Video 252
253: Panchama Veda 253 : The Eternity Of Sanatana Dharma
good evening dear devotees and friends let us begin our weekly gospel class the panchama veda with this pranam mantra [Music] [Music] today i am almost two three minutes late to come over here do we stay over here at the last moment something so i'm sorry for this late beginning but the last time we were reading bhagavan's rama krishna very wonderfully he was mentioning like this about the samadhi so let us begin from there the mind completely takes the form of reality so what is samadhi mind takes the form of the reality now if there is an object of the reality the mind is taking that particular form or he is telling not the god not the image of some the god or goddess he's telling the reality and reality means the consciousness and when you are taking mind is taking the form of the consciousness means it is all pervading that feeling how it is those who have already realized they only can understand that it is completely subjected but the definition that the mind takes the form of the reality now there are two types sabi kalpan nirvikalpa if we are taking a form before us maybe lord krishna or shiva or durga or kali whatever may be the form and slowly slowly i am transforming myself into that form and that is the only form remaining and that is also samadhi and need be swabi kalpa yes with the sum object the eye consciousness by body consciousness that i am meditating that is completely gone so he was explaining about the samadhi the last time we could not complete it so we are studying this this samadhi the completely is a nirvikalpa samadhi also there when there is no object now about the samadhi i like to quote from some of the the scriptures the says distinction between the meditator and the object of meditation does not exist so if you remember this what is samadhi the person who is meditating is completely merging with the object on which he is meditating that's why sometimes the radha used to say sri radha is to say i am krishna so that is the unique way the wonderful way to say that i am krishna completely merging and she was in that form sometimes some people they have noticed ma sharadamani devi unknowingly behaving like bhagavan sirama krishna those who have read those biographies you know that so behaving like bhagavan sri ramakrishna that means in that is in shamadi a completely merging here that it says the daksa says to the mind becomes completely free from worldly desire completely free from worldly desire bishop what are the bishaya that they have shortlisted only five what is that rupa russia sabdis parsha and gandha and rupa means the form rasa the taste the smell the sound like this the these five are the objects who is enjoying the mind how the mind enjoys that with the five our saints organs chakshu karna naasika juva and taka chakshi means the eye karna the nose smelling and the sound it is hearing like this panchayat the five ganendres when that is completely gone when nothing remains mana nishtalatam the mind goes into tranquility and on what it remains atma shakti only the atman the power of atman the consciousness of atman the thought of atman and nothing else that is called samadhi there's a daksa he is telling many of the at the time of the puja the pujaris they do chant these that is the if you say about the samadhi what is it when the minds become vast like the space this is then the way it says that means in the mind there is nothing and the specialty of the akash or the space we think that has a color but it has no color we think the the different type of things like the dirty things flying on the ear that is contaminating the space nothing it cannot touch it so so many things are there but the space the akasha in the sanskrit that remains the same so mind should be like that so many other thoughts are coming so many things are happening mind is totally undisturbed unparter completely tranquil so akasha manasam niraspadam completely free the still knowing the paramatma nishalam means without movement no movement whenever there is a movement again and again the we repeat because this is the hindu the way of thinking the moment something is moving some creation is going on that means the activity of the sattva rajatama the qualities that is there the moment there's a quality activity of the qualities whatever it may be either tamar raja or satwa but the activity means activity it is not stillness as long as the activity is there it is not samadhi and samadhi means completely stillness the one someone came to one of our astra and he told i have just completed nirvikalpa samadhi then what should we do next what should i do what to do after the samadhi then jokingly the swami said oh you have completed the samadhi go and take prasad so that is the only thing left and nothing remains so that is the people don't know what is samadhi so this is prasad means go and take food so this is the way people they think so a clear idea is necessary when the mind is complete the yoga bashishta also says that means like a hill steeda without any disturbing never even changing the little posture also just like the stone they'll be there bhagavan sirama krishna is many of the places he has said that when he used to sit for meditation as if someone from outside is to come and give the lock in the on the when it is folding the hand or the legs so they will be locked you cannot move unless and until you complete the meditation as if his mind is only thinking but that is someone is helping him doing like that like the stone image it will be sitting over there and not only and how it is possible when the mind is completely out of that body then it is possible prince we are discussing about the samadhi about the meditation because two things we must understand it is the body and the mind the body can be controlled for many things many other things are there unlike the if you control and practice practice and practice you can sit on one posture for a long long time it is possible but about the mind also this is very important the mind should be focused on only one thing and then slowly slowly that whole mind will be transformed into that particular object and that is the reason it is said one should take the image of god any image you take you can meditate on that any image for the students who used to teach that put a red mark on the wall and continuously look at that and make your mind at the concentrated on that like this it is possible but whatever you are concentrating on the object of your concentration is your mind is taking that form that shape so one should be careful about the object also when you are choosing an object we should be careful about that not only that the if the object is a bad one all those qualities also automatically will come you will imbibe that those qualities so if we are in concentrating on a bad object something wrong ultimately we are going to suffer so object should be chosen very carefully and that is the yoga basis there is no duality so this is about when sudama krishna is talking that about the meditation then we have already read that and we slowly came into this here sirama krishna is attending the annakuta the mountain of food the unnakuta organized by a group of devotees hailing from the marwar of the north north side of india the main bus their occupation the business and there we find the surama krishna is very happy the host he came and he is talking with them with the master and host is telling sad what is the way for us this part also we read what is the way for us very simple because those people are so very engaged they are very busy in doing the business you know the some people who are doing the official job they go they complete the job and come back they're free nowadays of course we hear from our young devotees that they are not giving a particular job a project has been given and you have to complete that project within this particular period of time so they are constantly working but previously i heard the people are going to the office and performing his duty over there a bus then they will come back and free but the business it is not like that constant different type of things are happening so one must be very very careful and that's why all the time busy the sudama krishna gave them the simple method chanting the name and glories of god living in the company of the holy main and honestly praying to god these three steps he said sir what is the way for us that means how to realize god how to be fruit free from the circle of birth and death three frost chanting the name and glories of god so not only the name but the qualities of that particular god or goddess that you are meditating on praying to so this you have to understand that if we choose one any god we can choose but if you are choosing today monday i will choose the anumanji and then the tuesday okay the shitama and thursday the ramachandra and then like this if we go on changing we are not imbibe imbibing those qualities so why the ishta devata many people they say all gods are the same i can meditate on this god that god of course you can do the problem is this but the problem is you are not going to imbibe getting any benefit why you're only taking the name of god or repeating the name of god or concentrating on that particular god for a short period of time then you are changing the qualities of that particular god or goddess is not coming to you the great qualities are there that's why one should be careful in choosing also do we have any clear idea about the quality of the god and god is that particular form that we are meditating so we have to that's ramakrishna said chanting the name and glories of god so i'm chanting they're very clear we have to chant the name of god go on repeating that particular name and when you are going on repeating that name when you are careful that you are really perfectly pronouncing that name other thoughts on disturb your mind that is the idea thoughts won't disturb your mind so you are taking that name and at the same time slowly slowly when the mind is little tamed a little controlled then you see the image of that particular god or goddess and also you are thinking about the wonderful quality of the god the god is full of love god is full of compassion god is full of forgiveness and all those wonderful qualities if we are going on thinking and thinking god did this god did that so that is why the bhagavata they said you have to remember the activities of the god and how he is behaving in the gospel also the master masha who has noted this he has given how sirama krishna is behaving but that is the way one should imbibe those qualities then said living in the company of the holy man holy men living in the company of some of the monks who are pretending to be holy or just trying to be holy so that you have to choose very carefully the company you are going and thinking that these are the people these are my that these are the ma i am going to see them observe them and then repeat in my own life their behavior you have to be very very careful how they are behaving sometimes the monks the other time and the the organized organization is there so they are working they are talking to some people and like this it is going on but if you like to observe them you have to observe in the morning and the evening when they are meditating so the master masha this particular gentleman who has noted used to ask the young people to go to the balurbot the headquarters of the ramakrishna mission in vedanta societies they used to ask them to go in the early morning when the monks are meditating after the day break they are all doing different type of work and then if you go you will find them talking laughing cutting jokes and doing this work that just like ordinary people you won't get that impression but when 100 monks and brahmacharya sitting in this one temple and meditating that is a different atmosphere not a single sound anywhere automatically your mind you'll also feel that i should also meditate like this it goes so when you go for the living company of the holy one has to be this also you should have to keep in mind and then your personal effort what is that praying to god praying to god praying to god the host please bless me sir that i may pay less and less attention to the worldly things so krishna making a little they're making fun out of that and he's telling smiling how much attention do you give to the world 50 percent so like that they're making a fun the that is the joke apart if when we are asking are you sincere that also we have to consider how much attention i can give to the world and how much attention i can give to the god here sudama krishna didn't say why don't you transform the whole thing that is the beautiful way of the karma yoga that is the best way the karma yoga whatever i do maybe the official work may be something that is very as a social work but if i am constantly thinking that i am doing this as a service to god whatever i do whatever i know whatever i learnt according to my education my training that service i am giving back to the society but i am thinking i am actually serving the living gods that also can be converted so that is the attention and if you please god everyone will be pleased surama krishna is telling if you please god everyone will be pleased it is god alone that exists in the heart of the holy man so holy man means what god and what is god love and unselfishness indirectly suramar krishna is giving the hint whom you are thinking as holy men you must be very very careful about that some people are very wonderful another lecturer some people are very good looking some people are like these and that and externally they'll be doing that don't get impressed on all those that is good they're doing but the main thing is the god is residing into their heart and slowly their character is transforming and what is that god love and unselfishness love without any boundary again and again i i say that i love my country i love my the country maine i love my the religious people i have my society anyone can do that but the love that reaches and embraces each and everyone without considering whether the the chaos creed sex or anything that is called the divine love feeling for that true love and the person the holy person in their mind also constantly that should be there so it says like that it is god alone that exists in the heart of the holy man nothing of course remains unrealized when one attains guard if a maintains god he can give up everything else if a man gets a rupee he can give a joy of a painting the host is telling master a little spiritual discipline is necessary through the practice of the discipline one gradually obtained divine joy suppose a jar with money inside a is hidden deep under the earth and someone wants to poses it in that case he must take the trouble of digging for it so he is giving the example he gave only say you have to have some discipline discipline means repeatedly you have to practice that and different type of situation will come but your practice should continue that is called the discipline now i have taken that i should do the one thousand or five thousand japan i must do the jabba and i must complete that then only i will go to sleep maybe in between some other responsibilities came that call for the work came so you have to win but i must complete and then only maybe sometimes it may be less sleep but even then i have promised to myself that i will complete 1000 jabba i must complete the jabba so this is called discipline i should get up in this time i should these this much of discipline but that gives slowly slowly the mind becomes completely disciplined a little spiritual discipline is necessary through the practice of the discipline one gradually obtained divine joy and then he is telling and that something is there and the full jar pulled up the money and he is going on digging that is after much digging the spade strikes the metal jar he feels a thrill at the sound the more sound the spread makes striking against the jar the more joy he feels then slowly slowly how you will know that you are making progress in the spiritual life sometimes some people they come out of that curiosity to become a monk or a nun then they try to do that but then unfortunately they do not practice the discipline they don't have that patience to do that some utopian ideas very peculiar ideas they have they will be doing like that but here if you are going on repeating the name of god and trying to meditate and doing the work for the the service to god whatever the menial job is given to you you are transforming that as a divine work by that we slowly slowly you are improving and how you will know that you are improving joy you will find joy into doing that so you are cleaning and then you are just going on singing a bhajan of the god or chanting some mantra or repeating the holy name and doing that and slowly slowly whatever you do the years to gain joy and that joy is not depending on anything outside well i have done this and now the in charge of swami he should appreciate me before others then only i get the joy not like that it is from within it comes from it internally the joy comes then one can understand and it goes on pray to rama meditate on him he will certainly provide you with everything pray to rama he is talking with this the devotee from the marwar so they are the mainly their devotee of sri rama chandra so sirama krishna is telling pray to rama river sir you are rama himself the host said and look at the reply of bhagavan siram how is that waves belong to the river does the river belongs to the waves the beautifully he said sirama krishna is rama afterward he said that himself said to swami vivekananda many of you know it so when he was on his deathbed and his young disciple narendra not afterwards swami vivekananda and he was standing near the door and he was thinking if the person at this moment can say that he is god i will believe and sirama krishna the moment he thought immediately he replied he who was the rama he who was the krishna now in these siddha krishna form so he said that but when this host this marawi gentleman businessman is telling sir you are rama himself master immediately said no because he was just praising he was not sincere he was not understanding who is rama and what is that just he was praising and out of emotion surama krishna never accepted that rama dwells only in the hearts of the holy men the hoards that host is telling he is also a nice person rama dwells only in the hearts of holy men he cannot be seen in any other way there is no incarnation of god at the present time so he was talking about the rama and then suddenly he said no incarnation and he was telling to suramar krishna himself so we can understand he didn't feel anything in the person of krishna though when he said they said you are the rama and that is a way of talking not just eulogizing and they are praising but that just from the leap it is not from the heart not from the feeling not from the realization so that he was telling sirama krishna didn't accept and when he said there is no incarnation of god at the present time the master smiling how do you know there is no divine incarnation how do you know that there is no uh divine incarnation the host remain silent the master all cannot recognize an incarnation this in the bhagavad-gita also sri krishna is telling the same thing i am the god but very few can understand that not no people can understand that so this is all cannot recognize an incarnation when narada visited rama rama prostrated himself before narada and said we are worldly creatures how can we be satisfied unless holy men like you visit us sri ramachandra was none but the vishnu himself but as because he was behaving like a man a person a human so he was behaving like a human when the narada came narada is a devotee of vishnu and lord vishnu has become rama and now the sri rama is telling offering the respect to the narada his devotee the unless the holy men like you'd come then who will visit like that how can we satisf we can be satisfied unless holy men like you visit us further rama went into exile in the forest to redeem his father's pledges he saw that since yearing of his exile the rishis of the forest had been fasting many of them did not know that rama was none other than the supreme brahman should the brahma-paratha ram in the beginning of the ram nama the first this is the beauty of the hinduism they'll be talking about the incarnation the god has become human form they'll be talking about the duality the god and the devotee but at the same time they know the base word is the supreme brahman all pervading consciousness should and then they will be talking about that his father was the his mother was this but in reality he you is are that same rama again he's telling the master for heaven's sake never say that this is the beauty of the bhagavatama krishna if someone coming and praising us we become okay okay don't say that but inside some of us we may feel happy and my devotees are that's why many many places we have seen the birthday the swamis are observing and they are very happy devotees are coming and they are worshiping in india also but only the representative of the bhagavatam krishna that the gurus they can be and not other no other should do that what is your birth what you have realized nothing what is your contribution if other people are coming that means you are taking when they are giving something that means you have to give back something and what you are giving back whatever you are accurate the spiritual thing you are sharing that what will remain with you then so this way we have to understand salama krishna is becoming humble this is also to teach us when someone is coming and unnecessarily praising us without knowing us one must be careful then why unnecessarily he is doing it and that generates if not anything else the ego that will the people are coming and going on telling that oh he was so good he was so good and slowly slowly the ego start entering into and you won't understand when the ego has already entered and whatever the spiritual power of spirituality that you acquired all will go in vain so many times it has happened so many times with so many very holy lives so this is these are the challenges before the holy people and those who are trying to be holy to be spiritual trying to realize god one must be careful that's why again and again sudama krishna understanding this and those who have gone through the biography of sudama krishna you know the sum of his devotees when he was alive some of his devotees they started debating with other people the sarama krsna's god himself and was rambabu was there ram chandra datta he was a doctor he was a very highly qualified person and uh the recognized person in the then society when rambabu came sirama krishna rebuked mayu you don't know anything about me you have not realized anything about me why you are unnecessarily praising like this this is ramakrishna first you have to realize first you have to feel first you have to understand then only and there are some people they will say sirama krishna did not fill some of the things in his past incarnation as the ramakrishna so i have taken birth the sudama krishna has taken birth in my form and i am fulfilling all his desires the worldly desires look that so nonsense you say that i have realized god and i am giving this teaching no problem in hinduism you are completely free and you can always demand that i have realized god and i have something to give to the devotees give to the people give it they will always feel get some followers no problem so these we learn from the pages of this book the panchama veda the gospel one should be very very careful it's not only the devotees it is also the those who have left the heart and home the monks would be monks and nuns must be very careful when people are praising because a little practices of meditation and spirituality immediately will attract the people and that shows that as a proof the god is there because divinity has a wonderful thing that attracts people that is purity and when they come then i or the person to whom they are coming and going on praising you are so and so and we will celebrate your birthday and all this then slowly we can't stand and then he loses the whole krishna is telling that as sramakrishnan spoke these words he's bowed down to the host and said with folded hands that rama dwells in all beings he exists everywhere in the universe i am your servant it is rama himself who has become all men animals and other living beings host bat said we do not know that but we know that means we don't feel like that we don't realize like that the master whether you know it or not you are rama this is telling from the viewpoint of the vedanta you are that the host you are free from love and hatred he is going on telling he is liking sirama krishna so he is telling like that and the master is telling how so i engaged a carriage to bring me to calcutta and advance the coachman three honors in those days three honors but he didn't turn up i became very angry with him he's a very wicked man he made me suffer a lot the sirama krishna as because the god in human form just behaving like the human if he paid in advance but the person was supposed to drive him to calcutta didn't come in time and didn't turn up at all he said i was angry and you are praising me you you are free from love and hatred that means you are completely free this gentleman and many of the indians they read or hear this type of things so they simply uses this the many of the people if you just call them oh then the person who will pick them on his behalf the telephone he will say he is in samadhi without knowing what is samadhi maybe he is just trying to meditate or praying to god but the word he uses but they're just at random many of the people they use this word without knowing the implication the meaning the true meaning of it one must be very very humble and now sirama krishna was resting malware devotees had been singing bhajan on the roof they were celebrating the krishna festival arrangements had been made for worship and food offering at the host request the master went to see the image he bowed down before the deity suramar krishna was profoundly moved as he stood before the image he folded with folded hands he said o govinda thou art my soul thou art my life victory to govinda hallowed be the name of govinda thou art the embodiment of the sachidananda o krishna ah krishna krishna is knowledge krishna is mind krishna is life krishna is soul krishna is body krishna is the cast krishna is family o govinda my life and soul uttering these words sadama krishna went into samadhi he remained standing rama chatterjee supported him just a few para before he said no i am not rama i am very humble and then now we find he became merged with that krishna and the rama this is sirama krishna he's teaching us the humbleness but at the same time the reality is this those who really understood in and started loving him and respecting him they are blessed of course blessed but people don't understand that is people they always think the divinity god means something else he was looking at that and when he was uttering and what did he say you are everything god you are everything after a long time the master regained consciousness of the world the madurai devotee were about to take out the image the offering of food was to take place outside the room the master joined the procession of the devotees the food was offered with arathi and music sudama krishna fanned the image then began the ceremony of feeding the brahmins they were seated on the roof the master and his devotees also partook the prasad sri ramakrishna took leave of the host it was evening and the street was jammed as before with people and vehicles he said let us get out of the courage carriage it can go by a back street preceding on food he found that a better leap shelter better live sailor had opened his stall in front of his small room that locked like sorry that looked like a hole sorry one could not possibly enter it without bending one's head the master said how painful it is to be shot in such a small space that is the way the worldly people and they are happy in such a life and sometimes in in the streets of calcutta even today we can find like that some of the cities in the in india you'll find the very poor person having a small little shop almost half in the the ground floor and have in the basement in that condition is the crawling inside sitting over there for the whole day sailing some little leaves and some little thing and hurting something but how the man is suffering the sudama krishna noticed it and he says the carriage came up after making the detour the master entered it with babudam aim ram chatterjee the younger gopal sat on the roof on the carriage a bigger woman with a baby on her arm stood in front of the carriage waiting for the arms the master said to him have you any money gopal gave her something from the tub he gave the carriage rolled along the bow baja everywhere there were signs of great festivity the night was dirt but illuminated with the mirrors of lights the carriage came to the chit pool road which was also brightly lighted the people moved in line like ants the crowd looked at the gaily decorated stores and stalls on both sides of the road there were suitemates stores and perfume stalls pictures beautiful and beautifully hung from the walls well-dressed shopkeepers sprayed the visitors with rose water the carriage stopped in front of a perfumed stall the master looked at the pictures and lights and felt happy as a child people were talking loudly he cried out go forward move on so if you still go and that this our durga puja is coming of course this year is special because of the kovet the thousands of people they will be slowly slowly moving but the young people children the ladies they are so happy in their best attire they will be roaming around and almost in the same type of picture the master mashai when he is giving us it was say almost 200 years before the same type of thing is happening and so krishna like a child because of the crowd and they are talking so he also cried out and he said go forward move on he laughed he said to baburam with a loud laugh move on what are you doing but that is an indication the devotees laughed too they understood that the master wanted them to move forward forward to god and not to the not to be satisfied with their present state go forward that is the character in sanskrit the go forward means chari baiti one should not be satisfied with whatever he has got in spiritual life one should go on on and on till it becomes one with the brahman one with the god the carriage drove on the master noticed that aim had brought some clothes for him him had with him two pieces of unbreached and two pieces of washed clothes but the master had asked him only for the unbeast one he said to him give me the unbeaten ones you may keep the others all right you may give me one of them then shall i take back one piece then you take both the m as you please say the master you can give me those when i need them you see yesterday banipal wanted me to carry away some food for rakhal i told him i couldn't it is impossible for me to lay off for the future sirama krishna is a in the monk and a sannyasi he cannot keep things for himself even for next day so that is the reason he is telling i cannot carry things for the someone or for the next i am depending on god completely that's a unique condition of the mind that's all right sir i shall take back the two pieces of washcloths master tenderly don't you see if any desire arises in my mind it is for the good of you all you are my own i shall tell you if i need anything so we offer to god and when god is asking himself so naturally is a blessed state then sudama krishna is to love master mahashay though he was only a teacher in those days the salary of the teachers are very less but surama krishna is to ask him this very cerama krishna he refused ten thousand rupees from a businessman he wanted to offer it but he is asking the master mashay whose salary was very meager and he had a big family to maintain that he's asking can you give me these two clothes yes sir referring to a devotee ramakrishna said i should say to him yesterday tomorrow i shall go to bhuvajar so barabajal please meet me there do you know what he said he said the tram fare will be one anna where shall i get it he had been to benipal's garden now when the sudama krishna invited him to come he said no i won't be able to pay the that money for the here the horse driven the trams were there but it will one and a few i won't be able to pay that i won't come but that was not the real intention he could he didn't come because sudama krishna will be the most important person over there and he has to go and listen to some he never liked that he wanted to be somebody so suramar krishna mentioned he had been to benipal's garden yesterday and had officiated there as priest no one had asked him to do it he had put on the show himself he wanted people to know that he was a member of the brahma-samaj to him can you tell me what he meant when he said that the tram would cost him one anna friends why suramar krishna is telling this to criticize the man no it is not for that it's to bring out the characteristics of some of the so-called devotees and they always try to show up that i am a somebody in this if you go to the temples if you go to any holy place you will always find one or two this type of devotee one should be careful about and one should not also practice this even by mistake if you have done we have to be careful and rectify ourselves when you go to a holy place a holy person we should be humble otherwise we are not going to get any spiritual benefit and this man went over there to attain the function of the brahma-samaj no he wanted to give a show up that he is someone as if he is a priest he was sitting on the dice he's calling this man he's just to show in the society that i belong to this rank but no one asked him to do that he's actually officially he is not to that sram krishna noticed and he is mentioning over here and asking the aim his own devotee why he said like that it is not for the money he never wan went over there to meet suramar krishna and also to meet the other devotees as because he won't be able to show up over there so he was not interested so when we are reading the gospel of krishna we have to understand the subtle things one must be careful that i am not going to do this mistake in my life when i go to a temple i must be humble whatever the services is possible for me i should provide but not to show up not to boast up that i am so and so and i belong to this organization that is very wrong particularly in the spiritual life the conversation turned to the unnakuta festival of the marwaris the master to the devotee what you have been what you have seen here one sees at brindavan too rakal has been seeing the same thing there but the amount of food in brindaban is higher in calcutta there are some devotees they were doing in the bridna it is huge and rakhal is seeing means at that time the rakhal maharaja was there in the brindavan the more people gathered there there you also see the govardhana hill that is the only difference did you notice the moderates devotion now sirama krishna and we'll be concluding with this the devotion of the maharavadis so they are business community but their love for god that suramak appreciated that is the real hindu ideal that is the sanatana dharma did you notice their joy when they carried the image in procession they were happy to think that they bore the throne of god on their shoulders this is sirama krishna the observance he was observing a person who was a hypocrite was not a true devotee who just wanted to get his some name and fame and just a social recognition and he went over there that also sudama krishna noticed minded god noticed the some people who are coming to the astra not as a devotee not for the love of god just only to show up that he is somebody god noticed that and at the same time god is also noticing the genuine joy love to carry the throne of god and walking barefoot on the street and showing the and dancing singing and dancing for god that also god notices that this is the main and he said the hindu religion alone is the sanatana dharma the hindu and the sanatana in the religion alone is the sanatana dharma eternal religion the various creeds you hear of nowadays have come into existence through the will of god and will disappear again through his will these are the words very interesting and will disappear in his will they will not last forever therefore i say i bow down at the feet of even the modern devotees the hindu religion has always existed and will always exist that is the word the hindu the sanatana dharma friends not much time left we have already crossed maybe in the class in the next class in the next week we'll go what is called the sanatana dharma and why it is sanatana sanatana means eternal why this eternal religion what is dharma why is ramakrishna is telling like this you'll try to understand this particular portion one question here is can you please illustrate with some life event examples how to see takur as love as love could you please illustrate with some life life life life event examples how to see taku rasa if you go through the biography of sirama krishna particularly the biography written by swami sardananda ji maharaj there are so many events there of love when the girish chandra ghosh came sirama krishna was very sick it was so difficult for him to get up and sit on the bed itself but when girish you know girish was that a different type of person he simply said i want to drink water i'm thirsty and there was no one around sirama krishna called on the floor and weighing to that picture and put a glass of water and gave it to girish chandra ghosh is it not the sign of love as a tremendous sign of love friends if you see the sign of love of god after the completion of his sadhanas in 12 long years he want on the rooftop and of that jaminder's house kuti badi and he gave the call to the devotees please come i like to share my treasure that is the love and wherever he has gone you always try to guide them to the true religion that is his love and the same love is percolating through the life of swamiji ma and we have seen so many monks whatever the personal pranami they get they always majority of the swamis they use that money to help the poor people you know it's not that living love the love for those whom we even don't know and whom we are not expecting anything from home we are helping them why because god is love and if we are seeing that love as god so that will completely change my life friend you know that the god is nothing but purity and what is purity it is only love for god that is purity thank you let us conclude with this pranam mantra [Music] is [Music] namaste