Video 219
220: Panchama Veda 220: Vedantic View Of Mukti
Takahama written dr. G venom to be rewritten Concha [Music] sravana Mangalam Sri Madhavi Tom Boonen da porra dodging ah we were discussing Raghavan sarong Krishna's talking about the Mukti and when and how the Mukti can be achieved just we have completed the Durga Puja Navaratri so some people are celebrating the Dussehra some people that are show me so what is this that this is the success of the light on the darkness and that is called Mukti the success of knowledge on ignorance that is karate the success of the divine on the pursuers so that is called Mukti so this is the conception of Mukti then ultimately the Mukti and different type of conceptions are there Raghavan see Ramakrishna is talking about that at the last time we were reading from the 584 page and we are continuing some devotees have come from Jakarta to meet salaam tishner and one of them the asking revere sir is a man liberated only when he dies on the bank of the Ganges the majority of the Hindus in those days and even today they believe that on the bank of the changes if you die so he will be liberated now the answer that governs roundish Nevada clear it is the knowledge of God alone that gives liberation the gianni will certainly attain a variation where ever he may die it's not the death the place but the condition of the mind the wisdom gianni we will discuss after some time the Ghani by the word Gani fervency ramakrishna is giving the indication of the path of knowledge that those who are trading who those who are following the path of knowledge they are called gyani those who are trading the path of devotion doctor of T the bhakta gianni Kurumi dyani all these words only those who are following different paths the paths of knowledge paths of work unselfish work surplice work then the paths of devotion and parts of contemplation to these at that he is Ramakrishna mentioning the Danny the parts of knowledge what he thinks he thinks I am Brahman I am eternal and pure so wherever his body this body which he achieved which he got because of the past birth because of the karma Paulo that goes away it doesn't matter anywhere any place so this says that the devotee revere said why does a man die in Banaras why doesn't man dies dying in Banaras become liberated he's also a strong conception among the Hindus if you die in Banaras when Eris is the central place of the Shiva you will get liberated then serum Trishna is telling a person dying in Banaras sees the region of shiva sees the vision of Siva that he sees that the Lord Shiva is coming and Shiva says to him this is my aspect before my embodiment in Maya I assumed this form for the sake of the devotees just listen to these words carefully what's the ramakrishna stealing from the draper toward WETA from the duality it goes to completely absolute oneness shiva says to him this is my aspect with fall my embodiment and in maya the students of the vedanta they have the conception of maya they know what is Maya well that that is the main basis the Hindus they are describing the creator and the creation how it is possible Maya and what is this that's Maya in one word we can say is the power of God and what the power of God is doing it is covering the truth and superimposing something else on the truth that's all the minor is the power of God and with the power of God the power of God is doing covering the truth superimposing untruth on that and that is this whole phenomena of this world there is a conception of the Hindus now how to overcome that so this is the different paths and things are going on the Shiva even coming to those who the tweet of Arden and he is telling I the Shiva the embodiment because of the Maya and I assume this form for the sake of the devotees the some people they cannot think of nothing there is nothing but the consciousness they cannot think of that so to help them so we I take this form as a Sheba as a knew as a Krishna as a llama I am assuming this bomb assuming is not the real because through that only they will reach to the real and and marching in the indivisible satchitananda uttering these words Shiva withdraws his form and enables the dying person to see Brahman ultimately goosed that Brahman the supreme consciousness all-pervading consciousness either in the form of Shiva the Lord or through the Vishnu are through any other gods and goddesses goddess Durga that we worship today is a great day all over the people are celebrating exchanging gift feeding sweets but why because the good god MA Durga the goddess she demons and if it was the previous day it was on the Normandy ostomy day Normandy then she killed her and then the - Allah is the bjr be jeremy's the it is the conquering Bejoy conquering and what i am conquering are my ignorance so that is why the number are three the nine nine nine days and nine nights the most of the people they will be thinking the differ aspects of the goddess what is this goddess again the power of God again the power of the drum man Mahamaya was the great manifestation of the power of God and what the devotee will do going on brain mother you have this aspect this aspect is suspect ultimately you are giving the blessings give me that on the ninth day in the ninth ninth and she is giving the blessings what is the blessings to go beyond the seek knowledge what is this ignorance I have you envy and I am born in this world and I am supposed to do these and that all ignorance so through the devotion through the reality one is reaching to the ultimate reality which is Brahman all-pervading consciousness we talk all the time about the all-pervading consciousness how many of us will be able to close our eyes and imagine that everything is consciousness imagine that I am NOT there this body mind complex is completely gone Neil hominid and that is why the Hindus constantly give these ideas through to ality come to me but even the Sheba in the kashi those who are many people they go to Kashi Kashi only to die with the faith with the belief that whatever have done all through my life I am going be completely free over there it is possible if the Fate is there and when he goes to Kashi with the faith that I am going to be liberated and what happens the the mind is supposed to be completely concentrated on that I am going to be liberated I am going to be liberated and how do I am going to be liberated Sheba will liberate me she will deliver at me that is I constantly thinking about the Lord Shiva who is the inner divine form Brahman itself then ultimately I am thinking Brahman only in a form is a date and when I am thinking before depth and what the bhagavad-gita in the Sri Krishna standing before did whatever thought will be there prevalent in the mind you are going to have that so when the people that doubt only going to the kashi and dying over there one gate liberation oh no it is not possible it is possible but the process is things I go over there in the Kashi I leave over there then I do whatever I like and drinking and making all this merriment and I am thinking wait I am I'll go with no not like that with an idea that I am going to die over there to get the liberation they will get the liberation otherwise now hundreds of thousands of people at the air constantly but do you think only be liberated no that's why the slavishly in the beginning is a that is the idea that you had to have the knowledge so again the person dying in Banaras sees the vision of the Shiva and Sheba sees like that piranha sees that even at chandala end Oded the love of God achieves liberation in the next paragraph first line Salam o Krishna is mentioning what is the chant Allah Chandana means completely uncultured person and in the uncultured person he is not supposed to think of the metaphysical thing of the philosophy he thinks only of the body that is Chandana that is the no-cost succeed in a phase in a beautiful way gentleman Arthur Jaya the shooter the afterbirth uncultured immediately after birth the human child is uncultured and what is that he doesn't know what to do and what not to do how to behave so just like the inning animals and all the like that the child starts behaving some mascara deity when it gives the culture what is that culture you have to control yourself you should not behave like this you should not do like that slowly slowly that culture comes that sometimes the children come to my office they see lot of books and there will be one little girl came and she was constantly going on taking out the books entering that work she thought it said hardly duty to disturb all the rags she was very little couldn't touch much books but she was going on the mother was going on replacing the book and I was thin like this and there so this is me you should not do these rashon which you teach this book when you like this the culture is coming she came and she taught the white like this you are just plain uncultured but her mother another human being exactly opposite she is doing keeping the books in proper place and you should not do this so gentleman ah jayati should turn the immediately after birth nobody becomes a brahmin or these of that all children right from the up to the shooter the same category then some SCARA DG with dirty through the culture only those people who are bored that we are branding here Brahmin do should learn this I am NOT making this at the poetry this this is the truth that we find in our scripture some scar what's the some scar some scholar I think close the fan some scholar of the ujt through the culture only they become teachers a second part three gia Germans janma three double to the second birth they invaded the assi of a big bra we promised a learning person learning person is the big top and this big bro they say as a brahmana the the moment he gets that who provided the fact they are called as bottom they call them but what it means is going to be the big Pro he is going to the teacher's house and then he will learn and slowly slowly he will become a knowledgeable person and knowledge is the greatest thing in the human society so they all is respect and knowledge this curve Big Brother the one person came to Marshall the money's place in Calcutta in Perugia and he was a doctor mother ups the children of the household go and touching his feet the other ladies the branding ladies came and whispered thinking mother doesn't know the cost of this person the mother is not brahmin he's a low caste sutra being brahmana how can he go and touch our children cannot touch his feet and the mother too how can you say that he is locust he's so educated he's saving the lives of people through knowledge he's the brahmana you must go and touch his feet and that was the courage of the martial Romani Devi which even the ravine doughnut could not introduce the society was so that a closed society in in the dry banana taker when he started that university the Shantiniketan dear non brandman students could not touch the at the feet of the Brownian teachers now opposite non Brahmin teachers the Bronwyn students didn't touch their feet because that was not allowed so these two have the folded hands and going down that way because the teachers are non Romney do they are teaching they are the teachers giving knowledge even then because of but mother very clearly why because of the realization of God and finally see Ramakrishna is mentioning about the brahmana what is this brahmana from mahjongg Aarti promenade those who think that I'm a brahmana they must understand these brahmajyoti and what is this brahman all-pervading consciousness all pervading the what should be stressed on this all-pervading consciousness and the all pervading means operating there cannot be any distinction there cannot be any separation so those who have realized that for Dean we can imagine how wonderful everything in other word we can say he sees courting everything so that is the condition of the brahmana who can claim the time of brahmana this is here this Mukti the Saddam occasion is talking about and he said according to this school the name of God is an arm to liberate a soul the purana it says that love of God and cinema Krishna says the only love of God and when we see the love of God taking the name of God presupposes that you have the faith in the existence of God you don't have the faith in the existence of God how it is possible to take the name of God it is not possible there's sometimes some people they come to take the initiation the first thing that you always say do you have the faith in the existence of God and then the God can manifest in different forms and then only it will be possible for you to take the holy name and go on repeating and he will surely get liberation it's not mine words is the words once in himself the taking the name of God can give the liberation why faith what is the faith God is there and what is the God again consciousness and where he is existing everywhere as because he is everywhere and I cannot understand that for my immediate use I think God is here in this name that's all he is everywhere but it is possible this province is Ramakrishna giving a beautiful example milk it comes from the order of the cow it's not that only milk is there in the order milk is there in the body of but you cannot go and pull the ear of the cow and try to get the milk no it is not possible it won't come suppose you go and constantly going on my first call that from the leg of the cow expecting the milk will come out no it is not possible patient giving the pressure on that now only from the order then similarly God is everywhere but you have to have the conception milk is everywhere in the car but only from the order it comes similarly God is everywhere but only you have to concentrate your mind then only you can get the blessings of God revelation of God knowledge of God understanding of God otherwise not so those who are having the doubts this is very clear the ceramic christian is telling according to disco what is this cool devotion then devotion means God is their first faith second name of God is sufficiently powerful to give me the liberation liberation from where from this worldly life and what is this worldly life nama rupa very simple nama and rupa neem and form that is the whole world and what the world can give me temporarily it can give me comfort mental physical what else temporarily but harmonic comfort it cannot be it is not possible permanent comfort is not possible so that is the reason when you understand that we develop faith in the existence of God and we think that if we go on taking the name of God the Guru has given to me that guru is responsible he has given this name my duty only to have the faith in the words of the Guru and gwantak in the name of God and slowly what he with the changes adjustments necessary for my mind to understand God will diction with the fall my duty only is to take the name of God with devotion with faith the God is there so sadhana Christian is telling this is also possible then the third stair he says but the teachings of the Vedas are developed according to the Vedas non-party Brahman can be liberated but who is this Brahman brahmajyoti the Brahman means not by birth but by his karma a brahmajyoti what is this Brahma each and every being and nothing but the manifestation of God nothing but the manifestation of the same consciousness so that conception is very clear when we are having that conception see the conception is there but at the same time the practical the wind the practive Arctic and beber Arak the physical conception is that everywhere God is there Barrow Hari the practical way according to the condition I behave so this is the different thing but I know the God is everywhere here that brannon the conception the God is everywhere on the basis of that he is having he can get the liberation so that is the way the rhythm is advaita vedanta the worship is not accepted by the gods unless the mantras are write it correctly and that is also there correctly if you are not pronouncing the mantra one must perform sacrifice worship and so on according to scriptural injunctions when we were doing the puja and you may have noticed that how they are doing even then it is not that way completely perfect because in this faraway country in America it is not possible only those who are just they read and then did from there only they are performing but when it comes down as a teaching and if you go and observe in the YouTube still there how they are doing each and everything they are doing in a perfect pronunciation of the mantra and also all the other actions perfectly they acted that's why thousands of people when they're visiting the balloon Mart you know in Calcutta there are a vicars so many ten thousand or more than Durga Puja Azhar they're almost in every street corner there will be one Panda and then puja is going on it's so difficult to drive so you have to walk almost everywhere and millions of people there visiting all then Randolph and nicely decorated different type of images a different type of music lighting so they're more fun than devotional but if you go to balloon war there is only devotion and nothing else so early in the morning the devotion monks and the nuns they're coming and they are offering the whole mind is completely concentrated the puja is completely concentrated on the month he's not going to explain all the devotees sitting at the back no it is not a retreat that going on his mind is completely devotee each and every month that he is ordering immediately the meaning of the monthly is revealing in the mind and he goes on like that the duck should come in arching night Mahon Oh Holly jogini Kota very prettily when he sees he will feel if you are come sitting over there and listening to those words he will feel the vibration yes it's true and the duck sahaja yoga the performance of the duck shell that was destroyed why because they were not accepting the Shiva she was the supreme she for specious they were denying the head and then doing the younger if you deny the auspiciousness and all your work is nothing but zero again the province Ramakrishna said if there is one then are the zeros of the meaning and if there is no one only zeros it is only zero and just now valuable so if the God is not there whatever the purple that's why Daksha young kept in Arjun name she destroyed that work why it was not with the consciousness with the God so if you when the Poojari is doing the puja thinking in this way uttering the mantra whole environment changes and that brings the joy the peace the happiness in thousands of people sitting over there they don't understand the meaning all of them can understand is not possible but they feel the joy feel the attraction you won't believe if the puja is beginning at the morning 4 o clock 4:30 there with thousand people sitting over there and they go before to get a front seat the whole why they go unless they get the joy and it's not the chairs that do you provide them there spriting on law on the ground still they'll be sitting over there so why because they get some joy and how the joy is coming because the divinity manifesting over there how the divinity is manifesting and province around vishna one must perform sacrifice worship and so on according to scriptural injunction but where is the time in the Kali Yuga now he says to perform the Vedic rituals therefore in Kaliyuga the path of devotion prescribed by Narada is best the path of devotion prescribed by Narada the Mukti according to the Vedanta is Vida now Veda means in the Veda for different types of things are there mainly three Drita mr. Drayton Advaita winces B that is a traitor what is the Mukti the conception of Mopti it is miss metaphysical truth that giba is not other than brahman the Jeepers is nothing other than the brahman Jeeva Brahm - opera giba the being from Maya Nam opera there is not anything else it cannot be why now slowly slowly we won't go into details because the Vedanta always we discuss except there is something permanent temporary the things cannot be they're all temporary cannot be there so there must be something permanent on which this temporary things but it means it is moving the when things are moving there must be something static and that static thing the Vedanta says it is Brahman and what is that Brahman it cannot be described it only because it is not an object this subject is always the subject so listen until you become like that you won't be able to completely understand but you can have the conception of it what is this existence what is this existence it is there constantly there how it is possible because I also feel like that I'd like to exist I don't like to die not only me I see all around a body is there you go near to the birth the body will fly why afraid what is the fear fear of death if you go to an ant and he's also trying to hide somewhere why fear of death so that proves there must be something right from the hand up to the elephant in all living being that desire to exist not the fear of death desire to exist where from that desire came desire to exist where from it came there must be some source otherwise how it comes unless and until the sources existence then that existence will never reveal within us if the Suber is not sweet the sweet made of sugar or be sweet if you are making the sweet with the sword it will be salty only it cannot be sweet the similarly when we are feeling the existence the fear of death is a negative word and the positive way is a desire to exist and that comes from the source existence and for that existence we always develop knowledge how to get the food the knowledge came because to exist I need food why because this body needs the food the drink so I develop food the knowledge comes into that from the desire to exist I develop the system to get the food and agriculture and all those things developed in the primitive world because of that only I like to survive I like to leave so the knowledge came and this knowledge external knowledge when satisfied ultimately turned into spiritual knowledge where famine comes a knowledge so when I'm having that knowledge that means the source of knowledge is also there otherwise where from I will get the idea of knowledge the source even that the ants there going on searching food now the winter is approaching here in America all the birds the animals each and everything going on having the food as maximum as possible they'll be taking all the small small fruits and then gathering in one place where they will survive for the coming terrible winter all will be covered by snow but we know other food we're from the all this idea those animals are getting birds are getting insects are getting because the source that proves these are the proves the existence then from existence just for the existence apparent existence knowledge and then come the please then after that we think why we are surviving for the joy when you get the job when you meet the frames when you have a good company when I get what I want then the thinking comes I am asking for these wanting these and getting that then only joy is coming but that is also temporary and sometimes when I'm striving for that and not getting that not successful to achieve the swaddle comes means that he comes that means my goal is to get the joy and the joy should be eternal the permanent to the search for the joy existence knowledge and please eternal that is the conception of Brahman we're from the bather suddenly see existence knowledge please what is Brahman such she'd on in the saruba how could the see just like that from the sky the word scheme the wintry hill then got that known the message after research the examining the whole world examined their own mind and then only they came to exist that T's is the first is the existence then comes the knowledge and then comes the please and this knowledge and afterwards the divided into two one anything that external world another going metaphysical internal not the worldly things metaphysical and that is called who is doing it Jeeva all jeevers are going towards the liberation part a Swami Vivekanand the same desire for total freedom desire for total freedom spring up late in the human he was explaining how the life came and then afterwards he is telling total freedom each and every one is striving for the freedom all the birds are now trying to make some place where they can why with they're all family and food and the family then they will close all things so that inside becomes warm and maybe the body is also thinking if we could get apartment something every time we are making and then a game it is destroyed we are clean for the permanence the permanent impermanent impermanent thing and in case in the human is a naturally that way it implies not only eternal vigilance but the readiness to renounce all that is not true self or God the question of liberation when the body is thinking about liberation body is having the hunger a human is also having the hunger but is also feeling thirsty human is also feeling thirsty Bard is afraid human is also a free all beings and the human being and also the same but again the differences in the human being the thought of total liberation comes the thought of total liberation is not there in other beings except human being that also very advanced human being what is Mukti how to achieve it some people say mind mano-a-mano Chiana garden um but the mushi but the question is mind is the cause of bondage and liberation but mind is not an independent means of direct perception what is mana what is mine it's not an independent means through this mind we cannot think of you have to purify that mind otherwise chitin t.server samsaya in the mind only this will reveal and how I will know that I am getting the liberation as Salam o Krishna say what the bee that is completely from different so I am discussing on that particular topic but particular sentence a cigarette Salameh business a liberation who can get the liberation human being why because it can reach to the ultimate what is that ultimate ultimate is giving away these worldly desires other beings cannot do that other beings cannot and among the human beings also some hadrons people only can do very few and that's why Shankar Acharya said three things only with the blessings of God minutiae the Maharashtra desired to get the liberation human birth decided to get the liberation and of course the guidance of a great guru realized guru otherwise it is not possible and what happens Chetan t.server some say AHA dispel all doubts what is the I am that there is no doubt about it and what happens a constant flow of joy constant flow of joy why there is no fear there is no nothingness there is nothing is there we're simple doubt will come am I on the right track it will never come because you know and how it is possible because now even the subjective type there is no object for you you are completely subject if someone comes and say Swami ji are you leaving I will look anyway is it all dry I am standing before him and he is asking her leaving I will doubt his and say okay okay I will call dr. Baca me to check you wait for some time so this is because I'm confident that I'm leaving no doubt about it can there be any doubt no it is just like that it is not objective the wind there is anything objective there may be some differences of the earth I look at this table and I say this is all plain but one person will come and show me no actually some the way we things are there even in the wood apparently you cannot see but it is there there will be no nothing like that so when I am completely free from all doubts I am that that's why the Guru says I am that you two are that hombro marché me that lama c-shaped okay - that was the boy to whom the Guru said I am that conscious the Guru is under percent confident I am that consciousness but what about this body because the body will go according to his own rule the mind a loss of the according to its own rule so let it go according to the prakruti but I am that if you read the right dropsy ramakrishna and sometimes the gospel also he is repeating you know now and then geometrician is telling to his very close devotees because all people won't be able to understand so ceramic is distilling I saw that someone came out of these and said I am J Tanya I am that just nerves I am the consciousness I saw this temple and all these utensils using for the puja there and the image of Goddess Kali and hitch and everything is nothing but the consciousness hide him sorry revealed it to me there is no doubt somebody is coming and telling no son Krishna said oh you doubt that culture is not for you why because he is confident that is called bhakti what is Mukti this is God a hundred percent confident that I am conscious now we will continue a little ceramic isne he is taking us to the practices the practice is not a devotee according to narada the devotee should sing the name and glories of God the part of karma is not the right one for the Kaliyuga this karma means again yoga a beginner that is actually the Karma he never mentioned the karma means this philanthropic world no winstram we began to introduce the philanthropic work harpy many of them opposed that this Islam Krishna say completely different he said this is not karma that can help us to get the liberation and you are introducing karma many of the direct disciples of Sahaba Krishna couldn't understand that but Shami we become the adamantly he said see ramakrishna told me this if you can seek God by closing your eyes can't you see God by opening your eyes with your open eyes can't you see you've either your Barranca says there is nothing but God how can't you see God among those who are suffering so that is exactly what I am going to introduce so philanthropic or is completely different but at the same time when you were dreaming the philanthropic world for name for money and all that oh I am doing these because I will get some at the acceptance from the society and knowledge meant from the society no that is not the sadhana sadhana is understanding that Dysport the downtrodden daily trips they are giving gods and goddesses they don't know but I am going and helping them serving them so that is the way if you do then only liberation will surely come and that is why the Shami be weakened who was none other than Salam Krishna himself in a different form he said in the first page of karma the yoga in his Karma Yoga in the first page first paragraph he sailed through unselfish work one can reach the same goal where Buddha reached by his knowledge and Christ by his prayer through bhakti through guiana you can reach to Karma what is that karma scentless work but here in cinema Krishna's mentioning about the Karma it is only the yaga yaga there are a group of people they will never do anything except the younger they will start lighting a fire and they will go on putting the key the clarified butter into that fire and they will pour so many good foods and sweets constantly pouring on they're flying all around the hungry people are sitting to get one sweet or a fruit or little key if it is possible in the whole life they could not taste that they won't give that them to the human being but they will pour that into the fire that is very wastage the God is not also getting anything and the person also he is doing anything why ignorance Solano Krishna is very clever clear do duties in the world as long as you need them to do but then the fruit of actions of your past lives but you must develop love for God and be passionately attached to him H capital him passionately attached so when whatever the duty I am doing and I am doing but everything that I do I do for only God that is the way one can be completely free friends two of our young this Ramachari they went to the Ganges and they cleaned all the Ganges skull Carter's that is godless and it is so terrible work you can physically another exhausting both of them the wind and every time you have to climb on that and then have to clean and not that every gutters are open sometime it is covered with name you have to open the native to clean and then again close all the buildings they did why so that the next year when we're opening with all the retreats the devotees gated ready and the buildings are not damaged and what they are getting no money they are not professional if we had if this could be done through from professional people they will charge you some $2000 something like that but the wind drove out there still but they cleaned then they came back only thing if the thing that I have done it for God they are liberated only small small thing this same work can be done through professional people any company if you asked common clean and their people are also doing the same work they don't get liberation why because against that they are claiming money sometimes the our devotees become they work over there they have sufficient money but I volunteering why should I pay this sometimes to say previously now each and every one they do as it the moment you are between a thinking that I should not be to the ashram because I am giving my work that means in exchange of the food and stay and attending the celebration you're given instead of money you are giving you the service you won't get the blessings of God don't make the mistake if you don't have the money say that there's no problem we can always say no problem come but if you have it you can provide it please give and say to God I am blessed that you have given me the opportunity to serve the service is this the I have the complete faith in the existence of God and I know that when I am doing it taking the name of God constantly repeating the name of God and working I am going to get his blessings but you must develop love for God and be passionately attached to him love for God and passionately attached to him just like a baby attached to the mother just like that I didn't have any one God except you in this world so that is the concrete dependence on God love for God I don't have anyone who God except you and then passionately loving the singing of the name and the glories of God destroy the effect of the past action only this and that is cinema schnell that is the importance of the gospel of Salaam Krishna and it is Authority because the God Himself is telling it's not just for asking people to work no not like that this is you know I found in Assam there was a businessman the in his the shop and at the back there is factory so there he mentioned karma in dharmaja in India he wrote the Karma is really karma Dharma whenever is tough will come and say sir increase our salaries it eco lakea Gitana car the in the Gita you find the work is only the worship karma in Dharma to the dough work no money he's cheating people and not only treating people he is actually making his way towards the hell and he is thinking is very clever he is utilizing the code from the scripture and using that to cheat people or to think about him but he says Xiaomi G you should be not the way DN a-- and Jai Krishna car eat tomorrow sorry just a 500 gonna carry shirt wanna mundo go they go by live first you have to serve them because these people are working for you and they're working for money the poor people so how many ways we are actually cheating ourselves the believing God means God knows everything we cannot say oh god on see the other day I took the American this boys to this our temple Kali temple there is the images of the juggernaut I showed them the Americans they have not seen that you're enough images I should see the God juggernaut is the master of the whole but he is not having hands he is not having legs and not having the high needs also two big guys this is a wonderful the way the conception of Vedanta in that image the God is all-pervading and shark she just watching and doing nothing the moment he thinks every all actions are done that's why he is not having their hands and ass because he is all-pervading everywhere doesn't need the lake to go so that is why this is the conception of juggernaut sinking of the name and glories of God destroy the effect of past action so this is the most important thing just taking the name of God only we need little faith wherever we are moving you need not to bother about reading and that is sometimes you can do just remember this long Krishna say it again and again Marcia rhythm Munni Devi also is telling the repeating the name of God destroy all your bandana all your bandages just the name of God you have received from the guru that's why a mantra diksha is so important the you can remember Sri Rama you can remember Sri Krishna you can remember Kali you can remember Durga but if you get a name of God coming down traditionally and the people those who were holy those who dedicated their life for only for God from them when you are receiving it that name has power the same thing everybody knows but that name has power I think of it - the he was a Muslim by birth so he wanted the the mantra from a guru but the guru who saved known because the society may not like it now the Covey's he turn I must take the mantra from him so what he did he observe the Guru goes when it is almost dark he goes for bathing in the Ganga and in the Kashi you have seen that big steps up there going down to the water so he went and light down over there he knew the from which side he will come down and the guru in a different mood he was coming down and suddenly touched the body the person of the career who was lying over there he touched and said Oh Rama Sri Rama like that immediately Kovach got up and said I have got the mantra thank you sir because you have touched me and you have uttered the name of God and on the bank of Ganga and copy is a celebrated personality Kabir is a realized person so that is the faith in the words of guru and reputation of the same name of God so this is a long business aim then you don't have to perform duties all through your life as you develop unalloyed love and longing for God your duties will become fewer and fewer sometimes the people that think that untimely retirement you will take and voluntary retirement the same and then we go and take the name of God no you won't be able to do that rather continue and when the time will come mind is also said like that otherwise you won't be after the realization or the completely drop away so that is the Karma how long should I work after the realization of all it goes away only joy joy and joy then a young man is asking say what is knowledge we will listen to the answer of advanced language in our next class thank you ninjanomicon entero ba da gamba Drita big crew hambre Ayesha vitara / Amish a medium tongue Ramakrishnan Sheila Sundy Sundy Shanti hurry you that Sri Ramakrishna our eponymous [Music]