a flow of love the fountain of love and you like to love each and every one because it is you everywhere present that is vedantic i cannot hate anyone because everything that i see everyone that i see is nothing but myself the self that is the consciousness this is the way but in a bengali there is a beautiful song [Music] sometimes siram krishna has signed this song oh mind can you please call my god in a sincere way and then i challenge that he or she is going to reveal because of my sincerity bhagavan's ramakrishna sometimes demonstrated himself how to call god he'll be lying down on his back on the floor and then he'll be throwing just like the babies will be crying they'll be rolling on the floor and they're crying and their strength is in the crying if a baby goes on crying all people come away what happened small little baby but it'll be sounding so much all people because that cry is its strength it cannot stand it cannot talk but it doesn't cry and that cry will attract each and everyone particularly the mother and the mother will satisfy fulfill all the things that the baby needs so that is the way we have to can you call in that sincere way to god with your tears all sat in silence when bhagavan's rama krishna was telling this all sat in silence pondering sirama krishna's words so when a person are the people they are sincere they're regularly coming to a holy person and the person like bhagavan sirama krishna the god himself the purest of the pure and he loves he wants to show he wants to help he wants to reveal the only thing that we should understand then we are pondering have i really called god in that way pray to god in that way and each and every prayer will be answered so one should be very very careful so that is the way one when we are praying we should be very very careful there are so many different stories are there by that way to make people aware how to pray how to pray and what to pray so that is the thing bhagavan sirama krishna is teaching that if you can call on god if you pray to god sincerely with all all your heart god will surely respond but there are some things are there which is not possible because it's in a system it goes sometimes it is sometimes not possible then one lady came with a dead child and then she was asking the lord buddha you are a man of god and you have that power give back the life to my baby you know that story all of you the buddha buddha couldn't say no to her but he said can you please go and collect adjust the marshall of and the grains from any house where the death has not entered that means no one in that family has passed any time go and collect it she went to every door of that village asked everyone but everyone told the death has already visited our house each someone or other they pass that is the eternal truth we cannot say that it is not we can stop it no so we have to anyone born is supposed to die anything created is supposed to break so that we should understand so when we pray for the amaratta eternity what is that it's not the physically it is my quality it is my knowledge that remains in the minds of people after 2 000 years we are remembering lord jesus he is alive in the hearts of millions and millions of people because of his love so that we have to understand so don't mix up the lord jesus and the christianity it is a different completely different view the some people in a different way they are expressing and analyzing and following the path of the jesus teachings of the jesus but we the hindus see jesus as an epitome of love who gave his life only for the truth god is there you can realize god so that that jesus it is eternal the lord krishna 5000 years before it is all there all the time we are remembering lord krishna think about the rama sirama krishna within 100 years he is everywhere in the world so these called eternity the life of eternity is not the physical so when we go for the amrita kumba and we think that the liquid will be there and we will sit there and then we'll become eternal it is nothing like that how we can be remembered by god and those who are in power they want that the people to remember them but they don't know the method method is unselfishness and how it is possible swami vivekananda that beautifully puts it unselfishness is more paying it will give you everything if you become unselfish egoless but we don't have the patience to practice it so what is god unselfishness is god so i am don't have that ego why i know that everything that is there the world that i see is nothing but temporary this bhagavan's ramakrishna in in a discussion it will come then atul is asking how can we keep on god krishna is giving that age-old answer by the answer that sri krishna gave here when the atul the brother of greece chandra gosh when he's asking this question to bhagavan sirama krishna his answer is the same and he said obiasa yoga in the bhagavad-gita we find that krishna is and what is that going is that god that's why the hindus though they understand each and every hindu they know the god is formless god is all pervading god cannot have a form but still they worship different forms because it helps them when the mind is concentrated on that particular form it is for easy for me to withdraw the mind from all other thoughts and consent on that particular person and can go on remembering all the qualities that he showed and can naturally imbibe those qualities when we are imbibing the wonderful qualities of sri ramachandra which is satya the truth which is swadharma he always stood on that though i have given the word i must keep it that is dharma and look around everywhere they are giving the word only to break it and then think they are very practical and then nowadays very their word is very much used professional what is this profession cheating telling lies no somehow or rather we have to perform that function no we should always go on the path of truth we don't care about other things that is the main thing that is called dharma may be ordinary people that time they won't understand you they may think that oh you are a fool you could not utilize that proper opportunity but no i know everything all these things are all temporary temporary temporary and i had to go to the ultimate so that truthfulness that that swadharma whatever is my responsibility i must perform that is the teaching of sri rama chandra so when we are repeating the sri rama with along with the name and the form the quality also we should meditate and we should generate we should practice the krishna thiaga in the whole gita is nothing but tyaga giving up and who can give up a man of knowledge who knows everything is temporary and that after that he gives up because he don't have the ego the krishna is that's why the god the the krishna is loved because of his giving up the dyaga he could be a great monarch of the whole india no he gave up everything a very simple life he left lived so this is the qualities of the krishna when we see the same thing in the truthfulness and the giving up in bhagavan si rama krishna and swami vivekananda addressed him at tagishwara he is the lord of the renouncer tagishwara so that if we can when we are meditating on sudama krishna we have to meditate on his quality also that he gave up all the ego so this is the way we have to concentrate obviously yoga going on repeating repeating repeating day after day i will complete save 1000 japa whatever happens here and there i must complete then only i will go and sleep i must complete five thousand i must complete ten thousand if you keep in that way then your part of your mind will be constantly forcing you to take the name of god i have not completed that and that way you develop the attachment with the god and that name only simple name that guru has given to you that will help you in the beginning it is nothing oh this is god's name we i i was knowing it but anyway guru has given let me so when you are going on repeating repeating repeating increasing and along with that you will find your mind is constantly connected with that god and god means the wonderful qualities and that quality slowly slowly as the father's wealth will come to you and we are very near and dear once they will also wonder how this person has changed you are not affected by anything neither the praise nor the criticism you are very calm composed always happy satisfied that is the spiritual level so that we have to have a vyasa yoga you should practice calling on god every day it is not possible to succeed in one day through daily prayer he will come to long for god for a long long period of time regularly the same thing nirantara constantly continuously for a long period of time satcharia savita when you are practicing that austerity then deed of whom you will be successful so one should be ready for that i have practiced meditation for three months but i have not realized god so i am changing to this philosophy that philosophy god bless you but let us go on trying trying trying one should have once i have taken up this i am going to stick to this so that that mental strength is necessary that's called purusha the tremendous mental strain it is not only the male body or female body just mental strength i have taken this and i am going to perform this what may come so that bhagavan si ramakrishna is telling but now then he is telling in another person how can you feel the restlessness if you are immersed in worldliness day and night restlessness for god the something i am going to miss every day one step ahead towards death the end of our life how many of us we feel like that we don't like to think about death and we think that oh if we are not discussing about death it is good it is coming step by step every day and if you remember that the time is short i have to utilize it and then only the longiness i have to complete this then only if i can see god if the god is giving that his mercy so that way the longing if we can understand then he is telling formally jodhu mullik enjoyed spiritual talk he liked to engage in it himself but nowadays he doesn't show that much interest jodhu malik he was very close to the dakshinesha he was a rich man he was a landlord so in the beginning he used to come when afterwards he lost the interest look at it that is called karmapala nowadays we are reading the gospel of suramar krishna which is nothing but the conversation of surama krishna with the devotees as we are doing now and when the suramar krishna was in person leaving jadha malik was his very close neighbor and he could come and have the company of that god in person in the human form he lost interest that means the samskara that is constantly dragging us towards the world and what people will do how much the the cost of the grain so whether if i hold the grain so then i will sell it when the demand comes and i will make a great profit then i will build a castle a big palace and i will leave over there and wear with those buildings even today the rich people the same thing they're going on doing they'll be having 21 places 21 buildings and then all this they can can't even visit all the buildings but they'll go on purchase they'll keep that highly decorated and all but what for but instead if you go and help those poor people the living gods and goddesses get just outside your door and give them education give them health care support them encourage them you will be remembered all through that is unselfishness is more paying but we don't have the patience to practice it but when we are doing it that same thing helping people not that all rich people are very selfish there are many many are there who are helping but if we do that with a temperament of service to god we will get the spiritual benefit the spiritual benefit means that love a pure love satisfaction so that will come it was dirk the lamp was lighted in the room sirama krishna chanted the divine names he was singing and praying he said chant the name of hari repeat the name of hari sing the name of hari again he said rama rama rama then he said o mother thou do best ever enjoy thine eternal spores tell us oh mother what is the way we have taken refuge in thee we have taken shelter at thy feet the surama krishna is telling hari hari means krishna again he is telling rama and again he is taking the name of mother the kali now there are group of people and in europe america they won't understand but in india ramayita sambradaya sambrada a group of people their only worships read ramachandra and they will never worship any other gods and goddesses that is the problem they won't believe that there can be any other god except rirama as another group of people who will only worship sri krishna and they will sing and take the name of sri krishna hari and they will never believe that there can be any other gods or goddesses that is the problem and now bhagavan sudama krishna is teaching us he is the embodiment of the unity in diversity that he is bringing everyone the sri rama shri krishna and the goddess kali are the same that divine is manifesting in different forms in different times for different type of people as i was telling it is not that particular form it is the quality of that god whom we are worshiping as god sri ramachandra going and embracing the gohaka who was so called low caste to who those who are worshiping sri rama chandra will go do the same thing if you can't you are not a devotee of sri rama you are just mockering it is not possible the quality of god should come and i don't like all those things of the god and i love you oh god do you think god is the fool it is not so we have to understand that see krsna's read rama they are teaching us the truth and what is that truth in every being that krishna that rama that kali that shiva that god that brahman is reciting how as the consciousness that we should understand so through the devotion through the duality we must reach to that oneness that is advaita vedanta and finding girish restless sri ramakrishna remained silent a moment he asked deja chandra to sit near him the boy sat near the master he whispered to him that he would have to leave soon srama krishna means the master master what did he say the master master said he said he would have to go home salama krishna why do i attract these boys to me so much these young boys sudama krishna asked them talk to them affectionately and most of the time he used to keep the sweets to distribute like that so why do i attract these boys to me so much they are pure vessels untouched by worldliness so that is the reason a mind still not scattered in the world name fame and all those things and that is the that is the best time one should think of god when the mind has already been scattered in the worldly things and already experienced different world eating is very very difficult to collect that scattered mine it's like the master seed the small small seeds and if it is scattered on the floor you can never collect all of them that fell from the your the box so that's why it is already scattered many of them will be lost if the mind the strength is already scattered that is why they always suggested brahmacharya the brahmacharya means one pointedness that is the time the student should not give the mind to many other things of the worldly things then the modern days constantly just for the market they are making them community and they are destroying the human society the things right from the young age they should do this they will sing like this they should dance like this that is terrible they should not do the other day i was like listening someone sent me there one very young boy hardly a nine or ten years and maybe maybe the parents they have taught him a poem asking question about the the india have celebrated 75th independence day on that day very negative all through but the boy as because the he was taught he was reciting very nicely that is appreciating but the every each and every word is negative negative and negative as if the independence of the india is nothing is it it's wrong after subjugation of so many hundreds of years only these 75 years the independence has come we are not ready our leadership is not ready our society is not ready our minds is not ready how you are thinking the everything thing will be 100 perfect nowhere in no society things are 100 perfect but rather we should teach that young mind i am going to do this i am going to love these people i am going to help these people i like to see each and every brother and sister of my beloved country are happy healthy wealthy and they're educated tell that why all negativeness and people are going on sending that to everyone not understanding what they are doing it's criticism criticizing ask yourself go stand before a mirror what is your contribution have you done anything except oh this should be done that should be done who will do you have not done ask your father ask your grandfather ask your old family have they so why then that's why lord buddha said instead of asking these and that whether god is there or not you become pure perform your swadharma and they branded the lord buddha he never accepted god no he was srama krishna said he didn't express it to whom then so never even think about the negativeness there will be all negative bad dark thing but love the positive thing positive way i am going to do this i don't know whether all others will do or not that is the right attitude teach your children that suit bhagavan sirama krishna he is asking the god is nothing but positive it's never negative it's a beautiful word our ravindernath wrote in him everything is positive nothing negative nothing negative he's asking my countrymen scolding them sabacha prahari with the words as if he's weeping the why you are all so negative i can't do it i won't be able to do it always need you need a leader why you become your own master think and then perform friends religion doesn't mean that somebody will come and say something it is your own mind you have to analyze you have to understand and you have to take the oath to your decision that i am going to perform it i am going to do it and if you look around you will see everything is nothing but temporary so we are we drawing the mind from the temporary things and going to love something permanent and that is god and god is nothing but love and unselfishness and we have to manifest that now here sirama krishna is mentioning why do i attract these boys to me so much because they are pure vessels untouched by worldliness this worldliness means the craving for the worldly objects so that is always grabbing grabbing grabbing i want i want i want that is worldiness a man cannot assimilate instruction if his mind is stained with world in us we will always think in a negative way suppose you are going to help someone then a man of the worldly minded person immediately you will think why is going to help there must be some reason there must be something behind he's going to do this he's going to afterwards he will ask for this this is called worldliness pure love just for love's sake sadama krishna arrived at the star theater on bidon street on his master's birthday after they have celebrated over there and the food was given to all now they are visiting a theater and that was girish chandra ghosh friends we have to remember the sudama krishna he is going to visit the theater on those days he was a priest he was a holy person even then with all the devotees he is going to visit that revolutionary work but very simple way he is doing people there where people used to frown and so-called leaders of the spirituality why a holy man should be like this should be like that they were thinking but who is a holy man everywhere he is seeing the positive thing each and everything is nothing but the play of god his mind is full of that idea god present in everything that is holy man no i don't do this i don't do that that is completely just his beginning but a person who has already realized god for him there should not be any discrimination suramar krishna reached over there and to see a performance of britisha k2 brisha ketu and the publishers are given a note that brisket was the son of karna karna the great hero of the mahabharata that this brishya ketu and him only the master to aim has narendra come swami vivekananda used to avoid those days that the theaters and all that but sudama krishna wanted him also to come there to see to understand to realize because through that also the great teachings in the society sudama krishna asked grishandra ghosh who was praying to for the permission to become a sannyasi give me the permission i like to become a sannyash i like to give up everything sudama krishna said no you can help people serve people through your capacity your knowledge and your best in theater so do that in such a way that always a positive flow that goes to those people who are watching that and that is bhagavan's ramakrishna advice to the girish chandra ghosh through the theater you can educate people moral teaching can be given and he's asking there has not been come sir the performance began karna and his wife pat marbati sacrificed their son to please god who had come to them in the guise of a brahmana to test corners charity during this scene one of the devotees gave his suppressed sigh sirama krishna also expressed his sorrow because this couple karna and padmavati could not promised that anyone come to me and ask anything i will give him that that was the great the way and the god wanted to test so he came in the form of a brahmana and he told i like to eat some meat but it should be the human meat very peculiar uh the prayer karnataki no not ordinary human your son's meat you have to kill and then cook that flesh and serve me you know that story goes like that karna did that and not only that his wife he she also participated in in that both of them are crying they were blind with tears but even then they did that so that is rama krishna was feeling the sadness when they were doing that but afterwards of course he was not actually going to do that he gave back the life of that boy etc but it is the to to show that once i have promised i will keep my promise whatever it may be so that karna he was doing that after the place ramakrishna went to the recreation room of the theater girish and narendra were already there master stood near narendra and said i have come sudama krishna they he stood near the narendra sidha krishna took a seat the orchestra was playing in the auditorium the master master giving a very graphic picture so when he's writing he's giving he's giving the picture in such a way after the play they went to that recreation room and could hear that in the auditorium the orchestra was going on playing the music is reaching over here because the next show again would bring at the beginning so whole thing we can imagine those who have visited the theater they can imagine that the master to the devotee i feel happy listening to the concert the musicians used to play on the shanay is a instrument the musical instrument and the beautiful the the sound it can create and when he was in dakshinesha i would go into ecstasy noticing these a certain shadow said this is the sign of the knowledge of brahman and they used to play the sanai in the morning is a type of the flute and that music is to bring make the mind very calm and sudama krishna used to go into the nip so when he is listening to the concert of the theater he is going back to that this is the beauty of the holy people immediately those the whole companion who was sitting near krishna they can't listen to that music that the light music was going on he took their mind to dakshinesha and they were feeling the calmness so this is the way each and everything turning towards god and the orchestra stopped and sudama krishna began to conversation master to girish does this theater belong to you girish it is ours sir as a group of people but it is i yes i am the the owner of this girish didn't say that and that it was not there was there was a it was a group but sudan krishna liked that ours is a good it is not good to say mine people say i and mine they're egoistic small-minded people but you know in the europe and america you have to say i so when you are inviting some people we invite you immediately the one he was prompting but you are inviting what is that we so they don't understand in that way so here the because of the the social things are totally little different so you have to say i and particularly in the modern days i have heard from the young people applying for the job you have to go on boasting about your own qualification otherwise you won't be getting that job and if you say well i'm humble i don't know much but i can i can try you will never get the call of the interview you have to say i can do i can that i did that these that you have to go on busting then only so it has changed there society is constantly changing but truth is truth eternal truth in a changing society swami ranganathan anandaji one of our great swamiji he wrote a book actually this lectures eternal truth in a changing society the eternal truth is that it is not i it is not me it is not mine that humbleness ego free ego that separates me from god so what when i am going backward journey i'm going back to god i came out of my original home and i was loitering over here now i am going back to my own home what i should do i should remove that carton of i so that is spiritual truth eternal truth so now here the greece is telling okay narendra the young narendra you are sitting over there the whole world is a theater he commented you know the young people they always like that now we should notice how bhagavan suramar krishna utilizing the words of a young man narendra for towards the spiritual knowledge when the narendra told the whole world is a theater sudama krishna yes yes that's right in some places you see the place of play of vidya and in psalm the play of abidyah look at it immediately suramar krishna taking the whole conversation to the advaiti discussion vidya and abidya with the maya abid the maya there is sirama krishnas on the coinage also and he used to love to tell like that narendra nothing in narendra everything is the play of vidya again suramar krishna true true but a man realizes that when he has the knowledge of brahman now narendra is telling everything in this world is nothing but theater that means he had that conception that it is not real actually suramar krishna is supporting yes yes but all these activities that is happening a part of it for the truth and another part untrue then no no everything is truth he said yes that is also correct but that when you have already realized the brahman what is that brahman all pervading consciousness when one has realized that he don't see anything in a different form sometimes people they wonder those who are studying the vedanta what happens after brahma-gyana what he sees he sees everything as we see but when we see the a man and the old man and an animal he also sees like that but at the same time he is fully aware that each and everything is nothing but the consciousness the outer that form the name that is different but internally that is all consciousness that is aware that is brahmagani so everything that we see is nothing but the brahman after realizing the god everything that the person sees is nothing but god yatra yatra those who are following the path of krishna you don't you should not come to us you should not touch me you are not holy it goes on doing that after the realization those people see those untouchables and all those things that you are denying everything is nothing but the same krishna wherever i look i see the krishna manifesting from the point of view of the dualist also the one that is krishna at the visnu or the rama and from the advaitin point of view also the same the one the brahman the consciousness so whatever narendra said immediately suramar krishna turned it to the positive way but for a bhakta who follows the path of the divine love both exist following the path of divine love for the gyanis it is all consciousness and for the bhakta it's always say this is bittyamaya that that is that means the god that is the truth that is the eternal and abhidya maya what is maya maya is the power of god many a times we have discussed and it is very difficult to define maya but we can feel that and to some extent to understand we can think is the power of god it has two capacity it can cover the original and superimpose something completely false thing on that covered one and it is having three gunas the power the quality satya rajyathama with these three guna and two power this maya is doing the havoc so whole this thing that we see is nothing but the creation of maya and that sudama krishna said and in that there is a biddamaya that means they understand this is the manifestation of god so they are not denying that by the positive way they are moving and there is a very classical example they always the philosophers they always say a glass half fill that some people will say the half empty glass negative and some will say half filled with water positive same thing two different views so when the whole world is like this they say this is the manifestation of the god my beloved my love my god it wants like this so this is the way with damaya and abhidharmaya asking narendra please sing a little narendra is singing upon the sea of blissful awareness waves of ecstatic love arise upon the sea of blissful awareness awareness caitanya upon the sea of blissful with all joy that awareness we waves of static love arise and different changes are coming then in one place the song says then once more in the great communion all are marched as the barrier walls of time and space dissolve and vanish time and space dissolve and vanishes first it is the wave that is creation and the creation takes different names and forms those who are the students of vedanta you all know how the creation came two different ways the hindus they explain from the dualistic point of view and monastic point of view they'll be telling the kree about the creation and here it says because the the calm and composed the blissfulness blissfulness means one of the epithet of the brahman is is a bliss and there the waves started that means the creation creation took different names and form then the time and space they go away again those forms that goes back to the eternal and it all goes back great communion listening to that the way as narendra sang the words then once more in the great communion all are marched sri ramakrishna said to him one realizes this after attaining the knowledge of brahman then all is withya brahman as you said the bidder my ability the all things are there but when i see that as the manifestation of the consciousness that is called bittya so narendra said that everything is nothing but the theater the whole world is a theater of course but we can look at these from two different point of view one is these are all false another is the full of god that narendra after he said where you are searching for god can't you see your god praying for food praying for knowledge praying for the clothings praying for the shelter go and serve them the leaving tabernacles leaving gods and goddesses waiting for you to serve jibe premier jay john shay john he who loves the beings he is serving god the theater of course but if we can take it in a positive way each and every one that we are meeting talking we can see within that person as our beloved god that will be the ultimate of spirituality we talk about spirituality this is spirituality thank you friends we will conclude over here and then in the next day uh a little is left is there we will conclude over there is there any question so the first question the first question is from um he's asking question about both form of god if easter worshipped uh deity is not the same as name of god from guru should should easter be changed not very clear sometimes some people they love a particular form of god and then when they take the initiation from the guru maybe guru will give the name of another god or goddess so the name of the god or goddess that has been given by the guru that is called ishta devata or devi you are supposed to take the name of that and to meditate on that suppose you have taken the name the guru has given the shiva but you love kali so afterwards after repeating the name of the sheba meditating on sheba in the other time if you meditate on kali worship kali nothing no harm i think that was the question is the ishta worshiped not the same we got i got from the guru ishta that is them so if you have got it from the guru it is no no all gods goddess are the same you know the guru has given a name and the god and that form the same you you are loving so why we should stick to the instruction of the guru because our energy to worship this god that god these goddess that god is is a energy is flittering that's why we take initiation and we concentrate on that as the guru has said i must follow it that's all the next question from sanitab energy she is asking how should we balance our day-to-day duties with spiritual practices so when that is a wonderful uh another instruction is there by our um that raja maharaja swami brahmanandaji the direct disciple of bhagavan sirama krishna when this question was asked he said when you go to your office you take out your that picture of your god or goddess and say god i am starting my work daily work whatever and then in between again when there is a the break again you take that take out the picture and very so other people should not see it very privately you should talk to god and pray to him now it is a break and then finally when you are closing just once again you take out that picture and pray to the god and say the god this much i could offer it to you official or whatever the work that you do just offer it to god remembering him mom anus mara yud that was the instruction of the lord krishna to arjuna you just go on remembering me and fight arjuna was waging a war and he was remembering god at that time and we are only going to office or doing some other can't we remember god we can if we want thank you friends so let us chant this mantra and we conclude bhabta is [Music] namaste you