Video 266
dear devotees and friends today is the wednesday evening and we'll be studying the panchama veda the gospel of krishna let us begin [Music] we were studying that the conversation the surama krishna was having with some of the deputy magistrates and mainly with bankim chandra chattapata the famous writer also and sudama krishna when he was uh saying some uh this you know the last time when you were reading the sudama krishna was talking about the sri krishna the bankims and others listening to him they were discussing among themselves in english the salam krishna jokingly asked day what you were talking in english because sram krishna was not knowing english a few words only he knew then they said sir that we were talking why you are not giving the talk in the public you can explain things so nicely without paying much attention to that suramar krishna told that story that someone who was not knowing english he was a barber he was shaving a person and something happened a little cut and the man became angry and said damn then the barber said hey if it is a good word it was a good meaning then it's okay i and my father and my four fourteen generations are all dams but if it is a bad one then you your father like that everybody was laughing after that the bankim began the conversation that this is actually we are reading the day that account the master master has given it is december 6 saturday 1884. then banking began the conversation said why don't you preach now suramar krishna smiling preaching is it only a man's vanity it's it is only a man's vanity that makes him think of preaching the preaching means giving an idea and sometimes the people the thing the that i can give my idea to others majority of the people most of us in different walks of life in different situations different positions we like to give our idea to others like to convert them to our ideologies ideas and thoughts so that's called preaching this preaching that when you talk about the spirituality the god that is very very difficult this ramakrishna mentioning about that the what you are going to teach you don't know anything and whatever you know you are just mugged up some from something and memorized some some quotations and then you are cutting from there and you have some capacity to use those words nicely is that preaching vanity is the ego that prompts you and sudama krishna is very very genuine it is nothing like another other people the ordinary people for the popularity nothing like that he is god himself sudama krishna is god himself so obviously why he will bother about all the popularity and the clappings of the people why he has come the god in the form of a human being and then he is among us to guide us and what is the guidance remove your ego don't be guided by your ego the as long as the ego will be there you will be separated from the god so he is telling preaching it is only a man's vanity that makes him think of preaching a man is bought an insignificant creature he is talking about the spirituality it is god alone who will preach this is very important god alone who will preach when the a person realizes god he becomes god himself as the jesus said i and my father in heaven are one as in the vedanta the great rishis they said ahamra mash me the moment you realize brahman immediately you become that so that is why he is telling it is god alone who will preach god who has created the sun and moon and so illumined the universe is trying to give the idea about god the all-powerful that god is preaching such a tripling i fear you cannot preach unless god reveals himself to you and gives you the command to preach swami vivekananda came to the chicago he was a young man of 29 years old and he just addressed the gathering of 7 000 the other people by sisters and brothers of america mesmerized them they stood up clapped for two minutes that is preaching because the god has given the call it is the gods swami vivekananda is nothing but god because he realized god he was a brahman gyani so he is every word one lady afterwards when he heard swami vivekananda afterwards in his memoirs she has written the first sentence he said came to me as truth the second the truth the third the truth all through whatever he said came to me as truth that is preaching so this is the god's power bhagavan si ramakrishna wrote narendra dive naren will teach not for others he was having many other direct disciples but he's only not in so he gave that responsibility to nori and that noreen will teach and this is called that you have to get the command from the god to preach of course no one can stop you from preaching now he's telling you can go and then give the lecture you haven't received the command but still you can try your yourself horse that you are going on talking and telling people and thinking that you are doing a great thing but people will listen to you a couple of days and then forget all about it it's like any other sensation as long as you speak people will say ah he speaks well and the moment you stop everything will disappear so now we know what is preaching preaching the spiritual truth it is not teaching a subject as the teachers the professors they do in the classrooms not it is not like that you are transforming the human mind you're changing the human mind you're giving a shape at the spiritual shape unless and until you are having that command that's why you will find some of the people moment becomes a little popular because of their capacity to speak if you know the language then you can and if you have the capacity to speak then you can say so whatever and people will listen the moment they get that immediately they become very narrow they will close the windows and doors don't go and mix with others don't listen to anything don't read others books why do they do that because they're afraid because they know whatever they're telling are so weak if anybody's else is coming and talking to them maybe they will go to them that's why why this narrowness because of this but when one who has realized god will never be like that why because he knows the truth and what is the truth each and every one is nothing but the manifestation of the same god that is the truth i and my father in heaven are one at the same time the kingdom of heaven is within you you are all pure understand that realize that and become like one with the father who is in the heaven that is the idea religion is realization being and becoming swami vivekananda said the surama krishna when the very famous person bankim chandra when he was telling like that ramakrishna this is ramakrishna very focused focused on spirituality and he is telling that then he said the milk in the pot heats and swells as long as there is heat under it take away the heat and the milk will quiet down as before so what is the strength is god if the preacher those who are giving the special idea about the religion they are preachers swami vivekananda is the preacher but not we we are only bringing that that information to other people sharing those information with other people we are not giving any new ideas they are preachers caitanya mahaprabhu so jesus he gave nanak he gave that is the they are the preachers we are only just like bringing the information to you and said friends we have read we have heard we have followed in our life practiced in our life and we found yeah it is a good one if you are interested you can also follow as i am following that's all so that is the main thing so suramar krishna is telling too as long as there is the power the strength of god within you so long people will listen to you otherwise not friends i am not going to quote or mention anything but majority of you you know so many people came and they became so famous for the time being then afterwards they were lost and once they go away everything people will forget whatever they said and whatever they done but sometimes when when they came they created a very big wave then afterwards everything goes away so because that the power it goes away from them that is the proof sometimes people when they argue and where is god and how to prove god i always feel like telling them look at a young man as a graduate of calcutta university that he came over here and stood and just addressed sisters and brothers of america what is there is a very common word not there's a new word new something is telling english word these people they knew it but what was there in these two words that the seven thousand people stood up and they were so happy they were expressing their joy and they were greeting the speaker vivekananda by clapping for two minutes so that means the power that was within swami vivekananda he shared it with so many people at a time he touched the heart of each and every one they felt that we are truly close we are one and that removed their ego for the time being it may be they removed that ego and they became so joyful they were expressing their joy by clapping so this is the greatest proof the god is there unless it is no one can do that the way the political political people are giving the talk that has many other things they become very popular people will be following them because it's a power if you are following them you will get something from them they will either give you a job they will give these then that but in the spiritual talk there is nothing like that they are not promising that they will give you the wealth and money and this and sometimes some people they say if you are following me you will be free from all diseases that is not true so that is the way we have to understand the vivekananda didn't say anything else but this immediately everyone was churched whole india with the millions and millions of people they accepted vivekananda's awards because it came came directly from god so this proves that god is there the power is there now one must increase one's strength by sadhana who can do anyone how by having the practicing the sadhana spiritual austerity otherwise one cannot preach if we look at the life of all these great preachers the great philosophers who came they gave their idea the wonderful life they are fully concentrated on that particular idea spiritual idea and then they are they withdrew their mind from any other things and not for a day or two for such a long period of time and we can find that not only they are talking about them that ideology the ideals but they are practicing in their own life also that gives the impression what is sadhana sadhana is nothing but keeping the mind always full with the thought of god and giving up the idea of this worldly life worldly things which are very temporary though tempting but very very temporary this name the form and all this wealth the physical comfort everything in this world are so very temporary kings after kings came emperors after emperors came so many of them in the history if you go on reading the world history it is impossible to complete only names if you read that will be a huge task only names but where are they but a few we are not having anything not money power not muscle power not political power no kingdom they were just very very ordinary people but they only say to the people come and be gods and they are remembered till today two thousand years before one came in the nazareth he is known as jesus the christ and then the rishis then the avataras sri rama chandra sri krishna sri rama krishna all will be remembered remembered and remembered with great respect they will be followed no one is going to follow the path of the kings do they no that proves the god's power and that proves the existence of god the sudama krishna is telling one must increase one's strength by sadhana otherwise one cannot preach then as he's owned he is giving an example in a funny way he is telling as the proverb goes you have no room to sleep yourself and you invite a friend to sleep with you there is no place for you to lie down and you say come friend come and lie down with me the laughter that means the one who is not having anything he wants to give something to others how it is possible i am not having anything how can i give and what is this religion what is this god what is this spirituality it is love it is containment it is satisfaction it is peace eternal and if i myself is not having when i am going and standing on the stage and giving the talk like an actor this isn't only the doing the drama but when i come back to my room then i am my old self i know that i am not having anything can he be a preacher no can he be a spiritual guide no maybe externally he is showing many things and he is talking he's beautiful is good looking and well dressed and very beautiful he can talk but all external what about his own life that's why bhagavan sirama krishna said you must check a shadow at holy person day and night why because externally at the time daytime he may be behaving very nicely but what is his personal life what he is doing he is not hiding anything he is not hankering for the name and fame or personal property or anything then it is okay he is having love for each and every one he is always ready to help others feeling compassion praying for each and every one even those who are criticizing him then he is a holy person and how it is possible that person must be constantly thinking of god so he could withdraw the mind from the world and world is nothing but vanity name fame property wealth show off that is bhagavatam krishna says listen he said if god reveals himself to you and gives you the command then you can preach and teach people otherwise who will listen to you this is very important line for those who are thinking to become a preacher and there are schools who are teaching are the preachers they will go a little bit of philosophy and the mythology they will learn and they go and give the talk they become preachers nothing wrong they say that they are preachers but as ramakrishna is telling if you truly want to be a preacher a guide in spiritual life you have to develop the spirituality within yourself and spirituality doesn't mean only the dogmas oh i believe in these this thing and so this should be followed those who are not following go and fight with them that is not that i only know this much and i have gone through this path and i found that satisfaction contemplation the love that i have found and i'm satisfied so pl please if you want then i can tell you the about this path that much so otherwise it creates problem so suramar krishna is telling all the visitors were listening seriously sirama krishna to bankim chandra i understand you are a great pandit a scholar i understand that you are a great scholar and have written many books please tell me what you think about man's duties so this is the question that he is asking he will be asking again and he is an educated person even then we will find how shallow the answer he is giving what will accompany him after death you believe in the hereafter don't you bankim hereafter what is that sudama krishna when a man dies after attaining knowledge he doesn't have to go to another plane of existence he isn't born again but as long as he has not attained knowledge as long as he has not realized god sirama krishna is mentioning in two different ways as long as he has not attained knowledge from the path of the gyana gyanamargi path of knowledge they don't say god they say knowledge the knowledge of oneness as long as he has not realized god again the path of duality the god is there i realize god and when i realize god i find the god everything as in the bhagavad-gita arjuna the krishna is everything the creation sustenance and the dissolution everything is done in the person of sri krishna the visharu for darshana in the 11th chapter then arjuna realized god the conception of god god is like this that that is different god is everything everywhere and except god there is there cannot be nothing that is god realization now if i think that god is this and there is another person who is a demon or he is also same way powerful but through the black or the jerk or the very bad way he is using his power is the devil no no no that cannot be true power there's only one power there's only god and the god is revealing everything everywhere sarvathapani whomever you see and and the beautiful way the expression sarvata pani padam dat any hands that you see any leg that you see any hate that you see any person that you see all nothing but the expression of god in the different names different forms it is god only so he is telling that unless and until you realize the oneness as the path of knowledge oneness that is brahman they call it brahman the all-pervading consciousness and the path of duality if you come is a god and the same oneness god is everything and except god there is nothing both takes you to the knowledge of oneness and when you realize that oneness then only you get that power then only you can preach about god because you have visited you have realized that many of you have read the biography of swami vivekananda those who have not please go through the biography of swami bibe akananda this beautiful two one two volumes book is there written by the eastern and western disciples of swami vivekananda and the very every details are there and there we can find how vivekananda is struggling he's doing the sadhana the tapasya the spiritual practice and slowly slowly he is transforming he was born just like us he was in the school he was growing up just like us then suddenly one turned and he concentrated on developing his spiritual power he meditated meditated and meditated withdrew his mind all the senses then the revelation of god came to him and he was of course under the guidance of a great guru the god himself bhagavan sirama krishna so this transformation when we see when we can understand anyone can do that if we are sincerely trying we can do it we can have it we can achieve it then afterwards if that knowledge is there then comes the compassion compassion for all these people who are groping in the dirk and they are so egoistic don't like to listen but like a very and the loving will father loving father he goes after them and say please listen please listen like the in the upanishad also the rishi after the realization giving the call to the whole world listen to me so that way he goes out but as long as he has not attained knowledge now suramar krishna is taking our mind to another very unique thing there's the basis of the hinduism he is telling as long as he has has not attained knowledge as long as he has not realized god he must come back to life of this earth he can never escape it the reincarnation theory and the karmapala this is the basis of hinduism hinduism standing on these two hinduism says there is only one only one consciousness who can be called as god or with some qualities from that only everything has been created but after the creation particularly the human being they have been given something very special and what is that jivatma and what is this jibatma the consciousness reflecting on the intellect of the jiva or the individual person individual soul and that creates i sense the ego and this ego separates it from the actual the god and this is very very mystical very unique and then starts the journey so i start from here with the ego then i understand that because of the ego i'm just loitering life after life taking different type of bodies different birth at different time and suffering and enjoying a little again and again and again then ultimately i become that that determined no enough is enough i should go beyond this and the from there it takes the turn towards the root and routine nothing but the knowledge and knowledge is oh my god i was so happy with the reflected sun the sun that was reflecting on the water i am carrying i throw that and it's not necessary i leave that water and then i go and merge with the original and that is called the supreme brahman the ultimate brahman that is the whole of spiritual life understanding the oneness till then we have to come back and suffer and suffer and suffer because of the karma suramar krishna is telling as long as he has not attained knowledge as long as he has not realized god he must come back to life of this earth he can never escape it sudama krishna always using the twice why the gyana marga and bhakti marga the path of knowledge and path of devotion same thing only you are traveling in a path where you are thinking there is god and i am going to realize god and another path you are following i am going to know the truth that much but otherwise everything is same so that is he is telling for such a person there is a hereafter a man is liberated after attending knowledge again after realization of god for him there is no further coming back to earth when you go back to the ocean there is no problem but that one drop of water which was coming down from the sky may fall on as the jesus says it may be in the dry land maybe in a in a crooked place maybe here maybe there and every time in a different way but ultimately when it goes back to the source which is the ocean then there is no problem so that is telling if it boiled paddy green is shown it doesn't sprout suramar krishna is giving the example what happens after the god realization or after attending the knowledge after realization of god for him there is no father coming back to earth then he gives the example if a boiled paddy grain is shown it doesn't sprout just so if a man is boiled by the fire of knowledge he cannot take part anymore in the play of creation he cannot lead a worldly life for he has no attachment to the last and gold and he says what will you gain by showing boiled paddy the ceramic krishna is giving so simple example everybody will understand and he's from the village background he has seen how those people when they are showing the seed they will be keeping it separately and when it is germinating they will then show those things but some they are boiling to make the food those boils same thing if they are now showing that on the ground they will never germinate the same way if one has realized god attained the knowledge that i am one with brahman he won't be attracted to anything of this world that how he will play so he will withdraw bankim smiling when sudama krishna is telling all these things the banking chandra an educated person and not only that he wrote the life of sri krishna krishna charity and he was also having some religious bend of mind with some patriotic way but religious bend of mind even then look at it how he is talking with suramar krishna sir neither does a weed serve the purpose of a tree sirama krishna is trying to focus on the part of knowledge what is that knowledge realization of god realization or the understanding the truth and what happens that you you go back to the root and the once you go back to the root to the source that is god that is brahman there is no come back no life hereafter because all your desires are burned only because of desire we come back bunking could not understand banking to the man like him couldn't understand so many people may be highly educated well placed in the society but understanding the spiritual truth it needs different type of capacity majority of the people they think that we have read those books and we can quote from that we can speak very nicely but at the same time they won't be able to understand the true purport of this teaching banking couldn't he was telling srama krishna gave the example of the boiled seed they owned german it and he's telling the neither the weeds serve the purpose of a tree the weeds also on do that master but you cannot call a ganny a weed surama krishna who never attended any school are going with a personality like bankim chandra chatter paddy if you are interested to know about him please now go to google they will know about him the bankim chandra is a very well-known person and sudama krishna is giving him this argument oh no you cannot call a gyani a man of knowledge spiritual knowledge a realized one a weed you cannot say like that he who has realized god has obtained the fruit of immortality not a common fruit and he said he is free from rebirth he is not born anywhere on earth in the solar world or in the inner world analogy is one-sided you are pandit again the scholar haven't you read logic because this is sirama krishna when he is talking with the ban kim jong-un his words the analogy when you are giving an analogy to explain your idea you cannot take anything and everything no that wouldn't go in the argument you are supposed to have this type of uh the the idea the training the knowledge that when i am talking about the science i cannot just quote from mythology no and when i am speaking of the spirituality i cannot simply quote a poet and say or the uh the many other things the science and all that no a little bit you may but at the same time the analogy should be to the point so he is telling analogy is one-sided you are a pundit haven't you read logic suppose you say that a man is a terrible as a tiger that doesn't mean that he has a fearful tale or a tiger spot face are laughed i said the same thing to kesha he asked me sad is there an afterlife this is the question everyone every time they ask we are curious to know or after life what is going to happen we don't know about our past and we don't know anything about our future also what is going to happen to me so they are curious and after this life where we are going to go so that he is also asking keshav chandrashin many of you know he also asks that i didn't commit myself either way i said that the potters put their pots in the sun to bake now this is silama krishna once again immediate he will take you to a beautiful picture of course you have to understand because he is constantly giving the the examples from the village background if you don't have that idea it will be little difficult but you can imagine if you have never visited the potters who are making the earthen parts how they make it it will be difficult of course to understand and he's telling see that the potters i said the potters put their pots in the sun to bake among them you see both baked and soft pots baked one baked means after that it got the baked in the sun then it was put in the fire and it is now hard and that was also kept outside and the soft one the slowly slowly with the the sunlight it will become strong then only they will put it in the fire to make it strong sometimes cattle tremble over them i was in village i saw all this so it is just like the picture comes before me sometimes they stray cattles and they will run over there and the potters they will wait but you know the cow or some they will just and they'll break some of them but which one is breaking when the baked pots are broken the potters throw them away this is important when the baked one is broken you cannot use it again when you have realized god that soul is not used again that is the idea when he is giving the example is this the when the baked part is broken means is comparing with the one who has realized the brahman or realized this god now they are like the baked one part and they won't be of any use in next life but those who are not the soft ones are broken they keep them they mix them with water and put the clay on the wheel and make new parts they don't throw away the unbaked pods so i said to kesha the potter only to go as long as you are unbaked he will put you on the will of the world as long as you have not attained knowledge as long as you have not realized god he won't let you go you will have to return to the earth again and again there is no escape you will be liberated only when you realize god then alone with the potter let you go it is because then you won't serve any purpose in this world of maya the ghani has gone beyond maya what will he do in this world of maya the srama krishna is so simple way he is giving the example what is god realization understanding the truth what is that under truth it is only one and what is that one it may be said that it is consciousness all pervading and you may term as the brahman or you can say it is the god that we can understand god all pervading all-powerful all-loving eternal so that conception god but one there cannot be two gods there cannot be devil and god sharing power no it cannot be there's only one god and when that oneness has come then naturally i cannot find i cannot see many different things in this world can i when i understand then when i will seal or look at this type of different things so shall i go and embrace everything oh this is god that is god no that also not how i will look at it the god has become a tiger and in that ferocious form i am not supposed to go to tiger the god has become these god has become that and accordingly i should behave because i know that that that is the knowledge a child don't understand that one that baby should not go to the the tiger it will go if you leave the child and unfortunately the tiger is there then it will go and try to touch thinking that is a the he can play with that now that is the main thing the one should be very very careful now when we are behaving what we are behaving with the world and world of multiplicity but i know everything is nothing but god but accordingly we will behave with them as one of i said many times one of our hmong i like that comment when he was talking about the vedanta and talking about the oneness then someone told if every everyone is god and then if a bugler comes break in and how i am going to behave with the burglar shall i go and do the worship then the swami replied in a very unique way he said yes you should worship and you should do worship by calling 911. that is the way one should behave so you have to understand so this is the practical way of handling but i know even in that burglar or a thief or a decade the or god is there he doesn't understand that it's not manifested in him but i can understand that so that is the way we have to friends you know that many of the people they'll be constantly asking the what is the proof and what is this now one thing what is this the jibatma am i separate from god yes right now as because i don't have that pure knowledge or the realization the complete faith that there is that difference so what i will do this is according to the panchadashi it says what is the jiva what is that jibatma what is the individual self then in the panchoda panchadeshi describing in many places it has been said it says caitanya adishthanam the 17 principles including the consciousness the caitanya means consciousness consciousness is present which is the substratum it is also known as subtle body linga the this subtle body chi chaya linga de hasta tat sango when they come in contact then it's called subtle body what are those five organs of knowledge this our eye the nose uh this touch and the tongue these are our organs of knowledge then five organs of action the hands the legs and all five vital breathe that is within our body that are prana apana vyana and the five different names are there five different places there inside our body and five different type of actions they perform so we are surviving this five five five total fifteen five sense organs of knowledge five sense organs of action five vital breed then mind and intellect mana bhuti so 15 plus 2 this 17 this is called the jivatma then where is atma where is the soul that consciousness reflecting on the buddhi that also gets associated sangha means get associated and what a get associated means the knowledge it means the consciousness and chi chaya it is not original chit so chit chaya chaya means the shadow that means the reflection of the consciousness so what i am i i i all the time we are telling and we are connected we always get associated with the body and mind and the body is constantly changing even then we say i the small little boy of five years and the 85 years the old person they will be pointing to the that body which is constantly changing i and also the mind so this says that on the intellect the buddhi i am very intelligent and like that like that they will be behaving but on that what is there reflection of the consciousness it is not original consciousness only reflection of the consciousness again and again the vedantin goes on telling that so that it goes into our head do we understand our ego is nothing but the reflection of the consciousness and we should not be fooled to accept that as my own so that chit chaya means consciousness chaya means the reflection when it gets mixed up with all these organs the 17 organs it's called jibatma now this jibatma this intellect and the mind associated with the consciousness reflected consciousness and also the subtle it's not the gross the subtle scenes of the organs 10 organs and 5 vital forces that mixed up and that is troubling this self transmigrate from body to body according to one's karma this is the belief of the hindus and hindus they feel that that is the way it always goes and in the bhagavad-gita i won't discuss in elaboration because many of you know we find it in the bhagavad-gita that it says beautifully the describing like the people discard the old clothes and wear the new clothes the self relinquishes the old body and assume the new body just like that so when someone is dying and he goes and takes another body because his desire is there and the desire to be fulfilled that's called karma of allah the result of the action and for that only it goes on and on and on in a very political way in the bhagavad-gita lord krishna he said nani yatha bihaya baasamsi means the clothings jirunani when it becomes old then jatha be higher as we discovered and what we do nabani grindarti nawani means new then we put on the new clothes same way sharidani behind when the the body become the old and dilapidated diseased then this atman what atman this jibatma what is this jibatma the reflection of the consciousness on the uh consciousness is reflecting on the buddhi on the intellect and the 17 parts just to be discussed what he does it goes to another new body and from there it begins and the in the kosher the punisher says sometimes the people are curious they like to know where we go actually in the kaushitaki upanishad it says on their way to the other world after death people reach the moon i don't know i won't be able to tell you but the upanishad koshudikyopunisha is telling that that this is on their way to the other world after death people reach the moon first if the souls are eligible to take birth soon that means when the desire is too much they cannot live without that body they cannot live without enjoying this the worldly things so without that they suffer a lot you know those who commit suicide they suffer a lot why because their satisfaction their dissatisfaction for that they have committed suicide they thought that they will be free if they can kill their body but no what happened that this satisfaction goes along with the mind and immediately after that they feel that they should go and take the body and once again they'll start their life maybe for these maybe for that so that type of condition when it is there they come back right from the moon they come back to the earth through reigns and reach the bodies which are suitable for their karma by that way again their journey and they maybe take birth as an insect or birds or fish or animals or you man so everyone has to come back to swami vivekananda said this is the karma bhumi this world is nothing but the karma bhumi and in this karma bhumi everyone has to come back so what we learn from today's talk is this that we should be careful about our karma because maybe we are educated maybe we are careful maybe we are intelligent maybe we are rich maybe we are somebody in the society but it doesn't matter because of the past good karma we got that now if we are misutilizing all those and torturing others squeezing others and cheating others to become rich to enjoy and telling lies it will be terrible that's why again and again sirama krishna is telling those who are telling the lies for their own benefit you should not support them so you must understand what you should do you must be very very careful about that so this is the way only we can go thank you friends today and in the next month again we will discuss about it and we will go along with bhagavan's ramakrishna and the conversation that he is having with the bankimchandra we will go with that is there any question there are two two questions one the first question from devashish he's asking god has created us and he is present within us then why not god is stopping a person when that person tries to hurt any innocent soul intentionally is it due to aftermath result of karma of course zebrasis you have understood it properly see that when we develop i sense the ego as i was telling and you have heard again and again we get separated from god and then we are of our own and then we are either doing good karma thinking good thought we purify ourselves and go back to the source that is god and get ourselves free from this or otherwise we go on with our ego and travel and travel and travel and as i was telling it may be different life maybe in the next life you will be an animal maybe reptiles whatever this is if you believe okay then it is all right if you don't believe you go in your own way no question but if you believe because all our rishis all our avataras including the the sri rama chandra sri krishna swami vivekananda and all the host of spiritual giants they said the karma follower we have to eradicate the karma fella by practicing spirituality and what is spirituality is the feeling of oneness and slowly slowly you have to make your mind broad embrace each and every one by that way only one can become and if we if we go and see the people in the world no that is the spiritual life the political people they are naturally going for the power politics means power why they are behaving like that that is their way they are doing and if we go for the business community businessman then for profit naturally they will go what is my idea am i to understand things by seeing the businessman and the politicians or somebody like that spirituality no but spirituality you have to focus on the lives of the great spiritual people so of course it is karmapala the second question is from ishwari first is saying namaskaram swamiji maharaj and the second part is why should we suffer before leaving this body why should we suffer why do we suffer why do we suffer and why do we suffer before living this body the you know that sometimes what happened that you will find the very holy person suffering a lot before death you know why that that gives a sense of detachment with the body i don't like to live in this body it is terrible it is impossible to live enough is enough by living in this body i have suffered a lot so that gives a detachment that helps a person to withdraw the mind from the body and he goes on praying of course the religious brain must necessary religious thoughts are necessary and it should be practiced from when he's young otherwise on at that time you cannot develop is a long practice at that moment that person will again request the god god enough is enough please withdraw my mind so that i can go to you and that helps the moment at the time of death whatever you are thinking if even by getting the pain and suffering of the body you think about god you will get the liberation and it has been said in the bhagavad-gita by sri krishna and it has been accepted by all the great souls so that maybe so you can take in that way that by suffering at the time of death we get help from god to get disastrated from this worldly thing the next question is from sashi bhushan he's asking swamiji what do you mean karma we are the creator of our own destiny question mark how does world around us shape our destiny how do we handle our destiny it is as a long question and but the thing is the hindus they believe the law of karma and then the law of karma and the karma are three types in my previous lectures also if you listen to them again and again we have discussed it in in details one is physical karma what we do physically another is mental work monasika karma we think and by that way also we get the result and baachika karma through the words we know we go and give the lecture and mesmerize people and then we never keep our words and you are creating your own destiny because each and every action has his equal and opposite reaction but this time the people who got the opportunity to become that they are very famous very powerful very popular but they are misutilizing that benefit and naturally you are creating your own destiny and the bad action bad way that you are through words you are cheating people through physical action also you are harming people through thoughts also you are doing bad things what will happen then you are creating your own destiny that is exactly what swami vivekananda say so one should be very very careful about the thought we are making ourselves so we should not blame others if we think positively pray to god for others surely the benefit will be good and that's why when the arjuna asks krishna what will happen to those who are trying to be good but could not realize you once again they will be taking birth they will suffer isn't it then the all the good work that they have done that is lost and the bhagavan krishna said no they will be taking birth in a better place the shuchi naam sri matam yoga breast and they will be taking birthing next life those who are doing good in this life but could not realize god nothing is lost they will go to a cultured and spiritually developed family and from they will start their spiritual journey from there but nothing is lost we make our own destiny so it's a two-part question from madhumita she's asking because of believing god i cannot ask any worldly things from god but people ask for so many things from god what to do second part i know that god knows everything do what can i ask for even i have a problem i cannot ask god for relief oh that is a wonderful attitude but bhagavan salaam krishna said that it is better to ask for the mukti the liberation to god but at the same time that god is our father god is our mother of course you can talk to god and say god this is my problem and i don't know how to solve it you are my father you are my mother you are my everything can you please solve this problem for me can you please guide me there is nothing wrong in it you can always do it like this and suppose you are a mother your son is in difficulty you can go and ask the god please help my son there's no problem in it nothing wrong in it the the next question is from chitra is para prabha part of the karma is part of the karma working itself out oh yes of course this is the it's called prada karma the purbo arab and before we started whatever we started and that result and whatever we have done this time that is in our back full that is all gear as all store it will be there and sanchit so we will carry that back so we have to be careful so about this part of the karma so see through prayer everything can be all right the when sudama krishna was talking like that then someone told sir in that case why we should pray to god but because if it is our parable the work that we have done before it is the result of that then automatically it will go on continuing even if i am praying to god the result what will supposed to come will come then the reply of bhagavan si ramakrishna was unique he said for the devotees it is completely different that means even the pradabh the karma can also be all right and with the prayer if the god is the giver and if he thinks no i won't give that punishment to him he can ma sharadamani said if you were it was supposed to destine to imputed your leg maybe with your prayer and sincere prayer the god will give a little in a speak in your body that much so by we can also control the product the karma with the prayer to god that's ramakrishna saying so now friends thank you thank you for participating i am very happy that you are asking question and whatever way is possible i am giving the answer whatever i know so now let us conclude by offering pranam to bhagavan [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] foreign