Video 253
254: Panchama Veda 254 : Everything Depends On God's Will
good evening dear devotees and friends this wednesday we will study the gospel of surama krishna the panchama veda let us begin with this [Music] facing utterances bring life and hope to those scorched by misery they are extraordinary wise sages and the mayor listening to them should bestow auspiciousness on all they confer every prosperity those who spread them broadcast are verily magnanimous they distribute what is completely satisfying to the hearers so this is the gopi gita we all know and the last time in our last class we were reading about the the comment that bhagavan si ramakrishna said the hindu religion alone is the sanatana dharma the various creeds you hear of nowadays have come into existence through the will of god and will disappear again through his will they will not last forever therefore i say i bow down at the feet of even the modern devotees the hindu religion has always existed and will always exist so what does it mean that sometimes some people may misunderstand what suramar krishna mentioned about hindu religion and sanatana dharma friends the sanatana dharma the eternal religion and what is that eternal religion knowledge of the eternity that's all the knowledge of the eternity and what is this eternity with any name and form or without name and form it can be both but when we talk about the eternity it cannot be the name and form why because the name and form has a limited time the moment there is a form so obviously this form is is a limitation and how can that leave eternally no so brahman is the conception of the sanatana dharma then what about this creation then it says the dad brahman the brahmanda word used by the vedantin which is all-pervading which is eternal which is unchanging which is consciousness from that a wave started and as if to create this universe why no one knows and from that wave this universe was created i was going through a verse that it begins with like this [Applause] [Music] in about the creation about this universe about this earth it says narayana is the higher para and what is that is the prakriti is the power of god so there it says object is a sanskrit word the english will be unmanifested so under bhaktam then came a form and from that this loka and then sapta departure made in in the ancient conception they again and again they are telling this world the whole world was the combination of seven islands and what are those seven islands they have given their names too it says this is the world and the seven islands were there and there were they say fourteen places below seven above seven they have also given the names patala maha [Music] seven below seven above total 14 places loka places and seven islands 14 and seven this was created from the dualistic point of view it says like this and the vedantin also says the dualistic also they also will support the supreme god thought as if thought we do not know we are imagining i am alone i like to be many so from where he became many out of himself out of itself and that is the way it goes now the sanatana dharma dharma means that is restraining that knowledge then the two types of knowledge what is the purpose of creation the game the leela the divine play and for the play what you need object and someone to enjoy that object otherwise there is nothing so if you are singing that you should also need some people to listen and appreciate maybe criticize also but that should be the object should be there and some people and some uh things are enjoying that object so for that attraction is necessary how the attraction will come so the karma saw bhagavan srishtva idam jagat that god after creating this universe such as kirshu then to make it a permanent one that temporarily permanently can say that it should function marie chardin agrees vishwa the same knowledge be the knowledge from the prabhupti dharma prabhupti means attachment so the object is there and the attachment a certain relation with that that also created who that god the supreme god is completely without any image but through its power that's called maya afterwards it has been explained through the maya that it created this here it is narayana and narayana means the first created the water as because he used to live on water so ayana ayana means the place and so it became narayana the one who lives in the water the narayana the god we can imagine someone by that it is coming down so marichi these are the rishis they made kamma karma tantra and skull prabhuti [Applause] then he's explaining then another type of people he created who created god himself one group of people they are rishis they are teaching us how to enjoy this world and the sarga the heaven the extreme joy is there in the heaven so how to have that another group of people he created so that they can teach us not to go enjoy this rather renounce all these who are those people they are sanaka etc etc they came into sana sanatana sanat kumar and kapila etc so one group of people created by god another group of people also created by god the first group teaching us how to enjoy this world but with the controlled mind another group is teaching completely give up renounce so what is dharma divide dharma prabhupada the dharma has two characteristics one is towards the objects another is renouncing the objects both should be there so it says afterwards the shankaracharya also accepted the uh the definition of the bhushashikas that dharma means it should give both the prosperity in the worldly life and the development of the spiritual life both should be there this is a beautifully it has been the dharma and what is this dharma ultimately it will take you to the truth what is the truth you are that one and what are all these things the same the manifestation of the same god and this is called sanadana dharma as because it has no creation creator the psalm the dharmas are there it has a creator so they are following a particular person his life his teaching but here it is knowledge only all others rishis they are the teachers they they're only teaching you and the creation it beginning from the eternal and then going back to the eternal how your mind will go on changing so this is the whole sanatana dharma in the process of creation and then concluding completing the journey into that eternity is the sanatana dharma eternal this is the truth it can never be changed so that's why bhagavan si rama krishna said this sanatana dharma which is now famous is known as hindu dharma that will remain because this is the law this is the truth so it doesn't depend on any creator so that he said like this the sanatana dharma will remain so knowledge of eternal all-pervading consciousness which by mistake we think as this phenomena now friends let us read from here he said this and then in the next it was the account of the sunday october 26 1884 the heading with various devotees master moshe writing it was afternoon and many devotees were present in the master's room among them were monomohan muhim chandra and aim they were joined latter by ishaan and hajjara balarama and rakhal were still staying at brindaban the many young boys who at this time began to seek the master's company later became his intimate disciples latu lived with the master and jagin who lived in the village was a frequent visitor jogin also became octopus swami yogananda a lot to we know the famous swami of the ramakrishna order swami advocate master to manamohan see we have already discussed what is the sanatana dharma the supreme self the brahman or the vishnu created this universe out of his own he was the creator and he was the material cause too now see when we go through these what happens this knowledge gives us a wonderful insight and what we see master bhagavan srama krishna he is turning to monomohan i see rama in all things rama means the god i see god in all things not only being things you are all sitting here but i see only rama in every one of you this is called brahma darshana this is called ga ishar darshana what is the issue the god everyone is nothing but the same god and those who are looking at it they see the difference name and form but at the same time they feel this is nothing but the same god now those who we have the grown up person we know varieties of sweets are there we see those sweets different form different name but we know it is all made of milk it is almost like that that we see god in everything what is that god consciousness the purity itself so that god the now the bhagavan si ramakrishna said sanatana dharma will continue because this is the truth and what is that truth god is everything now conception the sinner the god is everything i see rama in all things you are all sitting here but i see only rama in every one of you mana mahan then telling yes sir it is rama who has become everything but as you say though all water is narayana yet some water is fit for drinking some for washing the hands and face and some only for cleaning pots and pans master it is true but i see that it is god himself who has become everything the universe and is living being this is sanadana dharma this is hindu dharma that's why hindu the true hindu cannot criticize others cannot heart others so that is all embracing philosophy is hinduism and that is the veda the truth is one that idea sirama krishna is telling presently the master sat down on the small couch near his bed and mastered to mahima charan there is no question of my being truthful but i develop a mania for it if i once say that i shall not eat then it is impossible for me to eat even if i am hungry so when we are the hint is there this ramakrishna he is telling that the truthfulness what is the truthfulness once you think something or say something or promise something you must keep it and that is dharma see how it is interrelated every page the same idea he is carrying and developing what is dharma keeping the words keeping the promises and we think the dharma means we go to the temple to the church to the synagogue and to the mosque and then afterwards we come and tell lies we do all sorts of things but only we go to the holy place and say god please forgive us again we do not not like that whether you go to temple or church or not keeping the word once i have given the word once i have thought once i have promised once i have taken the resolution i must keep it that's why it's he is telling like this he's telling is it a mania but it has become so natural for him so natural even if if he says that i am not going to eat even if he is feeling hungry he cannot eat the system won't allow won't allow so that is he is telling again if i ask a person a particular man to take my water jug to the pine grove he alone must carry it if another man carries it he will have to take it back what a fisk i am in what a fix is there no way out of it besides i can't carry anything with me we have to take it positive way he is giving the world in such a way as if oh this is in a trouble for me no not at all that is the ultimate characteristic that is the place where we have to reach we have to hold the truth in such a way that my system won't allow me otherwise suppose i don't like to do and afterwards i change my mind no it won't allow so if i have said if you have thought you must do that is called holding the truth and he is telling that i cannot carry anything the caring means possesing no possessiveness he says again beside i cannot carry anything with me neither food not better life for that means laying up for the future i cannot carry a little clay in my hand when the tiaga the renunciation that is sram krishna personification of the renunciation he can't take anything not even a little clay in his hand i am carrying i am possessing that i is not there at all that is the reason the moment i is there differentiation is there so i am carrying this i am taking this it may be but when it is not there how can i feel no it is not just then a man entered the room and told the master that hiday was waiting to see him in jadhumanlik's garden near the gate the master said the devotees i shall have to see riday please don't leave the room he put on his sleepers and went toward the east gate of the temple garden the beauty of the master master he gives the whole and the explaining explaining the ways rama krishna going the the places and everything so we can imagine what was there at the time of sudama krishna how was that place in accompanying him the road through the garden was covered with red brick dust the manager of the temple who was standing on the road saluted sri ramakrishna see the way he has written if somebody is reading and if you close your eyes you can imagine that the ganga is flowing and the both side of the road there's a flower garden and it is a red brick dust road and the manager someone is standing then he saws ramakrishna he is saluting him so just we can imagine the whole thing that is the way one should read meditating on the whole thing the master past the north entrance of the temple the temple compound where the bearded centuries sat bearded centuries means they are from the punjab and they were there was a factory they were the girls of that factory they used to sit over there the punjabis in the in the the province of india they keep beer so master masha is writing on his left he passed the kuti the building used by the proprietors of the temple it's called kuti kuti means a house so the landlord they used to leave over there still that building is there then he walked on down the road which was lined on both sides with flowering trees passing the reservoir on his right he went outside the temple garden he found hiday waiting for him near the gate of judah molly's garden at the sight of the master hriday who had been standing there with folded hands prostrated himself before him when the master told him to get up he rose and began to cry like a child how strange tears also appeared in the master's eyes he whipped them away with his hands ridor had made him suffered endless agonies yet the master went for he waited for him master friends many of you know this vidayaram he was a nephew of sri ramakrishna very well-built strong person he used to look after suramar krishna and he came for a job and because of the sudama krishna and sudama krishna's nephew he got the job over there and he used to look after suramar krishna but slowly slowly ego separated him so he will come to that though he was related though he was serving the god in human form and he was in the temple he was a brahmin he used to meditate he used to take the holy name of god but he was not sincere and the ultimately because of his ego he had to go away what he did he worshipped the little girl of the jamindar and that time the old mathura babu passed away mature abusan was then the master he was the landlord treyloch kanath and trilaker's daughter a little girl she was playing to impress the master to impress the jaminda the landlord he did not that he loved that look at this the difference why worshiped that little girl as durga now the durga puja is coming on the 24th is the ashtami there will be kumari puja there is a the tradition of the hindus they see goddess in those personalities persons so the goddess appeared as if manifested in that pure mind of the little girl he ridharam didn't do that to please the goddess rather to impress the girl's father who was the landlord thinking he will be very happy on him it misfired when that jamindar came to know that without the permission the hidayaram worshipped his daughter and he thought what will happen to my daughter you know the people think in different way and naturally he became angry and in those days the landlords immediately sacked him because he was a brahmin he was not beaten otherwise he would have been punished severely he was asked to leave and he had to leave salaam didn't ask him to go but that was only the the cause of his going away the main cause ramakrishna himself will tell sudama krishna hirdae was he met then why are you here now sudama krishna asked him i said i have come to see you to whom else shall i tell my sorrow now he has understood sudama krishna smiled and said to him by way of consolation one cannot avoid such sorrows in the world karma of allah see master sirama krishna he himself is telling one cannot avoid such sorrows in the world pleasure and pain are inevitable in worldly life pointing to him that is why they come here now and then they get peace of mind by hearing about god look at it how nicely he is teaching riddharam showing to the master masha he is telling that is why they come over here if you are living in the world pleasure and pain both will be there you have to suffer a little bit of joy will come and that is the reason the educated person master mashay he come now and then why he said they get peace of mind by hearing about god who is talking about god see ramakrishna himself now who was ridicul his nephew hiday was with ramakrishna hiday used to visit with surama krishna to all places he used to listen all the time what suramar krishna said but couldn't get peace why this is the point that we must ponder we must think because we are with god we are listening all the time about god about the scripture but it doesn't go to our mind so we suffer but some people they come from far away listen it seriously practice it then go beyond the sorrow so this is the main point though some people they think that they like to stay close to the holy people they may get the opportunity but how you are utilizing you are living in the astra in the holy place you are hearing all the time the teachings of those holy people reading maybe the holy scripture but not taking the essence of it what is the essence essence of religion is nothing but eradicating wiping out ego if you are not completely banishing your ego from the mind then it is of no use even the company of god it can't help so suramar krishna is telling this is a very eunuch surama krishna smiled and said to him by way of consolation one cannot avoid such sorrows in the world pleasure and pain are inevitable in worldly life pointing to him that is why they come here now and then they get peace of mind by hearing about god then he is asking what is your problem weeping i am deprived of your company and so i suffer now he has realized if you go away from god you suffer there is a beautiful song by ravindra not taker the more you go away from god the more you suffer so that is the thai suffer master why was it not you who said to me you follow your ideal and let me follow mine salama krishna reminding him now he said that i like to be with you there is also not sincerity in the statement he wants to come back once again because then he can earn money and once again he can get the contact of the different people is because of sirama krishna krishna very clear you said this you follow your ideal that is again and again said renounce this world don't be so much attached to it but then sridharam said let me follow mine whatever you like to do you couldn't understand he couldn't realize with the yes i did say that but what did i know i was ignorant master i shall say goodbye to you now come another day and we shall talk together today is a sunday and many people have come to see me they are waiting in my room have you had a good crop in the country it's it isn't bad riddharam said master let me say goodbye come another day hidda again prostrated himself before the master who started back to his room with him now sirama krishna why riddharam is suffering he is telling that he tormented me as much as he served me he tormented me as much as he served me when my stomach trouble had reduced my body to a couple of bones and i couldn't eat anything he said to me one day look at me how well i eat you had just taken a fancy that you cannot eat he was thinking that it is all mental problem of sirama krishna she was teasing again he said you are a fool if i were not living with you where would your profession of holiness be can you imagine this is called the foolishness friends we think that if we go to a holy person or live in a holy astra or a temple then every problem will be solved exactly opposite everything depends on our thought our way we accept it our whole life one is associated with asthma or a holy place or a temple working over there but not pondering why do i come over here why i do like this to lessen my ego so if i cannot eradicate my ego how can i accept god and you will find many people at the end of their life they become frustrated they cannot continue they suffer this is the reason so we learn from sirama krishna and the kridayaram this conversation he tormented me if i were not living with you where would your profession of holiness be one day he tormented me so much that i stood on the embankment ready to give up my body by jumping into the ganges which was then a flood tide in became speechless at these words of the master for such a man he had shed tears a few minutes before this is the compassion srama krishna is having the compassion he is loving the love having the love but the karma follower of individual is so strong it takes us away it is in the in the chandi also in the bhagavad-gita forcefully the moha the delusion the ego it takes our mind as if a strong wind a strong powerful hand dragging me so this is the main thing to learn today's conversation him became speechless master to him well he served me a great deal then why should he have fallen into such a evil days he took care of me like a parent bringing up a child as for me i would remain unconscious of the world day and night besides i was ill for a long time i was completely at his mercy m did not know how to answer suramar krishna so he kept silent sudama krishna returned to his room and sat on the small couch the devotee had been waiting for him eagerly several devotees from kunagar had arrived one of them came forward to question the master devotee said we hear that you go into samadhi and experience ecstasy please explain why and how you get into that mood master sri radha used to experience mahabharata if any of our companions wanted to touch her while she was in that state another of them would say please do not touch our body the playground of sri krishna krishna is now sporting in our body it is not possible to experience bhabha or mahabhaba without the realization of god when a fish comes up from a great depth you see a movement on the surface of the water and if it is a big one there in such a splash about that is why a devotee laps and weeps and dances and sings in the ecstasy of god one cannot remain in baba very long people take a man to be crazy if he sits before a meter and looks at his face all the time he gives the hint what is the mahabhava what is the samadhi he sees himself the person sees his original form and that is consciousness that is chaitanya that is god this ramakrishna is telling as if a person is sitting before a mirror and looking at himself how long he can see it like that and see his own image so that is called samadhi and again in another word he said that supreme being is playing in that form in the body and no one can imagine what is happening at that time in the mind so you are asking me to explain how i go into samadhi how it is possible so he's using some simile some other he talked about the radha how radha behaved so by that way he tried to give the answer to the person what is samadhi and what happens in the samadhi so it is the going back to the source going back to the original going back to that consciousness the joy that is unexpressable so that is what sadama krishna said one cannot remain in bhava for long afterwards devotee said we hear that you see god if you do please show him to us and say it is so easy thing god is not an object it is a subject it is you it is me so one cannot show god in that way so this we should understand please show god to me but when that young narendra not those who were acquainted with the biography of krishna they know this young boy came to suramar krishna said have you seen god his answer was yes i have seen i have talked to him and then he said i can show you to you too but how i will tell you the path the discipline sorry the discipline you have to follow and if you follow the discipline then you can also realize god but you have to do it no one else can that's why shankaracharya in his uh at the vivek churamani he said the spiritual development realization all on that particular person no one else can help and in our different scriptures when you were reading we are reading that uh in the astra background also at the direct realization of is telling that the same thing to the ramachandra so it is person who wants to see wants to realize that person has to do it no one else can help so that is what is telling sad we hear that you see god if you do there is no con he has a doubt whether he is seeing god or not if you do please show him to us answer of suramar krishna everything depends on god's will everything depends on god's will the person who is asking the question is god himself but he doesn't know that is only the difference but if the god the supreme being wants to manifest within his mind it can be so everything depends on god's will what can a man do while chanting god's name sometimes tears flow and at other times the eye remain dry while meditating on god some days i feel a great deal of inner awakening and some days i feel nothing the cerama krishna giving the picture of the sadhaka or sadikas the sometimes you feel great joy in meditation you feel that you can see the light you can see your chosen deity and you forget your body you forget the surrounding and the deity is manifesting it's a great joy it's not imagination is the realization the glimpse of realization and the glimpse of realization is so much joy and think of it when it is complete but how it is possible god's will when the person is requesting suramar krishna to show god he said you have to practice and how the practice is said the god's name sometime you have to go on repeating the god's name what happens if we repeat the name of the god and sincerely when you are repeating when you are imagining the per every letter of the mantra that the guru has given to us that is manifesting in a lighted form it is manifesting and your mind is completely collected it is away from the saints objects the moment mind is detached from the same objects it is pure and the pure mind and the god are the same bhagavad-gita said a man must work only then can he see god a man must work means the spiritual practices one must practice spirituality and what is the practice of spirituality that truthfulness always thinking positive praying for others whatever possible way to help others these all we all know that these are called spiritual nothing connected with the selfishness is spirituality anything that is not connected with my selfishness is spirituality when the people they donate something and at the back of the donation they are having some idea oh i will control this man and with my money and all then i will use this a particular place for my whenever i like to visit i should go and all this donation is giving but at the same time he is thinking oh it is becoming my own that is not a donation because you are having some idea some purple selfish attitude completely unselfish is very difficult friends that's why in every religion in every philosophy they're speaking about the charity why when you was jesus puts in in a very nice way whatever you are donating through your right and your left hand should not know that means your mind should completely forget whom you are giving what you are giving just giving for love that much so charity giving donation is one of the best way of practicing spirituality whatever money i give i give for love for the blessings of god and i forget that so this is the way the siddha krishna also teaching that you have to practice in this way the selfishness is the same unselfishness is purity this much the purity the moment it comes the moment you become unselfish there is no ego if you have having the ego you cannot become unselfish the moment you become unselfish even not completely maybe a part the joy will come love will come so that is it is all interrelated that when we become completely unselfish what happens to me what happens to the person joy complete joy supreme joy and he remains in great joy so this is the way they say a man must work surama krishna is telling only then can he see god what means practice but along with the practice you constantly conscious why i am doing it how far i have perceived it have i been able to reduce my ego could i become a little unselfish so all these constantly if we are going on keeping the accounts then it's called the positive advancement towards the spiritual life otherwise whatever we are going on doing in the name of spirituality maybe we are donating money also it is like pulling the boat which is anchored already we can go on pull the board but you don't move because it has already been anchored strongly with the ego so that is what suramar krishna is mentioning i had a vision of the haldar pukur i saw a low-caste villager drawing water after pushing aside the green scum now and then he took up the water in the palm of his hand and examined it in that vision it was revealed to me that the water cannot be seen without pursuing aside the green scum that covers it you know that in the at the particularly bengal villages there's a hyacine sometimes the scam over there you can't see the water it's so thick so if you have if you see the water use the water you have to push it so he is telling like that at the greens calm that covers and that is to say one cannot develop love of god or obtain his vision without work what the villager was doing to see the water he was pushing aside this calm which is once again coming back but villagers were again and again pushing that then taking the water in his palm and checking whether it is good or not so these are the work he was doing to get the pure water from that point similarly again and again the thoughts that is crowding into our mind we have to push it back push it back push it back and check whether the mind is becoming pure or not how i will know the mind is becoming pure am i unselfish a little more unselfish today that so that is the way it goes the chanting of god's name and the glories is work too you may also include charity sacrifice and so on now this charity in india i have seen many people this is the time particularly in the durga puja time and from navaratri it will continue this is the time they will go for the whole years purchasing the particularly the clothings the varieties and many numbers they purchase there are families they always purchase two three extra to give it to the poor when they are purchasing for them maybe five or six different varieties of clothing they will take one for a poor lady or a poor children and they will give it to them they don't know them but they on the street if they see they'll give or sometimes some organizations are there they will go and donate to them they will give so that is called charity and what is this charity i am going to put on the new dress in this festive days and someone will be there who is poor cannot afford to purchase a new one and the children the poor children unfortunate children they'll also see and they will suffer they are also the mother the same divine mother to whom i am going to worship so let me do at least little for them so he is doing to whom he is giving he doesn't remember oh that is called charity the feeling that i am going to give this to the poor because he or she is also nothing but the manifestation of the divine mother i am going to worship in the temple same divine mother and that is the way so this is a thought which is purifying the mind this is called karma positive karma and in the negative karma now i have to save some money my clothing should be there the best dress that i am worrying nobody should have that like this like that is not necessary even then i will spend my money because my money this is a negative way of spending the wealth and the cause is suffering ultimately so one should understand this if you want better butter you must let the milk turn into yogurt you must be left in the quiet place it must be left in the quiet place when the milk become yogurt you must work hard to churn it only then you can get butter from the milk so this is the way bhagavan sinama krishna is giving us the teaching the first is the sanatana dharma that he mentioned not as a narrow sense but in the truest sense of the dharma dharma that affords a human as a human and then develops from that humanity human mind to the godly divine way that is called dharma dharayati what is that dharma keeping the words and to keep the words you need a strong mind strong resolution then i have given the word i must practice and then another thing a knowledge that everything is nothing but the supreme god because the creation that we see is nothing but like a mirage it is not real though i can understand right this moment but in reality it is mirage someday the whole this thing will break and i will see the true light this is the first thing that's called sanatana dharma we learn from bhagavan's ramakrishna and it helps us through two different ways that a buddha and nistriasha prosperity in the world worldly thing without attachment and nistriasia development of the spiritual life what is the spiritual life becoming pure what is the purity becoming unselfish how it is possible taking the name of god and also remembering the glory glory of the god so by this is the way we can purify our mind and he said by charity too that this is the way we can so up to this today we have learned and in the next wednesday again we will continue okay so the first question there are two question marks which are related is asking sometimes we take vows in instinct afterwards realize that they are not practical or not better methods if we feel earlier promises were made to ourselves or if it felt they are not better then should we change to better or because i promise myself follow it suffering with it no emoji of course that it it says like this suppose at the time of the marriage that the person has taken the bow that i should take i should protect my wife so that is the vow he has taken and he must continue now the wife felt sick or because she is sick i cannot simply discard her oh go away because you are sick no it cannot so that is the thing it says now i have taken the wow that i am becoming the president of this country and i am going to serve to better way so that each and every one of this country develop and remain happy satisfied and also the safety as an administrator i must keep my vows that is that says in the police in army in every place we always take an oath before we take the church so those are the things one must keep and that is called dharma but you are in a practical way suppose a name just personally you have thought that i should do this then afterwards you find no it is not good you can change it you know of course the next question is from yavi maya one two three this question is what does it mean to say someone is a brahman a brahman in reality in reality is one who constantly think about the brahman who has transformed into that brahman hood and what is that brahman hood unselfishness and love one a person not by birth and but by his character but by his behavior but by his temperament if he is unselfish and full of love he is a brahmana so we misunderstood it and a lot of problems still going on in the indian society and bhagavan in the sri krishna in bhagavad-gita very clearly mentioned chathur bharanam [Music] karma you can understand guna the quality karma the capacity to work accordingly for burnas if one who is intelligent intellectual they are the brahmana then shatriya basha sudra according to the karma four brothers one may be brahmin one may be shatriya one may be boisa one may be sudra but unfortunately things have been changed in our country and now a lot of and for hundreds of years the society is suffering because of the misunderstanding of the meaning and misutilizing so brahmin your question means one who is pure and what is purity unselfishness and the next question is asking what is the purpose of one to become many is it for many to realize the one yes very good question that is the play that again and again in different scriptures they say but when the the surama krishna gave that reply that this is the divine play leela then the gentleman who asked oh he is leela but it is our suffering suramar krishna very nicely gave the answer but who are you sir in reality you are god so that is the thing the next question from srima biswash she is asking how will we make our mind strong srimad this is a very good question you know that individually you have to go on practicing practicing and practicing that is the reason in every religion and philosophy they have given some of the practices like you must fast you must visit the holy places you must do this you must do that why to develop the strength in our mind to do wrong things you need not to practice automatically the mind takes you but to become good we have to work hard we have to practice you can start about practicing the fasting well i will fast on this particular day in this way second you can practice suppose you have taken the initiation the name of god then you can say and today i am going to repeat 1000 times the name of god if i cannot take the name of god i am not going to eat or not going to sleep i must complete one thousand time then only sometimes some people they go on writing on their notebooks one thousand times the name of god by that way the strength of mind it grows thank you thank you friends let us conclude with this pranam mantra niranjanam nityamanantharupam bhaktanu kampa dhrita bigraham is [Music] namaste