Video 249
250: Panchama Veda 250 : To Whom God Is A Person?
namaskar good evening dear devotees and friends let us begin our the gospel of sri ramakrishna reading and understanding the panchama veda with this apollo the questions like is god has a form is god formless is god a person is god transcendent are always asked and discussed mainly in sanatana dharma that is in hinduism why because both the ideas the god is immanent and god is also transcendent are accepted by the sanatana dharma the god is transcendent beyond anything again this world is created by god and in this creation there are two types of things that there one is inert another is the living how it is possible then it says the god entered into it god is the consciousness and the god who created these inner things like this body entered into this body and it becomes leaving so transient intransigent both are there sentient insanity both are there so this that's why in hinduism in sanatana dharma again and again this question comes and we are to some extent always think what i should follow the god with form god without form but some other philosophy some other religion they don't have this problem the one idea they go but hinduism is inclusive it takes everything together and that's why they say that god is immanent and god is also transcendent in our last class that was on 9th september we have read bijay krishna gosvami asking the question to bhagavan sriram krishna what remains if one renounces both dharma and a dharma this is a very very important question we know that dharma means righteousness if we are not following the dharma then naturally the dharma unrighteousness will fill the whole society and what will happen so all our scriptures all our gurus all our avataras constantly they are telling you must follow the path of dharma the righteousness again and again distilling here it says that you have to renounce the dharma and a dharma the path of righteousness and at the same time path of unrighteousness what is righteousness bhagavan siram krishna himself said what the righteousness means the good thoughts good deeds and what is unrighteousness bad thoughts bad deeds he himself said that but is god just by doing or not doing the righteous thing we can realize god it says that you have to purify the mind what is the purification of the mind so you have to withdraw the mind from the god's creation and then you have to take the mind towards god that's called purification purification doesn't mean anything else but withdrawing the senses from the saints objects of these worldly things and where we'll keep that we have to send it towards god that is called purification if we do that we realize god that is all the time the assurances are coming in our the scripture if it is so by doing something we can achieve god no by reading the vedas we can realize god no so this is the problem the here it says by purifying your mind you reach in a state where you reveal that you are that and that is called the god realization god is in everything god is transcendent god is immanent god is everything god with form god without form that is a unique experience and i am that ultimately it comes to that friends in the it says in our scripture veda means knowledge and it has no value because when you realize that and there is no value of it or be the bhavati so then why should we read veda because by that way you are reaching to up to that and then only if you are not doing anything you are accumulating layers after layers of ignorance on you and there is no chance it will be too late so we are practicing the truthfulness kindness and then charity and all sorts of good things and slowly slowly we are understanding that mind is becoming broader and broader and we can accept everything and slowly slowly time will come when there will be no friend and foe all are mine and that is god realization and he will feel that there is nothing but me in every being you can feel the suffering of those people that is god realization the misconception that the god will appear before us it is not a misconception god appears before us if we want the god please come and reveal yourself to me in this particular form the god comes so that is the reason sirama krishna whenever there is an opportunity particularly people who are educated and who have studied the scripture will understand it needs the adhikari it needs the proper student and that is the reason when there are some people who are coming to suramar krishna he said you didn't have to do anything just take the name of god should not have any doubt take the name of god caitanya mahaprabhu also just take the name of god but there are some people to whom srama krishna is giving that you should do this and you should do this way so slowly they are thinking so we were reading over here bijay krishna he asked what remains if one renounces both dharma and dharma there is no activity what i am going to do then my mind is constantly dragged by my senses towards the saints objects of the world and i am fighting i am not allowing them to go so this action is going dharma and dharma constantly this durga puja is coming tomorrow will be the hour in america it will be the mahala today in india the mahalaya it is the beginning of the durga puja and this time after one month almost the durga puja so what is this durga puja story of a great fight right between a surah and the surah what is the surah those who are enlightened what a surah unenlightened so this is the ignorant people what is the ignorance this body is permanent and whatever the the great way i should try to nourish this body and to give the enjoyment to this body we think in that way that is called ashura they cannot think of anything else so they go on drinking eating and making the mary and that way they think that they are enjoying a great so that's called asura and what is the surah they know these are all temporary so naturally their thoughts will be actions will be completely different so these fights goes on the dharma and dharma those who are practicing the dharma the path of righteousness part of truthfulness part of helping others feeling for others right you that is called the dharma exactly opposite adarma now i am giving up both that is very important because in that the song that it says dharma and adam i don't have any action i'm not restraining my the senses i'm not trying to be too pure nothing i'm just why i know everything is nothing but god that is the supreme state and after that i need not to do it i don't need to do anything when he sing the song that i give up good and bad because he knows both are nothing but god the question is what remains then a beautiful answer that sirama krishna gave the last in our class we read pure love pure love of god why love because there is nothing but god and what is this love understanding and feeling that it is me so that is the pure love the love that i am that the mother loves her own child why because she is that child so that feeling the child is also constantly loving the mother without the mother the child is baby all thinking the way the mother is tremendous love mother and the child slowly the child growing up and separating from the mother why attraction for the world comes and different type of thoughts start crossing his mind and his ego prompts him so many things so the difference comes we also belong to god god has created us and we are so close to god there is nothing but god and me and i am that i came from that god but we are separating myself from the god my ego then again i start doing something good to go back to god so that is why love remains l-o-v-e what is god love the love knows no boundary no barter so that type of love suramar krishna is telling then he is telling that brahman devotee is asking is god different from his shakti the god and the shakti again and again this thing comes the hindus the sanatana the panties they always explain the god has created this universe friends again and again i say that three questions you must have to answer if you are going to establish a philosophy who is the creator what is this creation what is the relation between the creator and the creation these three questions now here the hindus they say god has created god is the creator and god has created this universe and relation is eternal but how he created out of his own then again explain it how god can give everything to make this world and then again remain completely separate and in total how it is possible then comes answer is shakti his power is like that and he separates himself from the power as if the power that's bhagavan sirama krishna that's why sram krishna is so unique so many difficult philosophical questions he explains so simple way but we love to understand things very critically and very complicated way no salaam krishna is very simple he says fire and its burning capacity can you separate it the fire is burning capacity and burning capacity is known as fire you cannot separate it and similarly the god and his shakti the power the primal energy and what is this durga that shakti so again sometime we may discuss that so is god different from shakti's master after attaining perfect knowledge one realizes that they are not different right this moment we won't be able to after attaining perfect knowledge then only it is possible swami vivekananda gave a wonderful definition of the religion religion is the manifestation of the perfectness is already in man already in persons what is that perfectness what is the perfectness there is no doubt there is no why there is no question so that is perfect so this perfectness that is already there why because we are gods and we have been created by god and out of god's own self obviously we are god only problem that we have forgotten that so perfect knowledge attaining that perfect knowledge after attaining perfect knowledge one realizes that they are not different what not different god and his power both are same what is the power this creation what is god the creator now is very simple god and god's creation are the same we are we have started studying that um the one scripture that will be every sunday the yoga bashist you had the yoga bashishta will be telling the same thing to see ramachandra so ramachandra was eager to give up the world and go as a manas as a monk but his guru family guru yoga bashist is telling whom you are going to give up this world also belongs to the same god the world is nothing but the god so obviously this is sanatana dharma both are same what is the difference ignorance ignorance is the difference i am thinking and that is the problem and that's why every individual has to solve it in the community way we can go and pray you know the sum of the religions they always community prayer they give the importance on community prayer and when you go for the community prayer there's some type of psychology that works if i don't go then people may look at me and say oh he is not religious person he is not coming to the this place so we should all go you stand and then we should show there are a lot of but when you are all alone nobody is watching you and nobody is going to say anything to you if you are not following the religious thing but still you are praying you are crying to god remove this ignorance and please reveal thyself and that is the most important individual prayer and so feeling the closeness of god and the more we pray more we cry for god more our mind become completely free from attachment and attachment to these worldly things when the attachment goes then remain only god and how you will know that you have realized god you are always happy joyful fearless because you know i am permanent i am eternal i'm not going to change any time so this is what the god says after attaining perfect knowledge one realizes that they are not different they are same like the james and the brilliance and again krishna is telling brahman is beyond the injunctions of the vedas and cannot be described then neither i nor you exist we say bhagavan ishwar or in english god again the hindus they say brahman what is this brahman there's no form there is no i or you the completely one so whom you are praying because you are your go you are the god are you praying to yourself on whom you are meditating you are that so you are trying to meditate on yourself so this is the way you have to understand brahman is transcendental consciousness all-pervading and then the god the same consciousness by his own will has taken a form why it becomes easy for us to understand that is the reason brahmana rupa kalpana bhaktanam anukam partham to help the devotees rupakalpana but always as i started today's class with this question is god having form is god having no form is god transcendent is not iman and these constant because our philosophy it accept both sudama krishna is standing as a bridge between these two hundreds of years we debated on that all our great minds they are all debating and making a separate path each and every separate path the shankaracharya says no it cannot be there cannot be any form and then another is coming and telling no god is with form without that there cannot be god so if they're all both they're going in a different way as if sirama krishna came and he told why both are same why you are fighting so that is why suramar krishna is known as samanya devata is combining everything how through knowledge and what is this knowledge wonderfully is explaining which for the thousands of years no one could think of he simply said have you not seen the water which is formless takes the form when it is cool breeze making that the form and become ice the ice blocks same water and what is that cool breeze devotion oh god i like to see you in this form please come in the form of a durga please come in the form of krishna please come in the form of these and that hundreds and thousands just you think and god will appear before you in that and god is happy that you are withdrawing the mind from this creation and concentrating on him in whatever form whatever name whatever way just withdraw your mind with all the senses that's all so that is the reason here suramar krishna is telling why brahman also the same thing god is also the same thing don't waste your time just by on debating work work work what is that work try to understand and to understand you have to read scripture you have to go to the guru you have to get the initiation you have to meditate you have to take the name of god as a japa and all this work spiritual work you have to practice day in and day out and so long and then only slowly slowly your mind will be withdrawn a little bit of appreciation little bit of joy that makes us mad that is the reason one should understand everything is temporary so this again they say as long as a man is conscious of i and you and as long as he feels that it is he who prays or meditate so long will he feel that god is listening to his prayer and that god is a person god is a person you must have to accept that sometimes some people they will be listening to the vidanta talk and immediately they think that they should follow that path because they are engineer they are intelligent people it has nothing to do with your certificate university certificate it depends on your understanding and then your level of understanding and from there you have to start your journey towards the ultimate goal it's not so easy you are not talking with these people you are not liking that man you are so that means so many differences still remaining in your mind and you are thinking that you are capable to go towards the oneness the brahman it is not so easy so one must be careful it's not everybody cannot become raman maharishi so you have to prepare yourself a child just going to a nursery school if he dreams that i am going to an university and it's good that he should think that one day i will go to the university but today um and if he claims mom i am going to the university i don't like to go to the small school what will happen he will lose both that similarly we have to understand our position and saddam krishna is the unique teacher he is the great master and he is telling this as long as i you is there as long as one is feeling that god is listening to the prayer god is a person [Music] then he must say oh god thou art the master and i am thy servant he must say siram bhagavan's ramakrishna is telling then he must say o god thou art the master and i am thy servant so that is my position that is my the condition in the spiritual path so let me begin from here and slowly slowly we will proceed thou art the whole i am the part of thee thou art the mother so like this our great mohave is telling me i am your servant that means i am separate identity and you are so that tadang i am your part you and me are the same there is no you there is no me we are the same that is so three conditions are there stages are there so we have to understand and carefully have to understand not out of emotion in a practical way what is my situation where i'm standing constantly thinking about the food clothing comfort name fame and if anyone one line criticism i go mad and if i think oh i am the atman that will be a great hypocrisy and no progress of spirituality so that is the reason we have to star tart i am your servant i am humble i am crying i am praying so that is the way slowly slowly i will purify and then one day a time will come i will feel jivabudwa i am the jib the individual self and that is also the reflection of the great self the great consciousness the great brahman that caitanya that is there caitanya is within me then i will feel i am not this body i am not this mind i am just living within this body and mind but i don't belong to this i am the eternal atman so this is the way it goes and that finally by the grace of the same god time will come atma but i am that so then i will understand yes wherever i see whatever i see is nothing but the consciousness the prayers ramakrishna is teaching at that time there exist a feeling of difference i am one and thou art another at the time of the prayer it is god himself who makes us feel this difference this is an important statement god himself makes us feel that so that is the way that is our standing and we should feel in that and slowly slowly we should make the progress and on account of this difference one sees man woman light darkness and so on differences as long as one is aware of this difference one must accept shakti again coming back what is shakti the creation of god manifestation of god in different names and forms this phenomena so that is the shakti how we understand by seeing the capacity what is that capacity we feel a thing which is not there this power makes me feel that it is there the vedantin they always the classical the way they'll explain that the rope and the snake so that is the way i feel and then i feel oh i i'm so full like why i took that rope as a snake but that was the power that is the shakti who compelled me to think i never wanted to see the snake on that i wanted to cross that particular path to enter into my house and it was lying over there and i saw with my own eyes it is snake and naturally how can i go to that i had to call the neighbors i wanted their help then their people came light came then i realized no it is not it was a mistake sorry i disturbed you so this is the way if you understand to who compelled me to see the snake on the road shakthi the god's power and that is also known as maya the primal energy and i know that i don't have any capacity i am boasting that i am ruling i am the tremendous capacity that i have and i can do these i can do that then suddenly in the next morning when i try to get up i can't then the attendant of the people at the ho in the house they come and see what happened paralytic attack i can't get up and that is the condition god forbid no one should have that but it can happen to anyone any time any day still we boast and that is called maya that is the ego and why where from it is coming god's power and god is playing with me then whom to go to go out of maya is the only way only path only to reach the goal i have to cross that but who can help me to cross that god that is very peculiar god is giving that power binding me and forcing me to play like this and to go beyond that it is only god can help so this is the way we have to understand there is no other way but god so we have to go to god and say whatever the the karma fella and all that is also there i'm not going to enter into that whatever i have done god enough i want to go to you and sincerely if i pray to god then the god will show me that there is no difference between god and me or if i want to stay with god live with god in association with god like to enjoy the divine play of god lalilah that is also possible god will do that so that is the shakti as long as one is aware of this difference one must accept shakti the personal god it is god who has put eye consciousness in us you may reason a thousand times still this i does not disappear as long as i consciousness exists god reveals himself to us as a person so this is the way we have to understand therefore as long as a man is conscious of i and of differentiation he cannot speak of the attributeless brahman and must accept brahman with attributes this is the teaching of krishna just by ego that i am intelligent and i i should feel like this you can try but those who are really sincere they should try to understand why cerama krishna again and again that some people argue and this is for in a particular group of people this is for all those who are it's not particular the group that suramar krishna was addressing those who are thinking i and actually they are thinking you so the difference is there the moment you think of one the conception of two is there so this is the way we have to understand still now i'm thinking me and mine this is me and that is he that is she this is the difference when it is there so my position is to start with duita and dwaita means duality then i have to pray to god because right this moment that brahman with attribute that is god in different ways they say brahman with attribute there is a god only ishwara bhagavan same a different terminology but this god this ishwara this bhagavan with attribute means the qualities attribute means qualities what are the qualities satyaguna rajyoguna and tamaguna these are the three qualities and these three qualities constantly changing the form mixing the sattva raja and tama in different quantities they are mixing and then that type of waves are coming within my mind now at this moment my concentration should be to develop satyaguna and how we will know what what are those satyagunas everything has been said by the bhagavad-gita bhagavan sri krishna he said in the bhagavad-gita list is there in the bhagavata also list is there these are the satyagunas you must practice these these are the qualities and this type of effect will come swathik way of joy rajusic way of joy tamasic way of joy satick way of working rajasik way of working everything is there in the bhagavad-gita so from there if we take the source and try to develop the satyaguna within ourselves then we can step we can reduce the tamaguna gunas are there bound by that anger is coming and also many other things that goes to the tamagona quality okay it is there but now the anger should be turned towards god god why i am becoming angry because you are not helping me you are not taking care of me so that anger i am turning towards god and when i am angry with god i am fighting with god i am thinking about god the moment i am thinking about god god's creation is i am leaving at the back so when i am thinking of god the creation goes away from my mind mind becomes purified and that is exactly what the shankaracharya is telling in the churamani also you have to purify the mind that this purification comes so rajaguna will also go satyaguna i have done this i have done this then afterwards oh this type of thing so many people to do why am i unnecessarily boasting and suppose that person was not there with me could i do that and that type of help came so i did because so many people so many helped so many things came to me who brought it oh god must be i am discriminating analyzing my work and becoming humble humble and humble and when i'm analyzing becoming humble sattva-guna is rising i'm entering into the realm of the sattvaguna and the moment i entered into satwaguna and i wandered looking at me i was such a person i used to feel jealous i used to feel angry now i don't feel that rather i feel compassion i pray for those who are criticizing me trying to harm me i pray for them satyaguna is rising and this is all science you need not to imagine the effect is there when the effect is there you can understand that whether you were tamasika rajasika sathika so when as long as these qualities are playing within me so long i have to take god also with those three qualities that is ishwara and then that is a great solace i should go and cry before god hold on to god please help me please help me and that way the time will come then the see today is the mahalaya in india tomorrow in u.s what happens the tarpana they do the tarpana what is this tarpana again to generate the sattva guna within us we remember all our ancestors and we don't forgive forget them with so much of contribution for my living for my growing up all my relatives they have done my parents have done now they have passed away so the hindu society teach their hindu people you should not forget you should be grateful to them the gratefulness and the moment the more you are grateful the more you are increasing your sattva guna and this gratefulness takes us so much then it says in the rama tarpon it says so i am offering the water to those some people may laugh oh after the death where are all those why you are unnecessarily offering the water no it is not for them it is for me and i am actually thinking of my ancestors praying for them and i am telling that when you were in life i couldn't recognize i couldn't show my respect to you in that form i was ignorant please forgive me and they become very happy we hindus they believe that when we die it is not all in only the body that we leave our soul is still there as long as the soul is not becoming united with the source that is the god or the brahman it will be there and obviously when they are there when they see that their descendants praying to them offering the water and they become very happy and it their happiness comes as a blessings to those people those who are doing it it's so subtle and these blessings helps us in different way ah like just because we have read a book of science and we know it is nothing i don't believe and how to spend the time i go to club but that is the way we go towards the tamaguna it is not his fault the nature pulling him down to tamaguna but we have to fight back no today i must get up early morning i must bathe and the water may be in the cities where i will find the river and in america it is very difficult to go to river immediately police will come hey what you are doing there so what we can do we can take a water in our container and put our finger into that some come over here all the holy places all the holy river all the holy thought please come over here that thought makes that water purified and with that water only people they worship now that water i am giving and that becomes a purified water and i take the water in two palms and then slowly offering and giving to thinking all my ancestors by that act i am improving myself and my the prayer my remembrance my gratefulness and slowly improving my saktik quality abram all the bhubanas there say that there are 14 there's spheres are there 14. a brahman the brahma the firstborn the first manifestation and all the creation the 14 the places they are she and those who are very holy souls pitri and my ancestors manuba all the being who have passed away all people who have passed away because of you i am surviving and some people they are in the business they are bringing the things and i am simply going to a shop and purchasing how much helped the deed where from they purchased and they brought it level the it give just easy i go pick up i bring boil and eat shall i not be grateful to those people who did all these things that is called gratefulness the more we think in this way you see almost all people are helping me whole nature is helping me i should be there tippantu let you be happy we are not offering very costly thing only that water and then that water with my mind with great respect devotion peter from the s of my father and from the side of my mother all be happy with me naam and then he says and the millions and millions and time that i have i was taking birth in the past i have forgotten that but still please help me so that i can offer this to you she means they all the whole world you know in india the traditional people they think that this whole world is divided into seven islands the seven that is called the sapta deeper nib whatever water i am pouring you'll be happy with that these are the bhuvana so this is again and again they are not only that all those who are my friends whom i know and those whom i don't know you also be happy and i am offering i am remembering this is the way i am becoming the grateful to each and every one and this is the sanatana dharma some people they boast about the sanatana dharma and is that not understanding what is sanatana dharma sanatana dharma means there is no narrowness all embracing each and every one are my part and parcel that is sanatana dharma if you really read understand listen and then think about the great philosophy that's why swami vivekananda said the india is the punjab bhumi the holy place and we become emotional we began to say it is the holy place holy place you are cheating people and treating people badly how can this be holy place holy place means these wonderful thoughts the wind all of us are thinking i am so blessed that i am born in this land who could really manifest the wonderful philosophy ideology and then let me imbibe this let me reduce my ego let me go towards the swathik condition that is called help friends sirama krishna is telling the answer the question that he is asking bijay krishna again how sad can one this is very important i request your attention how sir can one have the vision of the primal energy and attend brahma-yana the two primal energy means the dwita and at the same time brahma-gyana ishta darshana atmodarsana in sanskrit if you say pray to god both oh god you are my easter chosen idol i love you i always take refuge in you i want to see you ishta darshana at the same time brahma darshana brahma gyana atma darshana who am i i am sure that this is i am not the body of the mind or anything so that consciousness please reveal that consciousness to me let me at least have that so he's asking this question the knowledge of the attributeless brahman is it possible how can one have the vision of the primal energy that means the shakti the god and attain the brahma-gyana the knowledge of the attributeless brahman bijay krishna grisham is a one of the members of the brahma samaj so obviously the brahman they used to always talk about that so he is thinking okay the surama krishna dev is telling the truth and i also feel that i am different from god so i have to go through god but at the same time the brahma-gyana i need that so he's asking this listen to the mother masters reply and then we will conclude today the great master bhagavan sirama krishna is replying pray to him pray to god with a yearning heart and weep that will purify your heart see purification pray to god and cry that will purify your mind what is the purification oh god i want you not your create creation and that is called purification papitrita you see the reflection of the sun in clear water in the middle of his eye consciousness the devotee sees the form of the primal energy and brahman with attributes but the mirror must be wiped clean one does not see the right reflection if there is any dirt on the meter but if you seek brahmagyana the knowledge of the attributeless brahman then proceed to the real sun through its reflection proceed to the real sun through its reflection pray to brahman with attributes that means the god who listens to your prayers and he himself will give you full knowledge of brahman that is the srama krishna's world and very clear and those who are constantly thinking that we are advaitabadi every day morning we are praying to god but i want brahma-gyana by this way we get the brahma-gyana so this is very clear and he is telling so both you are getting ishta darshana and aat madarshana both through prayer and with the attributeless brahman verily brahman without attributes brahman is verily shakthi one realizes this non-duality after the attainment of perfect knowledge again perfect knowledge what is that perfect knowledge brahma that is the perfect knowledge everything is whatever i see is nothing but the brahman this bhagavan suramar krishna who is to worship goddess kali who is to worship sri rama chandra who is to worship krishna and thought through and through he was a dwithin but at the same time this rama krishna also said if you can see god after closing your eyes can't you see god by opening your eyes the god is there everywhere and leaving those gods were before you you are searching for god what a foolishness so sirama krishna is concluding there is another path you the members of the brahma samaj are not gyanis you are bhaktas the gyani believes that brahman alone is real and the world illusory as a dream to him i and you are illusory as a dream so he is cleaning clarification is there about the the brahma-samaj clear they were thinking that we are not worshipping the images so we are gyanis no they are devotees and nothing wrong in it worship that concentrate on that and pray to that and we get both thank you friends today up to this is the question [Music] mean everything realization does it ultimately feel what is this me so kamal babu when the bishop darshana that the krishna he was showing it was the god all-pervading but still it is dwita it's not advaitha so when you see you in everything it doesn't mean that your identity that i am kamal and this is my feature and i am in every not like that consciousness that consciousness feeling of the consciousness that every beings are conscious and that is called brahma-gyana that is called the knowledge of the one but when you see the god and like that 11th chapter bhagavad-gita that everything belongs to god and god has become everything that is a different the dwita but at the same time that god is one and all belongs to god that knowledge comes the next question is from srimad is asking if we all come from god then the why the nature is different someone godly someone like heaven so it's a good question all coming from god but at the same time because of our karmapala that uh that's a big subject you know karmapala so because of the karma fella sir we become more tamasik so like devilish and then raja more raja and little sattva little tama the human and more sattva with little tama and raja is the divine so this sattva rajatama these three qualities and i should really request to you if you go through the pages of the bhagavad-gita there it is very clearly mentioned particularly 18th chapter of the bhagavad-gita what are the sattva-guna rajaguna and tamaguna and as as i was telling today's the in the class our goal should be to improve the sattva guna within us the list is there in the bhagavad-gita knot it down and every day try to imbibe those qualities and slowly slowly by practice the sattva guna will rise and when the satyaguna comes as they always say that dawn is only a time that that the god realization is sure to have the next question is from kana is evil created by god or it has supplied existence no this is very good question that sanatana panties the hindu dharma did always believe that everything is god the moment we say there's a separate existence like the devil that that means there are two existences and it god cannot be infinite the only one so obviously the evil has also come from god so this question has been dealt by the sirama krishna in the this gospel and when one asks if the evil is there in god he is also affected by that the god is also bad then then sudama krishna said no and gave an example the snake is having the poison but the poison does never does any harm to the snake the god is having that but god is not affected by good or bad this point you have to understand thank you the next question is from that from bradley pudding mr bradley is asking when one things only of para brahman is it the same as moving beyond the three goodness yes the moment we say para when you use the word para means above beyond that nothing is there it is the highest and brahman the brahman means the consciousness that is the highest consciousness consciousness without any attributes and the hindu believe that that is the level where there is no activity of the gunas they are all in equilibrium condition satya raja and tama they're all in equilibrium condition no movement in that and that is called parabrahma the moment the movement starts that same para brahma reflected as the brahman with attributes and that we call the god the next question is from from tamar chaudhary again is the soul same as the subtle body of vedanta that transmigrates from one life to other and subtle body and the soul is a little different though the consciousness that is reflecting on the intellect of a person that is called the soul and that is the reflected thing reflected not original but that gives a sense that i that i associated with many other subtle things is called subtle body the 17 available 17th form the subtle body this subtle body mainly the mind which is also collecting all the impressions and that keeps in the anta karana and that mind that subtle body roams it goes because the karmapala that is in the mind and mind is having four you can say the poor part mana buddhi chitta and aamkar this chitta is the storehouse and there all that incenses are there and these four goes along with the subtle bodies and it is that subtle body sukshma any other question no thank you okay then let us conclude with this sotra is [Music] namaste you