Video 221
222: Panchama Veda 222 : "God Loves Those..."
the hook at home written top the jeevan KO be rewritten Calma shop ravana Mangalam Sri Madhavi Tom Bobby green tea a broad Arjuna will be reading from the page number 586 the gospel of sluggishness so we are continuing the discussion that surround ish numbers having and today mainly the stress that he has given whom God love that is the main discussion and here the person he was asking about different question and see Ramakrishna was giving the answer many youngsters come here but only a few longed for God this few are born with the spiritual tendency they shudder at the talk of marriage new dungeon has saved from boyhood that even not marry so marriage is the strongest bond for the world life and now spiritual life is exactly the opposite now here people should not misunderstand Serrano Krishna is giving an idea how the things are happening according to as the Hindus the belief past karma the past karma and is called some scholar the tendencies and because of that Saddam distance measuring and more than 20 years ago sri ramakrishna is remembering an incident two young men used to come here from Veronica but another just opposite to the shisha is very close now it is in Calcutta one was named Govinda pal and the other Gopal Shan they had been devoted to God since boyhood the very mention of the marriage would frighten them the goal is to have power Samadhi bhava Samadhi the power is a one kind of idea about God now when we think that God is my baby my child like the margin shoulder and concentrating on that completely and I go into Samadhi what is the Samadhi forgetting the external things all the external existences that is called Samadhi when my mind completely March in the thought of God and the attractions of this worldly life don't happen to me can't affect me so that is called Samadhi the bhava Samadhi mystical / Samadhi suave occult or Samadhi and this is Baba Samadhi it goes into a baba kind of thinking about God sometimes like our that Goswami Tulsidas t the win used to think about Sri Ramachandra the Sri Ramachandra is roaming with the Ramachandra talking with Sri Ramachandra so he composed a beautiful Ramayana ROM cherried monitor Manas means imagination and that imagination is so clear that he could talk to rob Chandra he could see everything that is happening so that is called prabhasa body so this young man is to go into his name was Gopal is to go into hava Samadhi huge drink from worldly people as a mouse from a cat so this is the you know sometimes some people who like to become spiritual should avoid those who are completely different minded because otherwise the heart will break but the eagerness to go and talk to them mix with them and discussing about all those things proves that the pure desire to realize God is not there so one day he saw the voice of the taker family strolling in the garden think of it the taker family is a very famous family in those days now even so they were in the garden so when he saw he shot himself in the booty at least he should have to talk with them good he is a small if you go to - nation you can find that was mainly for the musicians to play the music the small small to cottages so he shot himself dear never came out the least II have to talk to them Gopal went into Samadhi in the bunch avati now see Ramakrishna is talking about the Cabal in that state he said to me touching my feet let me go I cannot live in this world anymore you have a long time to wait that did a young boy he could understand how long ago and Salaam Krishna will leave the his mission so he said you have a long time to wait let me go I say to him in an ecstatic mood you must come again very well I will he said a few days latter Govinda his friend came to me where is Gopal relaxed and he said he has passed away so this is very difficult for the ordinary people to understand but those who are so close to the spiritual realization and ultimate realization for them anything worldly is terrible they cannot bear it the people talking about the worldly things and what is worldly things or temporary things whatever we think about the world world is temporary then we are so interested in that temporary things we forget the reality that is God many times we discussed about it that we give so much of importance of the body and mind but we never care the body and mind is sustaining living because of the art man the consciousness we are not aware of it and we don't bother to know about it so that is the foolishness no in some state they say the demand come make arrange the put D calmly what is that booty understanding what is permanent and understanding what is temporary and when I am living with the temporary things is okay suppose we go to visit some place we stay in the hotel we enjoy but we know that this is not a permanent place for us so you're not involved in that something is happening we don't get involved into that we just like witness from distance we see similarly same attitude if we can take in our life the whole life the birth to death we are only traveling so obviously too sometimes the Muslims they used to say that we are am a traveler who are you I am a traveler the traveler means I understand this the world is temporary and this is not my original place so I am coming from some other place and I will go back the traveler the bush never sometimes the in through the Psalms also they say the same thing so this boy he was having the same and this Govinda and he passed to be what are the other youngsters about now very few only Ramakrishna mentioning only very few when naturally other money house carriage clothes marriage these are the things they keep themselves busy constantly thinking about all those things and what happens it changes and then what happens suffering so life goes on in this circle and Serano Krishna the master who has come to give us the light in the beginning of his sermon he said each human beings life's goal is to realize God and what is the God realization understanding the true nature of the soul that is God realization what are the other youngsters are about money all this then that is a person who speaks much yield of being selfishness telling there is a person who speaks much he loved me he always criticizing me for loving the youngsters now the sentence come on which today's topic I love only those God love those the sama Krishna is now telling I love only those who are born with good tendencies pure souls with longing for God I love that is a great world when the God is loving those that means pure soul and here we will see that and we try to explain I love only those who are born with good tendencies some Skaar born with good tendencies and then their pure souls what is the pure soul again next line NIC's Authority says longing for God the wind we are longing we are actors to these world things which is temporary created by God but when we love the creation of God than the creator linear bound but when we can understand that this creation is temporary if we give our mind over here we are going to suffer rather we will go back to the source then the God is very happy it is just like a teacher teaching the whole class for the whole year then he is making their question paper asking the students to write and when he is going through the answer paper he finds some of the students they really understood what the teachers see and answer the questions properly teacher is very happy it just like that he taught again he gave the questions again he's seeing the hands of paper and he is becoming very happy when some of these students are answering properly in the same way God has created this world and God has created us also has even asked the intellect into discriminative capacity and he himself has come as an Avatara to teachers and then really sees that the people have understood the fully all this thing of the worldly things and not at us two days then God becomes happy so see Ramakrishna is telling the God is happy I love only those who are born with good tendencies now friends I will now take you through the Gita whatever Gita that 12 chapter and are going to chant of all the Sanskrit mantras but I noted even giving the another many many numbers are there but I reduced it and it is only the 20 good qualities and God starts in the quilt chap chapter from 13 verse to 19 verse there's all those who think about the God realization what is this God realization these qualities the people do not understand the God realization means having some miracles power or these are that today even in the newspaper I think yesterday a great spiritual man is our statement and that is all these things I don't know how people can follow them and millions and trillions they will be spending for them the palace so much of money gold weld he accumulated and not only he his whole family his son his wife someone was telling me today afternoon they had assistant forget about looking at that particular person who was a clerk in an office and afterwards he started telling I am the Kalki avatar and the Kalki Avatara has died and only to see from distance his wife five thousand rupees was necessary and people is to donate that one if you look at heart what type of people they are there's no discrimination they don't read bhagavad-gita they don't understand anything so this the sadhana Tichenor came and so many great soul came it's so simple way they have given the the definition of the religion God spiritual life even then if we don't understand that is up to us the here god the lord shri krishna in third chapter from 13 to 19 this verse a he said earth twisters sarva-bhutanam mantra Karuna a badger like this he goes on hits no creature first second friendly and compassionate to all if those they think that they want to develop spiritual life only note these points and now and then take out the paper and see and then this man is he having these qualities at least one or two qualities till okay I can listen to him I can follow him that much first is hate no creatures second friendly and compassionate to all no discrimination first to astronomy we can deposit create lover of India he used to say freedom freedom freedom but he said when he started the monastic organization they said being a mom you cannot involve yourself in politics you cannot why the moment you were in politics means you have to support one idea and you have to criticize others being a monk you cannot you're not supposed to if you like to join politics go to politics don't become a mom if you become a mom forget about all those only love each and every one friendly and compassionate free from ego eye and mind this is the ego even minded in all situation sometime people they criticize sometimes the praise sometimes they will do these and that but still all the time the even mindedness that is the development in spirituality and all these quality at least one of them God says such a miriama and he's I love him or hard the particular person who is having this quality and for peering show me preparing anything happens we can't forgive that it goes on Prudie the movie brood the more those bad things are getting impression in my mind I cannot do anything else but at the same time destroy myself so that is the we should forget forgive and forget even ever contained whatever happens very happy ever contained steady in meditation in meditation only one can understand his mind for her mind why the mind is roaming here they are the most of the people they will say we can sit for five minutes is it okay pick it is that five billion and sometimes some people will come and say I can sit for three hours that is only a physical practice sitting in one posture for three hours is only a physical practice what about the mind his mind constantly thinking about God for three hours if it is then it is okay otherwise only concentrate on your mind and you start so that he said the steady in meditation self-controlled a different type of situation but the behavior should be controlled not agitating so self-control possesses our conviction this is a very very important God is they're the ones Ramakrishna in Bengali used to say my nipple tchy fog ivanovitch in takeda codger fashion giveth apology what else we need we have to have faith on someone and the person like Raghavan say Ramakrishna whose life is so clear even if we don't have the faith and we are criticizing then we have to think whether our brain is working properly or not the some of the people they were simply criticized without understanding whom I am criticizing whether I'm having any quality now one lady she rang me because she is very angry she told what these people are doing after what happened the one the gentleman who has god this novel the price this time in economics so now these people are going on criticizing you why am i silicon sizing him so why don't you try to be like him develop the qualities like him so that is some people all the time jealous you know because they could not get any success anywhere in their own life dissatisfied people but those who are trying to realize God 14 this is the main thing what conviction God is there today or tomorrow I am going to realize God God is there God is going to help me for sure so that is the conviction concentrated on God alone whole mind is on God and do not agitate anyone through his behavior so the people sometimes through his behavior will agitate people will be talking in such a way of behavior in such a way so that agitates people makes people angry or sad that is not a good quality for the spiritual person not being disturbed by others whatever is happening all around he is calm and composed free from emotions free from dependence this is a very important for the monks free from dependence they will never depend on anyone except God the moment you are depending on anyone then the god won't be there because mentally you are completely dependent you are not believing the existence of God the one day so happened one of the direct disciples of Raghavan's krishna he was doing the pusher in some village in a hilly area and he was affected by the diarrhea he was suffering your Lord and worse no one around to give him a glass of water even he in the head condition when he was so weak almost is to crawl and then go to the river to drink water and like that then she was sitting over there I used to love to drink tea he was doing very young when he came to Salam Krishna so one day he was sitting and complaining to his master Salam question what type of God are you so you are not even can arrange a cup of tea for me I am suffering here I am taking your name and you can't send anyone to serve me at least a cup of tea they could offer then saddam krishna appeared before him and his name was nicknamed as coca mirage this is slam krishna came and told coca shall i saying the rich people to you i can sing tell be a line of rich people serving you but I won't be there the Kokomo is immediate is I will need only you and no other work so this is the way we have to understand that this is a very strong mind decision god only is there i dependent god whatever is happening just only for God I'm not going anywhere else so that is called free from dependence then the fifteen I have given this number to make the number Shore Club together some wonderful qualities like priority should be pure prompt and unconcerned untroubled and devoted to God see look at it browned what is this promptness in a spiritual life with a check tomorrow we will do today it's okay no you have to be very prompt anything that you should do you should do so that it's a decision so that way only you can learn otherwise not when I was in update Ostrom too sometimes some world so what is the meaning with that that can be used in this sentence or not now some of the Swami's they'll be discussing immediately they will go to the library bring the in those days there was no Google so there is to bring the dictionaries and they will open a dictionary and then first meaning second meaning third meaning we should be like the theme and the air even if it is an 11:00 11:30 in the night now we have to complete this so this firmness that I noticed that anything they take up immediately prompt and perfectly that you do not that quickly when they are doing and somehow they will do and complete know very perfectly each and everything should be done perfectly why then only to improve that your mind this control the many of you those who are close to this tradition you know the direct disciple of acaba and see Ramakrishna was the first president we can say that our Xiaomi brahmananda ji in Belmar it was the formation period the young people is to come and join not much maybe five six and when they used to dress they was stable then brahmananda used to come after they have left he will come and check all the skins particularly the potatoes and in our younger days also when we were in will not reach to do the same thing and it is so difficult is not the machine you get nowadays it is a very shirt one type of thing is there and then you'll have to clean and predict you should be very very attentive when you're doing it and if you are doing with much of the potato that goes along with the steam no I don't the SRAM it is to complement that is to come and check that and he will find for fibroma cherries doing work and all the steam the after the work all those things at the air he will collect and chicken say but these boys having good meditation from the earth the concentration so whatever you are doing concentrated perfect there should not be any mystic so this is pronged unconcerned untroubled and devoted to God remain calm in all situation even in good and evil I know that I just traveling from Calcutta to undermine the poor player the truffle way there and it is a two hours flight on the Bay of Bengal so obviously very difficult now the airport is very big previously the small one so one day when I was travelling then the it was a rough for the situation all people started crying then the that time the MP was there he was also traveling in it flying in that same flight he said Rama can you please tell something's of the people afterward take the name of that I had to okay it is not allowed not legally but as spoke in that the system the microphone that and then address those and told friends let us see if we die we die why should we cry and die let us die with a smiling face even the the god the god of death will also wonder how come all people are so courageous so take the name of God or whoever you like and just be calm and smiling we face wait nothing is going to happen have the pain and it really nothing happened because now the pilots were very good but it happened like this in the situation if we cry then we unnecessary crying crying and cannot save us and I read in the life of another Swami Sivananda ji maharaj when he used to come from Calcutta to Dutch nation in those days only the boss that is to fail in age to come from Calcutta to touch in Asia and it was a choppy the water and people who are very much afraid in those days this to have the Hubble bubble to the free for the passenger the mostly the elderly people they will be smoking the younger people in those days even this respect for the elderly people they're not supposed to smoke before dinner unless they offer so this to wait and now all people they were so much afraid shouting criticizing the port man and what we are doing but Hubble bubble was hanging over there no one was there to take now this boy went and quietly having that nice mom one person notice to say a what you are doing we are going to die and you're smoking just before death that we enjoy so that calmness suppose we fall in the water we'll try to save ourselves swim but before that let me have the smoke what is there so this calmness even in that situation how it is possible faith in the existence of God we are not going to die because our soul is eternal only the body is changing just reaching the clothes just like that but the soul is eternal if we think in that way it gives the fearlessness remain calming that equal to friend and foe this is the spirituality friend and foe equal come in honor and dishonor free from attachment silent and steady friend these are all the qualities now even question may come when I was talking like this the one lady said no if the God is choosing only those who are having the good qualities that means God is choosing how that can be bookshop areata God is known as nope Akshay father he's not having any twice and equal for him everyone is same because he has created what is good and what is bad how can you see like this even in the even in the Cockburn kita that was really a good question is God really making these differences no because we have already learned learned from the Quran see Ramakrishna he said I only loved those who are having the good tendencies what are the tendencies the characteristics we're from the characteristics the tendencies the samskara come from our thought from our action and it is accumulating from our previous births and those accumulation of tendencies is nothing but our Karma so this is all we so obviously is not I like I don't like the thing is when you are going towards God you are becoming light when you are away from the God you are going into the Ternes God is only waiting in the same place so we have to understand then ceramic vishna is talking about the devotees householders he said if married people develop love for God they will not be attached to the world I repeat this line if married people develop love for God the God means the truth the existence which never changes when we see everything is changing it is obvious there must be something which is unchangeable and that unchangeable is known as God Brahman Allah 0ba with the same thing unchangeable the cinema Krishna mentioned over here love for God when you understand that and then we devote our mind to that that is love for God they will not be attached to the world now full family requesting me to accept their property it is in India this Rama can you please write to the will of God the three story building with all the gardens and in a very good place the parents they made that for the children all the children are in now America none I think their three brothers don't like to go back and all of them they had they told one of the brothers who known to me he said you please go and talk to the Shawnee I am NOT interested and have that to the property so what is the use to that is the thing we should understand we have to understand that this much is sufficient for us we are giving the education to our children they will take care of themselves when Shami Vivekananda's mother once told Vivekananda he was a young boy and he told look at your father whatever he is earning is distributing among the poor people go and tell the father what you were going to keep for us so we are also having this but we have brothers and sisters won't you keep something for us so the Narendra not young with a courageous race he was having in those days it was very difficult to approach the father that those personalities and he went to his father and say father what you are leaving for us the father he was an advocate he took him before an pig meter and stand before the meter what do you see myself that I am living I give you the education and then you help yourself why you should depend on my property my money that is the idea so no attachment I am early and then as a father whatever the responsibilities duties to my children I will do to my family I will do at the same time I shoot after the freedom to use my own or money to distribute whoever I like particularly the Hindus and all not only that devout people they are always blue in charity so this is the way these two think so that is the if the the householders are thinking in this way without attachment raghavan say Ramakrishna say that they are also free the ceramic Tichenor once again giving an example of a purse who came from the sind scene now in Pakistan from the scene his name was hidden and by chance I had an opportunity to have research on this returned and then I published a small book left on here and long back I went to Pompeii were standing before the Islamic gate then suddenly I met one gentleman he said fommy do you know he Donna I read about one here Anna in the life of an salaam Krishna that we are the descendants of Iran and from since they have migrated to India and they're living that he told I have some books do you interested to read and he gave me four three four books and from the their family of the and what he done indeed another so he done and came to Calcutta he was also a very known person he was very close to the Brahma Brahma so much he was a member of the Brahma so much but then he came to see Ramakrishna he was influenced by Ramakrishna is to practice spirituality religion according to the instructions of Salaam kishna he brought his daughter for the education because the women education was only available in India Calcutta so he brought his daughter from scene to put in a school so that she gets education but in seen in all those places it was unthinkable then ultimately when he wind and then admitted the daughter in the school and on the way back he passed away so that was the he Ronon but Sri Lanka seems to love him very much when Saddam Oh Krishna was suffering the near Anand came and told us because you people who have the Totti it is very difficult if you wear the pyjama like us and said what Yama's in those days most of the Muslims is together so sin is that inference so they used to have that and Saddam Krishna got ready ses then bring Fatima for me something we brought the pajama I don't know whether slam Disney used it or not but he was very happy you see this one here are none brought it from me so like that Iran is a very well-known personality in the Ramakrishna family so here Anand was a member of the Brahmo Samaj and was a native obscene and he made the master in Calcutta and became a devotee to him so Iran and three I think two of his friends three of them the they used to live in one room like our college students daily and he used to read in the Calcutta University and the air before that in outside the room they made Eagles team so you should not come over here vehicles very high altitude the Eagles and the Falcons they leave others are not supposed to go over there so they he wrote he calls them the rooms name was dead so like this and these to meditate its to study there was a good Salaam o Krishna is mentioning about him remembering him why because he was a married person but at the same time so devoted to God then the master he is telling the evening is approaching so the whole people they are slowly leaving to attain the prayer and all your skulls and ah Sunda means meeting of the two a different situation at the morning the night and again that they and the nine so that is their son ha usually the devoted Hindus they will go and sit for meditation Sudama Krishna also advised and when the son became all people are Greenaway slam Krishna alone sitting over there in his room he is mentioning to the master what need of the sundar has a man who thinks of God day and night Sunda means that particular time you are remembering God but if a person is constantly giving but in God then what is the need of Sunda so he there's a beautiful song in that Salama krishna is singing that song himself Trish and hearty body Kali pooja and shakey joy son daughter son Tony fait de cochon de nahi Trisha now the all the three times if that means the continuously when a man is going on repeating the name of Kali what is this puja and Sunda what is the special time for him rather that particular juncture that particular time in as if we'll go on chasing him but he is constantly in that name so Saddam Krishna like this song some of our from is this to sing I liked it very much constantly remembering God in the company of God as the Christians they say live in the company of God a man is firmly established in spiritual life Salameh busines is mentioning when he goes into Samadhi on uttering Oh only once the moment he say Oh immediately his mind goes into Samadhi what is the Samadhi for gating ISM even his body his existence his mind travels into that realm there is Masato in Rishikesh he gets up early in the morning and stands near a great waterfall he looks at it the whole day and says to God ah you have done well well done how amazing he doesn't practice any other form of jihad or austerity at night he returns to his heart there is also a prayer constantly going on praising God for the beauty that he has created in this world you know the people who sing they also actually can develop high spirituality just by singing and when they are singing of course the song should be that properly dedicated to the high the spiritual or the moral values and when they are singing if they remember those words the meaning of those words and the mind goes into that what they are doing actually they are constantly thinking of God ultimate thing is constantly thinking of God as marshal of the money they say what is austerity constantly thinking of God so that year what need is there even to bother once aid about whether God is formless or has a form it is enough for a man to pray to him alone in solitude weeping Oh God reveal yourself to me as you are as you are I don't know what God is is God having four hands two hands thin hands so many aids or only one you just like us we don't know that's where the prayer should be revealed to me as you are God is both inside and outside it is he who dwells inside us therefore the reader says that to AMA see it's a big discussion by Rhonda they go on analyzing thought to UM I see that means that one is you a see is the you are that the Brazil the dog was a bold statement very ravillious statement millions of people is immediately shrink and see you are going against God how can you be God you're the only achieve a a humble human being you cannot claim that you were God but the padartha says you are how that's the big discussion and sometimes we have we will do and we have already done so that Dhamma see God is alone outside us he appears manifold through Maya but in reality he alone exist therefore before describing the various names and forms of God 1,000,001 should say oh that sucked this is in reason the Hinduism all the time talking about our so many gods and goddesses but right they say oh that result the own et Brahma the brahmana is like the own car the own car that the sound is considered as a brahmana it is not prominent it is just near so to the Brahmin why because this is the sound has one day we described over here in details but before the sound is taking shape there is a vibration and that is Ankara and it is not having any other l is all alone just like the brahmana all alone and there is not to Ankara also like that so it is very close to that very close proximity so we say ohm God because you cannot describe them mud whoa et Brahman the Upanishad says so the Hindu they say Oh Todd thud thud thud means that alone is the reality that is eternal stop what is the eternal what is the reality what is the existence so own is the eternal so they say like that it is one thing to learn about God from the scriptures and quite another to see when you talk about God from the scripture that is one thing but after the realization completely different the scriptures only give aims therefore to read a great many scriptures is not necessary it is much better to pray to God in solitude the serum Edition is giving the much importance in practice then only book-learning thank you friends let us conclude like this please repeat after me need Ingenium 100 on comfort Drita become brave he shall battle but a mission media Tom long Krishna Shira saw the Chandi Chandi buddy you that tree - namaste the coming Saturday will be over Kali Puja and that is after the usual prayer that means from 7:00 to 7:30 will be the prayer from 7:30 we'll have the Kali Puja as you are expecting lot of people we will have the Kali Puja in our basement auditorium and just next day Kali Puja this time is a great because it will be tomorrow sure and Saturday as government's around Krishna say the Saturday is the day for the kadhi the Saturday umma Busha this so we are expecting lot when people so we'll do that there next Sunday instead of having the Vedanta we will dedicate that morning as a musical prayer so one group of musicians are coming the local singers include them Gita and others they will come and they will perform over here because that lady she wants to perform just in front of a once-around business okay inside it little clumsy here the place is little small but at least 120 25 people can be accommodated here and as usual the Sunday Prasad will be there lunch will be there so please come come with your friends and relatives thank you