Video 215

216: Panchama Veda 216 : Sri Ramakrishna On Knowledge and Ignorance

Oh guitar rhythm top two G venom could be rewritten Calma shavon shavon among golem srimad artem booby green and de paula dodging ah we are studying from the gospel of Salaam o Krishna sir that was page 578 this 578 here we came across a wonderful conversation there cinema Krishna ad with the devotees the wind the devotee asked what then is our duty why this question came in the last degree raid and discussed the ceramic isne he mentioned in a very unique way look at the man his mean is the brain but that is on the top and he was indicating that truth that has been given in in different Scripture particularly open Asia in bhagavad-gita or Dumoulin other Chaka interfaith 15 chapter the first verse the moola the roots are at the top and the branches are coming down so this world has been created by the God by the Brahman by the consciousness and sometimes hidden Nagar were different names but root ease of the top top means the infinite the God so from there it comes Ramakrishna utilized that and then he said look at the man his hate the main and that is on the top and others are coming below so when that conversation there one gentleman asked what is our duty this is a very important question now we listen but we don't practice and unless we practice we don't get the result and if we don't get the result what is the use of listening why wasting time and listening just some people you know I've seen when we were premature introduced to go and attain some of the holy talks but arranged by the billion years of our country in Calcutta in those days and early morning six o'clock after bathing washed clothes and with great devotion they become and nearly five hundred six hundred people the big hall will be completely full and Swami will come and he will say it and then he will give Ramayana pravachan and these and that it will continue for three four days all these people the multimillionaires getting a bit so early morning and coming and sitting and listening and going to their work from there itself then what they are doing never ever following the teachings that they listen so that is the problem otherwise what society will change if we listen so what is our duty you are telling yes the God has created us but what should we do what is our duty how you will know the God has created us what is our relation with God so ceramic Krishna gave the brat Pikul instructions he said to remain somehow united with God the last time we completed over here this is the instruction of ceramic is not to remain somehow this is a very important the word he has used not only of tea not only knowledge not only devotion not only the work not only meditation somehow and swami vivekananda he has given the motto of the ramakrishna mission and the work process unifying this all the four paths for you girls so somehow we knew the early morning you get up we don't feel like dwarf working and all that you go and of course in this country another the people must have to go there is no other way but if there is an opportunity and a vacation you can get up and then get you should fresh go and sit in a corner of the room and then you meditate that is the time of meditation and then afterwards slowly slowly as the Sun rising and your body and mind is also becoming active so you also do some work then then afterwards some devotion may be project may be reading some books that's it this is all the four different moods of your minds different types of the moves that is coming in your mind and you are utilizing all those moods for God realization attaching with God sometimes you are listening to the Virgin and not only the music but the words the meaning of those words when you are reading a book not simply finishing the book oh I have to finish book I go on reading 100 page a day no not like that you read a few pages but try to understand what are the instructions like that the mind is constantly we drawn from this external this world and it goes back to the consciousness the ceramic businesses that there are two processes karma yoga and mono yoga this what is this karma yoga then he says householders practice yoga through Karma the performance of duty there are four stages of life Ramachari gosta vanaprastha and sannyasa friends I really feel proud that how in our society in the ancient time they could think in this way and we say advancement dc's advancement their whole concentration was how to make a human being God divine living in joy satisfied in his life that was the goal and we say that we are modern we go on increasing the cravings and desires and then the man ultimately died unsatisfied terrible life how it is possible doing those things they understood that catch them young the you must teach them when they are very young so that is called from Acharya in the dead Bromwich area you are completely dedicated for study and nothing is more attention to learning that is Brahm Acharya the celibacy means attention complete attention in what learning he's going on learning you will see and sometimes I see the young boys they're opening a toy and then try to see what is there how it is working it came they are fixing as if they're playing no they learning that's good and then when they are playing on the field that the seniors the teachers they are guiding them how to play just going and kicking the ball or throwing the ball is not the game so the satisfaction will come if you learn properly apply that knowledge that technique then only it is possible the whole thing the whole human is set in that period six to sixteen that was the period only ten years and after that six to sixteen then it is up to you in this country they follow but they don't I don't know of course I don't know the whole culture of this country but yes they are must be all parents they tried but the environment in the schools the thing only giving educational wish efficient and some and apparently they are going on mixing with these people that people this game that game that is good but attention should be how to develop a perfect human being and who is a perpetuity feelings self confidence the feelings for others and self confidence in here himself/herself a person I can do it is possible so this is the way slowly an astronomy way can the same the three age formula that should be taught in the beginning of the life what a 3h formula that is heart Hey and hand the heart to feel fill the problem and then oh they are dying oh we should do this no emotion you feel and then you solve the problem how it is possible to solve sometimes the good information comes in the newspapers one young boy art-lete 13 or 15 and he has developed something that we're showing you know that there's food science exhibition how do you utilize the the plastic how to utilize the plastic for the betterment how do you realize the oil out of plastic and all this so this is all things they are going on thinking so this is called Bromwich earlier at the time of the Bromwich earlier they are learning learning applying it and becoming a real prosper human being then come goddess the application of all those knowledge a--'s that's got gorrister when he see the elderly parents coming from the country and they are visiting their young son of the daughter remember those days when this appearance is too same they're the children to the school taking care whether they are studying or not taking care the way that they are keeping the health care also and somehow they're growing up and then inspiring them to sit for the competitive exam and then ultimately when he successful goes in a good job in a foreign country parent says so satisfied and that is called the brahmacarya period and then begins the goddess the video in the chorus the free period so all the knowledge you were applying for the betterment of the society as a scientist as a doctor engineer other profession and all that you were applying and in exchange you are getting from the society to goddess the more attention on performing brahmacarya more attention on learning god has the more attention on performing then come the third stage of life that is born of Twister more attention on withdrawing now we were going out now slowly we have to withdraw and we know when you were young we used to go for the guides is to and then in the beginning you have to go on releasing the Chi and all that trade it will go out out out and then slowly you have to roll it back the similarly that you went out and you have to come back come back to the road that's called withdrawing and sannyasa more attention on contemplation the four four stages and the first stage attention on learning second stage attention on performing third stage attention on withdrawing and fourth stage attention on contemplating the contemplation that is completely withdrawn answer because of so much of knowledge ease by that time you have already occurred those knowledge --is experiences has given you that in Hindi they always say that elderly people should be respected why because they have experience along with the knowledge experience and maybe that they are not having the that type of education that we are having but they are having experience then experience has given them the knowledge so he should go and learn from them so these are the four some is Ramakrishna he is mentioning over here four stages of life Brahm Acharya garlis vanaprastha and sannyasa then he is telling sannyasins must renounce those Karma's which are performed with spatial aims in view here sanam o Krishna is not giving in details of all the whole stages that we explained over here but he is telling at the time of sannyasa each and every one in the last phase of their life they should perform the sannyasa where's the mana stone yas Sanyang means samyaza samuel complete Niassa giving up what we are going to give up our attachment attachment to things not that we have to give up food we have to give up the house we have to give them no not like that everything should be there our relatives our friends our family everything let it be there but without attachment and that is concern Niassa when we are completely withdrawing withdrawn because we have already practiced and then this nature will help you when you are growing up so obviously your children they will go out do settle in different places you are automatically lonely alone and you cry you're wasting your time that is the time you should prepare for the third and the fourth stage that is the time why crying nature is providing you nature knows that what should be there the more you are attached to the family the more you are suffering because family would be like that the daughter will be married and green now that you BA son will go for job to other places that is obvious we are going to be lonely we are and why don't you utilize that and most of the time frustration comes why because we are not following the prescriptions the systems that developed in ancient India that was unique system almost all people used to follow that not only the educated people are rich people all people has to do and that is the reason there was no conflict there was no problem whole society and the children also used to feel great attraction for their parents and they never felt that the parents are a problem for us never even the thought in that way so this is the reasons ramakrishnan mentioning it and mentioning that this system should be followed brahmacharya gosta vanaprastha and sannyasa and what if sannyasi should do in one line is telling he should evolve that of those works which are performed with spatial aims in view but they should perform the daily obligatory Karma's giving up all desires for results that's why can me Anna Carmona Nasim Sonia some kawaii OB do bhagavad-gita 18 chapter communal carbon Omni awesome yes and yes he doesn't mean oh I am NOT going to work at all because I was an EOC not at all they should perform they should work and that is the time if the helper means your mind is also active and alert you must utilize your time that's what Shami be weakened and then he introduced the Shanda conception in there among the sailors on the Hindu sannyasins Shankar Acharya gave a ship a different type of sannyas inside there sixteen different types so the tsunami sampradaya and that was divided in four asramas but very loosely but Shami be beacon on the applied the same process but in a completely different way the pedantic knowledge that he has utilized followed by the sannyasin what is the big antic knowledge a tree to be done to say there is nothing but God everything that you see is nothing but God manifestation of God in different names and forms Ishihara show me Dom's album Exeter Exeter and he said go and serve them this is the first time he said that I went to Toronto there was a talk was there that subject was be bacon on the effect what is the effect of Vivekananda these he has introduced a completely different thing in Hindu body we never could think of it we had the awesomest Icarus the Assembly of sannyasins they will come they will take the initiation they will sit at the feet of their gurus they will learn and then they will go out of their own simply practicing the austerities for their own liberation they never thought of the society the society that gave them everything society is still giving them protection they never thought of it now sham it is said if you are educated people why don't you go and start the schooling and let's go to the religious and teach them morality and in the name of the religion sometimes superstitions they say now some people they go on spreading the superstitions who he died because I cursed him I began all these superstitions if you are having so much a power that just by cursing they are dying they're leaving then what you're suffering so these are the things we have to understand the Sun - you should not do that the Sun Nancy means that no personal agenda just love so go and teach the morality that would be in great health go and guide them simply we go to the stool in the villages like the the India and other countries if we go to the villages and request them and tell them and teach them the boil the water cool eat and drink that will be helpful just this much that will be great I don't wait for somebody else you can do you can earn that will be great health so these are the things which Swami Vivekananda taught us after 125 years 100 years we can say 1897 ramakrishna mission was all and we are continuing the same type of teaching if you go to the villages we are giving them all these teachings and helping them to develop their self-confidence and also grow in economically so that they can be happy free so these call sannyasa karma but when you do we never to be detachment never evil but that is the thing calm Yanam Carmona me awesome not karma combien am karma the desire that is there at the back of your work when you are doing something at the back of that work if you are thinking somebody is going to appreciate me that is not good but in the society sometimes the school college you meet that precision from the society recognition from the the ruling government and all that that is a different individually no nothing as an organization we have okay good that is the thing I am hard Shami Ranganathan and Raja Marathi was one of our presidents and and very very well known speaker and someone and the Government of India wanted to give some respect state of the country respect to him he said if you give to the ramakrishna mission I am ready to accept but if you give it to mean the individual no sorry I don't need but that is called missionary the missionary there is no individual existence I always do according to the system of that organization that's all Hartmann emotion Jagger Eaton that is the system of the ramakrishna mission without the Society's art mana moksha liberation of one's own self and java theatre helping the world the society diese is our motto so we do accordingly so sannyasins Sri Ramakrishna said should not do any work with an personal gain that performing with a view that he will be gaining something that's why I'm afraid sometimes some people claiming that we are Sandhya scenes at the same time their hard work is only just like the any other people in the society in the political field and in the other fields is not good it's not good I did these out there you like to be there it was our free to do that then don't claim that here is Anya's moment you are a sannyasi you should not do that we will come to the other different points that about the sannyasi ceramic is nowit's said there are other part mana Yoga Karma Yoga for the trio's things and what does the Karma of the Greece thing we have already discussed and you know the five the onions that it gives the must perform first is Deva young young what is the deeper you get the moment you get up from the sleep and immediately you have to remember the God at at least you should light the incense sticks and show it before that and all other whatever the way you remember your God you must do not forget that divinity that is present always so the day by Union must do worship to god or goddess in your own way this is first thing second resilient you must read holy books must why because the mind all is the tendency of the mind you always to go down and what is the going down body only it goes to the body and the body means you are slowly slowly becoming an imam can you imagine some honey bee bacon and the very strong words he has used so we only think that we should become like that early morning you are getting up and going and then drinking and being reading newspaper and then going television never ever think about anything external which is really true but not apparently visible to us and we denied that and we do what happens I have seen so many people in this you know that as a monastic life we meet so many different types of people and the cross sections of society have some people they are so elderly even so negative in every thought oh that I don't believe or that is our so what you believe what is your contribution nothing so that is the problem it comes so look at it our ancient society so nicely the developed stochastic get up remember God and then regime Qian read one page of the bhagavad-gita our Shankar Acharya he says bhagavad-gita teaches edita Kings it a few slokas one or two locust trees Lukas just leave them bhagavad-gita kimchi's adiga and then it take a drop of Ganga water and drink oh this is the Ganga water all the Rishi's they have praised I don't know but still as because they say I am going to be pure by drinking the small drop of Ganga water Shankara says that will purify you Raghavan see Ramakrishna said you must read the robot Gita Swami we began the ologies to carry bhagavad-gita with him wherever he has come and he used to read that and our another direct disciple of Bhagawan Sri Ramakrishna the brahmana and the Mirage he said if you can read everyday bugga you will be purified - like that all the time one or two smokers you know I when I was in Asha continuously for long six years there I used to deliver that I should teach them not that just going and giving a lecture on bhagavad-gita now as to teach them slow car by slow car so that the people can learn how to pronounce and then they will understand they will be encouraged to read the book with themselves you need to go for the big book of Shankar Acharya commentary or Ramanuja or these that know simple just simple parts you try to read there and to help them in Bengali ID so that is I cut as a sannyasi that is my that is my duty to teach this to that I did so Rishi Jia means read the holy book or gospel of ceramic richness are some pages of master of the Manatee me or swami vivekananda the moment you read your mind is always elevated that is the beauty of the region then victory young cure keep the photos of your ancestors and just go and stand before them and say I am so thankful to you father mother grandfather grandmother who ever you know go and just say I am thankful to you that will be all right so there now the Hindus all Hindus will go to any River and then they will offer the water and thanking the ancestors and if you are not remembering them or not giving them the tanks you would proclaim them because they have helped you you are in this life because so they say P Treehugger d bye Yaya Rishi a bit through yoga at the very difficult things to do only young yeah yet means doing it with open mind that's all thinking that we'll be doing good so David Young Kia remembering God Rishi again reading some good books and Petrea don't read as a good book then you will reach sound this man that man no this person that person no those look if you are reading a Bible good very good if you are reading a few pages of the Tripitaka good the Guru grunts I'm good Gita do it like that you must read those books which has come down to us after the realization those words came someone wrote something on that don't go we do not know because all those things have been presented according to that person maybe that he is not very clear about that but intelligent so he will be putting in such a way he will give a ship in your mind that will not be good realized soul that should be read otherwise not so this what they say then comes real gift must help the fellow beings really means the human being not a green nada means the human being how we can help them physically possible are going and talking to them nicely if possible encouraging them impossible or praying for them that we can always do you just pray for them every day were looking at the sky and green service started to do Ghani sadhu but Ronnie procedure to serve result would DeMott not to serve ah sorry but and you didn't really let everyone be free from misery and danger let everyone be happy wherever they are you are doing this reaction you are praying to God in this way and then ultimately put a yogya having you must have it you must be kind to the creatures just not today I saw other in the newspaper so many things come and in some country one kitten it was trying to cross the road it came and when all the cars were stopped because of the red light it came and the kitten thought I am safe so under a car it was sitting and from the back one gentleman noticed it that the kitten entered into it then the moment he thought it is going to be killed by the because the gentleman who is sitting in the car he didn't notice that you know he was so fast open his own cars dude ran to that car and when it started somehow he took it out from the air and wind when doing perhaps it touched the body of the car that man stopped and he showed them the small little kitten and everyone appreciated then he took it the site that is called Buddha Janka having some compassion for all these beings Buddha Yaga so these are the Karma's every householder should do and every day it is not so easy to become a householder is very very difficult passatti Kalia to house or not like that house the reader means just got married and I'm very happy where this year I will go to visit this this year I'll go to visit that the Hat is ok but these five actions one must take that is called the householders duty sin that this vagabonds ramakrishna's is karma then comes one thing here you see they say that householders they are doing the Karma sometimes something is off me and they very strongly propagating and it is wrongly propagating they say you should not do work because what produces result and result binds you so you should not do work but just sit over there when you are hungry go and knock the door of somebody else get food and then other things be happy why that man will give you that he is an earning money and he is working and when he is working naturally the result is also there he'll be proud and you will be free and getting the food from him or help from him that is not going to happen so this is the reason no wrong conception Raghavan Krishna long back 3,000 years perhaps before he said Yaya Donna tapa karna not that Jim Carrey amoeba that again 18 chapter young here Donna taco karma what is Jungian performing good action without any result expecting the result any good action like going and saving the life of the kitchen and yep yep Alma and reading some holy book and becoming feeling the holiness within yourself what is holiness unselfishness love for all being and then spreading that love and unselfishness from your mind to the whole world to that atmosphere Jungian anything that you were dreaming for the betterment of others yoga karma you have been Donna karma whatever you have occurred you have gained you have it is your own thing that you are sharing with others that means your attachment is becoming less attachment too many things to sometimes some people you can if you grow you will find and in one room full of flow any varieties of all things they will never use it but they will never throw Ito's why someday I will be using this one that one why attachment this is the problem I have seen as Momiji he is now one of the vice presidents anything any people is giving oh very good thank you may God bless you he will keep the better side next man income you need this coat take it so you will immediately give it to somebody else then he said I don't have space in my cat home so you keep thank you and immediately you will give it to somebody else take it so that is the way take and give take and give it Donna Janka Donna top of you know in the Donna this is a great thing that in every religion and why it is not that just somehow they are going on killing these people and creating that atmosphere so that they gave the money not like that this is very difficult to share your own thing very difficult attachment is so much and this is the teaching training that I will give it to them and without expecting anything the Yankee Adana tougher what is that tougher we drive the mind from the same subjects and given it to sending it or attaching it with God we trying the mind from the same subjects and then directing the mind to God that is called tapa austerity what is the core charity see Ramakrishna in the first line is saying somehow to withdraw the monk mind and United with God marshal of the money also say because some people this to go on mother we will go for tapasya will go for Turkish any son yes it means they're always fond of going to the Persian all that and that is a great joy for them when they are getting the food at the right time they will be been doing and the right time 12 o'clock you go and take the food they are not happy turn will be walking bare food and then there's no food somehow they will spin and after that after one month dirty with long beard and matter dear they'll come Akasha is that tapasya I never said no I don't believe in that type of diversion physically of course but what about the mentally every day morning we are thinking we have to go to get to chapatis two rotis to food and drinking water or shelter or clothing or an umbrella why God has given us this wonderful organization providing everything tapasya is that I am serving doing whatever possible way I can do I know this thing I will give that for the service of God and then every moment my mind should be attached with the God so that is called tapa young Don on topic karma not that jim carrey my brother Vince Ramakrishna stating there's another part mana yoga he yogi practicing this discipline doesn't show any outward sign he is inwardly united with God so that is called mana yoga so one of a bama Luciana carnem but the moog shake so mind is the cause of bondage and freedom and if the mind is constantly thinking of God so obviously you are not attached to the world name and fame nama and Rupa this is world what is the world nama and Rupa name and the fall and if your mind is withdrawn from the earth all actions drop away when a man reaches the stage paramahamsa mana Yoga for the monks but that stage also goes away when it becomes Paramahamsa paramahamsa see ramakrishna usually same what is that paramahamsa the supreme so on and why the so on because it leaves in the water floats on the water but not a drop of water is in the body so that is the Swan and this is then the symbol we are living in this world moving in this world but not of the world nothing can touch us so that is called all actions drop away he always remembers the idea and meditate on it what is that ideal I am pure I am I am God myself constantly I am pure I am pure am pure he goes I'm thinking in that and he all is the moment he's closing the eye he can see God sitting in the heart - that is he is always the United with God in his mind a man may be united with God either through action or to inward knees apart but he can know everything through bhakti London Salaam o Krishna is giving him passes and the devotional part one can attain everything tree through bhakti-yoga now what is that bhakti-yoga understanding that God is everything and what is Gyana yoga understanding that Artman is everything and there is no difference Atman and God these are the two words we are using or otherwise actions are the same God is everything Hartman the supreme Brahman is everything so how my behavior will be accordingly if this is God and naturally I will be behaving courteously gently carefully and what about the hata yoga someone is asking me yoga the hata yoga geometrician is telling how to Yugi's identified themselves with their bodies they practice internal working and similar disciplines and devote themselves only to the care of the body their idea is to increase longevity they serve the body they aligned that is not good that cinema business a pair this to some extent is okay one hour in a day is good but all the time thinking about oh this is healthy food this is healthy here what this alien or what think of LD LD maybe five years x-max Imam you will extra you will leave but then what p7 they say go and lie down p7 so everyone is going to die everyone so the care should be taken to the tars some people are so careful about the food and drink and leaving this way that way this is one thing that you are attached to the body that is dangerous those who are truly thinking to realize God that is not then he says what is your duty you should renounce last and go mentally you cannot look in the world as crow droppings that is for the highest form of the sannyasins they will look at the world as the crow droppings they'll never want anything from this but we can do the head because our mind is not that height so naturally we have to understand us see Ramakrishna is so clear if we don't read the gospel of Salaam occasionally you will never understand what is true religion the clarity to understand the spiritual life possible only through ceramic richness gospel so I have given the name Pancham evader v Veda the question is are householders cannot look at it go Swami's are householders question means those who are the leaders in the bush Nava the sex they are called Kisame they always tell themselves one is Goswami another is Dasha partial means the followers they always mean daughter and of this question when I mean you can say I am so when Siddhartha and why gosh I gotta go show me think but he couldn't understand that with anyway and it was no time to explain about the dashami and Dasha that means followers and Kshama means little higher and all this this Brahm means they are so clever they will keep that reserved for them the kisame only Brahmans and all others be with their very devoted but still there's another option that is so this is the question is a householders therefore I said to them you have your duties in the temple how can you renounce the world you cannot explain away the world as my arm so we have to understand these in the path of Gyana yoga also sometimes we read and mostly here in America and Europe and particularly in America people are very fond of even the students are also very fond of very high art waiting books I like the Viveka chudamani and Ostrava person meta etc you also teach them they're intelligent people majority of them particularly the Indians does for a very intelligent today understand it very easily but the thing is what about the practice and we always say listen to these but for the practice you have to go back to devotion and work and yoga so pure knowledge now it is not time for you you have to prepare your mind like Sammis who are householders obviously have the duties simply saying oh this world is Mayan and then going for collection the prana mean that won't go so you have to write these of that too it is telling Satan the ever sale that the duties of the house the world householders wear kindness to living beings service to the bush neighbors and chanting the cards holy name give a fááá Bush never Shiva and nama sankirtan what is vishnu receiver which never doesn't mean one who is having some marks on his body and just having some the jaffa mala and the rosary in his and not like that the externally is good which there was at those were completely dedicated to God and they are completely non-violence why I cannot heart God God is every being God is everywhere how can i guard guard through my words through my thoughts through my action I cannot the tightest cult which never and that is called non-violence so this fish never Shiva when the people are in that high order if you are solving them and naturally you are getting the blessings influenced like them your life is also changed the GBI are all the five we have just after TV taya and nama curtain go on continuously taking the holy name of God but the renunciation of the world is needful to those whom God wants to be the teachers of me I will read this portion renunciation of the world is needful for those whom God wants to be teachers of me so this is the first criteria those who are going to give the instructions and taking the position of a teacher spiritual teacher this is the first criteria have you renounced otherwise now even not get the ball but nowadays this has become a you know someone who is having some command over the language they will read some book and they'll expound in a beautiful way because they know how to explain it Sandeen done thousands of people will follow them that they become the spiritual teacher very wrong he himself doesn't know what is light and people those who are in the dirt thinking that by following him we will get the light now it is not possible first is the lighter so I said I will read these pages afterwards in the next class in a punishes they say under neighbor near mana Ananda a blind person living another blind person there is always chances to fall in the teachers under neighbor near mana yonder as a blind man reading another blind man person and they may be to danger so this is the reason all other professions if their characters are not that we clean it doesn't matter so much but for a spiritual teacher the only criteria only qualification is this he must be pure and how you will know that he is pure he is full of love and he is completely unselfish and if we don't understand this then it will be like following blind man like a bloody thank you so we will read this portion and next class again this repeat after me need anjana media on and our own baton gumpa Drita become boy he shall vote Aras paramecia medium Tom Ramakrishna shira's aunty shanti shanti hurry you [Music] that's a Sri Ramakrishna our eponymous two friends a few days are left for our fall banquet it's a beautiful event it will be in the meadows Club and it is on 15 September Sunday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. this is the timing there will be talks there will be dances that every songs and there are many other things like the food and and you can mix with many different people over there so if you have not attended I will request you once at least you can go and have the experience this is a beautiful the occasion when we can give you the pecans of our whole year talk over your work so how we are working in the Vedanta society so thank you very much and the end of that weekend it is 21st 22nd 20 21st 22nd we are going to have the retreat the retreat is on the finite to infinite journey from finite to infinite where the pure pedantic way of explanation then just for the three days thank you very much