Video 268
269: Panchama Veda 269 : Difficult to Break the Delusion
namaskar dear devotees and friends the wednesday evening we'll be studying the panchama veda the gospel of siram krishna it's difficult to break the delusion so that is the topic that i have given the name today and this is the conversation between sirama krishna and bankim chandra and another though the ramakrishna is considered by the millions and millions of people as the goal and also as the path of the spiritual life he is the goal and he is also the path and the path means he is giving the instructions by following that instruction one can reach to the same goal and where he will reach that god or brahman or atman is nothing but that bhagavan sram krishna we consider siram krishna as such by reading his words his conversations we are getting inspiration directions for the spiritual life but now when that person himself is trying to give instruction to someone even then if he is not changing to what to say that sudama krishna is trying to give the instructions a guideline guidance to bankim chandra we have to remember in a social status bankim was very high he was highly educated well established recognized by the society he was the deputy uh uh he was it's called that position used to hold so obviously you can understand so he was a great difference between sirama krishna and banky sirama krishna only we can say a brahmin priest so obviously in the beginning it is very difficult to though many people are respecting him and bankim's friends and colleague he was also respecting suramar krishna very much and he has invited bankiman and his friends deputy magistrates so to his home and sirama krishna also to introduce obviously they were maintaining the courtesy the gentleness but at the same time we are not getting very confu convinced with his words we all these pages that we have read and we'll be continuing so but why so that we will see afterwards see i will read from the page 671 the gospel of sirama krishna those who build hospitals and dispensaries and get pleasure from that are no doubt good people bhagavan see ramakrishna is telling that this is a type of people there will be people who are not telling lies not hurting others treating others very moral very gentle but the spirituality is a different thing helping the people and getting joy into that is a different thing rajaguna assalamu krishna but they are of a different type he who is a real devotee of god seeks nothing but god he who is a real devotee of god seeks nothing but god shall you stop doing good to others not at all surama is not mentioning that but we have to understand i am reading the line again so there is a chances to misunderstand so those who build hospitals and dispensaries that means doing philanthropic work and get pleasure from that this is the important word pleasure i am doing it if i don't do then who else will do that means ego is working and when there is ego that ego actually separates us from god so when ego is working no chances so that word pleasure we have to understand from that and no doubt good people no doubt good people but the real devotee seeks nothing but god that is the different thing pure soul devotees are in a class by themselves pure soul devotees are in a class by themselves you cannot have real love of god unless you know that god alone is real and all else illusory you cannot have real love of god unless you know that the world is impermanent only of two days existence while its creator alone is real and eternal keeping these truth in mind and based on this truth the god alone exists when i am working i am serving the living gods and goddesses at that time if we do the hospital build hospital and dispensaries serve the patients that will help me to realize god that in one of my classes i mentioned about the one of our swamiji swami dhyananda ji maharaj who left the the america went back to india and started the matrix southern and now it is very famous as the sheba pratishta the shall we not tell that he he was a good person but not realized god no i mentioned in that in the last part of his life when things were over he gave the charge hand over the charge to someone else then how he used to leave over there he never took pride he never boasted he never got the pleasure by doing that but he was happy that he could serve the living gods and goddesses so these are two different things sirama krishna is pointing to those people who are helping others with their egoistic way you know they are not the god lovers those who are devotee they are completely different and sadama krishna very nicely he mentioned and so wonderful is a class by themselves the pure devotees they will be so happy when they meet each other why there's no ego and where is the bond the god himself the look at him he's so devoted that he has brought the flowers for the god so they will love they will appreciate i brought the food why he should bring it so i you should not offer this food because i have brought the food for god and that should be given and not anybody else is a devotee love god let us ask them yourselves so this is the way we have to understand we do many things but at the same time as because we do not understand why why we are not developing the spiritual law faith and contentment that is the question that we have to analyze our actions at the back of all the actions that the ego is working srama krishna is teaching he's teaching bankim but through bankim we are all learning then he says some people think that god cannot be realized without the study of books and scriptures they think that first of all one should learn of this world and his creatures that first of all one should study science then all left the cerama krishna he is telling the you know he could read the minds the people most of the people even in the beginning itself in the this gospel the master mashay he was all wondering he was asking one mate who was serving ramakrishna brinde the master moshe akstar does he read a lot because he is telling the wonderful words must have read from somewhere and the bring they say oh no because sure was not having any books in his room bring the beautiful report set and he said she says everything on our tongue the himself that the god of learning because he is the veda he is revealing the truth so obviously we need not to study anything and sudama krishna is when he is telling this that some people are thinking that and this world the worldly things the science we should know and through that we will realize god absurd because it is completely different beyond the time space and causation beyond the reach of any senses any sense organs in the upanishad it says the i cannot reach and the tongue cannot explain even the mind cannot think about it that is all beyond that that is god the sudama krishna said that they think that one cannot realize god without fast understanding his creation they go on analyzing creation big bang theory these theory that theory even the philosophers also that is in one way good but that has nothing to do with the god realization god really isn't completely different friend again and again the one point the sudama krishna again and again harping god realization and what is this god realization just your sincere prayer to god i like to see you i like to know you i like to talk to you that much and nothing else which comes fast science or god what do you say he is asking banky again see the monkey banking is telling i do think that we should first of all know about the different things of the world how can we know of god without knowing something of this world we should first learn from the books this is the problem you know that koshuti punished we find that brahma he is talking with the ashalayan arishi one can realize god through sradha bhakti means the faith bhakti devotion and dhanu yogat through the concentration through meditation so that is what the brahma is telling to the australian the scripture is nothing but the conversation of the realized people they first realized then they are giving those knowledge to the disciples here the brahma the firstborn he is giving that instruction to the asha lion there are two types of students the vidant always say the one is bihangamarg bihangam margabianga means the birds then he will stick from here and then fly and sit somewhere else in between it will not stop anywhere so the very fast it reaches the bianga margam how it is they will hear the mohab aqueous and the when they hear the mahabharatas the great dictums that wama see that's all and they won't stop unless they realize it understand the true meaning of this mahabharaka why it is muhammad because this is the truth asi bakum is the word is the dictum so obviously this is muhammad's great it is the truth i am that god i am that supreme the moment the guru says the realized one says and immediately my mind is ready so the moment the seed comes immediately it starts sprouting yes i can understand this i am not this body i am not this mind i am not this senses i don't belong to this world all this world are temporary and then his mind goes back to the root the source the brahman the consciousness and he becomes consciousness himself his mind his consciousness merges this is called bihangam margham a complete faith in the words of the guru and as because he has already analyzed everything his mind is ready the bianga margam and second is pipilika margam in pikpilika means the and it goes slowly slow but steady it will take time the bird flies straight and realizes in no time bhagavan krishna came and touched the young narendra not immediately narendra not went into the samadhi and he realized the truth that everything is nothing but brahman and that continued for three long days salaam krishna touched many people but they didn't receive that they didn't realize that so that is the way we have to understand the whether our mind is pure and what is purity we know attract attractions for these worldly things that is purity and when it is possible when there is no me and mind that saints i and me and mine that sense is not there that is called purity completely withdrawn from the world it's a very very difficult we say like this but it's not so easy and because of that i cannot certainly say that i don't belong to this world and all these things are illusory not like that we cannot we can say but do we feel like that if we don't feel obviously it is not true to us and what is the pilika marga the ant mark the ant way they will srabana manana and needed the vedante these are the things they will go and learn from the teacher then then go on wandering over that the teacher told us this then is it true bhagavan sirama krishna is telling first thing is to realize the god but bonkimi also telling that we have to understand this world otherwise how we will understand so this is the way that they will all discriminate and then pros and cons whether it is good and not so they will go on doing but they will make the progress slowly because they are sincere they are interested to understand god and realize god so sravana then manana is a discrimination oh that is true this world is temporary i lost my grandfather then my father then i have become old i am going to die and so many changes so like these he will go on thinking and by that way his mind will get detached from the worldly things and that means detachment from the world is purity his mind will be pure and the moment you are pure you are blessed why you the revelation will come automatically and that is called nidi dhyasana will be completely merged into meditation so pipili kamarga and pihanga marga and then ashtavakra and why i am mentioning this majority of us we like to argue all the time and we like to discriminate in our own way though we do not know anything our mind is bind but all scattered over here even then when you talk about religion we think that we all know about it then these are the people this is the problem with them so the brahma and the australians the uh the how they were talking and what are the teaching that we learned this is dhyana yoga the faith and the love for god devotion and concentration on that particular point that is called simple maybe we are slow slowly we will make the progress but we should be sincere pipilika marga the like the and we will go and realize are there a blessed one they will just learn listen and realize i will quote from the ashta bhakra gita here the ashtabakra that astra bhakra different type of people why we are discussing because those ramakrishna is telling but bankim is not understanding it so from that very moment because as i was mentioning we have to understand the social condition suramar now we know sirama krishna now we know that he is nothing but god banking was not knowing and banking was not doing the tapasha in meditation and he was not that way eager to realize god but as a good nice gentleman educated person and the responsible the uh the social person uh he was courteous gentle and he was arguing and trying to understand krishna that is the and this type of then why he was not understanding because bankim was not ready we are not criticizing bankim we are trying to understand why when god himself is coming and is giving the instruction why people are not realizing then because we are not ready again pure intellect means fully concentrated on god only under consciousness and no relation with the ego and obviously the mind is pure any instruction anywhere immediately it gives the result anywhere instruction of the guru of the god of the spirituality that will react over there in that mind sirama krishna told the story of a person he was a landlord lala babu many of you have read that the lala babu he was a landlord naturally the rich man in those days so he used to live in that way one day when he was going suddenly he heard one mother they are the these two wash the clothes of the people and these two the warm the water by burning the lighting that dry banana leaves and in that colloquial term it's called bhasana not basana bhasana and mother was telling them the daughter now the day is almost over evening is approaching you won't be able to work in the evening better light the vasana so that the water will be heated warm and we can soak the clothes into that bala jai in bengali she said light that dry leaves now the word bhasana reached to his ear this landlord was a pure mind and who was constantly thinking how to realize god the moment this word reached to his ear he heard it as basana means desire the sanskrit word bhasana is desire agunde burn and you have to burn the desires because then there is not much time left in your life balaji jai bella means the day the jai means it is slowly the the evening is approaching the darkness is approaching so not much time left in your life burn your desires and concentrate your mind on god he learned that he hard and learned that this poor lady when she was telling to her daughter something which has no relation with the religion but a man of religion he heard these old and it's true now that not much days are left in my life i should burn all my desires i should concentrate on god i should realize god in this very life you know what happened sudama krishna said immediately from then and there he went into brindavan the holy place a holy pilgrim center and on a plot of land he started meditating and pondering on god and austere life and he realized that lala babu kunja that place where he lived and did that spiritual practice is famous as lala babu kunja i think they have ramakrishna mission got that plot of land and developed in some temples over there so these are the wonderful examples the scripture says if your mind is pure in whatever way you get the advice that works but if you are not what happens who whole life you'll be going on asking question the why it is not happening why that is not happening why i'm not yelling to god why this thing that thing because you are not ready he remain ignorant why ha because the delusion so it is so hard the delusion never goes what is the delusion thinking these worldly things as permanent the source of joy source of my life that is the main main mistake friends it says that there are four types of intellect the one is stone like you'll never enter if you go on telling them about the spiritual i didn't bother about it i was thinking when i was reading the bankim chandra belongs to the stone like no we will come to know about that is not like that we will come to know that and another intellect is rubber type then if you are trying to put a nail into it it goes little deep but the moment you release it comes out it's not sticking there it goes in and then come out that is the rubber the fast one is the worst stone-like second the rubber like we can say bad third is the skin it will go and go up to that as long as you are heating so that much it will go and then stick over there it is not going farther good after we can say there's somebody some guru is telling and then we are listening and whatever the guru said that much it has entered that is also good so good but the best is called oil like in the oil and just drop the with anything that the immediately it goes down that's called the oil like it could say water but why oil because there is nothing else but that mine in the water may be the air bubbles in the oil the clear only that so they seem oil like so we should try to be that oil like our mind should be like oil-like that is the way it goes now let us read again from these pages where bhagavan sirama krishna is telling that it is godfast not the books not this knowledge of the worldly things but bankim is telling no i'd like to know the world first then sudama krishna how how much patience rama krishna was having while i was reading i was getting irritated why banking is not listening to sudama krishna but sudama krishna standing over there sitting over there talking with him and constantly he was going on making this type of comments but he is not angry he is going on patiently giving him this idea sirama krishna that is one cry from all of you but god comes fast and then the creation after attaining god you can know everything else if it is necessary so we will learn the world we'll read english we'll read signs then only we will go to god the salaam krishna said most of you are telling like this but why don't you first realize god and then go for knowing it it's nothing when you know god you know all else there's a in the upanishad and one person is coming to ask this question so he was a successful man in the society then he wants to know about one thing by knowing which everything can be learned about everything we know so he is telling like this so sirama krishna is telling when you know god you know all else but then you don't care to know small things when you know god you know all things but then you don't care to that we know that dhruva the famous story he went to the jungle and under the guidance of the narada he meditated and prayed to god only with one intention his prayer was that my father should recognize me as a prince and should give all love and attention a prince is supposed to get that was his intention when the lord vishnu appeared before him and said what is your prayer then he forgot everything that he was thinking he said god i want to be with you all the time please be always be with me be with me then vishnu said hey you sat over here to go to become a king no no no i don't want that so little things from his ramakrishna is telling all this is nothing so this is the way we learn from the scriptures the smalls to beautiful stories of the puranas that gives the illustration of these teachings same thing is stated in the vedas you talk about the virtue of a person as long as you haven't seen him we go on talking about a person and who he is so good he can sing well he's a very good person like these people will be talking but when the person comes himself then we are not talking about him his company we are enjoying so that is but no sooner does he appear before you then all such talk stops you are beside yourself with joy simply to be with him you feel overwhelmed by simply conversing with him you don't talk about his virtue anymore yes krishna was telling suppose we are talking about the god oh look at it the god has created the sun the moon the beautiful sky and this whole world so many varieties of flowers we go on and praising god suppose god comes before us we are not talking about the world now oh god you have created these butterflies you have created these that we won't talk that time we'll be looking at him listening to him and just his company his association will give us great joy fast realize god then think of the creation and other things so when we joined when we were young you know that all energy a lot of ideas so used to talk with the senior swamis the swamiji we should do this we should do that there are so many poor people are there we should go and give them education and take their health care they should all then say ramakrishna mission is doing all this but remember one thing what is fast the cart or the horse the horse carriage the carriage should be fast or the heart should be fast hearts and that is god realization unless and until you are realizing god understanding that true and then it will be like a social work millions are doing the social work nowadays the young girls are becoming very famous by saying something they're very smart and very intelligent they're taking one a point and then the whole world is supporting them acknowledging them hardly 15 16 12 years all these little girls so why it is possible of course it is possible you will get the recognition that is a completely different thing but the god realization is completely different suppose we do a lot of good things in this world does it it means that all the problems of the world will be over can anyone assure that this world will be completely free from all the problems there will be no disease there will be no corruptions there will be no bad people will everything will be all good love law abiding people everywhere in this world oh i don't think it is possible it's a pure dream if some place is good then there will be some bad if this is all right and that other will be it goes on and on and on and on just go through the pages of the history it is like this what i should do in hindi there's a beautiful couplet i learned it from an indian soldier he came to visit me in andaman then he said katheto i agree that i could not change this whole world this universe as like a flower garden a beautiful place no it is not possible for me but but i have removed the thorns from the path that i have traveled so that the others who are following this path will not be hard the life should be like this the god realization is the first and while i am trying to realize god i am helping others serving others and thinking that i am serving the living gods and goddesses sudama krishna is going on telling then he is telling the balmiki story baal then afterwards coming in contact with the great guru narada the ratnakara's mind turned and he started taking the name of god the japan taking the name of god is a very strong thing to clean our mind how to purify our mind our thoughts name of god japa receiving from the guru at the good person and if you go on repeating that name it will purify your mind and the narada told him you better repeat the name of rama it was difficult for ratnakara to pronounce that pure word drama so he said mara okay it will con that will do do that then he explained ma means god and ra means this world the fast is god and then this world then ratnakara sat in one place a very dedicated mind strong mind so decoys but they are very courageous and very strong mind the ones that decided to do that so that decision that strong mind when applied for the realization of god he was so successful went on repeating then afterwards long afterwards when his guru came back he found that he's sitting in one place and the ants have covered the whole body so it became the balmy key bulky from that the first god and then the world if you put 50 0 after a one you have alert somebody going on giving the example to clear our mind one is the fast god is the fast and then all other things if you put the 50 zeros after one you have a large sum but it is the one nothing remains only zeros have nothing to do it is the one that makes the meaning first one then many first god then his creatures and the world the one thing you need to realize god why do you bother so much about the world creation science and all that your business is to eat mangoes this is favorite example is to tell it to many people what need have you to know how many hundreds of trees there are in the orchard how many thousands of branches how many millions of leaves you have come to the garden to eat mangoes go and eat them man is born in this world to realize god it is not good to forget that and divert the mind to other things you have come to eat mangoes eat the mangoes and be happy so great advice bhagavan sirama krishna is giving so we have come to this world and our the human birth particularly as because the human has the capacity to discriminate between the bad and the good between the temporary and the permanent between the unholy and the holy so it is only the human being has the opportunity to realize his own self no other can do there are other beings cannot do this now sir that's why bhagavan sirama krishna is telling as because you are born in a good family educated capable to discriminate capable to analyze capable to understand the temporary of this world and the permanent of the god why don't you turn your mind towards god and realize god so he gave the example you have come to eat mango eat mango while you are counting the branches and the leaves then there will be no time to eat the mango but you know the banking chandra and this is the characteristics of the bengalis they like farm and that means they'll be having one topic and on that they will discuss sometimes serious sometimes making jokes bonkin is not taking seram krishna's word that seriously he is thinking that we have come and assembled in one place and after some time we will have the launch in my friend's house so this is the ut the conversation is going on okay this gentleman has come he's telling so he is taking it very lightly so you can understand the banking is telling salaam krishna is so seriously telling this but that is the characteristics the different nature so he is telling where do you get the mangoes he is asking krishna is telling you have come to eat the mango that doesn't mean that here truly you have come to eat the mango bunkie knows it a very intelligent person he may understood but in the mood of da this is a bengali word it means go on gossiping talking and that the social socializing and different topics comes and sometimes taking seriously sometimes with fun it goes on so he is having that mood what do we get the mangoes he's asking krishna he's not angry with all patience once again he's going on so ramakrishna is adamant to tell the truth to bankim because bankim was a very nice person so here's the suramar krishna pray to god with a longing heart krishna is not going to enter into that type of light words pray to god with longing heart he will surely listen to your prayer if it is sincere perhaps he will direct you to holy man with whom you can keep company and that will help you on your spiritual path perhaps someone will tell you do this and you will attain god that means guru again wonky so when you read this you can understand that the characteristics of the bengalis they are intelligent people and not that they're insulting sirama krishna but in a funny mood he is going on talking surama krishna talked about the guru and if you go and salam krish was sincerely telling about bankim is the how he is reacting bankim is telling who the guru then he says oh he enjoys the good mangoes himself and give us the bad one so all are laughing so that is the way let's call the the way of da in the bengali but sirama krishna is not giving up why you know these people the bankim chandra and his friend adhar and also other deputy magistrates they are the cream of the society if they are convinced then that will percolate up to the grassroot up to the general people if you go and tell this to the general people they will understand that they will not like this it will go on but surama krishna is going to those people and trying to give them enlighten them about the spiritual life why then that will come down to the root all people under the whole society will be benefited in the bhagavad-gita also it says the good people all the people in the in the in the higher in the leaders of the societies whatever they are doing the ordinary people are all following them so that is why the leaders of the societies you know who are the leaders of the societies the writers those who are writing publishing articles writing books and the speakers the spiritual leaders the good singers actor actresses and the political leaders because people are influenced by them any political leader he is getting the support of millions and millions of people what does it mean that he doesn't know the million that the million they know him and whatever he is doing all he'll follow that so that is why we should understand when we are in a position in the society we should be very very careful so it means the best people this is our cinema actor and actresses when in the cinema it's okay it is a drama whatever is they have been asked to do but in their personal life also if they are pure if they're truthful if they're loving their own family and also caring for the society inspiring the young minds to be truthful that is a wonderful effect but if they go on doing all the nasty things oh that other day we three friends drank that much of the wine etc etc and the boasting on that that will also go a very bad effect on the society friends so this is the appeal to we were there the teachers the students they don't listen to their parents they say my teacher has said this the teacher become become their hero or heroines they are their idols that should be very very careful because one mystic that ruins the whole society the sudama krishna has gone to talk to these people they are the leaders of the society so he is going on trying his bit the god himself it doesn't matter doesn't bother for him but still he has created and in this creation the human being among the human being the intellectual human being the good human being so he is guiding them as best possible way why should that be so when he is making the fun everybody is laughing the who guru he will eat more the mangoes you won't give me so like that he's making the fun but sirana krishna is serious he is going on telling why should that be so one must have faith in the guru's words the guru is none other than shachidananda god himself is the guru if you only believe oh sorry if you only believe his words like a child you will realize god look at it if you only believe the guru's word like a child on what is that repeat the name of god and your mind will be purified then the guru gives a name name of god just have faith go on repeating that oh no i have repeated say five months nothing is happening don't bother about that go on it will slowly slowly it will purify your mind what faith a child has now siram krishna is narrating how a child behaves one should have that type of one must have faith and sincerity hypocrisy will not do this is hypocrisy will not do to the sincere god is very near but he is far far away from the hypocrite the hypocrite they are dressing themselves as a very religious man and then the talking also quoting from the scriptures and because they have the command over the language they'll be doing the language and saying people will be mesmerized and then sometimes you'll be doing the drama in the name of god sometimes crying sometimes lying down as if he's having the god intoxicated condition they'll be doing all those things hypocrites how you know the hypocrites because in real life they are not behaving in that way whatever he says he is not following that in his personal life don't believe them because they won't be able to guide you swami vivekananda said i can stand everything but hypocrisy i can't stand everything but hypocrisy so this is a really great words that we whom we are going to that we are going to deceive god god is everywhere he can see us whatever we do and go and straight away tell god see this is my weakness i cannot stop this please help me i want to realize you but at the same time i cannot stop all this as the girish chandra ghost say to sirama krishna gristiano didn't hide the the bottle of that the drink he was drinking he came with his friends and he told do you like to welcome us we are all drunkards and i cannot straw stop this because this is my habit salaam krishna was happy because they were not hiding anything this is the reason swami vivekananda was happy with the westerners americans you know why because they will never hide anything the straight straightforward they will say that this is my education this is my family background this is the this is that no hypocrisy and as long as they will be able to practice they will practice on otherwise they say oh no i like to learn something else they will leave you and go no hypocrisy so that is the reason xiaomi we become the liked them and he started vedanta society yet itself because and why we have become hypocrite in india right from the top and down to all people are telling something thinking something else and doing something else and the leaders are coming and giving the assurance and the listeners they know that he is not going to keep his words but still they are going on clapping is good good that you are telling all the lies good we are also both sides are good so like this is going on why you know because we were under the subjugation for almost 800 900 long long years and a servant oppressed person cannot express his original thought is constantly under the subjugation of that ruler who is ruling him or her so whatever he or she is thinking instead of expressing that they used to say yes sir you are so good yes sir you are doing this all the time they are thinking something telling something and behaving completely different way so hypocrisy entered into our blood we have to overcome these you have to be very clear the i have come to do these if you allow me to do this i will be leading you if you and this is the process i am trying to do and if you are not okay forget it no problem so this is the way if we behave then only the god's blessings will come no hypocrisy so this what bhagavan srama krishna is telling that don't be hypocrite one must have for god the yearning of a child we will conclude over here so one must have for god the yearning of a child the child sees nothing but confusion when his mother is away you may try to casual him by putting a sweet meat in his hand but he will not be fooled he only says no i want to go to my mother one must feel such yearning for god so that is sometimes when we are practicing spirituality the many people they appreciate the name good name comes so many things come and that is the proof the god is there if you take the name of god within few days you will find all around you your neighbors your relatives your friends will start first they will criticize then they will be completely avoiding you but then slowly slowly they will start loving and they will come and tell so many things to you and that is the most dangerous time appreciation they will come and touch you and give you the gift and they'll serve you to praise you to have the company and slowly slowly people they forget that it is because of the god they are not coming to me they are coming to god they are not appreciating me they are appreciating the words that i am telling and that is nothing but the god's words the gospel of sudama krishna that we are reading and trying to analyze here and there according to our understanding this is nothing to do this is only the god it's god and god and we like it why because the god's word friends we will continue this conversation between suramar krishna and bankimchandra and i will we will notice how the gods is influencing the bankim chandra so after this today so we will chant this mantra and conclude let us offer our pranam to bhagavan si ramakrishna niranjanam nityam anantharupam [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign