Video 217
218: Panchama Veda 218 : Our Real Nature
Davo got hum rhythm dr. G venom to be rewritten calm harem Ravana Mangalam Shri Mata tongue to be greener da hua dodging ah today it was a very interesting discussion sir three more he has recorded that it was the Thursday October 1884 whatever the conversation that he has recorded so this record though all this he has given a title the master in various moves that is the title of the whole chapter the master in various moods and we have already read about that and it says in his room at the janeshia Raghavan Salaam dish now is discussing topic likes the attitude that my religion alone is right and all other religions are false is not good so that is the base of parliamentary religions and that he that is the main thing in this modern world so he spoke about that discussed about that and if we notice he is mentioning the attitude or other mind religion alone is right and others other religions of Falls is not good so is not that I have to have only one religion that means many religions can be there what are the religions the paths different paths so that is the speciality of sri ramakrishna sarva dharma saman names second he is mentioning that all power in the hands of God trump or defeat is in the hands of God third he discussed our duty what is our duty to remain somehow united with God that he said that God is all-powerful so whether you'll be successful or failure it depends on him then what we should do so then he said to remain some mob United with God for the topic that it is cursed to do these to remain united with God immediately he gave an suggestions there are two ways karma yoga and mano yoga in details we have discussed all this in our previous classes a PBS talks fifth point that he has discussed all actions drop away when man reaches the stage of the paramahamsa that is the highest stage in the spiritual life parama means highest hamsa here is the word little chant translation it will be so on but actually is that condition of mind where no attachment remains and when there is no attachment there is no desire and when there is no desire there is no action at all this action that I will go and bow down in the temple or I will fast or I will go to holy places or I will do some action of the spiritual thing all drops sorry at this stage for a man so why he remains himself God he remains in that condition the godly condition and he is the Brahman that is called paramahamsa condition and no work remains sixth he discussed in this chapter that we must emerge a when he gave that title that master in various moons see so many wonderful topics and we have already discussed these so many wonderful topics it already discussed one can attain everything through bhakti yoga in one line of course as a statement of fact we mentioned one can attain everything group of the yoga bhakti means first you have to have the complete faith in the existence of God then you have to have the love for God then you have to have the dependence on God and when you are completely depending then your ego is completely absent when when ego is absent what remains you again become God yourself so transforming into Godhead so that is that he is telling - bhakti-yoga one line smaller I have a life there he is mentioning through bhakti of everything so these are the things then he said utter yogi is the one question is it for two Yogi's I didn't by themselves with their bodies so different yoga's appear and there is called utter yoga hatha yoga is mainly for the body's spiritual teachers must renounce the world completely the renouncement the positions are their mental renounced an external also sometimes some people the externally renounce mentally - they try here he is telling those who will become the teacher for them no option they must have to have both mental and physical renouncement of the world world means not that he won't eat food not that he won't wear clothes not that he won't live in a house not like that but no attachment to it nothing why because he knows God alone exists and nothing else the completely different attitude so spiritual teachers must renounce the world completely nine topic that he discussed the paranthas is that a man does not even desire to know God unless he has a pure mind this is very important a handful of people they try to realize God very handful of people and that began two things a man does not even desire to know God even desire to know God that if he is not having the pure wife what is this beauty pure mind means understanding very clearly that this world is illusion temporally like a mirage the clear understanding about it no confusion about it and when that condition of the mind comes then only it is possible for him to long for God because he understood her she will understand that there is only God and which can be realized so this understanding called pure mind mind is only thinking the mind is only having those ideas the winner hankering for this worldly life so naturally a very little portion will go to God or think about the higher the self but when I am very clear about it this world that I am seeing touching smelling and with the puncher entry of the five senses I am feeling these are also temporary I don't need it so then he will comfort the God so we all most of the time I say there are some as I turned hard cold devotees the hardcore devotees do well even there is a discussion about the spirituality they long to go for they love to go over there they always attend dad and whatever may be the situation if they can't attain that they feel beam that means longing the love the attachment for God has come and how it is possible the grace of God but sometimes people don't have the work so they go at spending some time don't do longing for that is necessary if the longing for God is not there the frame that goes every week I also go and attain like it a little but like other things also the main thing is passing time and I am NOT going to the movies I am NOT going to the parts or anywhere I go to a holy place that satisfaction is also there nothing bad nothing wrong good also but at the same time that cannot be saved that he has got the call or blessings of God but once in a machine and if we have read the life you know that when he finished his austerity then he used to go on the top of the terrace where the German does ours the Kuti body the name of the house of akuti body he used to go on the top and then looking at the city the day in capital of India undivided India used to give the call where you are my children please come I have to hand over the treasure to you so this all it risks few only why pure mine why blessings of God millions were there in Calcutta even today and if you go now the durga puja is coming it is very difficult even to walk on the screen millions are doing at of all devotees gods place them because they are all going for only for the main jority only for the one if the only those who are going there two different vandals where the poojas are going on if they go with this faith I have got the all of God I must go and watch I must pray to the divine mother and complete faith that God is there this act that they're going will completely transform the spiritual life and when the spiritual life comes transform their materialistic life will also be full of joy they'll be free from anxieties free from fear free from other many other things why God is all-powerful the only mind is the cause and we are going with the frames and we are enjoying that just a fun five days only that's why everyone Salaam Krishna say that treasure is there hidden so close unfortunately people don't understand it go there but with a devoted mind with a faithful mind with a prayerful mind and get yourself completely free of all this but this very few people they understand why because the blessings of God so see Ramakrishna see these are the nine points I have noted over here from the small chapter three four pages the he is discussing so many important topics the Vedanta see is that a man does not even desire to know God but even desire to know God unless he has a pure mind and we have to understand your mind means - the worldly things plus who only thinks no pure mind - worldly desires - worldly thoughts - worldly things that is called pure mind and today we are going to read the bakugan Salam Krishna see as a very important topic for the baton the students he said the pure heart money's on a test and one cannot see eat I capital if salt is mixed with water one cannot see the salt with eyes immediately giving the example that means when the salt is mixed in the water everywhere it is populated every drop of water is having that salty taste but you cannot see it similarly God is everywhere all pervading but you cannot see God why just like the salt it mixed in that way you cannot see it the pure art man didn't say only Othman Salaam kitchen is very careful pure Artman paramaatma pure Othman why this pure art man we will discuss here afterwards is unattached with heart his creation what is his creation this world and what is this world in two words only it has been expressed very nice linear scripture nama Rupa name and form whatever receive the name and form that is the world so who has created pure Hartman then again he is completely detached with it then we wear this creation is resting where it is there it is in Brahman again the Brahman is only one the pure art man and Brahman are same and this pure Atman is the creator sustainer also and when it is sustaining how come that it is not connected with the creation it is just like this name which is having the freedom but not affected by that so that is called the ceramic isness he mentioned in this way then he is giving the the creation and how is this creation he mentioned here very nicely what is this creation he said that which is the pure Artman is the great cause karana karana means cause we're from the creation King Brahman or the pure Artman so pure Artman is the main cause and from the pure Artman everything is coming so here is the ring that which is the pure art man is the great cause the cause of the cause the clothes the certain and the cause then easy and the great cause that really said Vedanta in one just few words and clearly dontoh first is the clothes is the creation is coming from the backward calculation you can say they cause the pure cause then the cause then the surface then the gross no he is mentioning is the gross thing then comes the mark mind would see the subtle thing then the cause what is that cause evil himself will say and the great cause then he is mentioning the five elements are gross what are the five elements shitty are patema root Puma that every day at the time of our thing we're using shitty our potato root boomer these are the five causes they're gross then calm mind but D and ego are certain the gross means we can see we can touch we can smell we can feel like that and here the mind booty and ego he'd never said only mine he's again he is mentioning the booty and ego we will give the definition what is the booty and ego so booty and ego at the circle thing and then comes prakruti the primal inner energy is the cause of these and finally Brahman pure Artman is the cause of the cause so this last Sunday when we were having the retreat retreat was on Buganda the journey from finite to the infinite then one devotee one gentleman he was arguing the pure Brahmin has nothing to do so something else has created this that is the wrong conception it is the pure Atman again from the pure Hartman coming down the cause what is that cause property what is the property Maya what is that my a power of God power of that from money but disassociated how it is this associative then they say it was the desire me just desire came as he crossed and moment the desire came in that mind of the supreme the paramaatma páramo brahma immediately they are from brahman came its power which is mind which is maya and it became the / treaty another name of the same maya and what is this maya of the prakruti shaft Aerojet among guna three gunas and when the sahaja tamo-guna zadir the obviously when it is without any changes then no creation when it is changing creation begins so this is the Vedanta way of explanation but final cause is the great cause without that nothing was there so if we deny that he has not done it has not done anything is better to use the word eat it has not done anything then we have to accept another existence apart from the supreme brahman the proper thing that cannot be if you are accepting of course from prophetic creation is a coming but where from the progress the king so I was going on asking him welcome the progress he came where from the appropriately came the pro-treaty came from that only the exactly on this point many of the philosophies are little confused they always say that God has created if God has created then where from all the bad thoughts bad actions the miseries torture what from it King then they are cautious the God is kind God is pure God is everything good and well from the backing scheme then say Oh David what is this table again and he was they don't answer this is the problem because they always a doubtful the pure one how there can be the bad things the good and bad it is only for us not for the supreme being good and bad is nothing but the actions that we do and it good and bad it remains with him unaffected as if untouched and separated this is the scientist is so clear but I don't know whether studied but idea is completely clear why Rishi he is creating the Veda not that he's explaining the Veda analyzing the Veda no he's creating the Veda so the gospel of Salaam Edition is nothing but the Veda we can find over here the person who never read anything and so clear idea because he is that after realization one becomes Brahman and he was the Brahman himself he took the human form so obviously the greatest must at the perfect master the best master this pure art man alone is our real nature here he never said property is our real nature he said that pure art man is our real nature so the again we read this passage that which is pure Hartman is a great cause the cause of all cause the close the circle the causal and the great cause the five elements are gross mine booty my Buddha means intellect and ego are subtle prakruti the primal energy is the cause of all these so very clearly not that pure Atman or pure Brahmin protein Brahman pure art man is the cause of the cause now prakriti's cause cause is Pragathi the cause of the cause the pure Ockman Brahman very clear dimension here this pure arc man alone is our real nature what is guiana it is to know one's own self and keep the mind in eat it is to know the pure art man so here the guiana knowledge but sometimes it is said we stir the knowledge or many informations so to differentiate that to clarify that it is wisdom there is knowledge now let us just lately and analyze this and we find here Shankar Acharya he is describing a that drummond the few rahman pure Artman equal to drummer slam fish names of shankar alsa & Schanker is describing brahman how he is describing because it is beyond time space and causation you cannot describe drama with any words it is not possible the moment one can explain describe brahman that very moment the brahman becomes finite I can explain this chair I can describe about this chair I can give a definition about this jail prison at this time and the cause and the space so weak I can give that Brahmin is completely beyond that then how they have given the description of the brahman so they say only the description means he is giving an idea about it suppose you realize Brahman what he will feel what experiences he will have an idea about it so it says certain jeonnam anantam brahma satyam jana a nun come from Shankar's areas coating from the Punishers then he say be shootin param subtle system medium Ananda eager Azam Pratap of enum Niram theorem jayati so these are the way Shankara tried to explain the Brahman what is this Brahman is existence of their existence Brahman is gianna knowledge brahmanas anantam infinity Brahman is be shoot'em pure Brahmin is param supreme beyond eight nothing can be there and who has created Brahman so immediately is mentioning self-existent so you cannot go on asking question who has created this word created this who has created prakruti the cause of these Brahman and was created Brahman is a statistic there you cannot città system means it is self existent it was it is it will be we do not know who are creating these so this is where we have to stop such as dictum Nietzschean it is eternal subtle system and eternal NICTA on under the please eager Assam in divisive all and not different from the individual soul this is important Raghavan Salam Krishna said we have to realize God we have to keep our mind in the pure Brahmin pure Artman somehow so how it is possible because we belong to that same group otherwise it is impossible the water cannot become fire or fire cannot become water they have different completely different four four teams so obviously if you are boiling the water you can say is like fire it is not fire so this way we can say that it is Brahman is product of indem prep that means individual soul of enum it is completely non different not different from individual soul then it says devoid of interior or exterior why needn't our own now we only look at this building we see from the outside we do not know anything about the inside people all around those who have not entered so they see oh this is a it looks like this they take the photo but from the photo of the external can you understand the internal thing no it may be different it is different in every houses but Brahman inside outside interior exterior say a callosum so these is the way people can explain are no other way the Shankar Acharya the best mind he is thinking in this way and he is giving all these examples Sutton Arnhem Anton grandma Bishop dumb Parramatta septum nithya Ananda acre Assam protect a women needle Dharam and charity last word the charity charity means it is even clearing here the charity sometimes someone translated all the time having the best part constantly conquering is it creating express the charity is all expressed all the time there is no nothing is hiding that is all the time right expressed so this is Brahman and Raghavan scientists in his simple way expressed his profound truth of Buganda he said that which is pure Artman is the great cause Garmin but karna part creation how then the Salam Krishna is mentioning as we have already said so over here that we are making it in the opposite way Ultimo Lama - Rock'em we can explain in this way the great cause is the Brahmin from Brahmin comes percreta or tamiya which is known as cause great cause Karuna then come property which is Maya is called cause karana karana what cause of what Circle things the mind ego and intellect this is the old subtle things comes then comes the gross things five elements this all these gross things and punchy Cohanim they say the mixture of this file so there's a beautiful mathematically they are proving that this portion is having this much and other four are having this much so it is becoming like this so the by you the Agni the gel all these things in this way so the five goes where is this mind and ego exists in our person in being now the sometimes people they always say the mind is here but this heart is okay but where is the mind most of the time they will show the symbol is the heart heart is the mind so that way they always talk about mine it says the organs of knowledge be with iram oniy 167th verse it gives the that's what we to Romani that those who are interested to understand and read the Vedanta must read bhi Romani otherwise the or understand the who is the person how it is described what should be the mind who is guru what are the qualification of the student everything it has been given over there with the definitions and 167 in the BBA go to Romani the crested dual of discrimination it says the mind is the organs of knowledge what's the organs of knowledge sight hearing smell taste and touch these are the organs of knowledge together with mind and for the mentals it monomeric osha Annamayya pranamaya like this it goes monomial this monomial culture what is this monomial kosha to the mixture of organs of knowledge plus mind this when it comes together there comes the conception of I the I and mine that is called ego it comes from there from the monomeric OSHA and monarchy a bit dia rubberband the e2 again in the Viveka chudamani shangri-la is telling that we are talking about liberation liberation from the bondage and what is the fondest desire desire of what these worldly things now if you go back again rolling back where do you reach mind where from this all the thoughts that coming disaster coming mine now our devotees who came from India naturally they have come to America and this is Durga Puja time when they will go back and this is the customs in our society to exchange the gift so they were thinking we will go and give something from America maybe a small candle and these and death from America just back so they were what they would purchase there's a big shop is there Walmart or something like that so the Queen the sort of Blue Bus they wanted to jump from the compass oh that is Walmart would like to go even the last day before going to the airport I found no one I went to turn I'm going to talk to them that this is the last hour let me go and talk they all know me as a little I don't know actually where they have gone and our one of our volunteers had to fail him because there was only one car and four people could go in a cart so three times they ferried and then we do so I this jacket this is very very attractive but where the jagged steel I never found one morning the not that I am a very pure man because I am not having that type of thing I mean the deceiving position all people they come and give it to me I don't go and purchase so that time safe so this is the receiving end means I want all I don't want that depends on me where this mean mana this mind the mind is I mind his mind the mind is the source of all desire the Shankar Acharya is bring the caution to those people who likes to be become spiritual and he said monarchia a big dia what is this ah Bhatia these desire mono he Aditya Bava Banda a to only this much you see those who are really they want to realize God and develop the spiritual life the Shankara in a half line is a only the desire which is there in the your mind and mind is the combination of the knowledge and the mind so that's all nothing else and obedia and this is called of india new science wrong science cover but a to Prabhupada mind is the cause of ignorance and then we come to the be victory only another verse 184 at the heiress's booty in de Sodom charity Kirti laksana big annamaya kosha see our conscious Imzadi karna ultimate the big animal comes on in the way so booty the intellect ego along with organs of knowledge proms the big annamaya kosha monomania kosha mind and the organs of knowledge and began Amaya kosha but the intellect and then ego and then organs of knowledge so that is called big Annamayya this is the agent and it thinks it is the cause of man's transmigration sukshma sharir now after our death what goes out so again and again we are going and having another body another body this reincarnation theory we believe it or not this is the truth is going on happening accept it or not it is happening so thewhat actually goes out this big t annamaya kosha is sukshma shalida the subtle body and what is this subtle body it says our intellect the booty and the ego this to the Hisense it comes from the mind and then comes the intellect and along with that all our knowledge it itself it collects all the information so all those things together they go this set is also known as Jeeva the Jeeva means jivatma this jivatma so waking dream dreamless who is experiencing this - this Vigi annamaya kosha and ceramic isne will be explaining things let us read from the air he said how long should a man perform his duties now in our society in the olden days they made four sections of the personal life a life that divided into four the brahmacarya garlis the bono process and yatza a pre Ostrom of these two colostrum a-- where they stay because that are the duties he should perform the duties at their brahmacari student their duty guard ste vanaprastha sannyasa all different duties how long do we do ramakrishna stealing how long a man perform his duties as long as long as he identifies himself with the body in the other words as long as he thinks he is the body that is what the data says to think of the body as the Hartmann is of ghana ignorance so here he is very much clear about it that we are thinking now many of the monks in prediction if Vivekananda he was thinking that he will do these he will do that we have to perform that for the betterment of the people but his mind was completely blurred his mind was completely unattached even he was not having the body sense how come then he was having that we should do this we should do that we need an organization we have to organize people why to stablish Starbuck the righteousness but the time came why that monkey snowbound him sadhana Krishnaveni his mind was completely free the moment he is closing his eyes and thinking even without closing guy's mind is soling I am going beyond this thing he was going beyond this world so naturally is nothing this world but Saddam additional new for him there is no world for others there is the world very much there how they will get the light how they can get idea of liberation so you should have to work Peralta taser Darlena Ramakrishna's amok gaya the one who was constantly completely merged in protecta protecta means brahman pure Artman now ramakrishna some of their because his guru instructed him that you must work he came down the same thing mother mother's mind never wanted to be in the body then see ramakrishna came and talked to her and convinced are but it is very difficult mother told there is no world at all why should I be here then suddenly through the Maya and very tangibly deep and we can see how the Lord God is using his supreme power the Maya the property to bind the vines the when the mother was sitting on that / Honda and the hallway and suddenly she saw that a mother who lost her mental the balance she is walking without noticing that the little baby calling only and crying and crawling to and following the mother SAP it'll seen when that mother's she is man she is not noticing the child but the child doesn't know that she is trying to reach to the mother seeing these the divine mother masada Mona Devi immediately came rushing to the baby and picked her up the moment she picked out then the Salam Krishna came revealed himself and said this is Maha Maya and you keep your mind on her and leave as long as I want you to leave so the very clear idea how the Lord God is March our domani Devi was completely your mind Shami we bacon the completely pure mind but why do you were working God wanted them to work there for us also constantly up to ultimately what happened from eg also mother if you read the biographies he'll get the clear picture of this Vedanta the last dish from it he said let the dead bury their dates now I am ready to go Oh master Oh master I am ready to go British shaft car rhetoric or Luke jari Prabhu joy if you read their so thrilling they let me go away because date means there is actually nothing it is world there is nothing we are only thinking it is so to be beautiful these and that ultimately this Swami Vivekananda who said why don't you work for the poor the downtrodden illiterate people he said they ate their tail but idiot did I am ready oh my lord let me go gie prabhu joy so this was the lobster marsala demony devi she is - laughs that girl and rowdy that was the name and rowdy also got married rowdy his son was there the naira just funny name so mice to love that child also but when the mother decided to leave her body schrott mother Swami Sultan and the gender student to bring down the mother's mind he lived that little child niet mother where the mother was lying down on the floor on the baby and the baby called and went near the mother in it new mother but the mother pushed the baby a little and said accident to take the baby out I would draw on my mind no more no nothing can bind me I have withdrawn my mind I gave my mind so I was here I would turn my mind so I am no more here so this is the way we can understand how wonderful this at the work of Maya the Supreme Lord he is working through his Maya and how we saw the clear we the mother and Radu didi how it happened so this ramakrishna stealing I accept all the formless god and the god it was you know one person came he was talking with him then him one devotee the business community and gentleman came and he is telling who is this I that says O Lord I am thy servant we just read from here this i means india booty and all other things that comes but did intellect ego and the knowledge began America that is I see Ramakrishna giving the answer this is linger shalida some linkage reader also known as sukshma sharir shalida means the body sukshma means subtle is the body but subtle body and it's also called Linga Linga means the chinnough chinnough is the idea so this Linga srida are embodied soul it consists of Manas look at its long business booty cheetah and anger mana Buddha cheetah and under so these are the four things when it is consisting who is the embodied soul see Ramakrishna it is the heart man bound by the hate fetters and what is the cheetah I consciousness that they are I consciously that I said I all this the concerning this body that is the cheetah that is that we the I consciousness revered said what happens after death so let us conclude over here what happens after death maybe we will discuss it afterwards in the next class is the long discussion again so in conclusion we can say in the VA to Romani it helps to this type and they're all these definitions the Vedanta is given Saddam history is explaining and we find the beautiful explanation now to conclude you can say cause of the cows is the pure Brahmin that is art man pure art man then comes down cause the prakruti add the Maya that is the power of God or the saguna brahman sometimes recalled Raghavan is sure he'll earn a guru then comes down again the sukshma top 12 all these subtle things that is taking the form then that surfing things is becoming gross and this close that is this world that we see and what we are mixture of gross and subtle what is the gross this body and what is the certain one would teach it God and what is this I sense that is this booty associated with the knowledge part so when it comes the knowledge part of this and would be associated then there comes the I sense it's called Big John kosha in the parenting terminology and that actually goes on traveling from one body to another body and that's called trauma that is called sukshma Atma so these are the terminologies now ultimately what these are all illusion we are thinking the moment we can understand these then it will go away so what is this Maya when Muslim gentleman he attended the last retreat and he he is a professor of religion so he needs other religions also he knew a lot of things about Hinduism so that he was asking this question that this Maya what is this Maya how it times the power of God that comes to us reflect on us as ego and this ego says I I can do I won't do I own support I own health all these egocentric thing that is actually nothing but still it is there there is no base but still it is there that is Maya there's no bails actually if we go and see what is that ego and still we are so much egoistic the whole world conflict because of this understanding this in an individual way the moment we can do then one is completely free from the bondage and what happens when they go back to the original definition of Shankara of the Brahman we back to the source what is the source at bacha bazi and Krishna say the pure Hartman pure Hartman means Brahman and what is Brahman Satyam gana one anthem all those things I will become that I the little I will become the big I imagine I will become matured i watch ami bacha me as Bhagavan Krishna say so let us pray that one day we become the pocke me match your eye which is pure artment a Brahmin need a innominate hunter Todd come little become the YCJA guitar / amish a medium tongue ramakrishna she does aunty Shanti Shanti hurry you that said three down Krishna