Video 259

260: Panchama Veda 260 : God can be realized only through faith

those people who have helped us and then expressing our so let us begin our discussion with this the mantra [Music] [Applause] friends in our last discussion on november 18th we have discussed how in a very simple way bhagavan si rama krishna explained that nikta and leela these are the two words he used nitya and leela from the absolute to the relative nitya is eternal unchanging so he said nitya and leela is changes different things are happening so it is absolute to the relative from the infinite to the finite from the undifferentiated to the differentiate from the unconditioned to the condition and again it is possible to go back from the relative to the absolute so nitta and leela and leela atunitya so this is the whole circle of our human life and those who have understood it this is spiritual life so from this place we were born and we traveled the whole path and go back to our original place where from where we were created from the in the same idea it has been expressed in the very very political way breeder and naga nation and it says so this is a beautiful way it is expressing that purnam other so that is infinite the supreme brahman that means the supreme brahman puna edam this the condition brahman manifested brahman that is also the purna full in the last our discussion we said how the supreme brahman is becoming the saguna brahma and then the hiranagar then the creation the same theory that tantra is also telling paramashiva sadashiva kali the parama vishnu then the vishnu then the brahma so this way in the three steps it is coming so here it says punna mother that is the puna surama krishna says and puna edam these that you see is also that he says leela who's leela or the same purna this only we have to understand but in the beginning all this different manifestation it distracts our attention our mind our focus so the spiritual gurus they say withdraw your mind and concentrate on one point in the our yoga that guru patanjal patanjali the patanjal darshan it says you have to withdraw the mind yoga cheetah that is that our mind where all our past actions and those impressions are stored that is chitta briti now the waves from that nirodha should be stopped why these different waves are coming because of our the eyes of the ear the nose all my organs are going out and then they're going to the objects i goes to the rupa the form and then brings back the information knows the smell giving back to the mind and all the information when it's coming to the mind and mind is sending to the anta karana the storehouse immediately the reaction is coming so this way all torment constantly and it likes to go out because so interesting the curiosity they always like to go out so that is the reason we have to stop it and there is the fight meditation is really a great struggle almost like this the wrestling wrestling with my own mind i want to control my mind i want to put the mind on at the feet of god i like to visualize my easter devotee within my heart mind goes here there my mind is not listening to me so this is nicta and leela this is all leela the leela means all the waves all the actions and their reactions result misery when we are thinking something and trying to do something and not getting the success all the misery comes a little bit of success immediately ego comes and all sorts of things are going on and ultimately before death we lie down and think oh my god what have i done nothing i have achieved think think of your action think of the past that you have done so that is the time the terrible time so to go back from there when we go back we go to the source and when we in the source everything is done so happy we are so in this mundane life also those who have come from india or china or different places i don't know other places but i have seen the indians when they are working over here so comfortable life everywhere all the nice roads the beautiful building and all greeneries everything very neat and clean so wonderful life in america but still you talk to the indians they like to live over here but the mind is in india they like to go and visit the same village like to talk to their friends they will take their some gift so all those things constantly thinking about that place and whatever is little possible they will help to develop the that primary school where they studied this all goes on why we cannot forget that the original the source from where we have come we cannot forget the same way we have come from god the brahman how can you forget and because we have forgotten that because we are thinking that we will get all these things satisfaction as we used to get in our in a native place we try over here but we don't get dissatisfaction so we have to go back and going back the process is called spiritual practice what is this much the going back to the source and what is that source brahman atman at ishwara by that way only we can think of this same idea has been expressed in as ramakrishna says in the brethren as i just quoted bhagavan sirama krishna he was not quoting from any scripture he was expressing emphatically his own experience in the page 653 if you read the gospel of sirama krishna suramar krishna is telling i have clearly perceived all these things nitta lila leela back to nitya all these things and how he's expressing is so charming i have clearly perceived all these things it has been revealed to me that there exists an ocean of consciousness without limit the ocean of consciousness he could stop over here but the moment he said these you'd have started thinking about the ocean we know so many oceans in in the world now so this ocean even the ocean is having an end somewhere maybe very very big but still the indian ocean atlantic pacific why different names because the different area it has an area but the moment sirama krishna is telling unlimit without limit see the words he is using the words is this ocean of consciousness without limit that i have seen that means the ocean the conception of ocean that we now think about that is also not correct it is unlimited there is no limit at all from it come all things off the relative plane and in it they merge again from it it come and in it it merged again nitya lila leela nitya what is god realization this knowledge only this idea only and nothing else this is called prataksa anubhuti the direct realization now it proves that this type of direct realization proves the statement that we find in the scriptures when the scripture says purna mada purnamidam we only try to understand that oh this must be there but when sudama krishna realized it no ambiguity he says in a very clear term i have seen that infinite infinite ocean of consciousness from that ocean of consciousness things are coming up and then again merging back so these are the things the infinite ocean so that is what suramar krishna said then he said only people ask why one does not get rid of attachment to the last and luca why he said worldly worldly people he was talking with mahima charan and others this worldly people's jagathika the only thing that this world is the only place and there is nothing else nothing else so that is called worldly people in india there is a philosopher and the a group of people they follow that path and they only say we don't know whether previously life was there whether in the future there will be life of life will be there this is the life friend let us all enjoy so that is also there so this type of philosophy is there those who think in that way only this is the only life and i like to enjoy it and enjoy it with all the objects of these worldly things and all the kernel things only for this physical satisfaction a little bit of mental satisfaction they are called worldly because they are considering these world which is constantly changing before their eyes their body their mind their family their everything all around them everything constantly changing but still thinking this is permanent so these people are called samsari worldly people surround krishna could never able to touch them when the this type of mentality the people they came and stood before him when they left he asked people to wash that particular place with the ganga water because these people who have only attention how to get benefit how to get all things from me so the people should those who are trying to realize god trying to become spiritual should avoid these people their company is dangerous why dangerous because the constant misery they will take you constantly to to the suffering suffering and suffering sirama krishna is telling these people sometime comes and they ask why we can't go give away this detachment sriracha is telling attachment disappears after the realization of god attachment disappears means a little attachment will be there always till we realize god after the complete realization of god the complete conviction they will be there the attachment won't be there this is we have to understand again and again that we always think that the moment a person has realized the brahman he doesn't see this world he doesn't see the varieties of people the animals the birds the flowers and he only thinks something lighted everywhere no not let like that of course he realized the oneness in everything with that atman manifesting it through different things but in normal time other time he say oh sees those things lives with them but at the same time he's not attached bound by those things that is the idea it's called given amok the idea is living but not bound what is the by binding us attachment so this is telling if the a man wants to taste the bliss of brahman then his mind no longer runs after the enjoyment of saints pleasures or wealth or name and fame the attachment disappears after the realization of god if a man once taste the bleach of brahman then his mind no longer runs after the enjoyment of sense pleasures all worship and spiritual discipline are directed to one end alone namely to get rid of worldly attachments get into the world he's still not telling attachment get rid of the world it is not the word it is worldly attachment even those who leave their heart and home they become monks they become nuns they become mendicants they are roaming around if the idea is not clear then they suffer a little piece of the clothes or the maybe a blanket maybe these and little other things they become attached to those things and that is also winding them they become so much attest to those the little thing nothing is there even then so it is not the world it is the attachment it's not the people all around you it is your reaction to them so this is the thing what is spirituality we are thoroughly confused so one of our swamiji he used to ask us when we joined this order then he used to ask us what is your idea why you have come over here well naturally the young minds to god for the god realization we have come and what is this god realization so all they will start thinking so no one could give any proper answer i asked this question to our devotees also and the very senior devotees they could not answer actually we are not having the clear idea what is god realization this god it has different conceptions the dualist they are expressing and giving a idea about god and the yogis they are also giving a different idea about god what is this god realization suppose atman and the ishwara we will come to that let us conclude the surama krishnas this i words all worship and spiritual discipline are directed to one end alone namely to get rid of worldly attachment and again and again reading this line to tell you but at the same time to tell myself so this is the important thing when you are reading the gospel of sirama krishna one or two words only that is sufficient if we learn on one day sufficient and we have to go on brooding over that meditating on that nidhi on that attachment i will be with everything everyone but should not have the attachment then it is everything is over i need not to leave the hearth and home if i develop that capacity but the problem in the society problem in the family is very difficult to give up the attachment that's why the people those who have having the strong desire to realize god they leave their family they become the monastics but after we becoming monastics if we forget this idea then we become attached to these astronomers why i have done this i have planted this tree i made this i made that i i i i again the same that swami vivekananda said there outside in the householders they are tied with the iron chain and here you monks you are tied with the gold engine but they both are chains what is the chain attachment whether i am a monk or you are a householder it doesn't matter at all but if the householder is thinking this is mine this is mine this is mine if i die what will happen to it is a householder samsari but if a monk also thinking in the same way oh i developed this astrum i did this i collected money i collected all this now what will happen to me after me all the he is also his householder because the attachment the swamiji said is the gold engine and that is the iron chain so we should be very very attentive to these particular teaching get rid of worldly attachment the more you meditate on god how the attachment will go meditate on god concentrate on god constantly think about god the more you meditate on god the less you will be attached to the trifling things of the world the more you love the lotus feet of god the less you will crave the things of the world you will get rid of your the terrible desire beastly desire and acquire godly qualities surama krishna is so clear in the small paragraph it's page 653 small paragraph isn't not enough this is the thing that's why i always say the gospel of sirama krishna is the panchama veda in the veda they teach us the truth and here sirama krishna the same truth in so defined simple way the what is the main goal the goal is to go back to the source and what is the source there is the brahman from where we have come from brahman why we can't remember that because of the attachment to the worldly things what are the worldly things temporary things and this after from here we have back calculation we have to go back how we will go back detachment we will leave with all those things utilize those things but we'll never get attached to that that is the main thing we should not be attached to that and what will happen when we are practicing this when you are trying to go back we will develop srirama krishna says godly qualities and what are those godly qualities in the 16th chapter the first three verses the lord's three krishna has given the 26 wonderful qualities in the bhagavad-gita bhagavad-gita 16th chapter first three verses all those divine qualities 26 qualities that's all what is god realization developing acquiring those 26 qualities then why we bang our head here and there because we don't have the faith that's why bhagavan krishna is telling faith and our today's discussion is based on the faith god can be realized only through faith so we will come to that the god can be realized only through faith you will get rid of all the desire and you will though you may still have to live in the world you will leave as a jivan mukta the bhagavan srama krishna is telling you believe as a cheevan mukta when we read these we feel oh this is so simple if only we could do this we could be given a mukta we will never suffer whether people are appreciating us people are criticizing us whether these things are there or not but as long as i am in a position and i have some duties to perform the responsibility to take care we will do that we must do that with all sincerity we should perform that but at the same time mentally where i am free my thoughts are my things nobody can control that so we should think that i am not bound by all this that much and we are free bhagavan sirama krishna is telling like that a man born with an element of sheba becomes a gyani now suramar krishna is slowly taking us another what is the dhyana and bhakti devotion knowledge and devotion gyana and bhakti so what is the gyana understanding that we are the same brahmana ahamra mahashmiya brahmashmi reputation of that what is that brahman consciousness i am not this flesh i am not these bones i am not all these things that the body is having not even i am not the mind i am not anything over here i am the brahmana brahman brahman shankaracharya he has written a beautiful the slokas the verses that is the path again and again we have to go on repetition repeating those things and thinking that i am that i am the brahmana all pervading shivoham shivoham i am that ashby auspiciousness what is that auspicio auspiciousness what is that purity no attachment to the worldly things no hankering for the worldly things no desire to get the name fame or anything no attachment in one word that is called shiva hood shiva is everywhere but not attached at all so that is called those who have that type of capacity in the mind they go for the gyana srama krishna says a man born with the element of shiva becomes ghani his mind is always inclined to the feeling that the world is unreal and brahman alone is real but when a man is born with the element of vishnu he develops ecstatic love of god another way to go this is the beauty of hinduism it's not the same quote putting on everyone no if you have that feeling that i should cook for god i should make a girl and for god and then i will decorate god i should cry and sing [Music] that is also the way that is also the valid path to realize god and suramar krishna is telling this is the visnu this is the ishara the god and another he is not taking the help of the god he is becoming that i am standing on my own feet and i am not this body not the mind not the senses so two different paths ramakrishna is mentioning after the devotees had left the master the mohimacharan brought hajra to the room then you know now we are in a lofty ideas we were in that now suddenly there's completely the master mahashaya he is depicting the scene is changing it will be just a normal discussion as usual we do the sudama krishna sitting we can imagine the mohimacharan the great devotee whom master is to islam christians to love he brought hajra why now he's telling sir i have a complaint against you mahima character is telling sirama krishna sir i have a complaint against you why have you asked hajira to go home he has no desire to return to his family mohimacharan a person who is to study the scripture and naturally he used to think that going back to the family is the attachment and if he can leave that is good the salama christian should appreciate hajjra because hazra don't like to go back he has brought to salama krishna now we will find what is dharma what is religion siddhama krishna his mother has told ram lal how much she is suffering on account of his being away from home hazra's mother she has seen the request through ramallah another person srama krishna's and to suramar krishna to ask hajjra to come back because without his presence many things are not being done in the family that is usually happen so i have asked azda to go home at least for three days at least for three days and see her this is the responsibility that you have taken you must admit and sometimes we have seen suppose the swami sannyasi a monk he's not having any brother or sister he's only mother father also has to be only mother she's suffering she needs some help the sannyasi is allowed to go and stay with the mother to serve the mother average something for her like that ramakrishna mission nowadays i have heard that our headquarters they have developed a project a program that if the father and the mother of a monk is not having any other support any other children because the only son or the daughter has become monk or none ramakrishna mission will give the shelter we have that wonderful we can say that home for them so they can come they can stay there's a temple they can attend the program why because this is the duty issan should do a child should do to the parents can anyone succeed in spiritual discipline if it causes suffering to his mother the sudama krishna asking this question can anyone succeed in spiritual discipline if it causes suffering to his mother while visiting brindavan now he's telling his own experience i had almost made up my mind to live there when i remembered my mother i said to myself my mother will weep if i stay away from her so i returned here with mathur babu besides why should agani like hajjra be afraid of going back to the world krishna is a little lake pooling the hasra he used to read a lot of books at the scriptural books upanishad and brahma sutra and sometimes he used to say why you are going to see krishna he doesn't read books he can't read come to me so like that so sirama krishna here doing that little it's a little fun just like the the human they do and he's telling why he should be afraid to go back because he's a ghani ghani means a person who knows that i am completely free nothing can bind me mahima with a smile the mahima also knew that sir that would be a pertinent question if hasra were a gyani they also they knew the azrah used to say like that but in reality he was not master smiling oh hazra has attained everything he has just a little attachment to the world because of his children and the small depth is telling because of the children and the loan that he took from the market from the people but that only he is sitting over here as people say my aunt is now in perfect health only she is slightly ill aunt means the hazra's mother mahima where sir is hazra's knowledge master smiling oh you don't know everybody says hazra is quite a man everybody knows that he lives in dakshinata temple garden people talk of nothing but hajjra who would bother to mention my name they all were laughing so now there this gives a picture that and in christianity as they say the word i am it is not you should not apply but that is the word they say false prophet there is sometimes some people they will behave as if they are having some great spiritual knowledge and these so this is the problem these people hypnotize themselves and they start thinking that they are very highly spiritual and they like to guide others also when they're thinking that hypnotized but i'm i am very spiritual there is no problem but when they try to guide others then in the punisher it will say underneath as if a blind is leading another blind so both will fall in the ditch so that is the problem with the hazrah that he will be there he will be calling people he he'll be quoting from the scripture and he will explain in such a way as if he knows so many things and ordinary people they don't understand anything so they go and do like that so in belimvad there was a person he used to go uh for marketing he was a nice gentleman he used to go for marketing on behalf of bellarmore and billy mart naturally 300 monks 400 monks so every day the huge market and the the sailors the shopkeepers also used to give him lot of importance because if he goes and purchase a lot of things you will purchase every time so here and people is to know about him it was the durga puja time so we were sitting and collecting the donation in one place suddenly i noticed that that gentleman has put on a very nice dress a dhoti and then the chadar and he was standing like a holy man under the mango tree the swamiji's mango tree near the belumet old temple he was standing there people from the villages they don't know usually the swamis and the brahmacharyans they will be in their rooms and they will be working somewhere else the people don't can't get to the approach to them so they found him standing there so they came and started touching his feet and he was very happy and he was calling the people asking them to touch his feet and also blessing them suddenly he turned back and saw i am also observing him that then he put his finger on his lips and said don't say anything and he was enjoying that now those people they will come they will think that oh the very simple kind-hearted people they came to visit the beloved there is a great experience and they will go back and say there was a holy man standing under the mango tree and we touched him etc etc so that is the way it goes about the hajj also like that the people sometimes do not understand who is the real person they hear the salama krishna is making the joke hazra now hazra is sitting you said are on you are incompatible you have no peer in the world therefore nobody understands you that way sometimes use this type of statement we can understand has understood salaam krishna but again that ego will come and his desire to collect some fund collect some money to be pay back the loan that was also there but he told this though sadama krishna was cutting jokes and he said you said are incompatible you have no peer in the world therefore nobody understands you master there you are to be sure no one can have dealings with the incomparable so why should people mention me at all the sri lanka is so difficult to have the debate with ceramics immediately giving the reply that is the reason that is exactly what i am telling i am not having any fear and this incomparable so i am such a person the people cannot understand me so they go to you that is exactly what i was telling mahima what does he know sir he will do your bidding the muhima is supporting the hasra and then telling whatever you say azra will do master that is not so you had better ask him about it he said to me you and i are on even terms as here we call the same page like that or on the same you and i the husband once told sudama krishna there is no difference so how can i advise azra in the bhagavad-gita when the arjuna was giving the philosophy he was telling that we should not fight we should rather beg and then let these people enjoy whatever they like they what let them do whatever they like to do krishna was quietly waiting did you do if we read the first chapter of the bhagavad-gita the despondency of the arjuna krishna is giving no answer he's quietly waiting then arjuna afterwards with all these arguments that he was for forwarding then afterwards he said shishas i am your disciple i surrender please help me and so that i can get and give me the guidance suramar krishna here waiting that what hazra will do because of the ego the man's ego is so high he is not ready to accept anything from anyone so that is the problem you have to be humble otherwise you cannot realize god you cannot get any good thing from anyone so this is mentioning the no no you does why you should people mention all that you had better ask him about it mahima he argues a great deal that that is the hazardous the weakness he cannot accept now see today we all so much pray and we all are constantly trying to have a glimpse of sirama krishna in our meditation and this hazra used to live with sudama krishna just the srama krishna's room before that there was open place barranda he used to sit over there but he could not under understand sudama krishna so even if we are so close to god if we don't have that good qualities to understand and what is that good quality humbleness less ego i am not telling the completely free from ego completely free from ego means you are god realized less ego then you will understand the greatness of a person otherwise not and secondly the blessings of god to understand whether is a true genuine spiritual person or a false prophet so this we have to so these are the things that will help us to proceed towards the spirituality in a successful way master now and then he teaches me a lesson sometimes i scold him when he argues too much later when i am lying in beds inside my mosquito carton i feel unhappy at the idea of having offended him so i leave bait go to hajjra and salute him then i feel peace of mind so this is a simple thing the sidhama krishna when he's scolding ajra he's thinking that oh he may be the tormenting in the mind he can't do anything against ramakrishna himself goes out to salute him out and say i'm sorry but at the same time the same sudama krishna the next line same sirama krishna so compassionate he's rectifying the hajjra this is the line to hajjra why do you address the pure atman as ishwara now hazra used to study the scripture and naturally it is to have the discussion and argument with the people srama krishna from his room heard it now he is rectifying not finding fault with ashram don't find fault with anyone much other they be said srama krishna is not finding fault but rectifying hazrah why because he is teaching people that he should not make any mistake the conception should be clear and what is that conception one is atman another is ishwara this is the philosophical idea one should get clear otherwise very difficult we talk about the ishwara and we again mix up with the atman with the brahman the two completely different conception completely different idea sirama krishna is rectifying him why do you address the pure atman not only atman pure atman there is pure atman and there is jiva atman what is the jivatma that pure atman reflected within our intellect that we call jibatma individual self of the soul pure atman as ishwara ishwara that god the pure atman is inactive and is the witness of the three states inactive and witness of the three states he's not doing anything again in the previous day we discussed that pure atman is not doing anything paramashiva is not doing anything and this pure atman without the any condition not doing anything is only the witness shakshi the jagannath mahaprabhu that is the pure atman so that's why jagannath prabhu is not having the hands jagannath mahaprabhu is not doing anything so not having the hands he is not moving anywhere because he is already present everywhere that's why the jagannath mahaprabhu is not having the legs but some people don't understand this this is the wonderful conception of the all-pervading consciousness and this consciousness is constantly watching observing that's why i call shakti this shaakshi the weakness not having the eyelid the jagannath mahaprabhu is not having the eyelids so he is telling this witness of the three states what are the three states the jagrat is waking state shatna the dream stage deep sleep stage who is observing the changes of this tree that pure atman when i think of the act of creation preservation and destruction then i call the pure atman so how clear it is with the same pure atman coming down as if coming down and creating preserving and again withdrawing his creation that is called ishwara what is the pure atman like then he gives an example either pure atman khatropanishad is very difficult to give the definition that we all know but here the quattropunisha says now what is this pure atman it says bacha my words nam manasa my mind my thought pratham they cannot reach it they cannot express it forget about the i forget about all my saints organs they cannot understand this then how will you understand that or state it is there i am conscious that asthi it is there that is the proof that it is there and the same way muhammad tantra is it says yato bisham samud bhutam from where this world is created in a yatancha tishtati after the creation where it is sustaining yesh means again where everything goes back and merges [Music] it doesn't say that is brahman you cannot conclude so this is the scripture you cannot simply say this is brahman no so you say lakshana lakshmana that by that way we can understand that something is born and then sustaining and then dissolving there must be something on which everything is happening that is the lakshana and what is the ishwara the time is short we'll just quote from here the ishwara i'm quoting from the patanjal darshan it is 24th words in the patanjal darshan it says karma bhipaka ashai it says that if you like to meditate you can take the help of the conception of god also ishwara pranidhanath you can meditate on god also you can concentrate on god and what is that god now the rishi is giving the example what is the glacier the long back we gave the discourse on the patanjal darshan it is there in the youtube so you can get that why should you meditate i think that is the that was the topic the whole patanjal darshan we studied why should we meditate a glacier means desha aversion like this then it comes this is called klesha so ishwar is free from all this second karma what is karma work good or bad then bhipakka the result of the karma result of the work ashaya desire for the result that is the ashaya a promised unattained so what is then ishwara the one which is within the heart as the atman the jibatman and which is free from all these that is called ishwara so this is the ishwara and the brahman this is the difference the srama krishna rectified him because maybe he heard he was giving a wrong conception to someone about the paramatma the pure atman and the ishwara the toward evening sirama krishna was pacing the room in was sitting alone thinking suddenly the master said to him tenderly please give me a couple of lilian shirts as you know i cannot use everything everybody's things i thought of asking captain for the shirts but you had better given them to me look at it captain as we discussed previously he was the ambassador of the king of nepal in those days the rich man and master mushay is a humble teacher and in those days the teachers were not having any good salary suramar krishna the god he is asking from him and not taking from that rich man and he refused to accept from the business people who came to give him money and many other things so this is sirama krishna this we have observed so ordinary people they will be sending the money giving the fund and all that helping and the rich people they don't like to give and i say no they are not giving not like that suramar krishna doesn't want their money that's why the desire to donate is not coming into there so krishna don't a very choosy person you see god you can say so he don't like to accept at dusk incense was burned sirama krishna's room and as usual he bowed before the pictures of gods and goddesses on the walls and chanted their names softly so this is the picture we get how cerama krishna used to live did every day and his daily routine the evening time burning and incense takes and offering pranam and taking the name of gods and goddesses and chanting from outside one could hear the murmuring of the ganges and the music of the evening worship in the temples of kali visnu and sheba through the door one could see the priest at as distance moving from one temple to another a bill in his left hand and the light in his right and attendant carrying the gong so the wonderful picture at the time of sirama krishna the priest after offering the prana the arati and the mother's temple and then coming to the sheba temples or the vishnu temple they are going on ringing the bell in the left hand and they are holding the light in the right hand and the person following him he is also the gong the small uh the round-shaped thing they go on beating mainly the buddhist they play they are using that gong so we can see from the door of the surama krishna those who have visited the dakshinesha they can imagine it and the evening melody was in harmony with the spirit of the hour and the place with the innermost thoughts of the worshipers for the time being the sordid things of daily life were forgotten lattice ramakrishna was seated in his room in his usual blissful mood ishaan had come from calcutta he had burning faith in god he used to say if a man leaves the house with the hollowed name of durga on his lip hallowed name of durga on his lips then shiva himself protects him with his silister weapon used to tell er ishaan had a great faith suramar krishna also said many a times when you were leaving your house if you say three times durga durga durga just uttering those three times then the shiva with his the divine weapon will protect you that is the faith and this is the line now comes the master to ishaan you have great faith but i haven't so much this ramakrishna is humbling all they were laughing god can be realized only through faith god can be realized only through faith friends the next class we will discuss a little bit whatever possible for me about the faith so thank you so the first question is from akash agarwal he's asking do we have to choose between dharma and moksha can we fulfill all our karmic duties and attain moksha at the same time so if uh akash is a very good question said dharma leads to moksha and what is dharma the responsibilities and that you are performing but without the attachment what is that not depending on the result of it you are performing the work diligently perfectly but not waiting for appreciations so that is no attachment and slowly slowly when we are not having the attachment then the that simple karmas those duties that dharma will take us to moksha the liberation and what is liberation no attachment or attraction to the worldly things that is liberation thank you the next question is from kamal chaudhary he's asking what is the easiest way to get grace of god you know of course everything but only thing as the faith if people have the faith as surama krishna used to say like a child is having the complete fate on the words of his mother if the mother says that it is all right the child will have the faith same faith if we are having under god and then having that faith in the heart if we are praying to god or goddess then that is the easiest way to achieve thank you the next question is from he's asking how important it is to believe in god and to have complete faith in him in our practical daily life uh you know that uh believe in god the way in the next class when we will be discussing the believing means is the proof when bhagavan sirama krishna when he says i am telling you and with the promise of my mother that there is god one can see god one can talk to god one should not hesitate to believe when the jesus said when the characteristic this type of wonderful people who were not having even ego or selfishness in them when they say there is god then why can't we believe it this is the first thing and when we are believing in the the god then we are believing that the grace of god the help of god the blessings of god along with that your effort with the blessings of god and the human effort to get the success will surely bring the success and that is the reason in our daily life everyday life we should have the faith and prayer to god and also you'll join will also have our effort to get the success the next question is from srimad vishwas she is asking how we think about god only our own none is our own that is you know shima this is a very good question if you if we can think that as bhagavan krishna in the two days when we started reading the what is this creation it is from that consciousness without that consciousness there is nothing to win from that consciousness we were born so obviously we are nothing but the same god same consciousness now when we are trying to go back can you repeat that question again shima's question how we think god our own okay so then weaver is there all of the manifestation of the same god so we can think god our own not only in one picture or an image that i like but in all forms every form so that is called god is our own thank you so let us chant this mantra and conclude is foreign