Video 250
251: Panchama Veda 251 : Divine Mother Gives Brahma Jnana Too
namaskar dear devotees and friends so today is the wednesday and we will be reading from the gospel of krishna [Music] now we were discussing about a very important topic the bijay krishna gosvami he asked the question to bhagavan siram krishna and sudama krishna giving the reply human mind always try to understand the truth anything suppose you have given him something to eat and the moment after tasting it will feel so tasty immediately mainly they will ask what is the recipe what are the recipes is so tasty can we prepare it in our home they like to know the truth if we see that in everything we like because that is the nature when the mind is focused on the external world of this phenomena this search is science the searching is the basic of human mind for everything we like to know i like to know the root like to know the truth but when that search the focus on the external world is called the science and the same focus the same mind when focused in the internal world that is called spirituality the science and spirituality science searching for the external world trying to know why it is happening and all the through the analytical way and when we turn the mind internally why the mind is behaving like this why all people are not same why the characters are different so so many questions are there and particularly as because we do not know what is going to happen in the next moment so we are curious to know about the future and when it is the future naturally the past so the past the future the present all these searches inside that is called spirituality and through this search a group of people long back in india there is to a truth they discovered the truth that revelation was there they discover if we say as we something was there so they went and found it is not like that they never invented also the combination of something and then something new has come not like that just revealed we should use this world it was revealed to them it was already there then they were going on removing whatever it was there on the top of it so they removed the discovered it was already and that is called the oneness now spirituality four different ways have been accepted as a valid systems and they are based on the four different psychological mood of the human active then the loving then the concentrative contemplative and analytical so these are the four moods are there in every human mind so when they are active it's called karma karma yoga why yoga but through karma through activity through action it is taking me to the truth and i am becoming united with the truth the karma yoga through activity then comes the loving way bhakti devotion the emotion and the love that already we are having when we use that path all that emotion mainly to reach to the truth the same there's call bhakti yoga devotional path then comes the contemplativeness withdrawing the senses all from the sense organs we are withdrawing the senses from the saints organs and focusing the mind on a consciousness and that is called the dhyana dhyanamarga or yoga marga and finally the analytical way analyzing understanding why these why not that and slowly slowly there also the broadly these four are sometimes known as the two bhakti yoga and gyana yoga why because the activity and the contemplativeness are the concentration that is present in both in devotion and also in the path of knowledge so bhakti yoga and gyana yoga gyana means the knowledge path of understanding and bhakti path of devotion that it goes but there is an ocean a very strong the people they always feel the devotion and the path of discrimination are completely different it cannot be together the devotion and the path of contemplation friends those who are little philosophical and they may also put this question whether the activity or the karma is present as i said in both the paths how the karma and the gyana can be together because the sankaracharya he has said gyana karma samuchaya asambaba the gyana and the karma what is that karma the karma means there it means the yaga yakya karma the activity with some desire but the wind without desired activity that activity purify our mind and that is added over here so these two paths now according to bhagavan sri ramakrishna both both are leading to the same goal and that is oneness everything is god or everything is brahman so this is the now let us read the original and where the lord said like this vijay is asking how sir can one have the vision of the primal energy and attain brahma-gyana the knowledge of the attributeless brahman attributeless brahman those who are new are the vedanta students so brahman are two types always they say one is with attribute another without attribute attribute means the guna the water the guna the quality satya rajatama the brahman with that activity the satya rajatama the gunas when not working at all that is called niriguna brahma in sanskrit terminology ni guna without the quality but it is there dormant not manifested not active but it is already there without that it was not there it has been created no it is not possible everything yes everything is already there nothing new can happen that is the conception then it happens to the one and only who is that one we call brahman so this brahman which is having everything so it is also having the qualities but dormant inactive called neer guna brahma and when those qualities are active called saguna brahma or god the saguna brahma is god niriguna brahma is brahman paramatma like that now the question is primal energy that means the saguna activity is there with the qualities energy means the activity and the primal energy the activity of the god and through that can we attain the brahmagyana and then he explained that what is that brahmagyana suppose saguna and nir guna if we have the saguna brahma gyana that is also brahmagyana but bijay krishna gosvami wants to know can we through the activity through the dualism through the worship and devotion can reach to the brahmagyana attributeless brahman brahmans are attributeless now the reply of the master the master he said pray to him with a yearning heart look at it now we like to know the attributeless brahman but the sirama krsna's advises pray to him it's not eat usually the brahman is mentioned as eat now here he said he means that god he means that god with yearning heart and weep that will purify your heart you will see the reflection of the sun in the clear water in the middle of his eye consciousness the devotee sees the form of the primal energy brahman wheat attributes but the meter must be wiped clean one does not see the right reflection if there is any dirt on the mirror sirama krishna is telling if you are praying to the heem the god then he will see that god himself reflected in the eye consciousness then he's telling as long as a man must see the sun in the water of his eye consciousness and has no other means of seeing it is not god or him or mother it is it as long as a man must see the sun in the water of his eye consciousness i am meditating the duality who is this i so i am meditating means that reflection i am meditating as long as no means of seeing the real sun except through its reflection so long is the reflected sun alone 100 real to him as long as the eye is real so long is the reflected sun real 100 that reflected sun is nothing but the primal energy first he gave the answer you cannot go beyond when there is a conception of i i am praying i am meditating i am practicing spirituality this i means duality so obviously you have to because there is no other means you have not developed that obviously you have to reflect that on your eye consciousness and you are praying to that concentrating on that and that is called primal energy or the god with attribute the brahman with attribute next he says but if you seek brahmagyana the knowledge of the attribute less brahman then proceed to the real sun through its reflection that's why the i say the panchama veda the gospel is the panchama veda it keeps the knowledge sometimes some people they are emotional they don't say why you should say panchama veda uh etc veda veda means knowledge and this knowledge the highest knowledge the spiritual knowledge has so clearly so simply is given by bhagavan sirama krishna can't we say that it is the veda the gospel is veda the full of knowledge every page so this here he says if you think that i am meditating i am praying as long as that eye consciousness will be there there is no other option but to pray to the brahman or the primal energy or the god which is with attribute the brahman with attribute that you have to pray and that is your goal as long as i is there now if you want to know the brahman without attribute then he said the real son there also you have to go through the reflected sun that jesus said those who have seen the son has seen the father and it is said if you have seen the avatar you have seen the god so that is a reflected sound each and every quality of that supreme brahman is manifested through that that is called the abutara or in the christian teresa you say the son the son and the father abu tara and the brahmana are the god the supreme god pray to brahman with attributes look at it pray to brahman with attributes that means the god who listens to your prayers and he himself will give you full knowledge of brahman for that which is brahman with attribute is verily brahman without attributes that which is brahman is verily shakti one realizes this non-duality after the attainment of perfect knowledge so where is the difference difference is our ego and sometimes we feel that no i should practice the like the again and again the bijay krishna gashami ji he was telling because that time he was young and he was feeling that we should know the brahman without attribute but how can you before that you have to have the preparation without the preparation you cannot do that completely you have to abolish the highness is it so easy the tsunami krishna is a practical master so he is giving so theory is one thing but when he is trying to guide us he is guiding in this way he will reach over there but that is the hardest part this is the easiest way you go through the duality and then that duality will take you to the non-duality now friends i will quote from some of the scriptures in support of this but before that if you remember what happened in the life of bhagavan sirama krishna when he was practicing intensely and his whole mind was focused on only one thing i'd like to realize god and his god was goddess kali and she he was telling calling mother and the last day he came and told it is unbearable pain i cannot do anything else i cannot think anything else but you mother you must reveal thyself to me this moment not this day this moment when the prayer was that mind intensity was that then he took up the sword from the hand of the goddess kali that image in dakshinisha and was ready to cut his head because without the revelation of the truth without seeing face to face with the god i am praying for so many years it is of no use leaving that was the mental condition then immediately the revelation came what he saw he was praying to the goddess kali the god wheat attribute with image but when the revelation came the knowledge dawn he saw only the light and nothing else no images so that his experience that final spiritual experience in that path so through duality it is to the non-duality completely one and there is nothing in the expression because you cannot express the knowledge of the brahman but he told it is just the light knowledge knowledge knowledge the light everywhere and the waves after waves the light came and i was submerged into that each and everything this temple this whole locality myself the sky the earth nothing remained there everything vanished into that light lighter knowledge so when we read the life of suramar krsna and we read the scripture we can understand it is possible and when he is telling after experiencing that only he is instructing us not that he is propagating the duality and not that he is not asking people to follow the path of knowledge not like that reality we are remaining in these duality we feel hungry we eat i am hungry i am sleepy i like to do this i like to go there everything eye is there connected with this unless and until this eye goes away is it possible so he is telling like that and vedanta sutra brahma sutra it says god is immanent and also transcendent bikara bikara means manifested so both are there immanent and transcendent it is also 2631 bhagavat say grita guna sita accepting mayamaru guna the goon are the qualities of the maya what are the qualities of the maya i say it many times many of you can remember it is the sattva raja tama the qualities and two powers that is covering the original and superimposing something new on that so that is called maya two power and three qualities and this maya is the power of god so he adopted the quality of the maya grihita mayaru guna and this reality came though in reality it has no form through its own maya the creation came so this is the one thing that is manifested and the same from many we are trying to go back to one from one many has come now from many we like to go back to the one so the back calculation we are going important thing is this all our philosophy they are fighting that it cannot be the knowledge is completely different and devotion is completely different but sirama krishna is the god of combination he is the god of samanya and he is showing these and so perfectly showing it is possible and this is not that his own revelation it is supported by the scriptures also yoga bashishta it says but as long as i consciousness is there as bhagavan si ramakrishna said we cannot see the real i am already here submerged with this how can i say so sometimes those who know the swimming if you have dive deep into the water and then look up you can see the sun and mainly those who are diverse they go deep into the water in the ocean that they always try to see that there is a light above and they come to that light so same way we are in the dark we are in ignorance we are thinking there are so many we are thinking that i am dying i am taking birth i am enjoying i am suffering so many and that eye who is full of ego we separate from god if i say that i am brahmana that will be the hypocrisy you can say anyone can say but that saying won't help because that realization is necessary the brahman means only the conception of one and never two and that through two we are going to the one how fast there are so many things including me in this world and varieties and there different type of attractions are there the attractions and then counter the electrician is goes on the action reactions i am in that constantly moving like this on the waves now what should i do my goal will be the reflected sun i catch the reflected sun so i can forget everything and the reflected sun is avatar reflected sun is that unique personality we showing the love we showing the sympathy we showing the oneness service everything all best qualities that the human brain can imagine all is present over there now i catch that and try to imbibe those qualities and slowly as they call it purification of the mind what is the purification i am giving out cleaning many from my mind and keeping only one that reflected sun and that's reflection is my goal and that is the god and when i reach that then i take that reflected god and go directly to the original sun that is the paramatma so this is the now even one can say well both the paths are not same but this process if we follow through duality to non-duality it will be easy for us that is what ramakrishna is telling prati bhashita evaedam jagat reflected that is true yoga bhashishta we are studying yoga for shisha every sunday we will come to all this this is reflected no doubt but we feel that this is reflected this moment no so what we should try to do we should understand that and prepare our mind how through sradha what is that sadha complete faith in the words of the scripture and what is that scripture yoga shishta veda upanishad it says these again and again that from one everything has come if that is so why should i not accept this also and if i accept these and that manifestation of the one i see one in every so that is the way so one is negative neti neti not this not this and everything that comes before you you have to say no no but there is another path eati this is that same brahman manifested as a beggar this is the same brahman manifested as these as that each and everything i see the one in many so this is the path bhagavan's ramakrishna then it will be easy friends we find that in different places it says in the presnupa nation particularly it says they were having this conversation the these all these that we find is a duster it sees it's rotha it hears is smelling and he's tasting his thinking his understanding and also feeling i that i am doing karta sapari akshari atmani sampratisti but ultimately it is on that full consciousness is the prasad and it says the fourth chapter ninth words it gives this so this is the way we can reach over there that is exactly what bhagavan sirama krishna is guiding us in the question that he asks the bijay krishna gosvami and sudama krishna said yes it is possible but this is the way you have to try the divine mother gives her devotee brahma-gyana too i have given the title of today's discussion divine mother gives brahma-gyana too this brahma-gyana the knowledge of the oneness that also can come through the divine mother the duality the brahma-gyana too but a true lover of god generally does not seek the knowledge of brahman now there is a another mood a different mood true lover of god so why i like to enjoy the play he understood everything that the same consciousness that is brahman manifested as god the brahmana with attributes and then becoming the tree and also becoming a naughty boy climbing on the tree plucking the fruits and the flowers and also the owner of the tree chasing the boy everything is going on as the owner of the trees different trees different than the naughty boy also different no this is all same but the game is going on and if you know it you enjoy it that is the thing you very nicely enjoy those who are observing the drama in in that village and if they they feel ah so many villagers they are there acting in different characters now one person is dying the unknown people may feel oh my god this person is dying but those his friends they know that it's not as a drama this moment he is not dying it will be all right afterwards maybe hardly one hour and he'll be all right so that the pain is not there that is called knowledge if i have the knowledge that this is not in reality happening then i am not getting the pain or pleasure i am remaining the same in everything because i know those who are not knowing it when they see the man is dying they will think oh my god that man is dying over there and the other person is killing him they will think that he must be arrested must be punished but those who know the whole thing they will feel oh this is the drama actually it is nothing happening so who is the brahmagyani the brahmagani knows that all these things are happening in reality it is not just like the drama so their reactions are completely different so this is the only difference what is knowledge understanding the reality of the thing and naturally understanding that nothing in reality happening the reaction will be completely different so in pain or in pleasure in losing losing or in gain both will be all will be the same sidhama krishna he is telling pray to the divine mother and he will give you the brahma-gyana there is another path the path of knowledge which is very difficult he is now mentioning for the path of knowledge this is true devotion you are going to the brahmagyana the pure path of knowledge where you are not taking the help of devotion help of the path of devotion the pure knowledge but it is very difficult in bhagavad-gita also it says it's very difficult you members of the brahma-samaj are not gannies now he says that last time we read all this then these passages now we are again we are discussing because to explain this part particularly this is very very essential pure path of knowledge if we take there you have to give everything this is not this is not this is not this is not real this is not real this is not real when even if something happened to your body you are feeling pain you have to say no nothing is happening is the body is only suffering i am all right this is the path of the gyana not that it is not possible it is possible and some of the disciples of bhagavan sirama krishna in their lives those who have read that they will understand swami turiyananda ji maharaj on the back he was having the karbanka and that was operated without any anesthesia he simply said to the doctor please allow me two minutes i will withdraw the mind from my body and then you do that he just took out the mind from his body yes just like a miracle but that is true and doctor operated and he showed no pain no sign of pain can you imagine that is the path of knowledge but i say that i am following the path of knowledge and the moment somebody says something immediately i reacted why you are insulting me why you are not satisfying my desires and at the same time that is called hypocrisy one should be very very careful about that and in the path of devotion through devotion to the path of knowledge i want to see you with this form and without form god please reveal thyself like that god will do that because he is both god is our inner controller pray to him with a pure and guileless heart which is purity again the purity means unselfishness there is no selfish motive oh god please give me the one lady came to maha sharadamani devi and she was requesting praying to the mother mother please bless so that my husband gets the good income the mother told what your husband is doing what is his profession oh he's a medical doctor mother told how can i pray then my daughter i cannot pray like that if i pray that your husband gets a lot of money means many people will become sick and they will come to your husband and then they will earn how can i pray like that so that is not that so we have to understand what i am going to pray and this it says very clearly with a pure and guileless heart i am praying in such a way that the the this is called one person again bhagavan's cinema krishna said one person was praying to god oh god i don't need anything except please fulfill my one desire i like to eat on a golden plate with my grandson the grandson means i am going to leave his own son is young now that son will grow and then marry then the grandson that means this man is going to live for a long time first give me the the blessing so that i can eat with that grandson in a golden plate that means i must be rich otherwise on the gold plate so that is called the tricky way of praying to god sudama krishna said no guideless simple just go and pray and you see the prayer will be answered for sure sometimes something happened and we think that why god is not listening that was supposed to happen so that is not possible to control so that is that was the the person who is supposed to die that was the ultimate time for him he will die most of the time but sometimes god also saved like that it says in this way he will explain everything to you give up egotism and take refuge in him the amkara the ego that separates us from the god you will realize everything then he sang a song you know to explain his teaching sirama krishna either used to tell a story or is to sing songs and he continued when you mix with people outside your samaj this is also very important for all the groups of the spiritual the groups samaj means a group of people a clan and sudama krishna is asking when you mix with people outside your samaj love them all this is spiritual teacher unless and until you can love all you cannot realize god because god is all the other groups spiritual groups religious groups vying with each other criticizing each other but you cannot realize god in that way so that is what the ramakrishna said when in their company be one of them don't harbor malice toward them don't turn up your nose in hatred and say oh this man believes in god with form and not in the formless god that man believes in the formless god and not in god with form this man is a christian this man is a hindu and this man is a muslim it is god alone who makes people see things in different ways know that people have different natures realize this and mix with them as much as you can and love all but enter your own inner chamber to enjoy peace and please and this is called the parliament of religion we are constantly different religious groups particularly in america the they always try to have in almost everywhere and ramakrishna the vedanta societies the branches of the ramakrishna mission here in american europe they always try to propagate this brotherhood so that is the idea of the our mission is that each path are valid paths and if you are taking up one path follow that sincerely genuinely only thing do not criticize others do not disturb others put hindrance on others so this is the only way if you can do then you will reach god that is what bhagavan sinama krishna says so this combination is wonderful and in the modern times this is the only way we cannot go and kill people and force them to and convert them into our faith it is not possible in medieval age some people they thought like that and the kings also joined the fray and then they were taking the help of the so-called religious people and they used to go to village to village hamlets to hamlets killing people and torturing them converting them into their own faith they are thinking that they are serving god is it true no the same people are surviving leaving and their numbers are also increasing nothing happened that is the reason if you read the lecture xiaomi vivekananda gave on the 27th september we all know about the 11th september 27 september 1893 in chicago the concluding talk to be baker in the game he said like this and that is the reason we are also trying as because we are the followers of vivekananda we fervently try to bring all our religious brothers together follow your path stick to that love your ideology but only don't criticize others and hate others that much so this ideology this idea when it goes out and reaches to that particular group of people so the hindus are also telling the same thing muslims and christians and the buddhists jains sheikhs if they all talk like that different followers of different section or different ideologies but they all are ready to love each other what will happen and what is this society our political leaders our social leaders our reformers our administrators all are coming from this society only so when you grow into this society which teaches us to mingle with each other understanding each other loving each other not to criticize each other think of that condition swami we become the dreamt of that we like to go beyond the quran the bible the tipitaka the veda and we should love each other understand each other not that you like to change anyone that is exactly what bhagavan suramar krishna is telling when you mix with people outside your samaj love them all realize this and mix with them as much as you can and love all but enter your own inner chamber to enjoy peace and peace i have grown i have grown up in one ideology so when i come back to my own room and close my door and i meditate and pray to my god i get soulless my god so i get the soul is there i need not to force on my mind somebody else god no why should i because i love my own god so this the unique way sirama krishna that is called is not the mixing unity in diversity the diverse forms will be there different forms will be there thoughts will be there practices will be there but we are united why because we are going to the same god and this god is nothing but love nothing but purity nothing but unselfishness so when we reach over there we'll see nothing but the love with a hatred for mind can i reach over there can god will allow me to go there it is impossible absurd that's why bhagavan sinama krishna is telling mix with all as if you are their own but when you come back to your own self and in your own chamber go and pray according to your love your liking lighting the lamp of knowledge in the chamber of your heart behold the face of the mother the brahman's embodiment the brahman embodiment mother that is that sudama krishna is telling through the mother you are going to the brahman the embodiment of brahman manifested through the mother you can see your true self only within your own chamber the cowherds take the cows to graze in the pasture they are the cattle mix they all form one heart but one but on returning to their shades in the evening they are separated beautifully he's explaining the different the cowboys they are taking their own hearts and they are letting all the cows to graze in one big field so the one a b c d all their cows are now mixed into that then afterwards when the evening approaches when they come back and go to their own respective shades they are they are separate the sam is worshipping kali durga or ganesha or the sirama krishna or jesus or buddha but when you are mixing in the society we are all same but when we separate we go back to our own shades back to our own temples back to our own faith there we practice that we pray according to our temperament our likings and our love so it is teaching in this way therefore i say dwell by yourself in your own chamber it was ten o'clock in the evening the master got into a current carriage to return to dakshin asia one or two attending devotees got in with him the carriage stood under a tree in deep darkness bani pal wanted to send some sweets and other food with srama krishna for rakhal and the master's nephew bani pal said rakhal was not here this evening rakhal afterwards swami brahmananda used to stay with bhagavan sirama krishna and salam krishna's nephew also is to surama stay with ramakrishna so naturally he used two days to visit with sram krishna to different devotees houses just to eat over there now as because they too have not come bani pal the devotee wants to give some food and switch for them with your permission i should like to send some sweets for him by your attendance master with great anxiety oh banipa oh sir please don't send these things with me that will do me harm it is never possible for me to lay up anything i hope you owned mind so that is i cannot carry i cannot take that is the purest of the pure mentality of the monks bhagavan he was the paramahamsa he was the highest in that spiritual mind for him even little this thing it is not possible is not possible for us we carry when we go to some devotees house and if they like to give some leftover they prepared for us and they say the swamiji you can take it for some of the other monastic brothers are there i bring it sometimes other devotees also come i distribute them give them so why because i feel the mother is giving to me so i'm bringing but takur he's showing us the ideal the completely highest ideal so we should not mix it up we should not misunderstand it but thakur said these are new people are carrying why you are we taking not like that we bring it to takur only we go over there eat and pray to takur for their benefit but when we bring the food in the same manner we bring so that is the banipal said don't do it banipal as you please say please give me your blessings then the master oh we have been very happy today you see he alone is a true man who has made money his servant the bani pal was a rich man then what he did he invited devotees arranged their food and arranged that spiritual discourse through swami our bhagavatama krishna naturally sinama krishna was very happy and sudama krishna means god god was happy can you imagine the god was happy because he saw he spent the money for the good reason so many people came the hard many of them will be remembering this thing all the teachings of suramar krishna and slowly slowly their mind will be purified the mind will be directed towards god and all these blessings will go to the benipal to your money i'm very happy to make the money he's servant but those who do not know the use of money are not men even though they have human forms so some people they are so rich fabulously rich and constantly they are thinking that when i am going to be in the list of the seven richest person and i should be oh i am in the sixth position i should be on the third i should be the first competition and for that they are not paying properly not these not that somehow what they're going to do with that next year or people will forget the majority of the people the billions and billions of people they do not know who is the richest man in this world only a handful they will be knowing and those richest people they are circle is that much and they are thinking we are that all people know about me nobody knows and what you are going to do with that money and can't we see the what happened to those kings they went and grabbed the land of the land and they plundered the killed people after that what nowhere somewhere in the pages of the history their names are there and notorious people notorious kings so when we learn when we will learn that everything is temporary but recently i read one million year he has given all properties in charity and he said i am so happy that i have become again ordinary person before my death again i'm an ordinary person i can mix with all people and i can leave very simple humble way that should be the attitude if you have the capacity earn and then give it back to the society i saw when someone has seen they said there is a disease and the disease has a medicine also but the rich people don't understand that the disease is called hunger and the medicine is food but the rich people don't know it because they never failed hunger that is true i have seen so that's why bhagavan sri ramakrishna is telling utilize your money for the good of many for good of all they may have human bodies but they behave like animals you are blessed indeed the banipal you have made so many devotees happy today friends thank you for attending this and we have learned that brahma-gyana is possible through the path of devotion also because there is only one and that is the brahman and the brahman has become using his attributes as we have quoted from the bhagavata and the other scriptures the same one has become many so if we are going seeing the meaning as one we go back to brahman and then if we have the true devotion bhagavan sirama krsna said even the god the mother will show you what is brahma-gyana and you will realize that and second he said all six all the philosophies all the paths are leading to the same goal so do not quarrel mix with all others each other but when you go back to your own chamber practice your own way this is a unique teaching and then finally he gave us today that try to help others those who are not having the food or shelter clothing the winter is approaching thousands of people they'll be suffering without the warm clothes that in africa and other places the unesco and the organizations they're telling that this many people is going to die without food so those who are rich if they can afford if they can organize the food that will be the greatest blessings they will receive from god these three things today we have learned so let us see if there is any question the first question is from the question is how karma and khaki go side by side to achieve brahman karma means unselfish work and when you are doing work without any expectation why you will be doing that so naturally there will be a love the devotion so i am doing it feeding the poor people helping the poor people giving them medicine and clothings because they are also the different forms of god that i love so the karma and bhakti goes together by this way okay thank you thank you tween let us conclude need [Music] is [Music] i [Music] krishna too hmm