Video 251
252: Panchama Veda 252 : You have Substance In You
let us begin our win wednesday veda the gospel of sri ramakrishna with this sloka tabuka [Music] a [Music] friends we were discussing on the 23rd in our last discussion in the last week the sirama krishna clarifying the doubt from the mind of the devotees can god who is all-pervading have the form this is always the people the doubt about it and you will find that many of the religions they do not have the any images they think it is not possible how god can be with the form the hinduism is having that the sanatana dharma they believe that god can be informed and without form too but how it is possible sirama krishna he gave wonderful examples in different places to different people and he his answers were wonderful here he is telling if you have the eye consciousness you have you consciousness too as long as you are thinking that i am so you are thinking the tao the you also so that is the way sirama krishna in his own language as long as a man is conscious of i and you so long he feels that god is a person as long as eye consciousness exists god reveals himself to us as a person and there is no unnecessarily no the god cannot have the form why not because i want to see god in that form so the god comes in that why i like to see because i don't i can't imagine anything which is not having a name and a form so i also think that god has a form and the name then what is the problem so this is the way the hindus also they think that let me take this tape and then why should i have to fight and make it the division the devotees who thinks that god has a form they will never believe or listen to those who will say god is without form why and those who are following the path of the knowledge the god is without form they are also not ready to listen to those who are following the path of the devotion god is with form so if this is the thing krishna is solving soon a unique way very simple if you have if i have i consciousness and almost all of us or everyone we are having the eye consciousness as long as we have the eye consciousness we cannot say the god is formless and if we say our progress will be very slow because we are actually not understanding which is the formlessness naturally our progress should be very less very slow but when we accept it and we draw our mind from all the objects and put that mind to only one object that is god the who is just in front of me in a different form whatever form i like i love and my mind has been withdrawn from the saints objects that is the main thing then i focus that on the god the form god our goddess and it becomes purified then sudama krishna in the last time that we read the divine mother gives her devotee brahma-gyana too what is that brahmagyana i one only the one is everything that is brahman the consciousness is everything that is brahma-gyana we cannot say what is brahmagana no one can explain but at least in the conception we can say the consciousness everywhere that is brahmagana so we have already discussed that and again and again this is the topic comes back and we have to remember it we have to discuss it we have to understand it and it becomes very easy for us ramakrishna he is telling when ego or eye conscious consciousness vanishes completely so this is the point i have to say i don't have any ego but the funny thing is the moment i say i don't have ego the eye is there so when one can say that i don't have ego you need not to say i need not to say it is automatic when i the people won't be able to that those who have realized that supreme brahman there'll be no eye consciousness at all they'll say everything is the same so up to this then today we are going to study read that uh master masha recording the account of the monday october 20th 1884. two days after the worship of kali the maruaris of the bhagavaja section of calcutta were celebrating unnakuta vegetable maruvari this is a group of people mainly business community and they are from marwar maduba is the place in the northern part of india so this motherboard people they're very devoted people but their main thing is business economy so almost all of them they understand it they can do it better the rich people but very very devoted to god they invited bhagavan sirama krishna annakuta literally he loved kutta means is a like a hill of food during this festival a vast quantity of cooked food is offered to the deity and latter distributed among the devotees and the poor and many places in india they still they do so that will be assembled one place each and every one will cook something and they will give and afterwards so much like a hill then afterwards that will be distributed you know that sometimes the the indians the rice eater mainly so the rice they will be they're making like a big hill and from that they will be serving to each and every one so that annakuta ramakrishna is going to the maruvaris they are hindi speaking people suramar krishna's mother tongue is bengali so he's from the eastern part of india he was born in that bengal but he knew hindi that is very interesting he knew hindi where from he learned it mostly when he was very young used to go and serve the sadhus wandering monks and this monks mainly from the hindu speaking people they used to communicate in the hindi which is now our language indian language hindi so this hindi he picked up from there he learned that he was very intelligent sadama krishna though he didn't go to the schools to study but he was so intelligent whatever he heard he remembered and he could immediately learn it very quickly so he learned hindi from the wandering monks whom he used to serve when he was very young in the kamar pukur and he came to the marwaris it was the second day of the bright fortnight of the moon the festival connected with the worship of kali known as the festival of light diwali they say in that indian term diwali a deepavali in another word also they use and that is the festival of light was still going on in bhagav bazaar bhagavata is the area where mainly the business community they live even today that is the place sorry this is called barabajar not bhagavaja this is called barabajar where still the people they leave about three o'clock in the afternoon aim and the younger gopal came to barabazar aim had in his hand a bundle of clothes he had purchased for sri ramakrishna malik street was jammed with the people bullockers and the carriages and that is the idea still if you go all the time is so much of traffic always every time so malik street as aim and gopal approach 12 malik street they noticed sirama krishna in a carriage which was which could not which could hardly move because of the jam baburam and ram chatupathai chakrabarti were with the master surama krishna also noticed the aim walking he smiled at aim and gopal so they were going to meet sirama krishna in that particular house where the ramakrishna is going and that was the system of krishna always to invite other devotees nearby to the place wherever he used to go so that all devotees can mix the bengal bengalis the hindi speaking people they all they should and sadama krishna is to go and see it and then automatically this to become the friends so sudama krishna invited master marshay and other devotees they were going they saw sirama krishna alighted from the carriage with baburam he proceeded on food to the house of his host because the carriage could not move aim leading the way they saw the coat here of the house filled with big bales of clothes which were being loaded into bullock carts for shipment the businessmen so in their courtyard all those things were getting ready so maybe the next day they will send it to but see how master mashay when he entering he just turned his face and he saw he noticed and he recorded so because of the historicity now about the sri rama chandra about sri krishna very less this type of thing that's why the mostly the with the political languages they used and then we think that all this is imaginary the master mashay was very conscious about it the historical background is touristy it is only 100 years 150 years we can say but after thousand years 500 600 years the things will be completely changed the people may doubt so that is the reason he is giving the day time place and the people and also the surroundings so this is the way he is going on describing the courtyard and ready for shipment the maraudi host greeted the master and laid he into the third floor of the house so we we can understand master mashay was not very much known to these people so he is not mentioning them by name he is mentioning about the the we can see the the work that they do madobari means the business community like that the if he knew the name he could and he didn't ask perhaps because that was not the or the time maybe so he never mentioned over here a painting of kali hung on the wall sudama krishna bowed before it he sat down and became engaged in conversation with the devotees one of the maruvaris began to stroke his feet that is also a very special so if you go to those people mainly they will the other people they come and touch the feet of the holy man and they offer pranam by that way respect by that way but the maruari people they come and they will be praising because they think the swami is coming the walking so if i just please give a little massaging so he will feel good so that has become a tradition there he was doing the tsunami krishna asked him to stop after reflecting a minute he said all right you can stroke them a little because sudan krishna never liked all these things usually the traditionally the monks will go they will see it the people they come they massage their feet this seat is very close to their feet and many swamis they like it but suramar krishna was completely different type sometimes he used to ask the very chosen devotee to do that type of personal work otherwise the touch of people it was very difficult for him those who have read the biography of krishna they all know his words are full of compassion because he asks him not to do that and naturally the gentleman may feel oh i am not that holy so i can touch this his feet so okay you can do that and with very compassion way he said master to him what about your school because that was not the it was monday so obviously how master mashay could come because that was the school time he was the headmaster of the school today is a holiday sir master smiling tomorrow there will be a musical recital of the chandi at other's house the surama krishna always do that is called ministerial way used to go to different people houses to attain that and there will be the chanting of the chandi and the songs but along with that little discussion about god when we go and listen to the virgins that is good but some type of the entertainment suramar krishna is always conscious to give the enlightenment if you listen to the good words and that tool bhagavan si rama krishna he himself is telling after his own realization so naturally it goes deep down to the mind and people's minds slowly become purified the host sent a pundit to sirama krishna they understood that it is difficult to talk with ramakrishna who will give the company so they invited the pandita sanskrit scholar so he came to give the accompany with krishna the holy man so and another person he is he saluted the master and took a seat soon they were engaged in conversation they talked about spiritual things sudama krishna god incarnates himself for the bhakta and not for the ghani not for the ghani ghani means that those who are thinking that there is only brahman only one there cannot be two no question of god no question of god's incarnation so this is the point one should understand cinema question was very clear those who have read the biography of krishna you know that very very important incident that happened when sirama krishna's beloved disciple swami vivekananda at that time only narindranath he was watching suramar krishna lying down it was almost the last day he's going to pass away he was thinking that time that young boy he was thinking oh now if he can say that he is god i will accept him we know that in the life of the ramakrishna when this came the so many ways he tested his guru but even then with great patience rama krishna was teaching him and this was the last week i think the surama krishna was lying down in the kashipur the garden and narendra nath was standing near the door and from there he was thinking the moment he thought the thought crossed narendra's mind immediately suramar krishna replied narendra didn't alter just thought sudama krishna immediately replied one who was rama one who was krishna now in these form of course not from the point of view of gyana why the gyani that is very clear the gyana the vedan ultimate vedanta there no conception of two so conception of god conception of the avatar incarnation of god cannot be there so at that moment also he very clearly mentioned here he is mentioning too that uh the pandit god incarnates himself for the bhakta bhakta means the those who are practicing the duality god is there i am here i am the son of god i am the servant of god like that the dual form and not for the gyani then this bandit the sanskrit scholar he is quoting from bhagavad-gita the fourth chapter eighth verse that is very famous and he is quoting that i incarnate myself in every age for the protection of the good for the destruction of the wicked and for the establishment of dharma again and again i come the god is telling it is the famous the promise of god in the bhagavad-gita the god becomes man fast for the joy of the bhakta and secondly for the destructions of the wicked the ghani has no desire this bandit this sanskrit scholar his mind is also very clear about it majority of the people they study the scripture and they use that knowledge for earning that they go they do some puja in the rich devotees family and the houses and earn some money their thoughts are not so clear this bandits ramakrishna will appreciate so our that we as we are talk given the talk you have substance in you sudama krishna said that to this bandit the the when he said that the ramakrishna master smiling he was happy but i have not got rid of all desires i had the desire for love of god as he commented ganny has no desire then sirama krishna laughing now i have the desire desire for the love of god but this is no desire though for the love of god that is not desire but suramar krishna is making it fun and he is telling that i have the desire then the pundit's son entered the room he saluted the master and took a seat master to the pandit well what is a bhakta and what is bhakti then the pandit he is telling meditation on god may load the mind what is a bhakta and what is bhakti salam krishna wanted to listen from that person because that man it seems that he he was the spiritual teacher of the community maharavadhi group the salaam krishna wanted to know what type of knowledge he himself is having but he was giving correct answers and salaam krishna was happy meditation on god mellows the mind and mellowness is called bhava it is like the thawing of eyes when the sun rises so he gave the example salama krishna asking and what is prima the bhakti he gave that in that way because of the meditation what is meditation we drawing the mind or the senses from all the five sense objects we all know again and again we discuss that and we give that mind to the god so that slowly slowly it is becoming transforming into god because only one thought sudama krishna is asking what is prema the bhabha and the prema and what is that prema the pandit and sudama krishna were talking in hindi the former gave some sort of explanation of premature master to the pundit no no that is not the meaning so this is called the teacher no he is not showing his knowledge or he's not egoistic he's just like a father compassionate father he's rectifying the person sudama krishna never knew this sanskrit scholar but when he gave the answer about the prema all other answers he was happy this answer was not correct so sudama krishna thought that it should be rectified so he he said no no that is not the meaning prema means such a love for god that it makes a man forget the world and also his body which is so dear to him that is called prema in another word we can say samadhi this samadhi and prema prema the devotion and that devotion that love takes the mind in such a higher level where the person who is having that devotion for gets his own consciousness what is the goal of spiritual life again and again just to forget this body consciousness and when i don't have the eye consciousness i forget the body consciousness and when i forget the eye and the body so obviously all around things are also forgotten but sometimes some people the way they are in a very peculiar mood maybe they're insane maybe they're mad they may think in that way but no after smoking or something and taking the the narcotics and all maybe sometimes people feel like that it is not that it is the consciousness it goes back to the consciousness and this jada this inert this body which is associated with the ego the eye that all vanishes that goes back to consciousness through love love for god it is called prema and sirama krishna is telling caitanya prema why he said that because it is not so simple it's not ordinary and all people cannot have this is the almost ultimate thing of the devotion pandit yes sir one behaves like a drunkard master some people develop bhakti and others do not how do you explain that sir sir krishna is asking that question to pundit so siram krishna himself knew in other places people they asked to surram krishna but here the murderers their devotion is little different so cerama krishna is talking with the pandith as because the pundit is their spiritual guide he is measuring the depth of his knowledge and clarifying that pandit there is no partiality in god he is the wish fulfilling tree whatever a man asks of god he gets but he must go near the tree to ask the boon the pundit said all these in hindustani hindustani in short hindi the master explained it to aim in bengali i was so happy reading it the master means sirama krishna and he was explained to aim who was a headmaster of a school but he was not knowing the hindi the bengalis in the southern part of the india they they were not very much acquainted with the hindi at that time even today if you go to the southern india it is very difficult but in bengal also in the villages people don't know because of the movies and the hindi cinemas now some of the words have become common majority of the people but the conversation in hindi or the lecture in india is very difficult at that time krishna knew hindi and when he saw the master mahashaya our the aim is sitting near and the conversation is going on in hindi and naturally he was trying to understand what is going on and he was interested because he wanted to note it down salaam krishna explained him in bengali sir please describe samadhi to us the master is asking to that pandit the pundit there are two kinds of samadhi swabi kalpa and nirvikalpa in the nirvikalpa samadhi the functioning of the mind stops all together the samadhi are sabi kalpa with an object saw with becalpur an object sabi kalpa knee negative no be kalpa no object so naturally we can understand when we have an object maybe a sun maybe a moon maybe a candle light maybe omkara maybe cross maybe something some object it's become so easy for us because that is the name that is a form and we are accustomed to know about that so our mind can easily go then those who have taken the initiation all love the god of different forms of god they place that god or goddess within their heart and concentrate on that so that is possible that is called swabi kalpa samadhi samadhi means completely forgetting the external world and only remaining in that one thought and think about the nirvikalpa where there is no object only consciousness one merged into that consciousness that is really difficult a handful of people can do that and reach that the master yes mind completely takes the form of reality our capital is reality means the truth that is the brahman that is the consciousness the distinction between the meditator and the object of meditation does not exist there are two other kinds of samadhi caitanya samadhi and jada samadhi narada and sukhadeva attain caitanya samadhi isn't that true sir so this is the beautiful way he is actually given the educating the pundit he knows the scripture so he told and we almost all those who have studied the uh the scripture particularly yoga sastras they know that there are two types of samadhi swabi kalpa nirvikalpa the full concentration with an object and without object nirvikalpa sirama krishna he is adding one is chaitana samadhi and jada samadhi what is caitanya samadhi that is called the jivan mukta condition all the time every moment he sees the same one thing in everything and who are those in named narada and sukhadeva narada from the point of view of the devotion and sukhadeva were pure ghani those who are they don't know that indian that philosophy and also the mythologies the puranas they have heard the name of narada the famous devotee of lord vishnu and also shukhadeva the son of the vyasa it was the pure knowledge but both of them were having caitanya samad caitanya they were not sitting in one place they didn't close their eyes to meditate to withdraw their senses no they are going around they are mixing with people talking with people they were in every events but at the same time all the time every moment their mind was focused only one thing that is the consciousness of the lord vishnu narada his mind was completely and every moment lord visnu he couldn't say anything else but lord vishnu and the vishnu in different form and shukadeva the consciousness the caitanya caitanya in everything so this is a new thing the surama krishna is introducing the jarasamadhi and caitanya isn't that true sir yes sir that is so pundit said then the master further there are samadhi and sthita samadhi isn't that true sir suramar krishna is not explaining jada we know jada means like the stone inert sila krishna had that jada samadhi when he used to meditate swami vivekananda when he was that young man he went to dakshinesha with another person and he was meditating under the banyan tree thousands of mosquitoes covered the whole body of that in summer time and that there were mosquitoes at their whole body was covered with thousands of mosquitoes the grease chandra goshu was accompanying the narindranath when he turned and see the young naren and he he was a fear complex but he became black what happened whole mosquito uh all over the body but the naren was not having any consciousness that is called jada samadhi just like the stone he was sitting srama krishna also had different that type of then chaitanya samadhi also both of them here is samadhi and stita samadhi when we are thinking something very deeply we go into that trance that meditation when we are looking our eyes are open but we don't see because mind is absent we are hearing but we are not listening at all because the mind is completely absent so that is the way unmanna this many times they said that this unwanna samadhi our radha sri radhadi she's to have that she is doing some work but this is to forget the whole mind has gone to krishna so that is called un-mana samadhi and sita samadhi also now this bandit remained silent he did not venture an opinion because he was not knowing about so many different ways master will said through the practice of japan and austerity one can get occult powers such as walking on the water of the ganges isn't that true pundit yes one can but a devotee don't want them this answer makes ramakrishna very happy majority of the people they go for this type of power and they lose all their energy into that because the moment you are having this those type of occult power so all these worldly people they will come and they will try to get that so obviously you won't have the time and now and they will be praising you they'll be giving you the gifts and slowly slowly ego will enter into the mind you are deviated from that so this is the way they say sudama krishna was very happy yes one can but a devotee doesn't want them the conversation continued for some time the pundits said he would visit the master at dakshinisha the next akadoshi day this master ah your boy is very nice well river said all this is temporary it is like the waves in a river one goes down another comes up and he said it genuinely the son the daughter the family it goes in that way so many times the people are having the families and all just today one lady rang me she wanted to get the clarification of one of the awards that suramar krishna said but i i couldn't because i was not having time i couldn't explain the sirama krishna said that some people they complain why god is so ruthless so many people are dying children are dying and so many things are happening all over the world but if the god is all powerful can't you stop it sudama krishna gave the answer it is like magicians he is showing so many things but he's not affected by that why because he knows it is all magic very temporary thing nothing in reality happening i saw one magic as a great magician he asked a girl to lie on a table then he brought a the saw and was cutting hard into two halves each and every one of us who were there observing that we were all shouting what is this next moment the girl came out and waved her hand nothing was there but we saw that the magician is cutting her into two this is called magic the whole thing that is all all over the world is happening birth death decay suffering joy for the ghani this is nothing but the magic but as because it is we are involved into it we don't like to believe it so this is called spirituality but this when the bandit he said about the sun most of the time the people if you ask about the sun how they will go on talking you don't know sir my son is so bright he did these this daddy will but the pundit here he said no it is just like the way he came in my form again it will go down like this then sudama krishna commented you have substance in you what is this substance why he mentioned like that reading many people can do and they do almost all the universities in the world they are reading the philosophy and in a very unique way they are studying the philosophy and so many varieties of philosophies they are studying analyzing writing books or submitting papers but if you go and look at their live daily life nothing is reflected and many of the so-called spiritual teachers spiritual people they say so many things but in their lives nothing is reflected the devotees the great devotees they are associated with organization with a religious person they go they donate but if you talk to them when anything happen immediately that great ego i donate so much of money why should i not get this benefit from the astrum who are these people to ask me to and stop me you donate that is the blessing that the god is accepting your money no after donation and giving the service in the spiritual society religious society what benefit you are supposed to get less ego isn't it what else but if the devotees are they asking themselves am i really getting benefit out of it no i don't like this i don't have these this is what all these why you are going to the astra why you are serving the astra why you are donating your money if in exchange you are not developing your spiritual life and what is spiritual life why we are giving every week we are reading the gospel why to understand this truth friends this is the only the not that that you will just see or listen to my talks and then he will write to me oh it is very good talk and i will go and check my to 2000 people listening to me 14 000 people listening no not like that not like that remember it please and i am telling it to myself also the only thing only purpose as suramar krishna i marked it with the red the ink you have substance in you that substance we have to grow what is the substance understanding of the scripture understanding of the spiritual life very clearly and that is nothing but egolessness after providing service after giving donation after taking initiation after coming and meditating in the shrine am i listening my ego can i feel it's okay everything is temporary so why unnecessarily i will behave like this this is the question so when he said the master he said to the that pandit the sanskrit scholar you have substance in you is a great certificate great great certificate after a few minutes the pundits saluted ramakrishna he said i shall have to perform my daily devotions please let me go master oh sit down sit down why because he was going to pray to god and he was sitting just in front of god he was talking with god so sirama krishna wanted to give him that blessings sometimes we don't understand many people they think the surama krishna was a great sadhaka he was a holy person but how can he be god if you ask why because the god means he's lifting the hill or walking on the water and having these and that wrong conception isn't it the god means unselfishness and love and nothing else pure unselfishness see sirama krishna the god himself he wants to bless this person who has studied the scripture and understood it properly practiced is also through meditation and other spiritual practices the god is so pleased in the 12th chapter in the sri krishna from the 13th words what he says if you are having these qualities i love you my all blessings are with you god's love means that qualities so that is the god anyway this person he wanted to you were sincere brahman so it is evening time i should go to the prayer salam krishna said no sit down sit down the pundit sat down again the conversation turned to utter yoga if you have read the gospel before or the biography of suramar krishna many a time sadama krishna said to many devotees go and practice meditation in that temple in the dakshination he told those people but when god is pleased with someone then he's revealing himself before him you are going to meditate on whom god and here i the god just before you pundit he was not adamant immediately he sat down he got the blessings he is telling the conversation turned to hotter yoga the pundit discussed the subject with the master in hindustani sri ramakrishna said yes that is also a form of austerity but the yogi identifies himself with his body his mind dwells on his body alone the pundit took leave of the master suramar krishna conversed with the pundit's son master one can understand the bhagavata will if one has already studied the naya and vedanta and the other systems of philosophy isn't that so pandit's son he said it is very necessary to study the philosophy see that one is related with other the bhagavata is a purana in that purana though we have already started to have completed the bhagavata study the i didn't go through all the stories that is there but mainly the philosophy and the conversation between the uddhava and the krishna that we ended [Music] last message of sri krishna all knowledge knowledge and knowledge unless and until the naya naya means very clear understanding of the this reality and the non-reality the world and the god are the supreme and the sanka philosophy also it gives how the creation came etc so the bhagavata that through that krishna is a unique way he explained so he is telling the conversation went on salama krishna was leaning against a big pillow the devotees were sitting on the floor lying in that position the master began to sing brother joyfully cling to god thus striving someday you may attain him see through the song he was giving the advice what is that advice cling to god all around the people sitting over there that the marwaris the hindu speaking people they were very busy in the business and their mainly all attention goes to earn money the profit by purchasing by sailing you know that all those things and along with that when a holy person has come what he should do first he saw the people they go to the pundit to get the spiritual support where the pundit himself is having the clarity sudama krishna was satisfied and gave a very big certificate you have substance in you then he talked with the son that pundit son yes he was also having the good idea then finally surama krishna is singing brother joyfully cling to god thus driving someday you may attain him someday you may attain him their host entered the room and saluted suramar krishna he was a pious man and devoted to the master pandit's son was still there the master asked if the panini the sanskrit grammar was taught in the schools the father he further asked about the naya and the vedanta philo's office the host did not show much interest in the discussion and changed the subject because the son was a student as a student of sanskrit and panini is very very difficult in sanskrit grammar but those who are in depth study if they like to do the grammar is very much necessary how the words are changing that is all there and he was telling about the naya and the vedanta but the host was a businessman he never knew so he changed the thing host river said what is the way for us very simple question what is the way for us master gabe look at it just now he was talking with that young boy the pandit son about the naya about the vedanta and when this gentleman asked immediately he gave the reply chanting the name and glories of god not only name glories chanting the name and glories of god living in the company of holy man and earnestly praying to god so this is the usually in the beginning of the gospel of sirama krishna he said the force first is the same chanting that you have to firstly say you have to have the holy company then you should leave in a secluded place to understand your mind to ponder over the teachings that you have learned and then thirdly you should discriminate what is good and what is wrong what is what is permanent and what is temporary and then pray these are the four here he is telling chanting the name and glories of god and second living in the company of holy man and thirdly honestly praying to god friends this is a very common question and in this pandemic situation tomorrow a group of people from india north eastern side they want to talk to me and i gave the topic remain happy balotico and how one can so this is the answer we have to understand that god is everything and if that is so the if one goes on going on chanting the name of god and thinking all the good qualities of the god and slowly slowly his mind will also imbibe those good qualities living in the company holy company means reading holy books and also discussion among the friends same-minded people if they're discussing and now i observe they're exchanging beautiful quote they are quoting and then giving to different type of groups that is a very good thing that they are doing each and every day one person is there he'll be constantly sending masaratha's picture from bellarmore beautifully so many people hundreds of them they will see to that so this is the way they are utilizing this situation and then honestly praying to god again and against ramakrishna is telling that if you pray to god the god will surely listen but you have to pray in such a way that god should listen how faith complete faith and dependence on god that is the way one should pray then the host please bless me sir that i may pay less and less attention to worldly things these are all just he's telling sirama krishna is smiling and he's making a fun how much attention do you give to the world 50 percent all are laughing because a businessman and he gives the full attention but he's asking like that you know that sir we cannot achieve anything without the grace of the holy person like yourself so this is the main thing always majority of the people they go to the temple go to the holy people for their own personal benefit not the spiritual development if you please god everyone will be pleased it is god alone that exists in the heart of the holy man so we go to different holy man but it is god that is living in the heart of the holy man most of us we don't know if the person is supporting your views and whatever whims you are having if he is maintaining that or supporting that then you consider this man is a holy man and i like that is your ego only but the real holy person you have to understand that the holy person only he's he loves god and god is unselfishness and god is love to judge in that way and judge every moment whether we are reducing our ego or not so uh today up to this if there is some questions we will answer and then conclude so there is one question what is the difference between nirvana samadhi and one is just for getting the your present situation and thinking about god the mana and the bengali word is also there they are completely going to that particular thought that is called unmanageable and need means there is no object only consciousness and marching into that it is the consciousness it is the light you can imagine the all over the whole universe is light there is nothing except that light and the person who is meditating is also merging into that to some extent so that is called nirvikalpa samadhi unbanner samadhi sometimes even the scientists also they get this type of samadhi they are thinking and they forget whether they have taken food or not all the stories are there it's called samadhi the next question is from srimad-bishwas how we recognize holy man recognize holy man only through these two qualities that he or she is completely free from jealousy that he and she is completely free from ego if you are going to that person don't come to me this is the ego but that person is full with love and unselfishness all his or her action is based on love and that love without any boundary oh these people are of my religion of my caste or my countrymen no nothing like that each and everyone whoever goes that their love goes and embraces so to understand a holy person these two qualities must be present into them love and unselfishness oh thank you friends and let us conclude before that once again i like to uh show you the other day the it was it is our chicago calling that is in it was uh published 27th september so this i am once again you're showing you so this is available online you can go and study it is mainly on nerjan bars if you go to a solitude so what are the benefits one can get so these everything the editorial is there and some of the talks that has been transcriptions up there but i must say that one of our very young brahmacharini she researched and on the american movements of the vedanta society that is a beautiful article one you will be benefited by reading that you will understand the american work vedanta society or ramakrishna mission work in america much better way thank you very much now let us conclude with this sloka by offering our pranam to the master niranjanam nityam anantha is namaste