Video 218
219: Panchama Veda 219 : To Attain The Knowledge Of God
delicate ham Britain topped achieve annum could be rewritten Calma shop seven among Gollum Sri Madhavi booby green and de bourree dodging ah now we are studying the gospel of Ceylon Krishna and this is giving us a wonderful knowledge through which one can get liberation can realize God so this has been termed as the Pancham of Veda has because beta is the knowledge in our last discussion we read the explanation of the one serum Krishna on creation this is the more most difficult topic almost of all the philosophers all the philosophy they come and formal over this the creation we know the God we know the creation but we are doubtful about the process now in the modern sites entered into it to make it more difficult for the faithful because we like to believe someone is there on the sky and he is creating and then is okay but the science comes and says we are all over the globe and in the whole sky is now really really crowded with so many satellites so many other things it will be so difficult so naturally what is this creation Raghavan see Ramakrishna he is explaining taking grew from the pure Vedanta and he said that the Brahmin is the great cause and what is that Brahmin then in the Viveca Romani the Shankar Acharya here given the about the Brahmin subtle Gianna anantam Brahma we should come param satis atiim nietzsche anandam eager some protect windham near anxiety now all this in a different way is trying to reach to that idea some conception is coming otherwise I shall awaken the state in his Bengali plain pran was a jar though he only can understand who has realised it otherwise it is very difficult to understand but even then they are trying their best to take our mind to that conception Satyam Yanam an anthem Brahma this is the truth that is a journal this is the knowledge this ism Ananta a know in it this is Brahman it is all pure it is the highest Exeter Exeter now from that the creation is coming down and according to see Ramakrishna he says that Grumman is the great cause is the main cause as because only one was there nothing was there we can understand that only one was there and nothing else we understand that and found that how the creation comes it says the second cause is the Maya this is the cause and this is the primal power of the what is this Mayan we need some explanation on these because from the viewpoint of the Vedanta how the creation is coming the power of that supreme Brahman and what is the supreme the Brahman completely unaffected completely this is one thing we have to keep in mind but from that effect is coming and if I am NOT thinking how can I create that is not possible but still it is possible why this power which is associated with the Brahman is separated from brockman this tricky point we have to understand it is separated from Brahma this Maya and what is this Maya we will come to that and then comes the subtle objects the moment to start thinking they are not yet there but still it is there in the concept so it is subtle let's call mind intellect ochita and ego all that then the gross thing so this is the whole phenomena the gross things come the monomial kosha as they call it and that the difference you make it that fast is this body then the mine what is that you know my organs of knowledge and my mind so this is mono Maya and what is jivatma they say the or tense of knowledge plus intellect these are the two things we have to remember the Manu Akash at the mind and jivatma where I consciousness come I consciousness come that is in the pure intellect booty and ego these are that do associated with the organs of knowledge up to these we studied and today we find that see Ramakrishna's giving the reply to the that one gentleman who came is the business he was a businessman he is asking why don't you feel dis passion towards the worldly objects in those days people's to study the scripture and naturally the dispassion worried argue about the worldly objects he is a businessman his main object is to get the profit by selling products different things so he is going and purchasing from the producers as low price as possible so that the margin of profit will be higher then selling it as maximum price it's possible so that is his business even then he is asking why we are not getting the dispassion you can understand that intellectually they like to get it cleared later understand but in the practices it is difficult to see Ramakrishna understood and ceramic ISNA is giving the wonderful the answer and this he saved Raghavan see Ramakrishna answer it is in the page 583 of the gospel of ceramic isne because of Maya we said now this word the famous word of the Vedanta because of Maya true Maya one feels the real to be the Unreal and the Unreal to be the real the when they have mentioned this real R is capital y the real means the supreme Brahman real means which is existing all through without any change so this is ceramic reached as unreal as real and real as unreal today over there inside there were monks quarter there is a small glass case and somehow one part of the glass broke now our barometer he cleaned it and then they closed it when I was going I noticed that it was broken second time when I was going when it was clean now I thought oh my god but so quickly he has fixed all that glasses because there is no plugs a hot part of it there is no glass and Harper there is glass but the glass is so clean it seems that both the sides are with glasses like I doubted so I went and I touched the deny fair know one side is open another side is glass but glass is so clean as if it is there is nothing is there so this is nothing is there but I am thinking it is there suppose I never had the chances to go and touch it I would have that idea oh it was actually cased already the glass has been fixed so unreal as real there is no class but from distance I am thinking there is a class that is called unreal which is not there and thinking it is there and then it is there I am thinking it is not there sometimes the birds will be coming and claw riding with this they are coming straight and flying so fast and they are thinking they can pass through because they could not recognize that class is there they are hitting on it and then falling on the ground why which is their thinking it is not there to real as unreal and real as real the Hattie's Meyer in one word see Ramakrishna could very nicely save and we her from this word Maya came sometimes some people to see before we go and reading the pages of ceramic Asian ago spell then let us go through a little philosophy samkhya philosophy and Vedanta they go hand in hand the Sanka yoga Vedanta the very close now Sonia says it is the Purusha and the prakruti again about the creation the purusa means the consciousness and prakruti that creates why because it is a combination of three qualities at the Raja and Tama those who are completely new in Vedanta it will be difficult for them to understand but those who are already acquainted they know gunas gunas means qualities and the qualities are good material and bad so these 3 so this gunas reciprocity Sankhya philosophy say the property is the creation sometimes some people they say Shanker's villas property is paranthas mile beyond this is different philosophy and they use the terminology maya sometimes people they make misunderstand but it is not why the main basic difference is it is almost the same one point only the difference is Shanker says it is separate from the purusa the purusa means the great cause the supreme being the one with all consciousness all pervading just brahman so that purusa and prakruti are completely separate when the purusa comes very close to the prakruti as if it starts moving activate active activeness then comes in broccoli the waves after waves comes and creation starts but the moment we think that it is separate and we are accepting the two existences broccoli and brahman the vedanta says it is not possible the apps absurd the moment didn't be conception up to the naturally it will be the limitation will come and when it is maybe something is very big and something is very small but even then the small is occupying some portion where that big is not there so natural it is not possible but on this is completely different to it we come to veranda and Vedanta they have analyzed all the punishes analyzed by in the brahma sutra are called badonkadonk baton the philosophy darshan means philosophy it is also known as brahma sutra this vedanta darshan says Maya unto protein being they are using the word property maíam - Maya this word Maya protein be taught that is again property mine and - Mahesh Sharon but the master of that Maya the property is the Maheshwara Maha ishaara the great cause issue here the great cause Tasya Abhaya Bhutto is to avoid the images this is a buyer just like saying the so many varieties Brutus to be Optim sarvam idam jagged and that is all pervading different names and forms where from it came from what is that prakruti it is Maya and what is this Maya then it says this is a piata brochure paratha not a pewter which is unmanifested or Maya is crucial at the great cost is higher than that the Kotaku nation sings then a picture so Maya has so many names Maya is a prakruti mine is also called objector unmanifested but we all the potentiality to manifest a better Purusha but we are doubt then Maya higher tell Maya is what illusion and purusa para para means higher what is that Purusha where is the kirusha higher than Maya dating from here we can see coating the finishes began to prove that Maya is the power and not separate entity there is a bit on the philosophy in one line we can say Shankar says prakruti is separate from the supreme cause vedanta says it is not and if it is not if it is with brahman then what happens Shankar Acharya afterwards in a very simple way wanted to give the definition of the Maya unless we understand this definition unless we understand to some extent the concept of Maya it will be difficult to follow ceramic richness reply and of course the Virata the serrano krishna is completely now in this petite time he is in a mode of parenting so he is going on giving all the questions they're asking he's replying from the point of view of the Vedanta that's why I am trying to take this appear to Nami Shankar Acharya is in his Viveka chudamani a hundred and eight verse mentioning about the nominee Paro main Shakti Oh Noddy Evita treguna Mika para para uno para means higher and how to understand car jamia you have to infer through the activity sutil eva Maya who can understand those who are highly intelligent yah-yah-yah God's album he don't pursue a thing now it is very clear where from the world is the creation comes from Maya which is that mind the power of God power of the Brahman which is that Brahman completely disassociated with everything so here completely disassociated but it has a power that powers name is Maya that Maya is there with Brahman that's why it is objective unmanifested and on Rd it is eternal this power is eternal Brahman is eternal the minds also eternal so obviously they cannot be the two to eternal cannot be so there is one eternal they are associated but Maya has some special aspects what is that three gunas sattva Raja Tama and because of that satrajit AMA everything is happening if that is there in the Brahman though obviously the question answer that goes opposition the as this questions those who are opposing the Vedanta they see how it is possible the Maya you say is having three qualities and if it is associated with the Brahman how then it is that it is not affecting the Brahman again Salameh krishna is simple language you say it is just like the venom of the snake the poison is there in the snake with this thing but that poison is not affecting the snake the same way the power which is Maya which is of be obtained manifested with its three different qualities satrajit Amma is there with the Brahman but the Brahman has the control over it so this is objective the Maya also known as objective why object undifferentiated the perfectly balanced bafta objective bhakti means manifested a birth the unmanifested undifferentiated it is not different from the Brahman and how it is possible because the subtle Raja Tama these three gunas are equally over there that that is the reason it is not creating any problem in the Bromberg and Maya is also known as a big diya me science a victim means meat targa animal what is the meteor Jana just now I was talking about the glass just like that there is no class glass and I am thinking there is a glass and I am going and touching a very no glass so this confusion as a human being I have the intellect I know what is called I know what will happen if the class is there but still when there is nothing I am thinking it is there that's called meteor Yan it is a knowledge knowledge of the glass existence of the glass but completely wrong false the media Jana has called me science now this is Gianna Gianna means knowledge at the same time the knowledge of something which is not there is very peculiar knowledge of something which is all not there now if any someone says the horn of a purse called that rabbit maybe the horn of a rabbit rabbit can never grow hard by nature but someone says this is the Horn of a rabbit that is a complete wrong thing it is not like that complete wrong thing no it is not like that there is something is there and I am super imposing on that something which is within my mind so this is the difference nothing else so if something is completely absurd it is not me Tiana this because gamma is their knowledge is their knowledge means something you are learning your feeling your understanding but that is the wrong thing you are understanding but this is called meaty on the one person he was having a gun he wind and then afterwards he naturally looted some money from the shopkeeper and then the shopkeeper suit or said can I offer you some fruit some sweets and in a calm and I have the habit of feeding the guests you are my though you are taking my money for school it's okay but please do then he gave some thing to drink and it was intoxicated he went on drinking afterwards he became intoxicated then he said oh this gun it must be very costly and how many bullets at their evil this is only a it's just no gun actually like the gun like the children's the toy the children's diet is nothing the in this man's Oh then I know I can fight with you because you're also not having the gun and also not having let us fight so that Mattel Gianna that clears the problem fear and accordingly the shopkeeper was ready to keep the money but when the original ganna came real gana came then he became very powerful courageous so fatter bianna and with the Agana subtle gana gives you the strength meter Guiana gives you fear so this is the difference Victor Jana unnecessarily gives you the fear I'm going to lose and going to not having these there all this fear fear and fear and from the fear comes misery so ultimately what happens that's why they say if the meter Jana the wrong knowledge the new signs if you can overcome that true Satya Jana then you become courageous avium that is in in sanskrit is a fearless why fearless I know it it is not there so this is the obedient so a big dia this is also the minds of beginner video this is the power of the Supreme Lord Brahma Shakti so a beard now first is it is no nominee how are you understand this is the a birthday undifferentiated who what is that Polynesia Shakti is the power of the supreme on Adi it is eternal just like the Brahmin this is a big deal the false knowledge new science 3gu not macabre this is having the three gunas and how I will understand God John of me through the work I can understand otherwise I cannot see it I cannot touch it I cannot smell it there is no other chances to understand it but through its what they can understand what is the work middle I myself was deceived buying everything which was actually not there so how it came in one word we can answer Maya so when I was thirsty and around nothing was there I start thinking that there is a part there's a very clear water and all people at there who I am saved now I can go and drink I can take rest but when I reached over there I found nothing and so many dead bodies because they also came over there in the same way they could not so this is called Maya who created the water who created the people who created that old thing me I created but it is not really there so this is called Maya through experience sometimes I from the inside of the room when the window the glass window is closed I can say Oh strong wind is blowing how can I say that the wind is not blowing inside the room I don't feel but I can see that the trees the branches is moving that way I can feel Oh strong wind is there oh no man this is called inference on Aman this oh no Meah carry on Amina but Maya Scalia who can understand - gotcha not all people not all people can understand that's why they say Sudi Ava soothing means the person who has already overcome the ignorance the knee signs the wrong knowledge AB Guiana the only can su t leave Amaya now the ultimate statement he says Yaya from where jaga sarvam he down pursue a day so this is the creation according to the beta according to the Advocate the advocacies from the Maya all this creation so this is the only true inference we can understand the Dhamma Tichenor continuing the discussion what will one accomplished by mere reading a one person is asking we read the scriptures why it is that we cannot assimilate them assimilation means the scripture says something and we have to understand that knowledge and assimilate I have to practice that and become like that it's called a simulation now see ramakrishna is giving the answer oh you should read mindfully nothing like that is he's telling what will one accomplished by be reading the one person came he purchased one Veda in the sama Veda and he was very happy Osama big I agreed that I don't know what will happen when he'll open the page it has been difficult to understand really as because we have to train in Sanskrit and that to the old Sanskrit then the grandma and how to break the words all these systems are there the language very old and chain language to understand so naturally what will one accomplish by mere reading just you are reading one need spiritual practice austerity : God what is the use of merely repeating the word safety the system is one type of intoxication and now the Durga Puja is coming the people will be working very hard and the puja is really very hard continuously for five days almost 24 hours the work will be there on the sick day when it will be all over then after immersion of the images these people come back and they drink a liquid thus called City Integra after that they will forget themselves and the body pain or the egg will all go viscosity is very common and if you go to the kashi when they are you find a city there's all mostly people they drink it and this city is ramakrishna stealing if you go on taking a I like to dream city I like to dream city will you get that intoxicated and no you have to go purchase that city then you have to prepare that according to the system mix it with the milk then you have to drink then only you will get the effect only by marrying by mere repetition of the war don't do so the gods name we are taking by mere repetition of the name won't help you you have to understand the concept of God and then slowly up to transform into that then it is possible as long as you leave inside the house of Maya as long as there exist a cloud of Maya you do not see the effect of the Sun of knowledge knowledge is effect of knowledge the Sun of knowledge which removes all the turbulence Sun means the bright light that removes the darkness so he gives the Sun of knowledge the knowledge is just like the Sun and it removes all the darkness what is that ignorance what is it ignorant me and my this me and mind is that ignorance there is no meat and naturally there cannot be any mind but we are going on the whole banking system is working because of me and mine if we think that oh I don't exist at all that what I am going to do having a bank account so what will happen to this bank business the bankers the banking system all in collapse if the fewer vedanta is practiced by most of the people will be very difficult so naturally the externally whatever we see it is completely different as long as you leave inside the house of my god what is this Maya again accepting those things as real which is very lean unreal this is called Maya so carbon-ceramic isne is a very practical person he said get that knowledge of Vedanta then enjoyed the life in the samsara and in his the way immediately he gives the explanation he says if you are applying the oil in your to some lubrication in your hand and then break the jackfruit the jackfruit is having the sticky things if you are already applied that oil in the hand and breaking the jackfruit there's no problem for your skin you can completely remove it but if you are not then it will be sticking with the you skin it will be so difficult so apply the knowledge of the gonta what is that acknowledge these world that I am thinking is real actually it is not why because it is changing constantly changing it cannot be real real cannot change I understand this but still I'm living why because I have to live with it as long as my body's there mind is there so I am living with you with this knowledge this doesn't belong to me but as long as I am here I must do as best as possible so this is called baton technology it is not completely negative knowledge is very much positive knowledge with a pedantic knowledge one can work hundred percent more than any other person why there is no attachment and naturally any failure any things he is not affected by that either it may happen I'll try another way also so energy is constantly there planning's are also there and dedication is there and work will be very perfect now suppose a person is working in an office when he goes to the office he always think this is my office and I have to perform the word the job perfectly under a maybe fifty people are working she'll be naturally giving constantly commanding over there a you people are not working perfectly this time we could not get the profit you must you must you must you must as a managerial job he will do that so that the most profit comes to the company etc now he did come he retired from the job then what will happen to him you'll say thank you he comes back then he's a retired man then he comes to know from the newspaper that is all office is now closed and what will happen if it will come on him oh my poor dovish so the year was my old office that much we used to come to this building there was our world office that much he would say to his sons and grandson so he is not affected by the closure of that office but still who as long as he was there associated in that company he knew that I am not permanent over year but still gave his best for that company's intent this is called pedantic knowledge it's not the pedantic knowledge means you have to leave the heart and home the wrong conception that sometimes some people the thing no it is not it's very much positive idea you are not affected by that why you know this is temporary but you are energetic that as long as I am here I will perform my duty perfectly and without any attachment to these so this is exactly what the parent means and when saddam krishna say knowing the knowledge of Vedanta plunge into the samsara and there will be no problem for you this is that and sometimes he is telling apply the turmeric paste on your body and jump in the water even the crocodiles they won't bite you it seems the crocodiles don't like the smell of the turmeric don't try that but it is they say in that way so that turmeric paste if you are applying and then going to the river even you can be saved from the crocodile so that is there began to means the knowledge and knowledge it says that there is something which is permanent that it is Brahman and from that term min' because of its power all these things which this moment I cannot close my eyes and say oh it is not there no it is not like that I will be there knowing it it is perma not permanent but working very diligently perfectly with all energy and perfection the darkness of the mind is destroyed only when a man stands a little apart from lust and goal and the standing apart practices a little austerity and spiritual discipline this last hand gold the desire the way you were little apart from the desire from that away from the desire and here when I hear the some people that say from me when we came there was actually nothing with us we used to live in one room room apartment and slowly slowly then we purchased this big house children also came they grew up this settled in different places now we are thinking to sell it out and go to a small one-room apartment so here it started one-room apartment and where it is closing one-room apartment in between manifestation you enjoy that is the beautiful way we can explain that is God has the bond of presence onions first you learn and then utilize that knowledge and then God everything enjoyed your life and now you know that it's not necessary who is going to maintain this is the big house so either I will give it on charity or I will sell it and go to a place where quietly we leave etc in America all over and all the word in India also epic number this is coming that is in the ramakrishna mission tremendous patient is coming now not with the school or colleges but for the retired home and there should be support and etcetera etcetera so this is exactly people are understanding and TC is exactly the understanding of Vedanta I am not sorry that I was having a big house now I am going back to a small place doesn't matter at all I will give all those things that I was having because I've enjoyed all that there's a queen bedroom or king bed and all these things are woven now the single one single weight really sufficient for me etc I have already enjoyed all those things is over so thisis what shown which is Islamic Krishna stealing you have to stand apart and you have to think about it then we draw your mind don't feel sorry for it enjoy that oh I've done all this thing now you people are going to purchase that good good 25 years before we did that then you continue now I am leaving all those thing isn't in the matter of joy why should he feel sorry so that is the whole thing we have done when you go and see the children are playing in the field driffold sorry oh I cannot work properly and see they are playing I should have been like that tweeted that same thing we did we had the game and within these and that I have enjoyed my life now I am ready to go back to the source it's enough so that is exactly called vedantic knowledge and saddam krishna is telling it is possible when you stand and previously that's called national cadet course NCC you know he I don't know in this country so in the college's wish to have that NCC wish to much like the soldiers and sometimes to see how all of our the long line of students they are marching so naturally I am on one of that so how I cannot see the back how they are marching wanted to see the secretly used to go outside from the line and standing over there is to see how they are all coming so exactly the same way Ramakrishna is telling if you go little apart from the last and gold you desire if you go little outside of it you can enjoy the whole gym that is going on because of that one word desired just little away and close your eyes and see what is happening oh because of the desire all these things are happening Second World War millions of people were killed they were tortured so many things pages of the pages in the history full with the description of that why I desire only and nothing else the desire strongly came into the mind of a person who was having a tremendous power to influence others and he imposed that power wrongly people who are mesmerised they followed him and as the blind leading the blind they all fell into the ditch still it is continuing the effect is going on so what is that we're from the desire game patriotism no it is ego I am going to do it so that if I stand apart that is Saddam Oh Krishna in one sentence won't work he explained the whole thing he says the darkness of the mind is destroyed that remember the sentence the line the darkness of the mind is destroyed only when a man stands a little leopard from last and goal and the standing apart practices a little austerity and spiritual discipline why he said this when we are little apart from standing apart from our desire which says that it is an austerity is a spiritual practice why see nowadays the number of three is going on we feel desire to eat but we have taken the vow nobody imposed but we have been kept in the vows I am NOT going to eat the rice art this thing that thing sound to you we will live on only on this some people drink only third liquids may be the milk and like that and some fruits all the nine and then I am apart from all those things that is happening the people are talking like these and that I don't like to listen to that and little apart from that so this is called austerity my whole being my mind my everything wants to eat I am NOT going to eat so that is the control that scale austerity and why I am doing this because I want to get the blessings of the supreme lord spirituality so when you are going little away from your desire what you do austerity since the minute there are many people on these days particularly been God all people they are having the new clothes good food and the houses are decorated painting and like this what they will do they will accumulate some money some donations they will give and with the money they will go to the poor quarters the people who are in poverty if they can purchase for all they will do that or at least for the children so you know some children they go to the that puja manned up they see everybody's in a good nice dresses and these people are in a very bad shape so they will keep them the soap they will give them the nice dress some food so that you can also join you can also enjoy what is this my money I am giving for others this is the charity I am doing and that is called spirituality sometimes people they do it just for the social cause but Saddam Oh Krishna says if you only think that those poor children there are also manifestation of the same God and I am serving that God in living beings that's all the moment you think in that that becomes spirituality and what is that austerity my money without spending for myself and for mine own people heat and gain I am spending it for the artist that is also austerity austerity and spirituality then only does the cloud of his ego and the ignorance vanish the cloud of his ego we cannot see God because of the ego as long as I am thinking that I am meditating I cannot see God I'm meditating oh I'm trying to see God you cannot see God why because God and you are not different what is this I got trying to see God it is not possible I am only meditating because I am God and there is no difference between God and me could that ultimate conception that ego who in goes away in the life of an Ceylon Krishna you must have noticed when he was meditating under the guidance of his pedantic guru totapuri G the he could not take his mind beyond this eyebrow that was the sixth plane beyond that it was difficult for him from the Toit ism to Advaita then his guru as Eve as a symbol took a small sharp the glass thing and then pinched over here these way you cut that eye and God it should go then what remains when the ego goes away he goes away only consciousness remain so ego will go ignorant this I mean signora's is associated with this body and mind is complex and that his ignorance will go then only does he attained the knowledge of God today's topic again to attain the knowledge of God then only does he attain the person who is trying the knowledge of God where is the not God I am the existence that is the knowledge of God this last 10 gold is the only cloud that heís the son of knowledge sometimes this is really the example is this how this Maya which is small batch is nothing else and sometimes the argument it is there covering the consciousness which is all-pervading answer these it is not covering for all it is covering for you it is covering only for you there are mainly many people the great soul how about others their knowledge is very clear they can see the Sun but you knowledge is covered by a small patch of cloud the cloud the patch of cloud is nothing in comparing with the Sun is a million and million tide bigger than the small patch of cloud but because you are in such a condition you cannot see that Sun as long as the cloud is hanging over there isn't it it is our daily daily experience so when that cloud go away we can see the Sun Sun was already there I could see the Sun because my ignorance because my ego I could not so this it goes like that the devotee is asking revere sir is a man liberated only when he dies on the bank of the Ganges in those days that was the conception so there is the world if you go to the India you can hear there's called these two take them to the water not only Ganges if there is no Ganges in the eastern part of the India now it is Bangladesh there is no Ganges but a lot of rivers are there so they just before the dead the people is to wish take me outside and put me on the bank of the river most of the time I do not know whether they knew why River the river is a symbol of life the river is constantly flowing is just like the life so like lying over there the man is to think my life is like this it's just flowing and that constantly the water is changing this moment if I take little water and next moment again I poo take the water from the same river it's not the same water constantly changing life is also like that what I am going to do with this life so I like to go back to the original so that was the way it is to think so naturally by the side of the this man is asking because he is in Calcutta and Calcutta on the bank of the Ganga the river he is asking is the man liberated only when he dies on the bank of the Ganges only with that it is the knowledge of God alone that gives liberation surround Krishna is very clear this sometimes something that creep in in the social life so the people they go and they think that they will be and sometimes used to lie on the on the bank of the Ganges for months waiting from the dead they'll have a small heart like that temporary heart and it will I'm down over there people will go and give little food or the water waiting for the depth and thinking somehow if I can die over here I will be liberated no liberation has nothing to do with the body liberation is of the mind and what the mind thinks if the mind is thinking this is my house this is my property what is going to happen to that even if you are on the boat floating constantly and died over there on the board no no chance of liberation liberation is not of the body liberation of the mind so so clear idea that is the knowledge of God alone that gives liberation the gianni will certainly liberation wherever he may die it doesn't matter at all the Johnny means one who has realized this body-mind complex is not me I am that consciousness which is reflecting on my intellect and when it understand that way whereever he is dying it doesn't matter at all that is called the mukthi one of our charming all true he was so fond of the middle Mart and all that then he was posted over here he was in the Portland and then he rained for his treatment as because the doctor asked him good so he went in between the Portland and San Francisco somewhere unknown City is to go over there this time he went all alone and there suddenly something happened he passed away over there there is no one around see you how it happens then certainly one another for me he thought oh he has gone to that place I like to go and check I like to see he flew directly over there and then he was there when the Swami was giving up his body and seeing that this Swami he went on chanting the name of God as we believe that he is the Redeemer so he was going on chanting the name of God at that time and some of course I was feeling sorry because I was very much close there so did the Swami and I was thinking at least his dead body should have brought back to the Portland but some maybe some reason they couldn't bring it but after hearing that many other Swami's also came and joined from the San Francisco did it the final riots everything was done according to the scripture but he passed away in a place where no one around know completely unknown place just in hospital the nurses the doctors that estar they never knew that he's a mom and he has dedicated 50 long years of his life in that service to the humanity they never knew this is the only one patient there so thousands of patients are coming and going he's one of the patients even if he is dying over there he will get the liberation why his mind are very alert he knew that I am going to give away this body this mind I am going back to the source so ceramic richness a it is the knowledge of God alone that gives liberation thank you friends in the next reading we will again discuss like this need Anjan a medium on Andrew become little bit crumbly yah Thorin parameter medium Ramakrishna Sheila Sarna Shanti Shanti Shanti hurry Hume that Sri Ramakrishna our eponymous to [Music]